Releases: discord-php/DiscordPHP
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 6
What's Changed
- Member::flags by @key2peace in #1048
- Fixed ready deprecation warning always being emitted by @CommandString in #1059
- The actual ready event fix by @CommandString in #1060
- Reverted init to ready in V7 Docs & fixed getPermissions by @CommandString in #1063
- ip discovery by @key2peace in #1066
- Fixed Emoji __toString being malformed by @CommandString in #1069
- prevent vc reconnection if closed by user by @key2peace in #1071
- Update Channel.php by @Refaltor77 in #1064
- Revert "Update Channel.php" by @key2peace in #1072
- Add threads and forum to isTextBased() by @key2peace in #1075
- Fix CommandPermissions fetch by @xWildFire in #1055
- Added dm_permission as optional in the toArray function by @DJJayT in #1082
- Add Thread::broadcastTyping() by @SQKo in #1091
- Make deleteMessages for threads & channels uniform by @ellisonpatterson in #1087
- Allow line breaks in default logger by @SQKo in #1093
- Update cached message thread attributes with newly created thread by @SQKo in #1094
- Allow guild ids to be passed to retrieveBans option by @SQKo in #1095
- Add Guild::getAuditLog() 'after' options by @SQKo in #1096
- Add phpdoc boolean type for Option::$value by @SQKo in #1097
- Forum Tag::$emoji_id phpdoc nullable by @SQKo in #1098
- fix Guild Member flag constant values by @SQKo in #1104
- Integration::$enabled is not nullable by @SQKo in #1100
- Add missing message types by @SQKo in #1099
- Add role subscription system channel flags and message field by @SQKo in #1103
- Check for missing connect permission in Text In Voice to get message history by @SQKo in #1106
- Static method to get loop by @valzargaming in #1120
- Revert "Static method to get loop" by @key2peace in #1121
- automod badge app flag by @key2peace in #1113
- Add Channel::$managed attribute by @SQKo in #1110
- BC: MESSAGE_UPDATE first argument typehint is now object|Message by @SQKo in #1122
- Add a handle on GUILD_CREATE event and logger when presence data exists but no member data by @SQKo in #1124
- display_name update by @key2peace in #1134
- Fix role optional creatable and updatable attributes by @SQKo in #1135
- fix interaction create member caching nullify status presence by @SQKo in #1136
- Fix channel updatable attributes for permission_overwrites by @SQKo in #1137
- Fix Member::getDisplayameAttribute() by @SQKo in #1138
- Compatibility support from v7 to v10 for startThread and namespace by @SQKo in #1105
- Add Member::setBypassesVerification() by @SQKo in #1108
- Update to stage channel that now allows text, screenshare, and video by @SQKo in #1111
- TODO manage_emojis_and_stickers -> manage_guild_expressions by @key2peace in #1114
- Permissions code clean by @SQKo in #1139
- Modify Channel::$createable attributes by type by @SQKo in #1112
- Add GIF support for sticker image by @SQKo in #1102
- (BC) fix embeds cant have 2 fields with same name by @SQKo in #1146
- Force react/promise v2 by @key2peace in #1153
- improve createable and updateable part by @SQKo in #1140
- Add 'approximate_guild_count' to application data by @jocafamaka in #1155
- fix part createable updatable optional attributes but may be not null by @SQKo in #1158
- Add Part::getDiscord() by @SQKo in #1159
- Adjust getMessageHistory behavior by @SQKo in #1161
- Fix created status reference to its parent Part created status by @SQKo in #1160
- Add $member->kick() and improve $member->ban() by @key2peace in #1147
- Add User avatar_decoration by @SQKo in #1019
- Add AutoModeration Action metadata, and the custom_message field by @SQKo in #1116
- Modify User::avatar behavior with no discriminator by @SQKo in #1162
- Add Interaction::$channel partial attribute to fillable by @SQKo in #1163
- Patch Part::created reference by @SQKo in #1165
- Setting Activity State for Bot Users by @key2peace in #1169
- Add Thread Member::$member by @SQKo in #1101
- Release 10 rc6 by @SQKo in #1170
New Contributors
- @Refaltor77 made their first contribution in #1064
- @DJJayT made their first contribution in #1082
- @ellisonpatterson made their first contribution in #1087
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-RC5...v10.0.0-RC6
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 5
What's Changed
- Fix callable typehints by @hemberger in #1033
- Update Embed.php by @b3r3nd in #1036
- Pause/unpause bug fix by @CommandString in #1039
- Update Interaction.php by @xWildFire in #1038
- require at least php 8.0 and support args by @key2peace in #1011
- The actual pause/unpause bug fix by @CommandString in #1042
- support psr/simple-cache 2.0/3.0 by @key2peace in #1046
- add GUILD_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY_CREATE by @key2peace in #1043
- codacy suggestions by @key2peace in #1044
- added scheme checks in embed.php by @PeanutNL in #1037
- Fix variable name typo by @xWildFire in #1049
- Fix docstring type for Message->channel by @hemberger in #1056
- Change 'ready' to 'init' by @key2peace in #1057
New Contributors
- @b3r3nd made their first contribution in #1036
