diff --git a/docs/website/docs/dlt-ecosystem/verified-sources/rest_api.md b/docs/website/docs/dlt-ecosystem/verified-sources/rest_api.md
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+title: REST API generic source
+description: dlt verified source for REST APIs
+keywords: [rest api, restful api]
+import Header from './_source-info-header.md';
+This is a generic dlt source you can use to extract data from any REST API. It uses [declarative configuration](#source-configuration) to define the API endpoints, their [relationships](#define-resource-relationships), how to handle [pagination](#pagination), and [authentication](#authentication).
+## Setup guide
+### Initialize the verified source
+Enter the following command in your terminal:
+dlt init rest_api duckdb
+[dlt init](../../reference/command-line-interface) will initialize the pipeline examples for REST API as the [source](../../general-usage/source) and [duckdb](../destinations/duckdb.md) as the [destination](../destinations).
+Running `dlt init` creates the following in the current folder:
+- `rest_api_pipeline.py` file with a sample pipelines definition:
+ - GitHub API example
+ - Pokemon API example
+- `.dlt` folder with:
+ - `secrets.toml` file to store your access tokens and other sensitive information
+ - `config.toml` file to store the configuration settings
+- `requirements.txt` file with the required dependencies
+Change the REST API source to your needs by modifying the `rest_api_pipeline.py` file. See the detailed [source configuration](#source-configuration) section below.
+For the rest of the guide, we will use the [GitHub API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest?apiVersion=2022-11-28) and [Pokemon API](https://pokeapi.co/) as example sources.
+This source is based on the [RESTClient class](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md).
+### Add credentials
+In the `.dlt` folder, you'll find a file called `secrets.toml`, where you can securely store your access tokens and other sensitive information. It's important to handle this file with care and keep it safe.
+The GitHub API [requires an access token](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/authentication/authenticating-to-the-rest-api?apiVersion=2022-11-28) to access some of its endpoints and to increase the rate limit for the API calls. To get a GitHub token, follow the GitHub documentation on [managing your personal access tokens](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens).
+After you get the token, add it to the `secrets.toml` file:
+github_token = "your_github_token"
+## Run the pipeline
+1. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:
+ ```sh
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ ```
+2. Run the pipeline:
+ ```sh
+ python rest_api_pipeline.py
+ ```
+3. Verify that everything loaded correctly by using the following command:
+ ```sh
+ dlt pipeline rest_api show
+ ```
+## Source configuration
+### Quick example
+Let's take a look at the GitHub example in `rest_api_pipeline.py` file:
+from rest_api import RESTAPIConfig, rest_api_resources
+def github_source(github_token=dlt.secrets.value):
+ config: RESTAPIConfig = {
+ "client": {
+ "base_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/dlt-hub/dlt/",
+ "auth": {
+ "token": github_token,
+ },
+ },
+ "resource_defaults": {
+ "primary_key": "id",
+ "write_disposition": "merge",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "params": {
+ "per_page": 100,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "name": "issues",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "path": "issues",
+ "params": {
+ "sort": "updated",
+ "direction": "desc",
+ "state": "open",
+ "since": {
+ "type": "incremental",
+ "cursor_path": "updated_at",
+ "initial_value": "2024-01-25T11:21:28Z",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "issue_comments",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "path": "issues/{issue_number}/comments",
+ "params": {
+ "issue_number": {
+ "type": "resolve",
+ "resource": "issues",
+ "field": "number",
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ "include_from_parent": ["id"],
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ yield from rest_api_resources(config)
+def load_github() -> None:
+ pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
+ pipeline_name="rest_api_github",
+ destination="duckdb",
+ dataset_name="rest_api_data",
+ )
+ load_info = pipeline.run(github_source())
+ print(load_info)
+The declarative resource configuration is defined in the `config` dictionary. It contains the following key components:
+1. `client`: Defines the base URL and authentication method for the API. In this case it uses token-based authentication. The token is stored in the `secrets.toml` file.
+2. `resource_defaults`: Contains default settings for all [resources](#resource-configuration). In this example, we define that all resources:
+ - Have `id` as the [primary key](../../general-usage/resource#define-schema)
+ - Use the `merge` [write disposition](../../general-usage/incremental-loading#choosing-a-write-disposition) to merge the data with the existing data in the destination.
+ - Send a `per_page` query parameter with each request to 100 to get more results per page.
