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424 lines (360 loc) · 19.2 KB

Hyprland configurations rootfs structure

This project is now archived in favor of the following projects: and At the time of writting this they are still in heavy deveopment.

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Working on refacting the install script. Please wait to use it. Images are now slightly out of date... Alt text Alt text Alt text

✨ Featues

  • Spotlight Search
  • Modern Menu Bar
  • Weather at a quick glance
  • Includes Rust TUI Applications
  • Clean Wallpaper transitions
  • Zsh Theme
  • Clean Swaylock sreen
  • All audio pauses when laptop is closed!!!
  • Build in clipboard that is cleared out every restart
  • Helix Editor
  • Clean Notfications
  • And more

This project is currently intended for my laptop use but I am willing to be able to make it more friendly to more computers if I have more testers.

Wait, but my system configuration doesn't match with yours!

Check all files, inspect your system and replace everything that doesn't match with your system. Such as replacing all instances of botan with andrew.

How about my existing SwayLock config?

It will be overwritten! Make sure to back it up before applying this rootfs repo!

📦 Needed Packages

If you're using Arch or its derivative, install the following packages using an AUR helper to avoid problems from missing packages:

Highly Recommended Dependencies for All Arch Linux Systems
Programs Description
base Minimal package set
linux Default kernel
linux-firmware default firmware
linux-lts Backup kernel
xorg-server Xorg X server
Recommended optional dependencies for Linux
Programs Description
exa Modern replacement for ‘ls’
booster Fast and secure initramfs generator
zoxide Smart version of 'cd'
ripgrep Faster version of 'grep'
xdg-user-dirs Creates default user home directory
paru AUR wrapper

Instructions to use booster,zoxide,exa,repgrip,peru coming soon

Hyprland Rice Dependencies
Programs Description
hyprland-git Tiling Manager
Swww Wallpaper Manager
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland Lets other applications communicate swiftly with the compositor through D-Bus
rofi Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
waybar Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors
wlogout Logout menu for wayland
swaylock-effects-git fancier screen locker
swayidle Idle management daemon
wttrbar Weather indicator for Waybar
cliphist wayland clipboard manager
grim Screenshot utility for Wayland
slurp Select a region in a Wayland compositor
zsh A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell)
starship The cross-shell prompt for astronauts
mako Lightweight notification daemon
libnotify Library for sending desktop notifications
hyprpicker A wlroots-compatible Wayland color picker that does not suck
TUI Programs
Programs Description
helix A post-modern modal text editor
helixbinhx Link /usr/bin/hx to helix
pfetch-rs-bin A rewrite of the pfetch system information tool in Rust
bottom System monitor written in rust
dua-cli A tool to conveniently learn about the disk usage of directories, fast!
todui A TUI for your todos built in Rust with full CLI support
rsmixer A PulseAudio volume mixer for the command line
networkmanager Network connection manager and user applications
playerctl mpris media player controller and lib for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, xmms2, and others.
brillo Control the brightness of backlight and keyboard LED devices
SUPER + SHIFT + X Copy hyprpicker hex code
SUPER + ALT + X Copy hyprpicker rgb code
GUI Programs
Programs Description
alacritty A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
mupdf Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
nautilus File manager
librewolf-bin Community-maintained fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
Sound Dependencies
Programs Description
pipewire Low-latency audio/video router and processor
pipewire-alsa Low-latency audio/video router and processor - ALSA configuration
pipewire-audio Low-latency audio/video router and processor - Audio support
pipewire-jack Low-latency audio/video router and processor - JACK replacement
wireplumber Session / policy manager implementation for PipeWire
gst-plugin-pipewire Multimedia graph framework - pipewire plugin
pipewire-pulse Low-latency audio/video router and processor - PulseAudio replacement
bluez Daemons for the bluetooth protocol stack
bluez-utils Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack
System Fonts
Programs Description
gnu-free-fonts This includes three fonts that are clones of Helvetica, Times, and Courier1
ttf-fira-sans Mozilla's sans-serif typeface designed for Firefox OS
ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono This is a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts’
noto-fonts-emoji These are Google Noto emoji fonts
adobe-source-code-pro-fonts This is a monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts This is Adobe Source Han Sans Subset OTF - Japanese OpenType/CFF fonts7.
adobe-source-han-serif-kr-fonts Adobe Source Han Serif Subset OTF - Korean OpenType/CFF fonts
ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd This is a patched font JetBrains Mono from the nerd fonts library
ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols This is a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts’
ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common This is a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts’
Helix laguage servers

