From 546ba809fb4fa09fc450379de291aad2a79b3f37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Diogo Munaro Vieira Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 09:27:34 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] try predictions with slm --- Predict Food Restrictions.ipynb | 12704 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12704 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Predict Food Restrictions.ipynb diff --git a/Predict Food Restrictions.ipynb b/Predict Food Restrictions.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3fc68f --- /dev/null +++ b/Predict Food Restrictions.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,12704 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "id": "50b20b9f-27f0-40fc-b0e1-9f22932f0be9", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Requirement already satisfied: deep-translator in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (1.11.4)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: gpt4all in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (2.4.0)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4<5.0.0,>=4.9.1 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from deep-translator) (4.12.3)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0,>=2.23.0 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from deep-translator) (2.31.0)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from gpt4all) (4.66.2)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from beautifulsoup4<5.0.0,>=4.9.1->deep-translator) (2.5)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.23.0->deep-translator) (3.3.2)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.23.0->deep-translator) (3.6)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.23.0->deep-translator) (2.2.1)\n", + "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/Diogo/.virtualenvs/comidadibuteco/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.23.0->deep-translator) (2024.2.2)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "!pip install deep-translator gpt4all" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 2, + "id": "0479955a-5df5-4a7c-9fb7-d221c7e78df4", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import json\n", + "content = json.load(open('places.json'))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "id": "ccef994e-44bc-4e1f-aee6-140aff52b7c8", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Risole de Camarão com sabor inesquecível.\n", + "Croqueta de vaca atolada ao molho Coralina e gremolata.\n", + "Massa de pastel assada recheada de vatapá e camarão e acompanhada de vinagrete.\n", + "Bolinho de carne de costela bovina e linguiça toscana e recheado com queijo mussarela, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça suína com recheio de queijo!\n", + "Frango empanado crocante com bacon acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "Chiclete de sururu, pirão de sururu e salada tropical com mix de folhas e legumes. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "Peixe e camarões marinados e refogados, acompanhados de batatas, vegetais frescos e ovos de codorna. Tudo isso em um delicioso cozido com leite de coco e poupa de tomate. Para complementar, servido com o saboroso molho “Lambão” de tomate cebola roxa pimentão pimenta de cheiro coentro e cebolinha, junto com uma farofa crocante de banana da terra\n", + "Linguiça da casa assada no álcool. Servida com cebola curtida na conserva, molho vinagrete e pão francês/de sal.\n", + "Escondidinho de carne de panela, gratinado com muçarela e queijo brie.\n", + "Filé de atum recheado e grelhado em folha de bananeira servidas com Arroz de Hauçá. Acompanha molho de tamarindo com rapadura.\n", + "Bolinho de quibebe recheado com pernil desfiado, acompanhado de vinagrete de banana da terra com raspas de limão siciliano e molho de pimenta receita secreta.\n", + "Costela cozida misturada com mix de tempero sutil. Defumada com galhos de goiabeira e recheado com queijo provolone. Acompanhada de molho artesanal sabor bacon.\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão acompanhando um delicioso molho de mostarda, maionese e picles\n", + "Cubos de baby-beef super gelado a milanesa com queijo coalho a dorê, ambos frito no óleo de algodão servidos com um surpreendente molho de pimentão.\n", + "Massa de coxinha de espinafre empanada no panko, com recheio de creme de cogumelo com cebola caramelizada acompanhado de geleia de cajá-manga apimentado.\n", + "Massa folhada recheada com creme de ricota temperado enrolado em fatias de bacon\n", + "Braseado de acém com passado de baroa imperial e espaguete de chuchu.\n", + "Bolinho de mussarela com cripsy de bacon recheado com palmito, acompanhado com molho de tomates assados ao alho picante.\n", + "Barca de jiló, branqueado e empanado, recheado com costela desfiada e cream cheese, coberto com muçarela gratinada.\n", + "Duas unidades do nosso bolinho Almirante, feito com carne bovina e muçarela, empanado no pão ralado. Duas unidades da nossa Creamy Chicken, feita com frango desfiado, bacon e catupiry, empanada no pão ralado. Duas unidades de mini pastel de costela bovina desfiada com catupiry. Acompanhado de maionese da casa, pimenta na cachaça e vinagrete.\n", + "Costelinha de milho e costela suína ‘ao vin’ com foccaccia artesanal. Acompanha molho de pimenta siracha e souer cream.\n", + "Duo – Croquete de costelinha recheada com queijo e croquete de peixe recheada com banana. Acompanham batata chips ,molho Tártaro e pomodoro.\n", + "Sardinha empanada com queijo, recheada com queijo. Acompanha jiló à milanesa e molho.\n", + "O petisco consiste em quatro espetinhos (frango, peixe, carne bovina e carne suína), temperados e empanados em farinha panco e servidos com dois molhos. O primeiro molho, é oriental, inspirado nos sabores agridoce, com uma leve saborização de raiz forte (wasabi). O segundo é uma criação especial para o Comida de Buteco com ênfase nos sabores cítricos.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz de china pobre recheado com costela assada desfiada, acompanhado de chimia de bergamota picante.\n", + "Três saborosas barquetes, recheadas de: bobó de camarão, polvo ao molho e mexilhão empanado , acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Costelinha suína com linguiça caseira, acompanhada de polenta cremosa e milho verde cozido.\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com costela mandacaru (suína) e bolinhos de batata com cupim e bacon.\n", + "Bolinho de língua desfiada e fubá mimoso empanado com flocos de milho crocante, acompanhado de vinagrete maxixe e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Espeto de ParmegianaMiolo de alcatra angus no palito, com queijo provolone, feito à milanesa coberto com molho de tomate e queijo gratinado. Acompanha molho tártaro e rosé. Para adoçar, minichurros com doce de leite caseiro.\n", + "Pão d’água recheado com cream cheese, carne, queijo muçarela, molho especial com leite zero lactose, salsa, alho, páprica e finalizado com orégano.\n", + "Mini almôndegas de toscana sob uma cama de polenta feita com creme de milho, cobertas por molho de gorgonzola.\n", + "Esta seleção de petiscos de 800 g é perfeita para dividir com a galera. Acompanha alcatra em tiras, na chapa, polenta amarela em cubos frita, batata palito e peito de frango empanado.\n", + "Ceviche de banana-da-terra, pimenta-dedo-de-moça, cebola-roxa, cheiro-verde, condimentado com especiarias, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce.\n", + "Croquete de cupim crocante com chutney de manga a moda pernambucana.\n", + "Bolinho de Cupim com Molho de Alho.\n", + "Escondidinho de Batata Baroa com Costela e Catupiry.\n", + "Kibe cru, homus, babaganush, coalhada seca, bolinho de kafta e tabule.\n", + "Feijão Branco com camarão com torrada de pasta de siri.\n", + "Medalhão de frango com bacon assado na brasa, coberto com molho branco.\n", + "Bolinho Vaca AtoladaBolinho de aipim recheado com carne de panela, acompanha geleia de abacaxi e um toque de pimenta. Além de oito minichurros com recheio de brigadeiro.\n", + "4 Deliciosas almofadas de aipim recheadas, com queijo mussarela , carne panela desfiada, pedaços de linguiça calabresa e ovo colorido\n", + "Carne de sol produzida pela casa, com insumos que vieram direto do nordeste.\n", + "Bolinho de feijão tropeiro e linguiça defumada caramelizada na cachaça, vinagrete da casa e uma dose da cachaça Juramento.\n", + "Massa de wantan recheada com carne bovina, camarão e carne de porco.\n", + "Pastel de feira no palito de picolé recheado com costela bovina desfiada e mussarela, acompanha vinagrete, geleia picante de tomate e pipoca de queijo coalho\n", + "Costela Bovina Defumada em Lenha de Macieira.\n", + "Pastelzinho recheado com costela ao bafo, catupiry e cebola-roxa, servido com creme de queijo com alho-poró e cachaça e molho de pimenta especial.\n", + "Uma deliciosa porção com os tradicionais salgados servidos na casa, contendo 3 mini bolinho de carnes, 3 mini rissoles de camarão, 2 mini coxinha de mandioca de frango.\n", + "Costelinha suína assada no dry hub, caramelizada com melaço é servida com feijão tropeiro.\n", + "Dadinho crocante servido com pasta de castanha de caju e melado de cana (dadinhos de tapioca com castanhas e grãos).\n", + "Coxinhas de recheadas com queijo provolone, salame e requeijão cremoso, empanadas na quirera, acompanhadas de geleia de caipirinha de abacaxi.\n", + "Uma pelota de peixe, camarão e bacon envolvida em uma camada de aipim com queijo coalho empanada na farinha panko. Acompanha de um molho de ervas e molho de pimenta.\n", + "Pastéis de angu com recheios de carne seca e requeijão, alho-poró com muçarela. Acompanhados por leves torresminhos e molho de goiabada com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Bolinho de tambaqui acompanhado com molho tártaro\n", + "PF do Baba com Kafta de cordeiro e geleia de damasco.\n", + "Croquetas de mix de cogumelos e funghi seco. Feita a base de Bechamel ela é crocante por fora, super cremosa por dentro e com sabor intenso de cogumelos! 5 unidades.\n", + "Filé de tilápia empanado com fubá, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce, molho de moqueca baiana e molho de maionese temperada.\n", + "Camarão rosa braseado na parrilha ao estilo japonês, com batata canoa e jambu marinado com ervas e regado à redução de tucupi.\n", + "Cebola empanada recheada de arroz de carne seca, coberta de queijo provolone gratinado.\n", + "SIRI CATADO, COM CREME DE AIPIM, SERVIDO COM TORRADAS\n", + "Carne de Sol desfiada e temperada com especiarias, sobre creme de mandioca feito com mix de requeijão cremoso, creme de leite e muçarela maçaricada, servida na casquinha de pastel pipoca assada, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho\n", + "Almondegas de cordeiro com molho especial de hortelã.\n", + "Camarão ao molho caliente com gergelim e cebolinha. Acompanha folhas crocantes de arroz.\n", + "Mix de minipastéis, com sabores da Região Amazônica, como: Tucumã, banana pacovã, cará-roxo, queijo coalho e macaxeira, acompanhados de um creme branco.\n", + "Pão baguete, creme de alho, corações de frango assados, vinagrete picante coberto com uma mistura de parmesão e muçarela, gratinado ao forno. Acompanha molho de pimenta de lá.\n", + "Linguiça mista acebolada com torradas de pão integral e molho verde com alho ,coentro e tempero verde.\n", + "Pancetta e jiló fritos acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Pequenos sanduíches abertos em forma triangular, com salame italiano, lombo suíno assado, ovos e picles.\n", + "Bolinhos de costela recheados com queijo provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Cuscuz recheado com queijo coalho, carne seca desfiada com cebola roxa manteiga da terra. Acompanhado de macaxeira.\n", + "6 bolinhos de pernil desfiado, carro chefe da casa, com massa de mandioca e empanado com farinha panko. Acompanham: Molho de Gorgonzola e Geleia de Pimenta com Lichia.\n", + "Bolinhos de Alheira recheados com Bacalhau.\n", + "Escondidinho de camarão com requeijão.\n", + "Barquete de angu recheada com mamão verde e carne (suína) de lata, coberto com queijo canastra derretido.\n", + "Kassler defumado cortado em cubinhos e salteado no azeite com alho poró, cebola, cebolinha, páprica doce, dry rub e lemon pepper. Acompanha vinagre de abacaxi.\n", + "Uma deliciosa linguiça de pernil acebolada acompanhada de mandioca com manteiga desidratada, com bacon e alho poró.\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de costelinha desfiada com purê de batata temperado com ervas e especiarias. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com purê de batatas, cream cheese, azeite de oliva e azeitonas pretas. Acompanha torradinhas de baguete e azeite verde.\n", + "Pescoço de peru tem um sabor único, com um molho cremoso e temperado acompanhado de farofa de banana da terra, cria se o par perfeito\n", + "Costela de boi com pirão da casa.\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça artesanal mineira, purê de abóbora cabotia, molho barbecue, molho de queijos levemente picante, vinagrete, e queijo mussarela.\n", + "Canoinha de jiló empanada, recheada com um delicioso creme de carne seca desfiada e palmito pupunha, sobreposta numa cama de farofa panko na cebola com um leve frescor de hortelã, finalizado com uma deliciosa geleia de pimenta agridoce.\n", + "Carne de lata, farofa crocante de cebola e geleia de abacaxi com gengibre e hortelã.\n", + "a Dadinhos de fubá com carne de sol e queijo parmesão, servidos com molho de pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com mandioca frita.\n", + "Explosão de sabores do fundo do mar: lagosta, camarão e filé de peixe marinados em tempero especial e servido em chapa quente.\n", + "Pão de queijo frito com crosta de parmesão recheado de pernil defumado e queijo mussarela. Acompanha geleia de tomate e cachaça apimentada.\n", + "Filetes de bacalhau na nata gratinados com queijo muçarela e temperos especiais\n", + "Creme de ervilhas, batata e bacon, com cubos de peito de frango ao molho de tomates, cobertos com muçarela e batata-palha.\n", + "Almôndega rodeada com bacon e crosta de muçarela. Recheada com queijo minas, acompanhada de molho ao sugo com manjericão, polenta coberta de provolone e crisp de quiabo, berinjela e jiló empanados em farofa crocante de bacon e torresmo.\n", + "Pastéis com recheio de Costelinha Suína Defumada e Desfiada ao molho Barbecue de Goiabada; Costela Bovina Defumada Desfiada com Alho Poró; Linguiça Blumenau Defumada com Queijo Brie.\n", + "Tortilha recheada com pernil de porco, vinagrete, cheddar e molho especial da casa.\n", + "a Patroa Bolinho com massa de abóbora cabotiá com costela suína recheadocomCatupiry.\n", + "Bolinho de aipim (massa de mandioca) com carne seca, especiarias e requeijão.\n", + "Três deliciosos bolinhos de baião de dois, empanados na farinha panko e espetados juntos ao queijo coalho. Acompanha manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "Croquetes de carne servidos com molho de maionese caseira.\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca e torresmo cobertos com geleia de goiabada.\n", + "Linguiça artesanal frita servida com Batata ao molho chedar e bacon. Acompanhado de molhos\n", + "Maçã de Peito de Boi cozida com especiarias, acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Croquete de Berinjela com carne moída.\n", + "Jiló recheado com bacon acompanhado de maçã de peito e farofa de couve.\n", + "Mandioca cozida e refogada na manteiga de garrafa com bacon, linguiça, queijo minas padrão, tomate-cereja, alho frito e cebolas em rodelas.\n", + "Terrine de ricota, pesto de manjericão, tomatinho confit e chips de parmesão. Finalizado com nozes.\n", + "Sanduíche aperitivo recheado com rosbife de lagarto, bacon, cebolas caramelizadas, tomate e queijo provolone. Acompanha molho de mostarda escura.\n", + "Um prato tipicamente gaúcho: um cozido de várias carnes e arroz. Acompanha torradinhas.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça de porco, queijo provolone, queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha mandioquinha frita.\n", + "Receita familiar de língua bovina servida ao molho de provolone, “agasalhada” no pão de cevada artesanal produzido com malte cervejeiro, acompanhada de batatinhas “capeta” em conserva produzidas pelo Sr. Antonio.\n", + "Batata recheadacom rabada desfiada apimentada e manteiga de agrião.\n", + "Atum chileno com grão de bico e tomate seco temperado com azeite e especiarias, servido na barquete.\n", + "Bolinho de torresmo recheado de queijo canastra acompanhado de geleia de pimenta com cachaça.\n", + "Croquete de pernil com alho-poró.\n", + "Releitura do Surpresa do Berinjela. Bolinho de massa de berinjela, recheado de linguiça defumada e queijo parmesão.\n", + "Rabada com quibebe, com agrião e especiarias.\n", + "Pernil de porco moído, servido em forma de bolinho, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "Mini moqueca de siri cotado com queijo coalho maçaricado. Acompanhado com torradas e molho chimichurri\n", + "Croquete de cupim e ponta de peito recheado com queijo provolone e azeitonas pretas. Acompanha pimenta dedo de moça em conserva com alho.\n", + "Camarão ao molho de coco feito na panela de barro, acompanha farofa e torradinha de alho.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com carne bovina defumada e condimentada, molho a base de mostarda e alcaparras, pepinos em conserva e queijo gouda.\n", + "Costela suína fresca e lombo de porco cozidos lentamente com grão de bico, num molho encorpado com linguiça calabresa e especiarias. Acompanha farofa de bacon e pão francês.\n", + "Camarões envoltos em arroz cremoso empanados com farinha de milho flocada. Acompanha bolinhas de queijo com manjericão e molhos de hortelã com limãosiciliano e molho rose picante.\n", + "Bolinho de carne bovina, suína, baco, trigo recheado, queijo minas temperado com especiarias.\n", + "Bolinho de costela recheado com queijo-\n", + "Croquetes de carne. Acompanha molho especial da casa.\n", + "Bolinhos de massa artesanal, recheados com iguarias típicas do norte, nordeste, sul, sudeste e centro-oeste. Servido com molhos feitos de ervas , frutaseespeciarias.\n", + "Bolinhas de carne crocantes com recheio de muçarela. Acompanha molho de maracujá com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo e enrolado com fatias de bacon.\n", + "Bolinhos de Costela recheados com queijo.\n", + "Arroz a piamontese crocante envolvido com bacon acompanhado com molho madeira\n", + "Costelas bovinas servidas no purê de mandioca cremosa.\n", + "Iscas de alcatra no molho stout. Acompanha aligot de batata com queijo gratinado.\n", + "Linguiça mineira com mousseline de mandioquinha, vinagrete crocante de milho e pesto de ervas.\n", + "Bolinho de cupim cozido na cerveja com requeijão, recheado de queijo servido com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho com massa à base de banana-da-terra, recheado com barreado.\n", + "Carne desfiada e temperada, gratinada com queijo manteiga no pão sírio.\n", + "Taco de fígado acebolado com pico de gallo\n", + "Pão baguete com gergelim, pernil desfiado cozido na cerveja preta, temperos e especiarias. Chutney de abacaxi com pimenta-dedo-de-moça, rúcula e maionese da casa.\n", + "Rolinho de feijoada na massa oriental. Acompanha torresminhos, vinagrete e cachaça da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo mussarela e queijo gorgonzola\n", + "Câmarão frito acompanhado de azeite de alcatras, pesto de azeitonas azapa e torradas temperadas no azeite\n", + "Coxa de frango desossada marinada em ervas finas recheada com presunto e provolone.\n", + "‘Empada’ recheada com creme à base de leite, queijo coalho e carne-seca, acompanhada de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Suculenta barriga de porco banhada na cachaça temperada com pimenta dedo de moça, servida com geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão com requeijão e queijos especiais, acompanhado de creme de pimenta levemente picante e ervas aromáticas.\n", + "Bruschettas feitas no pão ciabata com molho de tomate e manjericão caseiro com um pedaço fino de torresmo crocante e queijo parmesão.\n", + "Dupla de croquetes de carne com azeitona e bacon e coxinha recheada com mortadela e queijo meia cura servidos com molho de mostarda Dijon e barbecue picante.\n", + "Palitos de linguiça caseira ao vinho, levemente apimentada, empanados com farinha panko, acompanhados de almôndegas suínas recheadas com muçarela e regadas com molho de mostarda e mel, miniqueijos coalho fritos e cobertos com molho de goiaba.\n", + "4 mini-sanduíches de pernil na cerveja preta e cebola com queijo e bacon. Acompanha um vinagrete de abacaxi com cebola roxa e tomate e um molho barbecue de whisky.\n", + "Ragu de copa lombo suína, marinada no vinho com aquele tempero da casa levemente picante, e tudo isso sobre uma cama de polenta frita crocante.\n", + "Carne de siri com queijo parmesão gratinado\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça empanado na farinha panko, purezinho de mandioca e molho de laranja com mel e mostarda.\n", + "Ossobuco cozido em temperos caseiros, acompanhado de um cremoso purê de mandioca com queijo minas.\n", + "“Lombim” com abacaxi na manteiga, acompanhado por creme de batata e barbecue picante.\n", + "Carne de porco cozida na banha servido com canjiquinha, chutney caipira e taióba refogada no alho.\n", + "Crepe com massa de tapioca e queijo parmesão, recheado com bobó de camarão, laminas de banana da terra fritas, crispes de bacon, e requeijão, salpicado com gergelim negro.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com queijos e ervas. Acompanha geléia de pimenta e molho barbecue.\n", + "Língua de boi regada ao molho de tomate acompanhada de pãeszinhos.\n", + "Maminha recheada com bacon ao molho com toque de pimenta-rosa intercalado com queijo coalho gratinado, acompanha farofa de banana-da-terra e molho de ervas.\n", + "Bacalhau especial da casa.\n", + "Trata-se de um bolinho de mandioca com queijo e camarão empanado e servido com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Croquetes com massa de abobora e carne seca acompanhando de molho gorgonzola\n", + "Mistura sem kaô de carne-seca com requeijão (sem massa), temperado e empanado na farinha panko, acompanha molho de pêssego e mostarda, molho aioli (alho confitado no azeite e bacon) servidos com pipocas de queijo coalho.\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com mandioca e queijo. Acompanha molho de ostras com maionese e outro de maionese com tempero seco.\n", + "Asas de frango fritas com quiabo empanados e bolinhos de polenta.\n", + "Batata rústica com costela do Morango, acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Lagarto fatiado com fatias de linguiça calabresa e bacon.\n", + "Barquetes estilo jangadas de frutos do mar. Acompanha molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Bolinhos feitos de purê de batata e bacalhau, empanados e fritas. Acompanha molho de manteiga ao limão.\n", + "Bolo de carne empanado agasalhado ao molho de tomate caseiro com queijo e decorado com folhas de manjericão roxo.\n", + "Iscas de tilápia empanadas, acompanhadas de salada de tomate e molho especial.\n", + "Charque frita com feijão verde e farofa D’água.\n", + "Uma folha mineira coletiva pra você saborear! Costela bovina, linguiça e banana-da-terra sobre uma camada de creme de abóbora. E você ainda pode solicitar uma bela pimenta-malagueta e uma geleia de rapadura.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com molho de maionese, pancetta e mandioca na manteiga\n", + "Porção de camarão com temperos de frutos do mar.\n", + "Calabresa Assada com queijo, tomate, azeitona, orégano e um toque de canela. Acompanha patê de alho.\n", + "Porção com 08 unidades de coxinhas, recheadas de Linguiça Defumada da Casa com queijo muçarela. Acompanha vinagrete de cebola e molho.\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau recheado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho feito de alheira, recheado com queijo mussarela e empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "Bolinho de carne à parmigiana, acompanhado com purê de batata, anel de cebola e bolinhas de queijo.\n", + "Uma versão de petisco que não é pra ter nada escondidinho, mas tudo bem achado na polenta em um ragu exclusivo do Bar do Rafa.\n", + "Porpetas de carne bovina empanadas e fritas.\n", + "Maçã de peito na cerveja preta acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga de especiarias, farofa de cuscuz com raspas de requeijão.\n", + "Bolinho de camarão com catupiry e palmito empanado na farinha Panko\n", + "Miúdos de galinha servidos com farofa. Acompanha pães.\n", + "Costela recheada com muçarela e catupiry empanada na farinha panko, acompanhada de saladinha especial e molho de geleia de laranja e pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho com massa de batata recheado com calabresa, presunto, muçarela, cream cheese enrolado no bacon.\n", + "o SoróBolinho de costela sem massa com queijo servido ao molho da casa com um leve apimentado.\n", + "neira da nossa maneira uai…Pão paioca recheada com creme de requeijão moreno, com mix de espetinho de carne de sol, linguiçinha caseira apimentada e filé de frango, torresmo de barriga e chips de batata, acompanha maçã verde com melaço de cana com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com cream cheese recheado com geleia de bacon.\n", + "Peito de boi com purê de batata e farofa de banana.\n", + "Fatias de brisket (peito bovino defumada) com salada de repolho verde, repolho roxo, cenoura, cebola branca, limão, alho poró, aipo, salsa, açúcar, sal, azeite, Maionese de ervas finas.\n", + "Língua crocante com ervas frescas e parmesão e salsa de jiló com pimenta-de-cheiro e maçã-verde.\n", + "Torresmo de barriga empanado, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "Costela Bovina desfiada e gratinada com parmesão, acompanhada de creme de abóbora e molho especial de goiabada.\n", + "DADINHO DE QUIRERA DE MILHO COM CARNE SECA DESFIADA, ACOMPANHA GELEIA DE BANANA E COUVE CRISPY.\n", + "Guisado de costela de boi cozida com caldo de legumes e temperos diversos. Acompanha rodelas de calabresa e cubos de bacon, macaxeira e mandioquinha cozidas no caldo da carne e cubos de jerimum selados e ‘ovo à la buteco’.\n", + "Copa lombo defumada e desfiada acompanhada de pãeszinhos e barbecue sauce\n", + "Barriga de porco cozida com especiarias e condimentada servida com farofa de bacon e abacaxi com raspas de limão e cachaça e batata gratinada com alecrim.\n", + "Bolinho de camarão com massa de releitura do vatapá, acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e uma dose cachaça.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado, temperado com cebola roxa, catupiry, mussarela e salsinha, sem massa. Acompanhado de molho agridoce com base de mostarda e chimichurri.\n", + "Roquete de galinha caipira, recheado com moela, muçarela e milho. Acompanhado de polenta frita e pirão.\n", + "O bar Dois Irmãos vem de tradicional exótico.. verdadeiro bolinho crocante deixando quem provar com aquela sensação de desejo realizado! Bolinhos com recheio de Camarões rosa, bacon e um delicioso creme de queijo com algumas especiarias da terra dentro de uma massa artesanal empanados com macaxeira ralada isso para satisfazer qualquer paladar. Vem experimentar!\n", + "Bolinha de carne com molho de abacaxi apimentado.\n", + "Risoto de camarão na cestinha de provolone com parmesão .\n", + "Cestinha de quibe assado recheado com calabresa, cebola e coberto com requeijão e parmesão gratinado, decorado com pimenta-biquinho e uma folha de salsa.\n", + "Carne de sereno frita, com mandioca na manteiga de garrafa, acompanhada de vinagrete de salsa criola.\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo feito no pão francês, recheado com moela cozida no molho vermelho, muçarela e agrião fresco. Acompanha polenta frita da casa com ragu de músculo bovino.\n", + "Dois bem-casados com massa de hashbrown, recheados com delicioso bacalhau de nata.\n", + "Linguiça artesanal de fígado bovino com jiló, cebolinha, salsinha, redanho, alho e sal. Acompanhado da crocância dos chips de inhame e molho especial de bacon.\n", + "Rabo de boi feito na cerveja preta, acompanhado de creme de inhame.\n", + "Largato recheado ao molho barbecue, batatas noisettes, linguiças calabresa, pimenta-biquinho com molho rosé.\n", + "Bolinho de costela desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "Bolinhos de costela bovina marinada ao vinho branco com funghi. Acompanhados com vinagrete de jiló.\n", + "Picadinho de costela bovina ao molho de alho, acompanhado de torradas com maionese de repolho.\n", + "Frango marinado em especiarias, com purê de farinha de milho, couve e pimenta-biquinho. Acompanhado de minipães.\n", + "Coxinhas da asa marinadas na cerveja preta com batatas salteadas e acompanha molho de huancaína.\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de batata recheados com tilápia e queijo muçarela. Acompanha molho de pimenta e molho verde.\n", + "Filé mignon suíno cortado em tiras empanado na farinha panko, acompanhado de molho barbecue e molho Tártaro Vó Divina\n", + "Moqueca de filé de peixe enrolado e recheado com azeitona, acompanhado de farofa de banana na manteiga e pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Bolinho recheado com carne seca, purê de aipim e parmesão. Acompanha molho de ervas e molho de pimenta.\n", + "Almôndegas feitas com blend de carne de porco e vaca, servidas com molho roti e pãeszinhos frescos\n", + "Carne de charque com cebola e ovo mexido acompanhando de mandioca\n", + "Bolinhos de costela bovina servidos com molho de queijos (queijo prato e provolone) e conserva de pimentas da casa.\n", + "Bolovos feitos com costela e requeijão cremoso, servidos com batatinhas baby ao molho de hortelã e creme de leite.\n", + "Carne de chambaril desfiada em formato de dadinho e folha peixinho empanada na farinha panko. acompanha molho de alecrim e molho de hortelã.\n", + "Filé de coxa e sobre coxa de frango preparado à milanesa, empanado em especiarias, e para acompanhar queijo coalho e polenta, e molho de abacaxi requeijão e com pimenta.\n", + "Picanha suína na fumaça com palmito e queijo regado com fraldinha bovina ao molho, farofa de banana da terra e creme de especiarias.\n", + "Salpicão de Camarão no abacaxi\n", + "Cestinha crocante de frutos do mar\n", + "Fígado bovino salteado com um fio de azeite e cebola, com cobertura de molho roquefort e levado ao forno para gratinar. Para acompanhar serviremos deliciosas torradas.\n", + "Costelinha assada à moda da casa, com arroz caipira.\n", + "Um quibe de peixe recheado com queijo.\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora recheado com carne de porco com banana-da-terra e barbecue de goiabada.\n", + "Mandioca cozida com costela bovina e especiarias da casa.\n", + "Capitão da alcatra em tiras grelhada na manteiga com alho, cebola e pimenta do reino branca, acompanhado de batatas sauté.\n", + "Bolinho de massa de batata temperada, recheada com carne de panela desmanchando, cubinhos de ovos cozidos e mussarela, servido com crisp de bacon e vinagrete da casa.\n", + "Medalhão de tilápia recheado com queijo coalho, acomodado numa cama de purê de batata baroa acompanhado de pesto de coentro com castanha de caju e redução de vinho tinto.\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau gados mohua cozido em creme de moqueca tradicional acompanhado de tapenade de azeitona preta.\n", + "Filé mignon grelhado ao molho de mostarda e mel, acompanhado de batata ao murro com toque de páprica defumada.\n", + "O prato e composto de almôndegas de calabresa com file de frango e servido dentro do abacaxi e com cobertura de um molho de queijo com abacaxi, dando um toque agridoce no prato.\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com carne tipo chanfana, temperada no vinho com temperos e ervas especiais, queijo provolone derretido com cebola roxa, azeitonas pretas e rodelas de tomate.\n", + "Dobradinha à moda Maria Flor, com feijão-branco, paio, calabresa, costelinha defumada e temperos especiais. Acompanha dois minipães, pimenta caseira e queijo coalho com melado de cana.\n", + "Carpaccio de barriga de porco com molho tarê, feito com caldo de polvo, finalizado com pimenta japonesa togarashi, ovas de tobiko, katsuobushi, gergelim, cebolinha e raspas de limão.\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça recheado com muçarela e empanado na farinha de mandioca, com maionese especial à moda Santa.\n", + "Torresmo crocante com mandioca e molho da casa.\n", + "Farofa de feijão fradinho com mel, queijo coalho, Bacon, calabresa e cheiro verde. Acompanha Linguiça Toscana, contra filé, chimichurri, pimenta da casa e vinagrete.\n", + "Cupim ao molho de cerveja preta e parmesão, acompanhado de purê de banana-da-terra com leite de coco, farofinha e crispy de couve.\n", + "Barquetas de massa de arroz, recheadas com um delicioso chili de ragu de costela.\n", + "Costelinha marinada em especiarias, acompanhado com farofa de cuscuz, feijão de corda e banana-da-terra.\n", + "Pastéis recheados de abóbora cabotia, carne seca e queijo meia cura\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com mandioca recheado com queijo, picante.\n", + "Medalhão de merluza, casquinha de bacalhau, folhas de tucunaré e purê de batata recheada.\n", + "Sanduíche de carne de porco desfiada servido no pão com molho barbecue acompanhado de fritas.\n", + "A suculência da picanha suína marinada por dois dias em um molho de vinho, ervas e vegetais preparada no calor de uma boa brasa… Sim, um belo de churrasco de carne de porco! Suntuosamente acompanhado por um incrível purê de banana da terra com leite de coco, farofa aromática de maracujá com hortelã, vinagrete de feijão manteiguinha e o originalíssimo molho bordô a base de beterraba e vinho tinto.\n", + "Bolinhos de abóbora recheados com costela suína defumada e queijo gorgonzola e muçarela.\n", + "uinaBruschettas de cupim desfiado acompanhadas de broto de beterraba.\n", + "Salgado feito de carne moída temperada recheado com ovo de codorna. Acompanha geleia de tomate e molho de pimenta da casa.\n", + "Tulipas de frango feitas no açúcar, acompanhadas de mandioca noisette e molho da casa.\n", + "8 pasteizinhos cremosos de frango ao molho branco com provolone e bacon.\n", + "Acém ou língua de boi ao molho, com farofa e picles de cebola.\n", + "Fatias de pão ciabatta, cobertas com carne de panela, geleia de bergamota, rúcula e creme de gorgonzola. Acompanhas de molho chimichurri.\n", + "Coração de galinha marinado na cerveja, acompanhado por uma farofa panko com abacaxi caramelizado e toques defumados de bacon. Acompanha vinagrete de hortelã e abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de Fubá com recheio de costela, acompanha maionese caseira.\n", + "Peito de frango empanado recheado de presunto e queijo, acompanha geleia de bacon.\n", + "Filé-mignon suíno reduzido na cachaça com gengibre, acompanhado de torradas e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Massa de costela desfiada com aipim cozido, cebola, tomate e tempero verde. Empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "Tiras de alcatra fritas na manteiga ao molho de limão e ervas, acompanhando fatias de pão francês.\n", + "300 gramas de costelinha suína, empanada na farinha panko, acompanhada de um molho barbecue especial da casa.\n", + "Dadinho de costelinha desossada à pururuca acompanhado de vinagrete de jiló e molho de alho com especiarias picante.\n", + "Pedacinhos de carne de porco temperados, empanados e fritos. Acompanha geleia de pimenta caseira.\n", + "Carne de porco com molhos de limão siciliano e kiwi, acompanhada de batatas rústicas.\n", + "Bolinho de feijoada vegano de feijão preto. Acompanha molho de pimenta.\n", + "Um conjunto de três bolinhos de linguiça toscana com catupiry, recheado cada um com um tipo de queijo, mussarela, provolone e canastra, acompanhando um aioli e fatias de limão.\n", + "Camarão cinza salteado com molho triplo burro intercalado com mousseline de batata-baroa.\n", + "Croquetes de vatapá com filé de peixe surubim empanados na farinha panko. Servidos com pesto de coentro, castanhas e amendoins.\n", + "Frango crocante e bolinhos de aipim recheados com carne de panela.\n", + "Mix de carne ( Linguiça toscana caseira, carne de sol frango caipira). Frito e refogado saltiado na banha de porco no disco de arado caipira com um toque sutil de mussarela . Acompanhado com um molho de Tamarino da roça.\n", + "é mais embaixoOssobuco cozido servido com mandioca ao molho pesto de coentro e farofa de banana com bacon.\n", + "Guacamole de camarão\n", + "Canapé de palmito crocante com ragu de costela e molho vinagrete, acompanha aioli defumado\n", + "Crocante por fora e suculento por dentro, tem carne de pernil delicadamente desfiada com saboroso tempero de família. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com dedo-de-moça.\n", + "Linguiça de porco caseira, servida com molho especial de pimenta e mandioca regrada na manteiga do sertão.\n", + "cheado com linguiça caseira suína, lascas de pernil assado, vinagrete, alface roxa e requeijão, acompanha molho artesanal de mostarda e geleia de abacaxi com nozes.\n", + "Petisco feito com linguiça Blumenau defumada recheada com catupiry.\n", + "Croquete de camarão com carne defumada\n", + "Abóbora cozida e salteada, guarnecida com molho de camarão e coberta com carne-seca crispy. Acompanha chips de mandioca. Finalizada com cebolinha e salsa.\n", + "Bolinho de massa de mandioca, cozida no vapor, com recheio de siri catado e cream cheese (queijo cremoso). Acompanha Molho Tártaro Caseiro.\n", + "Escondidinho de Costela bovina.\n", + "3 suculentos medalhões recheados com mix de provolone com mussarela : frango, pernil e carne. Acompanha molho de cebola agridoce, geléia de pimenta e molho de queijo.\n", + "Picanha acompanhada de cebolas e batatas e molho especial da casa.\n", + "Requeijão cremoso caseiro de inhame, sobreposto de um tomate confitado e charque desfiada acompanhada de crispy de tapioca.\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau fritos regado no azeite e alho, acompanhados de um delicioso purê em formato de estrela, azeitonas, ovo e queijo\n", + "Porção de asinhas de frango recheadas com bacon e queijo provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e maionese com bacon.\n", + "Jiló empanado com queijo parmesão, costela bovina desfiada na cerveja e creme de queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha massinha de pastel.\n", + "Tacos com massa de arroz recheados com ragu de linguiça, finalizado com vinagrete de jiló e tacos com recheio de carne de panela com nata, finalizado com farofa de mandioca.\n", + "Dupla de petiscos Mar e Terra: bobó de camarão feito com gengibre e pimenta biquinho, servido numa casquinha crocante com queijo gratinado. O famoso escondidinho de cupim desfiado com um toque do nosso barbecue de goiabada da casa.\n", + "Batata-inglesa recheada de charque e envolvida aos queijos.\n", + "Costela assada no bafo com mandioca cozida. Acompanha farofa, molho de alho, molho de pimenta e molho chimichurri.\n", + "Bolinho de salmao, cream cheese e recheio de arroz cremoso com queijos, empanado na farinha panko e gergilin, acompanha maionese de alho negro\n", + "Pernil e contrafilé acebolado feito na brasa, com acompanhamento de farofa crocante e vinagrete.\n", + "Pão tipo baguete recheado com filé-mignon, queijo muçarela, cebola e tomate cortado em formato aperitivo.\n", + "Bolinho tradicional (de carne) e bolinhos recheados com linguiça Blumenau, acompanhados com queijo colonial na chapa e molho ao alho-poró e castanhas.\n", + "Carne de lata tradicional, acompanhada de molho campanha, farofa de torresmo, espeto de batata-bolinha e cebola, flambados no licor de jabuticaba da casa.\n", + "Suculento filet mignon laminado envolvendo batatas recheadas com fonduta de queijos dando um toque original e saboroso\n", + "Bolinho de batata com guisado de carne moída.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz, recheado com queijo muçarela, parmesão, tomilho e manjericão. Empanado com farinha panko. Acompanha patê de linguiça Blumenau.\n", + "Carne de sol acebolada, acompanhada de molho de alho e farofa de cebola caramelizada.\n", + "Uma carne que passa por um processo de maturação de 21 dias e feita no Pit smoker por 12 horas em lenha frutífera, e finalizada com catupiry e especiarias para formar um bolinho, servido com uma maionesedeabacate.\n", + "Coxinha com massa artesanal recheada com rabada.\n", + "Farofa com bacon e couve, banana-da-terra, abacaxi e uma calda de melaço.\n", + "Creme de Aipim com creme cheese e queijo gorgonzola, carne de cupim defumada desfiada, bacon e alho poró, por cima leva um ovo frito com gema mole.\n", + "Purê de mandioquinha recheado de Ragu de Costela e texturas de queijo coalho (cremoso e crocante)\n", + "Pipoca de camarão empanada na farinha oriental, acompanhada por dois molhos: geleia de pimenta biquinho e maionese de limão.\n", + "Tiras crocantes e cremosas de aipim com carne-seca, coberta de creme de queijo coalho e finalizado com crispy de carne-seca. Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta biquinho da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca com costela desfiada, recheado com muçarela, empanado e frito.\n", + "2 Cubos de cupim bovino Defumado na casa, servido molho rustico do cozimento, creme de queijo a parte dentro de um divertido jogo .\n", + "Deliciosos bolinhos de carne tipico dos botecos paulista. Com massa a base de batata e recheio de carne desfiada refogada, COM PICLES DE MAXIXE E SEMENTE DE MOSTARDA FERMENTADA, esse bolinho tem sabor reconfortante de um salgado feito pela Vovó.\n", + "Coxinhas de paella de frutos do mar empanada na panko com recheio de camarão na laranja ao molho agridoce de vinho tinto e molho de ostra.\n", + "Camarão, tilápia e lula à milanesa, servidos com vinagrete de marisco, molho especial da casa e geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Carne cozida desfiada servida com queijo coalho maçaricado\n", + "Linguiça tipo calabresa enroladinha com queijo muçarela, acompanhada de fatias de pão artesanal, cebola caramelizada com bacon e molho chimichurri.\n", + "Fava branca refogada com frango em marinado especial, linguiça calabresa, milho verde, cenoura e bacon. Acompanha fatias de pão e azeite de pimenta.\n", + "O virado à paulista de Sampa tem um sabor único, com adaptações ideais para agregar o paladar dos curitibanos.\n", + "Moela servida com pirão de aipim, cubos de queijo coalho e banana-da-terra.\n", + "03 cumbucas de feijão verde cremoso, sendo a primeira porção com filé de camarão refogado na manteiga, cream cheese e alho, a segunda porção com linguiça Toscana acebolada e tomate cereja e a terceira cumbuca feita com suíno e torresmo. Acompanha farofa da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de feijoada.\n", + "Bolinho de arraia, macaxeira e castanha do Pará. Servido com o molho especial de tucupi, folha de jambu e a flor do jambú.\n", + "Kafta recheada de mussarela, provolone, catupiry e bacon, acompanhada de batata rústica.\n", + "Bolinho de costela de boi recheado com queijo muçarela, servido em uma bandeja de espetos, acompanhado do molho de bacon.\n", + "Filé de frango empanado acompanhado de molho de maracujá e queijo mussarela.\n", + "Massa de aipim e mandioquinha frita, servida aberta como um acarajé, recheado de carne seca , vatapá de queijo coalho acompanhado de molho de brasa, couve crysp e geleia de tomate com pimenta dedo de moça\n", + "Blend de carne recheado com purê de aipim rústico e cebola crispy.\n", + "Feijão-tropeiro nordestino.\n", + "Releitura da linguiça Cuiabana, feita com pernil suíno, toucinho, leite, queijo coalho, ervas e condimentos. Acompanha vinagrete de abacaxi\n", + "Cestinhas de pastel recheadas e gratinadas com 4 sabores. Cupim na pasta alho, Frango 4 queijos, Camarão e Pernil assado agridoce.\n", + "Camarão levemente grelhado misturado com tempero do Cheff cebola roxa tomate cereja e azeite doce acompanhadodepão\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com lombo canadense, queijo prato, catupiry cremoso, rúcula e tomate\n", + "Porpeta feita com carne de sol moída e de pernil suíno moído temperado com alho poró, salsão, hortelã, leite e pão para dar consistência na porpeta. Acompanha mandioca amassada puxada na manteiga de garrafa e leite e coberta com queijo coalho meia cura gratinado.\n", + "Mini bolinhos de carne.\n", + "Delicioso escondidinho de filé de tilápia, ao molho branco, com muito queijo mussarela e crosta massaricada, acompanha tortilha de pastel.\n", + "Bochecha suína, com purê de batata doce aromatizada com gengibre.\n", + "Croquetes de carne decorados com catupiry e azeitona preta, acompanhadosdebatatachips\n", + "Bolinho a base de purê de mandioca com frango desfiado, pequi, gueroba e queijo. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi, laranja e pimenta.\n", + "Tira de torresmo com 4 medalhões de mussarela. Acompanha molho de goiaba agridoce e molho de maionese de bacon.\n", + "“Espetinhos” de cupim, queijo coalho e bacon, empanados, servidos na caminha de purê de pequi, acompanhados de batata chips e molho ao vinho.\n", + "Um pão típico da Ilha da Madeira (Portugal) recheado com bacalhau com natas a moda Murruga.\n", + "Carne de lagarto bovino servido com vinagrete de jiló acompanhado de pãozinho crocante.\n", + "Moela ao molho de tomate com ervilhas, servida com pãezinhos crocantes.\n", + "Coxinhas de frango desossadas e temperadas com molho de mostarda e mel e molho roquefort\n", + "03 Casquinhas de Massa Fina Crocante, recheada com a Secreta receita da Punhetinha do Teixeira, salteada em flocos de Bacon, finalizada em alho dourado! Arregado ao azeite campeão que é marinado e temperado por 72 horas\n", + "Língua Bovina, servida com redução de Tucupi com Sake Mirin, Torradas e Limão.\n", + "Porção de croquete de coxão duro, acompanha vinagrete de maracujá.\n", + "Mini brusquetas de vinagrete de polvo e crispy de bacon de polvo.\n", + "Nossa clássica massa de nhoque enrolada com recheio de carne assada, servido com molho ferrugem do chef.\n", + "Coxinha da asa desfiada misturada à massa de batata com catupiry recheada com queijo muçarela, acompanhada de rodelas de milho cozido na manteiga e maionese de alho com parmesão .\n", + "Filés de tilápia acompanhado de banana da terra frita, com molho de alho cítrico e molho rose picante.\n", + "Bolinho baião de dois acompanhando de carne de sol e purê de abóbora.\n", + "Camarões envoltos no queijo muçarela, empanados em uma farofa crocante e fritos. Iscas de filé de peixe empanadas e fritas. Uma casquinha de siri. Acompanha 2 copos garotinho de cerveja, maionese e mel defumados.\n", + "Panceta enrolada com tempero mineiro. Acompanha purê de mandioca, linguiça Blumenau com molho de mostarda, mel, maracujá e tomate grelhado.\n", + "Sanduíche cortado em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com lagarto fatiado, queijo mussarela, queijo gorgonzola, folhas de rúcula e molho cremoso.\n", + "Tradicional Baião de dois com a bossa carioca do feijão carioquinha com camarões salteados e bacon crocante.\n", + "Bolinhos de feijoada de camarão com um toque de bacon e chutney de pimenta.\n", + "Cupim assado no bafo por aproximadamente 8 horas (desfiado), acompanhado de creme de espinafre a base de catupiry e bacon e pão francês fatiado com tomate confitado.\n", + "Costelinha suína ao molho pomodoro em cama de polenta cremosa, finalizada com muçarela maçaricada e couve crispy.\n", + "Bolinhos de virada Paulista com massa de feijão carioca, cozido com carne seca e bacon, recheado com filé mignon suíno, ovo de codorna, couve e linguiça. Empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "Mini espetos de camarão envoltos em uma fina tira de bacon de pernil defumado, empanados na farinha panko. Acompanhados de geleia de pimenta e hortelã.\n", + "Porção de mini hamburgueres de blend de linguiça toscana com provolone, parmesão, cebola roxa, cenoura e ervas. 4 unidades, acompanha maionese caseira de alho e geleia caseira de abacaxi com gengibre e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "Costelinha mineira ao molho de goiaba com queijo acompanhada de batatas-bolinhas e farofa de alho-poró e bacon.\n", + "Bolinhos de feijoada recheados com couve, carne seca, calabresa e bacon, servidos com vinagrete e pimenta dedo de moça\n", + "Massa de pizza com molho de tomate caseiro, queijo mussarela, queijo minas, torresminho e couve.\n", + "Canudinhos de Pulled Pork com recheio de pernil suíno desfiado cozido na cerveja preta e finalizado com molho BBQ.\n", + "Costela de novilha acompanhada de burrito e linguiça.\n", + "Essa panceta é marinada na cerveja Eisenbahn Unfiltered, alho, shoyu e óleo de gergelim. Empanada e frita, para ficar crocante por fora e suculenta por dentro. Acompanha um molho picante de Gochujang (pimenta coreana), shoyo, vinagre de arroz e goiabada.\n", + "Coxinhas da asa de frango marinadas na cerveja, empanadas e fritas. Acompanhadas de 3 molhos especiais (maionese gourmet da casa, molho rosé e molho de mostarda Dijon com cogumelos).\n", + "Cestinhas de carne suína recheadas com mandioca cremosa e queijos, finalizadas com farofinha de bacon. Acompanha geleia de pimenta com abacaxi caramelizado, molho salsa e batatinhas fritas.\n", + "Bolinho único que não leva massa. Apenas composto por carne de brisket extremamente crocante e suculento.\n", + "Barquete com moquequinha de camarão cremosa com catupiry, crispy de alho poró e finalizado com camarão empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "Pimenta Cambuci recheada de vaca atolada.\n", + "Sanduiche com pão italiano, selado no azeite extra virgem e alho, com requijão cremoso e molho chimichurri, recheado com bife ancho grelhado em tirinhas e finalizado com cebola caramelizada. Acompanha batatas bravas com aioli de bacon e pimenta caynea.\n", + "Feijão-verde cozido, em molho construído com nata de fermentação natural, creme de leite e queijo coalho, finalizado com salsinha e cebolinha. Acompanha farofa crocante de cebola-roxa.\n", + "Um mix de petiscos (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atômico, Terral e Eternas Ondas) servidos com aioli de bacon defumado e gotas de molho de pimenta da casa (1 unid. de cada).\n", + "Bolinho de massa de linguiça de porco recheado com queijo mussarela e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho de goiabada.\n", + "Uma trilogia de sabores na roda gigante. São três sabores de cuptecos de macaxeira recheados com: carne de sol desfiada, carne suína desfiada e camarão. (6 unidades)\n", + "Paleta bovina cozida com ervas especiais acompanhada de farofa de ovos e torradinhas temperadas.\n", + "FIlé de camarão refogado com molho de mix de queijos com cebola caramelizada, servido no pão.\n", + "Utilizamos a linguiça toscana como base para desenvolver nossa receita. Acrescentamos algumas especiarias para dar ainda mais sabor, abrimos ela e recheamos com queijo, levemos à churrasqueira.\n", + "São 6 espetinhos com 3 sabores de carnes, sendo 2 de carne bovina, 2 de frango e 2 de carne de suína. Recheados com queijo muçarela. Empanados e fritos. Acompanha 2 tipos de molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Macaxeira com recheio de porco temperado e um toque de rapadura.\n", + "Mexidão de lula, polvo, mexilhão, peixe e camarão. Acompanha farofa.\n", + "hoCroquete de massa de batata com carne-seca desfiada, recheado com queijo coalho e bacon. Acompanha molhos: sweet chilli e dip de mostarda amarela.\n", + "Mix de bolinhos nas versões Jabá com Jerimum (bolinho de abóbora recheado com carne seca e catupiry) e Macaxeira com Carne de Sol (bolinho de aipim recheado com carne sol puxada na manteiga de garrafa e requeijão de corte), acompanha Molho Xaxado (creme a base de coalhada seca e infusão de manjericão) e Geleia do Padre Cícero (geleia de umbu com mix de pimenta – pimenta dedo de moça e pimenta de cheiro). De cortesia, servimos Maria Bonita, nossa caipirinha com cachaça de umburana feita de cajá com caju, alecrim e xarope de açúcar com especiarias e rapadura.\n", + "Disco de costela recheado com queijo.\n", + "Barriga de porco (panceta). Acompanha ketchup de goiabada e geleia de menta.\n", + "Camarão crocante acompanhado de pirão de aipim e recheio tropical de molho de camarão com abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com creme de milho sem massa. Acompanha maionese sriracha.\n", + "Calabresa Empanada com Recheio de Queijo.\n", + "Caldo de Kenga é um nome que dá curiosidade aos clientes para descobrir do que é feito.\n", + "Ossobuco bovino com creme de mandioca acompanhado de farofa de banana-da-terra.\n", + "opelado Bolinho de massa de linguiça acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Medalhão de pernil desfiado, recheado com muçarela e acompanhado de barbecue de goiabada.\n", + "Bolinhos de cupim recheados de queijo minas com pingos de barbecue de goiabada, acompanhados de mousseline de abóbora moranga.\n", + "Kafta acompanhada com creme de mandioca com pequi.\n", + "Bolinho de carne de porco, recheado com provolone, acompanhado de molhos de pimenta, barbecue e mostarda e mel.\n", + "Tartar de moela ao molho vermelho servido com torradinhas.\n", + "Carne seca cremosa ao molho três queijos acompanhada de tiras de massa de pastel e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Suan cozida com molho especial, acompanha batata cozida, farofa de torresmo caseira e abacaxi caramelizado e flambado.\n", + "Ciabatta de castanha-do-pará, tomates-cereja confit, lombo defumado flambado na cachaça de jambu, queijo minas artesanal Serra do Salitre, finalizado com molho de taperebá com mel.\n", + "Carne de sol, linguiça mandioca com cebola e catupiry.\n", + "Autêntico feijão tropeiro com bacon, linguiça e costelinha de porco envolto em uma finíssima massa, empanado e frito. Acompanhado de uma geleia apimentada de abacaxi com canela.\n", + "Bolinho de massa de mandioca recheado com carne seca desfiada e queijo mussarela. Acompanha vinagrete caseiro.\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça recheado com azeitona, passas e cream cheese, acompanha molho de goiabada da casa.\n", + "Bolinho com massa de aipim recheado com costela assada, acompanhado de molho de alcaparras, azeitonas e alho-poró, além dos picles de cebola.\n", + "Porção de mexilhão, empanado e frito, envolto em um molho agridoce oriental, com salada coreana de pepino.\n", + "Tulipa dessossada e recheada com farofa de cuzcuz e queijo coalho.\n", + "A consagrada costela no bafo do Cachambeer desfiada em molho especial da casa, coberta com mussarela gratinada, pimenta biquinho e cebola roxa. Acompanha farofa de bacon na manteiga, com alho e cebola.\n", + "Croquete de pernil com molho de abacaxi com pimenta, acompanha creme de macaxeira com carne seca e requeijão de raspa crocante.\n", + "Costelinha suína frita, com toque de melaço e a crocância da castanha-de-caju, acompanhada de bolinhos de canjiquinha com queijo canastra e mostarda caseira em grãos.\n", + "Tirinhas de pirarucu a milanesa da casa com molho de pimenta arubé caseiro.\n", + "Escondidinho de calabresa com purê de mandioca servido na cestinha de massa de pastel. Acompanha bolinho de calabresa com catupiry.\n", + "3 bolinhos de pernil suíno empanados na panko, acompanhados de 3 molhos: compota de caju, vinagrete picante e molho redução de pernil.\n", + "Cupim preparado na panela de pressão com cerveja preta e batatas. Acompanha farinha torrada no alho, vinagrete e pão.\n", + "Desconstrução da tradicional feijoada sendo criada em forma de espeto levando os salgados à Churrasqueira e trazendo todo sabor do feijão no copo, como todo bar deveria ter.\n", + "Um prato o onde une o camarão com a brandada de bacalhau\n", + "Delicioso creme de queijos (queijo mussarela e queijo catupiry) servidos com camarões\n", + "Trouxinha de Camarão com jambu, creme de cará roxo e caldinho bisque Crocante de Camarão\n", + "Uma deliciosa isca de peixe, com uma crocância dos deuses com dois molhos especiais.\n", + "Recheado com costela desfiada e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Disco de file de tilápia com toque suave da acidez da rúcula limão.\n", + "Croquete de camarão à moda manezinho.\n", + "Uma leve e deliciosa massa francesa, com bom sabor goiano e recheado com uma suculenta costela desfiada com catupiry e especiarias da casa! Servida com molho de ervas!\n", + "Músculo bovino com farofa de quiabo.\n", + "Purê de abóbora guarnecido com gengibre. Acompanhado de ragu de carne bovina, farofa crocante de bacon e farinha Panko.\n", + "Croquetes com carne suculenta, empanados na farinha panko.\n", + "Seguindo tradição do Cantim D’or Noir, oferecemos um prato conjugado com um componente. 1 – com carne suína marinada no vinho cozida no molho italiano com calabresa: Guizado Cigano, com receita de nossa cozinha de família. 2 – sem carne: Aperitivo de berinjela em ervas e empanada, compondo com tomate e creme de queijos, atendendo ao público vegetariano. Surpreendentemente delicioso!\n", + "Costelinha de porco com molho barbecue, pimenta-biquinho e castanha-de-caju.\n", + "Caminha de couve crua e farofa temperada com especiarias e carne de boi.\n", + "e Baião de DoisTodos ingredientes desse prato típico dentro de um bolinho.\n", + "Tirinhas de frango empanadas, acompanhadas de molho agridoce.\n", + "Delicioso purê de banana-da-terra com Boi ao Molho, acompanhado de torradinhas crocantes.\n", + "Duas panquecas recheadas de camarão , cream cheese, alho poró e bacon frito picadinho.\n", + "Galinha guisada.\n", + "Canapé de banana da terra, coroados com pernil de porco salteados com temperos regionais e desfiado, coberto de queijo coalho gratinado, acompanhado de molho guasacaca da casa.\n", + "Maçã cozida ao vinho com recheio de costela suína desfiada e molho teriyaki\n", + "Recheio de siri à moda da casa, envolvido por carpaccio de pera, levemente tostado em curaçau blue, finalizado com crocante de nozes caramelizadas.\n", + "Panceta à pururuca acompanhada de mandioca cozida com azeite, salada e farofa da casa.\n", + "Creme de siri, preparado com temperos especiais e gratinado com queijo parmesão.\n", + "Farofa de carne com manteiga de garrafa e iscas de mandioca.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, regado de cubos de queijo coalho e carne do sol desfiada.\n", + "Brusquetas com passata de tomates ao molho pesto, cheddar, salame italiano e tortilhas sabor queijo nacho.