Define the following functions:
-- Summation.
val sum [n]: (xs: [n]i32) -> i32
-- Taking product.
val product [n]: (xs: [n]i32) -> i32
-- Computing average - remember to not use i32 for intermediate
-- calculations!
val average [n]: (xs: [n]i32) -> i32
-- Dot product.
val dotprod [n]: (xs: [n]i32) -> (ys: [n]i32) -> i32
-- Multiply matrix with row vector.
val matvecmul_row [n][m]: (xss: [n][m]i32) -> (ys: [m]i32) -> [n]t
-- Multiply matrix with column vector.
val matvecmul_col [n][m]: (xss: [n][m]i32) -> (ys: [n]i32) -> [n][n]t
-- Multiply two matices. Hint: You will need to use the 'transpose'
-- function.
val matmul [n][p][m]: (xss: [n][p]i32) -> (yss: [p][m]i32) -> [n][m]i32
Define some of the array utility functions:
Put the functions in one or more files. If you define them with
instead of let
, then you can easily add tests:
-- ==
-- entry: abs
-- input { 1 } output { 1 }
-- input { -1 } output { 1 }
entry abs (x: i32) = if x < 0 then -x else x
Run with futhark-test