This project also includes the scripts and additional files required to build and publish the Nuclei OpenOCD binaries.
The build scripts use the xPack Build Box (XBB), a set of elaborate build environments based on GCC 7.4 (Docker containers for GNU/Linux and Windows or a custom folder for MacOS).
- the URL of the Nuclei OpenOCD fork
- the URL of the upstream RISC-V OpenOCD.
The build scripts use the first repo; to merge
changes from upstream it is necessary to add a remote named
, and merge the upstream/riscv
into the local branch.
- the updated content, used during builds and releasesnuclei-develop
- the updated content, used during development
The prerequisites are common to all binary builds. Please follow the instructions in the separate Prerequisites for building binaries page and return when ready.
The build scripts are available in the scripts
folder of the
Git repo.
Nuclei build script branch is xpack-nuclei-build
To download them, the following shortcut is available:
$ curl -L | bash
This small script issues the following two commands:
$ rm -rf ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git
$ git clone --recurse-submodules \
Note: the repository uses submodules; for a successful build it is mandatory to recurse the submodules.
The scripts create a temporary build Work/openocd-${version}
folder in
the user home. Although not recommended, if for any reasons you need to
change the location of the Work
you can redefine WORK_FOLDER_PATH
variable before invoking the script.
You can made changes for openocd directly to
folder, and when you rebuild openocd binaries for the same version, your changes will be included, since the folder will not checkout again, unless you remove it or change thescript/VERSION
file. See functiondownload_openocd
defined in scripts/
The current platform for Intel GNU/Linux and Windows production builds is a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
By default, it will build release version defined scripts/VERSION. If you want to change to
version, just change it todevelop
. The openocd version build and commit relationship is defined in scripts/
Before starting a build, check if Docker is started:
$ docker info
Before running a build for the first time, it is recommended to preload the docker images.
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ preload-images
The result should look similar to:
$ docker images
ilegeul/ubuntu i386-12.04-xbb-v3.2 fadc6405b606 2 days ago 4.55GB
ilegeul/ubuntu amd64-12.04-xbb-v3.2 3aba264620ea 2 days ago 4.98GB
hello-world latest bf756fb1ae65 5 months ago 13.3kB
Since the build takes a while, use screen
to isolate the build session
from unexpected events, like a broken
network connection or a computer entering sleep.
$ screen -S openocd
$ sudo rm -rf ~/Work/openocd-*
# Build for all platforms, if you only need one platform, check section <Subsequent runs>
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ --all
or, for development builds:
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ --develop --without-pdf --linux64 --linux32 --win64 --win32
To detach from the session, use Ctrl-a
; to reattach use
screen -r openocd
; to kill the session use Ctrl-a
and confirm.
About serval minutes later(it depends on machine), the output of the build script is a set of 4
archives and their SHA signatures, created in the deploy
$ ls -l ~/Work/openocd-*/deploy
total 13568
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 3735749 Oct 28 14:35 nuclei-openocd-0.10.0-14-linux-x32.tar.gz
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 108 Oct 28 14:35 nuclei-openocd-0.10.0-14-linux-x32.tar.gz.sha
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 3671257 Oct 28 14:28 nuclei-openocd-0.10.0-14-linux-x64.tar.gz
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 108 Oct 28 14:28 nuclei-openocd-0.10.0-14-linux-x64.tar.gz.sha
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 3232054 Oct 28 14:37
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 105 Oct 28 14:37
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 3226868 Oct 28 14:32
-rw-rw-rw- 1 hqfang nucleisys 105 Oct 28 14:32
To copy the files from the build machine to the current development
machine, either use NFS to mount the entire folder, or open the deploy
folder in a terminal and use scp
$ (cd ~/Work/openocd-*/deploy; scp * your_account@your_server:Downloads/xpack-binaries/openocd)
Instead of --all
, you can use any combination of:
--linux32 --linux64
--win32 --win64
To remove most build temporary files, use:
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ --all clean
To also remove the library build temporary files, use:
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ --all cleanlibs
To remove all temporary files, use:
$ bash ~/Downloads/openocd-xpack.git/scripts/ --all cleanall
Instead of --all
, any combination of --win32 --win64 --linux32 --linux64
will remove the more specific folders.
The XBB build scripts use a local cache such that files are downloaded only during the first run, later runs being able to use the cached files.
However, occasionally some servers may not be available, and the builds may fail.
The workaround is to manually download the files from an alternate
location (like,
place them in the XBB cache (Work/cache
) and restart the build.
The build process is split into several scripts. The build starts on
the host, with
, which runs
times, once for each target, in one of the two docker containers.
Both scripts include several other helper scripts. The entire process
is quite complex, and an attempt to explain its functionality in a few
words would not be realistic. Thus, the authoritative source of details
remains the source code.
If you want to redistribute your own version, you can change these files:
For more details, please check the other documentations and commit history.