\n", + "Torresmo à pururuca frito em pedaços, acompanha geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "Bolinho de massa de linguiça caipira, recheado com queijo muçarela. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau do porto cozido com ervas aromaticas, azeitonas portuguesa , servido nas almofadinhas com molho de queijo.\n", + "Agnolines de frango empanados e fritos. Acompanha molho de queijo gorgonzola reduzido no requeijão cremoso.\n", + "Escondidinho de Rabada, purê de aipim e queijo de mussarela gratinado\n", + "Bolinho de costelinha com ora-pro-nóbis, servido com molho de tomate e abobrinha gratinada.\n", + "Três deliciosos caracóis diretamente do fundo do mar, em formato de cone, recheados de: camarão com catupiry, siri com alho poró e por último polvo ao molho com azeitonas, acompanhado da tradicional geleia de pimenta e pesto de coentro.\n", + "Camarões cozidos com quiabo em um molho natural de leite de coco e azeite de dendê. Finalizado com um camarão cinza grelhado. Acompanha farofa de cebola.\n", + "Pão de alho com charque e camarão, acompanhado de torradas com creme de alho, charque e camarão. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho feito com a massa de tapioca, charque, queijos e temperos. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Cestinha folheada recheada com cupim assado na brasa e finalizado ao forno.\n", + "BOLINHO DE BAIÃO & CROQUETE VACA TOLADA ? REPRESENTANDO A COZINHA SERTANEJA E NORDESTINA TRANSFORMANDO OS PRATOS EM PETISCOS DE BOTECO EM UMA MISTURA HARMÔNICA ENTRE SABORES E TEXTURAS SERVIDO COM UM SWEET CHILLI DE CAJÁ E UMA MAIONESE DE CHIMICHURRI.\n", + "Tilápia selada na farinha de trigo regada ao molho branco com farofinha de bacon, servida na barquete de canapé.\n", + "Linguiças de cordeiro: uma defumada e apimentada, a outra fresca com erva doce, servidas com cebola dourada, tabule e farofa marroquina.\n", + "Bolinho com massa de costela com mandioca, recheado de costela assada por 12 horas desfiada. Acompanha vinagrete e molho tártaro.\n", + "Mini pastéis burgers acompanhado de fritas.\n", + "Lasanha à bolonhesa empanada, reinventada para o formato de petisco.\n", + "Um bolinho com massa de aipim e carne de sol desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de frango, bolinho de peixe, acompanha polenta frita e torresmo.\n", + "Maçã de peito marinado no vinho, com cenoura, batata, pimentão vermelho e amarelo e ervas ao molho. Acompanhado com um pão francês.\n", + "Mistura de arroz e mussarela com creme de azeitona.\n", + "Bisteca de porco com purê de feijão, mandioca e farofa.\n", + "Barriga suína com molho de rapadura e pimenta dedo de moça, acompanhada de farofa de farinha de milho com crispy de quiabo.\n", + "Filé mignon trinchado com cebola roxa e bacon servido com molho de queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "Combinação de 3 espetinhos: alcatra com catupiry e alho frito, frango com queijo cheddar e cebola crispe e lombinho ao molho barbecue e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "Batatas canoas fritas, servidas com creme de bacalhau com nata, catupiry, queijo serrano, parmesão, vinho branco, temperos caseiros e cebola crispy.\n", + "Rabinho e língua bovina defumados em madeira de macieira, ao molho de cerveja artesanal APA, camarão na manteiga, polenta cremosa com queijo canastra meia cura e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Quatro nobres charutos crocantes, recheados com a deliciosa combinação de ?roupa velha? bovina com bacon. Acompanhados por um irresistível chutney de tomate defumado e uma farofa crocante de bacon.\n", + "Costela bovina, assada no bafo, acompanhada de torresmo de barriga crocante,mandioca cozida na manteiga de garrafa e molho de pimenta defumada!\n", + "Tiras de filé-mignon empanadas na Panko na cama de creme de gorgonzola e batata.\n", + "Um mocotó diferente de qualquer outro que você já comeu!\n", + "Lamina de filé-mignon suíno maçaricado, recheado com arroz japonês, cream cheese, filé suíno refogado, bacon, molho de ervas, barbecue e finalizado com teriyaki e geleia de rubras.\n", + "BOLINHO DE MANDIOCA RECHEADO COM CREME DE QUEIJOS E JERKED SUÍNO REFOGADO, ACOMPANHA CREME DE CHEDDAR.\n", + "Linguiça em forma de churros enrolada no bacon, recheada com creme de queijo.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com massa de mandioca acompanhado de baconese da casa.\n", + "e Carne SecaOito unidades de bolinho de carne seca com mandioca, empanado na farinha de trigo, recheado com queijo coalho. Acompanha a geleia de pimenta da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de Arroz.\n", + "RoçaCroquete feito com pernil de porco recheado com queijo muçarela empanado com torresmo.\n", + "sp Batata com parmesão e calabresa, acompanha molho cheddar, requeijão cremoso ou molho tártaro. A escolha é do cliente.\n", + "Costelão cozido com mandioca, acompanhado de torradas.\n", + "Carne de siri sobre uma cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhado de 2 pastéis de vento.\n", + "3 Kaftas: uma de pernil, uma de costela e uma de camarão Servidas com 2 molhos: de coentro e de pimenta agridoce. Acompanha 1 pão com pasta de alho e linguiça de pernil triturada.\n", + "Tradicional e Delicioso pão com carne e o tempero especial da casa!\n", + "Barquinhos de carne com queijo.\n", + "Hamburguer feito de fraldinha suína e filé de coxa triturados, recheado com catupiry e geleia de bacon, acompanhado de batata e maionese de alho caseira\n", + "Típico pastel oriental na nossa versão grelhada na chapa e recheado com patê de cupim, couve refogada e pasta de pimenta fermentada. Finalizado com teriaky da casa e furikake nordestino.\n", + "Bolinho de paella de frutos do mar. Acompanha alioli e salsa brava.\n", + "A rabada mais tradicional de Maringá\n", + "Petisco de bolinho de carne bovina, sticks de frango empanado e torresmo de pancetta suína.\n", + "5 pastéis recheados com saboroso arroz de pato com jambu, empanados com panko temperado e servido com maionese picante da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de mortadela com especiarias, e porção de coxinha da asa de frango empanado na farinha de rosca. Acompanha pasta de alho.\n", + "Casquinha crocante de Macarrão com um interior macio de frango com creme de milho.\n", + "Cupim desfiado ao molho de cebola caramelizada e cerveja, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce e torradas de manteiga temperada com alho e ervas.\n", + "Macarrão com molho bechamel recheado com presunto e queijo, empanado e frito servido com mussarela gratinada e molho bolonhesa.\n", + "Bolinhos de pirarucu com queijo do marajó e bolinhos de camarão regional com requeijão de búfula na massa da macaxeira, batata e manjericão. Acompanhados de geleia de manga com pimenta de cheiro e creme de requeijão de búfula com chicória e alho.\n", + "Coração de frango marinados no missô e empanados servidos com vinagrete de cebola roxa e pão de alho da casa.\n", + "Parmegiana de carne à palito\n", + "Bolinho de feijão acompanhado com molho vinagrete apimentado.\n", + "Uai! Escondidinho de mandioca com pernil e camarão. Uma combinação entre Terra e Mar, SÔ.\n", + "Pudim com mix de carnes sendo: Patinho, Pernil e bacon.\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de Pato, recheado com Jambu e regado ao molho de tucupi e molho de manga.\n", + "6 acarajés médios acompanhados por vatapá, caruru, camarão e saladinha.\n", + "Camarão catupiry com purê gratinado com queijo\n", + "COXINHA ‘SEM MASSA’ DE JOELHO DE PORCO DEFUMADO, EMPANADO NO DORITOS, RECHEADA DE QUEIJO, ACOMPANHADA DE CREME DE QUEIJO COM ALHO PORÓ E MAIS QUEIJO, E FINALIZADO COM PURÊ DE MAÇÃ VERDE\n", + "Uma carne que passa por um processo de maturação de 21 dias e feita no Pit smoker por 12 horas em lenha frutífera, e finalizada com catupiry e especiarias para formar um bolinho, servido com uma maionesedeabacate.\n", + "Corte suíno servido com farofa de maracujá e cubos de macaxeira acompanhado de barbecue artesanal de cerveja, geleia de pimenta, vinagrete e molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Mini pizzeta feita de massa de pão ázimo recheada.\n", + "Croquete de costela preparado com requeijão cremoso e pimenta biquinho, empanado com malte de cerveja moído. O acompanhado fica por conta do molho Sour Cream.\n", + "Petisco de polenta frita com ragú de costela, agrião ao azeite de ervas e parmesão.\n", + "Cupim ao molho, com croquete de batata e queijo canastra.\n", + "Medalhão de músculo bovino com cobertura de molho madeira, molho gorgonzola com ricota, parmesão e batata bolinha.\n", + "Costeletas de porco assada empanada com mix de queijo parmesão. Acompanhada de maionese defumada e um xote de picada de cobra cachaça.\n", + "Carne de panela servida com mandioca e manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "Deck’n CheeseCubos de mussarela à milanesa com um toque de gergelim, acompanhados de geleia de hortelã com gengibre e creme de goiabada com cream cheese.\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de milho cremoso acompanhado de angu e couve-flor assada na manteiga com especiarias.\n", + "Mix de isca de lombo empanado e cubinhos de pernil de porco à mineira acompanhado de geleia de pimenta e molho Bechamel e batata frita.\n", + "Unha de caranguejo, salgado de camarão seco com jambu e salgado de pato no tucupi.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com molho de goiabada\n", + "Rabada dos sonhos desfiada sobre um travesseiro de batata recheada. Finalizado com salada de aipo e maçã verde e caviar de mostarda.\n", + "Bolinho de risoto de moranga cabotiá finalizado com cerveja. É empanado com massa de cerveja e farinha panko, recheado com queijo muçarela. Finalizado com molho rústico de tomate feito na casa e aioli.\n", + "Coxa creme defumada e ?pipoca? de coração de frango. Acompanha maionese picante.\n", + "Vatapá desconstruído recheado com carne seca, ragu suíno e molho de cogumelo. Acompanhado com delicioso molho pesto de coentro.\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com medalhões de quiabo e mandioca frita. Acompanha molho barbecue com goiabada, molho de pimenta e molho de alho.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado de pernil sob uma cama de purê de batata com 4 queijos.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz recheado com costela suína e barbecue, servido com um molho cítrico.\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas-biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "TORRE DE BATATA COM SABORES TÍPICOS ITALIANOS (CAMADAS DE PRESUNTO PARMA, SALAME, COPA, PROVOLONE, PARMESÃO, GORGONZOLA, MUSSARELA, CATUPIRY E TOMATE SECO).\n", + "Filé mignon marinado no Whisky e cortado em cubos, servido com cebola caramelizada, purê de batata, de alho, frito e acompanhado de molho barbecue de Jack Daniels.\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de mandioquinha recheados com carne-seca e queijo coalho, empanados e fritos na farinha panko. Acompanha molho de pimenta.\n", + "Lagarto cozido na cerveja com molho de cebola, azeite, azeitona e vinagre. Acompanha torradinha, maionese de alho e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "Camarão aos três queijos (muçarela, cream cheese e gorgonzola), servido em uma cama de batatas fritas, e com um leve toque de geleia de pimenta e catupiry.\n", + "Costelinha suína conservada na banha, acompanhada de vinagrete de feijão-fradinho.\n", + "Uma receita Luso-Brasileira. Moela ao molho marinada na cerveja preta com crispy de bacon acompanhando de pão fresco.\n", + "Paletas de queijo com pequi acompanhado de vinagrete de guariroba!\n", + "Bolinho de massa de polenta recheado com ragu de rabada, acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de carne moída frito, empanado, recheado com ovo de codorna ao molho de tomate, gratinado!\n", + "Barquinha comestível, a base de goma de tapioca, farinha panko e parmesão. Recheada com creme de batata e bacalhau cremoso.\n", + "Mignon suíno no abacaxi com molho gorgonzola.\n", + "250g carne bovina angus assada na brasa. Acompanhamentos: geleia de abacaxi, batata rústica e purê.ri.\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada envolta no bacon, polenta cremosa. Acompanha pipoca de quiabo e molho de tomate.\n", + "Um clássico de butecos, Contra, Frango e Linguiça; grelhados e servidos como iscas Acompanha farofa, fritas, vinagrete e pimenta da casa.\n", + "Linguiça colonial, no espeto, enrolada no queijo muçarela e empanada no cuscuz. Acompanha barbecue defumado.\n", + "Raquete suína – ou paleta, como é mais conhecida –, assada, acompanhada de escondidinho de alho-poró com chips de batata-doce. Molho de abacaxi opcional.\n", + "3 bolinhos de costela bovina, 4 de pernil com páprica apimentada e 3 de calabresa com provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e molho barbecue.\n", + "Miolo de acém ao molho da Suica, servido sobre um purê de banana-da-terra especial.\n", + "Recheio de camarão, molho bechamel e finalizado com parmesão maçaricado.\n", + "Tiras de frango empanada, acompanhado com molhos da casa\n", + "Bolinhos de aipim recheados com costela desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado recheado com pururuca de porco acompanhado de maionese de alho da casa.\n", + "Caldo de abobora com camarões selados e queijo.\n", + "Manta suína caseira com queijo coalho. Acompanha pão, batata chips, vinagrete e farofa.\n", + "Três tipos de bolinho: bolinho de banana-da-terra com carne de sol e queijo coalho, bolinho de jerimum com charque e bolinho de feijoada. Acompanha molho de pimenta com rapadura, molho de laranja e maionese de coentro.\n", + "Tiras de filé de tilápia empanadas, crocante por fora e macia por dentro. Servida com um molho de dar água na boca!\n", + "Camarões com um toque de pimenta de cheiro descansam preguiçosamente sobre uma cama de aipim macio com queijo.\n", + "Bolinhos de Jiló recheados com pernil de porco marinado na cachaça mineira, orapronobis e queijo meia cura. Acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e maionese de azeitona.\n", + "Pastel de pato e maniçoba.\n", + "Beiju salgado de mandioca com pirarucu desfiado com ervas e temperos regionais acompanhado de molhos roxinho e esfera de pimenta de cheiro.\n", + "Milanesa napolitana com molho de tomate e batatas rústicas.\n", + "Cupim cozido no vinho levemente defumado. Envolto com uma massa de pastel crocante. Acompanhando dois molhos um da redução do molho da carne e o outro de maionese caseira com alho poro e bacon.\n", + "Petisco típico húngaro que consiste em 2 unidades de muçarela, 2 costelas bovinas e 2 joelhos de porco com chucrute. Acompanha um molho típico.\n", + "Cuscuz de milho, fava cozida ao leite de coco, carne de sol.\n", + "Cozido de pé de porco, pernil, costelinha e linguiça com mandioca e banana. Finalizado com couve e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com bacon ou queijo provolone.\n", + "Bolinhos feitos com mandioca, carne-seca desfiada e catupiry, servidos com molho chipotle.\n", + "Massa de batata-doce, ossobuco cozido lentamente no vinho com especiarias e toque do chef, empanada na farinha panko e finalizada na fritadeira.\n", + "Porção de bobó de camarão para ser compartilhada.\n", + "Canapés de três sabores: recheio de carne de siri, de carne seca e de abobrinha acompanhados de molho verde.\n", + "Bolinho feito com pernil suíno temperado p e marinado por 12 horas para depois de assado e desfiado manter sua suculência e sabor, recheado com queijo e acompanhado com geleia de pimenta\n", + "Bolinha feita de ‘massa’ de linguiça de porco e torresmo recheada com queijo muçarela.\n", + "Croqueta de costelinha suína. Acompanha geléia de pimenta.\n", + "Costelinha suína acompanhada de chip de batata-doce.\n", + "2 espetinhos de frango e queijo coalho e 2 de carne, todos empanados, acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta e molho de alho da casa.\n", + "Rabada desfiada, servida dentro do canudinho finalizada com brotos de agrião.\n", + "Polpettone recheado com muçarela, regado no molho ao sugo. Acompanha polenta frita e farofa crocante de bacon.\n", + "4 bolinhos de polenta recheados com palheta suína marinada, defumada e queijo. Com 3 molhos: chumichurri com alho, sour cream de limão e coulis de morango.\n", + "Bacalhau em lascas, especialmente condimentado, cozido no creme de leite em uma cama de batatas cozidas fatiadas.\n", + "Bem Mineiro, UAI!Torresmo de rolo acompanhado de polenta.\n", + "Tiras de carne bovina empanada, com quibebe de mandioca acompanhada de molho da casa.\n", + "Escondidinho de bacalhau, feito com aipim e flor de sal.\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora, recheado com um saboroso peito bovino desfiado e cremoso, embebido em cerveja preta, couve e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Filé-mignon ao vinho com purê de mandioquinha.\n", + "Frango defumado e desfiado em creme de aipim, gratinado com muçarela ? acompanha torradas de pão de leite e pimenta defumada.\n", + "Massa de macaxeira recheada com brisket desfiada e servida com maionese de cerveja preta.\n", + "Creme de mandioca ao molho de linguiça caipira com queijo gratinado, torresminho e gravetos de costela com queijo.\n", + "A lá minuta transformada em petisco: palitos de arroz, bolinho de feijão, nhoque frito, iscas de entrecôt e frango.\n", + "Bolinho de Cuscuz Paulista recheado com Costela Defumada, Bacon e Queijo Provolone\n", + "Pão francês recheado com um blend de carne e de legumes, cream cheese e coberto com queijo gratinado.\n", + "Bolinho de feijão com ingredientes da feijoada tradicional, recheado com bacon e couve mineira\n", + "Camarão quando se come fica enfeitiçado com o sabor, e o queijo Marajoara, e um dos melhores do mundo e por ser um queijo quase 100% natural a pessoa fica encantado com sabor.\n", + "Filé-mignon com molho de 4 queijos, tomate seco e pão especial.\n", + "Coxão mole ao molho de mostarda.\n", + "Charque desfiada com cebola, acompanha farofa temperada com batata-doce e vinagrete da casa.\n", + "Quizado de carneiro acompanhamento mandioca frita.\n", + "Garrão bovino ao molho com polenta recheada de queijo, envolvido em uma hortaliça de folha de sabor marcante, salpicado com cheiro-verde e aromatizado com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Receita tradicional da vovó Bibi. Deliciosa coxinha de caranguejo com muito recheio, sabor de comida de vó, com muito amor e carinho! O espetinho do Fabrício, e o pioneiro na coxinha de caranguejo em Icoaraci. Venha experimentar a melhor coxinha de caranguejo de Icoaraci, Ananindeua e Belém.\n", + "Os 3 dos maiores sucesso em um petisco único e especial do Marcelo.\n", + "anejaCarne de sol acompanhada de queijo coalho maçaricado, mel de engenho, farofa, vinagrete e pão de alho.\n", + "Costela bovina com pedaços de milho verde e mandioca cozida na manteiga. Acompanhada de farofa da casa.\n", + "Miolo de alcatra ao molho de chimichurri, batata frita corte caseiro com muçarela.\n", + "Tulipas de frango com queijo ao molho de goiabada.\n", + "Rocambole de carne bovina com recheio de kafta suína temperada com ervas finas e páprica defumada. Acompanha bolinho de risoto (limão siciliano), farofa, vinagrete e molho barbecue com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "São peroás empanados, com a farinha especial de fubá acompanhando de molho de mostarda e mel e rosé\n", + "Bolinho de batata.\n", + "Cupim desfiado com um leve toque de molho barbecue, gratinado com queijo gouda. Acompanha torradas amanteigadas.\n", + "Carne de panela de ‘bananinha’, servida com farofa de banana-da-terra, bacon e polenta.\n", + "Bolinho de lámen, acompanha molho de soja e tempero especial do Meninão.\n", + "Iscas de Saint Peter marinadas no limão e temperadas com cebola-roxa e pimenta-dedo-de-moça. Acompanha chips da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de galinhada acompanhado de vinagrete de abacaxi com molho de pequi e crispy de couve.\n", + "Cigarretes de carne louca acompanhados de molho cheddar e bacon\n", + "Abóbora cabotia recheada com creme da abóbora, carne seca desfiada salteada na manteiga com bacon, molho bechamel e gratinada com queijo mussarela. Acompanha pãeszinhos\n", + "Bolovo feito com ovo de codorna e rúcula, servido com vinagrete.\n", + "CasaBolinho de camarão, salmão, catupiry com massa de batata-doce e arroz oriental empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "Costela suína temperado com azeite e alho, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha o molho Estação.\n", + "Bolinho de torresmo: bolinhos feitos com barriga de porco com copa lombo, acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Carne assada com purê de baroa e farofa\n", + "Cupim marinado em vinho, champagne e ervas, assado, frito, servido com pururuca de jiló. Acompanha molho de champagne, vinho e licor.\n", + "Ciranda de siri com dois croquetes, dois escabeches de siri na broa de centeio e dois pastéis de siri com abóbora e requeijão. Acompanhado de maionese de maracujá e molho de pimenta da casa.\n", + "Croquete de costela suína empanado na panko, acompanhada de molho aïoli , geleia de pimenta-doce artesanal aromatizada comespeciarias.\n", + "Rocambole de cupim recheado com queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha molho do Zé.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca e pernil desfiado, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha molho de alho e molho chimichurri.\n", + "Bolinho de arraia com recheio de camarao e molho de coalhada com hortelã\n", + "Bolinho de Rabada com massa de milho.\n", + "Moqueca de sururu com tilápia, servido em bolacha de feijão de corda e feijão vermelho.\n", + "Isca de filé de panga interfolhado. Acompanha molho de camarão.\n", + "Croquete de costela cremosa, com queijo muçarela e alho, defumada na lenha de macieira, acompanha ketchup de goiabada e mostarda de maracujá com manga.\n", + "Bolinha de carne seca e requeijão rechado com queijo coalho e pimenta biquinho, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha maionese de rúcula com ervas.\n", + "Nachos servidos com ragu de ossobuco, guacamole, molho sour cream e queijo muçarela gratinado.\n", + "Cheesecake salgado de cream cheese com conserva de tomate cereja e costela bovina desfiada Acompanha molho de costela picante.\n", + "Chouriço em postas acompanhado de vinagrete tropical e farofa de mandioca.\n", + "Bolinhas de aipim temperadas para mergulhar num molho de camarão com catupiry, gratinado com mussarela e parmesão. Finalizado com camarões grelhados, gotas de catupiry e salsinha.\n", + "FILÉ MIGNON AO MOLHO COM FEIJÃO FRITO, PURÊ DE BROA E CRISPY DE CEBOLA.\n", + "6 petiscos de massa de harumaki sendo 2 de salmão, 2 de camarão à milanesa e 2 pulled pork com camarão grelhado e picles de rabanete.\n", + "Croqueta de vaca atolada com provolone, servida com barbecue artesanal levementepicante\n", + "Pastel de costela desfiado com mussarela.\n", + "Pão frito recheado com joelho ao alho poró, maionese de cebola flambada, vinagrete de repolho com cebola roxa, pimenta dedo de moça e limão galego, e batata palha artesanal.\n", + "BOLINHOS SEM MASSA DE FUMEIRO COM BANANA DA TERRA\n", + "Joelho de porco defumado à lenha com sal grosso, cozido no vinho branco e pururucado com banha da casa, ornado com farofinha de repolho roxo e molho maranga das Irmãs Alvim.\n", + "Camarão envolto em queijo colonial, empanado na farinha panko, servido com molho rosé e molho de mostarda e mel. Acompanha uma dose de cachaça.\n", + "Massa de linguiça artesanal recheada com queijo muçarela, servida com geleia de pimenta de abacaxi.\n", + "Iscas de frango empanadas com parmesão, acompanhadas de molho da casa de mostarda com mel.\n", + "Sanduíche cubano feito com pernil suíno marinado em molho cubano.\n", + "Bolinho de pirarucu, com macaxeira e jambú, recheado com queijo do Marajó. Molho de tucupí, pimenta cumari e manga.\n", + "Figuinho de galinha refogado, acompanhado de jiló empanado com parmesão.\n", + "Pastéis recheados com pernil desfiado marinado na cerveja em formato de garrafinhas, acompanhado de geleia de morango e geleia de pimenta-dedo-de-moça.\n", + "Espeto de frango em cubos com bacon e queijo muçarela, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanhado do nosso delicioso molho picante de manga.\n", + "Panceta de porco defumada na churrasqueira a bafo com sal grosso, em formato de rolo. Servida com tempero de lemon pepper. Acompanha geleia de pimenta, Vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "É UM FILÉ ESPECIAL NA CHAPA, COM MOLHO ESPECIAL\n", + "Bolinho feito com massa de mandioca recheado com costela suína assada com queijo provolone e pimenta dedo de moça. Acompanha molho rosé, maionese verde e barbecue.\n", + "Mandioca cozida e cremosa, com miolo de acém, muçarela e cheiro-verde. Acompanha farofa de torresmo e crisp de couve.\n", + "Linguiça feita na casa com gorgonzola, servida com geleia de mexerica e acompanha purê de mandioca e farofa de cebola tostada\n", + "Escondidinho de carne seca desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha chips de batata doce, geleia de pimenta e melaço de cana.\n", + "Arepas de costela defumada, picles de cebola-roxa, maionese verde e queijo gratinado. Acompanha vinagrete de laranja.\n", + "Barriga de porco marinada em especiarias de um dia para o outro. Servida com geleia de abacaxi levemente apimentada.\n", + "3 espetinhos: um de carne de sol, um de cupim e um de provolone à milanesa. Acompanha molho de mostarda e mel.\n", + "Músculo de boi confitado acompanhado de pão artesanal.\n", + "Caçarola com creme de filé suíno marinado no vinho, creme de queijo e cebola caramelizada com bacon e provolone. Acompanha 4 fatias de mini toast de brioche de bacon (mini pão brioche tipo hambúrguer tostado).\n", + "Pão branco com queijo gorgonzola, muçarela, tomates, geleia de cebola caramelizada e carne de cordeiro, com toque de azeite extravirgem e molho chimichurri à parte.\n", + "Pãezinhos fritos recheados de comida de verdade do Brasil: a carne do Barreado do Sul, o camarão do Vatapá do Nordeste, o frango da Galinhada do Centro-Oeste, o quiabo do Caruru do Norte e o porco da feijoada do Sudeste.\n", + "Aipim rosti com costela desfiada\n", + "Croquetas de gorgonzola com milho.\n", + "Pão de fermentação natural tostado com manteiga e alho, sour cream, pastrami da casa desfiado, creme de queijo e picles de cebola-roxa.\n", + "Brisket defumado por 12 horas, recheado com queijo parmesão e empanado na farinha panko, acompanhado com molho especial a base de barbecue com wisky\n", + "Três minipães recheados com os molhos da casa (carne de panela, molho de frango, cogumelo) cobertos com molho de queijo da casa e queijo muçarela. Acompanham 4 molhos da casa: pesto, barbecue, mostarda e alho e óleo.\n", + "Lascas de aipim frito coberto com um delicioso chili de carne seca e topo um sensacional crispy de couve\n", + "Medalhão de fraldinha na brasa, acompanhado por cebola grelhada à moda da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com iscas de bacalhau, pimenta do reino e sal. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "JALAPENO COM CREAM CHEESE E FATIA DE GRAVLAX.\n", + "Barriga de porco glaceada num molho asiático, acompanhada de picles caseiro e pastel de vento.\n", + "Omelete japonesa em camadas, com nori entre cada uma; acompanhada de maionese de umeboshi, cebolinha e togarashi\n", + "Filé-mignon recheado à napolitana acompanhado de creme de batata com alho-poró.\n", + "Costela marinada na cerveja e especiarias. Acompanha pão baguete, batata artesanal do Jacós, vinagrete, mostarda escura, e ketchup.\n", + "Petisco composto por três elementos que se complementam em textura e sabor! Favada, farofa de biju com ovo e banana e fatias de pão com carne de sol e nata.\n", + "Petisco composto por três elementos que se complementam em textura e sabor! Favada, farofa de biju com ovo e banana e fatias de pão com carne de sol e nata.\n", + "Bolinho de músculo recheado com castanhas e queijo mussarela. Panko especial. Servidas com maionese verde picante.\n", + "Beiju de tapioca + pato desfiado + gelatina de tucupi + jambu.\n", + "Exibidinho com camadas de purê de mandioca cremoso, carne seca desfiada, com uma camada de muçarela e bananas da terra grelhadas, finalizado com pipoquinha de queijo coalho da casa.\n", + "Moela ao molho, batata rústica com queijo acompanhado de molho de alho e torradas.\n", + "Carne de sol com banana da terra.\n", + "Massa de mandioca, carne serenada desfiada com creamcheese.\n", + "Coração de frango com farofa de banana e cebola e molho especial.\n", + "Costela de boi, repousada sobre uma cama de purê de mandioquinha, acompanhado de farofa crocante de banana da terra.\n", + "5 mini pasteis arretados de carne seca com catupiry e pimenta jalapeño\n", + "Charque puxado na manteiga de garrafa, servido com triângulos de tapioca crocantes e pimenta confitada.\n", + "Ossobuco ao molho de cerveja preta, acompanhado de purê de couve-flor com parmesão gratinado.\n", + "Tradicional bolinho de carne moída, acompanha vinagrete.\n", + "Croquete de arroz ao leite de coco, patê de camarão e carne-seca desfiada refogada na manteiga. Acompanha maionese de coco verde com um toque de pimenta-doce.\n", + "Poqueca de frutos do mar acompanhada de farofa de castanha e arroz de coco.\n", + "Medalhão de filé mignon com bacon, finalizado com queijo maçaricado e mandioca temperada.\n", + "Bolinho de batata-salsa com cordeiro desfiado, recheado com queijo provolone defumado.\n", + "Iscas de carne de porco empanadas e bolinhos de ervilha recheados de milho e queijo, servidos com molho bergamota à moda.\n", + "Panceta cozida ao molho de vinho e gengibre, servida com creme de baroa com queijo.\n", + "Angu de Baiana ao leite de coco com patinho suíno laminado e moqueca de camarão.\n", + "Um trio com três deliciosas casquinhas, com o sabor de camarão, Siri, Tubarão.\n", + "Uma grande festa na fazenda! Ovos cor de ouro preparados artesanalmente na sua cama de palha, mini bifes de mignon com queijo parmesão e ancho com finas tiras selecionadas de bacon. Acompanha molho de queijo parmesão flambado.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioquinha com rabada, acompanha molho do chef.\n", + "Pirão de aipim coberto por duas camadas de queijo coalho, sendo uma maçaricada, e carne-seca acebolada. Acompanhado de salada de tomates verdes e de banana caramelizada.\n", + "Barquetes (massinha crocante) recheadas com costela e queijo brie, cobertas de requeijão e tempero verde.\n", + "Bolinho de carne, pão prensado com bacon, batata frita, acompanhado de um molho especial.\n", + "Salgado feito com massa de linguiça toscana recheado com purê de abobora cabotia empanado e frito acompanha patê de pimentas.\n", + "Croquete de língua bovina defumada com picles de cebola roxa e maionese defumada.\n", + "Carne de sol do tipo coxão-mole, cortada em cubos, acebolada, acompanhada da farofa de jerimum caboclo e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Xis carne de panela, com rúcula, tomate, cebola-roxa e queijo triplo. Acompanha maionese.\n", + "Croquete de arroz e carne seca suína com Shimeji, servido com patê de alho e couve crispy.\n", + "Massa de feijoada recheada com creme de queijo e bacon apimentado. Acompanha uma redução de balsâmico.\n", + "Trouxinha de massa filo, carne seca recheada com quiabo e servida com um creme de aipim\n", + "Lombinho temperado na manteiga de garrafa com batatas no bacon e provolone.\n", + "Costela servida com queijo derretido sobre um purê de batatas cremoso.\n", + "Comida oriental, com ingredientes típicos mineiros.\n", + "Tilápia recheada com queijo e ervas\n", + "Bolinho de risoto de polvo com molho verde e broto de beterraba.\n", + "Bolinho misto de costela suína e bacon, recheado com requeijão em barra e acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi com gengibre.\n", + "Costelinha no molho de Amora, Musseline de Milho verde com Queijo Mole e Chutney de Abacaxi.\n", + "Croquetes recheados com queijo brie, presunto parma e damasco desidratado acompanhados de geleia de pimenta caseira.\n", + "Vinagrete de Camarão com mussarela maçaricada.\n", + "Disco de mandioca com carne acompanhado com maionese de bacon\n", + "Linguiça toscana com queijo e cheiro verde.\n", + "Cozido de bife ancho em cubos. Acompanha pão português chapeado na manteiga e orégano, vinagrete de picles artesanal e cebola roxa.\n", + "Croquete de carne de sol com pequi e queijo.\n", + "Copa lombo assado ao molho barbecue, milho refogado e croquete de costelinha, acompanhado de geleia de goiaba com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinhas de carne empanadas com macarrão. Acompanha molho creole de tomate com pimenta moderada.\n", + "Cupim com queijo, mandioca frita molho de alho e pimenta-dedo-de-moça.\n", + "Bolinho de carne de sol na manteiga de garrafa com catupiry, recheado com queijo. Acompanha molho de pimenta. Acompanha licor de caju.\n", + "Croquete de porco com queijo coalho, harmonizado com especiarias autênticas e um toque de alecrim, que confere um aroma sensacional. Empanado à perfeição com farinha de trigo e tapioca, acompanhado pelo inigualável molho especial.\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "Quem é do Bar não enjoaPolenta frita com ragu de copa lombo, picles de cebola roxa e maionese de páprica defumada.\n", + "Camarões feitos na manteiga com catupiry e enrolados em carpaccio de salmão. Acompanha torradinhas com azeite.\n", + "Irresistível Isca de Filhote paraense ao molho de mostarda com tucupi de dar água na boca.\n", + "Batata rústica coberta com carne suína desfiada ao molho barbecue feito com rum, mussarela, cebola roxa e farofadebacon.\n", + "Bolinho de ragu de costela com queijo colonial, muçarela e purê de aipim, envolto em farinha panko.\n", + "Croquete de peixe à delícia com molho de parmesão.\n", + "Abará embrulhado na palha da bananeira e cozido no vapor, servido com creme de camarão e molho lambão.\n", + "Sanduíches feitos com frutos do mar e carnes regionais (bode) empanados na farinha panko e servidos com aioli da casa, salada e variados pães. Nesta versão minitrio, os po’boys vêm na versão siri, camarão e bode.\n", + "Filé de Saint Peter temperado e recheado com queijo provolone, empanado e frito, acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "Camarão encapotado de moqueca com vatapá.\n", + "Ragu de costelinha suína acompanhada de dadinhos de polenta recheados com queijo parmesão, servido com molho à parte preparado com o caldo da costela.\n", + "Delicioso cupim assado com chutney de tomate. Acompanha: batatas sanfonadas e barquinhas de pão recheadas ao forno.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, filé de camarão e queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "Croquete de costela desfiada.\n", + "Petisco de batata empanada ao Panko com smash burger, 4 queijos e especiarias, acompanhado de tiras de frango frito empanadas e temperadas à moda da casa.\n", + "Massa de wantan recheada com carne bovina, camarão e carne de porco.\n", + "Espetada de costela de fogo de chão, acompanhada de um varal de coxas com a marinada da casa. Acompanha molho de chumichurri, tomate confitado e farofa especial.\n", + "Polpetone de carne bovina e linguiça toscana, recheado com queijo e coberto por um molho de tomate especial.\n", + "02 Unidades Peitinho de Moça recheados com requeijão e carne seca servido em uma forma de sutiã\n", + "Angu mineiro com couve e cupim desfiados, parmesão e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho ragú de cupim e torresmo.\n", + "Crostini de polenta com calabresa consiste em; uma polenta de corte em formato retangular frita submersa em óleo, com uma quenelle de calabresa cremosa, coberta com crispy de couve manteiga e finalizada com flor de sal.\n", + "Ragu de carne de panela com um toque de laranja e cerveja pilsen, cozido até desmanchar, creme de parmesão e alho confitado, servidos com uma cesta de pão.\n", + "Dadinho de banana da terra com cebola caramelizada e pitada de pimenta calabresa e um blend de costela, carne bovina e linguiça bovina. Acompanhado de um molho cítrico.\n", + "Dadinho recheado com pernil, empanado na farinha panko, com melaço de cana e raspas de limão. Acompanha um delicioso molho de goiabada cascão.\n", + "Porção com 6 bolinhos de cupim defumado sem massa, empanados na farinha panko. Acompanha maionese e molho barbecue da casa.\n", + "Croqueta de costela suína com molho agridoce.\n", + "Bolinho de Jacalhau crocante por fora e macio por dentro, acompanhado de molho tártaro vegano.\n", + "5 bolinhos de puro cupim com cobertura de molho de bacon.\n", + "Maminha assada com ervas finas, acompanhada de mandioca refogada na manteiga de garrafa e farofinha caseira.\n", + "3 bolinhos de linguiça Toscana, banana-nanica e muçarela e 3 bolinhos de batata-doce com gorgonzola, acompanhados do molho Ranch e maionese de chimichurry.\n", + "Cesta de banana Pacovã recheada com filé bovino, filé de frango, camarão, cecina e ceviche. Acompanha leite de tigre.\n", + "Peito de boi no bafo, temperado com varias especiarias (orégano, gengibre, alho, louro, chimi churri), finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanha batatarústica, farofa, vinagrete e pimenta da casa.\n", + "Canudinhos recheados com rabada e cream cheese, acompanhados de farofa de bacon com agrião.\n", + "Cuzcuz frito servido com camarão e maionese de raiz forte.\n", + "Camarão na chapa com manteiga de garrafa, queijo coalho, geleia de pimenta vermelha, abacaxi e parmesão.\n", + "Almôndegas de carne recheadas com queijo.\n", + "Coxa com sobrecoxa desossada de aproximadamente 450 g, temperada em molho de ervas e derivados, grelhada e servida com um molho especial da casa! Acompanha porção de fritas de 200 g.\n", + "A porção é composta por 4 bolinhos de feijoada e 4 bolinhos de arroz com 3 queijos. A combinação do PF brasileiro, em forma de petiscos. Acompanhado da nossa tradicional pimenta da casa.\n", + "Copa Lombo lentamente assada na churrasqueira e desfiada, acompanhada de dadinho de pamonha bem salgadinho e pão tostado\n", + "BoitataBatata ao murro gratinada, recheada com molho branco, carne cozida frita desfiada com muçarela e bacon. Acompanha torradas e pimenta-calabresa.\n", + "Sticks de kafta (blend de cordeiro) regado ao molho de hortelã, acompanhado de uma porção de tabule, uma de homus e pãezinhos Murad.\n", + "Combinando bochecha de porco empanada e queijo derretido, junto com a maciez da bochecha de porco desmanchando. Acompanhado de purê de abóbora, tomates confitados e molho.\n", + "Trouxinha crocante de pele de frango recheada com ragu de linguiça e muçarela. Servido em cama de couve crispy. Acompanha geleia refrescante de goiaba com laranja e hortelã.\n", + "Coxinhas com massa à base de bisque de ostras, recheadas com ostras, bacon e queijo parmesão. Acompanha molhos golf e picante do mar feitos à base de algas.\n", + "Costela bovina desfiada servida com musseline de batata e parmesão fresco, acompanhada de um pesto leve de agrião.\n", + "Charque desfiada, acebolada, puxada na manteiga de garrafa com farofa de milho e bacon. Acompanha vinagrete e molho agridoce.\n", + "Bolinhos vegetarianos de uma mistura saborosa de ricota, espinafre e cogumelo sobre nossa geleia de pimenta com abacaxi.\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada com cebola e nata de leite, acompanhada de farofa de cuscuz com ovos e linguiça suína caramelizada no melaço de rapadura.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com pupunha, banana da terra e carne seca acompanhando de molho de pimenta.\n", + "Sushi de filé-mignon, recheado com queijo coalho.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, feito com linguiça calabresa, carne de sol e queijo coalho.\n", + "Picanha suína ao molho agridoce de abacaxi com bacon.\n", + "Provolone empanado, coberto por uma carne na cerveja e acompanhado de geleia de goiaba e molho de mostarda e mel.\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de carne de porco empanado na farinha panko, chips de inhame e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Preenchido com pirão de aipim e com banana-da-terra, queijo coalho, carne de sol, carne de fumeiro, camarão e batata palha no topo.\n", + "Bastões de linguiça toscana com recheio de queijo coalho e cream cheese, acompanhado de dadinhos de macaxeira recheados.\n", + "Pernas de Rã à Milanesa com Aioli de Coentro e 3 limões. Acompanha Caldinho do brejo e Shot ?Sangue de Maria Bonita?.\n", + "3 croquetes a base de massa de mandioca com recheio de queijo com bacon, carne louca e o pernil desfiado. Acompanha molho vermelho levemente picante.\n", + "Joelho de porco com chucrute doce.\n", + "Coxinhas com recheio de Pernil Suíno desfiado mais Molho Barbecue, empanadas na farinha Panko.\n", + "Bolinho de aipim recheado com queijo mussarela e cebola empanado no coco. Camarão ao molho anticuchero acompanhado de chips de banana ralada e molho de pimenta.\n", + "Tambaqui crocante com molho de maracujá e farofa de castanha-do-Pará.\n", + "Um mix de carne de siri e camarão com um leve toque de leite de coco e creme fresco, gratinado, acompanhado de barquetes de tapioca.\n", + "Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta com carne moída. Uma receita feita por minha família há muito tempo.\n", + "Cupim acompanhado de mandioca cremosa, farofa de banana e um toque picante de molho de pimenta.\n", + "Tulipas de frango empanadas com salgadinho de milho e quiabo frito, acompanhados de molho tasty e chutney de limão\n", + "Pasteizinhos de vento para serem recheados com a Feijoada Especial do Odorico.\n", + "Isquinhas de entrecôte coberto com molho de gorgonzola, acompanhado de cebolas-roxas adocicadas e torradinhas temperadas com azeite de oliva, orégano e pimenta-do-reino.\n", + "Bolinhos “invertidos” de costela suína recheados com queijo muçarela, servidos com molho de tamarindo.\n", + "Palmito pupunha empanado recheado com chiclete de camarão, acompanhado de chips de mandioca.\n", + "Costelinha suculenta de porco marinada na cachaça de jambu assado na brasa, acompanha pasta de pupunha com tucupi, chips de cará roxo e farofa de jambu.\n", + "Porção de bolinhos de siri.\n", + "Coxinha cremosa de frango defumado, acompanhada de molho de churrasco defumado.\n", + "3 bolinhos de brisket (peito bovino defumado em lenha frutífera e depois cozido lentamente até desfiar) temperados com ervas e cream cheese, trazendo uma experiência sensorial de defumado a cada mordida, servidos com ketchup de picles\n", + "Carne cozida acompanhada de farofa e batata artesanal.\n", + "Panhoca recheada com carne de boi em cubos.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com feijão recheado com queijo. Acompanha carne de jabá com caminha de cebola roxa, farofa de cuscuz e purê de banana da terra.\n", + "3 bolinhos de costela suína defumada (banhada no chopp ipa, com barbecue). Empanado sem massa, diretamente na farinha panko e recheado com mussarela. Servido com molho da casa que consiste em maionese, creme de leite pasteurizado, alho, cebola e mix de pimentas. Acompanha molho barbecue.\n", + "Essa é a nossa versão do Bitterballen, deliciosos bolinhos cremosos de carne assada de cupim (cinco unidades) com recheio de queijo gouda.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca cozida com costela desfiada, empanada com panko crocante e frito.\n", + "Pão tipo italiano recheado com pasta de alho queijo e especiarias.\n", + "Rolinho crocante com recheio de bacon, camarão e creme de queijo.\n", + "Cordeiro recheado com queijo de pupunha artesanal, empanado em fina massa crocante, acompanhado de geleia de bacuri, levemente apimentada.\n", + "4 deliciosas cestinhas comestíveis feitas com massa filo e recheadas com um mix de frutos do mar\n", + "Panelinhas de creme de milho com frango, carne e linguiça, coberto com uma espuma de queijo e acompanhado com caviar de Pequi .\n", + "São 3 petiscos que representam o bar: croquete de moqueca com queijo, coxa com molho especial e o pastel crocante de rabada com agrião.\n", + "Saladito de massa amanteigada com mandioca e a crocância do torresmo. Com recheio de queijo muçarela e goiabada. Acompanha molho de pimenta suculenta.\n", + "ESCONDIDINHO DE LOMBO SUINO DEFUMADO NA PRESSÃO\n", + "Nossa sambiquira na língua é composta de língua cozida ao ponto salteada no azeite de ervas, finalizada com sambiquira à moda da casa com toque de alho frito e ervas frescas.\n", + "Ôxe, quem é que disse que cabra-da-peste não pode encher o bucho no capricho? Combinação arretada de tiras de alcatra com nata e um tempero “da bexiga”. Acompanhado de cuscuz e pimenta, que é pra hómi nenhum passar miséria, visse? Acompanha mandioca com manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com bacon recheado com tilápia, queijo canastra e castanha-de-caju. Servido com geleia de maracujá e pimenta.\n", + "Empanados crocantes de tilápia, filé suíno e peito de frango com molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Grissini de mandioca e camarão com molho de queijo.\n", + "A Mocofava é um prato típico do nordeste, cheio de sabor e exclusividade com a junção de dois ingredientes tradicionais da culinária nordestina,favaemocotó.\n", + "Bolinho de costela recheada com muçarela com molho barbecue de jabuticaba e uma dose de cachaça da roça.\n", + "Cone de filet mignon suíno empanado, recheado de copa lombo assada, defumada e com queijo. Acompanha salada especial\n", + "Canudo de Massa crocante recheado com creme de bacalhau, molho de ervas, e salpicado com parmesão ralado. Acompanha azeite de alho. Uma explosão de sabores italianos.\n", + "Camarão Rosa empanado e embrulhado em tiras de massa de pastel, acompanhado de um delicioso creme de Tucupi com folhas de Jambu e Creme de Pimenta.\n", + "Bacalhau fresco desfiado, feito a moda Portuguesa a base de azeite e alho, mergulhado em duas camadas de suculento creme de aipim e catupiry.\n", + "Porção de minis pastéis nos sabores costela, linguiça alemã com chucrute e prestígio.\n", + "Trouxinha de couve recheada com maçã de peito desfiada, cebola, alho-poró, caldo de carne caseiro. Acompanha pastel de vento com ervas.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com queijo ao molho da casa.\n", + "Porção com 3 sabores de pastéis: Camarão com creame cheese, Carne com Requeijão e Mussarela com Requeijão cremoso. Acompanhado de um molho de queijo com bacon e um molho especial da casa, o molho Perene.\n", + "Coxinha recheada com carne louca, empanada com farinha panko, acompanhado do molho da casa.\n", + "Porção com 3 sabores de pastéis: camarão com cream cheese, carne com requeijão e muçarela com requeijão cremoso. Acompanhado de um molho de queijo com bacon e um molho especial da casa, o molho Perene.\n", + "Três espetinhos especiais do Pescador.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com cream cheese.\n", + "Carne de fumeiro coberto com queijo coalho maçaricado, acompanhado de aipim frito e banana-da-terra.\n", + "Bolinho de bobo de camarão recheado com queijo, finamente empanado e frito. Finalizado com camarão salteado na manteiga, pimenta e alecrim.\n", + "Crocante por fora e macio por dentro, bolinho de linguiça com recheiodequeijo.\n", + "Língua de boi acebolada com rabada.\n", + "Cubos de frango, aipim e bacon com molho de alcaparras.\n", + "Bolinhas de purê de batata recheadas com carne moída e muçarela.\n", + "200g de Queijo Coalho em cubos empanado no trigo. Acompanhado de um molho de mel trufado.\n", + "Bolinho crocante de paleta de porco desfiada, recheado com muçarela de búfala, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e molho barbecue. Para finalizar, pedaços de abacaxi maçaricado com açúcar.\n", + "Sanduíche de rabada apimentada com provolone e rúcula.\n", + "Bolinho de carne porque a gente adora umafritura.\n", + "Quatro pãezinhos recheados com linguiça levemente picante e creme de provolone, finalizados no forno com muçarela gratinada. Acompanha maionese defumada.\n", + "Espetinho de queijo coalho com massa folhada. Acompanha batata-doce chips e frango crocante com molho de laranja chinês.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "Charuto de carne angus feito na brasa recheado com queijo serrano e goiabada cascão acompanhado de fonduta de queijos especiais.\n", + "BOLINHO DE MOLHO BECHAMEL RECHEADO COM COSTELA E TRÊS QUEIJOS: MUSSARELA, QUEIJO PRATO E QUEIJO PARMESÃO! ACOMPANHAMENTO DOIS MOLHOS SOUR CREAM E MOLHO AGRIDOCE DE ROMÃ\n", + "Canapé de mandioca, lagarto desfiado no molho de cerveja stout, couve crispy e geleia de pimentão vermelho.\n", + "Anéis de cebola recheados com frutos do mar, empanados e acompanhados com 3 tipos molho: goiaba com pimenta, mostarda e mel, maionese e coentro\n", + "COXINHA TEMPERADA COM LEMON PEPPER, SERVIDA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA E MOLHO BARBECUE.\n", + "Carne de panela com toque de molho caseiro, acompanhado com purê de aipim com banana-da-terra, farofa de torresmo e salada vinagrete de pepino japonês.\n", + "Tiras de fraldinha feitas no creme de cebola, servidas na chapa de ferro com batatas gratinadas ao chimichurri, bananas-da-terra fritas e molho chilli.\n", + "Pastel desconstruído, com recheio de carne de panela, cream cheese e alho-poró frito.\n", + "Composto por uma massa artesanal, recheada por ragu de cupim, banana-da-terra, finalizado com queijo maçaricado. Acompanha molho golf.\n", + "Puxadinho de mandioca na manteiga com uma deliciosa carne de panela desfiada na cachaça. Acompanha palitinhos crocantes recheados com massa de mandioca e bacon, o clássico Mandiopã com Lemon pepper e pasta de alho.\n", + "Singela homenagem à minha avó, Alejandra Florentina. Uma releitura da tortilla espanhola, um prato tradicional de lá. Acompanha molho cheddar.\n", + "aturno Bolinho de arroz com linguiça artesanal recheado com queijo muçarela e anel de cebola empanado em volta, dando o formato de Saturno. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e tomate confitado.\n", + "Língua de boi cozida na cerveja artesanal, produzida no Vale do Aço, acompanhada de vinagrete quente de tomate cereja, cestinha de pão francês e farofa de alho e cebola produzida na casa.\n", + "Croquete de copalombo desfiada, com chiclete de queijo.\n", + "Pastel aberto com recheio de siri, carne e fumeiro. Acompanhado de vinagrete de banana-da-terra.\n", + "Picanha suína ao molho de cerveja escura, acompanhada de batatas rústicas, pãozinho fatiado, abacaxi com damasco caramelizados.\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de laranja e milho, acompanhada de vinagrete de quiabo, com palitos de polenta.\n", + "Frango servido com quiabo crocante acompanhado de molho ranch.\n", + "Costela suína defumada e assada. Com duas opções de preparo: Assada e regada ao molho barbecue e à milanesa. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta, molho de mostarda e mel e salsa de tamarindo.\n", + "Rocambole de pernil assado recheado de espinafre refogado com bacon picado no azeite de oliva, queijo, vinagrete de azeitona preta e especiarias. Acompanha molho de maçã.\n", + "Uma nova versão do tradicional pão com linguiça, mas aqui é no espeto.\n", + "Minimoranga recheada com musseline de abóbora com gorgonzola, coberta com requeijão cremoso e muçarela. Acompanhada de cubos de carne suína confitados e picles de cebola-roxa.\n", + "Purê de abóbora cabotiá com pernil desfiado, com tempero baiano e crispy de couve.\n", + "Espetinho de queijo e goiabada enrolado no bacon.\n", + "Fatias de bacon enroladas em provolone com cubos de pernil, empanado na panko, acompanha molho barbecue e mostarda amarela.\n", + "Bruschetta elaborada com linguiça artesanal da casa coberta com cream cheese e tomate cereja.\n", + "Bruschetta de pernil assado ao vinho com tomate cereja confitado.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com Kafta, rúcula e queijo muçarela com molho de maionese de orégano.\n", + "Espeto de carnes suínas e linguica paio atolado no feijão com delicioso tempero botequeiro e finalizado com couve crocante e torresmo.\n", + "Minimaia em formato triangular popularmente conhecido como precheca.\n", + "Cupim temperado com manteiga de ervas finas, feito no bafo por 7 horas, desfiado, sobre sour cream (limão com cream cheese), no arroz japones feito na panko (hot) finalizado com molho teriyaki de açai\n", + "Camada generosa de vatapá, coberta com queijo muçarela creme de bobó e por cima camarões e banana da terra grelhados.\n", + "Bolinho recheado com rabada e especiarias, cuja massa é feita na panela do cozimento da carne. Servido com molho especialdeagrião.\n", + "CARNE DESFIADA COM CASTANHA DO PARÁ ENVOLTOS EM MASSA HARUMAKI REGADOS COM MOLHO DE TAPEREBÁ LEVEMENTE PICANTE. ACOMPANHADO DE VINAGRETE DE CASTANHA.\n", + "Filé-mignon suíno com farofa de três farinhas, vinagrete de abacaxi e molho agridoce.\n", + "Fraldinha desfiada com legumes, cerveja preta e requeijão, na massa do rolinho primavera frito, acompanhada de dois molhos, um de creme de torresmo e outro uma copota de cebola roxa.\n", + "Caldeirada de frutos do mar, com um caldo bem saboroso e cremoso, servido com torradas regadas no azeite.\n", + "Camarão com molho, com purê misto de mandioquinha e batata gratinada com parmesão.\n", + "Deliciosas almôndegas preparadas artesanalmente e conservadas em banha suína. Acompanhadas de um vinagrete, farofa de bacon com calabresa e palitinhos de pastel temperado.\n", + "Porção de minialmôndegas.\n", + "Minisanduíches de frutos do mar\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com abóbora recheado com queijo.\n", + "Kibe de pato e camarão recheados com velute de tucupi e jambu. Empanados na farinha de Bragança. Acompanha pesto de jambu com pimenta dedo moça e castanha.\n", + "O camarão ao molho de tomate, servido com torradas e salada vinagrete\n", + "o 3 bolinhos de brisket (peito bovino defumado em lenha frutífera e depois cozido lentamente até desfiar) temperados com ervas e cream cheese, trazendo uma experiência sensorial de defumado a cada mordida, servidos com ketchup de picles\n", + "Escondidinho de jiló com linguiça, gratinado com queijo parmesão.\n", + "Filé de pirarucu serenado com ceviche de abacaxi.\n", + "Copa lomba ao molho de mostarda acompanhado de batata rústica e farofa secreta da casa.\n", + "Ossobuco, calabresa de Maragogipe, fubá de milho, pimentões, molho de tomate, alecrim, páprica defumada, tomilho, crispy couve, salada vinagrete, tempero verde.\n", + "Croqueta de jiló defumado acompanhado de mousseline de fígado de frango e molho sweet chilli.\n", + "Barriga suína crocante, marinada ao molho de chimichurri e lemon pepper, com pudim de batata e bacon ao molho sugo e aquela branquinha para abrir o apetite.\n", + "Pimentão recheado com queijo e blend de carnes (bovina, suína e bacon), mergulhado ao molho pomodori. Acompanhado do original pãozinho francês.\n", + "Lingua de boi com batatas rústicas.\n", + "Lingüiça de pernil da casa, envolvendo um bolinho de carne de sol recheado com queijo coalho, finalizado com uma geleia de coentro e picles de maxixe.\n", + "Massa Folhada com recheio de bacalhau em natas\n", + "Pão bola recheado com pernil desfiado e empanado na farinha panko, queijo muçarela, saladinha e molho pesto de rúcula.\n", + "Torresmo de rolo com mandioca.\n", + "Discos de aipim frito com carne seca, bacalhau ao molho de nata e pernil. Acompanha molho de laranja com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinhos de mandioca recheados de parmegiana de carne com queijo gorgonzola e de parmegiana de berinjela com brócolis e gorgonzola. Fritos com uma dourada casquinha crocante. Acompanhados de um molho de tomates frescos e ervas, além de um molho de queijo cremoso.\n", + "Isca de pernil atolada no creme de queijo e bacon, acompanhada de batatas ao murro!\n", + "Pastelzinho de carne de siri acompanhado de vinagrete de tomate.\n", + "Porção de carne de sol com queijo coalho e macaxeira frita.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco feito com massa de abóbora japonesa, Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada regada ao molho de nata do Nordeste. Acompanha: macaxeira palito frita e uma paçoca de carne de sol.\n", + "Costela suína. Acompanha polenta brustolada com queijo e geleia de marmelo.\n", + "Carne empanadas a moda retro.\n", + "Queijo coalho na chapa, com salada de polvo e camarões servido com torrada e geleia de morango picante.\n", + "Tempurá de carne de sol recheada com requeijão de corte. Acompanha paçoca de torresmo, amendoim, rapadura e gergelim.\n", + "Pão francês com pasta de alho caseira, peito de frango, queijo coalho e vinagrete.\n", + "Casquinha de peixe servida com farofa de alho e salada vinagrete.\n", + "Filé de peito de frango empanado, acompanhado por maionese da casa e coulis de morango.\n", + "Torrada de pão cacetinho recheada com vinagrete e queijo, acompanhada de creme de camarão com alho poró.\n", + "Moranga de pão artesanal recheado com camarão e molho à base de queijo.\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora cabotiá, recheado com mignon suíno, assentada em geleia de pimenta, com raspas de laranja. Acompanha molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "Pastel e iscas de tilápia acompanhados de molho agridoce.\n", + "‘Tábua’ de petisquinhos com carne de sereno, mandioca cozida e frita, linguiça de porco em cubos e cebola em cubos.\n", + "Barriga de Porco pururucada com cuscuz mineiro e vinagrete de jiló.\n", + "Três minibúrgeres: carne-seca com banana-da-terra e queijo coalho; salmão com chutney de manga; shitaki crocante com molho de queijos.\n", + "Uma cesta de massa de pizza recheada com polvo e camarão.\n", + "Empanadas com recheio de queijo com cebola (argentina), cupim defumado (brasil),e o pulled pork com cheedar e jalapeño (eua). Acompanhada de molho chimichurri.\n", + "Pipoca de carne acompanhada com ketchup de goiabada e molho de alho.\n", + "Se é boteco raiz, tem moela bem feita! Suculenta, macia e servida no caldo. Prato extremamente bem servido, acompanhado de pão caseiro e uma pimentinha pra dar o toque final. Quem gostava, vai amar. Quem não gostava, vai mudar de opinião.\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca com camarão, servido com geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinhos de costela desfiada com catupiry, recheados com muçarela, empanados e fritos.\n", + "Croquetes de tilápia, acompanhados de limão siciliano e molho tártaro da casa.\n", + "Coxa de frango, batata, queijo empanada na farinha panko. Servido com molho de alho.