From fec1fd802438a5c7fa838a26f49c1cd600954b03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bahaa Tuffaha <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:27:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 1137: Adding new intro slides (#3014)

* 1137: Added new intro screens

* 1137: Removing changed translations for other languages and adding a release note

* 1137: Changing search image with one without cursor

* 1137: Replacing old intros

* 1137: Requested changes

* 1137: Removed old intro images

* 1137: Requested changes part 2

* 1137: moving intro icons from build configs to intro.tsx

* 1137: Enhancing dot pressable area at Pagination

* Update SlideFooter.tsx replacing width and height to padding for responsiveness

* 1137: Added empty spaces and disabled sliding animations

* 1137: disable jumping animations on ends and cleaning intro svgs

* 1137: Attempt number 2 to make svg colors works at iOS for intros

* 1137: Fix coloring for SVGs


Co-authored-by: LeandraH <>
 assets/intro/language.svg                     |   1 +
 assets/intro/news.svg                         |   1 +
 assets/intro/offline.svg                      |   1 +
 assets/intro/pois.svg                         |   1 +
 assets/intro/search.svg                       |   1 +
 assets/intro/welcome.svg                      |   1 +
 .../integreat/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg  |  34 ---
 .../assets/intro-slides/Language.svg          |  43 ---
 .../integreat/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg  |  27 --
 .../malte/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg      |  34 ---
 .../malte/assets/intro-slides/Language.svg    |  43 ---
 .../malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg      |  77 -----
 native/src/assets/index.ts                    |  12 +
 native/src/components/Pagination.tsx          |  29 +-
 native/src/components/SlideContent.tsx        |  27 +-
 native/src/components/SlideFooter.tsx         |  48 ++-
 native/src/components/base/TextButton.tsx     |  14 +-
 native/src/constants/buildConfig.ts           |  21 --
 native/src/routes/Intro.tsx                   | 132 +++++----
 .../unreleased/1137-Add-intro-slides.yml      |   7 +
 translations/translations.json                | 274 ++----------------
 21 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 632 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/language.svg
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/news.svg
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/offline.svg
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/pois.svg
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/search.svg
 create mode 100644 assets/intro/welcome.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Language.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Language.svg
 delete mode 100644 build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg
 create mode 100644 release-notes/unreleased/1137-Add-intro-slides.yml

