* {{{ Copyright etc. *
SUSAN Version 2l by Stephen Smith Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK (Previously in Computer Vision and Image Processing Group - now Computer Vision and Electro Optics Group - DERA Chertsey, UK) Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~steve
(C) Crown Copyright (1995-1999), Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6TD, UK DERA WWW site: http://www.dera.gov.uk/ DERA Computer Vision and Electro Optics Group WWW site: http://www.dera.gov.uk/imageprocessing/dera/group_home.html DERA Computer Vision and Electro Optics Group point of contact: Dr. John Savage, [email protected], +44 1344 633203
A UK patent has been granted: “Method for digitally processing images to determine the position of edges and/or corners therein for guidance of unmanned vehicle”, UK Patent 2272285. Proprietor: Secretary of State for Defence, UK. 15 January 1997
This code is issued for research purposes only and remains the property of the UK Secretary of State for Defence. This code must not be passed on without this header information being kept intact. This code must not be sold.
* }}} * * {{{ Readme First *
SUSAN Version 2l SUSAN = Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus
Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~steve
Related paper: @article{Smith97, author = “Smith, S.M. and Brady, J.M.”, title = “{SUSAN} - A New Approach to Low Level Image Processing”, journal = “Int. Journal of Computer Vision”, pages = “45–78”, volume = “23”, number = “1”, month = “May”, year = 1997}
To be registered for automatic (bug) updates of SUSAN, send an email.
Compile with: gcc -O4 -o susan susan2l.c -lm
See following section for different machine information. Please report any bugs (and fixes). There are a few optional changes that can be made in the “defines” section which follows shortly.
Usage: type “susan” to get usage. Only PGM format files can be input and output. Utilities such as the netpbm package and XV can be used to convert to and from other formats. Any size of image can be processed.
This code is written using an emacs folding mode, making moving around the different sections very easy. This is why there are various marks within comments and why comments are indented.
This version of the SUSAN corner finder does not do all the false-corner suppression and thus is faster and produced some false positives, particularly on strong edges. However, because there are less stages involving thresholds etc., the corners that are correctly reported are usually more stable than those reported with the full algorithm. Thus I recommend at least TRYING this algorithm for applications where stability is important, e.g., tracking.
There are two thresholds which can be set at run-time. These are the brightness threshold (t) and the distance threshold (d).
In SUSAN smoothing d controls the size of the Gaussian mask; its default is 4.0. Increasing d gives more smoothing. In edge finding, a fixed flat mask is used, either 37 pixels arranged in a “circle” (default), or a 3 by 3 mask which gives finer detail. In corner finding, only the larger 37 pixel mask is used; d is not variable. In smoothing, the flat 3 by 3 mask can be used instead of a larger Gaussian mask; this gives low smoothing and fast operation.
In all three algorithms, t can be varied (default=20); this is the main threshold to be varied. It determines the maximum difference in greylevels between two pixels which allows them to be considered part of the same “region” in the image. Thus it can be reduced to give more edges or corners, i.e. to be more sensitive, and vice versa. In smoothing, reducing t gives less smoothing, and vice versa. Set t=10 for the test image available from the SUSAN web page.
With SUSAN smoothing, more smoothing can also be obtained by iterating the algorithm several times. This has a different effect from varying d or t.
37 pixel mask: ooo 3 by 3 mask: ooo ooooo ooo ooooooo ooo ooooooo ooooooo ooooo ooo
CORNER ATTRIBUTES dx, dy and I (Only read this if you are interested in the C implementation or in using corner attributes, e.g., for corner matching)
Corners reported in the corner list have attributes associated with them as well as positions. This is useful, for example, when attempting to match corners from one image to another, as these attributes can often be fairly unchanged between images. The attributes are dx, dy and I. I is the value of image brightness at the position of the corner. In the case of susan_corners_quick, dx and dy are the first order derivatives (differentials) of the image brightness in the x and y directions respectively, at the position of the corner. In the case of normal susan corner finding, dx and dy are scaled versions of the position of the centre of gravity of the USAN with respect to the centre pixel (nucleus).
BRIGHTNESS FUNCTION LUT IMPLEMENTATION: (Only read this if you are interested in the C implementation)
The SUSAN brightness function is implemented as a LUT (Look-Up-Table) for speed. The resulting pointer-based code is a little hard to follow, so here is a brief explanation. In setup_brightness_lut() the LUT is setup. This mallocs enough space for *bp and then repositions the pointer to the centre of the malloced space. The SUSAN function e^-(x^6) or e^-(x^2) is calculated and converted to a uchar in the range 0-100, for all possible image brightness differences (including negative ones). Thus bp[23] is the output for a brightness difference of 23 greylevels. In the SUSAN algorithms this LUT is used as follows:
p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; p points to the first image pixel in the circular mask surrounding point (x,y).
cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j]; cp points to a position in the LUT corresponding to the brightness of the centre pixel (x,y).
now for every pixel within the mask surrounding (x,y), n+=*(cp-*p++); the brightness difference function is found by moving the cp pointer down by an amount equal to the value of the pixel pointed to by p, thus subtracting the two brightness values and performing the exponential function. This value is added to n, the running USAN area.