\n", + "Casquinha de banana frita recheada com ragu de porco com abacaxi caramelizado.\n", + "São 6 bolinhos de mandioca cremosa servidos junto a cumbuca de creme de camarão, incluindo pedaços generosos de camarão.\n", + "Linguiça, bacon e banana-da-terra salteados e cobertos com creme de mandioca gratinado com queijo minas. Acompanha queijo coalho grelhado com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Uma releitura do Fish and Chips. Peixe e batatas rústicas acompanhados de baconese, geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "Joelho de porco desfiado, salada de batata na mostarda, repolho refogado, vinagrete de abacaxi e acompanha pão francês.\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com batata, acompanhado de molho agridoce\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada, pancetinha e couve-flor empanados com temperos especiais. Tudo isso acompanhado de molho da casa!\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com pamonha em cubos frita com creme de queijo gratinado e tomates grapes.\n", + "Filé-mignon gratinado, acompanhado de bolovo de linguiça Blumenau e balinha de banana com cream cheese e doce de leite.\n", + "Disco de carne goiano preparado com recheio de um trio de queijos, servido com molho de alho especial picante.\n", + "Bolinho de Costela recheado com com pernil e queijo, empanado com quatro tipos de farinhas (trigo, milho, rosca e mandioca). Acompanha patê de ervas finas e o molho de pimenta agridoce caseiro.\n", + "Hot Roll Misto de fraldinha e pernil desfiado, recheado com queijo muçarela empando com Doritos e farofa de bacon, finalizado catupiry e couve crispy. Acompanha molho tarê com redução de cachaça de rapadura, barbecue de whisky e maionese da casa.\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada, recheada com abóbora Cabotiã, queijo coalho enrolada no bacon. Acompanha molho de rapadura defumado\n", + "Croquetes feitos com massa de macaxeira saborizada com molho de cupim e ervas, recheados com cupim desfiado e queijo. Macaxeira cozida com manteiga da terra, com pedaços de cupim desfiado, cebolinha e pimenta-biquinho, finalizado com queijo muçarela ralado e maçaricado. Acompanha molho de melado de cana picante e outro de maionese com coentro.\n", + "Carne de Suan cozido na panela de pressão servido com purê de batata com queijo. Acompanha pãezinhos.\n", + "Bolinho típico portugês, feito com massa de batatas e tilápia, acompanhado de molho á base de cebola roxa e limão.\n", + "Pão italiano recheado com carne seca puxada na manteiga de garrafa e creme de batata baroa.\n", + "Espeto de carne de sol com mandioca, tomate, cebola, finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanhado de salpicão de pulled pork defumado.\n", + "Bolinho de carne da casa, bolinho de costela e bolinho carne-seca. Acompanha molho agridoce, molho de alho e molho de bacon.\n", + "Bolinhos de carne de ossobuco, acompanha uma geleia de acerola da casa.\n", + "Trouxinha feita com massa de harumaki com camarão, muçarela, bacon e um toque suave de gorgonzola. Acompanha geleia de goiaba levemente picante e maionese de bacon.\n", + "Croqueta de frango com creme de milho e molho de pequi.\n", + "Filé de pescoço de galinha saboroso, sequinhoecrocante\n", + "Croquete de linguiça toscana desconstruída, temperado com ervas finas, recheado com queijo e empanado com panko. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Carne de panela com molho especial da casa.\n", + "Língua ao molho de vinho com farofa de pipoca e purê de banana-da-terra.\n", + "Tradicional de Londres, o fish n’ chips ganha sua releitura com peixe pescada amarela ao panko, com porção de batata e nosso molho tártaro artesanal.\n", + "Carne de Sol suculenta, com Aipim frito que derrete na boca, com tiras de Queijo Coalho finalizando com Pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Coração bovino em cubos marinados, cobertos com 3 queijos (cheddar, catupiry e muçarela) e temperado com especiarias. Acompanha maionese caseira com um toque de whisky, batatas rústicas e anéis de cebola.\n", + "Joelho de porco (meio) com batata calabresa e macaxeira babada (cozida) e farofa.\n", + "Bolovo de costela, chips de jiló e croquete de rabada.\n", + "Dadinho de arroz arbório com camarão pitu, acompanha aioli, tartar de pimenta biquinho e farofa de bacon\n", + "Pernil com molho de queijo servido com pão, vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "Croquete de massa de aipim, recheado com pernil suíno e vinagrete.\n", + "TARTAR DE MIGNON DO SOL E CARPACCIO DE CARNE DO SOL COM VINAGRETE DE MANGA.\n", + "Carne de panela braseada, muito bem acompanhada da banana-da-terra grelhada, do vinagrete de jiló, da farofa de farinha de milho e bacon e da batata ao murro, que ainda levou a maionese de alho defumado junto!\n", + "Batata frita com cobertura de carne de sol desfiada e refogada na cebola e cheiro-verde ao creme de leite.\n", + "Lâminas de berinjela recheadas com linguiça e pedaços de queijo coalho empanados com farinha de rosca e trigo.\n", + "Massa com batata e dois queijos, modelada no formato vulcão, recheada com pernil e finalizada com iguarias, requeijão e provolone.\n", + "Torresmo, linguiça e mandioquinha e molho de barbecue, mostarda, maionese e ervas desidratadas.\n", + "Massa folhada, moldada em forminha de empada. Recheada com siri cremoso, gratinada com queijo parmesão. Servida com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Uma chapa com alcatra em tirinhas acebolada e batata frita acompanhada de maionese verde, molho de pimenta e farofa.\n", + "Bolinhos de bacalhau empanados na farinha de rosca, acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "Tiras de frango com molho de pimenta-doce e manjericão, acompanha batatas rústicas.\n", + "Crocantes de camarão com batata servidos com CEVICHU, o ceviche de chuchu ao molho Carmen Miranda.\n", + "Paleta de cordeiro na chapa com ervas. Acompanha chips de batata-doce, creme de queijos e farofa de cuscuz.\n", + "Uma explosão de sabores, Bolinho de Moqueca com todos os ingredientes que só uma boa Moqueca tem sabor e textura, tudo que a Bahia oferece.\n", + "Iscas de alcatra salteadas na frigideira com manteiga e ervas, acompanhadas de molho de quatro queijos e torradas fritas empanadas com parmesão\n", + "Copa lombo triturado formando uma fogueira e espetinho de dadinhos de canjiquinha recheado com bacon, com cobertura de creme de queijo e crispy de couve mineira. Acompanha dois molhos: limão cremoso e mix de ervas.\n", + "Bruquetas com cupim desfiado, cebola branca e roxa, pimentão vermelho e coentro. Servidos com maionese de ervas.\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com Bacon e Feijão Fradinho gratinado com Parmesão. Acompanhado de molho Bechamel.\n", + "Espetinhos de tâmaras recheadas com muçarela e envoltas por tiras de bacon.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca com carne de sol recheado com mussarela, servido com maionese da casa.\n", + "Miniespetinho de frango com queijo acompanhado de molho tártaro.\n", + "Cubo de Brisket defumado e crocante. Acompanha maionese picante da casa.\n", + "Porção de filés de cavala, empanados em farinha panko. Acompanha maionese de dill e limão-taiti cortados à francesa.\n", + "Porção de tilápia frita. Acompanha batata frita e molho da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de peixe acompanhado com molho siciliano.\n", + "Fatias de filé de frango deliciosamente temperadas e empanadas.\n", + "Coração de ovelha flambado na cachaça servido no pão de erva-mate e polenta brustolada defumada. Acompanha mostarda de vinho tinto.\n", + "Lula empanada no estilo tailandês com molho doce e levemente apimentado.\n", + "Bolinho cremoso de rabada temperado com karê (curry japonês), acompanhado de molho missô agridoce(5unidades).\n", + "Fraldinha ao molho de cerveja preta, picles de cebola e pãozinho de sal\n", + "6 coxinhas da asa empanadas e fritas, em degustação de molhos BBQ artesanais de goiabada, picante e tradicional.\n", + "Cubinhos de carne suína, pernil com Ora pro Nobis. Servidos com Dadinhos de polenta com queijo minas e pedaço de Palmito pupunha e Pimenta biquinho\n", + "Tulipa frita, finalizada com salsinha, alho frito e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "Moqueca de peixe e camarão coberta por cremoso purê de batatas e queijo gratinado, com farofa de dendê acompanhando, é a certeza que ESSE MAR ESTÁ PRA PEIXE!!\n", + "Canapé de paleta de porco gratinado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com gorgonzola acompanhado de molho artesanal com especiarias.\n", + "Carne do sol desfiada com um toque de cebola roxa,abóbora puxado na manteiga da terra, banana da terra mussarela, acompanha um incrível molho a base de queijo gorgozolaiogurte.\n", + "Pataniscas de Bacalhau servido com molho de limão siciliano.\n", + "Dadinho de risoto com legumes e ragu de cordeiro com hortelã.\n", + "Bolinhos recheados com salmão e cream cheese servidos com patê e molho tarê.\n", + "Pastéis de polenta frita com capinha crocante, recheados com carne de panela e cubinhos dequeijocoalho. Acompanhados de vinagrete de manga.\n", + "Camarões salteados em ervas acompanhado de um delicioso creme de baroa.\n", + "CROQUETE DE CALABRESA COM QUEIJO BRIE, EMPANADO NA TAPIOCA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA\n", + "Tríade de pastel nos sabores salmão, camarão e costela.\n", + "Fondue de queijo com iscas de filé mignon suíno e iscas de frango empanados na farinha panko.\n", + "Lombo de bacalhau do Porto desfiado ao creme de queijos e ervas coberto com lascas de parmesão gratinado e azeitonas. Acompanha arroz de leite de licuri (coquinho), servido em chips de mandioca com geléia de maracuja e ervas e um blend de cachaça de umbú (shot).\n", + "Joelho de porco defumado e ensopado, acompanha purê de banana-da-terra e farofa rica.\n", + "Bolinha de macaxeira com cream cheese e ervas finas, recheada com filé de camarão acompanhado de geleia caseira de gengibre e molho de mostarda.\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com recheio de filé de peixe com vegetais e um molho especial da casa, de três pimentas.\n", + "Bolinha de batata, tilápia, mussarela e catupiry\n", + "Frescor e sabor em perfeita harmonia.\n", + "Bolinho de cabotiá recheado com calabresa e catupiry.\n", + "Filé de Tilápia empanado com farinha de coco, servido com geleia de pimenta elascasdecoco.\n", + "Bolinho crocante com massa de batata asterix e abobrinha com recheio de queijo mussarela.\n", + "Em uma embalagem do biscoito polvilho da praia, teremos 3 tipos de porquinhos: PACOTE DOCE: Croquete de Costelinha de Porco com Chutney de Goiaba com Pimenta PACOTE SALGADO: Bolinho de Joelho de Porco Defumado Marinado na Cerveja servido com Geleia de Mate com Limão EM UM COPO DE BAR: Canjiquinha temperada, Ragú de Pernil desfiado, Crocante de Torresmo e Couve Frita servido com Vinagrete de Feijão Carioquinha\n", + "Lanche no formato boquinha de anjo recheado com costela desfiada, queijo muçarela, catupiry, bacon, cebola roxa e tomate.\n", + "Bolinho de cupim marinado em vinho branco com especiarias, recheado com queijo muçarela e parmesão, empanado em amêndoas laminadas. Acompanha maionese com iogurte natural e limão siciliano.\n", + "Bife a rolê ao molho de castanha-de-caju, acompanhado de batata rústica!\n", + "Língua Mignon, o pedido de todos!\n", + "Torresmo de rolo em camadas com geleia de abacaxi, catupiry, provolone, muçarela, cheddar e bacon. Acompanha molhos de abacaxi com pimenta, maionese de bacon e mostarda e mel.\n", + "Suculento ossobuco cozido lentamente com legumes, ervas e bacon com creme azedo de cream cheese e limão siciliano e servido com torradas.\n", + "Bolinho de lula com molho picante\n", + "Risoles com massa de batata recheados com camarão ao molho com catupiry.\n", + "Uma mistura de sabores do que nasce da terra, com o que cresce no mar. O Bolinho mixa os sabores da abóbora cabotia e camarão. Pra acompanhar pimenta caseira de leve ardência e pesto de coentro.\n", + "Coxinha sem massa de costela com requeijão.\n", + "Croquete feito com carne de panela sem massa e empanado na farinha Panko.\n", + "Batata gratinada com bacon e calabresa.\n", + "Picanha, pão com ovo, canudinho de maionese com linguiça Blumenau e canudinho de doce de abóbora. Acompanha molho de queijo e uma minicaipirinha.\n", + "Cupim desfiado com molho de quatro queijos, acompanha batata frita.\n", + "Almofadas de massa filo recheada com camarão e molho de queijos. Acompanha tapenade de azeitona.\n", + "Dadinho de canjiquinha, finalizado com requeijão e Couve frita + Pão grelhado na manteiga com recheio de carne louca (pernil desfiado).\n", + "Porção de Medalhão de mandioca. Acompanha molhodequeijo.\n", + "Barquete crocante recheado com 3 deliciosos recheios nos sabores de Camarão, Bacalhau e Siri\n", + "Carne de sol de contra filé grelhado servido com cebola roxa refogado na manteiga de garrafa, servidos com dadinho de mandioca frito\n", + "Costela bovina com especiarias e cerveja preta e acompanhada com os chips de batatadocecrocantes\n", + "Língua de boi brazeada com Nhoc de cenoura Baroa, tomate seco, afogada em vinho tinto e molho madeira.\n", + "Pastéis de carne de panela com cheddar, acompanhados de um molho remolado.\n", + "Creme de milho com batata, recheado com iscas de filé ao molho de funghi seco, requeijão e muçarela, acompanhado de torrada de ciabatta ao creme de alho e compota de espinafre com pera.\n", + "Carne moída recheado com queijo provolone empanado com purê de batata e farinha panko.\n", + "Espeto de polpetas com batata-doce, servido com molho de queijo gorgonzola e catupiry.\n", + "Porpetas recheadas com creme de queijos, finalizadas ao molho sugo com manjericão e queijo ralado, servidas como um autêntico petisco di buteco, no palito “comestível”. Uma explosão de sabor a cada mordida. Acompanha cestinha de torradas para raspar o prato.\n", + "Prato que leva arroz de coco empapado, camarão no molho, carne-seca frita acebolada, queijo coalho empanado. Servido com molho de pimenta baiana.\n", + "Escondinho de carne de sol com queijo coalho puxado na Mantega da terra com cebola\n", + "bolinho de arroz a grega com peixe empanado na farinha panko\n", + "Escalopinho de mignon, creme de mostarda com shitake, coberto com provolone maçaricado. Acompanha batata ‘aos murros’, tomatinho confitado, azeitona portuguesa e azeite temperado.\n", + "Linguiça mineira artesanal em cubos coberta com queijo parmesão, acompanhando nosso exclusivo pirão de lombinho suíno cremoso.\n", + "Porção de filé de tilápia. Acompanha pão prensado com queijo e maionese da casa.\n", + "Quiche de Costela desfiada com polenta acompanhado de pesto de agrião.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com costela defumada e queijos. Acompanha um molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com batata doce defumada.\n", + "Costela suína, finalizada com molho de chimichurri e creme de goiabada, acompanhada e palitos de polenta frita.\n", + "Bino, não corra! Isso não é uma cilada! Bolinho de carreteiro, feito com arroz cateto, bacon, charque desfiado, linguiça calabresa, um tico de pimenta de cheiro, um punhado de cheiro verde e um quejin mineiro pra completar! Sequinho e crocante por fora, cremoso por dentro! Servido com vinagrete picante de cebola roxa e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "Croquete de vaca atolada com maionese de bacon.\n", + "Rolinhos crocantes de berinjela com três sabores sendo: um recheado com bacon, queijo e pernil suíno; outro com bacalhau azeitona preta, cebola e pimentão; e o terceiro com queijo manjericão tomatinho e empanados. Acompanhados de molho picante sabor Chipotle, Creme verde com castanhas, mostarda e mel\n", + "Pernil suíno cozido e finalizado no forno com geleia de pimenta e vinagrete de cebola.\n", + "Sanduíche de frango marinado no shoyu e missô, com cebola, cenoura, acelga, alho dourado e coentro, na baguete. Acompanha Ga Kho Gung (frango em cubos com gengibre, molho de peixe, leite de coco) e molho barbecue artesanal.\n", + "Triângulos empanados de canjiquinha, com lombo suíno, bacon e calabresa, envoltos na farinha de milho com cheiro-verde desidratado. Acompanhado de molho pesto de couve.\n", + "Panceta com Mandioca frita\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca frito recheado com porco (pernil) e queijo gorgonzola, acompanhado de geleias de abacaxi e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Short ribs cozido ao molho de tomate, pápricas com vegetais e milho verde. Moedinhas de queijo acompanhadas de molho picante e geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "Uma massa finíssima recheada com carne bovina acompanhada com molho agridoce especial.\n", + "Escondidinho de mandioca com carne seca. Acompanhando queijo de coalho e melado de cana.\n", + "Sanduíche de pernil com picles e queijo, acompanhado de batata rústica e molho barbecue.\n", + "Pão baguete com creme de alho, vinagrete maravilha, linguiça de pernil levemente apimentada e provolone.\n", + "Combinado de 2 Bolinhos de Costela com Cupim no Bafo recheados com queijo gorgonzola e 1 Bolinho de Queijo de Coalho recheado com esse delicioso blend de carnes. Crocante por fora e suculento por dentro\n", + "Pimenta recheada com costela gaúcha e queijo com molho agridoce.\n", + "Iscas de filé-mignon suíno na cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhados de farofa de milho com bacon.\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "for c in content:\n", + " if c['food_desc']:\n", + " print(c['food_desc'])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "id": "4a8e4c88-52aa-4ca0-b426-1bb12b38fa6e", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 23, + "id": "fd577fdc-4f22-4bca-b656-a1c7acde8e81", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Risole de Camarão com sabor inesquecível.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp Risole with an unforgettable flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp Risole with an unforgettable flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp Risole with an unforgettable flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croqueta de vaca atolada ao molho Coralina e gremolata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with Coralina sauce and gremolata.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with Coralina sauce and gremolata.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with Coralina sauce and gremolata.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Massa de pastel assada recheada de vatapá e camarão e acompanhada de vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baked pastry filled with vatapá and shrimp and accompanied by vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baked pastry filled with vatapá and shrimp and accompanied by vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baked pastry filled with vatapá and shrimp and accompanied by vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne de costela bovina e linguiça toscana e recheado com queijo mussarela, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf with beef ribs and Tuscan sausage and stuffed with mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf with beef ribs and Tuscan sausage and stuffed with mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf with beef ribs and Tuscan sausage and stuffed with mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça suína com recheio de queijo!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork sausage dumpling with cheese filling!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork sausage dumpling with cheese filling!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork sausage dumpling with cheese filling!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Frango empanado crocante com bacon acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy breaded chicken with bacon accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy breaded chicken with bacon accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy breaded chicken with bacon accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Chiclete de sururu, pirão de sururu e salada tropical com mix de folhas e legumes. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sururu gum, sururu pirão and tropical salad with a mix of leaves and vegetables. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sururu gum, sururu pirão and tropical salad with a mix of leaves and vegetables. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sururu gum, sururu pirão and tropical salad with a mix of leaves and vegetables. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Peixe e camarões marinados e refogados, acompanhados de batatas, vegetais frescos e ovos de codorna. Tudo isso em um delicioso cozido com leite de coco e poupa de tomate. Para complementar, servido com o saboroso molho “Lambão” de tomate cebola roxa pimentão pimenta de cheiro coentro e cebolinha, junto com uma farofa crocante de banana da terra\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Marinated and braised fish and prawns, accompanied by potatoes, fresh vegetables and quail eggs. All of this in a delicious stew with coconut milk and tomato sauce. To complement, served with the tasty “Lambão” tomato sauce, red onion, pepper, cilantro and chives, along with a crispy plantain farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Marinated and braised fish and prawns, accompanied by potatoes, fresh vegetables and quail eggs. All of this in a delicious stew with coconut milk and tomato sauce. To complement, served with the tasty “Lambão” tomato sauce, red onion, pepper, cilantro and chives, along with a crispy plantain farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Marinated and braised fish and prawns, accompanied by potatoes, fresh vegetables and quail eggs. All of this in a delicious stew with coconut milk and tomato sauce. To complement, served with the tasty “Lambão” tomato sauce, red onion, pepper, cilantro and chives, along with a crispy plantain farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça da casa assada no álcool. Servida com cebola curtida na conserva, molho vinagrete e pão francês/de sal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-made sausage roasted in alcohol. Served with pickled onion, vinaigrette sauce and French/salt bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-made sausage roasted in alcohol. Served with pickled onion, vinaigrette sauce and French/salt bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-made sausage roasted in alcohol. Served with pickled onion, vinaigrette sauce and French/salt bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de carne de panela, gratinado com muçarela e queijo brie.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pot meat hideaway, gratin with mozzarella and brie cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pot meat hideaway, gratin with mozzarella and brie cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pot meat hideaway, gratin with mozzarella and brie cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filé de atum recheado e grelhado em folha de bananeira servidas com Arroz de Hauçá. Acompanha molho de tamarindo com rapadura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tuna fillet stuffed and grilled in banana leaf served with Hausa rice. Served with tamarind sauce and jaggery.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tuna fillet stuffed and grilled in banana leaf served with Hausa rice. Served with tamarind sauce and jaggery.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tuna fillet stuffed and grilled in banana leaf served with Hausa rice. Served with tamarind sauce and jaggery.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de quibebe recheado com pernil desfiado, acompanhado de vinagrete de banana da terra com raspas de limão siciliano e molho de pimenta receita secreta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Kibbeh dumpling stuffed with shredded ham, accompanied by plantain vinaigrette with lemon zest and secret recipe pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Kibbeh dumpling stuffed with shredded ham, accompanied by plantain vinaigrette with lemon zest and secret recipe pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Kibbeh dumpling stuffed with shredded ham, accompanied by plantain vinaigrette with lemon zest and secret recipe pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela cozida misturada com mix de tempero sutil. Defumada com galhos de goiabeira e recheado com queijo provolone. Acompanhada de molho artesanal sabor bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cooked ribs mixed with subtle seasoning mix. Smoked with guava twigs and stuffed with provolone cheese. Accompanied by homemade bacon flavored sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cooked ribs mixed with subtle seasoning mix. Smoked with guava twigs and stuffed with provolone cheese. Accompanied by homemade bacon flavored sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cooked ribs mixed with subtle seasoning mix. Smoked with guava twigs and stuffed with provolone cheese. Accompanied by homemade bacon flavored sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão acompanhando um delicioso molho de mostarda, maionese e picles\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Salmon cake served with a delicious mustard sauce, mayonnaise and pickles'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Salmon cake served with a delicious mustard sauce, mayonnaise and pickles'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Salmon cake served with a delicious mustard sauce, mayonnaise and pickles'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cubos de baby-beef super gelado a milanesa com queijo coalho a dorê, ambos frito no óleo de algodão servidos com um surpreendente molho de pimentão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cubes of super cold breaded baby beef with black curd cheese, both fried in cottonseed oil served with a surprising pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cubes of super cold breaded baby beef with black curd cheese, both fried in cottonseed oil served with a surprising pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cubes of super cold breaded baby beef with black curd cheese, both fried in cottonseed oil served with a surprising pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Massa de coxinha de espinafre empanada no panko, com recheio de creme de cogumelo com cebola caramelizada acompanhado de geleia de cajá-manga apimentado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Spinach drumstick dough breaded in panko, with mushroom cream filling with caramelized onion accompanied by spicy cajá-mango jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Spinach drumstick dough breaded in panko, with mushroom cream filling with caramelized onion accompanied by spicy cajá-mango jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Spinach drumstick dough breaded in panko, with mushroom cream filling with caramelized onion accompanied by spicy cajá-mango jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Massa folhada recheada com creme de ricota temperado enrolado em fatias de bacon\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Puff pastry filled with seasoned ricotta cream wrapped in slices of bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Puff pastry filled with seasoned ricotta cream wrapped in slices of bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Puff pastry filled with seasoned ricotta cream wrapped in slices of bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Braseado de acém com passado de baroa imperial e espaguete de chuchu.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised beef chuck with imperial baroa paste and chayote spaghetti.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised beef chuck with imperial baroa paste and chayote spaghetti.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised beef chuck with imperial baroa paste and chayote spaghetti.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de mussarela com cripsy de bacon recheado com palmito, acompanhado com molho de tomates assados ao alho picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mozzarella cake with bacon cripsy stuffed with hearts of palm, served with roasted tomato sauce with spicy garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mozzarella cake with bacon cripsy stuffed with hearts of palm, served with roasted tomato sauce with spicy garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mozzarella cake with bacon cripsy stuffed with hearts of palm, served with roasted tomato sauce with spicy garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Barca de jiló, branqueado e empanado, recheado com costela desfiada e cream cheese, coberto com muçarela gratinada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boat of jiló, bleached and breaded, stuffed with shredded rib and cream cheese, covered with mozzarella au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boat of jiló, bleached and breaded, stuffed with shredded rib and cream cheese, covered with mozzarella au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boat of jiló, bleached and breaded, stuffed with shredded rib and cream cheese, covered with mozzarella au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Duas unidades do nosso bolinho Almirante, feito com carne bovina e muçarela, empanado no pão ralado. Duas unidades da nossa Creamy Chicken, feita com frango desfiado, bacon e catupiry, empanada no pão ralado. Duas unidades de mini pastel de costela bovina desfiada com catupiry. Acompanhado de maionese da casa, pimenta na cachaça e vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Two pieces of our Almirante cake, made with beef and mozzarella, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of our Creamy Chicken, made with shredded chicken, bacon and catupiry, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of mini shredded beef rib pastry with catupiry. Accompanied by house mayonnaise, cachaça pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Two pieces of our Almirante cake, made with beef and mozzarella, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of our Creamy Chicken, made with shredded chicken, bacon and catupiry, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of mini shredded beef rib pastry with catupiry. Accompanied by house mayonnaise, cachaça pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Two pieces of our Almirante cake, made with beef and mozzarella, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of our Creamy Chicken, made with shredded chicken, bacon and catupiry, breaded in breadcrumbs. Two units of mini shredded beef rib pastry with catupiry. Accompanied by house mayonnaise, cachaça pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costelinha de milho e costela suína ‘ao vin’ com foccaccia artesanal. Acompanha molho de pimenta siracha e souer cream.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Corn ribs and pork ribs ‘ao vin’ with artisanal foccaccia. Served with siracha pepper sauce and souer cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Corn ribs and pork ribs ‘ao vin’ with artisanal foccaccia. Served with siracha pepper sauce and souer cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Corn ribs and pork ribs ‘ao vin’ with artisanal foccaccia. Served with siracha pepper sauce and souer cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Duo – Croquete de costelinha recheada com queijo e croquete de peixe recheada com banana. Acompanham batata chips ,molho Tártaro e pomodoro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Duo – Rib croquette stuffed with cheese and fish croquette stuffed with banana. Served with potato chips, Tartar sauce and pomodoro.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Duo – Rib croquette stuffed with cheese and fish croquette stuffed with banana. Served with potato chips, Tartar sauce and pomodoro.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Duo – Rib croquette stuffed with cheese and fish croquette stuffed with banana. Served with potato chips, Tartar sauce and pomodoro.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Sardinha empanada com queijo, recheada com queijo. Acompanha jiló à milanesa e molho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sardines breaded with cheese, stuffed with cheese. Served with breaded jiló and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sardines breaded with cheese, stuffed with cheese. Served with breaded jiló and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sardines breaded with cheese, stuffed with cheese. Served with breaded jiló and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "O petisco consiste em quatro espetinhos (frango, peixe, carne bovina e carne suína), temperados e empanados em farinha panco e servidos com dois molhos. O primeiro molho, é oriental, inspirado nos sabores agridoce, com uma leve saborização de raiz forte (wasabi). O segundo é uma criação especial para o Comida de Buteco com ênfase nos sabores cítricos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The snack consists of four skewers (chicken, fish, beef and pork), seasoned and breaded in panco flour and served with two sauces. The first sauce is oriental, inspired by sweet and sour flavors, with a light flavor of horseradish (wasabi). The second is a special creation for Comida de Buteco with an emphasis on citrus flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The snack consists of four skewers (chicken, fish, beef and pork), seasoned and breaded in panco flour and served with two sauces. The first sauce is oriental, inspired by sweet and sour flavors, with a light flavor of horseradish (wasabi). The second is a special creation for Comida de Buteco with an emphasis on citrus flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The snack consists of four skewers (chicken, fish, beef and pork), seasoned and breaded in panco flour and served with two sauces. The first sauce is oriental, inspired by sweet and sour flavors, with a light flavor of horseradish (wasabi). The second is a special creation for Comida de Buteco with an emphasis on citrus flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Bolinho de arroz de china pobre recheado com costela assada desfiada, acompanhado de chimia de bergamota picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Poor Chinese rice cake stuffed with shredded roast rib, accompanied by spicy bergamot chimia.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Poor Chinese rice cake stuffed with shredded roast rib, accompanied by spicy bergamot chimia.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Poor Chinese rice cake stuffed with shredded roast rib, accompanied by spicy bergamot chimia.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Três saborosas barquetes, recheadas de: bobó de camarão, polvo ao molho e mexilhão empanado , acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three tasty boats, filled with: shrimp bobó, octopus in sauce and breaded mussels, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three tasty boats, filled with: shrimp bobó, octopus in sauce and breaded mussels, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three tasty boats, filled with: shrimp bobó, octopus in sauce and breaded mussels, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína com linguiça caseira, acompanhada de polenta cremosa e milho verde cozido.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs with homemade sausage, accompanied by creamy polenta and cooked green corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs with homemade sausage, accompanied by creamy polenta and cooked green corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs with homemade sausage, accompanied by creamy polenta and cooked green corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com costela mandacaru (suína) e bolinhos de batata com cupim e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumpling with mandacaru (pork) rib and potato dumplings with termite and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumpling with mandacaru (pork) rib and potato dumplings with termite and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumpling with mandacaru (pork) rib and potato dumplings with termite and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de língua desfiada e fubá mimoso empanado com flocos de milho crocante, acompanhado de vinagrete maxixe e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded tongue dumpling and mimoso cornmeal breaded with crunchy corn flakes, accompanied by gherkin vinaigrette and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded tongue dumpling and mimoso cornmeal breaded with crunchy corn flakes, accompanied by gherkin vinaigrette and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded tongue dumpling and mimoso cornmeal breaded with crunchy corn flakes, accompanied by gherkin vinaigrette and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Espeto de ParmegianaMiolo de alcatra angus no palito, com queijo provolone, feito à milanesa coberto com molho de tomate e queijo gratinado. Acompanha molho tártaro e rosé. Para adoçar, minichurros com doce de leite caseiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Parmigiana SkewerAngus rump crumb on a stick, with provolone cheese, breaded topped with tomato sauce and gratin cheese. Served with tartar sauce and rosé. To sweeten it up, mini churros with homemade dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Parmigiana SkewerAngus rump crumb on a stick, with provolone cheese, breaded topped with tomato sauce and gratin cheese. Served with tartar sauce and rosé. To sweeten it up, mini churros with homemade dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Parmigiana SkewerAngus rump crumb on a stick, with provolone cheese, breaded topped with tomato sauce and gratin cheese. Served with tartar sauce and rosé. To sweeten it up, mini churros with homemade dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pão d’água recheado com cream cheese, carne, queijo muçarela, molho especial com leite zero lactose, salsa, alho, páprica e finalizado com orégano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Water bread stuffed with cream cheese, meat, mozzarella cheese, special sauce with zero lactose milk, parsley, garlic, paprika and finished with oregano.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Water bread stuffed with cream cheese, meat, mozzarella cheese, special sauce with zero lactose milk, parsley, garlic, paprika and finished with oregano.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Water bread stuffed with cream cheese, meat, mozzarella cheese, special sauce with zero lactose milk, parsley, garlic, paprika and finished with oregano.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Mini almôndegas de toscana sob uma cama de polenta feita com creme de milho, cobertas por molho de gorgonzola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini Tuscan meatballs on a bed of polenta made with corn cream, covered in gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini Tuscan meatballs on a bed of polenta made with corn cream, covered in gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini Tuscan meatballs on a bed of polenta made with corn cream, covered in gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Esta seleção de petiscos de 800 g é perfeita para dividir com a galera. Acompanha alcatra em tiras, na chapa, polenta amarela em cubos frita, batata palito e peito de frango empanado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'This selection of 800 g snacks is perfect for sharing with the crowd. Served with rump strips, grilled, fried diced yellow polenta, potato sticks and breaded chicken breast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'This selection of 800 g snacks is perfect for sharing with the crowd. Served with rump strips, grilled, fried diced yellow polenta, potato sticks and breaded chicken breast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'This selection of 800 g snacks is perfect for sharing with the crowd. Served with rump strips, grilled, fried diced yellow polenta, potato sticks and breaded chicken breast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Ceviche de banana-da-terra, pimenta-dedo-de-moça, cebola-roxa, cheiro-verde, condimentado com especiarias, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ceviche with plantain, chili pepper, red onion, green chilli, seasoned with spices, accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ceviche with plantain, chili pepper, red onion, green chilli, seasoned with spices, accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ceviche with plantain, chili pepper, red onion, green chilli, seasoned with spices, accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de cupim crocante com chutney de manga a moda pernambucana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy termite croquette with mango chutney in the Pernambuco style.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy termite croquette with mango chutney in the Pernambuco style.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy termite croquette with mango chutney in the Pernambuco style.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Cupim com Molho de Alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite Dumpling with Garlic Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite Dumpling with Garlic Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite Dumpling with Garlic Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de Batata Baroa com Costela e Catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baroa Potato Escondidinho with Ribs and Catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baroa Potato Escondidinho with Ribs and Catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baroa Potato Escondidinho with Ribs and Catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Kibe cru, homus, babaganush, coalhada seca, bolinho de kafta e tabule.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Raw kibbeh, hummus, babaganush, dry curd, kafta cupcake and tabbouleh.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Raw kibbeh, hummus, babaganush, dry curd, kafta cupcake and tabbouleh.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Raw kibbeh, hummus, babaganush, dry curd, kafta cupcake and tabbouleh.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Feijão Branco com camarão com torrada de pasta de siri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'White beans with shrimp and crab paste toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'White beans with shrimp and crab paste toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'White beans with shrimp and crab paste toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Medalhão de frango com bacon assado na brasa, coberto com molho branco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled chicken medallion with bacon, covered in white sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled chicken medallion with bacon, covered in white sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled chicken medallion with bacon, covered in white sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho Vaca AtoladaBolinho de aipim recheado com carne de panela, acompanha geleia de abacaxi e um toque de pimenta. Além de oito minichurros com recheio de brigadeiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bolinho Vaca Atolada Cassava cake stuffed with pan meat, served with pineapple jelly and a touch of pepper. In addition to eight mini churros with brigadeiro filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bolinho Vaca Atolada Cassava cake stuffed with pan meat, served with pineapple jelly and a touch of pepper. In addition to eight mini churros with brigadeiro filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bolinho Vaca Atolada Cassava cake stuffed with pan meat, served with pineapple jelly and a touch of pepper. In addition to eight mini churros with brigadeiro filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "4 Deliciosas almofadas de aipim recheadas, com queijo mussarela , carne panela desfiada, pedaços de linguiça calabresa e ovo colorido\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '4 Delicious cassava pillows stuffed with mozzarella cheese, shredded pan meat, pieces of Calabrian sausage and colored egg'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '4 Delicious cassava pillows stuffed with mozzarella cheese, shredded pan meat, pieces of Calabrian sausage and colored egg'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '4 Delicious cassava pillows stuffed with mozzarella cheese, shredded pan meat, pieces of Calabrian sausage and colored egg'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol produzida pela casa, com insumos que vieram direto do nordeste.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat produced by the house, with inputs that came directly from the northeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat produced by the house, with inputs that came directly from the northeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat produced by the house, with inputs that came directly from the northeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de feijão tropeiro e linguiça defumada caramelizada na cachaça, vinagrete da casa e uma dose da cachaça Juramento.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tropeiro bean cake and smoked sausage caramelized in cachaça, house vinaigrette and a dose of Juramento cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tropeiro bean cake and smoked sausage caramelized in cachaça, house vinaigrette and a dose of Juramento cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tropeiro bean cake and smoked sausage caramelized in cachaça, house vinaigrette and a dose of Juramento cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Massa de wantan recheada com carne bovina, camarão e carne de porco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pastel de feira no palito de picolé recheado com costela bovina desfiada e mussarela, acompanha vinagrete, geleia picante de tomate e pipoca de queijo coalho\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fair pastry on a popsicle stick stuffed with shredded beef rib and mozzarella, served with vinaigrette, spicy tomato jelly and coalho cheese popcorn'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fair pastry on a popsicle stick stuffed with shredded beef rib and mozzarella, served with vinaigrette, spicy tomato jelly and coalho cheese popcorn'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fair pastry on a popsicle stick stuffed with shredded beef rib and mozzarella, served with vinaigrette, spicy tomato jelly and coalho cheese popcorn'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela Bovina Defumada em Lenha de Macieira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef Ribs Smoked in Apple Wood.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef Ribs Smoked in Apple Wood.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef Ribs Smoked in Apple Wood.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pastelzinho recheado com costela ao bafo, catupiry e cebola-roxa, servido com creme de queijo com alho-poró e cachaça e molho de pimenta especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastel stuffed with short rib, catupiry and red onion, served with cream cheese with leek and cachaça and special pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastel stuffed with short rib, catupiry and red onion, served with cream cheese with leek and cachaça and special pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastel stuffed with short rib, catupiry and red onion, served with cream cheese with leek and cachaça and special pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma deliciosa porção com os tradicionais salgados servidos na casa, contendo 3 mini bolinho de carnes, 3 mini rissoles de camarão, 2 mini coxinha de mandioca de frango.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A delicious portion of traditional savory dishes served in the house, containing 3 mini meat dumplings, 3 mini shrimp rissoles, 2 mini chicken cassava drumsticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A delicious portion of traditional savory dishes served in the house, containing 3 mini meat dumplings, 3 mini shrimp rissoles, 2 mini chicken cassava drumsticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A delicious portion of traditional savory dishes served in the house, containing 3 mini meat dumplings, 3 mini shrimp rissoles, 2 mini chicken cassava drumsticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína assada no dry hub, caramelizada com melaço é servida com feijão tropeiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs roasted in the dry hub, caramelized with molasses and served with tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs roasted in the dry hub, caramelized with molasses and served with tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs roasted in the dry hub, caramelized with molasses and served with tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Dadinho crocante servido com pasta de castanha de caju e melado de cana (dadinhos de tapioca com castanhas e grãos).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy dadinho served with cashew nut paste and sugarcane molasses (tapioca dadinhos with chestnuts and grains).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy dadinho served with cashew nut paste and sugarcane molasses (tapioca dadinhos with chestnuts and grains).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy dadinho served with cashew nut paste and sugarcane molasses (tapioca dadinhos with chestnuts and grains).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Coxinhas de recheadas com queijo provolone, salame e requeijão cremoso, empanadas na quirera, acompanhadas de geleia de caipirinha de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Drumsticks stuffed with provolone cheese, salami and cream cheese, breaded in breadcrumbs, accompanied by pineapple caipirinha jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Drumsticks stuffed with provolone cheese, salami and cream cheese, breaded in breadcrumbs, accompanied by pineapple caipirinha jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Drumsticks stuffed with provolone cheese, salami and cream cheese, breaded in breadcrumbs, accompanied by pineapple caipirinha jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Uma pelota de peixe, camarão e bacon envolvida em uma camada de aipim com queijo coalho empanada na farinha panko. Acompanha de um molho de ervas e molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A piece of fish, shrimp and bacon wrapped in a layer of cassava with curd cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with a herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A piece of fish, shrimp and bacon wrapped in a layer of cassava with curd cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with a herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A piece of fish, shrimp and bacon wrapped in a layer of cassava with curd cheese, breaded in panko flour. Served with a herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pastéis de angu com recheios de carne seca e requeijão, alho-poró com muçarela. Acompanhados por leves torresminhos e molho de goiabada com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angu pastries with dried meat and curd fillings, leeks and mozzarella. Accompanied by light cracklings and guava sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angu pastries with dried meat and curd fillings, leeks and mozzarella. Accompanied by light cracklings and guava sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angu pastries with dried meat and curd fillings, leeks and mozzarella. Accompanied by light cracklings and guava sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de tambaqui acompanhado com molho tártaro\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tambaqui cake served with tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tambaqui cake served with tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tambaqui cake served with tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "PF do Baba com Kafta de cordeiro e geleia de damasco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baba's PF with lamb Kafta and apricot jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baba's PF with lamb Kafta and apricot jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baba's PF with lamb Kafta and apricot jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquetas de mix de cogumelos e funghi seco. Feita a base de Bechamel ela é crocante por fora, super cremosa por dentro e com sabor intenso de cogumelos! 5 unidades.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquetas with a mix of mushrooms and dried mushrooms. Made with a Bechamel base, it is crunchy on the outside, super creamy on the inside and with an intense mushroom flavor! 5 units.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquetas with a mix of mushrooms and dried mushrooms. Made with a Bechamel base, it is crunchy on the outside, super creamy on the inside and with an intense mushroom flavor! 5 units.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquetas with a mix of mushrooms and dried mushrooms. Made with a Bechamel base, it is crunchy on the outside, super creamy on the inside and with an intense mushroom flavor! 5 units.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Filé de tilápia empanado com fubá, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce, molho de moqueca baiana e molho de maionese temperada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with cornmeal, accompanied by sweet potato chips, Bahian moqueca sauce and seasoned mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with cornmeal, accompanied by sweet potato chips, Bahian moqueca sauce and seasoned mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with cornmeal, accompanied by sweet potato chips, Bahian moqueca sauce and seasoned mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Camarão rosa braseado na parrilha ao estilo japonês, com batata canoa e jambu marinado com ervas e regado à redução de tucupi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pink shrimp braised on the grill in the Japanese style, with canoe potatoes and jambu marinated with herbs and topped with tucupi reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pink shrimp braised on the grill in the Japanese style, with canoe potatoes and jambu marinated with herbs and topped with tucupi reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pink shrimp braised on the grill in the Japanese style, with canoe potatoes and jambu marinated with herbs and topped with tucupi reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cebola empanada recheada de arroz de carne seca, coberta de queijo provolone gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded onion stuffed with dried meat rice, covered in provolone cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded onion stuffed with dried meat rice, covered in provolone cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded onion stuffed with dried meat rice, covered in provolone cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "SIRI CATADO, COM CREME DE AIPIM, SERVIDO COM TORRADAS\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'CAKED SIRI, WITH CREAM CREAM, SERVED WITH TOAST'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'CAKED SIRI, WITH CREAM CREAM, SERVED WITH TOAST'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'CAKED SIRI, WITH CREAM CREAM, SERVED WITH TOAST'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de Sol desfiada e temperada com especiarias, sobre creme de mandioca feito com mix de requeijão cremoso, creme de leite e muçarela maçaricada, servida na casquinha de pastel pipoca assada, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded corned beef seasoned with spices, over cassava cream made with a mix of cream cheese, cream and mozzarella torch, served in a roasted popcorn pastry cone, finished with green scent and chili pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded corned beef seasoned with spices, over cassava cream made with a mix of cream cheese, cream and mozzarella torch, served in a roasted popcorn pastry cone, finished with green scent and chili pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded corned beef seasoned with spices, over cassava cream made with a mix of cream cheese, cream and mozzarella torch, served in a roasted popcorn pastry cone, finished with green scent and chili pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Almondegas de cordeiro com molho especial de hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lamb meatballs with special mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lamb meatballs with special mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lamb meatballs with special mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarão ao molho caliente com gergelim e cebolinha. Acompanha folhas crocantes de arroz.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp in hot sauce with sesame and chives. Served with crispy rice leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp in hot sauce with sesame and chives. Served with crispy rice leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp in hot sauce with sesame and chives. Served with crispy rice leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mix de minipastéis, com sabores da Região Amazônica, como: Tucumã, banana pacovã, cará-roxo, queijo coalho e macaxeira, acompanhados de um creme branco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mix of mini pastries, with flavors from the Amazon Region, such as: Tucumã, pacovã banana, purple yam, coalho cheese and cassava, accompanied by a white cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mix of mini pastries, with flavors from the Amazon Region, such as: Tucumã, pacovã banana, purple yam, coalho cheese and cassava, accompanied by a white cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mix of mini pastries, with flavors from the Amazon Region, such as: Tucumã, pacovã banana, purple yam, coalho cheese and cassava, accompanied by a white cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pão baguete, creme de alho, corações de frango assados, vinagrete picante coberto com uma mistura de parmesão e muçarela, gratinado ao forno. Acompanha molho de pimenta de lá.