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02. Hangman

Hangman Game


This is an interactive Hangman game implemented in Python. Players can choose from three different languages (Portuguese, English, and French) and guess letters to uncover a hidden word.


  • Supports three languages: Portuguese (PT), English (EN), and French (FR).
  • Interactive console game with visual stages representing lives remaining.
  • Validates user input for language selection and letter guesses.

How to Play

  1. Run the script.
  2. Choose a valid language by entering PT, EN, or FR. Type exit to quit.
  3. The game will present a hidden word represented by underscores.
  4. Enter one letter at a time to guess the word.
  5. You have a limited number of lives; each incorrect guess reduces your lives.
  6. The game ends when you either guess the word or run out of lives.