+3. `resources`: A list of [resources](#resource-configuration) to be loaded. Here, we have two resources: `issues` and `issue_comments`, which correspond to the GitHub API endpoints for [repository issues](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/issues/issues?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-repository-issues) and [issue comments](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/issues/comments?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-issue-comments). Note that we need a in issue number to fetch comments for each issue. This number is taken from the `issues` resource. More on this in the [resource relationships](#define-resource-relationships) section.
+Let's break down the configuration in more detail.
+### Configuration structure
+Import the `RESTAPIConfig` type from the `rest_api` module to have convenient hints in your editor/IDE and use it to define the configuration object.
+from rest_api import RESTAPIConfig
+The configuration object passed to the REST API Generic Source has three main elements:
+config: RESTAPIConfig = {
+ "client": {
+ ...
+ },
+ "resource_defaults": {
+ ...
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ ...
+ ],
+#### `client`
+`client` contains the configuration to connect to the API's endpoints. It includes the following fields:
+- `base_url` (str): The base URL of the API. This string is prepended to all endpoint paths. For example, if the base URL is `https://api.example.com/v1/`, and the endpoint path is `users`, the full URL will be `https://api.example.com/v1/users`.
+- `headers` (dict, optional): Additional headers to be sent with each request.
+- `auth` (optional): Authentication configuration. It can be a simple token, a `AuthConfigBase` object, or a more complex authentication method.
+- `paginator` (optional): Configuration for the default pagination to be used for resources that support pagination. See the [pagination](#pagination) section for more details.
+#### `resource_defaults` (optional)
+`resource_defaults` contains the default values to [configure the dlt resources](#resource-configuration). This configuration is applied to all resources unless overridden by the resource-specific configuration.
+For example, you can set the primary key, write disposition, and other default settings here:
+config = {
+ "client": {
+ ...
+ },
+ "resource_defaults": {
+ "primary_key": "id",
+ "write_disposition": "merge",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "params": {
+ "per_page": 100,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ "resource1",
+ "resource2": {
+ "name": "resource2_name",
+ "write_disposition": "append",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "params": {
+ "param1": "value1",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+Above, all resources will have `primary_key` set to `id`, `resource1` will have `write_disposition` set to `merge`, and `resource2` will override the default `write_disposition` with `append`.
+Both `resource1` and `resource2` will have the `per_page` parameter set to 100.
+#### `resources`
+This is a list of resource configurations that define the API endpoints to be loaded. Each resource configuration can be:
+- a dictionary with the [resource configuration](#resource-configuration).
+- a string. In this case, the string is used as the both as the endpoint path and the resource name, and the resource configuration is taken from the `resource_defaults` configuration if it exists.
+### Resource configuration
+A resource configuration is used to define a [dlt resource](../../general-usage/resource.md) for the data to be loaded from an API endpoint. It contains the following key fields:
+- `endpoint`: The endpoint configuration for the resource. It can be a string or a dict representing the endpoint settings. See the [endpoint configuration](#endpoint-configuration) section for more details.
+- `write_disposition`: The write disposition for the resource.
+- `primary_key`: The primary key for the resource.
+- `include_from_parent`: A list of fields from the parent resource to be included in the resource output. See the [resource relationships](#include-fields-from-the-parent-resource) section for more details.
+- `selected`: A flag to indicate if the resource is selected for loading. This could be useful when you want to load data only from child resources and not from the parent resource.
+You can also pass additional resource parameters that will be used to configure the dlt resource. See [dlt resource API reference](../../api_reference/extract/decorators.md#resource) for more details.
+### Endpoint configuration
+The endpoint configuration defines how to query the API endpoint. Quick example:
+ "path": "issues",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "params": {
+ "sort": "updated",
+ "direction": "desc",
+ "state": "open",
+ "since": {
+ "type": "incremental",
+ "cursor_path": "updated_at",
+ "initial_value": "2024-01-25T11:21:28Z",
+ },
+ },
+ "data_selector": "results",
+The fields in the endpoint configuration are:
+- `path`: The path to the API endpoint.
+- `method`: The HTTP method to be used. Default is `GET`.
+- `params`: Query parameters to be sent with each request. For example, `sort` to order the results or `since` to specify [incremental loading](#incremental-loading). This is also used to define [resource relationships](#define-resource-relationships).
+- `json`: The JSON payload to be sent with the request (for POST and PUT requests).
+- `paginator`: Pagination configuration for the endpoint. See the [pagination](#pagination) section for more details.
