This document defines, by example, a reformulation of the YAML format for installation specification used by Bunsen.
The impetus for this reformulation is two-fold:
- reduce duplication of specification; e.g., not having to separately provide the same specification for both Fedora28 & Fedora29
- allow specification such that Bunsen can at least make an effort to provision a never before seen OS distribution based on known requirements for its predecessors
The specification exists not to be formally correct, but to enable achieving the above.
The second of the above impetuses describes an operational view. The mechanics are established in the specification in conjunction with a Bunsen ansible filter plugin which processes the specification.
At the highest level the specification is given a label identifying a list
(allowing specifying order dependency) of dictionaries. Three dictionary names
are reserved: common
, architecture
and environment
. Any additional
dictionaries are named based on support for operating system releases.
The first-level dictionaries contained in either architecture
dictionaries may, in addition to distribution-specific
dictionaries, specify nested common
, architecture
and environment
dictionaries of their own. This nesting can be repeated to arbitrary depth.
The terminal specifications, common
and distribution-specific dictionaries,
are lists of the entities to be installed. The specific format of these
entities are usage-specific.
The common
dictionary lists entities that are to be installed on all
distributions of all operating systems.
- common:
- <entity>
- <entity>
- <entity>
The architecture
dictionary lists entities to be installed based on a
machine's processor architecture.
- architecture:
- aarch64:
- common:
- <entity>
- <entity>
- <entity>
- ppc64le:
- s390x:
- common:
- <entity>
- <entity>
- <entity>
- x86_64:
The environment
dictionary lists entities to be installed based on criteria
of the environment being provisioned.
- environment:
- <environment-characteristic>:
- common:
- <entity>
- <entity>
- <entity>
Distribution-specific dictionaries are a list of entities and are named based on the distributions to which they apply. The name is specified as a regex and any distribution matching the regex will have the associated entities installed.
# Common to all Fedora starting with Fedora31.
- Fedora([1-9][0-9]{2,}|3[1-9]|[4-9][0-9]):
- <entity>
- <entity>
- <entity>
As indicated in the 'High Level' section a specification consists of a list of dictionaries to allow order dependency specification. The dictionaries are processed in the order specified at every level of the specification hierarchy.
The Bunsen-provided ansible filter plugin used to process a specification takes as argument selection criteria composed of the operating system distribution, machine processor architecture and environmental specifics; e.g.,
distribution: Fedora31
architecture: aarch64
- python2
In practice the values of these selection criteria are determined at ansible run time.
Note that none of the selection criteria are required; in fact, the entirety of
the selection specification may be empty. If architecture
are empty or unspecified no entities from the same named
dictionaries in the specification will be selected. If distribution
is empty or unspecified only those entities specified in common
will be selected.
While this example describes the totality (minus nested dictionary specifications) of a potential specification note that no particular entry must be specified; nor, if specified, required to have content.
# Architecture-specific.
- architecture:
- aarch64:
- ppc64le:
- s390x:
- x86_64:
# Environment-specific.
- environment:
- python2:
# Common to all RedHat starting with RedHat8.0.
- RedHat(?![1-7]\.[0-9]+)[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+:
- python2
- python2-devel
- python2-numpy
- python2-pyyaml
- python2-setuptools
- python2-six
# Fedora
# Common to all Fedora starting with Fedora32.
- Fedora([1-9][0-9]{2,}|3[2-9]|[4-9][0-9]):
- python27
- Fedora30:
- python2-libselinux
- Fedora3[0-1]:
- python-futures
# Common to all Fedora starting with Fedora31.
- Fedora([1-9][0-9]{2,}|3[1-9]|[4-9][0-9]):
- device-mapper-devel
- Fedora2[8-9]:
- python-futures
- python2-filelock
- python2-libselinux
- python2-tzlocal
# Common to all Fedora starting with Fedora28.
- Fedora([1-9][0-9]{2,}|2[8-9]|[3-9][0-9]):
- ack
- dkms
- fedora-repos-rawhide
- grubby
- koji
- ntp
- python-devel
- python-pam
- python-psutil
- python-setuptools
- python-six
- python3-filelock
- python3-libselinux
- python3-PyYAML
- python3-tzlocal
# RedHat
- RedHat8\.0:
- python3-filelock
# Common to all RedHat starting with RedHat8.0.
- RedHat(?![1-7]\.[0-9]+)[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+:
- gcc
- python3
- python3-devel
- python3-libselinux
- python3-pyyaml
- python3-setuptools
- python3-six
- python3-pyyaml
- RedHat7\.[7-9]:
- python3
- python36-PyYAML
- RedHat7\.[5-6]:
- python34
# Common to all RedHat7 starting with RedHat7.5.
- RedHat7\.([1-9][0-9]+|[5-9]):
- libselinux-python
- ntp
- python-devel
- python-filelock
- python-futures
- python-pam
- python-psutil
- python-setuptools
- python-six
- python-tzlocal
# Common to all RedHat starting with RedHat75.
- RedHat([1-9][0-9]+\.[0-9]+|(7|8)\.([1-9][0-9]+)|7\.[5-9]|8\.[0-9]):
- dkms
# Common to all distributions.
- common:
- autofs
- bind-utils
- emacs
- git
- lsof
- libblkid-devel
- lz4-devel
- net-tools
- nfs-utils
- pbit-build
- rsync
- scam
- screen
- smartmontools
- sshfs
- tcsh
- tmux
- traceroute
- vim-enhanced
- xauth
- xinetd