diff --git a/assets/intro/language.svg b/assets/intro/language.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2db4dfe316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/intro/language.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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1.5a.422.422 0 0 0 0 .331c.607 1.463 1.203 2.925 1.81 4.387.148.363.333.715.27 1.127v.07c-.016.076-.022.157-.059.222-.216.407-.533.7-.981.813-.38.092-.75.005-1.098-.146-1.414-.623-2.829-1.246-4.243-1.88-.232-.103-.438-.108-.654.022-.037.027-.08.043-.116.07a14.033 14.033 0 0 1-6.127 1.928 13.875 13.875 0 0 1-3.816-.222c-2.406-.476-4.575-1.484-6.438-3.12-3.362-2.951-5.019-6.726-5.114-10.474 0-2.486.295-4.144.87-5.752zm6.703-4.815c-1.05.758-1.937 1.679-2.723 2.746h1.768c.327 0 .654-.011.981 0 .1 0 .153-.044.185-.13.327-.834.744-1.62 1.24-2.362.354-.53.744-1.034 1.12-1.554.025-.033.052-.065.094-.13-.971.368-1.852.834-2.67 1.424zm1.53 10.377a18.63 18.63 0 0 0 .502 3.661c. 0 .137-.027.164-.13.38-1.57.549-3.168.49-4.788a18.63 18.63 0 0 0-.485-3.623c-.016-.065-.032-.098-.11-.098H74.36c-.084.39-.169.78-.243 1.175a17.105 17.105 0 0 0-.269 3.71zm5.172-12.154c-1.43 1.294-2.68 2.724-3.599 4.463h7.193c-.116-.682-2.517-3.667-3.594-4.463Zm4.085.374c.317.433.623.84.913 1.071 1.717 1.478 2.649. 0 1.493 0 2.237.006h.385c-1.403-1.929-3.171-3.315-5.361-4.15zm7.325 13.838c.2-.829.295-1.679.3-2.54.011-1.495-.263-2.93-.765-4.328-.026-.07-.052-.108-.137-.108-1.113 0-2.232-.01-3.346-.022h-.084a20.953 20.953 0 0 1 0 8.688h3.567c.159-.569.333-1.126.47-1.695zm-6.602 8.276c.586-.265 1.14-.585 1.668-.953.585-.412 1.192-.46 1.841-.173.707.314 1.42.623 2.127.931. 2.342 0 0 1-.217-.905c0-.206.037-.417.058-.634h-.063c-.913 0-1.826 0-2.734.006-.079 0-.121.016-.153.097-.596 1.441-1.43 2.736-2.396 3.938a.308.308 0 0 0-.074.13c.248-.103.496-.2.734-.309zm-4.824.628c.898-.536 3.198-3.368 3.605-4.435h-7.199c.924 1.733 2.18 3.157 3.594 4.436zm-9.166-4.056c.596.785 1.319 1.43 2.1 2.01a13.87 13.87 0 0 0 2.908 1.651c. 0-2.412-.01h-.158c. 12.37 0 0 0 .755 3.71c. 1.118 0 2.237.01 3.361.016h.074a21.184 21.184 0 0 1 0-8.699h-.148c-1.097.006-2.195.017-3.293.017-.079 0-.116.027-.137.097-.549 1.533-.818 3.109-.75 4.745zm-26.237 1.657h-.757l-.269-.259a6.201 6.201 0 0 0 1.505-4.053 6.229 6.229 0 1 0-6.23 6.229 6.201 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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/intro/news.svg b/assets/intro/news.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41345c9b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/intro/news.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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-              d="M 123.080175 69.979581 C 118.219614 69.979581 114.30972 62.400416 114.30972 53.039805 C 114.30972 48.539754 115.260388 44.390083 116.800367 41.190235 C 118.460236 37.990387 120.710261 36.209786 123.080175 36.209786 C 125.450089 36.209786 127.700114 37.990387 129.359982 41.190235 C 131.019851 44.390083 131.849785 48.650356 131.849785 53.039805 C 131.839654 62.520305 127.92976 69.979581 123.080175 69.979581 Z M 123.080175 36.810074 C 118.460236 36.810074 114.910008 44.159593 114.910008 53.159694 C 114.910008 57.539855 115.859831 61.690371 117.399811 64.77033 C 118.939791 67.850289 121.069927 69.630046 123.210195 69.630046 C 125.340331 69.630046 127.479755 67.970178 129.019735 64.77033 C 130.559714 61.569637 131.510382 57.419966 131.510382 53.159694 C 131.37023 44.039704 127.580225 36.810074 123.080175 36.810074 Z M 123.080175 36.810074 "
-              transform="matrix(4.626684,0,0,4.626684,0,0)"/>
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-              transform="matrix(4.626684,0,0,4.626684,0,0)"/>
-    </g>
diff --git a/build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg b/build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d50a1343..0000000000
--- a/build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/native/src/assets/index.ts b/native/src/assets/index.ts
index 302bacbe95..136ef405cb 100644
--- a/native/src/assets/index.ts
+++ b/native/src/assets/index.ts
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ import TuNewsActiveIcon from '../../../assets/icons/tu-news-active.svg'
 import TuNewsInactiveIcon from '../../../assets/icons/tu-news-inactive.svg'
 import WarningIcon from '../../../assets/icons/warning.svg'
 import WebsiteIcon from '../../../assets/icons/website.svg'
+import IntroLanguageIcon from '../../../assets/intro/language.svg'
+import IntroNewsIcon from '../../../assets/intro/news.svg'
+import IntroOfflineIcon from '../../../assets/intro/offline.svg'
+import IntroPoisIcon from '../../../assets/intro/pois.svg'
+import IntroSearchIcon from '../../../assets/intro/search.svg'
+import IntroWelcomeIcon from '../../../assets/intro/welcome.svg'
 import PoiThumbnailPlaceholderLarge from '../../../assets/poi-thumbnail-placeholder-large.jpg'
 import PoiThumbnailPlaceholder from '../../../assets/poi-thumbnail-placeholder.jpg'
@@ -57,6 +63,12 @@ export {
+  IntroLanguageIcon,
+  IntroNewsIcon,
+  IntroOfflineIcon,
+  IntroPoisIcon,
+  IntroSearchIcon,
+  IntroWelcomeIcon,
diff --git a/native/src/components/Pagination.tsx b/native/src/components/Pagination.tsx
index 63c942cd5f..71f77d6ac5 100644
--- a/native/src/components/Pagination.tsx
+++ b/native/src/components/Pagination.tsx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Pressable from './base/Pressable'
 const DotsContainer = styled.View`
   flex: 1;
-  height: 10px;
+  height: 12px;
   padding: 10px 10px 20px;
   flex-direction: row;
   justify-content: center;
@@ -15,13 +15,20 @@ const DotsContainer = styled.View`
   background-color: ${props => props.theme.colors.backgroundColor};
-const Dot = styled(Pressable)<{ isActive: boolean }>`
-  width: 10px;
-  height: 10px;
-  border-radius: 5px;
-  margin: 0 4px;
+const Dot = styled.View<{ isActive: boolean }>`
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 12px;
+  border-radius: 6px;
   background-color: ${props =>
-    props.isActive ? props.theme.colors.textSecondaryColor : props.theme.colors.textDecorationColor};