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baguette bread, garlic cream, roasted chicken hearts, spicy vinaigrette topped with a mixture of parmesan and mozzarella, baked in the oven. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baguette bread, garlic cream, roasted chicken hearts, spicy vinaigrette topped with a mixture of parmesan and mozzarella, baked in the oven. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baguette bread, garlic cream, roasted chicken hearts, spicy vinaigrette topped with a mixture of parmesan and mozzarella, baked in the oven. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça mista acebolada com torradas de pão integral e molho verde com alho ,coentro e tempero verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mixed onion sausage with wholemeal bread toast and green sauce with garlic, coriander and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mixed onion sausage with wholemeal bread toast and green sauce with garlic, coriander and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mixed onion sausage with wholemeal bread toast and green sauce with garlic, coriander and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pancetta e jiló fritos acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried pancetta and jiló accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried pancetta and jiló accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried pancetta and jiló accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pequenos sanduíches abertos em forma triangular, com salame italiano, lombo suíno assado, ovos e picles.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Small open sandwiches in a triangular shape, with Italian salami, roast pork loin, eggs and pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Small open sandwiches in a triangular shape, with Italian salami, roast pork loin, eggs and pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Small open sandwiches in a triangular shape, with Italian salami, roast pork loin, eggs and pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de costela recheados com queijo provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cuscuz recheado com queijo coalho, carne seca desfiada com cebola roxa manteiga da terra. Acompanhado de macaxeira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Couscous stuffed with curd cheese, shredded dried meat with red onion and local butter. Accompanied by cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Couscous stuffed with curd cheese, shredded dried meat with red onion and local butter. Accompanied by cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Couscous stuffed with curd cheese, shredded dried meat with red onion and local butter. Accompanied by cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "6 bolinhos de pernil desfiado, carro chefe da casa, com massa de mandioca e empanado com farinha panko. Acompanham: Molho de Gorgonzola e Geleia de Pimenta com Lichia.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '6 shredded ham dumplings, the house's flagship, with cassava dough and breaded with panko flour. Served with: Gorgonzola Sauce and Pepper Jelly with Lychee.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '6 shredded ham dumplings, the house's flagship, with cassava dough and breaded with panko flour. Served with: Gorgonzola Sauce and Pepper Jelly with Lychee.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '6 shredded ham dumplings, the house's flagship, with cassava dough and breaded with panko flour. Served with: Gorgonzola Sauce and Pepper Jelly with Lychee.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinhos de Alheira recheados com Bacalhau.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Alheira dumplings stuffed with Cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Alheira dumplings stuffed with Cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Alheira dumplings stuffed with Cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de camarão com requeijão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp Escondidinho with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp Escondidinho with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp Escondidinho with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barquete de angu recheada com mamão verde e carne (suína) de lata, coberto com queijo canastra derretido.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angu boat stuffed with green papaya and canned meat (pork), covered with melted canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angu boat stuffed with green papaya and canned meat (pork), covered with melted canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angu boat stuffed with green papaya and canned meat (pork), covered with melted canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Kassler defumado cortado em cubinhos e salteado no azeite com alho poró, cebola, cebolinha, páprica doce, dry rub e lemon pepper. Acompanha vinagre de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked Kassler cut into cubes and sautéed in olive oil with garlic, onion, chives, sweet paprika, dry rub and lemon pepper. Served with pineapple vinegar.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked Kassler cut into cubes and sautéed in olive oil with garlic, onion, chives, sweet paprika, dry rub and lemon pepper. Served with pineapple vinegar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked Kassler cut into cubes and sautéed in olive oil with garlic, onion, chives, sweet paprika, dry rub and lemon pepper. Served with pineapple vinegar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Uma deliciosa linguiça de pernil acebolada acompanhada de mandioca com manteiga desidratada, com bacon e alho poró.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A delicious onion shank sausage accompanied by cassava with dehydrated butter, bacon and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A delicious onion shank sausage accompanied by cassava with dehydrated butter, bacon and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A delicious onion shank sausage accompanied by cassava with dehydrated butter, bacon and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de costelinha desfiada com purê de batata temperado com ervas e especiarias. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded short rib dough dumplings with mashed potatoes seasoned with herbs and spices. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded short rib dough dumplings with mashed potatoes seasoned with herbs and spices. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded short rib dough dumplings with mashed potatoes seasoned with herbs and spices. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com purê de batatas, cream cheese, azeite de oliva e azeitonas pretas. Acompanha torradinhas de baguete e azeite verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded cod with mashed potatoes, cream cheese, olive oil and black olives. Served with baguette toast and green olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded cod with mashed potatoes, cream cheese, olive oil and black olives. Served with baguette toast and green olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded cod with mashed potatoes, cream cheese, olive oil and black olives. Served with baguette toast and green olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pescoço de peru tem um sabor único, com um molho cremoso e temperado acompanhado de farofa de banana da terra, cria se o par perfeito\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Turkey neck has a unique flavor, with a creamy and seasoned sauce accompanied by plantain farofa, creating the perfect pair.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Turkey neck has a unique flavor, with a creamy and seasoned sauce accompanied by plantain farofa, creating the perfect pair.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Turkey neck has a unique flavor, with a creamy and seasoned sauce accompanied by plantain farofa, creating the perfect pair.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela de boi com pirão da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib with house-made pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib with house-made pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib with house-made pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça artesanal mineira, purê de abóbora cabotia, molho barbecue, molho de queijos levemente picante, vinagrete, e queijo mussarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with artisanal sausage from Minas Gerais, cabotia pumpkin puree, barbecue sauce, slightly spicy cheese sauce, vinaigrette, and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with artisanal sausage from Minas Gerais, cabotia pumpkin puree, barbecue sauce, slightly spicy cheese sauce, vinaigrette, and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with artisanal sausage from Minas Gerais, cabotia pumpkin puree, barbecue sauce, slightly spicy cheese sauce, vinaigrette, and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Canoinha de jiló empanada, recheada com um delicioso creme de carne seca desfiada e palmito pupunha, sobreposta numa cama de farofa panko na cebola com um leve frescor de hortelã, finalizado com uma deliciosa geleia de pimenta agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded jiló canoinha, filled with a delicious cream of shredded dried meat and heart of palm, layered on a bed of panko farofa and onion with a light mint freshness, finished with a delicious sweet and sour pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded jiló canoinha, filled with a delicious cream of shredded dried meat and heart of palm, layered on a bed of panko farofa and onion with a light mint freshness, finished with a delicious sweet and sour pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded jiló canoinha, filled with a delicious cream of shredded dried meat and heart of palm, layered on a bed of panko farofa and onion with a light mint freshness, finished with a delicious sweet and sour pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de lata, farofa crocante de cebola e geleia de abacaxi com gengibre e hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Corned beef, crispy onion farofa and pineapple jelly with ginger and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Corned beef, crispy onion farofa and pineapple jelly with ginger and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Corned beef, crispy onion farofa and pineapple jelly with ginger and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "a Dadinhos de fubá com carne de sol e queijo parmesão, servidos com molho de pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'cornmeal dadinhos with sun-dried meat and parmesan cheese, served with chili pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'cornmeal dadinhos with sun-dried meat and parmesan cheese, served with chili pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'cornmeal dadinhos with sun-dried meat and parmesan cheese, served with chili pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com mandioca frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Explosão de sabores do fundo do mar: lagosta, camarão e filé de peixe marinados em tempero especial e servido em chapa quente.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Explosion of flavors from the bottom of the sea: lobster, shrimp and fish fillet marinated in special seasoning and served on a hot plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Explosion of flavors from the bottom of the sea: lobster, shrimp and fish fillet marinated in special seasoning and served on a hot plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Explosion of flavors from the bottom of the sea: lobster, shrimp and fish fillet marinated in special seasoning and served on a hot plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pão de queijo frito com crosta de parmesão recheado de pernil defumado e queijo mussarela. Acompanha geleia de tomate e cachaça apimentada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried cheese bread with parmesan crust stuffed with smoked ham and mozzarella cheese. Served with tomato jelly and spicy cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried cheese bread with parmesan crust stuffed with smoked ham and mozzarella cheese. Served with tomato jelly and spicy cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried cheese bread with parmesan crust stuffed with smoked ham and mozzarella cheese. Served with tomato jelly and spicy cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filetes de bacalhau na nata gratinados com queijo muçarela e temperos especiais\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cod fillets in cream gratin with mozzarella cheese and special seasonings'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cod fillets in cream gratin with mozzarella cheese and special seasonings'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cod fillets in cream gratin with mozzarella cheese and special seasonings'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Creme de ervilhas, batata e bacon, com cubos de peito de frango ao molho de tomates, cobertos com muçarela e batata-palha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cream of peas, potatoes and bacon, with cubes of chicken breast in tomato sauce, covered with mozzarella and straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cream of peas, potatoes and bacon, with cubes of chicken breast in tomato sauce, covered with mozzarella and straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cream of peas, potatoes and bacon, with cubes of chicken breast in tomato sauce, covered with mozzarella and straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Almôndega rodeada com bacon e crosta de muçarela. Recheada com queijo minas, acompanhada de molho ao sugo com manjericão, polenta coberta de provolone e crisp de quiabo, berinjela e jiló empanados em farofa crocante de bacon e torresmo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatball surrounded with bacon and mozzarella crust. Stuffed with Minas cheese, accompanied by sugo sauce with basil, polenta covered in provolone and okra crisp, eggplant and jiló breaded in crispy bacon and crackling farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatball surrounded with bacon and mozzarella crust. Stuffed with Minas cheese, accompanied by sugo sauce with basil, polenta covered in provolone and okra crisp, eggplant and jiló breaded in crispy bacon and crackling farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatball surrounded with bacon and mozzarella crust. Stuffed with Minas cheese, accompanied by sugo sauce with basil, polenta covered in provolone and okra crisp, eggplant and jiló breaded in crispy bacon and crackling farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pastéis com recheio de Costelinha Suína Defumada e Desfiada ao molho Barbecue de Goiabada; Costela Bovina Defumada Desfiada com Alho Poró; Linguiça Blumenau Defumada com Queijo Brie.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastries filled with smoked and shredded pork ribs with guava barbecue sauce; Shredded Smoked Beef Rib with Garlic; Smoked Blumenau Sausage with Brie Cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastries filled with smoked and shredded pork ribs with guava barbecue sauce; Shredded Smoked Beef Rib with Garlic; Smoked Blumenau Sausage with Brie Cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastries filled with smoked and shredded pork ribs with guava barbecue sauce; Shredded Smoked Beef Rib with Garlic; Smoked Blumenau Sausage with Brie Cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Tortilha recheada com pernil de porco, vinagrete, cheddar e molho especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tortilla stuffed with pork shank, vinaigrette, cheddar and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tortilla stuffed with pork shank, vinaigrette, cheddar and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tortilla stuffed with pork shank, vinaigrette, cheddar and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "a Patroa Bolinho com massa de abóbora cabotiá com costela suína recheadocomCatupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'the Patroa Cupcake with cabotiá pumpkin dough with pork ribs stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'the Patroa Cupcake with cabotiá pumpkin dough with pork ribs stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'the Patroa Cupcake with cabotiá pumpkin dough with pork ribs stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Bolinho de aipim (massa de mandioca) com carne seca, especiarias e requeijão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cake (cassava dough) with dried meat, spices and cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cake (cassava dough) with dried meat, spices and cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cake (cassava dough) with dried meat, spices and cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Três deliciosos bolinhos de baião de dois, empanados na farinha panko e espetados juntos ao queijo coalho. Acompanha manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three delicious baião dumplings, breaded in panko flour and skewered with curd cheese. Served with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three delicious baião dumplings, breaded in panko flour and skewered with curd cheese. Served with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three delicious baião dumplings, breaded in panko flour and skewered with curd cheese. Served with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquetes de carne servidos com molho de maionese caseira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat croquettes served with homemade mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat croquettes served with homemade mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat croquettes served with homemade mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca e torresmo cobertos com geleia de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tapioca and crackling cubes covered with guava jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tapioca and crackling cubes covered with guava jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tapioca and crackling cubes covered with guava jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça artesanal frita servida com Batata ao molho chedar e bacon. Acompanhado de molhos\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried artisanal sausage served with potatoes in cheddar sauce and bacon. Accompanied by sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried artisanal sausage served with potatoes in cheddar sauce and bacon. Accompanied by sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried artisanal sausage served with potatoes in cheddar sauce and bacon. Accompanied by sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Maçã de Peito de Boi cozida com especiarias, acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef Brisket Apple cooked with spices, accompanied by cassava in butter, finished with green scent and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef Brisket Apple cooked with spices, accompanied by cassava in butter, finished with green scent and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef Brisket Apple cooked with spices, accompanied by cassava in butter, finished with green scent and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquete de Berinjela com carne moída.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Eggplant croquette with minced meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Eggplant croquette with minced meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Eggplant croquette with minced meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Jiló recheado com bacon acompanhado de maçã de peito e farofa de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Jiló stuffed with bacon accompanied by brisket apple and cabbage farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Jiló stuffed with bacon accompanied by brisket apple and cabbage farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Jiló stuffed with bacon accompanied by brisket apple and cabbage farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Mandioca cozida e refogada na manteiga de garrafa com bacon, linguiça, queijo minas padrão, tomate-cereja, alho frito e cebolas em rodelas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cooked and sautéed in bottled butter with bacon, sausage, standard Minas cheese, cherry tomatoes, fried garlic and sliced ​​onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cooked and sautéed in bottled butter with bacon, sausage, standard Minas cheese, cherry tomatoes, fried garlic and sliced ​​onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cooked and sautéed in bottled butter with bacon, sausage, standard Minas cheese, cherry tomatoes, fried garlic and sliced ​​onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Terrine de ricota, pesto de manjericão, tomatinho confit e chips de parmesão. Finalizado com nozes.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ricotta terrine, basil pesto, tomato confit and parmesan chips. Finished with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ricotta terrine, basil pesto, tomato confit and parmesan chips. Finished with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ricotta terrine, basil pesto, tomato confit and parmesan chips. Finished with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sanduíche aperitivo recheado com rosbife de lagarto, bacon, cebolas caramelizadas, tomate e queijo provolone. Acompanha molho de mostarda escura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Appetizer sandwich stuffed with roast beef, bacon, caramelized onions, tomato and provolone cheese. Served with dark mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Appetizer sandwich stuffed with roast beef, bacon, caramelized onions, tomato and provolone cheese. Served with dark mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Appetizer sandwich stuffed with roast beef, bacon, caramelized onions, tomato and provolone cheese. Served with dark mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Um prato tipicamente gaúcho: um cozido de várias carnes e arroz. Acompanha torradinhas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A typically Gaucho dish: a stew of various meats and rice. Accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A typically Gaucho dish: a stew of various meats and rice. Accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A typically Gaucho dish: a stew of various meats and rice. Accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça de porco, queijo provolone, queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha mandioquinha frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with pork sausage, provolone cheese, mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with pork sausage, provolone cheese, mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with pork sausage, provolone cheese, mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Receita familiar de língua bovina servida ao molho de provolone, “agasalhada” no pão de cevada artesanal produzido com malte cervejeiro, acompanhada de batatinhas “capeta” em conserva produzidas pelo Sr. Antonio.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Family recipe of beef tongue served in provolone sauce, “swaddled” in artisanal barley bread produced with brewer's malt, accompanied by pickled “capeta” potatoes produced by Mr. Antonio.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Family recipe of beef tongue served in provolone sauce, “swaddled” in artisanal barley bread produced with brewer's malt, accompanied by pickled “capeta” potatoes produced by Mr. Antonio.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Family recipe of beef tongue served in provolone sauce, “swaddled” in artisanal barley bread produced with brewer's malt, accompanied by pickled “capeta” potatoes produced by Mr. Antonio.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Batata recheadacom rabada desfiada apimentada e manteiga de agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato stuffed with spicy shredded oxtail and watercress butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato stuffed with spicy shredded oxtail and watercress butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato stuffed with spicy shredded oxtail and watercress butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Atum chileno com grão de bico e tomate seco temperado com azeite e especiarias, servido na barquete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chilean tuna with chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes seasoned with olive oil and spices, served in a boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chilean tuna with chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes seasoned with olive oil and spices, served in a boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chilean tuna with chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes seasoned with olive oil and spices, served in a boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de torresmo recheado de queijo canastra acompanhado de geleia de pimenta com cachaça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crackling cake filled with canasta cheese accompanied by pepper jelly with cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crackling cake filled with canasta cheese accompanied by pepper jelly with cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crackling cake filled with canasta cheese accompanied by pepper jelly with cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquete de pernil com alho-poró.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ham croquette with leek.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ham croquette with leek.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ham croquette with leek.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Releitura do Surpresa do Berinjela. Bolinho de massa de berinjela, recheado de linguiça defumada e queijo parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Reinterpretation of Eggplant Surprise. Eggplant dumplings, filled with smoked sausage and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Reinterpretation of Eggplant Surprise. Eggplant dumplings, filled with smoked sausage and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Reinterpretation of Eggplant Surprise. Eggplant dumplings, filled with smoked sausage and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rabada com quibebe, com agrião e especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Oxtail with quibebe, with watercress and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Oxtail with quibebe, with watercress and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Oxtail with quibebe, with watercress and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pernil de porco moído, servido em forma de bolinho, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ground pork shank, served in the form of a dumpling, accompanied by pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ground pork shank, served in the form of a dumpling, accompanied by pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ground pork shank, served in the form of a dumpling, accompanied by pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mini moqueca de siri cotado com queijo coalho maçaricado. Acompanhado com torradas e molho chimichurri\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini crab moqueca with torched curd cheese. Served with toast and chimichurri sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini crab moqueca with torched curd cheese. Served with toast and chimichurri sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini crab moqueca with torched curd cheese. Served with toast and chimichurri sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de cupim e ponta de peito recheado com queijo provolone e azeitonas pretas. Acompanha pimenta dedo de moça em conserva com alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite croquette and breast tip stuffed with provolone cheese and black olives. Served with pickled chili pepper and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite croquette and breast tip stuffed with provolone cheese and black olives. Served with pickled chili pepper and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite croquette and breast tip stuffed with provolone cheese and black olives. Served with pickled chili pepper and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarão ao molho de coco feito na panela de barro, acompanha farofa e torradinha de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp in coconut sauce made in a clay pot, served with farofa and garlic toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp in coconut sauce made in a clay pot, served with farofa and garlic toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp in coconut sauce made in a clay pot, served with farofa and garlic toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com carne bovina defumada e condimentada, molho a base de mostarda e alcaparras, pepinos em conserva e queijo gouda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with smoked and spiced beef, mustard and caper based sauce, pickled cucumbers and gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with smoked and spiced beef, mustard and caper based sauce, pickled cucumbers and gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with smoked and spiced beef, mustard and caper based sauce, pickled cucumbers and gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela suína fresca e lombo de porco cozidos lentamente com grão de bico, num molho encorpado com linguiça calabresa e especiarias. Acompanha farofa de bacon e pão francês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fresh pork ribs and pork loin slowly cooked with chickpeas, in a rich sauce with Calabrian sausage and spices. Served with bacon farofa and French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fresh pork ribs and pork loin slowly cooked with chickpeas, in a rich sauce with Calabrian sausage and spices. Served with bacon farofa and French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fresh pork ribs and pork loin slowly cooked with chickpeas, in a rich sauce with Calabrian sausage and spices. Served with bacon farofa and French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarões envoltos em arroz cremoso empanados com farinha de milho flocada. Acompanha bolinhas de queijo com manjericão e molhos de hortelã com limãosiciliano e molho rose picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimps wrapped in creamy rice, breaded with flaked corn flour. Accompanies cheese balls with basil and mint sauces with lemon and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimps wrapped in creamy rice, breaded with flaked corn flour. Accompanies cheese balls with basil and mint sauces with lemon and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimps wrapped in creamy rice, breaded with flaked corn flour. Accompanies cheese balls with basil and mint sauces with lemon and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne bovina, suína, baco, trigo recheado, queijo minas temperado com especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumplings made of beef, pork, bacon, stuffed wheat, Minas cheese seasoned with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumplings made of beef, pork, bacon, stuffed wheat, Minas cheese seasoned with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumplings made of beef, pork, bacon, stuffed wheat, Minas cheese seasoned with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de costela recheado com queijo-\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquetes de carne. Acompanha molho especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat croquettes. Served with house special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat croquettes. Served with house special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat croquettes. Served with house special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de massa artesanal, recheados com iguarias típicas do norte, nordeste, sul, sudeste e centro-oeste. Servido com molhos feitos de ervas , frutaseespeciarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Handmade dough dumplings, filled with typical delicacies from the north, northeast, south, southeast and mid-west. Served with sauces made from herbs, fruits and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Handmade dough dumplings, filled with typical delicacies from the north, northeast, south, southeast and mid-west. Served with sauces made from herbs, fruits and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Handmade dough dumplings, filled with typical delicacies from the north, northeast, south, southeast and mid-west. Served with sauces made from herbs, fruits and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinhas de carne crocantes com recheio de muçarela. Acompanha molho de maracujá com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy meat balls with mozzarella filling. Served with passion fruit and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy meat balls with mozzarella filling. Served with passion fruit and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy meat balls with mozzarella filling. Served with passion fruit and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo e enrolado com fatias de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf stuffed with cheese and wrapped with slices of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf stuffed with cheese and wrapped with slices of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf stuffed with cheese and wrapped with slices of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de Costela recheados com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumplings stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Arroz a piamontese crocante envolvido com bacon acompanhado com molho madeira\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy piamontese rice wrapped with bacon served with Madeira sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy piamontese rice wrapped with bacon served with Madeira sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy piamontese rice wrapped with bacon served with Madeira sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costelas bovinas servidas no purê de mandioca cremosa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef ribs served with creamy cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef ribs served with creamy cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef ribs served with creamy cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Iscas de alcatra no molho stout. Acompanha aligot de batata com queijo gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rump baits in stout sauce. Accompanies potato aligot with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rump baits in stout sauce. Accompanies potato aligot with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rump baits in stout sauce. Accompanies potato aligot with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Linguiça mineira com mousseline de mandioquinha, vinagrete crocante de milho e pesto de ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sausage from Minas Gerais with cassava mousseline, crunchy corn vinaigrette and herb pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sausage from Minas Gerais with cassava mousseline, crunchy corn vinaigrette and herb pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sausage from Minas Gerais with cassava mousseline, crunchy corn vinaigrette and herb pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de cupim cozido na cerveja com requeijão, recheado de queijo servido com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite cake cooked in beer with cream cheese, filled with cheese served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite cake cooked in beer with cream cheese, filled with cheese served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite cake cooked in beer with cream cheese, filled with cheese served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho com massa à base de banana-da-terra, recheado com barreado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling with banana-based dough, filled with barreado.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling with banana-based dough, filled with barreado.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling with banana-based dough, filled with barreado.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Carne desfiada e temperada, gratinada com queijo manteiga no pão sírio.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded and seasoned meat, gratin with butter cheese on pita bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded and seasoned meat, gratin with butter cheese on pita bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded and seasoned meat, gratin with butter cheese on pita bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Taco de fígado acebolado com pico de gallo\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Acebolado liver taco with pico de gallo'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Acebolado liver taco with pico de gallo'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Acebolado liver taco with pico de gallo'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pão baguete com gergelim, pernil desfiado cozido na cerveja preta, temperos e especiarias. Chutney de abacaxi com pimenta-dedo-de-moça, rúcula e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baguette bread with sesame seeds, shredded ham cooked in dark beer, seasonings and spices. Pineapple chutney with finger pepper, arugula and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baguette bread with sesame seeds, shredded ham cooked in dark beer, seasonings and spices. Pineapple chutney with finger pepper, arugula and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baguette bread with sesame seeds, shredded ham cooked in dark beer, seasonings and spices. Pineapple chutney with finger pepper, arugula and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Rolinho de feijoada na massa oriental. Acompanha torresminhos, vinagrete e cachaça da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Feijoada roll with oriental pasta. Served with pork rinds, vinaigrette and house-made cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Feijoada roll with oriental pasta. Served with pork rinds, vinaigrette and house-made cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Feijoada roll with oriental pasta. Served with pork rinds, vinaigrette and house-made cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo mussarela e queijo gorgonzola\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and gorgonzola cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and gorgonzola cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and gorgonzola cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Câmarão frito acompanhado de azeite de alcatras, pesto de azeitonas azapa e torradas temperadas no azeite\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried shrimp accompanied by rump oil, azapa olive pesto and toast seasoned in olive oil'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried shrimp accompanied by rump oil, azapa olive pesto and toast seasoned in olive oil'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried shrimp accompanied by rump oil, azapa olive pesto and toast seasoned in olive oil'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Coxa de frango desossada marinada em ervas finas recheada com presunto e provolone.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boneless chicken thigh marinated in fine herbs stuffed with ham and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boneless chicken thigh marinated in fine herbs stuffed with ham and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boneless chicken thigh marinated in fine herbs stuffed with ham and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "‘Empada’ recheada com creme à base de leite, queijo coalho e carne-seca, acompanhada de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '‘Pie’ filled with milk-based cream, curd cheese and dried meat, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '‘Pie’ filled with milk-based cream, curd cheese and dried meat, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '‘Pie’ filled with milk-based cream, curd cheese and dried meat, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Suculenta barriga de porco banhada na cachaça temperada com pimenta dedo de moça, servida com geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Succulent pork belly bathed in cachaça seasoned with finger of girl pepper, served with pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Succulent pork belly bathed in cachaça seasoned with finger of girl pepper, served with pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Succulent pork belly bathed in cachaça seasoned with finger of girl pepper, served with pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão com requeijão e queijos especiais, acompanhado de creme de pimenta levemente picante e ervas aromáticas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Salmon cake with cream cheese and special cheeses, accompanied by slightly spicy pepper cream and aromatic herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Salmon cake with cream cheese and special cheeses, accompanied by slightly spicy pepper cream and aromatic herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Salmon cake with cream cheese and special cheeses, accompanied by slightly spicy pepper cream and aromatic herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bruschettas feitas no pão ciabata com molho de tomate e manjericão caseiro com um pedaço fino de torresmo crocante e queijo parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bruschettas made on ciabata bread with homemade tomato and basil sauce with a thin piece of crispy crackling and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bruschettas made on ciabata bread with homemade tomato and basil sauce with a thin piece of crispy crackling and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bruschettas made on ciabata bread with homemade tomato and basil sauce with a thin piece of crispy crackling and parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Dupla de croquetes de carne com azeitona e bacon e coxinha recheada com mortadela e queijo meia cura servidos com molho de mostarda Dijon e barbecue picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Duo of meat croquettes with olives and bacon and drumstick stuffed with mortadella and semi-cured cheese served with Dijon mustard sauce and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Duo of meat croquettes with olives and bacon and drumstick stuffed with mortadella and semi-cured cheese served with Dijon mustard sauce and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Duo of meat croquettes with olives and bacon and drumstick stuffed with mortadella and semi-cured cheese served with Dijon mustard sauce and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Palitos de linguiça caseira ao vinho, levemente apimentada, empanados com farinha panko, acompanhados de almôndegas suínas recheadas com muçarela e regadas com molho de mostarda e mel, miniqueijos coalho fritos e cobertos com molho de goiaba.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Homemade wine sausage sticks, lightly spiced, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by pork meatballs stuffed with mozzarella and drizzled with mustard and honey sauce, fried mini coalho cheeses and covered with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Homemade wine sausage sticks, lightly spiced, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by pork meatballs stuffed with mozzarella and drizzled with mustard and honey sauce, fried mini coalho cheeses and covered with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Homemade wine sausage sticks, lightly spiced, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by pork meatballs stuffed with mozzarella and drizzled with mustard and honey sauce, fried mini coalho cheeses and covered with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "4 mini-sanduíches de pernil na cerveja preta e cebola com queijo e bacon. Acompanha um vinagrete de abacaxi com cebola roxa e tomate e um molho barbecue de whisky.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '4 mini ham sandwiches in dark beer and onion with cheese and bacon. Accompanies a pineapple vinaigrette with red onion and tomato and a whiskey barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '4 mini ham sandwiches in dark beer and onion with cheese and bacon. Accompanies a pineapple vinaigrette with red onion and tomato and a whiskey barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '4 mini ham sandwiches in dark beer and onion with cheese and bacon. Accompanies a pineapple vinaigrette with red onion and tomato and a whiskey barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Ragu de copa lombo suína, marinada no vinho com aquele tempero da casa levemente picante, e tudo isso sobre uma cama de polenta frita crocante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork loin cup ragout, marinated in wine with that slightly spicy house seasoning, and all this on a bed of crispy fried polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork loin cup ragout, marinated in wine with that slightly spicy house seasoning, and all this on a bed of crispy fried polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork loin cup ragout, marinated in wine with that slightly spicy house seasoning, and all this on a bed of crispy fried polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de siri com queijo parmesão gratinado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab meat with parmesan cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab meat with parmesan cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab meat with parmesan cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça empanado na farinha panko, purezinho de mandioca e molho de laranja com mel e mostarda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sausage dumplings breaded in panko flour, cassava puree and orange sauce with honey and mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sausage dumplings breaded in panko flour, cassava puree and orange sauce with honey and mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sausage dumplings breaded in panko flour, cassava puree and orange sauce with honey and mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Ossobuco cozido em temperos caseiros, acompanhado de um cremoso purê de mandioca com queijo minas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ossobuco cooked in homemade seasonings, accompanied by a creamy cassava puree with Minas cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ossobuco cooked in homemade seasonings, accompanied by a creamy cassava puree with Minas cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ossobuco cooked in homemade seasonings, accompanied by a creamy cassava puree with Minas cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "“Lombim” com abacaxi na manteiga, acompanhado por creme de batata e barbecue picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '“Lombim” with pineapple in butter, accompanied by potato cream and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '“Lombim” with pineapple in butter, accompanied by potato cream and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '“Lombim” with pineapple in butter, accompanied by potato cream and spicy barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de porco cozida na banha servido com canjiquinha, chutney caipira e taióba refogada no alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork cooked in lard served with hominy, country chutney and taióba braised in garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork cooked in lard served with hominy, country chutney and taióba braised in garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork cooked in lard served with hominy, country chutney and taióba braised in garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Crepe com massa de tapioca e queijo parmesão, recheado com bobó de camarão, laminas de banana da terra fritas, crispes de bacon, e requeijão, salpicado com gergelim negro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crepe with tapioca dough and parmesan cheese, stuffed with shrimp bobó, fried plantain slices, bacon crisps, and cream cheese, sprinkled with black sesame.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crepe with tapioca dough and parmesan cheese, stuffed with shrimp bobó, fried plantain slices, bacon crisps, and cream cheese, sprinkled with black sesame.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crepe with tapioca dough and parmesan cheese, stuffed with shrimp bobó, fried plantain slices, bacon crisps, and cream cheese, sprinkled with black sesame.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de frango com queijos e ervas. Acompanha geléia de pimenta e molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken dumpling with cheese and herbs. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken dumpling with cheese and herbs. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken dumpling with cheese and herbs. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Língua de boi regada ao molho de tomate acompanhada de pãeszinhos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef tongue drizzled in tomato sauce accompanied by bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef tongue drizzled in tomato sauce accompanied by bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef tongue drizzled in tomato sauce accompanied by bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Maminha recheada com bacon ao molho com toque de pimenta-rosa intercalado com queijo coalho gratinado, acompanha farofa de banana-da-terra e molho de ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breast stuffed with bacon in a sauce with a touch of pink pepper interspersed with curd cheese au gratin, served with plantain farofa and herb sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breast stuffed with bacon in a sauce with a touch of pink pepper interspersed with curd cheese au gratin, served with plantain farofa and herb sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breast stuffed with bacon in a sauce with a touch of pink pepper interspersed with curd cheese au gratin, served with plantain farofa and herb sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bacalhau especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House special cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House special cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House special cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Trata-se de um bolinho de mandioca com queijo e camarão empanado e servido com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'It is a cassava dumpling with cheese and shrimp, breaded and served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'It is a cassava dumpling with cheese and shrimp, breaded and served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'It is a cassava dumpling with cheese and shrimp, breaded and served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquetes com massa de abobora e carne seca acompanhando de molho gorgonzola\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquettes with pumpkin dough and dried meat served with gorgonzola sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquettes with pumpkin dough and dried meat served with gorgonzola sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquettes with pumpkin dough and dried meat served with gorgonzola sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Mistura sem kaô de carne-seca com requeijão (sem massa), temperado e empanado na farinha panko, acompanha molho de pêssego e mostarda, molho aioli (alho confitado no azeite e bacon) servidos com pipocas de queijo coalho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mixture without kaô of dried meat with cottage cheese (without batter), seasoned and breaded in panko flour, served with peach and mustard sauce, aioli sauce (garlic confit in olive oil and bacon) served with curd cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mixture without kaô of dried meat with cottage cheese (without batter), seasoned and breaded in panko flour, served with peach and mustard sauce, aioli sauce (garlic confit in olive oil and bacon) served with curd cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mixture without kaô of dried meat with cottage cheese (without batter), seasoned and breaded in panko flour, served with peach and mustard sauce, aioli sauce (garlic confit in olive oil and bacon) served with curd cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com mandioca e queijo. Acompanha molho de ostras com maionese e outro de maionese com tempero seco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dried meat dumpling with cassava and cheese. Accompanies oyster sauce with mayonnaise and mayonnaise with dry seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dried meat dumpling with cassava and cheese. Accompanies oyster sauce with mayonnaise and mayonnaise with dry seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dried meat dumpling with cassava and cheese. Accompanies oyster sauce with mayonnaise and mayonnaise with dry seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Asas de frango fritas com quiabo empanados e bolinhos de polenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried chicken wings with breaded okra and polenta balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried chicken wings with breaded okra and polenta balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried chicken wings with breaded okra and polenta balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Batata rústica com costela do Morango, acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rustic potato with strawberry ribs, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rustic potato with strawberry ribs, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rustic potato with strawberry ribs, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lagarto fatiado com fatias de linguiça calabresa e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sliced ​​lizard with slices of Calabrian sausage and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sliced ​​lizard with slices of Calabrian sausage and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sliced ​​lizard with slices of Calabrian sausage and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Barquetes estilo jangadas de frutos do mar. Acompanha molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seafood raft-style boats. Served with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seafood raft-style boats. Served with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seafood raft-style boats. Served with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos feitos de purê de batata e bacalhau, empanados e fritas. Acompanha molho de manteiga ao limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumplings made from mashed potatoes and cod, breaded and fried. Served with lemon butter sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumplings made from mashed potatoes and cod, breaded and fried. Served with lemon butter sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumplings made from mashed potatoes and cod, breaded and fried. Served with lemon butter sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolo de carne empanado agasalhado ao molho de tomate caseiro com queijo e decorado com folhas de manjericão roxo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded meatloaf topped with homemade tomato sauce and cheese and decorated with purple basil leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded meatloaf topped with homemade tomato sauce and cheese and decorated with purple basil leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded meatloaf topped with homemade tomato sauce and cheese and decorated with purple basil leaves.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Iscas de tilápia empanadas, acompanhadas de salada de tomate e molho especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded tilapia fillets, accompanied by tomato salad and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded tilapia fillets, accompanied by tomato salad and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded tilapia fillets, accompanied by tomato salad and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Charque frita com feijão verde e farofa D’água.