Rack middleware that detect and handle memory leaks
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rack-leakin'
Then, if you are using Rails, simply add to initializer:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use Rack::Leakin
You can set threshold in kilobytes and the handler:
Rack::Leakin.threshold = 131072 # default, 128MB
For example, it may be useful to send exceptions to Airbrake:
Rack::Leakin.handler = lambda do |env, beginning, ending|
Airbrake.notify \
:error_message => "Memory leak detected, from #{beginning}KB to #{ending}KB",
:error_class => 'MemoryLeak',
:parameters => {
:request_uri => env['REQUEST_URI'],
:method => env['REQUEST_METHOD']