+    props.isActive ? props.theme.colors.textColor : props.theme.colors.textDecorationColor};
+const DotPressableArea = styled(Pressable)`
+  width: 35px;
+  height: 35px;
+  margin: 0 8px;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
 type PaginationProps = {
@@ -37,15 +44,15 @@ const Pagination = ({ slideCount, currentSlide, goToSlide }: PaginationProps): R
   return (
       {range(slideCount).map(index => (
-        <Dot
+        <DotPressableArea
-          isActive={index === currentSlide}
           accessibilityLabel={t('goTo.pageNumber', {
             number: index + 1,
-          })}
-        />
+          })}>
+          <Dot isActive={index === currentSlide} />
+        </DotPressableArea>
diff --git a/native/src/components/SlideContent.tsx b/native/src/components/SlideContent.tsx
index 413e639597..a6c6785ed5 100644
--- a/native/src/components/SlideContent.tsx
+++ b/native/src/components/SlideContent.tsx
@@ -7,33 +7,40 @@ const Container = styled.View<{ width: number }>`
   justify-content: space-around;
   padding: 32px 16px;
   flex: 1;
-  background-color: ${props => props.theme.colors.backgroundColor};
   width: ${props => props.width}px;
 const TextContainer = styled.View`
-  flex: 1;
-  justify-content: center;
+  padding: 0 24px;
+  gap: 10px;
+  min-height: 150px;
+  justify-content: baseline;
 const Heading = styled.Text`
-  font-size: 35px;
-  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 19px;
   color: ${props => props.theme.colors.textColor};
+  font-family: ${props => props.theme.fonts.native.contentFontBold};
+  margin-top: 10px;
 const ContentContainer = styled.View<{ description: boolean }>`
   flex: ${props => (props.description ? 2 : 2 + 1)};
 const Description = styled.Text`
-  font-size: 20px;
+  font-size: 16px;
   color: ${props => props.theme.colors.textColor};
-  padding: 0 24px;
-  text-align: center;
+  font-family: ${props => props.theme.fonts.native.contentFontRegular};
 export type SlideContentType = {
   key: string
   title: string
   description?: string
   Content: ReactElement
 type SlideContentProps = {
   item: SlideContentType
   width: number
@@ -45,12 +52,10 @@ const SlideContent = ({ item, width }: SlideContentProps): ReactElement => (
       flexGrow: 1,
     <Container width={width}>
-      <TextContainer>
-        <Heading>{item.title}</Heading>
-      </TextContainer>
       <ContentContainer description={item.description !== undefined}>{item.Content}</ContentContainer>
       {!!item.description && (
+          <Heading>{item.title}</Heading>
diff --git a/native/src/components/SlideFooter.tsx b/native/src/components/SlideFooter.tsx
index a26376dd8b..b9c38723bb 100644
--- a/native/src/components/SlideFooter.tsx
+++ b/native/src/components/SlideFooter.tsx
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
 import { TFunction } from 'i18next'
 import React, { ReactElement } from 'react'
-import { View } from 'react-native'
-import styled from 'styled-components/native'
+import styled, { useTheme } from 'styled-components/native'
 import Pagination from './Pagination'
 import TextButton from './base/TextButton'
 const ButtonContainer = styled.View`
-  flex-grow: 1;
+  width: 100%;
   flex-direction: row;
-  padding: 5px;
-  background-color: ${props => props.theme.colors.backgroundColor};
+  justify-content: space-between;
+  padding: 0 20px;
-const StyledButton = styled(TextButton)`
-  flex: 1;
+const StyledButton = styled(TextButton)<{ $opacity?: boolean; $enableShadow?: boolean }>`
+  padding: 10px 32px;
+  opacity: ${props => (props.$opacity === false ? 0 : 1)};
+  shadow-color: ${props => (props.$enableShadow ? props.theme.colors.textColor : props.theme.colors.backgroundColor)};
+  shadow-offset: 0 1px;
+  shadow-opacity: 0.2;
+  shadow-radius: 1.4px;
+  elevation: 2;
-const Placeholder = styled.View`
-  flex: 1;
+const SideFooterContainer = styled.View`
+  gap: 20px;
 type SlideFooterProps = {
@@ -30,17 +35,32 @@ type SlideFooterProps = {
 const SlideFooter = ({ onDone, slideCount, goToSlide, currentSlide, t }: SlideFooterProps): ReactElement => {
+  const theme = useTheme()
   const goToNextSlide = () => goToSlide(currentSlide + 1)
   const isLastSlide = currentSlide === slideCount - 1
   return (
-    <View>
+    <SideFooterContainer>
+      <Pagination slideCount={slideCount} currentSlide={currentSlide} goToSlide={goToSlide} />
-        {!isLastSlide ? <StyledButton type='clear' text={t('skip')} onPress={onDone} /> : <Placeholder />}
-        <StyledButton type='clear' text={t('next')} onPress={isLastSlide ? onDone : goToNextSlide} />
+        <StyledButton
+          type='clear'
+          text={t('skip')}
+          textStyle={{ fontFamily: theme.fonts.native.contentFontBold, fontSize: 14 }}
+          onPress={onDone}
+          $opacity={!isLastSlide}
+          disabled={isLastSlide}
+        />
+        <StyledButton
+          type='primary'
+          text={t('next')}
+          textStyle={{ fontFamily: theme.fonts.native.contentFontBold, fontSize: 14 }}
+          onPress={isLastSlide ? onDone : goToNextSlide}
+          $enableShadow
+        />
-      <Pagination slideCount={slideCount} currentSlide={currentSlide} goToSlide={goToSlide} />
-    </View>
+    </SideFooterContainer>
diff --git a/native/src/components/base/TextButton.tsx b/native/src/components/base/TextButton.tsx
index 485981d34e..4b0d0dd633 100644
--- a/native/src/components/base/TextButton.tsx
+++ b/native/src/components/base/TextButton.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import React, { ReactElement } from 'react'
-import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'
+import { StyleProp, TextStyle, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'
 import styled from 'styled-components/native'
 import Pressable from './Pressable'
@@ -27,11 +27,19 @@ type TextButtonProps = {
   disabled?: boolean
   type?: 'primary' | 'clear'
   style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
+  textStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>
-const TextButton = ({ text, onPress, disabled = false, type = 'primary', style }: TextButtonProps): ReactElement => (
