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DeepLabCut on HPCC

For a good overview of how DLC works: DeepLabCut User Guide (for single animal projects)

For specifics related to multi-animal project: DeepLabCut for Multi-Animal Projects

The following instructions are based primarily on those two docs, you should consult them if there's any problem.

HPCC Access

If you want to access the GUI interface, use:

- Create Interactive Desktop instance from Interactive Apps (don't forget to add GPU to your instance, try to use amd20 for now)
- From Applications -> System Tools, open Terminal.


  1. Open PowerShell

  2. Enter the following into the shell

    ssh <your MSU netID>
    <your MSU password>
    ssh dev-amd20-v100

Starting Up DeepLabCut Software on the HPCC

  1. Change to your DeepLabCut project directory (Use cd command. An example of directory name is HenTracks-CZ-2022-02-21)

  2. Activate virtual environment (named 'DLC')

    conda activate DLC

    (You may have to load Conda before this command using module load Conda/3)

  3. Load CUDA and FFmpeg HPCC Modules

    module load cuDNN/
    module load FFmpeg

    (Before you load FFmpreg, you may have to use module load GCCcore/10.2.0

  4. Start IPython shell


  5. Within the IPython Shell

    import os
    import deeplabcut
    config_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'config.yaml')

DeepLabCut Installation on HPCC

  1. Install Anaconda

    1. Open this link in your web browser

    2. Scroll down to the heading "Anaconda Installers"

    3. Under "Linux" right click the 64-bit x86 installer and copy the link to the download

    4. SSH to the HPCC

    5. Enter the following commands

      curl -O <paste the link you copied here>
      bash Anaconda-<version>

    6. Type "yes" and hit enter to accept the license agreement

    7. Use default installation location unless you already have an Anaconda installation, in that case, choose your path

    8. Type "yes" and hit enter to run conda init

    9. Type "no" and hit enter to decline to install VSCode

    10. If you have a previously created Anaconda installation, modify the 4 file paths in ~/.bashrc to be your new installation path

    11. Refresh contents of .bashrc file

      source ~/.bashrc

  2. Create virtual environment

    conda create -n DLC python=3.8
    conda activate DLC

  3. Install DeepLabCut

    pip install deeplabcut

  4. Load HPCC modules

    module load cuDNN/
    module load FFmpeg

  5. Ensure you have the correct versions of Tensorflow and Keras

    1. Enter the following and note the version number next to "Version: " in the output

      pip show tensorflow
      pip show keras

    2. If you do not have version 2.2 of TensorFlow and version 2.3.1 of Keras, complete the following steps

      pip uninstall tensorflow
      pip install tensorflow==2.2
      pip uninstall keras
      pip install keras==2.3.1

  6. Start Ipython & import DeepLabCut

    import deeplabcut

  7. You will see a warning indicating that the GUI is unavailable, this is fine. If the above executes without any other errors (make sure you don't see an error related to tensorflow/cudart), exit from the IPython shell


  8. Clone DeepLabCut Repository & Run Test Script

    1. Navigate to directory you would like to save the DeepLabCut source code

    2. Clone the repo & navigate to test script directory

      git clone
      cd DeepLabCut/examples

    3. Run test script - the test script will produce a lot of output, but at the end you should see "ALL DONE!!! - default cases are functional." near the bottom


Using DeepLabCut on the HPCC


  1. See "Starting Up DeepLabCut Software on the HPCC"

  2. Download the zip file (3.5 GB)here. This zip file contains a folder with three subdirectories.

    1. labeled-data: this folder will be copied directly into your DeepLabCut project (once you create it). It contains the images and their labels in DeepLabCut's CSV and H5 formats

    2. videos: this folder contains all the videos from which labeled frames were extracted. These should be added to your DeepLabCut project so you can perform analysis on them, however, it is possible to create a "dummy" folder in the "labeled-data" directory in your DeepLabCut project folder with the same name as the video file, excluding the file extension

    3. scripts: TODO

  3. Open a command prompt and complete the following steps

    1. Create a folder for your DeepLabCut project

      mkdir C:\<your path> cd C:\<your path> mkdir videos

    2. Extract the contents of the zip file containing the videos to 'C:<your path>\videos'

  4. Download the labels here. (This is: Hens_Collab/DeepLabCut/AllLabels/labeled-data)

  5. Create a new project

    • You will need the config_path for most DeepLabCut commands, so it is useful to save it at the beginning of a work session. It is a string containing the full path to the config.yaml file in your DeepLabCut project. The create_new_project function (you only run this once to create a project) will output the path to the config file. Reference the "DeepLabCut Usage" section of this document to see how to save the config_path in normal use cases.

      config_path = deeplabcut.create_new_project('HenTracks','YourName', multianimal=True)

  6. Configure the project

    1. Download configuration file here (This is: Hens_Collab/DeepLabCut/DLCProjectFiles/config.yaml)

    2. Replace the config.yaml in your project folder with the new file

    3. Open the config.yaml file in a text editor

      1. You can change "scorer" to your initials, but we recommend you to use "CZ" as your scorer to avoid having to change this throughout the project files
      2. Change "project_path" to your DeepLabCut project path
      3. Change the paths for each video to the correct path for your HPCC account
      4. Optionally: Add a skeleton definition, see docs for details. This skeleton will be used when plotting analysis, however a data-driven skeleton will still be used for tracking & assembly
    4. See docs for other configuration options

    5. Download the folder here

    6. Copy each subdirectory of that folder into your "labeled-data" folder in your DeepLabCut project

    7. If you did not use "CZ" as your scorer in your config.yaml file, you will need to complete the following steps

    • Within each of the folders you copied over
      1. Change the name of the CSV file from CollectedData_CZ.csv to CollectedData_{your scorer variable}.csv
      2. Delete the .h5 file
      3. Open the CollectedData_{your scorer variable}.csv in Excel
      4. Change all values in the "scorer" row to your scorer variable
      5. Save the file
    1. Follow the steps in "Starting Up DeepLabCut Software on the HPCC"

    2. Run the following command in the IPython shell (We're merely converting the format of label to one that is acceptable to DeepLabCut)

      deeplabcut.convertcsv2h5(config_path, user_feedback=False)

    3. Create training dataset using- (DeepLabCut will partitiion the dataset into train/test parts)

      deeplabcut.create_training_dataset(config_path, augmenter_type='imgaug')

The project is now ready for training. To begin training-


See above docs for training options.

Export Label Studio Labels

  1. From your hens project main page in label studio, click Export -> JSON -> Export

  2. Save the JSON file

  3. Download the python script here

  4. Enter the following in PowerShell from the directory with the python script


  5. This will create a CSV file in the same directory as the script called "CollectedData_{your scorer variable}.csv". Each row in this file corresponds to the labels for a particular frame. Some frames are taken from the same video, all rows for frames from the same video need to be copied into separate CSV files all named "CollectedData_{your scorer variable}.csv". Each of these files need to be copied into {your deeplabcut project directory}/labeled-data/{folder for video which frames were taken from} and they all need to have the same header rows as the original CSV file.

  6. Register labels with DeepLabCut

    1. In your HPCC terminal, follow the steps under "Starting Up DeepLabCut Software on the HPCC"

    2. Enter the following command

      deeplabcut.convertcsv2h5(config_path, userfeedback=False)

  7. From here, you should be able to follow the User Guide starting from the heading "Create Training Dataset"