:::tip Rewards
Upon completing this challenge, you will be rewarded 50 Desmos Tokens.
With version v0.6.0
we've changed how profiles are created and edited.
Creating an account is very simple: all you are required to specify is a dtag
. This is very much similar to a Twitter handle, and it basically is a short string that will uniquely identify you among all the users.
While creating an account you can also specify other optional things such as:
- a moniker (aka username)
- a small biography
- a profile picture
- a cover picture
Once you have decided which info you want to make public, you can save (create or edit) your profile by running the following command:
desmoscli tx profiles save "<DTag>" \
--moniker "<Moniker>" \
--bio "<Bio>" \
--profile-pic "<Profile pic URI>" \
--cover-pic "<Cover pic URI>" \
--chain-id morpheus-7001 \
--from <your-key-name> --yes
An example of such command is:
desmoscli tx profiles save "rmontagnin" \
--moniker "Riccardo Montagnin" \
--bio "Desmos developer" \
--profile-pic "https://example.com/profile.jpg" \
--cover-pic "https://example.com/cover.jpg" \
--chain-id morpheus-7001 \
--from jack --yes
Once you've run that command you will be asked to type the password you've chosen during the setup and after having inserted it properly you should see something like this:
height: 0
txhash: 82DC880CA8FF1054B4CDC2443D83C460A4F99BAD94E5C63C45F5D57445ADFE49
codespace: ""
code: 0
data: ""
rawlog: '[]'
logs: []
info: ""
gaswanted: 0
gasused: 0
tx: null
timestamp: ""
To make sure the transaction has been processed successfully, you can query it using the following command:
desmoscli query tx <hash> --trust-node --output json
# Example
# desmoscli query tx 82DC880CA8FF1054B4CDC2443D83C460A4F99BAD94E5C63C45F5D57445ADFE49 \
--trust-node --output json
This will return you the JSON representation of the transaction itself.
If you're seeing such message when performing the transaction:
sdk: invalid request: wrong dtag provided. Make sure to use the current one: failed to execute message; message index: 0
It means that you already created a profile. To solve this problem, what you need to do is:
Query the current profile details. You can do so by running:
desmoscli query profiles profile $(desmoscli keys show <your-key-name>)
From the result, get the value of the
that is shown to you. -
Use that value when saving the profile:
desmoscli tx profiles save <dtag> ...
After you've created a multimedia post, to make sure you receive your reward please following this procedure:
Create a fork of this repo inside your private GitHub profile.
If you do not know how to do it, follow the GitHub fork guide. -
Pull the fork locally:
git clone https://github.com/<your-name>/primer.git ~/desmos-primer cd ~/desmos-primer
Make sure your fork is up to date with the Primer repository:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/desmos-labs/primer.git git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master
Create a file named after your GitHub username containing the post creation transaction hash:
echo "<tx-hash>" >> ./phase-5/submissions/profiles/<your-github-name> # Example # echo "82DC880CA8FF1054B4CDC2443D83C460A4F99BAD94E5C63C45F5D57445ADFE49" >> ./phase-5/submissions/profiles/RiccardoM
Commit the changes, push them to your forked repo and create a pull request. If you do not know how to create one, refer to the GitHub Pull Requests guide.