Contact: [email protected] Expires: 2024-12-31T23:59:59.999Z Preferred-Languages: en Canonical: Policy: Encryption:
Reporting a Vulnerability If you discover a potential security vulnerability, please report it to us promptly. Here’s how you can do so:
Submit a Report: Send an email to [email protected] with a detailed description of the vulnerability, including any relevant steps to reproduce the issue. Please include your contact information so we can follow up if needed.
Response Time: We aim to acknowledge all reports within 48 hours. Our team will review the details you provide and assess the severity of the vulnerability.
Updates: Once a vulnerability is accepted for investigation, we will provide updates on our progress every 7 days. If a vulnerability is declined, we will inform you of the reasons for our decision.
Resolution Process: If your reported vulnerability is accepted, we will work to address it as quickly as possible. Once a fix is implemented, we will communicate with you before any public disclosure to ensure you are informed.
Responsible Disclosure: We appreciate your cooperation in following responsible disclosure practices. Please do not disclose the vulnerability publicly until we have released a fix and communicated it to you.
Thank you for helping us keep our project secure!