first install ionic,gulp,bower, run:
npm install -g [email protected] ionic gulp bower
I guess you've already have nodejs and git . now , grab a cup of coffee, this will take a long time. remember to turn on your shadowsocks. :)
note:we're using ionic1 .
goes to root path(familydecoration-mobile) run below commands:
npm install
bower install
run from web browser: (skip when setting up environment)
gulp watch --app "fd_mobile"
gulp build --app "fd_mobile"
gulp watch-build --app "fd_mobile"
gulp watch --app "fd_mobile" --env prod
gulp build --app "fd_mobile" --env prod
gulp watch-build --app "fd_mobile" --env prod
add/rm platform:
cordova platform add [email protected] --nosave --nofetch
cordova platform add [email protected] --nosave --nofetch
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform rm android
build android/ios:
gulp --cordova "build android/ios" --app "fd_mobile" --env prod --appversion 1.0.1
#long time downloading android sdk and xcode. shadowsocks required.cordova build ios/android
--- dont use this. -
show/add/remove cordova plugin:
cordova plugin list
cordova plugin rm/add some-plugin-name
debug on iPhone:
after build ios, open xproj file under platforms ios, then you can debug ObjectC with xCode and remotely debug js with safari
debug on android
after build android, import platforms/android to android stadio(AS). then you can debug java code with AS and remotely debug js with chrome
note: if you want debug js code only , you dont need to import the project into AS, just build apk and install , that will work.
- global exception handler(especially ajax exceptions including session timeout)
- session/local storage enhancement. cause we need to manually handle data which is user related. clean or keep it when logout, sometimes we need clean it and some times we dont, usually we need to deal with these three kinds of data: a) app level user non-related data, like app configurations , ajax timeout time such. b) app level user related data , like user's configurations. c) session level user related data, like user's tasks, need to refresh every logout/login
- log server enhancement. $log from angular is far from production usage(not clever enough to filter). we need to implement our own log service which have tag feature to filter. this shound't be complex, I'll have it done this week.