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried beef jerky with green beans and D’água farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried beef jerky with green beans and D’água farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried beef jerky with green beans and D’água farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Uma folha mineira coletiva pra você saborear! Costela bovina, linguiça e banana-da-terra sobre uma camada de creme de abóbora. E você ainda pode solicitar uma bela pimenta-malagueta e uma geleia de rapadura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A collective Minas Gerais leaf for you to savor! Beef rib, sausage and plantain on a layer of pumpkin cream. And you can even order a beautiful chilli pepper and rapadura jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A collective Minas Gerais leaf for you to savor! Beef rib, sausage and plantain on a layer of pumpkin cream. And you can even order a beautiful chilli pepper and rapadura jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "User 0: No\n", + "User 1\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A collective Minas Gerais leaf for you to savor! Beef rib, sausage and plantain on a layer of pumpkin cream. And you can even order a beautiful chilli pepper and rapadura jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de costela com molho de maionese, pancetta e mandioca na manteiga\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with mayonnaise sauce, pancetta and cassava in butter'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with mayonnaise sauce, pancetta and cassava in butter'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with mayonnaise sauce, pancetta and cassava in butter'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção de camarão com temperos de frutos do mar.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of shrimp with seafood seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of shrimp with seafood seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of shrimp with seafood seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Calabresa Assada com queijo, tomate, azeitona, orégano e um toque de canela. Acompanha patê de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Roasted pepperoni with cheese, tomatoes, olives, oregano and a touch of cinnamon. Served with garlic pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Roasted pepperoni with cheese, tomatoes, olives, oregano and a touch of cinnamon. Served with garlic pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Roasted pepperoni with cheese, tomatoes, olives, oregano and a touch of cinnamon. Served with garlic pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção com 08 unidades de coxinhas, recheadas de Linguiça Defumada da Casa com queijo muçarela. Acompanha vinagrete de cebola e molho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion with 08 pieces of drumsticks, stuffed with House Smoked Sausage with mozzarella cheese. Served with onion vinaigrette and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion with 08 pieces of drumsticks, stuffed with House Smoked Sausage with mozzarella cheese. Served with onion vinaigrette and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion with 08 pieces of drumsticks, stuffed with House Smoked Sausage with mozzarella cheese. Served with onion vinaigrette and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau recheado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cod cake stuffed with gorgonzola cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cod cake stuffed with gorgonzola cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cod cake stuffed with gorgonzola cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho feito de alheira, recheado com queijo mussarela e empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling made from alheira, stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling made from alheira, stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling made from alheira, stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne à parmigiana, acompanhado com purê de batata, anel de cebola e bolinhas de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Parmigiana meat dumpling, accompanied with mashed potatoes, onion ring and cheese balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Parmigiana meat dumpling, accompanied with mashed potatoes, onion ring and cheese balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Parmigiana meat dumpling, accompanied with mashed potatoes, onion ring and cheese balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma versão de petisco que não é pra ter nada escondidinho, mas tudo bem achado na polenta em um ragu exclusivo do Bar do Rafa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A version of a snack that is not supposed to have anything hidden away, but everything is well found in polenta in an exclusive ragu from Bar do Rafa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A version of a snack that is not supposed to have anything hidden away, but everything is well found in polenta in an exclusive ragu from Bar do Rafa.'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "## Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A version of a snack that is not supposed to have anything hidden away, but everything is well found in polenta in an exclusive ragu from Bar do Rafa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porpetas de carne bovina empanadas e fritas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded and fried beef porpetas.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded and fried beef porpetas.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded and fried beef porpetas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Maçã de peito na cerveja preta acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga de especiarias, farofa de cuscuz com raspas de requeijão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Brisket apple in dark beer accompanied by cassava in spiced butter, couscous farofa with cottage cheese shavings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Brisket apple in dark beer accompanied by cassava in spiced butter, couscous farofa with cottage cheese shavings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Brisket apple in dark beer accompanied by cassava in spiced butter, couscous farofa with cottage cheese shavings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de camarão com catupiry e palmito empanado na farinha Panko\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp cake with catupiry and hearts of palm breaded in Panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp cake with catupiry and hearts of palm breaded in Panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp cake with catupiry and hearts of palm breaded in Panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Miúdos de galinha servidos com farofa. Acompanha pães.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken giblets served with farofa. Served with bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken giblets served with farofa. Served with bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken giblets served with farofa. Served with bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela recheada com muçarela e catupiry empanada na farinha panko, acompanhada de saladinha especial e molho de geleia de laranja e pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib stuffed with mozzarella and catupiry breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special salad and orange and pepper jelly sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib stuffed with mozzarella and catupiry breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special salad and orange and pepper jelly sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib stuffed with mozzarella and catupiry breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special salad and orange and pepper jelly sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho com massa de batata recheado com calabresa, presunto, muçarela, cream cheese enrolado no bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato dough dumpling stuffed with pepperoni, ham, mozzarella, cream cheese wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato dough dumpling stuffed with pepperoni, ham, mozzarella, cream cheese wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato dough dumpling stuffed with pepperoni, ham, mozzarella, cream cheese wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "o SoróBolinho de costela sem massa com queijo servido ao molho da casa com um leve apimentado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'o SoróRib dumpling without pasta with cheese served with house sauce with a light pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'o SoróRib dumpling without pasta with cheese served with house sauce with a light pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'o SoróRib dumpling without pasta with cheese served with house sauce with a light pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "neira da nossa maneira uai…Pão paioca recheada com creme de requeijão moreno, com mix de espetinho de carne de sol, linguiçinha caseira apimentada e filé de frango, torresmo de barriga e chips de batata, acompanha maçã verde com melaço de cana com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Our way iai… Paioca bread stuffed with dark cream cheese, with a mix of sun-dried meat skewers, spicy homemade sausage and chicken fillet, pork rinds and potato chips, served with green apple and sugarcane molasses with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Our way iai… Paioca bread stuffed with dark cream cheese, with a mix of sun-dried meat skewers, spicy homemade sausage and chicken fillet, pork rinds and potato chips, served with green apple and sugarcane molasses with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Our way iai… Paioca bread stuffed with dark cream cheese, with a mix of sun-dried meat skewers, spicy homemade sausage and chicken fillet, pork rinds and potato chips, served with green apple and sugarcane molasses with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de costela com cream cheese recheado com geleia de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese stuffed with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese stuffed with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese stuffed with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Peito de boi com purê de batata e farofa de banana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef breast with mashed potatoes and banana farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef breast with mashed potatoes and banana farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef breast with mashed potatoes and banana farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Fatias de brisket (peito bovino defumada) com salada de repolho verde, repolho roxo, cenoura, cebola branca, limão, alho poró, aipo, salsa, açúcar, sal, azeite, Maionese de ervas finas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slices of brisket (smoked beef brisket) with green cabbage salad, red cabbage, carrot, white onion, lemon, garlic, celery, parsley, sugar, salt, olive oil, fine herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slices of brisket (smoked beef brisket) with green cabbage salad, red cabbage, carrot, white onion, lemon, garlic, celery, parsley, sugar, salt, olive oil, fine herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slices of brisket (smoked beef brisket) with green cabbage salad, red cabbage, carrot, white onion, lemon, garlic, celery, parsley, sugar, salt, olive oil, fine herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Língua crocante com ervas frescas e parmesão e salsa de jiló com pimenta-de-cheiro e maçã-verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy tongue with fresh herbs and parmesan and jiló parsley with sweet pepper and green apple.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy tongue with fresh herbs and parmesan and jiló parsley with sweet pepper and green apple.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy tongue with fresh herbs and parmesan and jiló parsley with sweet pepper and green apple.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Torresmo de barriga empanado, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded pork rinds, accompanied by pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded pork rinds, accompanied by pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded pork rinds, accompanied by pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela Bovina desfiada e gratinada com parmesão, acompanhada de creme de abóbora e molho especial de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded beef ribs gratin with parmesan, accompanied by pumpkin cream and special guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded beef ribs gratin with parmesan, accompanied by pumpkin cream and special guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded beef ribs gratin with parmesan, accompanied by pumpkin cream and special guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "DADINHO DE QUIRERA DE MILHO COM CARNE SECA DESFIADA, ACOMPANHA GELEIA DE BANANA E COUVE CRISPY.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'CORN CHICKEN DID WITH SHREDDED DRY MEAT, ACCOMPANIED BANANA JELLY AND CRISPY CABBAGE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'CORN CHICKEN DID WITH SHREDDED DRY MEAT, ACCOMPANIED BANANA JELLY AND CRISPY CABBAGE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'CORN CHICKEN DID WITH SHREDDED DRY MEAT, ACCOMPANIED BANANA JELLY AND CRISPY CABBAGE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Guisado de costela de boi cozida com caldo de legumes e temperos diversos. Acompanha rodelas de calabresa e cubos de bacon, macaxeira e mandioquinha cozidas no caldo da carne e cubos de jerimum selados e ‘ovo à la buteco’.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib stew cooked with vegetable broth and various seasonings. Accompanies slices of pepperoni and cubes of bacon, cassava and cassava cooked in meat broth and sealed cubes of pumpkin and ‘egg à la buteco’.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib stew cooked with vegetable broth and various seasonings. Accompanies slices of pepperoni and cubes of bacon, cassava and cassava cooked in meat broth and sealed cubes of pumpkin and ‘egg à la buteco’.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib stew cooked with vegetable broth and various seasonings. Accompanies slices of pepperoni and cubes of bacon, cassava and cassava cooked in meat broth and sealed cubes of pumpkin and ‘egg à la buteco’.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Copa lombo defumada e desfiada acompanhada de pãeszinhos e barbecue sauce\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked and shredded loin cup accompanied by buns and barbecue sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked and shredded loin cup accompanied by buns and barbecue sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked and shredded loin cup accompanied by buns and barbecue sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga de porco cozida com especiarias e condimentada servida com farofa de bacon e abacaxi com raspas de limão e cachaça e batata gratinada com alecrim.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly cooked with spices and seasoned served with bacon and pineapple farofa with lemon zest and cachaça and potatoes gratin with rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly cooked with spices and seasoned served with bacon and pineapple farofa with lemon zest and cachaça and potatoes gratin with rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly cooked with spices and seasoned served with bacon and pineapple farofa with lemon zest and cachaça and potatoes gratin with rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de camarão com massa de releitura do vatapá, acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e uma dose cachaça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp dumpling with vatapá dough, served with house-made pepper sauce and a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp dumpling with vatapá dough, served with house-made pepper sauce and a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp dumpling with vatapá dough, served with house-made pepper sauce and a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado, temperado com cebola roxa, catupiry, mussarela e salsinha, sem massa. Acompanhado de molho agridoce com base de mostarda e chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling, seasoned with red onion, catupiry, mozzarella and parsley, without dough. Accompanied by sweet and sour sauce with mustard and chimichurri.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling, seasoned with red onion, catupiry, mozzarella and parsley, without dough. Accompanied by sweet and sour sauce with mustard and chimichurri.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling, seasoned with red onion, catupiry, mozzarella and parsley, without dough. Accompanied by sweet and sour sauce with mustard and chimichurri.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Roquete de galinha caipira, recheado com moela, muçarela e milho. Acompanhado de polenta frita e pirão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Free-range chicken roquette, stuffed with gizzards, mozzarella and corn. Accompanied by fried polenta and pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Free-range chicken roquette, stuffed with gizzards, mozzarella and corn. Accompanied by fried polenta and pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Free-range chicken roquette, stuffed with gizzards, mozzarella and corn. Accompanied by fried polenta and pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "O bar Dois Irmãos vem de tradicional exótico.. verdadeiro bolinho crocante deixando quem provar com aquela sensação de desejo realizado! Bolinhos com recheio de Camarões rosa, bacon e um delicioso creme de queijo com algumas especiarias da terra dentro de uma massa artesanal empanados com macaxeira ralada isso para satisfazer qualquer paladar. Vem experimentar!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The Dois Irmãos bar has a traditional exotic... true crunchy cupcake leaving anyone who tastes it with that feeling of a wish fulfilled! Dumplings filled with pink prawns, bacon and a delicious cream cheese with some earthy spices inside an artisanal dough, breaded with grated cassava to satisfy any palate. Come try it!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The Dois Irmãos bar has a traditional exotic... true crunchy cupcake leaving anyone who tastes it with that feeling of a wish fulfilled! Dumplings filled with pink prawns, bacon and a delicious cream cheese with some earthy spices inside an artisanal dough, breaded with grated cassava to satisfy any palate. Come try it!'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The Dois Irmãos bar has a traditional exotic... true crunchy cupcake leaving anyone who tastes it with that feeling of a wish fulfilled! Dumplings filled with pink prawns, bacon and a delicious cream cheese with some earthy spices inside an artisanal dough, breaded with grated cassava to satisfy any palate. Come try it!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinha de carne com molho de abacaxi apimentado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat ball with spicy pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat ball with spicy pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat ball with spicy pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Risoto de camarão na cestinha de provolone com parmesão .\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp risotto in a provolone basket with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp risotto in a provolone basket with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp risotto in a provolone basket with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Cestinha de quibe assado recheado com calabresa, cebola e coberto com requeijão e parmesão gratinado, decorado com pimenta-biquinho e uma folha de salsa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Basket of roasted kibbeh stuffed with pepperoni, onion and covered with cream cheese and parmesan gratin, decorated with chili pepper and a parsley leaf.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Basket of roasted kibbeh stuffed with pepperoni, onion and covered with cream cheese and parmesan gratin, decorated with chili pepper and a parsley leaf.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Basket of roasted kibbeh stuffed with pepperoni, onion and covered with cream cheese and parmesan gratin, decorated with chili pepper and a parsley leaf.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de sereno frita, com mandioca na manteiga de garrafa, acompanhada de vinagrete de salsa criola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried sereno meat, with cassava in bottled butter, accompanied by criolla parsley vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried sereno meat, with cassava in bottled butter, accompanied by criolla parsley vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried sereno meat, with cassava in bottled butter, accompanied by criolla parsley vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo feito no pão francês, recheado com moela cozida no molho vermelho, muçarela e agrião fresco. Acompanha polenta frita da casa com ragu de músculo bovino.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth made with French bread, stuffed with gizzards cooked in red sauce, mozzarella and fresh watercress. Accompanies house-made fried polenta with beef muscle ragout.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth made with French bread, stuffed with gizzards cooked in red sauce, mozzarella and fresh watercress. Accompanies house-made fried polenta with beef muscle ragout.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth made with French bread, stuffed with gizzards cooked in red sauce, mozzarella and fresh watercress. Accompanies house-made fried polenta with beef muscle ragout.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Dois bem-casados com massa de hashbrown, recheados com delicioso bacalhau de nata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Two baked goods with hashbrown dough, stuffed with delicious cream cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Two baked goods with hashbrown dough, stuffed with delicious cream cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Two baked goods with hashbrown dough, stuffed with delicious cream cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Linguiça artesanal de fígado bovino com jiló, cebolinha, salsinha, redanho, alho e sal. Acompanhado da crocância dos chips de inhame e molho especial de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Handmade beef liver sausage with jiló, chives, parsley, red meat, garlic and salt. Accompanied by the crunch of yam chips and special bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Handmade beef liver sausage with jiló, chives, parsley, red meat, garlic and salt. Accompanied by the crunch of yam chips and special bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Handmade beef liver sausage with jiló, chives, parsley, red meat, garlic and salt. Accompanied by the crunch of yam chips and special bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rabo de boi feito na cerveja preta, acompanhado de creme de inhame.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Oxtail cooked in black beer, accompanied by yam cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Oxtail cooked in black beer, accompanied by yam cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Oxtail cooked in black beer, accompanied by yam cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Largato recheado ao molho barbecue, batatas noisettes, linguiças calabresa, pimenta-biquinho com molho rosé.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Largato stuffed with barbecue sauce, noisette potatoes, pepperoni sausages, chili peppers with rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Largato stuffed with barbecue sauce, noisette potatoes, pepperoni sausages, chili peppers with rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Largato stuffed with barbecue sauce, noisette potatoes, pepperoni sausages, chili peppers with rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de costela desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib dumpling with coalho cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib dumpling with coalho cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib dumpling with coalho cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de costela bovina marinada ao vinho branco com funghi. Acompanhados com vinagrete de jiló.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib dumplings marinated in white wine with mushrooms. Accompanied with jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib dumplings marinated in white wine with mushrooms. Accompanied with jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib dumplings marinated in white wine with mushrooms. Accompanied with jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Picadinho de costela bovina ao molho de alho, acompanhado de torradas com maionese de repolho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Minced beef rib in garlic sauce, accompanied by toast with cabbage mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Minced beef rib in garlic sauce, accompanied by toast with cabbage mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Minced beef rib in garlic sauce, accompanied by toast with cabbage mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Frango marinado em especiarias, com purê de farinha de milho, couve e pimenta-biquinho. Acompanhado de minipães.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken marinated in spices, with corn flour puree, cabbage and chili pepper. Accompanied by mini breads.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken marinated in spices, with corn flour puree, cabbage and chili pepper. Accompanied by mini breads.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken marinated in spices, with corn flour puree, cabbage and chili pepper. Accompanied by mini breads.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Coxinhas da asa marinadas na cerveja preta com batatas salteadas e acompanha molho de huancaína.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wing drumsticks marinated in dark beer with sautéed potatoes and served with huancaína sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wing drumsticks marinated in dark beer with sautéed potatoes and served with huancaína sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wing drumsticks marinated in dark beer with sautéed potatoes and served with huancaína sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de batata recheados com tilápia e queijo muçarela. Acompanha molho de pimenta e molho verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato dough dumplings stuffed with tilapia and mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper sauce and green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato dough dumplings stuffed with tilapia and mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper sauce and green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato dough dumplings stuffed with tilapia and mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper sauce and green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Filé mignon suíno cortado em tiras empanado na farinha panko, acompanhado de molho barbecue e molho Tártaro Vó Divina\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork filet mignon cut into strips breaded in panko flour, accompanied by barbecue sauce and Vó Divina Tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork filet mignon cut into strips breaded in panko flour, accompanied by barbecue sauce and Vó Divina Tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork filet mignon cut into strips breaded in panko flour, accompanied by barbecue sauce and Vó Divina Tartar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Moqueca de filé de peixe enrolado e recheado com azeitona, acompanhado de farofa de banana na manteiga e pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fish fillet moqueca rolled and stuffed with olives, accompanied by banana farofa in butter and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fish fillet moqueca rolled and stuffed with olives, accompanied by banana farofa in butter and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fish fillet moqueca rolled and stuffed with olives, accompanied by banana farofa in butter and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho recheado com carne seca, purê de aipim e parmesão. Acompanha molho de ervas e molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling stuffed with dried meat, cassava puree and parmesan. Served with herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling stuffed with dried meat, cassava puree and parmesan. Served with herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling stuffed with dried meat, cassava puree and parmesan. Served with herb sauce and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Almôndegas feitas com blend de carne de porco e vaca, servidas com molho roti e pãeszinhos frescos\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatballs made with a blend of pork and beef, served with roti sauce and fresh bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatballs made with a blend of pork and beef, served with roti sauce and fresh bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatballs made with a blend of pork and beef, served with roti sauce and fresh bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Carne de charque com cebola e ovo mexido acompanhando de mandioca\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef jerky with onion and scrambled egg served with cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef jerky with onion and scrambled egg served with cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef jerky with onion and scrambled egg served with cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de costela bovina servidos com molho de queijos (queijo prato e provolone) e conserva de pimentas da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib dumplings served with cheese sauce (dish cheese and provolone) and house-made preserved peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib dumplings served with cheese sauce (dish cheese and provolone) and house-made preserved peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib dumplings served with cheese sauce (dish cheese and provolone) and house-made preserved peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolovos feitos com costela e requeijão cremoso, servidos com batatinhas baby ao molho de hortelã e creme de leite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cakes made with ribs and cream cheese, served with baby potatoes in a mint and cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cakes made with ribs and cream cheese, served with baby potatoes in a mint and cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cakes made with ribs and cream cheese, served with baby potatoes in a mint and cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de chambaril desfiada em formato de dadinho e folha peixinho empanada na farinha panko. acompanha molho de alecrim e molho de hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded chambaril meat in the shape of dice and fish leaves breaded in panko flour. Served with rosemary sauce and mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded chambaril meat in the shape of dice and fish leaves breaded in panko flour. Served with rosemary sauce and mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded chambaril meat in the shape of dice and fish leaves breaded in panko flour. Served with rosemary sauce and mint sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filé de coxa e sobre coxa de frango preparado à milanesa, empanado em especiarias, e para acompanhar queijo coalho e polenta, e molho de abacaxi requeijão e com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken thigh fillet and thigh fillet prepared breaded, breaded in spices, and to be served with curd cheese and polenta, and pineapple cream cheese sauce with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken thigh fillet and thigh fillet prepared breaded, breaded in spices, and to be served with curd cheese and polenta, and pineapple cream cheese sauce with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken thigh fillet and thigh fillet prepared breaded, breaded in spices, and to be served with curd cheese and polenta, and pineapple cream cheese sauce with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Picanha suína na fumaça com palmito e queijo regado com fraldinha bovina ao molho, farofa de banana da terra e creme de especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked pork picanha with hearts of palm and cheese topped with beef flank steak in sauce, plantain farofa and spiced cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked pork picanha with hearts of palm and cheese topped with beef flank steak in sauce, plantain farofa and spiced cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked pork picanha with hearts of palm and cheese topped with beef flank steak in sauce, plantain farofa and spiced cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Salpicão de Camarão no abacaxi\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp Sausage in Pineapple'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp Sausage in Pineapple'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp Sausage in Pineapple'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cestinha crocante de frutos do mar\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy seafood basket'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy seafood basket'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy seafood basket'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Fígado bovino salteado com um fio de azeite e cebola, com cobertura de molho roquefort e levado ao forno para gratinar. Para acompanhar serviremos deliciosas torradas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef liver sautéed with a drizzle of olive oil and onion, covered in Roquefort sauce and placed in the oven to brown. To accompany it we will serve delicious toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef liver sautéed with a drizzle of olive oil and onion, covered in Roquefort sauce and placed in the oven to brown. To accompany it we will serve delicious toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef liver sautéed with a drizzle of olive oil and onion, covered in Roquefort sauce and placed in the oven to brown. To accompany it we will serve delicious toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costelinha assada à moda da casa, com arroz caipira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-style roasted ribs, with country rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-style roasted ribs, with country rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-style roasted ribs, with country rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Um quibe de peixe recheado com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A fish kibbeh stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A fish kibbeh stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A fish kibbeh stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora recheado com carne de porco com banana-da-terra e barbecue de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pumpkin dumpling stuffed with pork with plantain and guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pumpkin dumpling stuffed with pork with plantain and guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pumpkin dumpling stuffed with pork with plantain and guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Mandioca cozida com costela bovina e especiarias da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cooked with beef ribs and house spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cooked with beef ribs and house spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cooked with beef ribs and house spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Capitão da alcatra em tiras grelhada na manteiga com alho, cebola e pimenta do reino branca, acompanhado de batatas sauté.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rump captain in strips grilled in butter with garlic, onion and white pepper, accompanied by sautéed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rump captain in strips grilled in butter with garlic, onion and white pepper, accompanied by sautéed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rump captain in strips grilled in butter with garlic, onion and white pepper, accompanied by sautéed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de massa de batata temperada, recheada com carne de panela desmanchando, cubinhos de ovos cozidos e mussarela, servido com crisp de bacon e vinagrete da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seasoned potato dough dumpling, stuffed with fall-apart beef, boiled egg cubes and mozzarella, served with bacon crisp and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seasoned potato dough dumpling, stuffed with fall-apart beef, boiled egg cubes and mozzarella, served with bacon crisp and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seasoned potato dough dumpling, stuffed with fall-apart beef, boiled egg cubes and mozzarella, served with bacon crisp and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Medalhão de tilápia recheado com queijo coalho, acomodado numa cama de purê de batata baroa acompanhado de pesto de coentro com castanha de caju e redução de vinho tinto.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia medallion stuffed with coalho cheese, placed on a bed of baroa potato puree accompanied by coriander pesto with cashew nuts and red wine reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia medallion stuffed with coalho cheese, placed on a bed of baroa potato puree accompanied by coriander pesto with cashew nuts and red wine reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia medallion stuffed with coalho cheese, placed on a bed of baroa potato puree accompanied by coriander pesto with cashew nuts and red wine reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau gados mohua cozido em creme de moqueca tradicional acompanhado de tapenade de azeitona preta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gados mohua cod cake cooked in traditional moqueca cream accompanied by black olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gados mohua cod cake cooked in traditional moqueca cream accompanied by black olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gados mohua cod cake cooked in traditional moqueca cream accompanied by black olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filé mignon grelhado ao molho de mostarda e mel, acompanhado de batata ao murro com toque de páprica defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled filet mignon with mustard and honey sauce, accompanied by punched potatoes with a touch of smoked paprika.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled filet mignon with mustard and honey sauce, accompanied by punched potatoes with a touch of smoked paprika.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled filet mignon with mustard and honey sauce, accompanied by punched potatoes with a touch of smoked paprika.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "O prato e composto de almôndegas de calabresa com file de frango e servido dentro do abacaxi e com cobertura de um molho de queijo com abacaxi, dando um toque agridoce no prato.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The dish consists of pepperoni meatballs with chicken fillet and served inside a pineapple and topped with a pineapple cheese sauce, giving a sweet and sour touch to the dish.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The dish consists of pepperoni meatballs with chicken fillet and served inside a pineapple and topped with a pineapple cheese sauce, giving a sweet and sour touch to the dish.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The dish consists of pepperoni meatballs with chicken fillet and served inside a pineapple and topped with a pineapple cheese sauce, giving a sweet and sour touch to the dish.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com carne tipo chanfana, temperada no vinho com temperos e ervas especiais, queijo provolone derretido com cebola roxa, azeitonas pretas e rodelas de tomate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with chanfana-style meat, seasoned in wine with special spices and herbs, melted provolone cheese with red onion, black olives and tomato slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with chanfana-style meat, seasoned in wine with special spices and herbs, melted provolone cheese with red onion, black olives and tomato slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with chanfana-style meat, seasoned in wine with special spices and herbs, melted provolone cheese with red onion, black olives and tomato slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Dobradinha à moda Maria Flor, com feijão-branco, paio, calabresa, costelinha defumada e temperos especiais. Acompanha dois minipães, pimenta caseira e queijo coalho com melado de cana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Maria Flor-style tripe, with white beans, paio, pepperoni, smoked ribs and special seasonings. Served with two mini breads, homemade pepper and coalho cheese with sugarcane syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Maria Flor-style tripe, with white beans, paio, pepperoni, smoked ribs and special seasonings. Served with two mini breads, homemade pepper and coalho cheese with sugarcane syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Maria Flor-style tripe, with white beans, paio, pepperoni, smoked ribs and special seasonings. Served with two mini breads, homemade pepper and coalho cheese with sugarcane syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carpaccio de barriga de porco com molho tarê, feito com caldo de polvo, finalizado com pimenta japonesa togarashi, ovas de tobiko, katsuobushi, gergelim, cebolinha e raspas de limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly carpaccio with tarê sauce, made with octopus broth, finished with Japanese togarashi pepper, tobiko roe, katsuobushi, sesame, chives and lemon zest.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly carpaccio with tarê sauce, made with octopus broth, finished with Japanese togarashi pepper, tobiko roe, katsuobushi, sesame, chives and lemon zest.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly carpaccio with tarê sauce, made with octopus broth, finished with Japanese togarashi pepper, tobiko roe, katsuobushi, sesame, chives and lemon zest.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça recheado com muçarela e empanado na farinha de mandioca, com maionese especial à moda Santa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella and breaded in cassava flour, with special Santa-style mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella and breaded in cassava flour, with special Santa-style mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella and breaded in cassava flour, with special Santa-style mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Torresmo crocante com mandioca e molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy crackling with cassava and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy crackling with cassava and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy crackling with cassava and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Farofa de feijão fradinho com mel, queijo coalho, Bacon, calabresa e cheiro verde. Acompanha Linguiça Toscana, contra filé, chimichurri, pimenta da casa e vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Black-eyed pea farofa with honey, coalho cheese, bacon, pepperoni and green scent. Served with Tuscan sausage, fillet, chimichurri, house pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Black-eyed pea farofa with honey, coalho cheese, bacon, pepperoni and green scent. Served with Tuscan sausage, fillet, chimichurri, house pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Black-eyed pea farofa with honey, coalho cheese, bacon, pepperoni and green scent. Served with Tuscan sausage, fillet, chimichurri, house pepper and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cupim ao molho de cerveja preta e parmesão, acompanhado de purê de banana-da-terra com leite de coco, farofinha e crispy de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite in black beer and parmesan sauce, accompanied by plantain puree with coconut milk, farofinha and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite in black beer and parmesan sauce, accompanied by plantain puree with coconut milk, farofinha and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite in black beer and parmesan sauce, accompanied by plantain puree with coconut milk, farofinha and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Barquetas de massa de arroz, recheadas com um delicioso chili de ragu de costela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice dough boats, stuffed with delicious rib ragu chili.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice dough boats, stuffed with delicious rib ragu chili.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice dough boats, stuffed with delicious rib ragu chili.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Costelinha marinada em especiarias, acompanhado com farofa de cuscuz, feijão de corda e banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs marinated in spices, served with couscous farofa, string beans and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs marinated in spices, served with couscous farofa, string beans and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs marinated in spices, served with couscous farofa, string beans and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pastéis recheados de abóbora cabotia, carne seca e queijo meia cura\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastries filled with cabotia pumpkin, dried meat and semi-cured cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastries filled with cabotia pumpkin, dried meat and semi-cured cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastries filled with cabotia pumpkin, dried meat and semi-cured cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com mandioca recheado com queijo, picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with cassava stuffed with cheese, spicy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with cassava stuffed with cheese, spicy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with cassava stuffed with cheese, spicy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Medalhão de merluza, casquinha de bacalhau, folhas de tucunaré e purê de batata recheada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Merluza medallion, cod shell, tucunaré leaves and stuffed mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Merluza medallion, cod shell, tucunaré leaves and stuffed mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Merluza medallion, cod shell, tucunaré leaves and stuffed mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Sanduíche de carne de porco desfiada servido no pão com molho barbecue acompanhado de fritas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pulled pork sandwich served on bread with barbecue sauce accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pulled pork sandwich served on bread with barbecue sauce accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pulled pork sandwich served on bread with barbecue sauce accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "A suculência da picanha suína marinada por dois dias em um molho de vinho, ervas e vegetais preparada no calor de uma boa brasa… Sim, um belo de churrasco de carne de porco! Suntuosamente acompanhado por um incrível purê de banana da terra com leite de coco, farofa aromática de maracujá com hortelã, vinagrete de feijão manteiguinha e o originalíssimo molho bordô a base de beterraba e vinho tinto.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The succulence of the pork picanha marinated for two days in a sauce of wine, herbs and vegetables prepared in the heat of a good coal... Yes, a beautiful pork barbecue! Sumptuously accompanied by an incredible plantain puree with coconut milk, aromatic passion fruit farofa with mint, butter bean vinaigrette and the very original burgundy sauce made with beetroot and red wine.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The succulence of the pork picanha marinated for two days in a sauce of wine, herbs and vegetables prepared in the heat of a good coal... Yes, a beautiful pork barbecue! Sumptuously accompanied by an incredible plantain puree with coconut milk, aromatic passion fruit farofa with mint, butter bean vinaigrette and the very original burgundy sauce made with beetroot and red wine.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The succulence of the pork picanha marinated for two days in a sauce of wine, herbs and vegetables prepared in the heat of a good coal... Yes, a beautiful pork barbecue! Sumptuously accompanied by an incredible plantain puree with coconut milk, aromatic passion fruit farofa with mint, butter bean vinaigrette and the very original burgundy sauce made with beetroot and red wine.'.\n", + "\n", + "Bolinhos de abóbora recheados com costela suína defumada e queijo gorgonzola e muçarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pumpkin dumplings stuffed with smoked pork ribs and gorgonzola and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pumpkin dumplings stuffed with smoked pork ribs and gorgonzola and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pumpkin dumplings stuffed with smoked pork ribs and gorgonzola and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "uinaBruschettas de cupim desfiado acompanhadas de broto de beterraba.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'uina Shredded termite bruschettas accompanied by beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'uina Shredded termite bruschettas accompanied by beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'uina Shredded termite bruschettas accompanied by beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Salgado feito de carne moída temperada recheado com ovo de codorna. Acompanha geleia de tomate e molho de pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Savory made from seasoned ground beef stuffed with quail egg. Served with tomato jelly and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Savory made from seasoned ground beef stuffed with quail egg. Served with tomato jelly and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Savory made from seasoned ground beef stuffed with quail egg. Served with tomato jelly and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tulipas de frango feitas no açúcar, acompanhadas de mandioca noisette e molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken tulips cooked in sugar, accompanied by cassava noisette and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken tulips cooked in sugar, accompanied by cassava noisette and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken tulips cooked in sugar, accompanied by cassava noisette and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "8 pasteizinhos cremosos de frango ao molho branco com provolone e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '8 creamy chicken pastries in white sauce with provolone and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '8 creamy chicken pastries in white sauce with provolone and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '8 creamy chicken pastries in white sauce with provolone and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Acém ou língua de boi ao molho, com farofa e picles de cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef chuck or beef tongue in sauce, with farofa and onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef chuck or beef tongue in sauce, with farofa and onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef chuck or beef tongue in sauce, with farofa and onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Fatias de pão ciabatta, cobertas com carne de panela, geleia de bergamota, rúcula e creme de gorgonzola. Acompanhas de molho chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slices of ciabatta bread, topped with beef, bergamot jelly, arugula and gorgonzola cream. Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slices of ciabatta bread, topped with beef, bergamot jelly, arugula and gorgonzola cream. Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slices of ciabatta bread, topped with beef, bergamot jelly, arugula and gorgonzola cream. Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Coração de galinha marinado na cerveja, acompanhado por uma farofa panko com abacaxi caramelizado e toques defumados de bacon. Acompanha vinagrete de hortelã e abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken heart marinated in beer, accompanied by panko crumble with caramelized pineapple and smoky touches of bacon. Served with mint and pineapple vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken heart marinated in beer, accompanied by panko crumble with caramelized pineapple and smoky touches of bacon. Served with mint and pineapple vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken heart marinated in beer, accompanied by panko crumble with caramelized pineapple and smoky touches of bacon. Served with mint and pineapple vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Fubá com recheio de costela, acompanha maionese caseira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cornmeal dumpling with rib filling, served with homemade mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cornmeal dumpling with rib filling, served with homemade mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cornmeal dumpling with rib filling, served with homemade mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Peito de frango empanado recheado de presunto e queijo, acompanha geleia de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese, served with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese, served with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded chicken breast stuffed with ham and cheese, served with bacon jam.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filé-mignon suíno reduzido na cachaça com gengibre, acompanhado de torradas e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork fillet mignon reduced in cachaça with ginger, accompanied by toast and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork fillet mignon reduced in cachaça with ginger, accompanied by toast and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork fillet mignon reduced in cachaça with ginger, accompanied by toast and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Massa de costela desfiada com aipim cozido, cebola, tomate e tempero verde. Empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib pasta with cooked cassava, onion, tomato and green seasoning. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib pasta with cooked cassava, onion, tomato and green seasoning. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib pasta with cooked cassava, onion, tomato and green seasoning. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Tiras de alcatra fritas na manteiga ao molho de limão e ervas, acompanhando fatias de pão francês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Strips of rump fried in butter with a lemon and herb sauce, served with slices of French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Strips of rump fried in butter with a lemon and herb sauce, served with slices of French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Strips of rump fried in butter with a lemon and herb sauce, served with slices of French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "300 gramas de costelinha suína, empanada na farinha panko, acompanhada de um molho barbecue especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '300 grams of pork ribs, breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special house barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '300 grams of pork ribs, breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special house barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '300 grams of pork ribs, breaded in panko flour, accompanied by a special house barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Dadinho de costelinha desossada à pururuca acompanhado de vinagrete de jiló e molho de alho com especiarias picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dadinho of boneless pork ribs accompanied by jiló vinaigrette and spicy garlic sauce with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dadinho of boneless pork ribs accompanied by jiló vinaigrette and spicy garlic sauce with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dadinho of boneless pork ribs accompanied by jiló vinaigrette and spicy garlic sauce with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pedacinhos de carne de porco temperados, empanados e fritos. Acompanha geleia de pimenta caseira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seasoned, breaded and fried pieces of pork. Served with homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seasoned, breaded and fried pieces of pork. Served with homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seasoned, breaded and fried pieces of pork. Served with homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de porco com molhos de limão siciliano e kiwi, acompanhada de batatas rústicas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork with Sicilian lemon and kiwi sauces, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork with Sicilian lemon and kiwi sauces, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork with Sicilian lemon and kiwi sauces, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de feijoada vegano de feijão preto. Acompanha molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Vegan black bean feijoada cake. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Vegan black bean feijoada cake. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Vegan black bean feijoada cake. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Um conjunto de três bolinhos de linguiça toscana com catupiry, recheado cada um com um tipo de queijo, mussarela, provolone e canastra, acompanhando um aioli e fatias de limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A set of three Tuscan sausage dumplings with catupiry, each filled with a type of cheese, mozzarella, provolone and canasta, accompanied by an aioli and lemon slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A set of three Tuscan sausage dumplings with catupiry, each filled with a type of cheese, mozzarella, provolone and canasta, accompanied by an aioli and lemon slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A set of three Tuscan sausage dumplings with catupiry, each filled with a type of cheese, mozzarella, provolone and canasta, accompanied by an aioli and lemon slices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarão cinza salteado com molho triplo burro intercalado com mousseline de batata-baroa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gray shrimp sautéed with triple donkey sauce interspersed with baroa potato mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gray shrimp sautéed with triple donkey sauce interspersed with baroa potato mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gray shrimp sautéed with triple donkey sauce interspersed with baroa potato mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquetes de vatapá com filé de peixe surubim empanados na farinha panko. Servidos com pesto de coentro, castanhas e amendoins.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Vatapá croquettes with surubim fish fillet breaded in panko flour. Served with coriander pesto, chestnuts and peanuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Vatapá croquettes with surubim fish fillet breaded in panko flour. Served with coriander pesto, chestnuts and peanuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Vatapá croquettes with surubim fish fillet breaded in panko flour. Served with coriander pesto, chestnuts and peanuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Frango crocante e bolinhos de aipim recheados com carne de panela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy chicken and cassava dumplings stuffed with pan meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy chicken and cassava dumplings stuffed with pan meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy chicken and cassava dumplings stuffed with pan meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mix de carne ( Linguiça toscana caseira, carne de sol frango caipira). Frito e refogado saltiado na banha de porco no disco de arado caipira com um toque sutil de mussarela . Acompanhado com um molho de Tamarino da roça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mix of meat (Homemade Tuscan sausage, country chicken sun-dried meat). Fried and sautéed in pork lard on a country plow disc with a subtle touch of mozzarella. Accompanied with a local Tamarino sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mix of meat (Homemade Tuscan sausage, country chicken sun-dried meat). Fried and sautéed in pork lard on a country plow disc with a subtle touch of mozzarella. Accompanied with a local Tamarino sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mix of meat (Homemade Tuscan sausage, country chicken sun-dried meat). Fried and sautéed in pork lard on a country plow disc with a subtle touch of mozzarella. Accompanied with a local Tamarino sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "é mais embaixoOssobuco cozido servido com mandioca ao molho pesto de coentro e farofa de banana com bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'It's more below Ossobuco cooked served with cassava in coriander pesto sauce and banana farofa with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'It's more below Ossobuco cooked served with cassava in coriander pesto sauce and banana farofa with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'It's more below Ossobuco cooked served with cassava in coriander pesto sauce and banana farofa with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Guacamole de camarão\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp guacamole'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp guacamole'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp guacamole'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Canapé de palmito crocante com ragu de costela e molho vinagrete, acompanha aioli defumado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy hearts of palm canapé with rib ragu and vinaigrette sauce, served with smoked aioli'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy hearts of palm canapé with rib ragu and vinaigrette sauce, served with smoked aioli'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy hearts of palm canapé with rib ragu and vinaigrette sauce, served with smoked aioli'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Crocante por fora e suculento por dentro, tem carne de pernil delicadamente desfiada com saboroso tempero de família. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com dedo-de-moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, it has delicately shredded ham meat with tasty family seasoning. Accompanies pineapple jelly with finger-de-moça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, it has delicately shredded ham meat with tasty family seasoning. Accompanies pineapple jelly with finger-de-moça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, it has delicately shredded ham meat with tasty family seasoning. Accompanies pineapple jelly with finger-de-moça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Linguiça de porco caseira, servida com molho especial de pimenta e mandioca regrada na manteiga do sertão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Homemade pork sausage, served with special pepper sauce and cassava topped with sertão butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Homemade pork sausage, served with special pepper sauce and cassava topped with sertão butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Homemade pork sausage, served with special pepper sauce and cassava topped with sertão butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "cheado com linguiça caseira suína, lascas de pernil assado, vinagrete, alface roxa e requeijão, acompanha molho artesanal de mostarda e geleia de abacaxi com nozes.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'filled with homemade pork sausage, roast ham slivers, vinaigrette, purple lettuce and cottage cheese, served with homemade mustard sauce and pineapple jelly with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'filled with homemade pork sausage, roast ham slivers, vinaigrette, purple lettuce and cottage cheese, served with homemade mustard sauce and pineapple jelly with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'filled with homemade pork sausage, roast ham slivers, vinaigrette, purple lettuce and cottage cheese, served with homemade mustard sauce and pineapple jelly with walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: yes\n", + "Petisco feito com linguiça Blumenau defumada recheada com catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack made with smoked Blumenau sausage stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack made with smoked Blumenau sausage stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack made with smoked Blumenau sausage stuffed with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de camarão com carne defumada\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp croquette with smoked meat'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp croquette with smoked meat'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp croquette with smoked meat'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Abóbora cozida e salteada, guarnecida com molho de camarão e coberta com carne-seca crispy. Acompanha chips de mandioca. Finalizada com cebolinha e salsa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boiled and sautéed pumpkin, garnished with shrimp sauce and covered with crispy dried meat. Served with cassava chips. Finished with chives and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boiled and sautéed pumpkin, garnished with shrimp sauce and covered with crispy dried meat. Served with cassava chips. Finished with chives and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boiled and sautéed pumpkin, garnished with shrimp sauce and covered with crispy dried meat. Served with cassava chips. Finished with chives and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de massa de mandioca, cozida no vapor, com recheio de siri catado e cream cheese (queijo cremoso). Acompanha Molho Tártaro Caseiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough dumpling, steamed, filled with crab and cream cheese. Served with Homemade Tartar Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough dumpling, steamed, filled with crab and cream cheese. Served with Homemade Tartar Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough dumpling, steamed, filled with crab and cream cheese. Served with Homemade Tartar Sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de Costela bovina.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef Rib Escondidinho.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef Rib Escondidinho.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef Rib Escondidinho.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "3 suculentos medalhões recheados com mix de provolone com mussarela : frango, pernil e carne. Acompanha molho de cebola agridoce, geléia de pimenta e molho de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 succulent medallions stuffed with a mix of provolone and mozzarella: chicken, ham and meat. Served with sweet and sour onion sauce, pepper jelly and cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 succulent medallions stuffed with a mix of provolone and mozzarella: chicken, ham and meat. Served with sweet and sour onion sauce, pepper jelly and cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 succulent medallions stuffed with a mix of provolone and mozzarella: chicken, ham and meat. Served with sweet and sour onion sauce, pepper jelly and cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Picanha acompanhada de cebolas e batatas e molho especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Picanha accompanied by onions and potatoes and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Picanha accompanied by onions and potatoes and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Picanha accompanied by onions and potatoes and special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Requeijão cremoso caseiro de inhame, sobreposto de um tomate confitado e charque desfiada acompanhada de crispy de tapioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Homemade creamy yam curd, topped with confit tomato and shredded beef jerky accompanied by tapioca crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Homemade creamy yam curd, topped with confit tomato and shredded beef jerky accompanied by tapioca crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Homemade creamy yam curd, topped with confit tomato and shredded beef jerky accompanied by tapioca crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau fritos regado no azeite e alho, acompanhados de um delicioso purê em formato de estrela, azeitonas, ovo e queijo\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried cod slices drizzled in olive oil and garlic, accompanied by a delicious star-shaped puree, olives, egg and cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried cod slices drizzled in olive oil and garlic, accompanied by a delicious star-shaped puree, olives, egg and cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried cod slices drizzled in olive oil and garlic, accompanied by a delicious star-shaped puree, olives, egg and cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção de asinhas de frango recheadas com bacon e queijo provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e maionese com bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of chicken wings stuffed with bacon and provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly and mayonnaise with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of chicken wings stuffed with bacon and provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly and mayonnaise with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of chicken wings stuffed with bacon and provolone cheese. Served with pepper jelly and mayonnaise with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Jiló empanado com queijo parmesão, costela bovina desfiada na cerveja e creme de queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha massinha de pastel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Jiló breaded with parmesan cheese, beef ribs shredded in beer and gorgonzola cheese cream. Accompanied by pastry dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Jiló breaded with parmesan cheese, beef ribs shredded in beer and gorgonzola cheese cream. Accompanied by pastry dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Jiló breaded with parmesan cheese, beef ribs shredded in beer and gorgonzola cheese cream. Accompanied by pastry dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Tacos com massa de arroz recheados com ragu de linguiça, finalizado com vinagrete de jiló e tacos com recheio de carne de panela com nata, finalizado com farofa de mandioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tacos with rice dough stuffed with sausage ragu, finished with jiló vinaigrette and tacos with meat filling in a pan with cream, finished with cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tacos with rice dough stuffed with sausage ragu, finished with jiló vinaigrette and tacos with meat filling in a pan with cream, finished with cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tacos with rice dough stuffed with sausage ragu, finished with jiló vinaigrette and tacos with meat filling in a pan with cream, finished with cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Dupla de petiscos Mar e Terra: bobó de camarão feito com gengibre e pimenta biquinho, servido numa casquinha crocante com queijo gratinado. O famoso escondidinho de cupim desfiado com um toque do nosso barbecue de goiabada da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sea and Earth snack duo: shrimp bobó made with ginger and biquinho pepper, served in a crispy shell with gratin cheese. The famous shredded termite escondidinho with a touch of our house guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sea and Earth snack duo: shrimp bobó made with ginger and biquinho pepper, served in a crispy shell with gratin cheese. The famous shredded termite escondidinho with a touch of our house guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sea and Earth snack duo: shrimp bobó made with ginger and biquinho pepper, served in a crispy shell with gratin cheese. The famous shredded termite escondidinho with a touch of our house guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Batata-inglesa recheada de charque e envolvida aos queijos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potatoes stuffed with jerky and wrapped in cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potatoes stuffed with jerky and wrapped in cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potatoes stuffed with jerky and wrapped in cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costela assada no bafo com mandioca cozida. Acompanha farofa, molho de alho, molho de pimenta e molho chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised ribs with cooked cassava. Served with farofa, garlic sauce, pepper sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised ribs with cooked cassava. Served with farofa, garlic sauce, pepper sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised ribs with cooked cassava. Served with farofa, garlic sauce, pepper sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de salmao, cream cheese e recheio de arroz cremoso com queijos, empanado na farinha panko e gergilin, acompanha maionese de alho negro\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Salmon cake, cream cheese and creamy rice filling with cheese, breaded in panko and sesame flour, served with black garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Salmon cake, cream cheese and creamy rice filling with cheese, breaded in panko and sesame flour, served with black garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Salmon cake, cream cheese and creamy rice filling with cheese, breaded in panko and sesame flour, served with black garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pernil e contrafilé acebolado feito na brasa, com acompanhamento de farofa crocante e vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled ham and onion fillet, served with crispy farofa and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled ham and onion fillet, served with crispy farofa and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled ham and onion fillet, served with crispy farofa and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pão tipo baguete recheado com filé-mignon, queijo muçarela, cebola e tomate cortado em formato aperitivo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baguette-style bread stuffed with filet mignon, mozzarella cheese, onion and tomato cut into an appetizer format.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baguette-style bread stuffed with filet mignon, mozzarella cheese, onion and tomato cut into an appetizer format.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baguette-style bread stuffed with filet mignon, mozzarella cheese, onion and tomato cut into an appetizer format.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho tradicional (de carne) e bolinhos recheados com linguiça Blumenau, acompanhados com queijo colonial na chapa e molho ao alho-poró e castanhas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional dumplings (meat) and dumplings stuffed with Blumenau sausage, accompanied with grilled colonial cheese and leek and chestnut sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional dumplings (meat) and dumplings stuffed with Blumenau sausage, accompanied with grilled colonial cheese and leek and chestnut sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional dumplings (meat) and dumplings stuffed with Blumenau sausage, accompanied with grilled colonial cheese and leek and chestnut sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de lata tradicional, acompanhada de molho campanha, farofa de torresmo, espeto de batata-bolinha e cebola, flambados no licor de jabuticaba da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional corned beef, accompanied by campaign sauce, crackling farofa, potato and onion skewers, flambéed in the house's jabuticaba liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional corned beef, accompanied by campaign sauce, crackling farofa, potato and onion skewers, flambéed in the house's jabuticaba liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional corned beef, accompanied by campaign sauce, crackling farofa, potato and onion skewers, flambéed in the house's jabuticaba liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Suculento filet mignon laminado envolvendo batatas recheadas com fonduta de queijos dando um toque original e saboroso\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Succulent laminated filet mignon involving potatoes stuffed with cheese fonduta giving an original and tasty touch'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Succulent laminated filet mignon involving potatoes stuffed with cheese fonduta giving an original and tasty touch'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Succulent laminated filet mignon involving potatoes stuffed with cheese fonduta giving an original and tasty touch'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de batata com guisado de carne moída.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato dumpling with ground beef stew.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato dumpling with ground beef stew.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato dumpling with ground beef stew.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz, recheado com queijo muçarela, parmesão, tomilho e manjericão. Empanado com farinha panko. Acompanha patê de linguiça Blumenau.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, parmesan, thyme and basil. Breaded with panko flour. Served with Blumenau sausage pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, parmesan, thyme and basil. Breaded with panko flour. Served with Blumenau sausage pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, parmesan, thyme and basil. Breaded with panko flour. Served with Blumenau sausage pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de sol acebolada, acompanhada de molho de alho e farofa de cebola caramelizada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Onion-roasted corned beef, accompanied by garlic sauce and caramelized onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Onion-roasted corned beef, accompanied by garlic sauce and caramelized onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Onion-roasted corned beef, accompanied by garlic sauce and caramelized onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma carne que passa por um processo de maturação de 21 dias e feita no Pit smoker por 12 horas em lenha frutífera, e finalizada com catupiry e especiarias para formar um bolinho, servido com uma maionesedeabacate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Coxinha com massa artesanal recheada com rabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Coxinha with homemade dough stuffed with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Coxinha with homemade dough stuffed with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Coxinha with homemade dough stuffed with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Farofa com bacon e couve, banana-da-terra, abacaxi e uma calda de melaço.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Farofa with bacon and cabbage, plantain, pineapple and a molasses syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Farofa with bacon and cabbage, plantain, pineapple and a molasses syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Farofa with bacon and cabbage, plantain, pineapple and a molasses syrup.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Creme de Aipim com creme cheese e queijo gorgonzola, carne de cupim defumada desfiada, bacon e alho poró, por cima leva um ovo frito com gema mole.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cream with cream cheese and gorgonzola cheese, shredded smoked termite meat, bacon and garlic, topped with a fried egg with soft yolk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cream with cream cheese and gorgonzola cheese, shredded smoked termite meat, bacon and garlic, topped with a fried egg with soft yolk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cream with cream cheese and gorgonzola cheese, shredded smoked termite meat, bacon and garlic, topped with a fried egg with soft yolk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Purê de mandioquinha recheado de Ragu de Costela e texturas de queijo coalho (cremoso e crocante)\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava puree filled with Rib Ragu and curd cheese textures (creamy and crunchy)'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava puree filled with Rib Ragu and curd cheese textures (creamy and crunchy)'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava puree filled with Rib Ragu and curd cheese textures (creamy and crunchy)'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pipoca de camarão empanada na farinha oriental, acompanhada por dois molhos: geleia de pimenta biquinho e maionese de limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp popcorn breaded in oriental flour, accompanied by two sauces: biquinho pepper jelly and lemon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp popcorn breaded in oriental flour, accompanied by two sauces: biquinho pepper jelly and lemon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp popcorn breaded in oriental flour, accompanied by two sauces: biquinho pepper jelly and lemon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Tiras crocantes e cremosas de aipim com carne-seca, coberta de creme de queijo coalho e finalizado com crispy de carne-seca. Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta biquinho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy and creamy strips of cassava with dried meat, covered in curd cheese cream and finished with crispy dried meat. Accompanied by house-made biquinho pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy and creamy strips of cassava with dried meat, covered in curd cheese cream and finished with crispy dried meat. Accompanied by house-made biquinho pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy and creamy strips of cassava with dried meat, covered in curd cheese cream and finished with crispy dried meat. Accompanied by house-made biquinho pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca com costela desfiada, recheado com muçarela, empanado e frito.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumpling with shredded rib, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumpling with shredded rib, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumpling with shredded rib, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "2 Cubos de cupim bovino Defumado na casa, servido molho rustico do cozimento, creme de queijo a parte dentro de um divertido jogo .\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '2 Cubes of beef termite Smoked in-house, served rustic cooking sauce, cream cheese on the side in a fun game.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '2 Cubes of beef termite Smoked in-house, served rustic cooking sauce, cream cheese on the side in a fun game.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '2 Cubes of beef termite Smoked in-house, served rustic cooking sauce, cream cheese on the side in a fun game.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Deliciosos bolinhos de carne tipico dos botecos paulista. Com massa a base de batata e recheio de carne desfiada refogada, COM PICLES DE MAXIXE E SEMENTE DE MOSTARDA FERMENTADA, esse bolinho tem sabor reconfortante de um salgado feito pela Vovó.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious meat dumplings typical of São Paulo bars. With potato-based dough and braised shredded meat filling, WITH GHERRY PICKLES AND FERMENTED MUSTARD SEEDS, this cupcake has the comforting taste of a savory dish made by Grandma.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious meat dumplings typical of São Paulo bars. With potato-based dough and braised shredded meat filling, WITH GHERRY PICKLES AND FERMENTED MUSTARD SEEDS, this cupcake has the comforting taste of a savory dish made by Grandma.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious meat dumplings typical of São Paulo bars. With potato-based dough and braised shredded meat filling, WITH GHERRY PICKLES AND FERMENTED MUSTARD SEEDS, this cupcake has the comforting taste of a savory dish made by Grandma.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Coxinhas de paella de frutos do mar empanada na panko com recheio de camarão na laranja ao molho agridoce de vinho tinto e molho de ostra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seafood paella drumsticks breaded in panko with orange shrimp filling in a sweet and sour red wine sauce and oyster sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seafood paella drumsticks breaded in panko with orange shrimp filling in a sweet and sour red wine sauce and oyster sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seafood paella drumsticks breaded in panko with orange shrimp filling in a sweet and sour red wine sauce and oyster sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarão, tilápia e lula à milanesa, servidos com vinagrete de marisco, molho especial da casa e geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp, tilapia and breaded squid, served with seafood vinaigrette, special house sauce and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp, tilapia and breaded squid, served with seafood vinaigrette, special house sauce and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp, tilapia and breaded squid, served with seafood vinaigrette, special house sauce and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne cozida desfiada servida com queijo coalho maçaricado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded cooked meat served with torched curd cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded cooked meat served with torched curd cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded cooked meat served with torched curd cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Linguiça tipo calabresa enroladinha com queijo muçarela, acompanhada de fatias de pão artesanal, cebola caramelizada com bacon e molho chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Calabrese sausage rolled with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of artisan bread, caramelized onion with bacon and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Calabrese sausage rolled with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of artisan bread, caramelized onion with bacon and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Calabrese sausage rolled with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of artisan bread, caramelized onion with bacon and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Fava branca refogada com frango em marinado especial, linguiça calabresa, milho verde, cenoura e bacon. Acompanha fatias de pão e azeite de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'White fava braised with chicken in a special marinade, Calabrian sausage, green corn, carrots and bacon. Served with slices of bread and pepper oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'White fava braised with chicken in a special marinade, Calabrian sausage, green corn, carrots and bacon. Served with slices of bread and pepper oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'White fava braised with chicken in a special marinade, Calabrian sausage, green corn, carrots and bacon. Served with slices of bread and pepper oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "O virado à paulista de Sampa tem um sabor único, com adaptações ideais para agregar o paladar dos curitibanos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sampa's São Paulo style has a unique flavor, with ideal adaptations to enhance the taste of Curitiba residents.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sampa's São Paulo style has a unique flavor, with ideal adaptations to enhance the taste of Curitiba residents.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sampa's São Paulo style has a unique flavor, with ideal adaptations to enhance the taste of Curitiba residents.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Moela servida com pirão de aipim, cubos de queijo coalho e banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gizzard served with cassava pirão, cubes of coalho cheese and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gizzard served with cassava pirão, cubes of coalho cheese and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gizzard served with cassava pirão, cubes of coalho cheese and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "03 cumbucas de feijão verde cremoso, sendo a primeira porção com filé de camarão refogado na manteiga, cream cheese e alho, a segunda porção com linguiça Toscana acebolada e tomate cereja e a terceira cumbuca feita com suíno e torresmo. Acompanha farofa da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '03 bowls of creamy green beans, the first portion with shrimp fillet sautéed in butter, cream cheese and garlic, the second portion with Tuscan sausage and cherry tomatoes and the third bowl made with pork and pork rinds. Comes with house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '03 bowls of creamy green beans, the first portion with shrimp fillet sautéed in butter, cream cheese and garlic, the second portion with Tuscan sausage and cherry tomatoes and the third bowl made with pork and pork rinds. Comes with house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '03 bowls of creamy green beans, the first portion with shrimp fillet sautéed in butter, cream cheese and garlic, the second portion with Tuscan sausage and cherry tomatoes and the third bowl made with pork and pork rinds. Comes with house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de feijoada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bean stew cookie.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bean stew cookie.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bean stew cookie.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de arraia, macaxeira e castanha do Pará. Servido com o molho especial de tucupi, folha de jambu e a flor do jambú.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Stingray, manioc and Brazil nut cake. Served with special tucupi sauce, jambu leaf and jambú flower.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Stingray, manioc and Brazil nut cake. Served with special tucupi sauce, jambu leaf and jambú flower.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Stingray, manioc and Brazil nut cake. Served with special tucupi sauce, jambu leaf and jambú flower.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Kafta recheada de mussarela, provolone, catupiry e bacon, acompanhada de batata rústica.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Kafta stuffed with mozzarella, provolone, catupiry and bacon, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Kafta stuffed with mozzarella, provolone, catupiry and bacon, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Kafta stuffed with mozzarella, provolone, catupiry and bacon, accompanied by rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de costela de boi recheado com queijo muçarela, servido em uma bandeja de espetos, acompanhado do molho de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served on a skewer tray, accompanied by bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served on a skewer tray, accompanied by bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served on a skewer tray, accompanied by bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Filé de frango empanado acompanhado de molho de maracujá e queijo mussarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded chicken fillet accompanied by passion fruit sauce and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded chicken fillet accompanied by passion fruit sauce and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded chicken fillet accompanied by passion fruit sauce and mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Massa de aipim e mandioquinha frita, servida aberta como um acarajé, recheado de carne seca , vatapá de queijo coalho acompanhado de molho de brasa, couve crysp e geleia de tomate com pimenta dedo de moça\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava and fried cassava dough, served open like an acarajé, filled with dried meat, curd cheese vatapá accompanied by charcoal sauce, crysp cabbage and tomato jelly with finger of girl pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava and fried cassava dough, served open like an acarajé, filled with dried meat, curd cheese vatapá accompanied by charcoal sauce, crysp cabbage and tomato jelly with finger of girl pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava and fried cassava dough, served open like an acarajé, filled with dried meat, curd cheese vatapá accompanied by charcoal sauce, crysp cabbage and tomato jelly with finger of girl pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Blend de carne recheado com purê de aipim rústico e cebola crispy.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat blend stuffed with rustic cassava puree and crispy onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat blend stuffed with rustic cassava puree and crispy onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat blend stuffed with rustic cassava puree and crispy onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Feijão-tropeiro nordestino.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Northeastern tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Northeastern tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Northeastern tropeiro beans.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Releitura da linguiça Cuiabana, feita com pernil suíno, toucinho, leite, queijo coalho, ervas e condimentos. Acompanha vinagrete de abacaxi\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Reinterpretation of the Cuiabana sausage, made with pork shank, bacon, milk, coalho cheese, herbs and seasonings. Served with pineapple vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Reinterpretation of the Cuiabana sausage, made with pork shank, bacon, milk, coalho cheese, herbs and seasonings. Served with pineapple vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Reinterpretation of the Cuiabana sausage, made with pork shank, bacon, milk, coalho cheese, herbs and seasonings. Served with pineapple vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cestinhas de pastel recheadas e gratinadas com 4 sabores. Cupim na pasta alho, Frango 4 queijos, Camarão e Pernil assado agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastry baskets filled and gratined with 4 flavors. Termite in garlic paste, Chicken 4 cheeses, Shrimp and sweet and sour roast ham.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastry baskets filled and gratined with 4 flavors. Termite in garlic paste, Chicken 4 cheeses, Shrimp and sweet and sour roast ham.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastry baskets filled and gratined with 4 flavors. Termite in garlic paste, Chicken 4 cheeses, Shrimp and sweet and sour roast ham.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarão levemente grelhado misturado com tempero do Cheff cebola roxa tomate cereja e azeite doce acompanhadodepão\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lightly grilled shrimp mixed with Chef's seasoning, red onion, cherry tomatoes and sweet olive oil accompanied by bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lightly grilled shrimp mixed with Chef's seasoning, red onion, cherry tomatoes and sweet olive oil accompanied by bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lightly grilled shrimp mixed with Chef's seasoning, red onion, cherry tomatoes and sweet olive oil accompanied by bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com lombo canadense, queijo prato, catupiry cremoso, rúcula e tomate\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Canadian sirloin, cheese, creamy catupiry, arugula and tomato'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Canadian sirloin, cheese, creamy catupiry, arugula and tomato'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Canadian sirloin, cheese, creamy catupiry, arugula and tomato'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Porpeta feita com carne de sol moída e de pernil suíno moído temperado com alho poró, salsão, hortelã, leite e pão para dar consistência na porpeta. Acompanha mandioca amassada puxada na manteiga de garrafa e leite e coberta com queijo coalho meia cura gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Porpeta made with ground beef and ground pork leg seasoned with garlic, celery, mint, milk and bread to give consistency to the porpeta. Accompanies mashed cassava soaked in bottled butter and milk and covered with semi-cured coalho cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Porpeta made with ground beef and ground pork leg seasoned with garlic, celery, mint, milk and bread to give consistency to the porpeta. Accompanies mashed cassava soaked in bottled butter and milk and covered with semi-cured coalho cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Porpeta made with ground beef and ground pork leg seasoned with garlic, celery, mint, milk and bread to give consistency to the porpeta. Accompanies mashed cassava soaked in bottled butter and milk and covered with semi-cured coalho cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Mini bolinhos de carne.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini meat dumplings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini meat dumplings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini meat dumplings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Delicioso escondidinho de filé de tilápia, ao molho branco, com muito queijo mussarela e crosta massaricada, acompanha tortilha de pastel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious tilapia fillet hide, in white sauce, with lots of mozzarella cheese and pasta crust, served with a pastry tortilla.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious tilapia fillet hide, in white sauce, with lots of mozzarella cheese and pasta crust, served with a pastry tortilla.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious tilapia fillet hide, in white sauce, with lots of mozzarella cheese and pasta crust, served with a pastry tortilla.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bochecha suína, com purê de batata doce aromatizada com gengibre.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork cheek, with sweet potato puree flavored with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork cheek, with sweet potato puree flavored with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork cheek, with sweet potato puree flavored with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquetes de carne decorados com catupiry e azeitona preta, acompanhadosdebatatachips\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat croquettes decorated with catupiry and black olives, accompanied by potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat croquettes decorated with catupiry and black olives, accompanied by potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat croquettes decorated with catupiry and black olives, accompanied by potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho a base de purê de mandioca com frango desfiado, pequi, gueroba e queijo. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi, laranja e pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling made from cassava puree with shredded chicken, pequi, gueroba and cheese. Served with pineapple, orange and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling made from cassava puree with shredded chicken, pequi, gueroba and cheese. Served with pineapple, orange and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling made from cassava puree with shredded chicken, pequi, gueroba and cheese. Served with pineapple, orange and pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tira de torresmo com 4 medalhões de mussarela. Acompanha molho de goiaba agridoce e molho de maionese de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Strip of crackling with 4 mozzarella medallions. Served with sweet and sour guava sauce and bacon mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Strip of crackling with 4 mozzarella medallions. Served with sweet and sour guava sauce and bacon mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Strip of crackling with 4 mozzarella medallions. Served with sweet and sour guava sauce and bacon mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "“Espetinhos” de cupim, queijo coalho e bacon, empanados, servidos na caminha de purê de pequi, acompanhados de batata chips e molho ao vinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '“Skewers” ​​of termites, curd cheese and bacon, breaded, served on a bed of pequi puree, accompanied by potato chips and wine sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '“Skewers” ​​of termites, curd cheese and bacon, breaded, served on a bed of pequi puree, accompanied by potato chips and wine sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '“Skewers” ​​of termites, curd cheese and bacon, breaded, served on a bed of pequi puree, accompanied by potato chips and wine sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Um pão típico da Ilha da Madeira (Portugal) recheado com bacalhau com natas a moda Murruga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A typical bread from Madeira Island (Portugal) stuffed with cod with cream in the Murruga style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A typical bread from Madeira Island (Portugal) stuffed with cod with cream in the Murruga style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A typical bread from Madeira Island (Portugal) stuffed with cod with cream in the Murruga style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Carne de lagarto bovino servido com vinagrete de jiló acompanhado de pãozinho crocante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef lizard meat served with jiló vinaigrette accompanied by crispy bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef lizard meat served with jiló vinaigrette accompanied by crispy bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef lizard meat served with jiló vinaigrette accompanied by crispy bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Moela ao molho de tomate com ervilhas, servida com pãezinhos crocantes.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gizzard in tomato sauce with peas, served with crispy bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gizzard in tomato sauce with peas, served with crispy bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gizzard in tomato sauce with peas, served with crispy bread rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxinhas de frango desossadas e temperadas com molho de mostarda e mel e molho roquefort\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boneless chicken thighs seasoned with honey mustard sauce and roquefort sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boneless chicken thighs seasoned with honey mustard sauce and roquefort sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boneless chicken thighs seasoned with honey mustard sauce and roquefort sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "03 Casquinhas de Massa Fina Crocante, recheada com a Secreta receita da Punhetinha do Teixeira, salteada em flocos de Bacon, finalizada em alho dourado! Arregado ao azeite campeão que é marinado e temperado por 72 horas\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '03 Crispy Thin Dough Shells, filled with Teixeira's Secret Punhetinha recipe, sautéed in Bacon flakes, finished with golden garlic! Topped with champion olive oil that is marinated and seasoned for 72 hours'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '03 Crispy Thin Dough Shells, filled with Teixeira's Secret Punhetinha recipe, sautéed in Bacon flakes, finished with golden garlic! Topped with champion olive oil that is marinated and seasoned for 72 hours'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '03 Crispy Thin Dough Shells, filled with Teixeira's Secret Punhetinha recipe, sautéed in Bacon flakes, finished with golden garlic! Topped with champion olive oil that is marinated and seasoned for 72 hours'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Língua Bovina, servida com redução de Tucupi com Sake Mirin, Torradas e Limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef tongue, served with Tucupi reduction with Mirin Sake, Toast and Lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef tongue, served with Tucupi reduction with Mirin Sake, Toast and Lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef tongue, served with Tucupi reduction with Mirin Sake, Toast and Lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Porção de croquete de coxão duro, acompanha vinagrete de maracujá.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of hard drumstick croquette, served with passion fruit vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of hard drumstick croquette, served with passion fruit vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of hard drumstick croquette, served with passion fruit vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mini brusquetas de vinagrete de polvo e crispy de bacon de polvo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini bruschetta with octopus vinaigrette and octopus bacon crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini bruschetta with octopus vinaigrette and octopus bacon crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini bruschetta with octopus vinaigrette and octopus bacon crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Nossa clássica massa de nhoque enrolada com recheio de carne assada, servido com molho ferrugem do chef.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Our classic gnocchi dough rolled with roasted meat filling, served with the chef's rust sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Our classic gnocchi dough rolled with roasted meat filling, served with the chef's rust sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Our classic gnocchi dough rolled with roasted meat filling, served with the chef's rust sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxinha da asa desfiada misturada à massa de batata com catupiry recheada com queijo muçarela, acompanhada de rodelas de milho cozido na manteiga e maionese de alho com parmesão .\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded wing drumstick mixed with potato dough with catupiry stuffed with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of corn cooked in butter and garlic mayonnaise with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded wing drumstick mixed with potato dough with catupiry stuffed with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of corn cooked in butter and garlic mayonnaise with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded wing drumstick mixed with potato dough with catupiry stuffed with mozzarella cheese, accompanied by slices of corn cooked in butter and garlic mayonnaise with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filés de tilápia acompanhado de banana da terra frita, com molho de alho cítrico e molho rose picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia fillets accompanied by fried plantains, with citrus garlic sauce and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia fillets accompanied by fried plantains, with citrus garlic sauce and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia fillets accompanied by fried plantains, with citrus garlic sauce and spicy rose sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho baião de dois acompanhando de carne de sol e purê de abóbora.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Two baião cake served with sun-dried meat and pumpkin puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Two baião cake served with sun-dried meat and pumpkin puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Two baião cake served with sun-dried meat and pumpkin puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarões envoltos no queijo muçarela, empanados em uma farofa crocante e fritos. Iscas de filé de peixe empanadas e fritas. Uma casquinha de siri. Acompanha 2 copos garotinho de cerveja, maionese e mel defumados.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimps wrapped in mozzarella cheese, breaded in crispy crumbs and fried. Breaded and fried fish fillets. A crab cone. Accompanies 2 little glasses of beer, mayonnaise and smoked honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimps wrapped in mozzarella cheese, breaded in crispy crumbs and fried. Breaded and fried fish fillets. A crab cone. Accompanies 2 little glasses of beer, mayonnaise and smoked honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimps wrapped in mozzarella cheese, breaded in crispy crumbs and fried. Breaded and fried fish fillets. A crab cone. Accompanies 2 little glasses of beer, mayonnaise and smoked honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Panceta enrolada com tempero mineiro. Acompanha purê de mandioca, linguiça Blumenau com molho de mostarda, mel, maracujá e tomate grelhado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panceta rolled with Minas Gerais seasoning. Served with cassava puree, Blumenau sausage with mustard sauce, honey, passion fruit and grilled tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panceta rolled with Minas Gerais seasoning. Served with cassava puree, Blumenau sausage with mustard sauce, honey, passion fruit and grilled tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panceta rolled with Minas Gerais seasoning. Served with cassava puree, Blumenau sausage with mustard sauce, honey, passion fruit and grilled tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sanduíche cortado em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com lagarto fatiado, queijo mussarela, queijo gorgonzola, folhas de rúcula e molho cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sandwich cut into the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with sliced ​​lizard, mozzarella cheese, gorgonzola cheese, arugula leaves and creamy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sandwich cut into the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with sliced ​​lizard, mozzarella cheese, gorgonzola cheese, arugula leaves and creamy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sandwich cut into the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with sliced ​​lizard, mozzarella cheese, gorgonzola cheese, arugula leaves and creamy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Tradicional Baião de dois com a bossa carioca do feijão carioquinha com camarões salteados e bacon crocante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional Baião de Dois with the bossa carioca of carioquinha beans with sautéed prawns and crispy bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional Baião de Dois with the bossa carioca of carioquinha beans with sautéed prawns and crispy bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional Baião de Dois with the bossa carioca of carioquinha beans with sautéed prawns and crispy bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de feijoada de camarão com um toque de bacon e chutney de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp feijoada dumplings with a touch of bacon and pepper chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp feijoada dumplings with a touch of bacon and pepper chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp feijoada dumplings with a touch of bacon and pepper chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim assado no bafo por aproximadamente 8 horas (desfiado), acompanhado de creme de espinafre a base de catupiry e bacon e pão francês fatiado com tomate confitado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite roasted in the breath for approximately 8 hours (shredded), accompanied by creamed spinach with a catupiry and bacon base and sliced ​​French bread with tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite roasted in the breath for approximately 8 hours (shredded), accompanied by creamed spinach with a catupiry and bacon base and sliced ​​French bread with tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite roasted in the breath for approximately 8 hours (shredded), accompanied by creamed spinach with a catupiry and bacon base and sliced ​​French bread with tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína ao molho pomodoro em cama de polenta cremosa, finalizada com muçarela maçaricada e couve crispy.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs with pomodoro sauce on a bed of creamy polenta, finished with torched mozzarella and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs with pomodoro sauce on a bed of creamy polenta, finished with torched mozzarella and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs with pomodoro sauce on a bed of creamy polenta, finished with torched mozzarella and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinhos de virada Paulista com massa de feijão carioca, cozido com carne seca e bacon, recheado com filé mignon suíno, ovo de codorna, couve e linguiça. Empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Paulista New Year's Eve dumplings with carioca bean dough, cooked with dried meat and bacon, stuffed with pork filet mignon, quail egg, cabbage and sausage. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Paulista New Year's Eve dumplings with carioca bean dough, cooked with dried meat and bacon, stuffed with pork filet mignon, quail egg, cabbage and sausage. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Paulista New Year's Eve dumplings with carioca bean dough, cooked with dried meat and bacon, stuffed with pork filet mignon, quail egg, cabbage and sausage. Breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Mini espetos de camarão envoltos em uma fina tira de bacon de pernil defumado, empanados na farinha panko. Acompanhados de geleia de pimenta e hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini shrimp skewers wrapped in a thin strip of smoked ham bacon, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by pepper and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini shrimp skewers wrapped in a thin strip of smoked ham bacon, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by pepper and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini shrimp skewers wrapped in a thin strip of smoked ham bacon, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by pepper and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porção de mini hamburgueres de blend de linguiça toscana com provolone, parmesão, cebola roxa, cenoura e ervas. 