Francisco Couto, Tiago Guerreiro, and João Guerreiro
Web Services can be seen as APIs that allow for this interconnection between heterogeneous software applications in the web by using the HTTP protocol.
In this tutorial, we show examples of using the PubMed API and Flickr API.
In the previous module you downloaded the list of PubMed Ids for given disease by using the URL that invokes a NCBI's web service (, more specifically the Searching a Database method. By looking at its documentation ( you can better understand which methods and parameters are available.
Note that the order of the parameters in the URL is not relevant; arguments are separated by &; whitespaces are replaced by +; = is used to give a value to each argument.
A call to a web service is an HTTP request to that service available in the remote Web server. As such, we can test an API by using the web browser to perform the HTTP request, the curl tool, or any other programming language that lets you open URLs.
We will use now the EFetch method ( to get the titles of the articles.
For example, check the XML output of the following call to get the data about the PubMed Id 29462659:
curl ""
To get only the title and use the grep tool, and sed to remove the XML tags and trim the whitespaces:
curl "" | grep "<ArticleTitle>" | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//"
Note that these commands are even available in a live Linux:
Using a text editor create a file named and copy and paste the following command into it:
curl "$1&retmode=text&rettype=xml" | grep "<ArticleTitle>" | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//"
Note that we replaced 29462659 by $1 so we can use any PubMed Id as input.
Now add permissions to execute the script, and execute it:
chmod u+x ./
./ 29462659
The EFetch method allows to get data from multiple Ids by separating them by a comma, for example try:
./ "29462659,29461895"
Create this input list by applying the tr tool the PubMed Ids used in_Asthma.txt_ file created in a previous module (type man tr
to know more about tr):
tr '\n' ',' < Asthma.txt
Now execute the script using this list as input and saving the result to a file:
./ $(tr '\n' ',' < Asthma.txt) > AsthmaTitles.txt
Get the file mywebapp.php created in a previous module, remove the foreach block and add the following PHP code after the explode command:
$filename = $_GET['disease']."Titles.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$titles = explode("\n",$contents);
foreach ($c as $key => $value) {
echo '<a href="' . $key . '">' . $value . '</a></br>';
Open the URL (hit refresh) and check the results.
Or the URL http://localhost/.../mywebapp.php in case you are using a local machine.
Now try for different diseases, but do not forget to run the shell scripts before, for example by using xargs
The Flickr API is a powerful way to interact with Flickr accounts. With the API, you can read almost all the data associated with pictures and sets. You can also upload pictures through the API and change/add picture information.
Some APIs require developers to request a key to use the API. Applying for a non-commercial API Key from Flickr is straightforward. Check how to do it at or watch this video:
If you don't have one, you will need to create a Yahoo account. If you didn't create an account before, you may request a temporary Flickr API key in class. However, it should not be used outside of the class; you should create your own at the cost of making too many requests with the provided account and reaching the limit of requests for the difcul account.
Check the method ( and inspect the number of parameters available to customize a call to this method. Also, look at a possible response, in XML.
To search for 10 public photos about Asthma test the following call using the search string (text) as being "Asthma".