in SUSAN smoothing, the variable height mask is implemented by multiplying the above by the moving mask pointer, reset for each new centre pixel. tmp = *dpt++ * *(cp-brightness);
* }}} * * {{{ Machine Information *
Success has been reported with the following:
Sun 4.1.4 bundled C, gcc
DEC Unix V3.2+
PC Borland 5.0
PC Linux gcc-2.6.3
PC Win32 Visual C++ 4.0 (Console Application)
PC Win95 Visual C++ 5.0 (Console Application) Thanks to Niu Yongsheng <[email protected]>: Use the FOPENB option below
PC DOS djgpp gnu C Thanks to Mark Pettovello <[email protected]>: Use the FOPENB option below
HP HP-UX bundled cc Thanks to Brian Dixon <[email protected]>: in ksh: export CCOPTS=”-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE | -lM” cc -O3 -o susan susan2l.c
* }}} * * {{{ History *
SUSAN Version 2l, 12/2/99 Changed GNUDOS option to FOPENB. (Thanks to Niu Yongsheng <[email protected]>.) Took out redundant “sq=sq/2;”.
SUSAN Version 2k, 19/8/98: In corner finding: Changed if(yy<sq) {…} else if(xx<sq) {…} to if(yy<xx) {…} else {…} (Thanks to [email protected] - Alain Domercq.)
SUSAN Version 2j, 22/10/97: Fixed (mask_size>x_size) etc. tests in smoothing. Added a couple of free() calls for cgx and cgy. (Thanks to [email protected] - Geoff Browitt.)
SUSAN Version 2i, 21/7/97: Added information about corner attributes.
SUSAN Version 2h, 16/12/96: Added principle (initial enhancement) option.
SUSAN Version 2g, 2/7/96: Minor superficial changes to code.
SUSAN Version 2f, 16/1/96: Added GNUDOS option (now called FOPENB; see options below).
SUSAN Version 2e, 9/1/96: Added -b option. Fixed 1 pixel horizontal offset error for drawing edges.
SUSAN Version 2d, 27/11/95: Fixed loading of certain PGM files in get_image (again!)
SUSAN Version 2c, 22/11/95: Fixed loading of certain PGM files in get_image. (Thanks to [email protected] - Gongyuan Qu.)
SUSAN Version 2b, 9/11/95: removed “z==” error in edges routines.
SUSAN Version 2a, 6/11/95: Removed a few unnecessary variable declarations. Added different machine information. Changed “header” in get_image to char.
SUSAN Version 2, 1/11/95: first combined version able to take any image sizes.
SUSAN “Versions 1”, circa 1992: the various SUSAN algorithms were developed during my doctorate within different programs and for fixed image sizes. The algorithms themselves are virtually unaltered between “versions 1” and the combined program, version 2.
* }}} * * {{{ defines, includes and typedefs *
* ********** Optional settings *
#ifndef PPC typedef int TOTAL_TYPE; * this is faster for “int” but should be “float” for large d masks * #else typedef float TOTAL_TYPE; * for my PowerPC accelerator only * #endif
*#define FOPENB* * uncomment if using djgpp gnu C for DOS or certain Win95 compilers * #define SEVEN_SUPP * size for non-max corner suppression; SEVEN_SUPP or FIVE_SUPP * #define MAX_CORNERS 15000 * max corners per frame *
* ********** Leave the rest - but you may need to remove one or both of sys/file.h and malloc.h lines *
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/file.h> * may want to remove this line * #include <malloc.h> * may want to remove this line * #define exit_error(IFB,IFC) { fprintf(stderr,IFB,IFC); exit(0); } #define FTOI(a) ( (a) < 0 ? ((int)(a-0.5)) : ((int)(a+0.5)) ) typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef struct {int x,y,info, dx, dy, I;} CORNER_LIST[MAX_CORNERS];
* }}} * * {{{ usage() *
usage() { printf(“Usage: susan <in.pgm> <out.pgm> [options]\n\n”);
printf(“-s : Smoothing mode (default)\n”); printf(“-e : Edges mode\n”); printf(“-c : Corners mode\n\n”);
printf(“See source code for more information about setting the thresholds\n”); printf(“-t <thresh> : Brightness threshold, all modes (default=20)\n”); printf(“-d <thresh> : Distance threshold, smoothing mode, (default=4) (use next option instead for flat 3x3 mask)\n”); printf(“-3 : Use flat 3x3 mask, edges or smoothing mode\n”); printf(“-n : No post-processing on the binary edge map (runs much faster); edges mode\n”); printf(“-q : Use faster (and usually stabler) corner mode; edge-like corner suppression not carried out; corners mode\n”); printf(“-b : Mark corners/edges with single black points instead of black with white border; corners or edges mode\n”); printf(“-p : Output initial enhancement image only; corners or edges mode (default is edges mode)\n”);
printf(“\nSUSAN Version 2l (C) 1995-1997 Stephen Smith, DRA UK. [email protected]\n”);
exit(0); }
* }}} * * {{{ get_image(filename,in,x_size,y_size) *
* {{{ int getint(fp) derived from XV *
int getint(fd) FILE *fd; { int c, i; char dummy[10000];
c = getc(fd); while (1) * find next integer * { if (c==’#’) * if we’re at a comment, read to end of line * fgets(dummy,9000,fd); if (c==EOF) exit_error(“Image %s not binary PGM.\n”,”is”); if (c>=’0’ && c<=’9’) break; * found what we were looking for * c = getc(fd); }
* we’re at the start of a number, continue until we hit a non-number * i = 0; while (1) { i = (i*10) + (c - ‘0’); c = getc(fd); if (c==EOF) return (i); if (c<’0’ || c>’9’) break; }
return (i); }
* }}} *
void get_image(filename,in,x_size,y_size) char filename[200]; unsigned char **in; int *x_size, *y_size; { FILE *fd; char header [100]; int tmp;
