Releases: digicademy/AskMoreXtension
Releases · digicademy/AskMoreXtension
New minor version of the AskMoreXtension adding the following main features:
New features
- New operation org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.AnnotatedXQueryUpdateOperation
- New helper classes and methods
- The param externalParams of the classes org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.AnnotatedXQueryOperation and ~.AnnotatedXSLTOperation may now contain AskMoreAnnotations so that they can be used with external scripts
- The params elementLocation and message of the class org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.DisplayInResultsViewOperation may now contain annotations
- The closure of an input dialog throws a proper exception now so that oxygen's undo mechanism is triggered
- The detection of overlapping AuthorNodes is fixed
New minor version of the AskMoreXtension adding the following main features:
New features
- New operation org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.DisplayMessageOperation
- New param in class org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.InsertOrReplaceAnnotatedFragmentOperation offers control over oXygen's automatic deletion of text selections
- Operation org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.InsertAnnotatedFragmentToSelectionOperation to handle incomplete selections is now able to handle incomplete selections
New minor version of the AskMoreXtension adding the following main features:
New features
- New operation org.adwmainz.da.extensions.askmore.operations.AnnotatedCommandLineOperation available
- New helper classes available
- Javadoc improved and added as a zip archive
Initial public release
This is the first stable release of this Oxygen extension developed at the Digital Academy of the Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz. It can be included in any Oxygen framework by downloading the JAR and adding it to the classpath. A documentation of the associated Java operations can be found in the wiki.