+const TextButton = ({
+  text,
+  onPress,
+  disabled = false,
+  type = 'primary',
+  style,
+  textStyle,
+}: TextButtonProps): ReactElement => (
   <StyledPressable onPress={onPress} primary={type === 'primary'} disabled={disabled} style={style} role='button'>
-    <StyledText>{text}</StyledText>
+    <StyledText style={textStyle}>{text}</StyledText>
diff --git a/native/src/constants/buildConfig.ts b/native/src/constants/buildConfig.ts
index dd34ffdfdc..5e6dd05794 100644
--- a/native/src/constants/buildConfig.ts
+++ b/native/src/constants/buildConfig.ts
@@ -12,24 +12,13 @@ import aschaffenburgAppIcon from 'build-configs/aschaffenburg/assets/app-icon-ro
 import integreatLoadingImage from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/app-icon-inverted.svg'
 import integreatAppIcon from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/app-icon-round.svg'
 import integreatCityNotCooperatingIcon from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/city-not-cooperating.svg'
-import integreatIntroEventsIcon from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg'
-import integreatIntroLanguageIcon from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Language.svg'
-import integreatIntroSearchIcon from 'build-configs/integreat/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg'
 import malteLoadingImage from 'build-configs/malte/assets/app-icon-circle.svg'
 import malteAppIcon from 'build-configs/malte/assets/app-icon-round.svg'
-import malteIntroEventsIcon from 'build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Events.svg'
-import malteIntroLanguageIcon from 'build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Language.svg'
-import malteIntroSearchIcon from 'build-configs/malte/assets/intro-slides/Search.svg'
 type AssetsType = {
   AppIcon: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
   LoadingImage: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
   CityNotCooperatingIcon?: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
-  intro?: {
-    Events: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
-    Language: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
-    Search: React.JSXElementConstructor<SvgProps>
-  }
 const buildConfig = (): CommonBuildConfigType => loadBuildConfig(name, COMMON)
@@ -42,22 +31,12 @@ export const buildConfigAssets = (): AssetsType => {
       AppIcon: integreatAppIcon,
       LoadingImage: integreatLoadingImage,
       CityNotCooperatingIcon: integreatCityNotCooperatingIcon,
-      intro: {
-        Events: integreatIntroEventsIcon,
-        Language: integreatIntroLanguageIcon,
-        Search: integreatIntroSearchIcon,
-      },
   if (assetsName === MALTE_ASSETS) {
     return {
       AppIcon: malteAppIcon,
       LoadingImage: malteLoadingImage,
-      intro: {
-        Events: malteIntroEventsIcon,
-        Language: malteIntroLanguageIcon,
-        Search: malteIntroSearchIcon,
-      },
   if (assetsName === ASCHAFFENBURG_ASSETS) {
diff --git a/native/src/routes/Intro.tsx b/native/src/routes/Intro.tsx
index 4bd30d19e4..5f155f42f4 100644
--- a/native/src/routes/Intro.tsx
+++ b/native/src/routes/Intro.tsx
@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
 import React, { ReactElement, useCallback, useContext, useRef, useState } from 'react'
 import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
 import { FlatList, useWindowDimensions, ViewToken } from 'react-native'
-import styled, { css } from 'styled-components/native'
+import styled from 'styled-components/native'
 import { IntroRouteType, LANDING_ROUTE } from 'shared'
+import {
+  IntroLanguageIcon,
+  IntroNewsIcon,
+  IntroOfflineIcon,
+  IntroPoisIcon,
+  IntroSearchIcon,
+  IntroWelcomeIcon,
+} from '../assets'
 import SlideContent, { SlideContentType } from '../components/SlideContent'
 import SlideFooter from '../components/SlideFooter'
 import Icon from '../components/base/Icon'
 import { NavigationProps, RouteProps } from '../constants/NavigationTypes'
-import buildConfig, { buildConfigAssets } from '../constants/buildConfig'
+import buildConfig from '../constants/buildConfig'
 import { AppContext } from '../contexts/AppContextProvider'
 import useNavigateToDeepLink from '../hooks/useNavigateToDeepLink'
 import { reportError } from '../utils/sentry'
@@ -18,41 +26,15 @@ const Container = styled.View<{ width: number }>`
   flex: 1;
   flex-direction: column;
   width: ${props => props.width}px;
-  justify-content: space-between;
-const ImageStyle = css`
-  align-self: center;
-  flex: 1;
-const icons = buildConfigAssets().intro
-const styledIcons = icons
-  ? {
-      Search: styled(icons.Search)`
-        ${ImageStyle};
-      `,
-      Events: styled(icons.Events)`
-        ${ImageStyle};
-      `,
-      Language: styled(icons.Language)`
-        ${ImageStyle};
-      `,
-    }
-  : null
-const AppIcon = styled(buildConfigAssets().AppIcon)`
-  ${ImageStyle};
-const StyledAppIcon = styled(Icon)`
-  width: 40%;
-  height: 40%;
+  padding-bottom: 30%;
+  background-color: ${props => props.theme.colors.backgroundColor};
 const StyledIcon = styled(Icon)`
   height: 100%;
-  width: 60%;
+  width: 80%;
+  color: ${props => props.theme.colors.themeColor};
+  align-self: center;
 type IntroProps = {
@@ -68,40 +50,56 @@ const Intro = ({ route, navigation }: IntroProps): ReactElement => {
   const flatListRef = useRef<FlatList>(null)
   const { deepLink } = route.params
   const navigateToDeepLink = useNavigateToDeepLink()
+  const { appName } = buildConfig()
   const slides = [
       key: 'integreat',
-      title: buildConfig().appName,
-      description: t('appDescription', {
-        appName: buildConfig().appName,
-      }),
-      Content: <StyledAppIcon Icon={AppIcon} />,
+      title: t('welcome', { appName }),
+      description: t('welcomeDescription', { appName }),
+      Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroWelcomeIcon} />,
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'languageChange',
+      title: t('languageChange', { appName }),
+      description: t('languageChangeDescription', { appName }),