#ifdef FOPENB if ((fd=fopen(filename,”rb”)) == NULL) #else if ((fd=fopen(filename,”r”)) == NULL) #endif exit_error(“Can’t input image %s.\n”,filename);
* {{{ read header *
header[0]=fgetc(fd); header[1]=fgetc(fd); if(!(header[0]==’P’ && header[1]==’5’)) exit_error(“Image %s does not have binary PGM header.\n”,filename);
*x_size = getint(fd); *y_size = getint(fd); tmp = getint(fd);
* }}} *
*in = (uchar *) malloc(*x_size * *y_size);
if (fread(*in,1,*x_size * *y_size,fd) == 0) exit_error(“Image %s is wrong size.\n”,filename);
fclose(fd); }
* }}} * * {{{ put_image(filename,in,x_size,y_size) *
put_image(filename,in,x_size,y_size) char filename [100], *in; int x_size, y_size; { FILE *fd;
#ifdef FOPENB if ((fd=fopen(filename,”wb”)) == NULL) #else if ((fd=fopen(filename,”w”)) == NULL) #endif exit_error(“Can’t output image%s.\n”,filename);
fprintf(fd,”P5\n”); fprintf(fd,”%d %d\n”,x_size,y_size); fprintf(fd,”255\n”);
if (fwrite(in,x_size*y_size,1,fd) != 1) exit_error(“Can’t write image %s.\n”,filename);
fclose(fd); }
* }}} * * {{{ int_to_uchar(r,in,size) *
int_to_uchar(r,in,size) uchar *in; int *r, size; { int i, max_r=r[0], min_r=r[0];
for (i=0; i<size; i++) { if ( r[i] > max_r ) max_r=r[i]; if ( r[i] < min_r ) min_r=r[i]; }
*printf(“min=%d max=%d\n”,min_r,max_r);*
for (i=0; i<size; i++) in[i] = (uchar)((int)((int)(r[i]-min_r)*255)/max_r); }
* }}} * * {{{ setup_brightness_lut(bp,thresh,form) *
void setup_brightness_lut(bp,thresh,form) uchar **bp; int thresh, form; { int k; float temp;
*bp=(unsigned char *)malloc(516); *bp=*bp+258;
for(k=-256;k<257;k++) { temp=((float)k)/((float)thresh); temp=temp*temp; if (form==6) temp=temp*temp*temp; temp=100.0*exp(-temp); *(*bp+k)= (uchar)temp; } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan principle *
* {{{ susan_principle(in,r,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) *
susan_principle(in,r,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; { int i, j, n; uchar *p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
for (i=3;i<y_size-3;i++) for (j=3;j<x_size-3;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<=max_no) r[i*x_size+j] = max_no - n; } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan_principle_small(in,r,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) *
susan_principle_small(in,r,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; { int i, j, n; uchar *p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
max_no = 730; * ho hum ;) *
for (i=1;i<y_size-1;i++) for (j=1;j<x_size-1;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-1)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-2;
n+=*(cp-*p); p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-2;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<=max_no) r[i*x_size+j] = max_no - n; } }
* }}} *
* }}} * * {{{ smoothing *
* {{{ median(in,i,j,x_size) *
uchar median(in,i,j,x_size) uchar *in; int i, j, x_size; { int p[8],k,l,tmp;
p[0]=in[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]; p[1]=in[(i-1)*x_size+j ]; p[2]=in[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]; p[3]=in[(i )*x_size+j-1]; p[4]=in[(i )*x_size+j+1]; p[5]=in[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]; p[6]=in[(i+1)*x_size+j ]; p[7]=in[(i+1)*x_size+j+1];
for(k=0; k<7; k++) for(l=0; l<(7-k); l++) if (p[l]>p[l+1]) { tmp=p[l]; p[l]=p[l+1]; p[l+1]=tmp; }
return( (p[3]+p[4]) / 2 ); }
* }}} * * {{{ enlarge(in,tmp_image,x_size,y_size,border) *
* this enlarges “in” so that borders can be dealt with easily *
enlarge(in,tmp_image,x_size,y_size,border) uchar **in; uchar *tmp_image; int *x_size, *y_size, border; { int i, j;
for(i=0; i<*y_size; i++) * copy *in into tmp_image * memcpy(tmp_image+(i+border)*(x_size+2*border)+border, *in+i *x_size, *x_size);
for(i=0; i<border; i++) * copy top and bottom rows; invert as many as necessary * { memcpy(tmp_image+(border-1-i)*(x_size+2*border)+border,*in+i x_size,*x_size); memcpy(tmp_image+(*y_size+border+i)*(*x_size+2*border)+border,*in+(*y_size-i-1) *x_size,*x_size); }
for(i=0; i<border; i++) * copy left and right columns * for(j=0; j<*y_size+2*border; j++) { tmp_image[j*(*x_size+2*border)+border-1-i]=tmp_image[j*(*x_size+2*border)+border+i]; tmp_image[j*(*x_size+2*border)+ *x_size+border+i]=tmp_image[j*(*x_size+2*border)+ *x_size+border-1-i]; }
x_size+=2*border; / alter image size */ y_size+=2*border; *in=tmp_image; / repoint in */ }
* }}} * * {{{ void susan_smoothing(three_by_three,in,dt,x_size,y_size,bp) *
void susan_smoothing(three_by_three,in,dt,x_size,y_size,bp) int three_by_three, x_size, y_size; uchar *in, *bp; float dt; { * {{{ vars *
float temp; int n_max, increment, mask_size, i,j,x,y,area,brightness,tmp,centre; uchar *ip, *dp, *dpt, *cp, *out=in, *tmp_image; TOTAL_TYPE total;
* }}} *
* {{{ setup larger image and border sizes *
if (three_by_three==0) mask_size = ((int)(1.5 * dt)) + 1; else mask_size = 1;
total=0.1; * test for total’s type * if ( (dt>15) && (total==0) ) { printf(“Distance_thresh (%f) too big for integer arithmetic.\n”,dt); printf(“Either reduce it to <=15 or recompile with variable "total"\n”); printf(“as a float: see top "defines" section.\n”); exit(0); }