- @CommandString made their first contribution in #1039
- @PeanutNL made their first contribution in #1037
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-RC4...v10.0.0-RC5
Version 7.3.4
Full Changelog: v7.3.3...v7.3.4
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 4
What's Changed
- Add guild_scheduled_event_id to StageInstance createable attributes by @SQKo in #1020
- Update default_forum_layout stuff by @SQKo in #1022
- Add role subscriptions by @SQKo in #1018
- Replace zlib-stream implementation by @SQKo in #1023
- Add CacheConfig::$ttl by @SQKo in #1024
- Add default_thread_rate_limit_per_user in Channel creatable attributes by @SQKo in #1021
- Allow non react/cache interface to use compress option by @SQKo in #1025
- Code optimization by @SQKo in #1026
- Fix Iterator by @jocafamaka in #1027
- Fix Iterator by @jocafamaka in #1028
- Missing deprecation and Breaking change revert for nullable Collection by @SQKo in #1029
- Fix uncached message->thread error, improve repository factory by @SQKo in #1030
- Add Guild join raid and Moderation rule mention raid protection by @SQKo in #1031
- Add Application::role_connections_verification_url by @SQKo in #1017
- Add phpdoc Role::tags guild_connections by @SQKo in #1032
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-RC3...v10.0.0-RC4
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 3
What's Changed
- fix MemberRepository::freshen(), add Member caching from events, fix cache unit test by @SQKo in #1007
- Fix cacheMember, add more member caching from MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE event by @SQKo in #1008
- Fix thread id repository and cache, thread last_message_id by @SQKo in #1010
- default_forum_layout by @key2peace in #1009
- Fix variable becomes undefined in Event handler codes by @SQKo in #1013
- Fix Voice State Update caching by @SQKo in #1014
- Improve docs by @SQKo in #1015
- Fix thread metadata return, Remove private thread feature check by @SQKo in #1016
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-RC2...v10.0.0-RC3
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 2
Breaking Change
The 'cacheInterface', 'cacheSweep', and 'cacheCompress' options have been replaced with just 'cache' using the new CacheConfig
class, see #1003 (comment)
What's Changed
- Fix test normalizePartId & run cs fixer by @SQKo in #997
- fix phpdocumentor reflector by @SQKo in #998
- Improve repository cache handling by @SQKo in #999
- Missing method "getBotPermissions" in Thread by @xWildFire in #1000
- Fix Guild::$fillable repository order, add CacheWrapper::sweep(), and some code corrections by @SQKo in #1001
- Only reduce message_count if it's a thread by @key2peace in #1005
- Add CacheConfig, replacing cacheInterface, cacheSweep and cacheCompress by @SQKo in #1003
New Contributors
- @xWildFire made their first contribution in #1000
Full Changelog: v10.0.0-RC1...v10.0.0-RC2
Version 10.0.0 Release Candidate 1
Version 10 is now available for alpha testing.
Version 8 and 9 was skipped to follow the Discord HTTP & Discord API gateway version 10.
Not for production use, however it is semi stable.
Minimum requirements will be also raised to PHP 8.0 soon before full release, so now you can focus on migrating your PHP 7 codes first.
This version includes a lot breaking changes TBA, and potentially incoming breaking changes during the RC phase.
Main changes are:
- v10 API & Gateway
- Forums
- External Cache system is back (see wiki
Join our Discord server for question and feedback.
What's Changed (auto generated)
- Add MessageBuilder for Webhook::execute() by @SQKo in #860
- STORE channels are gone per 2022-04-01 by @key2peace in #787
- Remove 'get' endpoint from RoleRepository by @SQKo in #868
- Fix __serialize() and __unserialize() Also added back the original serialize() and unserialize() method by @SQKo in #869
- Fix an error when closing the client with no websocket connection by @Nerahikada in #870
- test: remove allowText assertion on voice channel by @SQKo in #871
- Update event docs by @SQKo in #875
- split events per category following dapi docs by @SQKo in #876
- Update Intents.php (fix #874) by @key2peace in #878
- Remove custom ID (not working) and re-arrange code block by @SQKo in #877
- Fix Events by @SQKo in #873
- Add ban delete message days by @SQKo in #867
- fix MessageBuilder can't send only file by @SQKo in #880
- Fix command builder by @SQKo in #882
- Support for resume_gateway_url by @key2peace in #885
- feature_community by @key2peace in #888
- remove libsodium polyfill by @SQKo in #892
- fix command options by @HolySmoke86 in #798
- fix autocomplete options by @SQKo in #894
- fix autocomplete no subcommand by @SQKo in #897
- v10 by @SQKo in #901
- Attract rabbits by @key2peace in #900
- Remove old Invite methods by @SQKo in #893
- Remove Rule::TRIGGER_TYPE_HARMFUL_LINK by @SQKo in #890
- Remove *_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE from guild features by @key2peace in #889
- Reaction::getUsers() no longer have 'before' options by @key2peace in #886
- Remove obsolete pmChannels by @key2peace in #887