+      Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroLanguageIcon} />,
+    },
+    {
+      key: 'search',
+      title: t('search'),
+      description: t('searchDescription'),
+      Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroSearchIcon} />,
-  if (styledIcons) {
-    slides.push(
-      {
-        key: 'search',
-        title: t('search'),
-        description: t('searchDescription'),
-        Content: <StyledIcon Icon={styledIcons.Search} />,
-      },
-      {
-        key: 'events',
-        title: t('events'),
-        description: t('eventsDescription'),
-        Content: <StyledIcon Icon={styledIcons.Events} />,
-      },
-      {
-        key: 'languageChange',
-        title: t('languageChange'),
-        description: t('languageChangeDescription'),
-        Content: <StyledIcon Icon={styledIcons.Language} />,
-      },
-    )
+  if (buildConfig().featureFlags.pois) {
+    slides.push({
+      key: 'pois',
+      title: t('pois'),
+      description: t('poisDescription'),
+      Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroPoisIcon} />,
+    })
+  }
+  if (buildConfig().featureFlags.newsStream) {
+    slides.push({
+      key: 'news',
+      title: t('newsDescription', { appName }),
+      description: t('newsDescription', { appName }),
+      Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroNewsIcon} />,
+    })
+  slides.push({
+    key: 'offline',
+    title: t('offline'),
+    description: t('offlineDescription', {
+      appName,
+    }),
+    Content: <StyledIcon Icon={IntroOfflineIcon} />,
+  })
   const onDone = useCallback(async () => {
     try {
       updateSettings({ introShown: true })
@@ -116,11 +114,17 @@ const Intro = ({ route, navigation }: IntroProps): ReactElement => {
   }, [navigateToDeepLink, navigation, deepLink, updateSettings])
-  const goToSlide = useCallback((index: number) => {
-    flatListRef.current?.scrollToIndex({
-      index,
-    })
-  }, [])
+  const goToSlide = useCallback(
+    (index: number) => {
+      const isJumpingToEnd =
+        (currentSlide === 0 && index === slides.length - 1) || (index === 0 && currentSlide === slides.length - 1)
+      flatListRef.current?.scrollToIndex({
+        index,
+        animated: !isJumpingToEnd,
+      })
+    },
+    [currentSlide, slides.length],
+  )
   const renderSlide = ({ item }: { item: SlideContentType }) => <SlideContent item={item} width={width} />
diff --git a/release-notes/unreleased/1137-Add-intro-slides.yml b/release-notes/unreleased/1137-Add-intro-slides.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b48038d8c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release-notes/unreleased/1137-Add-intro-slides.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+issue_key: 1137
+show_in_stores: true
+  - android
+  - ios
+en: Redesigned our app intro.
+de: Neues Design für unsere App-Einführung.
diff --git a/translations/translations.json b/translations/translations.json
index 4e2f81ffce..16495f4713 100644
--- a/translations/translations.json
+++ b/translations/translations.json
@@ -5686,420 +5686,194 @@
   "intro": {
     "de": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} ist Dein digitaler Guide für Deutschland",
-      "search": "Suche",
-      "searchDescription": "Anhand von Schlagwörtern schnell die richtige Information finden",
-      "languageChange": "Sprachwechsel",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Einfaches Umstellen der Sprache einzelner Seiten",
+      "welcome": "Willkommen bei {{appName}}",
+      "welcomeDescription": "In {{appName}} findest du Antworten und Tipps in deiner Muttersprache. Zum Beispiel: Wo finde ich Hilfe? Wann darf ich arbeiten?",
+      "search": "Einfache Suche",
+      "searchDescription": "Du findest schnell die richtigen Informationen über die Suche rechts oben im Menü.",
+      "languageChange": "Sprache verändern",
+      "languageChangeDescription": "Du kannst oben im Menü die Sprache von {{appName}} verändern.",
       "events": "Veranstaltungen",
       "eventsDescription": "Aktuelle Veranstaltungen und Termine in der Umgebung",
+      "pois": "Angebote in deiner Nähe",
+      "poisDescription": "In der Karte kannst du Orte in deiner Nähe finden, zum Beispiel Orte für Sprachkurse.",
+      "offline": "Funktioniert auch offline",
+      "offlineDescription": "Du hast nicht immer Internet? Kein Problem. Du kannst {{appName}} auch ohne Internet benutzen.",
+      "news": "Aktuelle Informationen",
+      "newsDescription": "Was gibt es Neues in deiner Nähe? Finde es heraus in {{appName}}.",
       "skip": "Überspringen",
       "next": "Weiter"
     "am": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} ለጀርመን የእርስዎ የዲጂታል መሪ ነው",
-      "search": "ፍለጋ",
-      "searchDescription": "ትክክለኛውን መረጃ ቁልፍ ቃላትን በመጠቀም በፍጥነት ፈልገው ያግኙ",
-      "languageChange": "ቋንቋ መቀየር",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "የእያንዳንዱን ገጾች ቋንቋ በቀላሉ ይቀይሩ",
       "events": "ዝግጅቶች",
       "eventsDescription": "በአካባቢው ያሉ ወቅታዊ ዝግጅቶችና ቀናት",
       "skip": "ይለፉ",
       "next": "ቀጣይ"
     "ar": {
-      "appDescription": "تطبيق{{appName}} هو دليلك الرقمي لألمانيا",
-      "search": "البحث",
-      "searchDescription": "استخدام الكلمات الرئيسية للعثور بسرعة على المعلومات الصحيحة",
-      "languageChange": "تغيير اللغة",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "تغيير سهل للغة كل صفحة على حدة",
       "events": "الفعاليات",
       "eventsDescription": "فعاليات ومواعيد حالية في المنطقة المحيطة",
       "skip": "تخطي",
       "next": "استمرار"
     "bg": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} е Вашето дигитално ръководство за Германия",
-      "search": "Търсене",
-      "searchDescription": "Намерете бързо правилната информация, като използвате ключови думи",
-      "languageChange": "Смяна на езика",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Променяйте лесно езика на отделните страници",
       "events": "Събития",
       "eventsDescription": "Текущи събития и дати в района",
       "skip": "Пропусни",
       "next": "Напред"
     "ckb": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} ڕێنمایی دیجیتاڵی تۆ بۆ ئەڵمانیایە",
