:toc: macro ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[] toc::[] :idprefix: :idseparator: - :reproducible: :source-highlighter: rouge :listing-caption: Listing = Initialize Instance Template for Production Line == Introduction Production Line Templates allows you to create/configure certain task. In order to work properly, Production Line Templates needs some previous configurations. You can do it link:initialize-instance-manually[manually] or executing the Initialize Instance Template. == Prerequisites In order to be able to start this template, you need: * The link:https://github.com/devonfw/production-line-shared-lib[Production Line Shared Lib] added in Jenkins * The following plugins: ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Custom+Tools+Plugin[Custom Tools Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/HTTP+Request+Plugin[HTTP Request Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Job+DSL+Plugin[Job DSL Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/SonarQube+plugin[SonarQube plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Maven+Plugin[Pipeline Maven Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/NodeJS+Plugin[NodeJS Plugin] * A service account added in the LAM Production Line provides by default the Shared Lib and the plugins, so no actions are required. The only thing that you need to do manually is the creation of the service account. In order to create the service account you need: . Open the LAM . Press the `New User` button + image::images/initialize-instance/create-account.png[] + . Enter the required parameters + image::images/initialize-instance/create-account2.png[] + . Change to `Unix` tab and enter the required parameters + image::images/initialize-instance/create-account3.png[] + The user name will be used later in order to login. As this user will do some configuration changes, its primary group must be admins. + . Set a password for the user. + image::images/initialize-instance/create-account4.png[] + . Press the `Save` button + image::images/initialize-instance/create-account5.png[] == Template In order to execute this template, you need to add it into Jenkins manually. In order to do that, you can follow link:how-to-add-a-template[this guide] === Parameters The required parameters are: - `svcaccount`: The service account created as prerequisite. It must be added as a Jenkins credential. - `installDeploymentPlugins`: With this parameter you can install extra plugins into Jenkins. Also, you can add extra template utils. === Execution . Press the Build with Parameters button . Insert the parameters. . If the service account is not added as credential, please add a new entry. . Press the `Build` button. . Wait until the pipeline ends. WARNING: if any plugin is installed, Jenkins will be restarted and the pipeline will fail. You need to execute it again with the same parameters. image::images/initialize-instance/initialize-instance.png[] image::images/initialize-instance/initialize-instance2.png[] === The result * Install plugins stage + In this stage the following plugins will be installed: + ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/SSH+Credentials+Plugin[SSH Credentials Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Custom+Tools+Plugin[Custom Tools Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/HTTP+Request+Plugin[HTTP Request Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Job+DSL+Plugin[Job DSL Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/SonarQube+plugin[SonarQube plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Ansible+Plugin[Ansible Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Maven+Plugin[Pipeline Maven Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/NodeJS+Plugin[NodeJS Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/GitLab+Plugin[GitLab Plugin] ** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/OWASP+Dependency-Check+Plugin[OWASP Dependency-Check Plugin] ** If `installDeploymentPlugins` is `Docker` or `Docker+Openshift`, extra plugins will be installed: *** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Docker+Plugin[Docker Plugin] *** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Docker+build+step+plugin[Docker build step plugin] *** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Docker+Pipeline+Plugin[Docker Pipeline Plugin] *** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/JClouds+Plugin[JClouds Plugin] ** If `installDeploymentPlugins` is `Openshift` or `Docker+Openshift`, extra plugins will be installed: *** link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/OpenShift+Client+Plugin[OpenShift Client Plugin] * Configure SonarQube stage + This stage is the responsible of configure the Jenkins-SonarQube integration. It will: + ** Generate a SonarQube API token for the user `Admin` ** Register the token in Jenkins as credential with the id `sonar-token` ** Add the SonarQube server in Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> SonarQube servers. The values used are: *** Name: `SonarQube` *** Server URL: http://sonarqube-core:9000/sonarqube (default Production Line SonarQube URL) *** Server authentication token: `sonar-token` (generated in the previous step) ** Add a webhook in SonarQube: *** Name: `jenkins` *** URL: `http://jenkins-core:8080/jenkins/sonarqube-webhook/` ** Install the following SonarQube plugins: *** java *** javascript *** typescript *** csharp *** web *** cssfamily *** jacoco *** checkstyle *** cobertura *** smells *** findbugs *** scmgit *** ansible *** sonar-dependency-check-plugin ** Restart the SonarQube server in order to enable the plugins installed. * Create UTIL templates stage + Some templates needs that Jenkins has installed some plugins. If the plugins are not installed, the template will fail. In order to prevent this behaviour, we use the `initialize-instance` to install all plugins required in order templates. Then, we create another templates that will use the plugins installed by `initialize-instance`. In this stage we create some template utils to configure Jenkins after all required plugins are installed. Those templates are: + ** link:install-sonar-plugin[Install_SonarQube_Plugin] ** If `installDeploymentPlugins` is `Docker` or `Docker+Openshift`: link:docker-configuration[Docker_Configuration] ** If `installDeploymentPlugins` is `Openshift` or `Docker+Openshift`: link:openshift-configuration[Openshift_Configuration] * Configure Nexus 3 stage + This stage will configure the Production Line Nexus3 + ** Enable anonymous access ** Add a internal user to download/upload docker images *** username: `nexus-api` *** password: The same as the service account created in LAM ** Create the maven repositories: maven-central, maven-snapshots, maven-release, maven-plugin ** Create the docker repository ** Create the npmjs repositories: npmjs, npm-registry, npm ** Create in Jenkins a new credential with the id `nexus-api` with the username and password created in nexus3 * Configure Maven File stage + This stage adds the nexus3 credentials created in the previous stage to the maven global configuration file with the id `pl-nexus` + image::images/initialize-instance/maven-config.png[] Now, you are able to execute other templates adding them manually or using the Production Line Market Place.