- draw to screen (solid square, square, circle, square, line, text)
There are a few global variables: c is the canvas object that the visualizations are to be drawn to. w is the width of the screen. h is the height of the screen.
I. Draw a square; c.
c.lineWidth = 1;
c.lineWidth = 1;
Ia. Fill a square
II. Draw a Circle
Drawing a line To draw a line we first need to set a starting point. The top left corner is 0,0. c.moveTo(0,0); Next we set the position of where to draw the line to. w/2,h/2 is the middle of the screen. c.lineTo(0,0); The default colour is black so we need to change it so that it is visable. c.strokeStyle = "red"; Finally we need to draw it to the canvas. c.stroke();
c.moveTo(0,0); c.lineTo(w/2,y/2); c.strokeStyle = "red"; c.stroke;
VI. Text To draw text to the screen we need to define the text and it's position. c.fillText("Hello World", w/2, h/2);
To change the size and font of the text as well as center it, as in the case above the "H" of "Hello" is centered, we add c.font = "100px Arial"; // to change the size we need to include a font type - in this case "Arial" c.textAlign = "center"; c.fillText("Hello World", w/2, h/2); //
evaluate: control+enter shared evaluation: control+shift+enter retick: option+r; clear screen: option+c
Note: when the screen is cleared the drawing functions that require stroke need to have the beginPath and closePath such that when it is cleared and then redrawn on the previous strokes are removed