- Ansible playbook for your DevOps/SysOps Linux Mint 20.x based workstation
Linux Mint
20.0/20.1 - all 64-bit, standard options with extra codecs (available as selection during install) -
for previous versions of Mint - last release supporting
Linux Mint 19
was 2.1.6 -
access to Internet
installed and running -
in version 2.10 or higher -
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
sudo apt install openssh-server;sudo systemctl enable ssh && sudo systemctl start ssh
PermitRootLogin in
if you're using root account
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path /etc/ansible/roles
- 20 GB free space on OS drive
- ssh private key or password method
- user specified in
or passed in variableansible_ssh_user
- by default, extra binaries (outside packages) will be installed in
(adjustable bybin_path
variable) If you prefer to keep them in cloud (sync between computers), down below I'll attach info how to replace binaries with proper -ymlinks (work in progress) - adds repositories with codename and filename
- adds missing pgp keys for repositories
- installs essential packages
- installs main packages
- installs extra/optional packages
- downloads 3rd party software and puts it in proper path -
by default (adjustable bybin_path
variable) - changes startup settings for specific user (that's why you should not run this as root)
- changes in
- changes in
settings - changes in
system settings
Role of this playbook is to work on clean or cleanly-upgraded system. I haven't tested it properly in case of in-place upgrade systems, so both 18=>19 and 19=>20 upgrades and playbook usage, are risky and experimental. Make sure all apt repositories (except system ones) are removed from /etc/apt - playbook works best when this list is empty.
Warning - systems after upgrade will require: ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
Be aware several packages (virtualbox-6.1, zenmap) will install python2 and remove python-is-python3 package.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-is-python3
sudo apt update
sudo apt remove python2 --simulate
sudo apt remove python2
ansible-playbook ./linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst
or change user you're using (startup related stuff will be done for that specific user user)
ansible-playbook ./linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst --extra-vars "active_user=myuser"
in case you'd like to run as root with password or ssh key, you can do desktop related changes for user bob
ansible-playbook ./linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst --extra-vars "active_user=bob"
or start at specific step
ansible-playbook ../linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst --start-at-task="taskname"
or with specific tags
ansible-playbook ../linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst --tags "base"
or passing true/false as JSON
ansible-playbook ./linux_mint.yaml -i myhost.lst --extra-vars '{"install_optional": "true"}'
Most variables are stored in mint19|20.yaml
file. If you need extra settings, instead of modyfing it, use custom variable files.
variable | default | description |
install_optional | true | should optional packages be installed |
install_deb | true | should extra deb packages should be installed |
install_flatpak | true | should flatpak packages be installed |
install_npm | true | should npm packages be installed |
install_vscode_extensions | true | should we install extra vscode extensions |
install_zsh | false | should we install oh-my-zsh and p10k theme |
install_state | latest | if set to latest, every pass of playbook will also update packages |
config_ansible | true | change ansible settings in ansible.cfg |
config_dconf | true | change dconf settings |
config_sysctl | true | change sysctl settings |
active_user | "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}" | user for which you're setting folders. By default taken from group_vars |
retries_count | 4 | how many retries |
delay_time | 15 | delay time in seconds between retries |
bin_path | /usr/local/bin | Where to put all downloaded execs |
reboot_required | false | force reboot even if apt upgrade won't change anything |
unpack_folder | /tmp/linux_mint | Which folder to use when downloading and unarchiving |
wireshark_setuid | false | Should wireshark be configured for non-root package capture |
If you don't want to track changes or change main variable file content with every pull, create your own custom variable files. By default playbook will look for files: mint[ansible_distribution_major_version]*.yaml
This means - if your distro is Linux Mint 19
, place a file in a playbook folder witha name: mint19_custom.yaml
If your distro is Linux Mint 20
, place a file in a playbook folder with a name: mint20_custom.yaml
These filters are added to .gitignore to not override your changes
Be careful not to add multiple matching files with corresponding names
custom_repositories: []
custom_keys: []
custom_packages: []