We use these packages so that we get drowpdowns in helix to help us program

Programs Description
marksman Write Markdown with code assist and intelligence in the comfort of your favourite editor.
bash-language-server Bash language server implementation based on Tree Sitter and its grammar for Bash
vscode-css-languageserver CSS/LESS/SCSS language server
vscode-html-languageserver HTML language server
rust-analyzer Rust compiler front-end for IDEs
lldb Next generation, high-performance debugger
taplo-cli TOML toolkit written in Rust
typescript-language-server Language Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for TypeScript using tsserver

If you're not using Arch, you'll have to look for these packages individually.

🔧 Recommended way to install on Arch

sudo pacman -S git 
git clone --depth=1
cd paru-bin
makepkg -si
paru -S hyprland-git swww xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland \
    helix helixbinhx pfetch-rs-bin bottom alacritty starship zsh \
    swaylock-effects-git swayidle cliphist xdg-user-dirs marksman \
    ttf-fira-sans ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono gnu-free-fonts noto-fonts-emoji \
    playerctl mako libnotify pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio ripgrep \
    pipewire-jack wireplumber gst-plugin-pipewire librewolf-bin zoxide \
    waybar bluez bluez-utils adobe-source-code-pro-fonts \
    adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-kr-fonts \
    mupdf nautilus ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd dua-cli hyprpicker \
    ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols unzip networkmanager \
    go-md2man rofi bluetuith grim slurp wlogout linux-lts \
    rsmixer pipewire-pulse bash-language-server vscode-css-languageserver \
    vscode-html-languageserver rust-analyzer lldb taplo-cli typescript-language-server

Installation instructions

Make sure you're logged in as the user who will use Hyprland.

git clone --depth=1
cd hyprland-configuration-rootfs
sudo mv etc/systemd/system /etc/systemd/system
mv home/botan home/$(whoami)
cp -r home/$(whoami)/.config ~/
mkdir ~/.local && mkdir ~/.local/bin
sudo chmod +x ~/.local/bin/*
mkdir ~/Pictures/screenshots
cp -r /home/$(whoami)/.wallpaper ~/
cp -r /home/$(whoami)/.* ~/
chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
chmod +x ~/.config/waybar/scripts/*
sudo cp -r etc/greetd /etc
sudo systemctl enable greetd
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
chsh -s /bin/zsh
git clone -b develop
cd wttrbar
cargo build --release
sudo install target/release/wttrbar /usr/local/bin/
git clone -b trunk --depth=1 --no-tags
cd brillo
sudo make install.setgid
git clone --depth=1 --no-tags
cd Orchis-theme
./ -c dark -t pink -l
# remove gtk window buttons
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ''  
git clone --depth=1
cd firefox-gnome-theme
./scripts/ -f ~/.librewolf

update brillo

To update brillo please do the following:

