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+title: DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE \#685 - 18th February 2024
+date: 2024-02-18T09:02:34+00:00
+Incident postmortems, Git best practices, tips for management open telemetry names and tools and posts on open source software supply chain security this week.
+StackHawk sponsors Devops Weekly
+[ICYMI] DAST is Dead! Long Live DAST! The Evolution of Dynamic API security Testing webinar is now available on YouTube. Watch on-demand here.
+A post on how to write a good incident postmortem, focused on the importance of understanding context and on applying the 5 whys.
+An interesting observation about teams banning the use of merge commits in Git, backend by data and with an explanation of why folks are doing so.
+A breakdown of modern web frameworks, from static site builders to full stack frameworks and simpler/faster alternatives.
+The end of year report from the Open Source Software Security Initiative, a multi-stakeholder group focused on policy solutions to help improve the security of the open source software ecosystem.
+A look at OpenTelemetry’s Semantic Conventions which allow for a common naming scheme for traces that can be standardised across a codebase, libraries, and platforms.
+A little dated, but a good post on comparing the Serverless framework with CDK, and why you might prefer one over the other.
+Ortelius is a unified evidence store of supply chain data designed to simplify. It provides developers a coordinated view of who is using a service, its version, and inventory across all end-points.
+Write your build configuration in C# with Nuke. Includes native integration into a variety of CI/CD tools as well, so no need to write additional YAML configuration.
diff --git a/originals/685.mail.txt b/originals/685.mail.txt
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+Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Devops=20Weekly=20#685?=
+Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 09:02:34 +0000
+ISSUE #685 - 18th February 2024
+Incident postmortems=2C Git best practices=2C tips for management open tel=
+emetry names and tools and posts on open source software supply chain secu=
+rity this week.
+StackHawk sponsors Devops Weekly
+[ICYMI] DAST is Dead! Long Live DAST! The Evolution of Dynamic API securi=
+ty Testing webinar is now available on YouTube. Watch on-demand here.
+A post on how to write a good incident postmortem=2C focused on the import=
+ance of understanding context and on applying the 5 whys.
+An interesting observation about teams banning the use of merge commits in=
+ Git=2C backend by data and with an explanation of why folks are doing so.
+A breakdown of modern web frameworks=2C from static site builders to full=
+ stack frameworks and simpler/faster alternatives.
+The end of year report from the Open Source Software Security Initiative=
+=2C a multi-stakeholder group focused on policy solutions to help improve=
+ the security of the open source software ecosystem.
+A look at OpenTelemetry=E2=80=99s Semantic Conventions which allow for a c=
+ommon naming scheme for traces that can be standardised across a codebase=
+=2C libraries=2C and platforms.
+A little dated=2C but a good post on comparing the Serverless framework wi=
+th CDK=2C and why you might prefer one over the other.
+Ortelius is a unified evidence store of supply chain data designed to simp=
+lify. It provides developers a coordinated view of who is using a service=
+=2C its version=2C and inventory across all end-points.
+Write your build configuration in C# with Nuke. Includes native integratio=
+n into a variety of CI/CD tools as well=2C so no need to write additional=
+ YAML configuration.
+If you received this email directly then you're already signed up=2C thank=
+s! If however someone forwarded this email to you and you'd like to get it=
+ each week then you can subscribe at http://devopsweekly.com