The smart contract implements the simplest form of cross-contract calls: it calls the Hello NEAR example to get and set a greeting.
// Public - query external greeting
pub fn query_greeting(&self) -> Promise {
// Create a promise to call HelloNEAR.get_greeting()
let promise = hello_near::ext(self.hello_account.clone())
return promise.then( // Create a promise to callback query_greeting_callback
#[private] // Public - but only callable by env::current_account_id()
pub fn query_greeting_callback(&self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<String, PromiseError>) -> String {
// Check if the promise succeeded by calling the method outlined in
if call_result.is_err() {
log!("There was an error contacting Hello NEAR");
return "".to_string();
// Return the greeting
let greeting: String = call_result.unwrap();
// Public - change external greeting
pub fn change_greeting(&mut self, new_greeting: String) -> Promise {
// Create a promise to call HelloNEAR.set_greeting(message:string)
.then( // Create a callback change_greeting_callback
pub fn change_greeting_callback(&mut self, #[callback_result] call_result: Result<(), PromiseError>) -> bool {
// Return whether or not the promise succeeded using the method outlined in
if call_result.is_err() {
env::log_str("set_greeting was successful!");
return true;
} else {
env::log_str("set_greeting failed...");
return false;
You can automatically compile and deploy the contract in the NEAR testnet by running:
Once finished, check the neardev/dev-account
file to find the address in which the contract was deployed:
cat ./neardev/dev-account # dev-1659899566943-21539992274727
performs a cross-contract call, calling the get_greeting()
method from hello-nearverse.testnet
methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction.
# Use near-cli to ask the contract to query the greeting
near call <dev-account> query_greeting --accountId <dev-account>
performs a cross-contract call, calling the set_greeting({greeting:String})
method from hello-nearverse.testnet
methods can only be invoked using a NEAR account, since the account needs to pay GAS for the transaction.
# Use near-cli to change the greeting
near call <dev-account> change_greeting '{"new_greeting":"XCC Hi"}' --accountId <dev-account>
Tip: If you would like to call change_greeting
or query_greeting
using your own account, first login into NEAR using:
# Use near-cli to login your NEAR account
near login
and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: --accountId <your-account>