if ( (2*mask_size+1>x_size) || (2*mask_size+1>y_size) ) { printf(“Mask size (1.5*distance_thresh+1=%d) too big for image (%dx%d).\n”,mask_size,x_size,y_size); exit(0); }
tmp_image = (uchar *) malloc( (x_size+mask_size*2) * (y_size+mask_size*2) ); enlarge(&in,tmp_image,&x_size,&y_size,mask_size);
* }}} *
if (three_by_three==0) { * large Gaussian masks * * {{{ setup distance lut *
n_max = (mask_size*2) + 1;
increment = x_size - n_max;
dp = (unsigned char *)malloc(n_max*n_max); dpt = dp; temp = -(dt*dt);
for(i=-mask_size; i<=mask_size; i++) for(j=-mask_size; j<=mask_size; j++) { x = (int) (100.0 * exp( ((float)((i*i)+(j*j))) / temp )); *dpt++ = (unsigned char)x; }
* }}} * * {{{ main section *
for (i=mask_size;i<y_size-mask_size;i++) { for (j=mask_size;j<x_size-mask_size;j++) { area = 0; total = 0; dpt = dp; ip = in + ((i-mask_size)*x_size) + j - mask_size; centre = in[i*x_size+j]; cp = bp + centre; for(y=-mask_size; y<=mask_size; y++) { for(x=-mask_size; x<=mask_size; x++) { brightness = *ip++; tmp = *dpt++ * *(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness; } ip += increment; } tmp = area-10000; if (tmp==0) *out++=median(in,i,j,x_size); else *out++=((total-(centre*10000))/tmp); } }
* }}} * } else { * 3x3 constant mask * * {{{ main section *
for (i=1;i<y_size-1;i++) { for (j=1;j<x_size-1;j++) { area = 0; total = 0; ip = in + ((i-1)*x_size) + j - 1; centre = in[i*x_size+j]; cp = bp + centre;
brightness=*ip++; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area = tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip+; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
ip = x_size-2;
brightness=*ip+; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area = tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip+; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
ip = x_size-2;
brightness=*ip+; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area = tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip+; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
brightness=*ip; tmp=*(cp-brightness); area += tmp; total += tmp * brightness;
tmp = area-100; if (tmp==0) *out++=median(in,i,j,x_size); else *out++=(total-(centre*100))/tmp; } }
* }}} * } }
* }}} *
* }}} * * {{{ edges *
* {{{ edge_draw(in,corner_list,drawing_mode) *
edge_draw(in,mid,x_size,y_size,drawing_mode) uchar *in, *mid; int x_size, y_size, drawing_mode; { int i; uchar *inp, *midp;
if (drawing_mode==0) { * mark 3x3 white block around each edge point * midp=mid; for (i=0; i<x_size*y_size; i++) { if (*midp<8) { inp = in + (midp - mid) - x_size - 1; *inp++=255; *inp++=255; *inp=255; inp+=x_size-2; *inp++=255; *inp++; *inp=255; inp+=x_size-2; *inp++=255; *inp++=255; *inp=255; } midp++; } }
* now mark 1 black pixel at each edge point * midp=mid; for (i=0; i<x_size*y_size; i++) { if (*midp<8) *(in + (midp - mid)) = 0; midp++; } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan_thin(r,mid,x_size,y_size) *
* only one pass is needed as i,j are decremented if necessary to go back and do bits again *
susan_thin(r,mid,x_size,y_size) uchar *mid; int *r, x_size, y_size; { int l[9], centre, nlinks, npieces, b01, b12, b21, b10, p1, p2, p3, p4, b00, b02, b20, b22, m, n, a, b, x, y, i, j; uchar *mp;
for (i=4;i<y_size-4;i++) for (j=4;j<x_size-4;j++) if (mid[i*x_size+j]<8) { centre = r[i*x_size+j]; * {{{ count number of neighbours *
mp=mid + (i-1)*x_size + j-1;
n = (*mp<8) + (*(mp+1)<8) + (*(mp+2)<8) + (*(mp+x_size)<8) + (*(mp+x_size+2)<8) + (*(mp+x_size+x_size)<8) + (*(mp+x_size+x_size+1)<8) + (*(mp+x_size+x_size+2)<8);
* }}} * * {{{ n==0 no neighbours - remove point *
if (n==0) mid[i*x_size+j]=100;
* }}} * * {{{ n==1 - extend line if I can *
* extension is only allowed a few times - the value of mid is used to control this *
if ( (n==1) && (mid[i*x_size+j]<6) ) { /* find maximum neighbour weighted in direction opposite the neighbour already present. e.g. have: O O O weight r by 0 2 3 X X O 0 0 4 O O O 0 2 3 */
l[0]=r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]; l[1]=r[(i-1)*x_size+j]; l[2]=r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]; l[3]=r[(i )*x_size+j-1]; l[4]=0; l[5]=r[(i )*x_size+j+1]; l[6]=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]; l[7]=r[(i+1)*x_size+j]; l[8]=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1];
if (mid[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]<8) { l[0]=0; l[1]=0; l[3]=0; l[2]*=2; l[6]*=2; l[5]*=3; l[7]*=3; l[8]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i-1)*x_size+j]<8) { l[1]=0; l[0]=0; l[2]=0; l[3]*=2; l[5]*=2; l[6]*=3; l[8]*=3; l[7]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]<8) { l[2]=0; l[1]=0; l[5]=0; l[0]*=2; l[8]*=2; l[3]*=3; l[7]*=3; l[6]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i)*x_size+j-1]<8) { l[3]=0; l[0]=0; l[6]=0; l[1]*=2; l[7]*=2; l[2]*=3; l[8]*=3; l[5]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i)*x_size+j+1]<8) { l[5]=0; l[2]=0; l[8]=0; l[1]*=2; l[7]*=2; l[0]*=3; l[6]*=3; l[3]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]<8) { l[6]=0; l[3]=0; l[7]=0; l[0]*=2; l[8]*=2; l[1]*=3; l[5]*=3; l[2]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i+1)*x_size+j]<8) { l[7]=0; l[6]=0; l[8]=0; l[3]*=2; l[5]*=2; l[0]*=3; l[2]*=3; l[1]*=4; } else { if (mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]<8) { l[8]=0; l[5]=0; l[7]=0; l[6]*=2; l[2]*=2; l[1]*=3; l[3]*=3; l[0]*=4; } }}}}}}}