-      "search": "گەڕان",
-      "searchDescription": "لەڕێگەی کلیل وشەکان خێرا زانیارییە ڕاستەکان بدۆزەوە",
-      "languageChange": "گۆڕینی زمان",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "بائاسانی زمانی هەرکام لە لاپەڕەکان بگۆڕە",
       "events": "ڕووداوەکان",
       "eventsDescription": "ڕووداوەکان و چاوپێکەوتنەکانی ئێستای تۆ لە دەورووپشتت",
       "skip": "بازدان",
       "next": "بەردەوامی"
     "cs": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}]} je váš digitální průvodce po Německu",
-      "search": "Vyhledávání",
-      "searchDescription": "Rychlé vyhledání správných informací pomocí klíčových slov",
-      "languageChange": "Změna jazyka",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Snadná změna jazyka jednotlivých stránek",
       "events": "Akce",
       "eventsDescription": "Aktuální akce a termíny v okolí",
       "skip": "Přeskočit",
       "next": "Další"
     "da": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} er din digitale guide til Tyskland",
-      "search": "Søg efter",
-      "searchDescription": "Find hurtigt de rigtige oplysninger ved hjælp af nøgleord",
-      "languageChange": "Sprogskift",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Skift nemt sprog på de enkelte sider",
       "events": "Begivenheder",
       "eventsDescription": "Aktuelle begivenheder og aftaler i nabolaget",
       "skip": "Spring over",
       "next": "Yderligere"
     "el": {
-      "appDescription": "Το {{appName}} είναι ο ψηφιακός οδηγός σας για τη Γερμανία",
-      "search": "Αναζήτηση",
-      "searchDescription": "Βρείτε γρήγορα τις σωστές πληροφορίες χρησιμοποιώντας λέξεις-κλειδιά",
-      "languageChange": "Αλλαγή γλώσσας",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Αλλάξτε εύκολα τη γλώσσα μεμονωμένων σελίδων",
       "events": "Εκδηλώσεις",
       "eventsDescription": "Τρέχουσες εκδηλώσεις και ημερομηνίες στην περιοχή",
       "skip": "Παραλείπω",
       "next": "Συνέχεια"
     "en": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} is your digital guide to life in Germany",
-      "search": "Search",
-      "searchDescription": "Find the right information based on keywords",
-      "languageChange": "Changing the language",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Changing the language on individual pages is simple",
-      "events": "Events",
-      "eventsDescription": "Current events and dates in the surrounding area",
+      "welcome": "Welcome to {{appName}}",
+      "welcomeDescription": "In {{appName}}, you will find answers and tips in your native language. For example: Where can I find help? When am I allowed to work?",
+      "search": "Simple Search",
+      "searchDescription": "You can quickly find the right information through the search at the top right in the menu.",
+      "languageChange": "Change Language",
+      "languageChangeDescription": "You can change the language of {{appName}} in the top menu.",
+      "pois": "Offers Near You",
+      "poisDescription": "In the map, you can find places near you, for example places for language courses.",
+      "offline": "Works Offline Too",
+      "offlineDescription": "Don't always have internet? No problem. You can use {{appName}} even without internet.",
+      "news": "Current News",
+      "newsDescription": "What's new in your area? Find out in {{appName}}.",
       "skip": "Skip",
       "next": "Continue"
     "es": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} es su guía digital para Alemania",
-      "search": "Búsqueda",
-      "searchDescription": "Encuentre rápidamente la información correcta utilizando palabras clave",
-      "languageChange": "Cambio de idioma",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Cambie fácilmente el idioma de las páginas individuales",
-      "events": "Actividades",
-      "eventsDescription": "Eventos actuales y fechas en los alrededores",
       "skip": "Saltar",
       "next": "Seguir"
     "fi": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} on digitaalinen oppaasi Saksaa varten",
-      "search": "Haku",
-      "searchDescription": "Löydä etsimäsi tiedot nopeasti hakusanojen avulla",
-      "languageChange": "Kielenvaihto",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Helppo yksittäisten sivujen kielenvaihto",
-      "events": "Tapahtumat",
-      "eventsDescription": "Ympäristön ajankohtaiset tapahtumat ja aikataulut",
       "skip": "Ohita",
       "next": "Eteenpäin"
     "fr": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} est votre guide numérique pour l'Allemagne",
-      "search": "Recherche",
-      "searchDescription": "Trouvez rapidement la bonne information à l'aide de mots-clés",
-      "languageChange": "Changement de langue",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Réglage facile de la langue des différentes pages",
-      "events": "Événements",
-      "eventsDescription": "Actualités et rendez-vous dans les environs",
       "skip": "Passer",
       "next": "Suite"
     "hr": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} je vaš digitalni vodič za Njemačku",
-      "search": "Pretraživanje",
-      "searchDescription": "Na temelju ključnih riječi brzo ćete pronaći odgovarajuću informaciju",
-      "languageChange": "Promjena jezika",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Jednostavna promjena jezika pojedinih stranica",
-      "events": "Događanja",
-      "eventsDescription": "Aktualna događanja i termini u okolici",
       "skip": "Preskoči",
       "next": "Dalje"
     "hu": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} az Ön digitális idegenvezetője Németországban.",
-      "search": "Keresés",
-      "searchDescription": "A megfelelő információ gyors megtalálása kulcsszavak segítségével",
-      "languageChange": "Nyelvváltás",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Egyes oldalak nyelvének egyszerű átállítása",
-      "events": "Események",
-      "eventsDescription": "Aktuális események és időpontok a környéken",
       "skip": "Átugrás",
       "next": "Tovább"