- repo: ppa:videolan/master-daily
filename: videolan
- https://somekeyfile/key.pgp
- vlc
- Double Commanderansible
- Ansible - removed in Linux Mint 20asbru-cm
- Asbru Connection Managerazure-cli
- Azure CLI SDKdocker
- Docker-CEgcsfuse
- Google Storage gcsfuse - Mount a GCS bucket locally`gezakovacs
- UNetbootingit-lfs
- Git Large File System - removed in Linux Mint 20googlechrome
- Google Chrome Browsergoogle-cloud-sdk
- Google Cloud Tools SDKkubernetes
- Google Kubernetes kubeadm & kubectlmicrosoft-prod
- Microsoft .Net Coremozilla-team
- Stable Firefox and Mozilla Softwarepalemoon
- Chromium based Java+Flash browserremmina
- Connection manager - RDP/SSH/VNCshutter
- screenshoot, manipulate, publishsynapse-core
- Synaptic Launcherubuntu-mozilla-security
- Firefox and Thunderbird Securityvirtualbox
- Virtualization Softwarevscode
- Microsoft Visual Studio Codey-ppa-manager
- Manage your PPA as human beingwireshark
- Network protocol analyzer
brave browser
- Chromium-based secure browsing alternativedockbarx
- DockBarX is a lightweight taskbarenpass
- Password Managergrub-customizer
- customize black screen to something usefulinsync
- Googledrive & Onedrive Linux Clientlinuxuprising
- Extra Ubuntu / Linux Mint Applicationsneofetch
- A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+noobslab/icons
- Extra icons packnoobslab/themes
- Extra themes packpuppet5
- Puppet5 and PDK for easy module writingskype
- Microsoft's communicatorspotify
- Music streaming servicesublime text 3
- Alternative text editorteams
- Microsoft Teams Linux Clienttrivy
- Container security scannerveeam
- Veeam Agent for Linuxveracrypt
- Device encryption utilitywepupd8
- packages from webupd8 team
Software | Type | Link |
Amass | In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery | https://github.com/OWASP/Amass |
AngryIP Scanner | Network Scanner | https://angryip.org/ |
Asbru Manager | Connection Manager | https://www.asbru-cm.net/ |
Azure CLI | Command-line tools for Azure | https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli |
Balena-etcher | Image Writer | https://www.balena.io/etcher/ |
Boostnote | Notes for developers | https://boostnote.io |
Ctop | Container process monitor | https://github.com/bcicen/ctop |
Diodon | Clipboard Manager | https://launchpad.net/diodon |
Dive | Docker image explorer | https://github.com/wagoodman/dive |
Docker/Docker Compose | Docker manager | https://docs.docker.com/compose/ |
Dockle | Container Image Linter for Security | https://github.com/goodwithtech/dockle |
Double Commander | File Manager | https://doublecmd.sourceforge.io/ |
Dropbox/Nemo Integration | Tool | https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo-extensions/tree/master/nemo-dropbox |
Ffuf | Fast web fuzzer written in Go | https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf |
GitKraken | Git Client | https://www.gitkraken.com/ |
Google Chrome | Browser | https://www.google.com/intl/pl_ALL/chrome/ |
Google Cloud SDK | Command-line tools for GCP | https://cloud.google.com/sdk |
Google Kubectl/Kubeadm | Kubernetes Manager | https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/ |
Gping | Ping with a graph | https://github.com/orf/gping |
Hadolint | Docker linter | https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint |
Helm | Package manager for Kubernetes | https://helm.sh/ |
k3d | k3d creates containerized k3s clusters | https://k3d.io/ |
k3s | Lightweight Kubernetes 5 less than k8s | https://k3s.io/ |
Keepass | Password Manager | https://keepass.info/ |
Kubernetes | Production-Grade Container Orchestration | https://kubernetes.io/ |
Kubeval | Kubernetes config validator | https://github.com/instrumenta/kubeval |
Lens | Kubernetes IDE | https://k8slens.dev/ |
Minikube | Run Kubernetes locally | https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube |
Packer | Image creator | https://www.packer.io/ |
Packetsender | Packet Sender can send and receive UDP, TCP, and SSL on the ports of your choosing | https://packetsender.com/ |
Palemoon | Browser alternative (Java_+Flash) | https://www.palemoon.org/ |
Polaris | Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters | https://www.fairwinds.com/polaris |
RamboxOS | Multi IM | https://github.com/TheGoddessInari/hamsket |
Redshift | Monitor temperature changer | http://jonls.dk/redshift/ |
Remmina | Remote Connection Manager | https://remmina.org/ |
RKE | Rancher Kubernetes Engine | https://github.com/rancher/rke |
Shutter | Screenshot Manipulation | http://shutter-project.org/ |
Synapse | Symantic Launcher | https://launchpad.net/synapse-project |
Team Viewer | Remote desktop | https://www.teamviewer.com |
Terminus Alpha | Modern Terminal | https://github.com/Eugeny/terminus |
Terraform | Infrastructure as Code | https://www.terraform.io/ |
Tflint | TFLint is a Terraform linter focused on possible errors, best practices, etc | https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint |
Vagrant | Unified Workflow | https://www.vagrantup.com/ |
