💄 changed the color theme of the project
💄 changed the color theme of the project
🐛 fixed conflicting sentry configurations
🐛 fixed conflicting sentry configurations
🚀 deployed the project
🚀 deployed the project
Force push
✨ added category, bankinfo and recent transactions
✨ added category, bankinfo and recent transactions
✨ added transaction history and payment form
✨ added transaction history and payment form
🐛 fixed state not being entered
🐛 fixed state not being entered
✨ configured dwolla in the project
✨ configured dwolla in the project
✨ configured plaid in the project
✨ configured plaid in the project
🔥 removed unwanted files by sentry
🔥 removed unwanted files by sentry
🐛 fixed sentry not being configured
🐛 fixed sentry not being configured
✨ implemented signin and signout with proper redirection
✨ implemented signin and signout with proper redirection
✨ added appwrite authentication
✨ added appwrite authentication
✨ added appwrite to the project
✨ added appwrite to the project
🔥 added custom input as a separate component
🔥 added custom input as a separate component
💄 changed text colors in mobile nav
💄 changed text colors in mobile nav