// deploy.php
require 'recipe/rabbit.php';
- rabbit (required): accepts an array with the connection information to rabbitmq server token and team name.
You can provide also other configuration options:
- host - default is localhost
- port - default is 5672
- username - default is guest
- password - default is guest
- channel - no default value, need to be specified via config
- message - default is Deployment to '{$host}' on {$prod} was successful\n($releasePath)
- vhost - default is /
// deploy.php
set('rabbit', [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '5672',
'username' => 'guest',
'password' => 'guest',
'channel' => 'notify-channel',
'vhost' => '/my-app'
send message to rabbit
Since you should only notify RabbitMQ channel of a successful deployment, the deploy:rabbit
task should be executed right at the end.
// deploy.php
before('deploy:end', 'deploy:rabbit');