diff --git a/test/index.test.mjs b/test/index.test.mjs
index 640e055..9a4d345 100644
--- a/test/index.test.mjs
+++ b/test/index.test.mjs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('htm', () => {
`).toEqual({ tag: 'div', props: null, children: [] });
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'span', props: null, children: [] });
test('multiple root elements', () => {
{ tag: 'a', props: null, children: [] },
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe('htm', () => {
test('single prop with static value', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'a', props: { href: '/hello' }, children: [] });
test('single prop with static value followed by a single boolean prop', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'a', props: { href: '/hello', b: true }, children: [] });
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ describe('htm', () => {
test('multiple spread props in one element', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'a', props: { foo: 'bar', quux: 'baz' }, children: [] });
test('mixed spread + static props', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'a', props: { b: true, foo: 'bar' }, children: [] });
expect(html``).toEqual({ tag: 'a', props: { b: true, c: true, foo: 'bar' }, children: [] });
@@ -185,17 +185,17 @@ describe('htm', () => {
test('hyphens (-) are allowed in attribute names', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual(h('a', { 'b-c': true }));
test('NUL characters are allowed in attribute values', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual(h('a', { b: '\0' }));
expect(html``).toEqual(h('a', { b: '\0', c: 'foo' }));
test('NUL characters are allowed in text', () => {
expect(html`\0`).toEqual(h('a', null, '\0'));
expect(html`\0${'foo'}`).toEqual(h('a', null, '\0', 'foo'));
test('cache key should be unique', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual(h('a', { b: '\0' }));
@@ -215,4 +215,10 @@ describe('htm', () => {
expect(html``).toEqual(h('a', null));
expect(html` Hello, world `).toEqual(h('a', null));
+ test('unclosed tag', () => {
+ expect(() => {
+ html``;
+ }).not.toThrow();
+ });