+- `data_selector`: A JSONPath to select the data from the response. See the [data selection](#data-selection) section for more details.
+- `response_actions`: A list of actions that define how to process the response data.
+- `incremental`: Configuration for [incremental loading](#incremental-loading).
+### Pagination
+The REST API source will try to automatically handle pagination for you. This works by detecting the pagination details from the first API response.
+In some special cases, you may need to specify the pagination configuration explicitly.
+Currently pagination is supported only for GET requests. To handle POST requests with pagination, you need to implement a [custom paginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#custom-paginator).
+These are the available paginators:
+| Paginator class | String Alias (`type`) | Description |
+| -------------- | ------------ | ----------- |
+| [JSONResponsePaginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#jsonresponsepaginator) | `json_response` | The links to the next page are in the body (JSON) of the response. |
+| [HeaderLinkPaginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#headerlinkpaginator) | `header_link` | The links to the next page are in the response headers. |
+| [OffsetPaginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#offsetpaginator) | `offset` | The pagination is based on an offset parameter. With total items count either in the response body or explicitly provided. |
+| [PageNumberPaginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#pagenumberpaginator) | `page_number` | The pagination is based on a page number parameter. With total pages count either in the response body or explicitly provided. |
+| [JSONCursorPaginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#jsonresponsecursorpaginator) | `cursor` | The pagination is based on a cursor parameter. The value of the cursor is in the response body (JSON). |
+| SinglePagePaginator | `single_page` | The response will be interpreted as a single-page response, ignoring possible pagination metadata. |
+| `None` | `auto` | Explicitly specify that the source should automatically detect the pagination method. |
+To specify the pagination configuration, use the `paginator` field in the [client](#client) or [endpoint](#endpoint-configuration) configurations. You may either use a dictionary with a string alias in the `type` field along with the required parameters, or use the paginator instance directly:
+ ...
+ "paginator": {
+ "type": "json_links",
+ "next_url_path": "paging.next",
+ }
+Or using the paginator instance:
+ ...
+ "paginator": JSONResponsePaginator(
+ next_url_path="paging.next"
+ ),
+This is useful when you're [implementing and using a custom paginator](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#custom-paginator).
+### Data selection
+The `data_selector` field in the endpoint configuration allows you to specify a JSONPath to select the data from the response. By default, the source will try to detect locations of the data automatically.
+Use this field when you need to specify the location of the data in the response explicitly.
+For example, if the API response looks like this:
+ "posts": [
+ {"id": 1, "title": "Post 1"},
+ {"id": 2, "title": "Post 2"},
+ {"id": 3, "title": "Post 3"}
+ ]
+You can use the following endpoint configuration:
+ "path": "posts",
+ "data_selector": "posts",
+For a nested structure like this:
+ "results": {
+ "posts": [
+ {"id": 1, "title": "Post 1"},
+ {"id": 2, "title": "Post 2"},
+ {"id": 3, "title": "Post 3"}
+ ]
+ }
+You can use the following endpoint configuration:
+ "path": "posts",
+ "data_selector": "results.posts",
+Read more about [JSONPath syntax](https://github.com/h2non/jsonpath-ng?tab=readme-ov-file#jsonpath-syntax) to learn how to write selectors.
+### Authentication
+Many APIs require authentication to access their endpoints. The REST API source supports various authentication methods, such as token-based, query parameters, basic auth, etc.
+#### Quick example
+One of the most common method is token-based authentication. To authenticate with a token, you can use the `token` field in the `auth` configuration:
+ "client": {
+ ...
+ "auth": {
+ "token": dlt.secrets["your_api_token"],
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+Make sure to store your access tokens and other sensitive information in the `secrets.toml` file and never commit it to the version control system.
+Available authentication types:
+| Authentication class | String Alias (`type`) | Description |
+| ------------------- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| [BearTokenAuth](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#bearer-token-authentication) | `bearer` | Bearer token authentication. |
+| [HTTPBasicAuth](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#http-basic-authentication) | `api_key` | Basic HTTP authentication. |
+| [APIKeyAuth](../../general-usage/http/rest-client.md#api-key-authentication) | `http_basic` | API key authentication with key defined in the query parameters or in the headers. |
+To specify the authentication configuration, use the `auth` field in the [client](#client) configuration:
+ "client": {
+ "auth": {
+ "type": "bearer",
+ "token": dlt.secrets["your_api_token"],
+ },
+ ...