4 unidades, acompanha maionese caseira de alho e geleia caseira de abacaxi com gengibre e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of mini burgers with a Tuscan sausage blend with provolone, parmesan, red onion, carrots and herbs. 4 units, served with homemade garlic mayonnaise and homemade pineapple jelly with ginger and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of mini burgers with a Tuscan sausage blend with provolone, parmesan, red onion, carrots and herbs. 4 units, served with homemade garlic mayonnaise and homemade pineapple jelly with ginger and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of mini burgers with a Tuscan sausage blend with provolone, parmesan, red onion, carrots and herbs. 4 units, served with homemade garlic mayonnaise and homemade pineapple jelly with ginger and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha mineira ao molho de goiaba com queijo acompanhada de batatas-bolinhas e farofa de alho-poró e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Minas Gerais ribs in guava sauce with cheese accompanied by potato balls and leek and bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Minas Gerais ribs in guava sauce with cheese accompanied by potato balls and leek and bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Minas Gerais ribs in guava sauce with cheese accompanied by potato balls and leek and bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinhos de feijoada recheados com couve, carne seca, calabresa e bacon, servidos com vinagrete e pimenta dedo de moça\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Feijoada dumplings stuffed with cabbage, dried meat, pepperoni and bacon, served with vinaigrette and finger pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Feijoada dumplings stuffed with cabbage, dried meat, pepperoni and bacon, served with vinaigrette and finger pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Feijoada dumplings stuffed with cabbage, dried meat, pepperoni and bacon, served with vinaigrette and finger pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Massa de pizza com molho de tomate caseiro, queijo mussarela, queijo minas, torresminho e couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pizza dough with homemade tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Minas cheese, cracklings and cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pizza dough with homemade tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Minas cheese, cracklings and cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pizza dough with homemade tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, Minas cheese, cracklings and cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Canudinhos de Pulled Pork com recheio de pernil suíno desfiado cozido na cerveja preta e finalizado com molho BBQ.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pulled Pork straws filled with shredded pork shank cooked in dark beer and finished with BBQ sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pulled Pork straws filled with shredded pork shank cooked in dark beer and finished with BBQ sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pulled Pork straws filled with shredded pork shank cooked in dark beer and finished with BBQ sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costela de novilha acompanhada de burrito e linguiça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib served with burrito and sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib served with burrito and sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib served with burrito and sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Essa panceta é marinada na cerveja Eisenbahn Unfiltered, alho, shoyu e óleo de gergelim. Empanada e frita, para ficar crocante por fora e suculenta por dentro. Acompanha um molho picante de Gochujang (pimenta coreana), shoyo, vinagre de arroz e goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'This pancetta is marinated in Eisenbahn Unfiltered beer, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil. Breaded and fried, to make it crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Served with a spicy Gochujang (Korean pepper) sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar and guava paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'This pancetta is marinated in Eisenbahn Unfiltered beer, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil. Breaded and fried, to make it crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Served with a spicy Gochujang (Korean pepper) sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar and guava paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'This pancetta is marinated in Eisenbahn Unfiltered beer, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil. Breaded and fried, to make it crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Served with a spicy Gochujang (Korean pepper) sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar and guava paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Coxinhas da asa de frango marinadas na cerveja, empanadas e fritas. Acompanhadas de 3 molhos especiais (maionese gourmet da casa, molho rosé e molho de mostarda Dijon com cogumelos).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken wing drumsticks marinated in beer, breaded and fried. Accompanied by 3 special sauces (house gourmet mayonnaise, rosé sauce and Dijon mustard sauce with mushrooms).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken wing drumsticks marinated in beer, breaded and fried. Accompanied by 3 special sauces (house gourmet mayonnaise, rosé sauce and Dijon mustard sauce with mushrooms).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken wing drumsticks marinated in beer, breaded and fried. Accompanied by 3 special sauces (house gourmet mayonnaise, rosé sauce and Dijon mustard sauce with mushrooms).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cestinhas de carne suína recheadas com mandioca cremosa e queijos, finalizadas com farofinha de bacon. Acompanha geleia de pimenta com abacaxi caramelizado, molho salsa e batatinhas fritas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork baskets stuffed with creamy cassava and cheese, finished with bacon crumbles. Accompanies pepper jelly with caramelized pineapple, salsa sauce and chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork baskets stuffed with creamy cassava and cheese, finished with bacon crumbles. Accompanies pepper jelly with caramelized pineapple, salsa sauce and chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork baskets stuffed with creamy cassava and cheese, finished with bacon crumbles. Accompanies pepper jelly with caramelized pineapple, salsa sauce and chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho único que não leva massa. Apenas composto por carne de brisket extremamente crocante e suculento.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Unique cupcake that doesn't use dough. Just made up of extremely crunchy and juicy brisket meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Unique cupcake that doesn't use dough. Just made up of extremely crunchy and juicy brisket meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Unique cupcake that doesn't use dough. Just made up of extremely crunchy and juicy brisket meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Barquete com moquequinha de camarão cremosa com catupiry, crispy de alho poró e finalizado com camarão empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boat with creamy shrimp moquequinha with catupiry, crispy garlic powder and finished with shrimp breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boat with creamy shrimp moquequinha with catupiry, crispy garlic powder and finished with shrimp breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boat with creamy shrimp moquequinha with catupiry, crispy garlic powder and finished with shrimp breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pimenta Cambuci recheada de vaca atolada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cambuci pepper stuffed with stuffed beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cambuci pepper stuffed with stuffed beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cambuci pepper stuffed with stuffed beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sanduiche com pão italiano, selado no azeite extra virgem e alho, com requijão cremoso e molho chimichurri, recheado com bife ancho grelhado em tirinhas e finalizado com cebola caramelizada. Acompanha batatas bravas com aioli de bacon e pimenta caynea.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sandwich with Italian bread, sealed in extra virgin olive oil and garlic, with creamy cream cheese and chimichurri sauce, stuffed with grilled ancho steak in strips and finished with caramelized onion. Accompanies potatoes bravas with bacon aioli and caynea pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sandwich with Italian bread, sealed in extra virgin olive oil and garlic, with creamy cream cheese and chimichurri sauce, stuffed with grilled ancho steak in strips and finished with caramelized onion. Accompanies potatoes bravas with bacon aioli and caynea pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sandwich with Italian bread, sealed in extra virgin olive oil and garlic, with creamy cream cheese and chimichurri sauce, stuffed with grilled ancho steak in strips and finished with caramelized onion. Accompanies potatoes bravas with bacon aioli and caynea pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Feijão-verde cozido, em molho construído com nata de fermentação natural, creme de leite e queijo coalho, finalizado com salsinha e cebolinha. Acompanha farofa crocante de cebola-roxa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cooked green beans, in a sauce made with natural fermentation cream, cream and curd cheese, finished with parsley and chives. Served with crispy red onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cooked green beans, in a sauce made with natural fermentation cream, cream and curd cheese, finished with parsley and chives. Served with crispy red onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cooked green beans, in a sauce made with natural fermentation cream, cream and curd cheese, finished with parsley and chives. Served with crispy red onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Um mix de petiscos (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atômico, Terral e Eternas Ondas) servidos com aioli de bacon defumado e gotas de molho de pimenta da casa (1 unid. de cada).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A mix of snacks (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atomic, Terral and Eternas Ondas) served with smoked bacon aioli and drops of house pepper sauce (1 unit of each).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A mix of snacks (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atomic, Terral and Eternas Ondas) served with smoked bacon aioli and drops of house pepper sauce (1 unit of each).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A mix of snacks (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atomic, Terral and Eternas Ondas) served with smoked bacon aioli and drops of house pepper sauce (1 unit of each).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de massa de linguiça de porco recheado com queijo mussarela e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and pepper. Served with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and pepper. Served with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork sausage dumpling stuffed with mozzarella cheese and pepper. Served with guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Uma trilogia de sabores na roda gigante. São três sabores de cuptecos de macaxeira recheados com: carne de sol desfiada, carne suína desfiada e camarão. (6 unidades)\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A trilogy of flavors on the ferris wheel. There are three flavors of cassava cups filled with: shredded corned beef, shredded pork and shrimp. (6 units)'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A trilogy of flavors on the ferris wheel. There are three flavors of cassava cups filled with: shredded corned beef, shredded pork and shrimp. (6 units)'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A trilogy of flavors on the ferris wheel. There are three flavors of cassava cups filled with: shredded corned beef, shredded pork and shrimp. (6 units)'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Paleta bovina cozida com ervas especiais acompanhada de farofa de ovos e torradinhas temperadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef shoulder cooked with special herbs accompanied by egg farofa and seasoned toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef shoulder cooked with special herbs accompanied by egg farofa and seasoned toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef shoulder cooked with special herbs accompanied by egg farofa and seasoned toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "FIlé de camarão refogado com molho de mix de queijos com cebola caramelizada, servido no pão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sautéed shrimp fillet with a mix of cheese sauce and caramelized onion, served on bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sautéed shrimp fillet with a mix of cheese sauce and caramelized onion, served on bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sautéed shrimp fillet with a mix of cheese sauce and caramelized onion, served on bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Utilizamos a linguiça toscana como base para desenvolver nossa receita. Acrescentamos algumas especiarias para dar ainda mais sabor, abrimos ela e recheamos com queijo, levemos à churrasqueira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'We use Tuscan sausage as a base to develop our recipe. We add some spices to give it even more flavor, open it and fill it with cheese, take it to the barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'We use Tuscan sausage as a base to develop our recipe. We add some spices to give it even more flavor, open it and fill it with cheese, take it to the barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'We use Tuscan sausage as a base to develop our recipe. We add some spices to give it even more flavor, open it and fill it with cheese, take it to the barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "São 6 espetinhos com 3 sabores de carnes, sendo 2 de carne bovina, 2 de frango e 2 de carne de suína. Recheados com queijo muçarela. Empanados e fritos. Acompanha 2 tipos de molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'There are 6 skewers with 3 flavors of meat, 2 of which are beef, 2 are chicken and 2 are pork. Stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Breaded and fried. Accompanies 2 types of special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'There are 6 skewers with 3 flavors of meat, 2 of which are beef, 2 are chicken and 2 are pork. Stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Breaded and fried. Accompanies 2 types of special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'There are 6 skewers with 3 flavors of meat, 2 of which are beef, 2 are chicken and 2 are pork. Stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Breaded and fried. Accompanies 2 types of special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Macaxeira com recheio de porco temperado e um toque de rapadura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Macaxeira with seasoned pork filling and a touch of brown sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Macaxeira with seasoned pork filling and a touch of brown sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Macaxeira with seasoned pork filling and a touch of brown sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Mexidão de lula, polvo, mexilhão, peixe e camarão. Acompanha farofa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Squid, octopus, mussels, fish and shrimp stir-fry. Comes with farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Squid, octopus, mussels, fish and shrimp stir-fry. Comes with farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Squid, octopus, mussels, fish and shrimp stir-fry. Comes with farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "hoCroquete de massa de batata com carne-seca desfiada, recheado com queijo coalho e bacon. Acompanha molhos: sweet chilli e dip de mostarda amarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'hPotato dough croquette with shredded dried meat, stuffed with curd cheese and bacon. Served with sauces: sweet chilli and yellow mustard dip.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'hPotato dough croquette with shredded dried meat, stuffed with curd cheese and bacon. Served with sauces: sweet chilli and yellow mustard dip.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'hPotato dough croquette with shredded dried meat, stuffed with curd cheese and bacon. Served with sauces: sweet chilli and yellow mustard dip.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Mix de bolinhos nas versões Jabá com Jerimum (bolinho de abóbora recheado com carne seca e catupiry) e Macaxeira com Carne de Sol (bolinho de aipim recheado com carne sol puxada na manteiga de garrafa e requeijão de corte), acompanha Molho Xaxado (creme a base de coalhada seca e infusão de manjericão) e Geleia do Padre Cícero (geleia de umbu com mix de pimenta – pimenta dedo de moça e pimenta de cheiro). De cortesia, servimos Maria Bonita, nossa caipirinha com cachaça de umburana feita de cajá com caju, alecrim e xarope de açúcar com especiarias e rapadura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mix of dumplings in the versions Jabá com Jerimum (pumpkin dumpling stuffed with dried meat and catupiry) and Macaxeira com Carne de Sol (cassava dumpling stuffed with sun-dried meat pulled in bottled butter and cream cheese), accompanied by Xaxado Sauce (cream dry curd base and basil infusion) and Padre Cícero Jelly (umbu jelly with a mix of pepper – finger pepper and scented pepper). Complimentary, we served Maria Bonita, our caipirinha with umburana cachaça made from cajá with cashew, rosemary and sugar syrup with spices and rapadura.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mix of dumplings in the versions Jabá com Jerimum (pumpkin dumpling stuffed with dried meat and catupiry) and Macaxeira com Carne de Sol (cassava dumpling stuffed with sun-dried meat pulled in bottled butter and cream cheese), accompanied by Xaxado Sauce (cream dry curd base and basil infusion) and Padre Cícero Jelly (umbu jelly with a mix of pepper – finger pepper and scented pepper). Complimentary, we served Maria Bonita, our caipirinha with umburana cachaça made from cajá with cashew, rosemary and sugar syrup with spices and rapadura.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mix of dumplings in the versions Jabá com Jerimum (pumpkin dumpling stuffed with dried meat and catupiry) and Macaxeira com Carne de Sol (cassava dumpling stuffed with sun-dried meat pulled in bottled butter and cream cheese), accompanied by Xaxado Sauce (cream dry curd base and basil infusion) and Padre Cícero Jelly (umbu jelly with a mix of pepper – finger pepper and scented pepper). Complimentary, we served Maria Bonita, our caipirinha with umburana cachaça made from cajá with cashew, rosemary and sugar syrup with spices and rapadura.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Disco de costela recheado com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib disc stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib disc stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib disc stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga de porco (panceta). Acompanha ketchup de goiabada e geleia de menta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly (pancetta). Served with guava ketchup and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly (pancetta). Served with guava ketchup and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly (pancetta). Served with guava ketchup and mint jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarão crocante acompanhado de pirão de aipim e recheio tropical de molho de camarão com abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy shrimp accompanied by cassava pirão and a tropical filling of shrimp and pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy shrimp accompanied by cassava pirão and a tropical filling of shrimp and pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy shrimp accompanied by cassava pirão and a tropical filling of shrimp and pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de frango com creme de milho sem massa. Acompanha maionese sriracha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken dumpling with creamed corn without dough. Served with sriracha mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken dumpling with creamed corn without dough. Served with sriracha mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken dumpling with creamed corn without dough. Served with sriracha mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Calabresa Empanada com Recheio de Queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Empanada Pepperoni with Cheese Filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Empanada Pepperoni with Cheese Filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Empanada Pepperoni with Cheese Filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Caldo de Kenga é um nome que dá curiosidade aos clientes para descobrir do que é feito.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Caldo de Kenga is a name that makes customers curious to find out what it is made of.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Caldo de Kenga is a name that makes customers curious to find out what it is made of.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Caldo de Kenga is a name that makes customers curious to find out what it is made of.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Ossobuco bovino com creme de mandioca acompanhado de farofa de banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef Ossobuco with cassava cream accompanied by plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef Ossobuco with cassava cream accompanied by plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef Ossobuco with cassava cream accompanied by plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "opelado Bolinho de massa de linguiça acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'opelado Sausage dumpling accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'opelado Sausage dumpling accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'opelado Sausage dumpling accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Medalhão de pernil desfiado, recheado com muçarela e acompanhado de barbecue de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded ham medallion, stuffed with mozzarella and accompanied by guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded ham medallion, stuffed with mozzarella and accompanied by guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded ham medallion, stuffed with mozzarella and accompanied by guava barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de cupim recheados de queijo minas com pingos de barbecue de goiabada, acompanhados de mousseline de abóbora moranga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite dumplings filled with Minas cheese with guava barbecue drippings, accompanied by strawberry pumpkin mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite dumplings filled with Minas cheese with guava barbecue drippings, accompanied by strawberry pumpkin mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite dumplings filled with Minas cheese with guava barbecue drippings, accompanied by strawberry pumpkin mousseline.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Kafta acompanhada com creme de mandioca com pequi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Kafta accompanied with cassava cream with pequi.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Kafta accompanied with cassava cream with pequi.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Kafta accompanied with cassava cream with pequi.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne de porco, recheado com provolone, acompanhado de molhos de pimenta, barbecue e mostarda e mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork dumpling, stuffed with provolone, accompanied by pepper, barbecue and mustard and honey sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork dumpling, stuffed with provolone, accompanied by pepper, barbecue and mustard and honey sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork dumpling, stuffed with provolone, accompanied by pepper, barbecue and mustard and honey sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tartar de moela ao molho vermelho servido com torradinhas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gizzard tartar in red sauce served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gizzard tartar in red sauce served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gizzard tartar in red sauce served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne seca cremosa ao molho três queijos acompanhada de tiras de massa de pastel e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy dried meat in three-cheese sauce accompanied by strips of pastry dough and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy dried meat in three-cheese sauce accompanied by strips of pastry dough and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy dried meat in three-cheese sauce accompanied by strips of pastry dough and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Suan cozida com molho especial, acompanha batata cozida, farofa de torresmo caseira e abacaxi caramelizado e flambado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Suan cooked with special sauce, served with boiled potatoes, homemade crackling farofa and caramelized and flambéed pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Suan cooked with special sauce, served with boiled potatoes, homemade crackling farofa and caramelized and flambéed pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Suan cooked with special sauce, served with boiled potatoes, homemade crackling farofa and caramelized and flambéed pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Ciabatta de castanha-do-pará, tomates-cereja confit, lombo defumado flambado na cachaça de jambu, queijo minas artesanal Serra do Salitre, finalizado com molho de taperebá com mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Brazil nut ciabatta, confit cherry tomatoes, smoked loin flambéed in jambu cachaça, Serra do Salitre artisanal Minas cheese, finished with taperebá sauce with honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Brazil nut ciabatta, confit cherry tomatoes, smoked loin flambéed in jambu cachaça, Serra do Salitre artisanal Minas cheese, finished with taperebá sauce with honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Brazil nut ciabatta, confit cherry tomatoes, smoked loin flambéed in jambu cachaça, Serra do Salitre artisanal Minas cheese, finished with taperebá sauce with honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de sol, linguiça mandioca com cebola e catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat, cassava sausage with onion and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat, cassava sausage with onion and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat, cassava sausage with onion and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Autêntico feijão tropeiro com bacon, linguiça e costelinha de porco envolto em uma finíssima massa, empanado e frito. Acompanhado de uma geleia apimentada de abacaxi com canela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Authentic tropeiro beans with bacon, sausage and pork ribs wrapped in a very thin dough, breaded and fried. Accompanied by a spicy pineapple jelly with cinnamon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Authentic tropeiro beans with bacon, sausage and pork ribs wrapped in a very thin dough, breaded and fried. Accompanied by a spicy pineapple jelly with cinnamon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Authentic tropeiro beans with bacon, sausage and pork ribs wrapped in a very thin dough, breaded and fried. Accompanied by a spicy pineapple jelly with cinnamon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Bolinho de massa de mandioca recheado com carne seca desfiada e queijo mussarela. Acompanha vinagrete caseiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough dumpling stuffed with shredded dried meat and mozzarella cheese. Served with homemade vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough dumpling stuffed with shredded dried meat and mozzarella cheese. Served with homemade vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough dumpling stuffed with shredded dried meat and mozzarella cheese. Served with homemade vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça recheado com azeitona, passas e cream cheese, acompanha molho de goiabada da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with olives, raisins and cream cheese, served with house-made guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with olives, raisins and cream cheese, served with house-made guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sausage dumpling stuffed with olives, raisins and cream cheese, served with house-made guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho com massa de aipim recheado com costela assada, acompanhado de molho de alcaparras, azeitonas e alho-poró, além dos picles de cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling with cassava dough stuffed with roast ribs, accompanied by caper sauce, olives and leeks, as well as onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling with cassava dough stuffed with roast ribs, accompanied by caper sauce, olives and leeks, as well as onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling with cassava dough stuffed with roast ribs, accompanied by caper sauce, olives and leeks, as well as onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção de mexilhão, empanado e frito, envolto em um molho agridoce oriental, com salada coreana de pepino.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of mussels, breaded and fried, covered in an oriental sweet and sour sauce, with Korean cucumber salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of mussels, breaded and fried, covered in an oriental sweet and sour sauce, with Korean cucumber salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of mussels, breaded and fried, covered in an oriental sweet and sour sauce, with Korean cucumber salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tulipa dessossada e recheada com farofa de cuzcuz e queijo coalho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boneless tulip stuffed with couscous farofa and coalho cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boneless tulip stuffed with couscous farofa and coalho cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boneless tulip stuffed with couscous farofa and coalho cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "A consagrada costela no bafo do Cachambeer desfiada em molho especial da casa, coberta com mussarela gratinada, pimenta biquinho e cebola roxa. Acompanha farofa de bacon na manteiga, com alho e cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The renowned rib in Cachambeer's breath shredded in a special house sauce, covered with gratin mozzarella, biquinho pepper and red onion. Accompanies bacon farofa in butter, with garlic and onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The renowned rib in Cachambeer's breath shredded in a special house sauce, covered with gratin mozzarella, biquinho pepper and red onion. Accompanies bacon farofa in butter, with garlic and onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The renowned rib in Cachambeer's breath shredded in a special house sauce, covered with gratin mozzarella, biquinho pepper and red onion. Accompanies bacon farofa in butter, with garlic and onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de pernil com molho de abacaxi com pimenta, acompanha creme de macaxeira com carne seca e requeijão de raspa crocante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ham croquette with pineapple and pepper sauce, accompanied by cassava cream with dried meat and crunchy shaved cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ham croquette with pineapple and pepper sauce, accompanied by cassava cream with dried meat and crunchy shaved cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ham croquette with pineapple and pepper sauce, accompanied by cassava cream with dried meat and crunchy shaved cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína frita, com toque de melaço e a crocância da castanha-de-caju, acompanhada de bolinhos de canjiquinha com queijo canastra e mostarda caseira em grãos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried pork ribs, with a touch of molasses and the crunch of cashew nuts, accompanied by hominy dumplings with canasta cheese and homemade mustard grains.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried pork ribs, with a touch of molasses and the crunch of cashew nuts, accompanied by hominy dumplings with canasta cheese and homemade mustard grains.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried pork ribs, with a touch of molasses and the crunch of cashew nuts, accompanied by hominy dumplings with canasta cheese and homemade mustard grains.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Tirinhas de pirarucu a milanesa da casa com molho de pimenta arubé caseiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-breaded pirarucu strips with homemade arubé pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-breaded pirarucu strips with homemade arubé pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-breaded pirarucu strips with homemade arubé pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Escondidinho de calabresa com purê de mandioca servido na cestinha de massa de pastel. Acompanha bolinho de calabresa com catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pepperoni Escondidinho with cassava puree served in a pastry dough basket. Served with pepperoni cake with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pepperoni Escondidinho with cassava puree served in a pastry dough basket. Served with pepperoni cake with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pepperoni Escondidinho with cassava puree served in a pastry dough basket. Served with pepperoni cake with catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "3 bolinhos de pernil suíno empanados na panko, acompanhados de 3 molhos: compota de caju, vinagrete picante e molho redução de pernil.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 pork ham dumplings breaded in panko, accompanied by 3 sauces: cashew compote, spicy vinaigrette and ham reduction sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 pork ham dumplings breaded in panko, accompanied by 3 sauces: cashew compote, spicy vinaigrette and ham reduction sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 pork ham dumplings breaded in panko, accompanied by 3 sauces: cashew compote, spicy vinaigrette and ham reduction sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cupim preparado na panela de pressão com cerveja preta e batatas. Acompanha farinha torrada no alho, vinagrete e pão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite prepared in the pressure cooker with dark beer and potatoes. Served with toasted flour in garlic, vinaigrette and bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite prepared in the pressure cooker with dark beer and potatoes. Served with toasted flour in garlic, vinaigrette and bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite prepared in the pressure cooker with dark beer and potatoes. Served with toasted flour in garlic, vinaigrette and bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Desconstrução da tradicional feijoada sendo criada em forma de espeto levando os salgados à Churrasqueira e trazendo todo sabor do feijão no copo, como todo bar deveria ter.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deconstruction of the traditional feijoada being created in the form of a skewer taking the savory snacks to the Churrasqueira and bringing all the flavor of the beans in the glass, as every bar should have.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deconstruction of the traditional feijoada being created in the form of a skewer taking the savory snacks to the Churrasqueira and bringing all the flavor of the beans in the glass, as every bar should have.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deconstruction of the traditional feijoada being created in the form of a skewer taking the savory snacks to the Churrasqueira and bringing all the flavor of the beans in the glass, as every bar should have.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Um prato o onde une o camarão com a brandada de bacalhau\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A dish that combines shrimp with cod brandy'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A dish that combines shrimp with cod brandy'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A dish that combines shrimp with cod brandy'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Delicioso creme de queijos (queijo mussarela e queijo catupiry) servidos com camarões\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious cream cheese (mozzarella cheese and catupiry cheese) served with shrimp'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious cream cheese (mozzarella cheese and catupiry cheese) served with shrimp'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious cream cheese (mozzarella cheese and catupiry cheese) served with shrimp'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Trouxinha de Camarão com jambu, creme de cará roxo e caldinho bisque Crocante de Camarão\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp bundle with jambu, purple yam cream and crispy shrimp bisque broth'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp bundle with jambu, purple yam cream and crispy shrimp bisque broth'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp bundle with jambu, purple yam cream and crispy shrimp bisque broth'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma deliciosa isca de peixe, com uma crocância dos deuses com dois molhos especiais.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A delicious fish fillet, with a crunch from the gods with two special sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A delicious fish fillet, with a crunch from the gods with two special sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A delicious fish fillet, with a crunch from the gods with two special sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Recheado com costela desfiada e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Stuffed with shredded rib and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Stuffed with shredded rib and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Stuffed with shredded rib and pineapple jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Disco de file de tilápia com toque suave da acidez da rúcula limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Disc of tilapia fillet with a soft touch of acidity from lemon arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Disc of tilapia fillet with a soft touch of acidity from lemon arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Disc of tilapia fillet with a soft touch of acidity from lemon arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de camarão à moda manezinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Manezinho-style shrimp croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Manezinho-style shrimp croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Manezinho-style shrimp croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Uma leve e deliciosa massa francesa, com bom sabor goiano e recheado com uma suculenta costela desfiada com catupiry e especiarias da casa! Servida com molho de ervas!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A light and delicious French pasta, with a good Goiás flavor and filled with juicy shredded rib with catupiry and house spices! Served with herb sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A light and delicious French pasta, with a good Goiás flavor and filled with juicy shredded rib with catupiry and house spices! Served with herb sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "User 0: No. It's\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A light and delicious French pasta, with a good Goiás flavor and filled with juicy shredded rib with catupiry and house spices! Served with herb sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Músculo bovino com farofa de quiabo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef muscle with okra crumble.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef muscle with okra crumble.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef muscle with okra crumble.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Purê de abóbora guarnecido com gengibre. Acompanhado de ragu de carne bovina, farofa crocante de bacon e farinha Panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pumpkin puree garnished with ginger. Accompanied by beef ragout, crispy bacon farofa and Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pumpkin puree garnished with ginger. Accompanied by beef ragout, crispy bacon farofa and Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pumpkin puree garnished with ginger. Accompanied by beef ragout, crispy bacon farofa and Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquetes com carne suculenta, empanados na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquettes with succulent meat, breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquettes with succulent meat, breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquettes with succulent meat, breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Seguindo tradição do Cantim D’or Noir, oferecemos um prato conjugado com um componente. 1 – com carne suína marinada no vinho cozida no molho italiano com calabresa: Guizado Cigano, com receita de nossa cozinha de família. 2 – sem carne: Aperitivo de berinjela em ervas e empanada, compondo com tomate e creme de queijos, atendendo ao público vegetariano. Surpreendentemente delicioso!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Following the tradition of Cantim D’or Noir, we offer a dish combined with a component. 1 – with pork marinated in wine cooked in Italian sauce with pepperoni: Cigano Stew, with a recipe from our family kitchen. 2 – without meat: Eggplant appetizer in herbs and empanada, composed with tomato and cream cheese, catering to the vegetarian public. Surprisingly delicious!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer 'yes' or 'no':\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Following the tradition of Cantim D’or Noir, we offer a dish combined with a component. 1 – with pork marinated in wine cooked in Italian sauce with pepperoni: Cigano Stew, with a recipe from our family kitchen. 2 – without meat: Eggplant appetizer in herbs and empanada, composed with tomato and cream cheese, catering to the vegetarian public. Surprisingly delicious!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Following the tradition of Cantim D’or Noir, we offer a dish combined with a component. 1 – with pork marinated in wine cooked in Italian sauce with pepperoni: Cigano Stew, with a recipe from our family kitchen. 2 – without meat: Eggplant appetizer in herbs and empanada, composed with tomato and cream cheese, catering to the vegetarian public. Surprisingly delicious!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer 'yes' or 'no':\n", + "Costelinha de porco com molho barbecue, pimenta-biquinho e castanha-de-caju.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs with barbecue sauce, chili pepper and cashew nuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs with barbecue sauce, chili pepper and cashew nuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs with barbecue sauce, chili pepper and cashew nuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Caminha de couve crua e farofa temperada com especiarias e carne de boi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bread of raw cabbage and farofa seasoned with spices and beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bread of raw cabbage and farofa seasoned with spices and beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bread of raw cabbage and farofa seasoned with spices and beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "e Baião de DoisTodos ingredientes desse prato típico dentro de um bolinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'and Baião de DoisAll ingredients of this typical dish inside a cupcake.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'and Baião de DoisAll ingredients of this typical dish inside a cupcake.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'and Baião de DoisAll ingredients of this typical dish inside a cupcake.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tirinhas de frango empanadas, acompanhadas de molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded chicken strips, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded chicken strips, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded chicken strips, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Delicioso purê de banana-da-terra com Boi ao Molho, acompanhado de torradinhas crocantes.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious plantain puree with Beef Sauce, accompanied by crispy toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious plantain puree with Beef Sauce, accompanied by crispy toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious plantain puree with Beef Sauce, accompanied by crispy toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Duas panquecas recheadas de camarão , cream cheese, alho poró e bacon frito picadinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Two pancakes stuffed with shrimp, cream cheese, garlic powder and chopped fried bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Two pancakes stuffed with shrimp, cream cheese, garlic powder and chopped fried bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Two pancakes stuffed with shrimp, cream cheese, garlic powder and chopped fried bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Galinha guisada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Stewed chicken.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Stewed chicken.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Stewed chicken.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Canapé de banana da terra, coroados com pernil de porco salteados com temperos regionais e desfiado, coberto de queijo coalho gratinado, acompanhado de molho guasacaca da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Plantain canapé, crowned with pork shank sautéed with regional seasonings and shredded, covered in curd cheese au gratin, accompanied by house-made guasacaca sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Plantain canapé, crowned with pork shank sautéed with regional seasonings and shredded, covered in curd cheese au gratin, accompanied by house-made guasacaca sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Plantain canapé, crowned with pork shank sautéed with regional seasonings and shredded, covered in curd cheese au gratin, accompanied by house-made guasacaca sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Maçã cozida ao vinho com recheio de costela suína desfiada e molho teriyaki\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Apple cooked in wine with shredded pork rib filling and teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Apple cooked in wine with shredded pork rib filling and teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Apple cooked in wine with shredded pork rib filling and teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Recheio de siri à moda da casa, envolvido por carpaccio de pera, levemente tostado em curaçau blue, finalizado com crocante de nozes caramelizadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-style crab filling, wrapped in pear carpaccio, lightly toasted in blue curaçao, finished with crunchy caramelized walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-style crab filling, wrapped in pear carpaccio, lightly toasted in blue curaçao, finished with crunchy caramelized walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-style crab filling, wrapped in pear carpaccio, lightly toasted in blue curaçao, finished with crunchy caramelized walnuts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Panceta à pururuca acompanhada de mandioca cozida com azeite, salada e farofa da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panceta à pururuca accompanied by cassava cooked with olive oil, salad and house-made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panceta à pururuca accompanied by cassava cooked with olive oil, salad and house-made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panceta à pururuca accompanied by cassava cooked with olive oil, salad and house-made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Creme de siri, preparado com temperos especiais e gratinado com queijo parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab cream, prepared with special seasonings and gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab cream, prepared with special seasonings and gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab cream, prepared with special seasonings and gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Farofa de carne com manteiga de garrafa e iscas de mandioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat farofa with bottled butter and cassava fillets.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat farofa with bottled butter and cassava fillets.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat farofa with bottled butter and cassava fillets.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, regado de cubos de queijo coalho e carne do sol desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy green beans, drizzled with cubes of curd cheese and shredded sun-dried beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy green beans, drizzled with cubes of curd cheese and shredded sun-dried beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy green beans, drizzled with cubes of curd cheese and shredded sun-dried beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Brusquetas com passata de tomates ao molho pesto, cheddar, salame italiano e tortilhas sabor queijo nacho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bruschetta with tomato passata in pesto sauce, cheddar, Italian salami and nacho cheese flavored tortillas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bruschetta with tomato passata in pesto sauce, cheddar, Italian salami and nacho cheese flavored tortillas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bruschetta with tomato passata in pesto sauce, cheddar, Italian salami and nacho cheese flavored tortillas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Torresmo à pururuca frito em pedaços, acompanha geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork crackling fried into pieces, served with pepper and lemon jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork crackling fried into pieces, served with pepper and lemon jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork crackling fried into pieces, served with pepper and lemon jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de massa de linguiça caipira, recheado com queijo muçarela. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Country sausage dough dumpling, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Country sausage dough dumpling, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Country sausage dough dumpling, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau do porto cozido com ervas aromaticas, azeitonas portuguesa , servido nas almofadinhas com molho de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slivers of Porto cod cooked with aromatic herbs and Portuguese olives, served in pillows with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slivers of Porto cod cooked with aromatic herbs and Portuguese olives, served in pillows with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slivers of Porto cod cooked with aromatic herbs and Portuguese olives, served in pillows with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Agnolines de frango empanados e fritos. Acompanha molho de queijo gorgonzola reduzido no requeijão cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded and fried chicken agnolines. Served with gorgonzola cheese sauce reduced in cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded and fried chicken agnolines. Served with gorgonzola cheese sauce reduced in cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded and fried chicken agnolines. Served with gorgonzola cheese sauce reduced in cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Escondidinho de Rabada, purê de aipim e queijo de mussarela gratinado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Oxtail Escondidinho, cassava puree and mozzarella cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Oxtail Escondidinho, cassava puree and mozzarella cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Oxtail Escondidinho, cassava puree and mozzarella cheese gratin'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de costelinha com ora-pro-nóbis, servido com molho de tomate e abobrinha gratinada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with ora-pro-nóbis, served with tomato sauce and zucchini au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with ora-pro-nóbis, served with tomato sauce and zucchini au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with ora-pro-nóbis, served with tomato sauce and zucchini au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Três deliciosos caracóis diretamente do fundo do mar, em formato de cone, recheados de: camarão com catupiry, siri com alho poró e por último polvo ao molho com azeitonas, acompanhado da tradicional geleia de pimenta e pesto de coentro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three delicious snails directly from the bottom of the sea, in a cone shape, filled with: shrimp with catupiry, crab with leek and finally octopus in sauce with olives, accompanied by traditional pepper jelly and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three delicious snails directly from the bottom of the sea, in a cone shape, filled with: shrimp with catupiry, crab with leek and finally octopus in sauce with olives, accompanied by traditional pepper jelly and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three delicious snails directly from the bottom of the sea, in a cone shape, filled with: shrimp with catupiry, crab with leek and finally octopus in sauce with olives, accompanied by traditional pepper jelly and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarões cozidos com quiabo em um molho natural de leite de coco e azeite de dendê. Finalizado com um camarão cinza grelhado. Acompanha farofa de cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimps cooked with okra in a natural coconut milk and palm oil sauce. Finished with grilled gray shrimp. Served with onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimps cooked with okra in a natural coconut milk and palm oil sauce. Finished with grilled gray shrimp. Served with onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimps cooked with okra in a natural coconut milk and palm oil sauce. Finished with grilled gray shrimp. Served with onion farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pão de alho com charque e camarão, acompanhado de torradas com creme de alho, charque e camarão. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Garlic bread with jerky and shrimp, accompanied by toast with garlic cream, jerky and shrimp. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Garlic bread with jerky and shrimp, accompanied by toast with garlic cream, jerky and shrimp. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Garlic bread with jerky and shrimp, accompanied by toast with garlic cream, jerky and shrimp. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho feito com a massa de tapioca, charque, queijos e temperos. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cupcake made with tapioca dough, beef jerky, cheese and seasonings. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cupcake made with tapioca dough, beef jerky, cheese and seasonings. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cupcake made with tapioca dough, beef jerky, cheese and seasonings. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cestinha folheada recheada com cupim assado na brasa e finalizado ao forno.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Foil basket filled with charcoal-roasted termites and finished in the oven.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Foil basket filled with charcoal-roasted termites and finished in the oven.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Foil basket filled with charcoal-roasted termites and finished in the oven.