All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog.
- Allow eval function, required for loading several MLJ models.
- Allow reload packages with Revise (thanks to Suenhoy
- Improve documentation with PackageCompiler.
- Fix annoying error message for closing process during output.
- Add option threaded to allow activate or desactivate to use threads with async.
- The function exit() can be used inside the client.
- Usage of exit() function inside the client.
- Error depending on the order of sending to socket the output and/or the return code.
- Improve documentation in relation with async and threads.
- Using @spawn instead of @async in async mode.
- Fix error with ARGS.
- Multi-task version.
- Disable Debug Logging by default.
- Return the error code in runargs() when an exception occurs.
Problem when the client did not run a println, but only a print.
Fix backtrace with colors, and including the line of the file.
Add parameter print_stack to server, that allows serve to indicate the complete stack when there is an error.
By default it shares the environment in expr, and not in files. It can be changed as a parameter in server.
Better behaviour when the client close the communication
Fix error with include in the script.
Performance, because packages are maintained in memory. This is especially interesting with common external packages like CSV.jl, DataFrames.jl, ...
The code is run using the current directory as working directory.
Robust, if the file has an error, the server continues working (for other scripts, stops for your current one).
It accepts parameters without problems.
Run complete file and also specific code.
Run in multiple modules to avoid conflicts of names.