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Kozejin edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 34 revisions

Welcome to the Palworld Palbot wiki page! Here are guides on how to setup and configure Palbot for your Palworld servers.

Environment Variables .env

  • BOT_TOKEN: The token for your discord application.
  • BOT_PREFIX: The prefix that will be used for commands. Default: !
  • BOT_ACTIVITY: The text that displays in your bots activity on discord.
  • STEAM_API_KEY: Your Steam API key. Can be obtained from Steam's dev page.

Configuring your config.json

This bot supports multiple servers. You do not need to utilize all the features the bot has to offer. I will provide a basic and full feature configuration.

Basic Configuration

  • Server Name: Just the name in the configuration and embeds.
  • RCON_HOST: The IP that connects to your game server.
  • RCON_PORT: The port assigned to your server for RCON user.
  • RCON_PASS: The server admin password used to access the in-game admin.
        "Server Name": {
            "RCON_HOST": "",
            "RCON_PORT": 25575,
            "RCON_PASS": "rcon_password"

Advanced Configuration

Server Configuration:

  • QUERY_CHANNEL: Channel ID that will post server query information.
  • CONNECTION_CHANNEL: Channel ID that will post the server connection logs.
  • SERVER_PORT: The connection port that will display in the query embed.
  • SERVER_SLOTS: The total amount of players allowed on your server.
  • WHITELIST_ENABLED: True/False statement for enabling the whitelist.

Shutdown Configuration:

This does require a watchdog script for your server!

  • enabled: True/False statement for server shutdown schedule.
  • times: Set restart times based on the 24 hour clock.
  • timezone: Set your timezone for the 24 hour clock.

Additional Configuration:

  • STATUS_TRACKING: Toggles tracking total players online through the bots status.
  • PALGUARD_ACTIVE: Enables PalGuard commands to be ran through the discord bot.
        "Server Name": {
            "RCON_HOST": "",
            "RCON_PORT": 25575,
            "RCON_PASS": "rcon_password",
            "SERVER_PORT": 8211,
            "SERVER_SLOTS": 32,
            "QUERY_CHANNEL": 123456789,
            "CONNECTION_CHANNEL": 123456789,
            "WHITELIST_ENABLED": true
        "enabled": false,
        "times": ["06:30", "18:30"],
        "timezone": "America/New_York"
    "STATUS_TRACKING": false,
    "PALGUARD_ACTIVE": false

What is a watchdog application?

A watchdog application is a specialized software tool that monitors the status of your server application to ensure it is running correctly. If the script detects that the server has stopped, crashed, or is not responding, it will automatically restart the application to minimize downtime. This is crucial for maintaining server availability, especially for scheduled restarts, as it ensures the server is promptly brought back online without manual intervention. The use of a watchdog script is essential for automated server management processes, providing a fail-safe to keep the server operational.

Examples of Watchdog Applications:

  • TCAdmin
  • Pterodactyl
  • CubeCoders AMP
  • Systemd
  • Windows Task Scheduler
  • Docker

Configuring Kits

You can find the kits.json.template in the gamedata folder. Configuring kits in Palbot is a fairly simple process. Just edit the kits.json.template and follow the examples below.

Remember to rename it to kits.json after editing it.

Basic Commands:

  • Pal: givepal {steamid} Penguin 10
  • Egg: giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Fire_05
  • Item: give {steamid} HandGun_Default_2 1

Example Config:

    "Pal Starter Kit": {
        "commands": [
            "givepal {steamid} Kitsunebi 10",
            "givepal {steamid} Penguin 10",
            "givepal {steamid} Carbunclo 10",
            "givepal {steamid} PinkCat 10"
    "Huge Egg Kit": {
        "commands": [
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Electricity_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Fire_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Water_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Dark_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Dragon_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Ice_05",
            "giveegg {steamid} PalEgg_Leaf_05"
    "Handgun Kit": {
        "commands": [
            "give {steamid} HandGun_Default_2 1",
            "give {steamid} HandgunBullet 250"
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