m=0; * find the highest point * for(y=0; y<3; y++) for(x=0; x<3; x++) if (l[y+y+y+x]>m) { m=l[y+y+y+x]; a=y; b=x; }
if (m>0) { if (mid[i*x_size+j]<4) mid[(i+a-1)*x_size+j+b-1] = 4; else mid[(i+a-1)*x_size+j+b-1] = mid[i*x_size+j]+1; if ( (a+a+b) < 3 ) * need to jump back in image * { i+=a-1; j+=b-2; if (i<4) i=4; if (j<4) j=4; } } }
* }}} * * {{{ n==2 *
if (n==2) { * put in a bit here to straighten edges * b00 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]<8; * corners of 3x3 * b02 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]<8; b20 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]<8; b22 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]<8; if ( ((b00+b02+b20+b22)==2) && ((b00|b22)&(b02|b20))) { /* case: move a point back into line. e.g. X O X CAN become X X X O X O O O O O O O O O O */ if (b00) { if (b02) { x=0; y=-1; } else { x=-1; y=0; } } else { if (b02) { x=1; y=0; } else { x=0; y=1; } } if (((float)r[(i+y)*x_size+j+x]/(float)centre) > 0.7) { if ( ( (x==0) && (mid[(i+(2*y))*x_size+j]>7) && (mid[(i+(2*y))*x_size+j-1]>7) && (mid[(i+(2*y))*x_size+j+1]>7) ) || ( (y==0) && (mid[(i)*x_size+j+(2*x)]>7) && (mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+(2*x)]>7) && (mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+(2*x)]>7) ) ) { mid[(i)*x_size+j]=100; mid[(i+y)*x_size+j+x]=3; * no jumping needed * } } } else { b01 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j ]<8; b12 = mid[(i )*x_size+j+1]<8; b21 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j ]<8; b10 = mid[(i )*x_size+j-1]<8; * {{{ right angle ends - not currently used *
#ifdef IGNORETHIS if ( (b00&b01)|(b00&b10)|(b02&b01)|(b02&b12)|(b20&b10)|(b20&b21)|(b22&b21)|(b22&b12) ) { /* case; right angle ends. clean up. e.g.; X X O CAN become X X O O X O O O O O O O O O O */ if ( ((b01)&(mid[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]>7)&(mid[(i-2)*x_size+j]>7)&(mid[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]>7)& ((b00&((2*r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1])>centre))|(b02&((2*r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1])>centre)))) | ((b10)&(mid[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]>7)&(mid[(i)*x_size+j-2]>7)&(mid[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]>7)& ((b00&((2*r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1])>centre))|(b20&((2*r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1])>centre)))) | ((b12)&(mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]>7)&(mid[(i)*x_size+j+2]>7)&(mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]>7)& ((b02&((2*r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1])>centre))|(b22&((2*r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1])>centre)))) | ((b21)&(mid[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]>7)&(mid[(i+2)*x_size+j]>7)&(mid[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]>7)& ((b20&((2*r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1])>centre))|(b22&((2*r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1])>centre)))) ) { mid[(i)*x_size+j]=100; if (b10&b20) j-=2; if (b00|b01|b02) { i–; j-=2; } } } #endif
* }}} * if ( ((b01+b12+b21+b10)==2) && ((b10|b12)&(b01|b21)) && ((b01&((mid[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]<8)|(mid[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]<8)))|(b10&((mid[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]<8)|(mid[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]<8)))| (b12&((mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]<8)|(mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]<8)))|(b21&((mid[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]<8)|(mid[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]<8)))) ) { /* case; clears odd right angles. e.g.; O O O becomes O O O X X O X O O O X O O X O */ mid[(i)*x_size+j]=100; i–; * jump back * j-=2; if (i<4) i=4; if (j<4) j=4; } } }
* }}} * * {{{ n>2 the thinning is done here without breaking connectivity *
if (n>2) { b01 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j ]<8; b12 = mid[(i )*x_size+j+1]<8; b21 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j ]<8; b10 = mid[(i )*x_size+j-1]<8; if((b01+b12+b21+b10)>1) { b00 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]<8; b02 = mid[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]<8; b20 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]<8; b22 = mid[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]<8; p1 = b00 | b01; p2 = b02 | b12; p3 = b22 | b21; p4 = b20 | b10;
if( ((p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) - ((b01 & p2)+(b12 & p3)+(b21 & p4)+(b10 & p1))) < 2) { mid[(i)*x_size+j]=100; i–; j-=2; if (i<4) i=4; if (j<4) j=4; } } }
* }}} * } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan_edges(in,r,sf,max_no,out) *
