Install the Homebrew package manager from: http://brew.sh/
In the terminal run the following command to update your package manager.
brew update
Install the "tree" command
brew install tree
Install git
brew install git
Install python, and python's package manager (called pip). For mac, pip is included in the python package in homebrew.
brew install python
Install Sublime Text, the text editor we will be using in class
brew cask install sublime-text
In the terminal run the following command to update your package manager.
sudo apt-get update
Install the "tree" command
sudo apt-get install tree
Install git
sudo apt-get install git
Install python, and python's package manager (called pip)
sudo apt-get install python sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install Sublime Text, the text editor we will be using in class
wget -qO - https://download.sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list sudo apt update && sudo apt install sublime-text
Please see instructions to boot Ubuntu on Windows (windows.md). Once you've loaded and run Ubuntu, please follow the Ubuntu instructions above.