Vault | Secrets Manager | https://www.vaultproject.io/ |
VirtualBox | Virtualization | https://www.virtualbox.org/ |
Visual Studio Code | Code editor | https://code.visualstudio.com/ |
Wireshark | Network protocol analyzer | https://www.wireshark.org/ |
XCA | Certificate Manager | https://hohnstaedt.de/xca/ |
Software | Type | Link |
Brave Browser | Browser alternative | https://brave.com/ |
DockbarX | Panel | https://github.com/M7S/dockbarx |
Enpass | Password manager | https://www.enpass.io/ |
GIMP | GNU Image Manipulation Program | https://www.gimp.org/ |
Insync | Googledrive & Onedrive linux client | https://www.insynchq.com/ |
Kodi | Open Source Home Theater | https://kodi.tv/ |
Microsoft Teams | IM | https://www.microsoft.com/en/microsoft-365?omkt=en-US&rtc=1 |
Neofetch | A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ | https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch |
PDK/Puppet Agent | Puppet Development Kit | https://puppet.com/docs/pdk/1.x/pdk.html |
Pinta | Drawing/Image Editing | https://pinta-project.com/pintaproject/pinta/ |
Skype for Linux | Communicator | https://www.skype.com |
Spotify | Music Player | https://www.spotify.com/pl/download/linux/ |
Sublime Text 3 | Text Editor | https://www.sublimetext.com/3 |
Thunderbird | Email client | https://www.thunderbird.net |
Trivy | A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI | https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy |
Veeam Agent for Linux | Backup tool | https://www.veeam.com |
Veracrypt | Source disk encryption | https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html |
Neofetch | A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+ | https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch |
GIMP | GNU Image Manipulation Program | https://www.gimp.org/ |
Telegram | Free end to end encrypted chat | https://telegram.org |
WoeUSB | USB Image writer | https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB |
pavucontrol | PulseAudio Volume Control | https://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol/ |
audacity | Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder | https://www.audacityteam.org/ |
Software | Type | Link |
Postman | The Collaboration Platform for API Development | https://www.getpostman.com/ |
Software | Type | Link |
Dockerfilelint | Dockerfile linter | https://github.com/replicatedhq/dockerfilelint |
Some applications are copied to autostart
- Remmina
- Diodon
- DockbarX
- Dropbox
- Synapse
- Redshift
- Shutter
- handle *.local domain with avahi
- changes timezone and ntpd settings
- handle mDNS with .local domains
- modifies
settings to start usetcp_congestion_control
set tobbr
- modifies
settings to decrease default swappiness - changes
for EDITOR - initial
launch - change fstrim schedule to
- installs popular Microsoft Visual Studio Code extensions
- change
Q: Will it work with specific version WSL/Ubuntu/PidgeonOS?
A: Don't know, don't care. Do your own variables.yml and check
Q: What will happen if I'll run it multiple times?
A: I hope - your applications will be upgraded, same for repos and keys. But, due to DEB/APT dependency you have to look for possible
related errors. SeeKnown Issues
for it. -
Q: Can i check this in Ubuntu
A: Yes, but be prepared to create your own
and pass it as a parameter -
Q: Can I participate?
A: Yes, but please create your own branch and do PR. Do not merge to master. Please keep master branch clean.
Q: I don't know how to do the above
A: Then don't do it ;)
Q: Why there is so many Ubuntu:Bionic/Xenial, not so many LinuxMint:Tara repositories?
A: Tara is built over Bionic packages, so rarely it requires to have specific repo.
- better download file versioning (switch to latest where possible, separate version from URL, use separate folder for downloads)
- better docs
- add Vagrant plugins
- manual handle 3rd party deb files - pre-download and re-usage on demand
- configure neofetch
better archive handleservices handling part (by default in Ubuntu/Debian, installed service is set toenabled/started
)more idempotencyfix Bionic's broken apps like Asbru-CMmore OS tweaks (i/o scheduler)add AWS/GCE repositories for their toolsadd Visual Studio Code extra extensionscontinue to use taggingadd Flatpak packages handlingconvert single sysctl values into whole sectionbetter grub defaults handing
Due to how deb packages are treated by apt, we should find a way to install always 'latest' version not specific version. If (after initial run) we'll upgrade package outside this script, next time deb part will fail trying to 'downgrade' package.
Downloading & installing all packages can be time consuming, depending on your Internet connection speed (aprox 40-60 minut)
pip -
no module named _internal
sudo curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py && sudo python2.7 get-pip.py --force-reinstall
Playbook exits with a message
Could not import python modules: apt, apt_pkg. Please install python3-apt package
- Resolution: set
- Resolution: set