     "it": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} è la tua guida digitale per la Germania",
-      "search": "Ricerca",
-      "searchDescription": "Trova rapidamente le informazioni corrette utilizzando le parole chiave",
-      "languageChange": "Cambia lingua",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Cambia facilmente la lingua delle singole pagine",
-      "events": "Eventi",
-      "eventsDescription": "Eventi e appuntamenti nei dintorni",
       "skip": "Salta",
       "next": "Avanti"
     "ka": {
-      "appDescription": "‎{{appName}} არის თქვენი ციფრული გზამკვლევი გერმანიისათვის",
-      "search": "ძიება",
-      "searchDescription": "საძიებო სიტყვების მეშვეობით სწრაფად სწორი ინფორმაციის პოვნა",
-      "languageChange": "ენის ცვლილება",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "ცალკეული გვერდების ენების მარტივი გადაყვანა",
-      "events": "ღონისძიებები",
-      "eventsDescription": "ახლოს არსებული მიმდინარე ღონისძიებები და ტერმინები",
       "skip": "გამოტოვება",
       "next": "გაგრძელება"
     "kmr": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} rêbera te ya dîcîtal derbarê Almanyayê ye",
-      "search": "Lêgerîn",
-      "searchDescription": "Bi bikaranîna Peyvên Kilîtî, lêzanînên esseh û durust bilez peyde bike",
-      "languageChange": "Guhertina Ziman",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Guhertina rihet a Ziman di kit bi kitê rûpelan da",
-      "events": "Rûdan",
-      "eventsDescription": "Rûdanên niha û demên hevdîtinê li hawîrdor",
       "skip": "Nepejirandin",
       "next": "Berdewam"
     "mk": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} е вашиот дигитален водич за Германија",
-      "search": "Пребарај",
-      "searchDescription": "Брзо пронајдете ги точните информации со помош на клучни зборови",
-      "languageChange": "Промена на јазик",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Едноставна промена на јазикот на поединечна страница",
-      "events": "Настани",
-      "eventsDescription": "Актуелни настани и термини во околината",
       "skip": "Прескокни",
       "next": "Понатаму"
     "nl": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} is jouw digitale gids voor het leven in Duitsland.",
-      "search": "Zoek",
-      "searchDescription": "Vind de juiste informatie gebaseerd op steekwoorden.",
-      "languageChange": "Wijzig de taal",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Het wijzigen van de taal op individuele pagina's is makkelijk.",
-      "events": "Evenementen",
-      "eventsDescription": "Huidige evenementen en data in de omgeving",
       "skip": "Sla over",
       "next": "Ga door"
     "orm": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} kun qajeelfama dijitaalaa jireenya keessan Jarman keessaadha.",
-      "search": "Barbaadi",
-      "searchDescription": "Jechoota ijoo irratti hundaa’un oeeffannoo sirrii barbaadi.",
-      "languageChange": "Afaan jijjiiruu",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Fuula dhuunfaa irraa afaan jijjiiruun salphaadha",
-      "events": "Sagantaalee",
-      "eventsDescription": "Sagantaawwan yeroo ammaa fi guyyootaa naannoo sana jiran",
       "skip": "Irra darbi",
       "next": "Itti fufi"
     "pes": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}}‏ راهنمای دیجیتالی شما در مورد آلمان است",
-      "search": "جستجو",
-      "searchDescription": "با استفاده از کلمات کلیدی، اطلاعات صحیح را به سرعت پیدا کنید",
-      "languageChange": "تغییر زبان",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "تغییر راحت زبان در تک تک صفحات",
-      "events": "رویدادها",
-      "eventsDescription": "رویدادهای فعلی و وقت های ملاقات در محیط اطراف",
       "skip": "رد شدن",
       "next": "ادامه"
     "pl": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} to e-przewodnik po Niemczech",
-      "search": "Wyszukiwarka",
-      "searchDescription": "Szybko znajdź odpowiednią informację za pomocą haseł",
-      "languageChange": "Zmiana języka",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Łatwa zmiana języka na pojedynczych stronach",
-      "events": "Wydarzenia",
-      "eventsDescription": "Aktualne wydarzenia i terminy w okolicy",
       "skip": "Pomiń",
       "next": "Dalej"
     "prs": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} رهنمای دیجیتل شما برای جرمنی است",
-      "search": "جستجو",
-      "searchDescription": "با استفاده از کلمات کلیدی به سرعت معلومات صحیح را پیدا نمایید",
-      "languageChange": "تغییر لسان",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "به راحتی لسان هر یک از صفحات را تغییر دهید",
-      "events": "رویدادها",
-      "eventsDescription": "رویدادها و ملاقات های فعلی در مناطق اطراف",
       "skip": "پرش",
       "next": "ادامه"
     "ps": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} آلمان لپاره ستاسو ډیجیټال لارښود دی.",
-      "search": "لټون",
-      "searchDescription": "د کلیدي ټکو په مرسته زر صحیح معلومات موندل",
-      "languageChange": "د ژبې تغیر",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "د انفرادي پاڼو ژبې ته په اسانۍ تغیر ورکول",
-      "events": "غونډې",
-      "eventsDescription": "دا مهال په دې شاوخوا کې غونډې او ملاقاتونه",
       "skip": "اووښتل یعنی ورتیریدل",
       "next": "مخته"
     "pt": {
-      "appDescription": "A {{appName}} é o seu guia digital da Alemanha",
-      "search": "Procura",
-      "searchDescription": "Encontrar rapidamente a informação certa por palavras-chave",
-      "languageChange": "Mudar de idioma",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Mudar facilmente de idioma em páginas individuais",
-      "events": "Eventos",
-      "eventsDescription": "Eventos e acontecimentos atuais nas imediações",
       "skip": "Saltar",
       "next": "Seguinte"
     "ro": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} constituie ghidul dvs. digital pentru Germania",
-      "search": "Căutare",
-      "searchDescription": "Folosind cuvinte cheie, găsiți rapid informațiile importante",
-      "languageChange": "Schimbarea limbii",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Schimbare simplă a limbii paginilor individuale",