+ },
+Alternatively, you can use the authentication class directly:
+from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client.auth import BearerTokenAuth
+config = {
+ "client": {
+ "auth": BearTokenAuth(dlt.secrets["your_api_token"]),
+ },
+ ...
+### Define resource relationships
+When you have a resource that depends on another resource, you can define the relationship using the `resolve` configuration. With it you link a path parameter in the child resource to a field in the parent resource's data.
+In the GitHub example, the `issue_comments` resource depends on the `issues` resource. The `issue_number` parameter in the `issue_comments` endpoint configuration is resolved from the `number` field of the `issues` resource:
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "name": "issues",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "path": "issues",
+ ...
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "issue_comments",
+ "endpoint": {
+ "path": "issues/{issue_number}/comments",
+ "params": {
+ "issue_number": {
+ "type": "resolve",
+ "resource": "issues",
+ "field": "number",
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ "include_from_parent": ["id"],
+ },
+ ],
+This configuration tells the source to get issue numbers from the `issues` resource and use them to fetch comments for each issue. So if the `issues` resource yields the following data:
+ {"id": 1, "number": 123},
+ {"id": 2, "number": 124},
+ {"id": 3, "number": 125}
+The `issue_comments` resource will make requests to the following endpoints:
+- `issues/123/comments`
+- `issues/124/comments`
+- `issues/125/comments`
+The syntax for the `resolve` field in parameter configuration is:
+"": {
+ "type": "resolve",
+ "resource": "",
+ "field": "",
+Under the hood, dlt handles this by using a [transformer resource](../../general-usage/resource.md#process-resources-with-dlttransformer).
+#### Include fields from the parent resource
+You can include data from the parent resource in the child resource by using the `include_from_parent` field in the resource configuration. For example:
+ "name": "issue_comments",
+ "endpoint": {
+ ...
+ },
+ "include_from_parent": ["id", "title", "created_at"],
+This will include the `id`, `title`, and `created_at` fields from the `issues` resource in the `issue_comments` resource data. The name of the included fields will be prefixed with the parent resource name and an underscore (`_`) like so: `_issues_id`, `_issues_title`, `_issues_created_at`.
+## Incremental loading
+Some APIs provide a way to fetch only new or changed data (most often by using a timestamp field like `updated_at`, `created_at`, or incremental IDs).
+This is called [incremental loading](../../general-usage/incremental-loading.md) and is very useful as it allows you to reduce the load time and the amount of data transferred.
+When the API endpoint supports incremental loading, you can configure the source to load only the new or changed data using these two methods:
+1. Defining a special parameter in the `params` section of the [endpoint configuration](#endpoint-configuration):
+ ```py
+ "": {
+ "type": "incremental",
+ "cursor_path": "",
+ "initial_value": "",
+ },
+ ```
+ For example, in the `issues` resource configuration in the GitHub example, we have:
+ ```py
+ "since": {
+ "type": "incremental",
+ "cursor_path": "updated_at",
+ "initial_value": "2024-01-25T11:21:28Z",
+ },
+ ```
+ This configuration tells the source to create an incremental object that will keep track of the `updated_at` field in the response and use it as a value for the `since` parameter in subsequent requests.
+2. Specifying the `incremental` field in the [endpoint configuration](#endpoint-configuration):
+ ```py
+ "incremental": {
+ "start_param": "",
+ "end_param": "",
+ "cursor_path": "",
+ "initial_value": "",
+ "end_value": "",
+ },
+ ```
+ This configuration is more flexible and allows you to specify the start and end conditions for the incremental loading.
+See the [incremental loading](../../general-usage/incremental-loading.md#incremental-loading-with-a-cursor-field) guide for more details.
+## Advanced configuration
+`rest_api_source()` function creates the [dlt source](../../general-usage/source.md) and lets you configure the following parameters:
+- `config`: The REST API configuration dictionary.
+- `name`: An optional name for the source.
+- `section`: An optional section name in the configuration file.
+- `max_table_nesting`: Sets the maximum depth of nested table above which the remaining nodes are loaded as structs or JSON.
+- `root_key` (bool): Enables merging on all resources by propagating root foreign key to child tables. This option is most useful if you plan to change write disposition of a resource to disable/enable merge. Defaults to False.
+- `schema_contract`: Schema contract settings that will be applied to this resource.
+- `spec`: A specification of configuration and secret values required by the source.
diff --git a/docs/website/sidebars.js b/docs/website/sidebars.js
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+ 'dlt-ecosystem/verified-sources/rest_api',