Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project! We sincerely appreciate it. ✨. Please, read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.
To get an overview of the project, read the README. Here are some resources to help you get started with open source contributions:
└── .husky // contains git hooks
└── .github // GitHub workflows
└── assets // files like images for the documentation
└── docs // documentation of the project
└── src
└── __tests__ // Unit test (*.spec.ts)
└── commands // CLI's commands classes
└── shared // Global configuration and log messages
└── docs // the documentation skeleton
└── root // the configuration file blueprint
└── coverage // jest coverage report
└── dist // build output
└── bin // cli entrypoint
└── // This file is automatically created by the release stage of the main pipeline. Please don't touch it.
If you spot a problem with the tool or the documentation, please search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue using the same page.
How to write a useful issue?
It should be reproducible. It should contain all the instructions needed to reproduce the same outcome.
It should be specific. It's important that it addresses one specific problem.
Scan through our existing issues to find one that interests you. If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a merge request with a fix.
Please, before submitting any merge request, be sure that your branch is passing all requirements.
- Check that all tests are working:
npm run test
- Check that there are no linting issues:
npm run lint
(the command will also try to fix found issues)
- Check that the files are formatted:
npm run prettier
(the command will also try to fix found issues)
The commits must be compliant with the Conventional Commits specification.
We use the Git-Flow branching model:
commit id: "a"
commit id: "b"
branch develop
checkout develop
checkout develop
branch feature1
checkout feature1
commit id: "c"
checkout develop
merge feature1
branch feature2
checkout feature2
commit id: "d"
checkout develop
merge feature2
checkout main
merge develop
branch "release"
checkout release
commit id: "1.0.0" tag: "release"
checkout main
merge release
checkout develop
merge main