A service for handling core functionality in the IoT platform
flowchart LR
subgraph iot-transform-fiware
Transformers purpose is to transform measurements into Smart Data Models (FIWARE). Additional transformers could easily be developed using the context-broker client api and decorator functions.
An observation of air quality conditions at a certain place and time.
An observation of air and climate conditions for indoor environments.
This entity contains a harmonised description of the conditions recorded on a particular area or point inside a greenspace (flower bed, garden, etc.).
An apparatus (hardware + software + firmware) intended to accomplish a particular task (sensing the environment, actuating, etc.).
Custom Smart Data Model
An observation of weather conditions at a certain place and time. This data model has been developed in cooperation with mobile operators and the GSMA.
Water Quality data model is intended to represent water quality parameters at a certain water mass (river, lake, sea, etc.) section
The Smart Water Meter model captures water consumption, customer side leak alarms and associated flow rate originating from the smart water meters
docker build -f deployments/Dockerfile . -t diwise/iot-transform-fiware:latest
Testing is best done using unit tests. For integration testing the preferred way is to use docker-compose.yaml
found in repository diwise
"RABBITMQ_HOST": "<rabbit mq hostname>"
"RABBITMQ_PASS": "bitnami"
iot-transform-fiware on diwise.github.io