Open D12 is a rules system for creating tabletop role playing games. It is made of some 'minimal but complete' core rules plus a number of optional extensions.
Foster the creation of fun and interesting character driven games set in fascinating words as a way for people to connect with one another.
- Prefer simple over complex mechanics
- Avoid exceptions and special cases in the rules
- Make information easy for players to find and understand
- Keep the core rules small and easy to understand
- Trust players and the Narrator to do what's right for the story - don't over design or over specify
See: The Core Rules
Open d12 is in active development and currently in the alpha stage, we'd really value feedback and active play testing. We have a number of projects using this system internally at Dice Punk Press which we're using to move the project forwards.
There will be soon. Right now you can generate your own using Typst.