cd brillo
git pull origin trunk


System Keybinds
Keybind Action
SUPER + ALT + P Open/change wallpaper using the script ~/.config/hypr/scripts/
SUPER + T Open terminal emulator alacritty
SUPER + W Open web browser librewolf
SUPER + Q Close/kill the active window
SUPER + CTRL + M Exit the current application/window
SUPER + E Open file manager nautilus in a new window
SUPER + V Toggle floating for the active window
SUPER + SPACE Open application launcher (rofi -show drun -show-icons)
SUPER + P Pseudo command for # dwindle (commented)
SUPER + J Toggle split for # dwindle (commented)
SUPER + F Toggle fullscreen for the active window (1)
SUPERSHIFT + F Toggle fullscreen for the active window
SUPER + arrow keys Move focus in the specified direction
SUPER + , print Take a screenshot and display a notification with the file path
SUPERSHIFT + , print Take a screenshot of the selected area and display a notification with the file path
SUPERSHIFT + C Copy the selected item using cliphist and display with rofi
SUPER + SHIFT + B Reload Waybar
SUPER + B Hide Waybar
XF86AudioMute Toggle mute and display a notification
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase volume by 5% and display a volume notification
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease volume by 5% and display a volume notification
XF86AudioPlay Play/pause media player
XF86AudioNext Skip to the next track
XF86AudioPrev Return to the previous track
XF86audiostop Stop the media player
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease brightness by 2% and display a brightness notification
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase brightness by 2% and display a brightness notification
SUPER + [0-9] Switch to the specified workspace
SUPER + SHIFT + [0-9] Move the active window to the specified workspace
SUPER + scroll Scroll through existing workspaces
SUPER + LMB/RMB Move/resize windows with dragging
switch:off:Lid Switch When the lid is up, turn on the display
switch:on:Lid Switch When the lid is down, pause music, turn off the display, and lock the screen
SUPER + SHIFT + LMB Move window around and pin it afterwards
SUPER + ALT +G Enable/Disable gaming mode
Workspace Keybinds
Keybind Action Description
SUPER + 1 Switch to workspace 1
SUPER + 2 Switch to workspace 2
SUPER + 3 Switch to workspace 3
SUPER + 4 Switch to workspace 4
SUPER + 5 Switch to workspace 5
SUPER + 6 Switch to workspace 6
SUPER + 7 Switch to workspace 7
SUPER + 8 Switch to workspace 8
SUPER + 9 Switch to workspace 9
SUPER + 0 Switch to workspace 10
SUPER + SHIFT + 1 Move active window to workspace 1
SUPER + SHIFT + 2 Move active window to workspace 2
SUPER + SHIFT + 3 Move active window to workspace 3
SUPER + SHIFT + 4 Move active window to workspace 4
SUPER + SHIFT + 5 Move active window to workspace 5
SUPER + SHIFT + 6 Move active window to workspace 6
SUPER + SHIFT + 7 Move active window to workspace 7
SUPER + SHIFT + 8 Move active window to workspace 8
SUPER + SHIFT + 9 Move active window to workspace 9
SUPER + SHIFT + 0 Move active window to workspace 10
SUPER + Scroll Down Scroll to the next workspace
SUPER + Scroll Up Scroll to the previous workspace

⚠️ Fractional scalling fuzzy font app fix

I have in the hypr/config.conf I have made it so that xwayland apps dont have frational scaling but you can remove it if you want to have fuzzy buttons, fonts,etc. If you like you can edit the following command that says program_name with the program name and run the that command you have edited and once you have run that you should have a not fuzzy font experaince. This may work on some applications but not all so this is at your own risk.

sudo sed -i '/^Exec=/ s/\(program_name\)\(.*\)/\1 --enable-features=useozoneplatform --ozone-platform=wayland\2/' /usr/share/applications/program_name.desktop

If you want you can disable force frational scaling by removing the following:

xwayland {
  force_zero_scaling = true

Librewolf theme instrustions

CSD have sharp corners with the firefox theme

Wayland fix:

1. Go to the about:config page
2. Search for the layers.acceleration.force-enabled preference and set it to true.
3. Now restart Firefox, and it should look good!

Update librewolf theme theme

'''./scripts/ -f ~/.librewolf'''

🩹 Framework Laptop users, there's a configuration you have to do for a stable system!

Create /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf and add the following line as its contents;

blacklist hid_sensor_hub

To put it as a command;

echo "blacklist hid_sensor_hub" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-blacklist.conf

Or this command if you use a different initial ramdisk environment like booster.

sudo modprobe -i hid_sensor_hub 
What this does

It blacklists sensor hub so that auto brightness is prevented from working, eventually fixing brightness keys.

Nvidia users, check this out!

Hyprland has an official documentation prepared for you all! Check it out and follow the instructions there for the most stable experience possible!

Additional Configurations Unrelated to Hyprland

GRUB and boot animation configuration


Thanks to everyone below and many other I forgot to add...

To do

[x] Add gaming mode (disable fancy effects and animations)
[] Polish gaming mode (in progress)
[] Rofi select games menu
[] Installation script (In Progress)
[] Add better compatibility between laptops/desktops
[] Add CLI settings
[] Better Documentation (in progress)
[] Add theme/effetcs channger
[] Polish rofi (In progress)
[] Polish waybar (In progress)
[] More more to come