-      "events": "Evenimente",
-      "eventsDescription": "Evenimente curente și date de desfășurare în împrejurimi",
       "skip": "Treceți peste",
       "next": "Mai departe"
     "rom": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} si tiro digitalnikano legatuno baši o dživdipa ki Germania",
-      "search": "Rode",
-      "searchDescription": "Arak i pravo informacia prema o lafia",
-      "languageChange": "Menibe i čhib",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Te menine i čhib ko strane si lokheste",
-      "events": "Čipote",
-      "eventsDescription": "Momentalna čipote thaj datumoja ko paše thana",
       "skip": "Na akana",
       "next": "Produžun"
     "ru": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} – это ваш цифровой гид по Германии",
-      "search": "Поиск",
-      "searchDescription": "Быстрый поиск необходимой информации по ключевым словам",
-      "languageChange": "Смена языка",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Простая смена языка отдельных страниц",
-      "events": "Мероприятия",
-      "eventsDescription": "Актуальные мероприятия и события рядом с вами",
       "skip": "Пропустить",
       "next": "Далее"
     "sk": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} je váš digitálny sprievodca pre Nemecko",
-      "search": "Vyhľadávanie",
-      "searchDescription": "Rýchle vyhľadávanie správnej informácie na základe kľúčových slov",
-      "languageChange": "Zmena jazyka",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Jednoduché prestavenie jazyka jednotlivých stránok",
-      "events": "Podujatia",
-      "eventsDescription": "Aktuálne podujatia a termíny v okolí",
       "skip": "Preskočiť",
       "next": "Ďalej"
     "so": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} waa tilmaamahaaga dhijitaalka ah ee Jarmalka",
-      "search": "Raadin",
-      "searchDescription": "U hel macluumaadka saxda ah si dhakhso leh adoo isticmaalaya ereyada furaha ah",
-      "languageChange": "Bedelka luqadda",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Si fudud u beddel luqadda bog kasta",
-      "events": "Dhacdooyinka",
-      "eventsDescription": "Dhacdooyinka hadda ah iyo taariikhaha ee ka jira deegaanka",
       "skip": "Ka bood",
       "next": "Dheeraad ah"
     "sq": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} është guida juaj dixhitale për Gjermani",
-      "search": "Kërkim",
-      "searchDescription": "Gjeni informacionin e duhur shpejt duke përdorur fjalë kyçe",
-      "languageChange": "Ndryshimi i gjuhës",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Ndryshoni lehtë gjuhën e faqeve individuale",
-      "events": "Evenimentet",
-      "eventsDescription": "Evenimentet aktuale dhe datat në zonë",
       "skip": "Kapërce",
       "next": "Vazhdo"
     "sr-Cyrl": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} је ваш дигитални водич за Немачку",
-      "search": "Претраживање",
-      "searchDescription": "Брзо проналажење тачних информација на основу кључних речи",
-      "languageChange": "Промена језика",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Једноставна промена језика на појединим странама",
-      "events": "Догађаји",
-      "eventsDescription": "Тренутни догађаји и термини у окружењу",
       "skip": "Прескочи",
       "next": "Даље"
     "sr-Latn": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} je vaš digitalni vodič za Nemačku",
-      "search": "Pretraživanje",
-      "searchDescription": "Brzo pronalaženje tačnih informacija na osnovu ključnih reči",
-      "languageChange": "Promena jezika",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Jednostavna promena jezika na pojedinim stranama",
-      "events": "Događaji",
-      "eventsDescription": "Trenutni događaji i termini u okruženju",
       "skip": "Preskoči",
       "next": "Dalje"
     "ti": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} ናብ ጅርመን እትትኸድሉ መምርሒ እዩ።",
-      "search": "ፈትሽ",
-      "searchDescription": "ቁልፊ-ቃላት ብምጥቃም ነቲ ቅኑዕ ሓበሬታ ብቕልጡፍ ርኸብ",
-      "languageChange": "ምቕያር ቋንቋ",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "ናይ ውልቀ-ገጻት ቋንቋ ብቐሊሉ ቀይር",
-      "events": "ኣጋጣሚታት",
-      "eventsDescription": "ህሉው ኣጋጣሚታትን ዕለታትን ኣብቲ ከባቢ",
       "skip": "ስገር",
       "next": "ተወሳኺ"
     "tr": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}}, Almanya'daki dijital rehberinizdir",
-      "search": "Arama",
-      "searchDescription": "Anahtar kelimeler kullanarak doğru bilgileri hızlıca bulun",
-      "languageChange": "Dil değişimi",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Her bir sayfanın dilini kolayca değiştirin",
-      "events": "Etkinlikler",
-      "eventsDescription": "Çevredeki güncel etkinlikler ve tarihler",
       "skip": "Atla",
       "next": "Devam"
     "uk": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}} - ваш цифровий путівник у Німеччині",
-      "search": "Пошук",
-      "searchDescription": "Швидко знаходите потрібну інформацію, використовуючи ключові слова",
-      "languageChange": "Змінити мову",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "Легко змінити мову окремих сторінок",
-      "events": "Події",
-      "eventsDescription": "Поточні події та дати в регіоні",
       "skip": "Пропустити",
       "next": "Наступний"
     "ur": {
-      "appDescription": "‎{{appName}}‎ جرمنی کے لئے آپ کی ڈیجیٹل رہنما ہے",
-      "search": "تلاش کریں",
-      "searchDescription": "کلیدی الفاظ استعمال کرتے ہوئے تیزی سے درست معلومات تلاش کریں",
-      "languageChange": "زبان کی تبدیلی",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "انفرادی صفحات کی زبان آسانی سے تبدیل کریں",
-      "events": "ایونٹس",
-      "eventsDescription": "علاقے میں حالیہ ایونٹس اور تاریخیں",
       "skip": "رہنے دیں",
       "next": "آگے"
     "zh-CN": {
-      "appDescription": "{{appName}}是您在德国生活的数字指南",
-      "search": "搜索",
-      "searchDescription": "使用关键词快速查找正确的信息",
-      "languageChange": "更改语言",
-      "languageChangeDescription": "轻松更改个别页面的语言",
-      "events": "活动",
-      "eventsDescription": "该地区当前的活动及其日期",
       "skip": "跳过",
       "next": "继续"