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Raane edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 9 revisions

PCB is full of errors, fix NAO

fix the thing where parts of the PSU of the SCU should be short circiuted to a pin (see AN0042)


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Husk å fikste navnet på LEDen som jeg ninjanamed til r34

Spør Odd-Rune om dette: [Info] PCB_TDT4295_NTNU_2013.PrjPcb Compiler Compile successful, no errors found. 02:02:19 16.10.2013 171$ 4 [Warning] serial_port.SchDoc Compiler GND contains IO Pin and Power Pin objects (Pin VR2-1,Pin PW-2,Pin PW-2A,Pin PW-2B,Pin ResetButton-3,Pin ResetButton-4,Pin MEM*_Instruction memory 1-12,Pin MEM*_Instruction memory 0-12,Pin M EM*_Data memory-12,Pin U1_sp-15,Pin MEM*_Instruction memory 1-34,Pin MEM*_Instruction memory 0-34,Pin MEM*_Data memory-34,Pin Part-A1,Pin Part-A18,Pin Part-B7,Pin Part-B13,Pin Part-C3,Pin SCU-C7,Pin Part-C16,Pin SCU-D4,Pin Part-D5,Pi n Part-D10,Pin Part-E15,Pin SCU-F9,Pin Part-G2,Pin SCU-G3,Pin Part-G5,Pin SCU-G9,Pin Part-G12,Pin Part-G17,Pin SCU-H6,Pin Part-H8,Pin Part-H10,Pin Part-J4,Pin Part-J9,Pin Part-J11,Pin Part-J15,Pin SCU-K4,Pin SCU-K7,Pin Part-K8,Pin SC U-K10,Pin Part-K10,Pin SCU-L7,Pin Part-L9,Pin Part-L11,Pin Part-M2,Pin Part-M6,Pin Part-M17,Pin Part-N13,Pin Part-R1,Pin Part-R4,Pin Part-R9,Pin Part-R14,Pin Part-R18,Pin Part-T16,Pin Part-U6,Pin Part-U12,Pin Part-V1,Pin Part-V18) 02:02:19 16.10.2013 59$

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