- Fix typo requirement version by @SQKo in #902
- Add AuditLog::application_commands and Integration::scopes by @SQKo in #907
- Fix Role updateable attributes by @SQKo in #908
- Fix voice codes wrong typing and wrong method by @SQKo in #910
- Merge cache Interface and major changes for v10 by @SQKo in #895
- Revert "Add typehint using magic method for repository that supports … by @SQKo in #911
- Update by @SQKo in #912
- Update by @SQKo in #913
- $data->author not set during MESSAGE_UPDATE by @key2peace in #918
- Fix command builders and Promise error handling by @SQKo in #920
- Cache optimization by @SQKo in #922
- attempt to fix prevent chunking on ready server outage by @key2peace in #919
- Breaking Changes for v10 by @SQKo in #916
- Fix game activity, Update channel name type constants, fix return type and internal phpdoc, and more by @SQKo in #924
- Deprecate Embed::setType and mark which fiels are read-only, Fix discord close loop by @SQKo in #925
- Fix test code update removed method by @SQKo in #926
- update message flags by @key2peace in #927
- $channel->move($category) by @key2peace in #929
- change $channel->move to $channel->setCategory by @key2peace in #930
- BC unavailable Event::GUILD_CREATE, component message non empty, mutable guild feature, deletable message, automod audit log by @SQKo in #928
- Add position parameter in Channel::setCategory() by @SQKo in #933
- remove redundant clear items and possible race condition of deleting items before done by @SQKo in #932
- Fix Event::MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK and add logger code for failed Cache::unserializer() by @SQKo in #934
- feat: Add tests to collections by @Exanlv in #937
- Complete Forum feature by @SQKo in #940
- Add Guild::max_stage_video_channel_users and some phpdoc changes by @SQKo in #938
- Fix Forum startThread as multipart by @SQKo in #942
- Move Forum folder to Channel by @SQKo in #944
- Select Menu v2 by @SQKo in #941
- Attempt to fix executable finder by @key2peace in #945
- add new phpdoc by @SQKo in #946
- Fix Channel, Resolved, InteractionCreate by @SQKo in #947
- Fix link and determine user_id properly by @key2peace in #949
- add first forum message post in repository by @SQKo in #948
- Use new docs for v10/dev-master by @SQKo in #950
- interaction ephemeral message can be deleted now by @SQKo in #951
- Remove rule from PHPCS, exclude examples by @Exanlv in #953
- Skip creating part when already cached by event by @SQKo in #952
- Feature: more function tests by @Exanlv in #954
- Add GUILD::feature_developer_support_server by @SQKo in #958
- Guild->getBotPermission() by @key2peace in #957
- Fix message reactions not stored in repository cache by @SQKo in #956
- Rename Channel allowX methods, add Guild createSticker & createEmoji exceptions, fix ReactionRepository delete, etc by @SQKo in #959
- BC Message::startThread arguments with OptionResolver, Require GMP for 32 bits php by @SQKo in #960
- encode opus with ffmpeg by @davidcole1340 in #962
- Update Discord.php by @key2peace in #963
- replace allow(Text/Voice) with is(Text/Voice)Based by @key2peace in #964
- do not reset
in voice client by @davidcole1340 in #965 - add userflags by @key2peace in #971
- Add application flag ACTIVE by @key2peace in #972
- store buffer contents in string instead of array by @davidcole1340 in #976
- insertSilence fix by @key2peace in #979
- VC (un)pause / isPaused() by @key2peace in #978
- AutoMod regex_patterns support by @key2peace in #975
- Allow playFile to accept urls by @key2peace in #986
- Command Age-Restriction by @key2peace in #973
- Command::showHelp by @key2peace in #935
- allow null and 0 in delete_message_days ban() options, add guild feature command permission v2 by @SQKo in
Version 7.3.3
- Allow MessageBuilder with components only
- Cache users from
, backported from 3c2a065
- react/event-loop 1.2+ compatibility #970
- some phpdoc typos
was allowing emptyimage
data in$options
is alsonull
not playing the second time, backported from #965
Full Changelog: v7.3.2...v7.3.3
Version 7.3.2
- Interaction ephemeral message can be now deleted (no code changes, just remove the notes) #951
- Old documentations, Next major version will have all documentation pages moved to the phpdocumentor guides
- Voice Client executable finder when there are multiple ffmpeg binary found in windows #945
- Duplicated "a" in animated
string cast MessageReaction::delete()
not working on unicode emoji- PHP CS rule #953
Full Changelog: v7.3.1...v7.3.2
- Guild feature
flag constantsGuild::max_stage_video_channel_users
- functions
to handle canceller internally (note, the$canceller
argument will be removed in future version)
- Role update attributes
when not specified - Wrong method call in Receive Voice code
- Command Builder errors (again)
- Presence
to return game activity instead of first activity Message::delayedDelete()
promise return$interaction->member->permissions
(temporary), use$member->getPermissions()
for accurate permissions.
As well as various code improvement and typo correction.
Full Changelog: v7.3.0...v7.3.1