- Changed to PyQt6
- Changed to PyQT6
- Added a GUI with log output.
- Nothing, really
- Text file creation should work better now on a new year where there haven't been any donations yet.
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.3.0 which should provide even better error reporting.
- Nothing has changed for the user
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.2.0 which should provide better error reporting.
- Nothing has changed for the user
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.1.1 which should prevent a crash if the JSON comes had a decoder error.
- Nothing has changed for the user
- moved most of the API code to DonorDrivePython to abstract it away from Extra Life so it can be used by others using the DonorDrive API.
- API pegging code had messed up Top Donor code that is now fixed
- Fix bug upon loading if user has > $999.99 in donations
- cleaned up logging code in utils.extralifeio
- A fix so that the font changes for the tracker window that are saved in preferences are applied upon startup..
- cleaned up some duplicate code in call_tracker.py
- cleaned up logging code
- Move from urllib to requests
- Pegged DonorDrive API version
- Should not overwrite your text files if the API can't be reached
- changed many of the print statements to log output using Rich's logging
- None
- Because Donor API is empty if user only has Anonymous donors, changed handling of Donors slightly
- Badge Output files: See the subfolder badges within your output folder. There is an images folder with HTML so you can display the images.
- Milestone Output files: In your output folder look for text files that start with milestone
- Incentive Output files: In your output folder there will be a subfolder called invencitves. Within there is a folder per incentive you have. There you will find text files and, if you have images, HTML files.
- Badge API endpoint for both teams and participants now available
- Milestone API now available for participants
- Incentive API now available for participants
- The string "http:" is no longer prepended to Particpant and Team Avatar URLs.
To launch the command-line version of the program you now run: python -m eldonationtracker.cli
New output files: LastDonorNameAmnt.txt, lastNDonorNameAmtsHorizontal.txt,lastNDonorNameAmts.txt, TopDonationNameAmnt.txt
Created Properties for accessing the variables for the API classes. These also replace any "getter" methods that had been in place. If there are no "setter" methods, it's because that attribute should only be set by internal methods and/or from the Donor Drive API. If you believe an attribute without a "setter" should have one - file an issue.
re-organized files into sub-modules to better encapsulate which part of the program they are for. All the Donor Drive API compoments are now found in eldonationtracker.api.
Now getting all the attributes for the Participant, Team, Donor, and Donation. We aren't currently pushing all of these out to text files for the user, but can be used if you want to use this package as a Python API for your own programs.
- There are two new output files: Participant_Avatar.html and Team_Avatar.html. Feel free to use them in OBS, XSplit, or anywhere else to make your overlay more personalized.
- added Participant Avatar to the GUI
- Added Docker (or you can use Podman) Container
- Updated the version of PyQt and associated libraries.
- Fix issue #137 where Emojis in the donor name cause a crash
None. If you are coming from a pre-5.0 version, please see: https://github.com/djotaku/ELDonationTracker/releases/tag/v5.2.0