Feel free to pick any of the open issues, or to tackle any bugs you encounter.
If you have a feature request, please open an Issue before you start something---I have maybe already considered that feature and done some preliminary work.
Localization is missing for all languages except english (en; default) and german (de)---you can pick any human or non-human language and add translations for it under /locales. But please note that since there are still many features to be developed, the translation files will have to be kept in sync by someone afterwards.
If anything is unclear from the code or documentation, feel free to open an Issue for that as well.
- Fork the project.
- Do your changes.
- Execute all tests. (test_*.py)
- Lint the code using flake8. (I use the python3.5 version.) Codes E501 and F821 can currently be ignored.
- Commit everything and make a pull request.
Have fun!