Ticket cannot be worked on
Ticket is blocking another ticket
Bug found by QA is proven to be a legitimate bug that needs fixing
Issue raised by QA is not a bug and will not be addressed
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Ticket is in current sprint
Ticket requires new or updating existing documentation
Ticket is not complete enought to begin work
Ticket needs a proposal to be written first (usually a different ticket)
Ticket requires the dev assigned to provide steps on how to qa this work
Ticket is too big as-is and must be split up
Ticket needs to be looked over before work can begin
Ticket requires something from design before it can be began
Ticket is groomed for next sprint
Ticket should be tracked in PM system (triggers being sent into Monday.com)
Critical priority item; should be worked on immediately
High priority item; should be scheduled in this or next sprint
Low priority item; can be placed in backlog
Moderate priority item; should be scheduled within a few weeks
Ticket part of a quarterly stretch goal
Ticket part of a quarterly goal
Ticket part of a quarterly stretch goal
Ticket part of a quarterly goal
Ticket part of a quarterly stretch goal