susan_edges(in,r,mid,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp, *mid; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; { float z; int do_symmetry, i, j, m, n, a, b, x, y, w; uchar c,*p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
for (i=3;i<y_size-3;i++) for (j=3;j<x_size-3;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<=max_no) r[i*x_size+j] = max_no - n; }
for (i=4;i<y_size-4;i++) for (j=4;j<x_size-4;j++) { if (r[i*x_size+j]>0) { m=r[i*x_size+j]; n=max_no - m; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
if (n>600) { p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; x=0;y=0;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y-=3*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=2*c;y-=2*c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c;y-=c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x-=c; p+=2; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c;y+=c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=2*c;y+=2*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=3*c;
z = sqrt((float)((x*x) + (y*y))); if (z > (0.9*(float)n)) * 0.5 * { do_symmetry=0; if (x==0) z=1000000.0; else z=((float)y) / ((float)x); if (z < 0) { z=-z; w=-1; } else w=1; if (z < 0.5) { * vert_edge * a=0; b=1; } else { if (z > 2.0) { * hor_edge * a=1; b=0; } else { * diag_edge * if (w>0) { a=1; b=1; } else { a=-1; b=1; }}} if ( (m > r[(i+a)*x_size+j+b]) && (m >= r[(i-a)*x_size+j-b]) && (m > r[(i+(2*a))*x_size+j+(2*b)]) && (m >= r[(i-(2*a))*x_size+j-(2*b)]) ) mid[i*x_size+j] = 1; } else do_symmetry=1; } else do_symmetry=1;
if (do_symmetry==1) { p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; x=0; y=0; w=0;
/* | \ y -x- w
\ */ |
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=9*c;w+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=9*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=9*c;w-=3*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=4*c;w+=4*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=4*c;w+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=4*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=4*c;w-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=4*c;y+=4*c;w-=4*c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=9*c;y+=c;w+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=c;w+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=c;w-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=9*c;y+=c;w-=3*c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=9*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c; p+=2; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=9*c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=9*c;y+=c;w-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=c;w-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=c;w+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=9*c;y+=c;w+=3*c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=4*c;y+=4*c;w-=4*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=4*c;w-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=4*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=4*c;w+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=4*c;y+=4*c;w+=4*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=9*c;w-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=9*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=9*c;w+=3*c;
if (y==0) z = 1000000.0; else z = ((float)x) / ((float)y); if (z < 0.5) { * vertical * a=0; b=1; } else { if (z > 2.0) { * horizontal * a=1; b=0; } else { * diagonal * if (w>0) { a=-1; b=1; } else { a=1; b=1; }}} if ( (m > r[(i+a)*x_size+j+b]) && (m >= r[(i-a)*x_size+j-b]) && (m > r[(i+(2*a))*x_size+j+(2*b)]) && (m >= r[(i-(2*a))*x_size+j-(2*b)]) ) mid[i*x_size+j] = 2; } } } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan_edges_small(in,r,sf,max_no,out) *
susan_edges_small(in,r,mid,bp,max_no,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp, *mid; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; { float z; int do_symmetry, i, j, m, n, a, b, x, y, w; uchar c,*p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
max_no = 730; * ho hum ;) *
for (i=1;i<y_size-1;i++) for (j=1;j<x_size-1;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-1)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-2;
n+=*(cp-*p); p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-2;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<=max_no) r[i*x_size+j] = max_no - n; }
for (i=2;i<y_size-2;i++) for (j=2;j<x_size-2;j++) { if (r[i*x_size+j]>0) { m=r[i*x_size+j]; n=max_no - m; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
if (n>250) { p=in + (i-1)*x_size + j - 1; x=0;y=0;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y-=c; p+=x_size-2;
c=*(cp-*p);x-=c; p+=2; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c; p+=x_size-2;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=c;
z = sqrt((float)((x*x) + (y*y))); if (z > (0.4*(float)n)) * 0.6 * { do_symmetry=0; if (x==0) z=1000000.0; else z=((float)y) / ((float)x); if (z < 0) { z=-z; w=-1; } else w=1; if (z < 0.5) { * vert_edge * a=0; b=1; } else { if (z > 2.0) { * hor_edge * a=1; b=0; } else { * diag_edge * if (w>0) { a=1; b=1; } else { a=-1; b=1; }}} if ( (m > r[(i+a)*x_size+j+b]) && (m >= r[(i-a)*x_size+j-b]) ) mid[i*x_size+j] = 1; } else do_symmetry=1; } else do_symmetry=1;
