The following setup allows you to spin up a FoundationDB cluster on docker-compose.
The goal is to be able to connect from your host machine.
Connections work on a single node. Not currently working on multiple nodes.
To start a single node:
./ up 1 single memory
./ restart 1 single memory
Stop the node:
./ down
To start the cluster:
./ up
Restart the cluster:
./ restart
Stop the cluster:
./ down
NOTE: Right now foundationdb is running in memory so nothing is saved on restart.
TODO: Add volume mounts for data to save the DB data
Use this on the host machine as fdb.cluster: fdb:[email protected]:4500
NOT WORKING from outside docker.
to see what is running (or failed):
docker ps -a
to get logs for a container:
docker logs -f <container_name>
to enter a container:
docker exec -it <container_name> bash