Do not forget to replace the YOUR_API_KEY
curl ""
The response provided should similar to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
<photos page="1" pages="1322" perpage="10" total="13218">
<photo id="32283410077" owner="148095701@N04" secret="0f334b1c0a" server="7862" farm="8" title="North Park Urgent Care | Lakeview Walk in Clinic" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="46310890595" owner="143417296@N04" secret="69c7ca0405" server="7845" farm="8" title="Cupping Therapy - Using Cupping Therapy" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="40260232383" owner="145524237@N05" secret="fae1f35c19" server="7829" farm="8" title="NATUROPATHY Center" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="33349433718" owner="166825568@N03" secret="0bf6344ce0" server="7816" farm="8" title="5 Effective Yoga Poses Treatments For Oily Skin" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="40259487683" owner="148303290@N02" secret="cf98f2d207" server="7881" farm="8" title="Best Doctors in Mansarovar Jaipur h" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="47165352182" owner="159521341@N07" secret="8ffc96aa51" server="7825" farm="8" title="Seretide Inhaler Price USA" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="40251948203" owner="168604488@N03" secret="a415c2a9f5" server="7886" farm="8" title="First class Bond back cleaning" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="47215151641" owner="161918792@N05" secret="5af87f9885" server="7909" farm="8" title="Influenza" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="47161658612" owner="126031154@N08" secret="141f5c57e4" server="7872" farm="8" title="Rowan tree on Malvern hills" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="32274580577" owner="166825568@N03" secret="0eb84273ec" server="7859" farm="8" title="yoga-for-diabetes" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
In the response, we receive a set of photos, identified by the photo id, and two other numbers, farm-id and secret. These numbers enable us to access the image associated with each photo in the set. Flickr stores several versions, different sizes, of each photo, and all of them have a static URL. This URL is composed as follows:
The values displayed inside brackets are available from the photo search response above. mstzb are the options relative to the size of the desired photo. For example, for a medium sized photo, one would use the letter m. As an example, looking at the example response above, if we want to access the first image, we would use the URL
For more information about image URLs, please refer to
To get only the links to the photos use the grep tool, and sed to extract the values:
curl "" | grep "photo id" | sed 's/^.*id="\([^"]*\).*secret="\([^"]*\).*server="\([^"]*\).*farm="\([^"]*\).*$/https:\/\/farm\\/\3\/\1_\2.jpg/'
Using a text editor create a file named and copy and paste the following command into it:
curl "$1&text=$2&per_page=10&privacy_filter=1" | grep "photo id" | sed 's/^.*id="\([^"]*\).*secret="\([^"]*\).*server="\([^"]*\).*farm="\([^"]*\).*$/https:\/\/farm\\/\3\/\1_\2.jpg/'
Note that we replaced the api key by $1 and Asthma by $2 so you can use any key and disease as input.
Now add permissions to execute the script, and execute it and saving the result to a file:
chmod u+x ./
./ YOUR_API_KEY Asthma > AsthmaPhotos.txt
Type cat AsthmaPhotos.txt
to check the links stored.
Add the following PHP code to the file mywebapp.php :
$filename = $_GET['disease']."Photos.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$photos = explode("\n",$contents);
foreach ($photos as $p) {
echo '<a href="'. $p .'"><img src="'. $p .'" /></a></br>';
Open the URL (hit refresh) and check the results.
Now try for different diseases, but do not forget to run the shell scripts before, for example by using xargs
- (Chapter 3 - Data Retrieval)
- Extend the current list of diseases (in diseases.txt) using the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint (, for example all the diseases from the Pulmonology field (or another field of your choice):
SELECT ?uri ?name where {
?uri a dbo:Disease .
?uri dbp:field dbr:Pulmonology .
?uri foaf:name ?name
- In your Web Application results, after searching for each disease, present ONE image from DBpedia. For new diseases (not included in the script) you may present only the DBpedia image. For diseases in the script (Ashtma, Diabetes, etc), present the DBpedia image AND the list of articles from PubMed and the photos from Flickr that you retrieved to complete the script. NOTE: In the case of diseases included in the script, present the image from DBPedia BEFORE the list of articles and Flickr photos.
SELECT ?uri ?image where {
?uri a dbo:Disease .
?uri dbp:field dbr:Pulmonology .
?uri foaf:depiction ?image
Hint: Check the links that are generated after running a query on the browser.
In order to be fair to all students, BOTH TP21 and TP22 can submit their files by Wednesday, March 25th. Submit your relevant files on Moodle - a ZIP file AW-2-XXXXX.ZIP, where 2 means the second script, and XXXXX is to be replaced by your student number (for example, AW-2-12345.ZIP).
In your zip file, include a Text File with: The link for your web application (example: Relevant commands that you may have executed in your terminal in order to complete the ADDITIONAL EXERCISE (for instance, xargs commands that you may have used).