if (do_symmetry==1) { p=in + (i-1)*x_size + j - 1; x=0; y=0; w=0;
/* | \ y -x- w
\ */ |
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=c;w-=c; p+=x_size-2;
c=*(cp-*p);x+=c; p+=2; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c; p+=x_size-2;
c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c;w-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=c;w+=c;
if (y==0) z = 1000000.0; else z = ((float)x) / ((float)y); if (z < 0.5) { * vertical * a=0; b=1; } else { if (z > 2.0) { * horizontal * a=1; b=0; } else { * diagonal * if (w>0) { a=-1; b=1; } else { a=1; b=1; }}} if ( (m > r[(i+a)*x_size+j+b]) && (m >= r[(i-a)*x_size+j-b]) ) mid[i*x_size+j] = 2; } } } }
* }}} *
* }}} * * {{{ corners *
* {{{ corner_draw(in,corner_list,drawing_mode) *
corner_draw(in,corner_list,x_size,drawing_mode) uchar *in; CORNER_LIST corner_list; int x_size, drawing_mode; { uchar *p; int n=0;
while(corner_list[n].info != 7) { if (drawing_mode==0) { p = in + (corner_list[n].y-1)*x_size + corner_list[n].x - 1; *p++=255; *p++=255; *p=255; p+=x_size-2; *p++=255; *p++=0; *p=255; p+=x_size-2; *p++=255; *p++=255; *p=255; n++; } else { p = in + corner_list[n].y*x_size + corner_list[n].x; *p=0; n++; } } }
* }}} * * {{{ susan(in,r,sf,max_no,corner_list) *
susan_corners(in,r,bp,max_no,corner_list,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; CORNER_LIST corner_list; { int n,x,y,sq,xx,yy, i,j,*cgx,*cgy; float divide; uchar c,*p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
cgx=(int *)malloc(x_size*y_size*sizeof(int)); cgy=(int *)malloc(x_size*y_size*sizeof(int));
for (i=5;i<y_size-5;i++) for (j=5;j<x_size-5;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ * do this test early and often ONLY to save wasted computation * p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<max_no) { x=0;y=0; p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y-=3*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=2*c;y-=2*c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c;y-=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c;y-=c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x-=c; p+=2; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c; p+=x_size-6;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=3*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=2*c;y+=c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=3*c;y+=c; p+=x_size-5;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=2*c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p++);x+=c;y+=2*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=2*c;y+=2*c; p+=x_size-3;
c=*(cp-*p++);x-=c;y+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p++);y+=3*c; c=*(cp-*p);x+=c;y+=3*c;
xx=x*x; yy=y*y; sq=xx+yy; if ( sq > ((n*n)/2) ) { if(yy<xx) { divide=(float)y/(float)abs(x); sq=abs(x)/x; sq=*(cp-in[(i+FTOI(divide))*x_size+j+sq]) + *(cp-in[(i+FTOI(2*divide))*x_size+j+2*sq]) + *(cp-in[(i+FTOI(3*divide))*x_size+j+3*sq]);} else { divide=(float)x/(float)abs(y); sq=abs(y)/y; sq=*(cp-in[(i+sq)*x_size+j+FTOI(divide)]) + *(cp-in[(i+2*sq)*x_size+j+FTOI(2*divide)]) + *(cp-in[(i+3*sq)*x_size+j+FTOI(3*divide)]);}
if(sq>290){ r[i*x_size+j] = max_no-n; cgx[i*x_size+j] = (51*x)/n; cgy[i*x_size+j] = (51*y)/n;} } } }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
* to locate the local maxima * n=0; for (i=5;i<y_size-5;i++) for (j=5;j<x_size-5;j++) { x = r[i*x_size+j]; if (x>0) { * 5x5 mask * #ifdef FIVE_SUPP if ( (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i )*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i )*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i )*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i )*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]) ) #endif #ifdef SEVEN_SUPP if ( (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+3]) ) #endif { corner_list[n].info=0; corner_list[n].x=j; corner_list[n].y=i; corner_list[n].dx=cgx[i*x_size+j]; corner_list[n].dy=cgy[i*x_size+j]; corner_list[n].I=in[i*x_size+j]; n++; if(n==MAX_CORNERS){ fprintf(stderr,”Too many corners.\n”); exit(1); }}}} corner_list[n].info=7;
free(cgx); free(cgy);
* }}} * * {{{ susan_quick(in,r,sf,max_no,corner_list) *
susan_corners_quick(in,r,bp,max_no,corner_list,x_size,y_size) uchar *in, *bp; int *r, max_no, x_size, y_size; CORNER_LIST corner_list; { int n,x,y,i,j; uchar *p,*cp;
memset (r,0,x_size * y_size * sizeof(int));
for (i=7;i<y_size-7;i++) for (j=7;j<x_size-7;j++) { n=100; p=in + (i-3)*x_size + j - 1; cp=bp + in[i*x_size+j];
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p++); n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=2; n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-6;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-5;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p); if (n<max_no){ p+=x_size-3;
n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p++); if (n<max_no){ n+=*(cp-*p);
if (n<max_no) r[i*x_size+j] = max_no-n; }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
