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Serial port design process

fedyaFade edited this page Oct 10, 2013 · 12 revisions

serial connector pinout -

Hardware Design Considerations


reference manual

microcontroller pinout - UART related:


taken from page 54, datasheet for microcontroller

Drivers' datasheet suggests that for different Vcc values different capasitors are needed. Will go for simpler solution ang pick 1uF capasitors - 3.3 Vcc values.

Page 2 of drivers' datasheet suggests also that outputs of line driver and receiver are inverted inputs.

Input voltage range, VI

Drivers −0.3 V to 6 V Receivers −25 V to 25 V

Output voltage range, VO:

Drivers −13.2 V to 13.2 V Receivers −0.3 V to VCC + 0.3 V

problem: size of the pins 0.63 mm??


  1. Found out that 100 nF capasitor is already present in project and is used inside the power-supply circuit. Removed the capasitor from components and added a line to resistors and capasitors.
  2. The component used in power-supply circuit comes from miscallenous-devices library. Investigating on whether the footprint is right.
  • when one opens component properties in altium by double-clicking on the capasitor component, then clicks on "edit" after choosing the footprint, it says "footprint not fount"
  • Turns out the problem was caused by using altium designer 09 instead of AD 13
  1. Remains to be checked whether capasitors and resistors that were ordered are fit the footprints from misc_devices.lib
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