Website to streamline and manage trouble tickets effectively. The system enables users to submit, track, and resolve tickets promptly and efficiently. Additionally, the website have intuitive user interfaces and reporting functionalities to provide real-time insights into ticket status and performance metrics.
git clone [email protected]:FEUP-LTW-2023/project-ltw12g02.git
cd project-ltw12g02
git checkout final-delivery-v2
sqlite3 database/trouble_tickets.db < database/trouble_tickets.sql
sqlite3 database/trouble_tickets.db < database/populate_tickets.sql
php -S localhost:9000
- Username: admin1
- Password: Admin@123
- Username: janesmith
- Password: Password@789
- Username: johndoe
- Password: Password@123
- original password = password123; stored password = sha256(ltwpassword123)
- username needs to have at least 6 characters
- password needs to have at least 8 characters, 1 maiusc, 1 minusc, 1 number, 1 special char
- Sign Up.
- Login and Logout.
- Edit user's profile.
- Submit a new ticket (choosing a department and priority).
- List and track tickets submitted.
- Reply to inquiries.
- List and filter tickets (by department, status, priority or hashtag) - Agent.
- Change the department, status and priority of a ticket - Agent.
- Assign a ticket to themselves or someone else - Agent.
- Edit ticket hashtags easily (just type hashtag to add (with autocomplete), and click to remove) - Agent. (almost done)
- List all changes done to a ticket (status changes, assignments, edits) - Agent.
- Manage the FAQ and use an answer from the FAQ to answer a ticket - Agent. (almost done)
- Upgrade a client to an agent or an admin - Admin.
- Add new departments, statuses, and other relevant entities - Admin.
- Assign agents to departments - Admin.
- Diogo Alexandre da Costa Melo Moreira da Fonte - [email protected]
- Francisco Pinto Tristão da Cunha Bettencourt - [email protected]
- Luís Carlos Novais Alves - [email protected]