* to locate the local maxima * n=0; for (i=7;i<y_size-7;i++) for (j=7;j<x_size-7;j++) { x = r[i*x_size+j]; if (x>0) { * 5x5 mask * #ifdef FIVE_SUPP if ( (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i )*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i )*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i+2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i-2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i )*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i )*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]) ) #endif #ifdef SEVEN_SUPP if ( (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-3)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-2)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>r[(i-1)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>r[(i)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>r[(i)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>r[(i)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+1)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+2)*x_size+j+3]) &&
(x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-3]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-2]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j-1]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j ]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+1]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+2]) && (x>=r[(i+3)*x_size+j+3]) ) #endif { corner_list[n].info=0; corner_list[n].x=j; corner_list[n].y=i; x = in[(i-2)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i )*x_size+j-2] + in[(i )*x_size+j-1] + in[(i )*x_size+j] + in[(i )*x_size+j+1] + in[(i )*x_size+j+2] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+2];
corner_list[n].I=x/25; *corner_list[n].I=in[i*x_size+j];* x = in[(i-2)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+2] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+2] - (in[(i-2)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j-2]); x += x + in[(i-2)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+1] - (in[(i-2)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j-1]);
y = in[(i+2)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+2)*x_size+j+2] - (in[(i-2)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i-2)*x_size+j+2]); y += y + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i+1)*x_size+j+2] - (in[(i-1)*x_size+j-2] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j-1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+1] + in[(i-1)*x_size+j+2]); corner_list[n].dx=x/15; corner_list[n].dy=y/15; n++; if(n==MAX_CORNERS){ fprintf(stderr,”Too many corners.\n”); exit(1); }}}} corner_list[n].info=7; }
* }}} *
* }}} * * {{{ main(argc, argv) *
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv []; { * {{{ vars *
FILE *ofp; char filename [80], *tcp; uchar *in, *bp, *mid; float dt=4.0; int *r, argindex=3, bt=20, principle=0, thin_post_proc=1, three_by_three=0, drawing_mode=0, susan_quick=0, max_no_corners=1850, max_no_edges=2650, mode = 0, i, x_size, y_size; CORNER_LIST corner_list;
* }}} *
if (argc<3) usage();
* {{{ look at options *
while (argindex < argc) { tcp = argv[argindex]; if (*tcp == ‘-‘) switch (*++tcp) { case ‘s’: * smoothing * mode=0; break; case ‘e’: * edges * mode=1; break; case ‘c’: * corners * mode=2; break; case ‘p’: * principle * principle=1; break; case ‘n’: * thinning post processing * thin_post_proc=0; break; case ‘b’: * simple drawing mode * drawing_mode=1; break; case ‘3’: * 3x3 flat mask * three_by_three=1; break; case ‘q’: * quick susan mask * susan_quick=1; break; case ‘d’: * distance threshold * if (++argindex >= argc){ printf (“No argument following -d\n”); exit(0);} dt=atof(argv[argindex]); if (dt<0) three_by_three=1; break; case ‘t’: * brightness threshold * if (++argindex >= argc){ printf (“No argument following -t\n”); exit(0);} bt=atoi(argv[argindex]); break; } else usage(); argindex++; }
if ( (principle==1) && (mode==0) ) mode=1;
* }}} * * {{{ main processing *
switch (mode) { case 0: * {{{ smoothing *
setup_brightness_lut(&bp,bt,2); susan_smoothing(three_by_three,in,dt,x_size,y_size,bp); break;
* }}} * case 1: * {{{ edges *
r = (int *) malloc(x_size * y_size * sizeof(int)); setup_brightness_lut(&bp,bt,6);
if (principle) { if (three_by_three) susan_principle_small(in,r,bp,max_no_edges,x_size,y_size); else susan_principle(in,r,bp,max_no_edges,x_size,y_size); int_to_uchar(r,in,x_size*y_size); } else { mid = (uchar )malloc(x_size*y_size); memset (mid,100,x_size * y_size); / note not set to zero */
if (three_by_three) susan_edges_small(in,r,mid,bp,max_no_edges,x_size,y_size); else susan_edges(in,r,mid,bp,max_no_edges,x_size,y_size); if(thin_post_proc) susan_thin(r,mid,x_size,y_size); edge_draw(in,mid,x_size,y_size,drawing_mode); }
* }}} * case 2: * {{{ corners *
r = (int *) malloc(x_size * y_size * sizeof(int)); setup_brightness_lut(&bp,bt,6);
if (principle) { susan_principle(in,r,bp,max_no_corners,x_size,y_size); int_to_uchar(r,in,x_size*y_size); } else { if(susan_quick) susan_corners_quick(in,r,bp,max_no_corners,corner_list,x_size,y_size); else susan_corners(in,r,bp,max_no_corners,corner_list,x_size,y_size); corner_draw(in,corner_list,x_size,drawing_mode); }
* }}} * }
* }}} *
put_image(argv[2],in,x_size,y_size); }
* }}} *