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05 - PH125.5x - Productivity Tools

Data Science: Productivity Tools - PH125.5x


Data Science: Productivity Tools is the fifth of nine courses for the Professional Certificate Program in Data Science taught by the famous Prof. of Biostatistics Rafael Irizarry from Harvard University through edX platform.

This course cover:

  • How to use Unix/Linux to manage your file system
  • How to perform version control with git
  • How to start a repository on GitHub
  • How to leverage the many useful features provided by RStudio


  1. Installing Software like RStudio, Git and GitHub
  2. Unix
  3. Reproducible Reports with Rmd
  4. Git and GitHub
  5. Advanced Unix

Certificate of Completion

You can see the Certificate of Completion and other certificates in my Certificates Repo that contains all my certificates obtained through my journey as a self-made Data Science and better developer.


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The Data Science Professional Program offered by HavardX, is a very easy and straight forward path. Data Science is one of the hardest subfield of Computer Science and requires a lot of study and hard work.