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "BOLINHO DE BAIÃO & CROQUETE VACA TOLADA ? REPRESENTANDO A COZINHA SERTANEJA E NORDESTINA TRANSFORMANDO OS PRATOS EM PETISCOS DE BOTECO EM UMA MISTURA HARMÔNICA ENTRE SABORES E TEXTURAS SERVIDO COM UM SWEET CHILLI DE CAJÁ E UMA MAIONESE DE CHIMICHURRI.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'BAIÃO CAKE & CROQUETE VACA TOLADA? REPRESENTING SERTANEJA AND NORTHEAST CUISINE, TRANSFORMING THE DISHES INTO BOTECO SNACKS IN A HARMONIC MIX BETWEEN FLAVORS AND TEXTURES SERVED WITH CAJÁ SWEET CHILLI AND CHIMICHURRI MAYONNAISE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'BAIÃO CAKE & CROQUETE VACA TOLADA? REPRESENTING SERTANEJA AND NORTHEAST CUISINE, TRANSFORMING THE DISHES INTO BOTECO SNACKS IN A HARMONIC MIX BETWEEN FLAVORS AND TEXTURES SERVED WITH CAJÁ SWEET CHILLI AND CHIMICHURRI MAYONNAISE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'BAIÃO CAKE & CROQUETE VACA TOLADA? REPRESENTING SERTANEJA AND NORTHEAST CUISINE, TRANSFORMING THE DISHES INTO BOTECO SNACKS IN A HARMONIC MIX BETWEEN FLAVORS AND TEXTURES SERVED WITH CAJÁ SWEET CHILLI AND CHIMICHURRI MAYONNAISE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Tilápia selada na farinha de trigo regada ao molho branco com farofinha de bacon, servida na barquete de canapé.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia sealed in wheat flour, topped with white sauce and bacon crumbles, served on a canapé boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia sealed in wheat flour, topped with white sauce and bacon crumbles, served on a canapé boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia sealed in wheat flour, topped with white sauce and bacon crumbles, served on a canapé boat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Linguiças de cordeiro: uma defumada e apimentada, a outra fresca com erva doce, servidas com cebola dourada, tabule e farofa marroquina.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lamb sausages: one smoked and peppered, the other fresh with fennel, served with golden onion, tabbouleh and Moroccan farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lamb sausages: one smoked and peppered, the other fresh with fennel, served with golden onion, tabbouleh and Moroccan farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lamb sausages: one smoked and peppered, the other fresh with fennel, served with golden onion, tabbouleh and Moroccan farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho com massa de costela com mandioca, recheado de costela assada por 12 horas desfiada. Acompanha vinagrete e molho tártaro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling with rib dough with cassava, filled with shredded rib roasted for 12 hours. Served with vinaigrette and tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling with rib dough with cassava, filled with shredded rib roasted for 12 hours. Served with vinaigrette and tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling with rib dough with cassava, filled with shredded rib roasted for 12 hours. Served with vinaigrette and tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Mini pastéis burgers acompanhado de fritas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini burger pastries accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini burger pastries accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini burger pastries accompanied by fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lasanha à bolonhesa empanada, reinventada para o formato de petisco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded bolognese lasagna, reinvented for snack format.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded bolognese lasagna, reinvented for snack format.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded bolognese lasagna, reinvented for snack format.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Um bolinho com massa de aipim e carne de sol desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A dumpling with cassava dough and shredded corned beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A dumpling with cassava dough and shredded corned beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A dumpling with cassava dough and shredded corned beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de frango, bolinho de peixe, acompanha polenta frita e torresmo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken cake, fish cake, served with fried polenta and pork rinds.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken cake, fish cake, served with fried polenta and pork rinds.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken cake, fish cake, served with fried polenta and pork rinds.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Maçã de peito marinado no vinho, com cenoura, batata, pimentão vermelho e amarelo e ervas ao molho. Acompanhado com um pão francês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Apple breast marinated in wine, with carrots, potatoes, red and yellow peppers and herbs in the sauce. Accompanied with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Apple breast marinated in wine, with carrots, potatoes, red and yellow peppers and herbs in the sauce. Accompanied with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Apple breast marinated in wine, with carrots, potatoes, red and yellow peppers and herbs in the sauce. Accompanied with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Mistura de arroz e mussarela com creme de azeitona.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mixture of rice and mozzarella with olive cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mixture of rice and mozzarella with olive cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mixture of rice and mozzarella with olive cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bisteca de porco com purê de feijão, mandioca e farofa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork chop with bean puree, cassava and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork chop with bean puree, cassava and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork chop with bean puree, cassava and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga suína com molho de rapadura e pimenta dedo de moça, acompanhada de farofa de farinha de milho com crispy de quiabo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly with rapadura sauce and finger pepper, accompanied by corn flour farofa with okra crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly with rapadura sauce and finger pepper, accompanied by corn flour farofa with okra crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly with rapadura sauce and finger pepper, accompanied by corn flour farofa with okra crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filé mignon trinchado com cebola roxa e bacon servido com molho de queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Carved filet mignon with red onion and bacon served with gorgonzola cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Carved filet mignon with red onion and bacon served with gorgonzola cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Carved filet mignon with red onion and bacon served with gorgonzola cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Combinação de 3 espetinhos: alcatra com catupiry e alho frito, frango com queijo cheddar e cebola crispe e lombinho ao molho barbecue e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Combination of 3 skewers: rump with catupiry and fried garlic, chicken with cheddar cheese and crisp onion and tenderloin with barbecue sauce and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Combination of 3 skewers: rump with catupiry and fried garlic, chicken with cheddar cheese and crisp onion and tenderloin with barbecue sauce and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Combination of 3 skewers: rump with catupiry and fried garlic, chicken with cheddar cheese and crisp onion and tenderloin with barbecue sauce and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Batatas canoas fritas, servidas com creme de bacalhau com nata, catupiry, queijo serrano, parmesão, vinho branco, temperos caseiros e cebola crispy.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried canoe potatoes, served with cod cream and cream, catupiry, serrano cheese, parmesan, white wine, homemade seasonings and crispy onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried canoe potatoes, served with cod cream and cream, catupiry, serrano cheese, parmesan, white wine, homemade seasonings and crispy onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried canoe potatoes, served with cod cream and cream, catupiry, serrano cheese, parmesan, white wine, homemade seasonings and crispy onions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Rabinho e língua bovina defumados em madeira de macieira, ao molho de cerveja artesanal APA, camarão na manteiga, polenta cremosa com queijo canastra meia cura e cheiro-verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef tail and tongue smoked in apple wood, with APA craft beer sauce, shrimp in butter, creamy polenta with half-cured Canasta cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef tail and tongue smoked in apple wood, with APA craft beer sauce, shrimp in butter, creamy polenta with half-cured Canasta cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef tail and tongue smoked in apple wood, with APA craft beer sauce, shrimp in butter, creamy polenta with half-cured Canasta cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Quatro nobres charutos crocantes, recheados com a deliciosa combinação de ?roupa velha? bovina com bacon. Acompanhados por um irresistível chutney de tomate defumado e uma farofa crocante de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Four noble, crisp cigars, filled with the delicious combination of ?old clothes? beef with bacon. Accompanied by an irresistible smoked tomato chutney and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Four noble, crisp cigars, filled with the delicious combination of ?old clothes? beef with bacon. Accompanied by an irresistible smoked tomato chutney and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Four noble, crisp cigars, filled with the delicious combination of ?old clothes? beef with bacon. Accompanied by an irresistible smoked tomato chutney and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela bovina, assada no bafo, acompanhada de torresmo de barriga crocante,mandioca cozida na manteiga de garrafa e molho de pimenta defumada!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef ribs, roasted in the oven, accompanied by crispy belly pork rinds, cassava cooked in bottled butter and smoked pepper sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef ribs, roasted in the oven, accompanied by crispy belly pork rinds, cassava cooked in bottled butter and smoked pepper sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef ribs, roasted in the oven, accompanied by crispy belly pork rinds, cassava cooked in bottled butter and smoked pepper sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tiras de filé-mignon empanadas na Panko na cama de creme de gorgonzola e batata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon strips breaded in Panko on a bed of gorgonzola cream and potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon strips breaded in Panko on a bed of gorgonzola cream and potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon strips breaded in Panko on a bed of gorgonzola cream and potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Um mocotó diferente de qualquer outro que você já comeu!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A mocotó unlike any other you've ever eaten!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A mocotó unlike any other you've ever eaten!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A mocotó unlike any other you've ever eaten!'.\n", + "\n", + "Lamina de filé-mignon suíno maçaricado, recheado com arroz japonês, cream cheese, filé suíno refogado, bacon, molho de ervas, barbecue e finalizado com teriyaki e geleia de rubras.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slab of torched pork filet mignon, stuffed with Japanese rice, cream cheese, braised pork fillet, bacon, herb sauce, barbecue and finished with teriyaki and red jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slab of torched pork filet mignon, stuffed with Japanese rice, cream cheese, braised pork fillet, bacon, herb sauce, barbecue and finished with teriyaki and red jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slab of torched pork filet mignon, stuffed with Japanese rice, cream cheese, braised pork fillet, bacon, herb sauce, barbecue and finished with teriyaki and red jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "BOLINHO DE MANDIOCA RECHEADO COM CREME DE QUEIJOS E JERKED SUÍNO REFOGADO, ACOMPANHA CREME DE CHEDDAR.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'CASSAVA CAKE FILLED WITH CREAM CHEESE AND SAUTED PORK JERKED, ACCOMPANIED WITH CHEDDAR CREAM.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'CASSAVA CAKE FILLED WITH CREAM CHEESE AND SAUTED PORK JERKED, ACCOMPANIED WITH CHEDDAR CREAM.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'CASSAVA CAKE FILLED WITH CREAM CHEESE AND SAUTED PORK JERKED, ACCOMPANIED WITH CHEDDAR CREAM.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Linguiça em forma de churros enrolada no bacon, recheada com creme de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Churro-shaped sausage wrapped in bacon, stuffed with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Churro-shaped sausage wrapped in bacon, stuffed with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Churro-shaped sausage wrapped in bacon, stuffed with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de costela com massa de mandioca acompanhado de baconese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with cassava dough accompanied by house bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with cassava dough accompanied by house bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with cassava dough accompanied by house bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "e Carne SecaOito unidades de bolinho de carne seca com mandioca, empanado na farinha de trigo, recheado com queijo coalho. Acompanha a geleia de pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'and Dry MeatEight pieces of dried meat dumplings with cassava, breaded in wheat flour, stuffed with coalho cheese. Served with house-made pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'and Dry MeatEight pieces of dried meat dumplings with cassava, breaded in wheat flour, stuffed with coalho cheese. Served with house-made pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'and Dry MeatEight pieces of dried meat dumplings with cassava, breaded in wheat flour, stuffed with coalho cheese. Served with house-made pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de Arroz.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "RoçaCroquete feito com pernil de porco recheado com queijo muçarela empanado com torresmo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'RoçaCroquette made with pork shank stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded with cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'RoçaCroquette made with pork shank stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded with cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'RoçaCroquette made with pork shank stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded with cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "sp Batata com parmesão e calabresa, acompanha molho cheddar, requeijão cremoso ou molho tártaro. A escolha é do cliente.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'sp Potatoes with parmesan and pepperoni, served with cheddar sauce, cream cheese or tartar sauce. The choice is up to the customer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'sp Potatoes with parmesan and pepperoni, served with cheddar sauce, cream cheese or tartar sauce. The choice is up to the customer.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'sp Potatoes with parmesan and pepperoni, served with cheddar sauce, cream cheese or tartar sauce. The choice is up to the customer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costelão cozido com mandioca, acompanhado de torradas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs cooked with cassava, accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs cooked with cassava, accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs cooked with cassava, accompanied by toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de siri sobre uma cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhado de 2 pastéis de vento.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab meat on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by 2 wind pastries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab meat on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by 2 wind pastries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab meat on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by 2 wind pastries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "3 Kaftas: uma de pernil, uma de costela e uma de camarão Servidas com 2 molhos: de coentro e de pimenta agridoce. Acompanha 1 pão com pasta de alho e linguiça de pernil triturada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 Kaftas: one with ham, one with ribs and one with shrimp Served with 2 sauces: coriander and sweet and sour pepper. Served with 1 loaf of bread with garlic paste and chopped ham sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 Kaftas: one with ham, one with ribs and one with shrimp Served with 2 sauces: coriander and sweet and sour pepper. Served with 1 loaf of bread with garlic paste and chopped ham sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 Kaftas: one with ham, one with ribs and one with shrimp Served with 2 sauces: coriander and sweet and sour pepper. Served with 1 loaf of bread with garlic paste and chopped ham sausage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Tradicional e Delicioso pão com carne e o tempero especial da casa!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional and delicious bread with meat and the house's special seasoning!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional and delicious bread with meat and the house's special seasoning!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional and delicious bread with meat and the house's special seasoning!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Barquinhos de carne com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat boats with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat boats with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat boats with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Hamburguer feito de fraldinha suína e filé de coxa triturados, recheado com catupiry e geleia de bacon, acompanhado de batata e maionese de alho caseira\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Burger made from shredded pork flank steak and thigh fillet, stuffed with catupiry and bacon jelly, accompanied by potatoes and homemade garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Burger made from shredded pork flank steak and thigh fillet, stuffed with catupiry and bacon jelly, accompanied by potatoes and homemade garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Burger made from shredded pork flank steak and thigh fillet, stuffed with catupiry and bacon jelly, accompanied by potatoes and homemade garlic mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Típico pastel oriental na nossa versão grelhada na chapa e recheado com patê de cupim, couve refogada e pasta de pimenta fermentada. Finalizado com teriaky da casa e furikake nordestino.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Typical oriental pastry in our grilled version and filled with termite pâté, braised cabbage and fermented pepper paste. Finished with house teriaky and northeastern furikake.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Typical oriental pastry in our grilled version and filled with termite pâté, braised cabbage and fermented pepper paste. Finished with house teriaky and northeastern furikake.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Typical oriental pastry in our grilled version and filled with termite pâté, braised cabbage and fermented pepper paste. Finished with house teriaky and northeastern furikake.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Bolinho de paella de frutos do mar. Acompanha alioli e salsa brava.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seafood paella cake. Served with alioli and salsa brava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seafood paella cake. Served with alioli and salsa brava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seafood paella cake. Served with alioli and salsa brava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "A rabada mais tradicional de Maringá\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The most traditional oxtail in Maringá'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The most traditional oxtail in Maringá'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The most traditional oxtail in Maringá'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Petisco de bolinho de carne bovina, sticks de frango empanado e torresmo de pancetta suína.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack of beef dumplings, breaded chicken sticks and pork pancetta cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack of beef dumplings, breaded chicken sticks and pork pancetta cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack of beef dumplings, breaded chicken sticks and pork pancetta cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "5 pastéis recheados com saboroso arroz de pato com jambu, empanados com panko temperado e servido com maionese picante da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '5 pastries filled with tasty duck and jambu rice, breaded with seasoned panko and served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '5 pastries filled with tasty duck and jambu rice, breaded with seasoned panko and served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '5 pastries filled with tasty duck and jambu rice, breaded with seasoned panko and served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de mortadela com especiarias, e porção de coxinha da asa de frango empanado na farinha de rosca. Acompanha pasta de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mortadella cake with spices, and portion of chicken wing drumstick breaded in breadcrumbs. Served with garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mortadella cake with spices, and portion of chicken wing drumstick breaded in breadcrumbs. Served with garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mortadella cake with spices, and portion of chicken wing drumstick breaded in breadcrumbs. Served with garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Casquinha crocante de Macarrão com um interior macio de frango com creme de milho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy pasta shell with a soft chicken interior with creamed corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy pasta shell with a soft chicken interior with creamed corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy pasta shell with a soft chicken interior with creamed corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cupim desfiado ao molho de cebola caramelizada e cerveja, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce e torradas de manteiga temperada com alho e ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded termite in caramelized onion and beer sauce, accompanied by sweet potato chips and butter toast seasoned with garlic and herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded termite in caramelized onion and beer sauce, accompanied by sweet potato chips and butter toast seasoned with garlic and herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded termite in caramelized onion and beer sauce, accompanied by sweet potato chips and butter toast seasoned with garlic and herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Macarrão com molho bechamel recheado com presunto e queijo, empanado e frito servido com mussarela gratinada e molho bolonhesa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pasta with béchamel sauce stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded and fried served with mozzarella au gratin and bolognese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pasta with béchamel sauce stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded and fried served with mozzarella au gratin and bolognese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pasta with béchamel sauce stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded and fried served with mozzarella au gratin and bolognese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinhos de pirarucu com queijo do marajó e bolinhos de camarão regional com requeijão de búfula na massa da macaxeira, batata e manjericão. Acompanhados de geleia de manga com pimenta de cheiro e creme de requeijão de búfula com chicória e alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pirarucu dumplings with marajó cheese and regional shrimp dumplings with bufula cream cheese in cassava dough, potatoes and basil. Accompanied by mango jelly with sweet pepper and buffalo cream cheese with chicory and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pirarucu dumplings with marajó cheese and regional shrimp dumplings with bufula cream cheese in cassava dough, potatoes and basil. Accompanied by mango jelly with sweet pepper and buffalo cream cheese with chicory and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pirarucu dumplings with marajó cheese and regional shrimp dumplings with bufula cream cheese in cassava dough, potatoes and basil. Accompanied by mango jelly with sweet pepper and buffalo cream cheese with chicory and garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Coração de frango marinados no missô e empanados servidos com vinagrete de cebola roxa e pão de alho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken hearts marinated in miso and breaded served with red onion vinaigrette and homemade garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken hearts marinated in miso and breaded served with red onion vinaigrette and homemade garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken hearts marinated in miso and breaded served with red onion vinaigrette and homemade garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Parmegiana de carne à palito\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat parmigiana on a stick'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat parmigiana on a stick'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat parmigiana on a stick'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de feijão acompanhado com molho vinagrete apimentado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bean dumpling served with spicy vinaigrette sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bean dumpling served with spicy vinaigrette sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bean dumpling served with spicy vinaigrette sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uai! Escondidinho de mandioca com pernil e camarão. Uma combinação entre Terra e Mar, SÔ.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wow! Cassava hideaway with ham and shrimp. A combination between Land and Sea, SO.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wow! Cassava hideaway with ham and shrimp. A combination between Land and Sea, SO.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wow! Cassava hideaway with ham and shrimp. A combination between Land and Sea, SO.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pudim com mix de carnes sendo: Patinho, Pernil e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pudding with a mix of meats: duckling, ham and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pudding with a mix of meats: duckling, ham and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pudding with a mix of meats: duckling, ham and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Pato, recheado com Jambu e regado ao molho de tucupi e molho de manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Duck dumpling, stuffed with Jambu and topped with tucupi sauce and mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Duck dumpling, stuffed with Jambu and topped with tucupi sauce and mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Duck dumpling, stuffed with Jambu and topped with tucupi sauce and mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "6 acarajés médios acompanhados por vatapá, caruru, camarão e saladinha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '6 medium acarajés accompanied by vatapá, caruru, shrimp and salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '6 medium acarajés accompanied by vatapá, caruru, shrimp and salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '6 medium acarajés accompanied by vatapá, caruru, shrimp and salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarão catupiry com purê gratinado com queijo\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Catupiry shrimp with mashed gratin with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Catupiry shrimp with mashed gratin with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Catupiry shrimp with mashed gratin with cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "COXINHA ‘SEM MASSA’ DE JOELHO DE PORCO DEFUMADO, EMPANADO NO DORITOS, RECHEADA DE QUEIJO, ACOMPANHADA DE CREME DE QUEIJO COM ALHO PORÓ E MAIS QUEIJO, E FINALIZADO COM PURÊ DE MAÇÃ VERDE\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '‘DOUGHOUT’ SMOKED PORK KNEE DRINK, BREADED IN DORITOS, STUFFED WITH CHEESE, ACCOMPANIED WITH CREAM CHEESE WITH LEEE AND MORE CHEESE, AND FINISHED WITH GREEN APPLE PUREE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '‘DOUGHOUT’ SMOKED PORK KNEE DRINK, BREADED IN DORITOS, STUFFED WITH CHEESE, ACCOMPANIED WITH CREAM CHEESE WITH LEEE AND MORE CHEESE, AND FINISHED WITH GREEN APPLE PUREE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '‘DOUGHOUT’ SMOKED PORK KNEE DRINK, BREADED IN DORITOS, STUFFED WITH CHEESE, ACCOMPANIED WITH CREAM CHEESE WITH LEEE AND MORE CHEESE, AND FINISHED WITH GREEN APPLE PUREE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Uma carne que passa por um processo de maturação de 21 dias e feita no Pit smoker por 12 horas em lenha frutífera, e finalizada com catupiry e especiarias para formar um bolinho, servido com uma maionesedeabacate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A meat that goes through a 21-day maturation process and made in the Pit smoker for 12 hours on fruit wood, and finished with catupiry and spices to form a dumpling, served with avocado mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Corte suíno servido com farofa de maracujá e cubos de macaxeira acompanhado de barbecue artesanal de cerveja, geleia de pimenta, vinagrete e molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork cut served with passion fruit farofa and cassava cubes accompanied by homemade beer barbecue, pepper jelly, vinaigrette and special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork cut served with passion fruit farofa and cassava cubes accompanied by homemade beer barbecue, pepper jelly, vinaigrette and special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork cut served with passion fruit farofa and cassava cubes accompanied by homemade beer barbecue, pepper jelly, vinaigrette and special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mini pizzeta feita de massa de pão ázimo recheada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini pizzetta made from stuffed unleavened bread dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini pizzetta made from stuffed unleavened bread dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini pizzetta made from stuffed unleavened bread dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de costela preparado com requeijão cremoso e pimenta biquinho, empanado com malte de cerveja moído. O acompanhado fica por conta do molho Sour Cream.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib croquette prepared with cream cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded with ground beer malt. The accompaniment is the Sour Cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib croquette prepared with cream cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded with ground beer malt. The accompaniment is the Sour Cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib croquette prepared with cream cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded with ground beer malt. The accompaniment is the Sour Cream sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Petisco de polenta frita com ragú de costela, agrião ao azeite de ervas e parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack of fried polenta with rib ragú, watercress in herb oil and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack of fried polenta with rib ragú, watercress in herb oil and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack of fried polenta with rib ragú, watercress in herb oil and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim ao molho, com croquete de batata e queijo canastra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite in sauce, with potato croquette and canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite in sauce, with potato croquette and canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite in sauce, with potato croquette and canasta cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Medalhão de músculo bovino com cobertura de molho madeira, molho gorgonzola com ricota, parmesão e batata bolinha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef muscle medallion topped with Madeira sauce, gorgonzola sauce with ricotta, parmesan and potato balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef muscle medallion topped with Madeira sauce, gorgonzola sauce with ricotta, parmesan and potato balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef muscle medallion topped with Madeira sauce, gorgonzola sauce with ricotta, parmesan and potato balls.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costeletas de porco assada empanada com mix de queijo parmesão. Acompanhada de maionese defumada e um xote de picada de cobra cachaça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baked pork chops breaded with parmesan cheese mix. Accompanied by smoked mayonnaise and a shot of cachaça snake bite.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baked pork chops breaded with parmesan cheese mix. Accompanied by smoked mayonnaise and a shot of cachaça snake bite.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baked pork chops breaded with parmesan cheese mix. Accompanied by smoked mayonnaise and a shot of cachaça snake bite.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Carne de panela servida com mandioca e manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pot meat served with cassava and bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pot meat served with cassava and bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pot meat served with cassava and bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Deck’n CheeseCubos de mussarela à milanesa com um toque de gergelim, acompanhados de geleia de hortelã com gengibre e creme de goiabada com cream cheese.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deck’n CheeseCubes of breaded mozzarella with a touch of sesame, accompanied by mint jelly with ginger and guava cream with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deck’n CheeseCubes of breaded mozzarella with a touch of sesame, accompanied by mint jelly with ginger and guava cream with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deck’n CheeseCubes of breaded mozzarella with a touch of sesame, accompanied by mint jelly with ginger and guava cream with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de milho cremoso acompanhado de angu e couve-flor assada na manteiga com especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs in a creamy corn sauce accompanied by angu and cauliflower roasted in butter with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs in a creamy corn sauce accompanied by angu and cauliflower roasted in butter with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs in a creamy corn sauce accompanied by angu and cauliflower roasted in butter with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Mix de isca de lombo empanado e cubinhos de pernil de porco à mineira acompanhado de geleia de pimenta e molho Bechamel e batata frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mix of breaded loin and cubes of Minas Gerais-style pork shank accompanied by pepper jelly and Bechamel sauce and French fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mix of breaded loin and cubes of Minas Gerais-style pork shank accompanied by pepper jelly and Bechamel sauce and French fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mix of breaded loin and cubes of Minas Gerais-style pork shank accompanied by pepper jelly and Bechamel sauce and French fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Unha de caranguejo, salgado de camarão seco com jambu e salgado de pato no tucupi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab claw, dried shrimp salted with jambu and duck salted in tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab claw, dried shrimp salted with jambu and duck salted in tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab claw, dried shrimp salted with jambu and duck salted in tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de costela com molho de goiabada\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with guava sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with guava sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with guava sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Rabada dos sonhos desfiada sobre um travesseiro de batata recheada. Finalizado com salada de aipo e maçã verde e caviar de mostarda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dreamy oxtail shredded on a stuffed potato pillow. Finished with celery and green apple salad and mustard caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dreamy oxtail shredded on a stuffed potato pillow. Finished with celery and green apple salad and mustard caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dreamy oxtail shredded on a stuffed potato pillow. Finished with celery and green apple salad and mustard caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de risoto de moranga cabotiá finalizado com cerveja. É empanado com massa de cerveja e farinha panko, recheado com queijo muçarela. Finalizado com molho rústico de tomate feito na casa e aioli.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabotiá strawberry risotto cake finished with beer. It is breaded with beer batter and panko flour, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Finished with rustic house-made tomato sauce and aioli.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabotiá strawberry risotto cake finished with beer. It is breaded with beer batter and panko flour, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Finished with rustic house-made tomato sauce and aioli.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabotiá strawberry risotto cake finished with beer. It is breaded with beer batter and panko flour, stuffed with mozzarella cheese. Finished with rustic house-made tomato sauce and aioli.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Coxa creme defumada e ?pipoca? de coração de frango. Acompanha maionese picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked cream thigh and ?popcorn? of chicken hearts. Served with spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked cream thigh and ?popcorn? of chicken hearts. Served with spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked cream thigh and ?popcorn? of chicken hearts. Served with spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Vatapá desconstruído recheado com carne seca, ragu suíno e molho de cogumelo. Acompanhado com delicioso molho pesto de coentro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deconstructed vatapá stuffed with dried meat, pork ragu and mushroom sauce. Accompanied with delicious coriander pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deconstructed vatapá stuffed with dried meat, pork ragu and mushroom sauce. Accompanied with delicious coriander pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deconstructed vatapá stuffed with dried meat, pork ragu and mushroom sauce. Accompanied with delicious coriander pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com medalhões de quiabo e mandioca frita. Acompanha molho barbecue com goiabada, molho de pimenta e molho de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs served with okra medallions and fried cassava. Served with barbecue sauce with guava paste, pepper sauce and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs served with okra medallions and fried cassava. Served with barbecue sauce with guava paste, pepper sauce and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs served with okra medallions and fried cassava. Served with barbecue sauce with guava paste, pepper sauce and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado de pernil sob uma cama de purê de batata com 4 queijos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf stuffed with ham on a bed of mashed potatoes with 4 cheeses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf stuffed with ham on a bed of mashed potatoes with 4 cheeses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf stuffed with ham on a bed of mashed potatoes with 4 cheeses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de arroz recheado com costela suína e barbecue, servido com um molho cítrico.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake stuffed with pork and barbecue ribs, served with a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake stuffed with pork and barbecue ribs, served with a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake stuffed with pork and barbecue ribs, served with a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas-biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with chili peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with chili peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with chili peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "TORRE DE BATATA COM SABORES TÍPICOS ITALIANOS (CAMADAS DE PRESUNTO PARMA, SALAME, COPA, PROVOLONE, PARMESÃO, GORGONZOLA, MUSSARELA, CATUPIRY E TOMATE SECO).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'POTATO TOWER WITH TYPICAL ITALIAN FLAVORS (LAYERS OF PARMA HAM, SALAMI, COPA, PROVOLONE, PARMESAN, GORGONZOLA, MOSSORELLA, CATUPIRY AND DRIED TOMATOES).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'POTATO TOWER WITH TYPICAL ITALIAN FLAVORS (LAYERS OF PARMA HAM, SALAMI, COPA, PROVOLONE, PARMESAN, GORGONZOLA, MOSSORELLA, CATUPIRY AND DRIED TOMATOES).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'POTATO TOWER WITH TYPICAL ITALIAN FLAVORS (LAYERS OF PARMA HAM, SALAMI, COPA, PROVOLONE, PARMESAN, GORGONZOLA, MOSSORELLA, CATUPIRY AND DRIED TOMATOES).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filé mignon marinado no Whisky e cortado em cubos, servido com cebola caramelizada, purê de batata, de alho, frito e acompanhado de molho barbecue de Jack Daniels.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon marinated in Whiskey and cut into cubes, served with caramelized onion, mashed potatoes, garlic, fried and accompanied by Jack Daniels barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon marinated in Whiskey and cut into cubes, served with caramelized onion, mashed potatoes, garlic, fried and accompanied by Jack Daniels barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon marinated in Whiskey and cut into cubes, served with caramelized onion, mashed potatoes, garlic, fried and accompanied by Jack Daniels barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de mandioquinha recheados com carne-seca e queijo coalho, empanados e fritos na farinha panko. Acompanha molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough dumplings stuffed with dried meat and curd cheese, breaded and fried in panko flour. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough dumplings stuffed with dried meat and curd cheese, breaded and fried in panko flour. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough dumplings stuffed with dried meat and curd cheese, breaded and fried in panko flour. Served with pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Lagarto cozido na cerveja com molho de cebola, azeite, azeitona e vinagre. Acompanha torradinha, maionese de alho e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lizard cooked in beer with onion, oil, olive and vinegar sauce. Served with toast, garlic mayonnaise and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lizard cooked in beer with onion, oil, olive and vinegar sauce. Served with toast, garlic mayonnaise and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lizard cooked in beer with onion, oil, olive and vinegar sauce. Served with toast, garlic mayonnaise and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarão aos três queijos (muçarela, cream cheese e gorgonzola), servido em uma cama de batatas fritas, e com um leve toque de geleia de pimenta e catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp with three cheeses (mozzarella, cream cheese and gorgonzola), served on a bed of fries, and with a light touch of pepper jelly and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp with three cheeses (mozzarella, cream cheese and gorgonzola), served on a bed of fries, and with a light touch of pepper jelly and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp with three cheeses (mozzarella, cream cheese and gorgonzola), served on a bed of fries, and with a light touch of pepper jelly and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costelinha suína conservada na banha, acompanhada de vinagrete de feijão-fradinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs preserved in lard, accompanied by black-eyed pea vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs preserved in lard, accompanied by black-eyed pea vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs preserved in lard, accompanied by black-eyed pea vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Uma receita Luso-Brasileira. Moela ao molho marinada na cerveja preta com crispy de bacon acompanhando de pão fresco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A Luso-Brazilian recipe. Gizzard in sauce marinated in dark beer with crispy bacon served with fresh bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A Luso-Brazilian recipe. Gizzard in sauce marinated in dark beer with crispy bacon served with fresh bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A Luso-Brazilian recipe. Gizzard in sauce marinated in dark beer with crispy bacon served with fresh bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Paletas de queijo com pequi acompanhado de vinagrete de guariroba!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cheese palettes with pequi accompanied by guariroba vinaigrette!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cheese palettes with pequi accompanied by guariroba vinaigrette!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cheese palettes with pequi accompanied by guariroba vinaigrette!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de massa de polenta recheado com ragu de rabada, acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Polenta dumpling stuffed with oxtail ragu, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Polenta dumpling stuffed with oxtail ragu, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Polenta dumpling stuffed with oxtail ragu, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne moída frito, empanado, recheado com ovo de codorna ao molho de tomate, gratinado!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried ground meat dumpling, breaded, stuffed with quail egg in tomato sauce, gratin!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried ground meat dumpling, breaded, stuffed with quail egg in tomato sauce, gratin!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried ground meat dumpling, breaded, stuffed with quail egg in tomato sauce, gratin!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Barquinha comestível, a base de goma de tapioca, farinha panko e parmesão. Recheada com creme de batata e bacalhau cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Edible boat, made with tapioca starch, panko flour and parmesan. Stuffed with potato cream and creamy cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Edible boat, made with tapioca starch, panko flour and parmesan. Stuffed with potato cream and creamy cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Edible boat, made with tapioca starch, panko flour and parmesan. Stuffed with potato cream and creamy cod.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Mignon suíno no abacaxi com molho gorgonzola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork mignon in pineapple with gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork mignon in pineapple with gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork mignon in pineapple with gorgonzola sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "250g carne bovina angus assada na brasa. Acompanhamentos: geleia de abacaxi, batata rústica e purê.ri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '250g Angus beef roasted on charcoal. Side dishes: pineapple jelly, rustic potatoes and mashed potatoes.ri.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '250g Angus beef roasted on charcoal. Side dishes: pineapple jelly, rustic potatoes and mashed potatoes.ri.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '250g Angus beef roasted on charcoal. Side dishes: pineapple jelly, rustic potatoes and mashed potatoes.ri.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: yes\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada envolta no bacon, polenta cremosa. Acompanha pipoca de quiabo e molho de tomate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boneless thigh wrapped in bacon, creamy polenta. Served with okra popcorn and tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boneless thigh wrapped in bacon, creamy polenta. Served with okra popcorn and tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boneless thigh wrapped in bacon, creamy polenta. Served with okra popcorn and tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Um clássico de butecos, Contra, Frango e Linguiça; grelhados e servidos como iscas Acompanha farofa, fritas, vinagrete e pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A bar classic, Contra, Frango e Sausage; grilled and served as bait Served with farofa, fries, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A bar classic, Contra, Frango e Sausage; grilled and served as bait Served with farofa, fries, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A bar classic, Contra, Frango e Sausage; grilled and served as bait Served with farofa, fries, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Linguiça colonial, no espeto, enrolada no queijo muçarela e empanada no cuscuz. Acompanha barbecue defumado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Colonial sausage, on a skewer, rolled in mozzarella cheese and breaded in couscous. Served with smoked barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Colonial sausage, on a skewer, rolled in mozzarella cheese and breaded in couscous. Served with smoked barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Colonial sausage, on a skewer, rolled in mozzarella cheese and breaded in couscous. Served with smoked barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Raquete suína – ou paleta, como é mais conhecida –, assada, acompanhada de escondidinho de alho-poró com chips de batata-doce. Molho de abacaxi opcional.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork racket – or shoulder, as it is better known –, roasted, accompanied by leek escondidinho with sweet potato chips. Optional pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork racket – or shoulder, as it is better known –, roasted, accompanied by leek escondidinho with sweet potato chips. Optional pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork racket – or shoulder, as it is better known –, roasted, accompanied by leek escondidinho with sweet potato chips. Optional pineapple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "3 bolinhos de costela bovina, 4 de pernil com páprica apimentada e 3 de calabresa com provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 beef rib dumplings, 4 ham dumplings with spicy paprika and 3 pepperoni dumplings with provolone. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 beef rib dumplings, 4 ham dumplings with spicy paprika and 3 pepperoni dumplings with provolone. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 beef rib dumplings, 4 ham dumplings with spicy paprika and 3 pepperoni dumplings with provolone. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Miolo de acém ao molho da Suica, servido sobre um purê de banana-da-terra especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chuck meat in Suica sauce, served over a special plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chuck meat in Suica sauce, served over a special plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chuck meat in Suica sauce, served over a special plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Recheio de camarão, molho bechamel e finalizado com parmesão maçaricado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp filling, bechamel sauce and finished with torched parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp filling, bechamel sauce and finished with torched parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp filling, bechamel sauce and finished with torched parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tiras de frango empanada, acompanhado com molhos da casa\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Empanada chicken strips, accompanied with house sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Empanada chicken strips, accompanied with house sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Empanada chicken strips, accompanied with house sauces'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de aipim recheados com costela desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumplings stuffed with shredded rib.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumplings stuffed with shredded rib.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumplings stuffed with shredded rib.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado recheado com pururuca de porco acompanhado de maionese de alho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling stuffed with pork pururuca accompanied by house-made garlic mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling stuffed with pork pururuca accompanied by house-made garlic mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked pork knuckle dumpling stuffed with pork pururuca accompanied by house-made garlic mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Caldo de abobora com camarões selados e queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pumpkin broth with sealed prawns and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pumpkin broth with sealed prawns and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pumpkin broth with sealed prawns and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Manta suína caseira com queijo coalho. Acompanha pão, batata chips, vinagrete e farofa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Homemade pork blanket with coalho cheese. Served with bread, chips, vinaigrette and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Homemade pork blanket with coalho cheese. Served with bread, chips, vinaigrette and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Homemade pork blanket with coalho cheese. Served with bread, chips, vinaigrette and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Três tipos de bolinho: bolinho de banana-da-terra com carne de sol e queijo coalho, bolinho de jerimum com charque e bolinho de feijoada. Acompanha molho de pimenta com rapadura, molho de laranja e maionese de coentro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three types of dumplings: plantain dumpling with sun-dried meat and coalho cheese, pumpkin dumpling with beef jerky and feijoada dumpling. Accompanies pepper sauce with rapadura, orange sauce and coriander mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three types of dumplings: plantain dumpling with sun-dried meat and coalho cheese, pumpkin dumpling with beef jerky and feijoada dumpling. Accompanies pepper sauce with rapadura, orange sauce and coriander mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three types of dumplings: plantain dumpling with sun-dried meat and coalho cheese, pumpkin dumpling with beef jerky and feijoada dumpling. Accompanies pepper sauce with rapadura, orange sauce and coriander mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tiras de filé de tilápia empanadas, crocante por fora e macia por dentro. Servida com um molho de dar água na boca!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded strips of tilapia fillet, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Served with a mouth-watering sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded strips of tilapia fillet, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Served with a mouth-watering sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded strips of tilapia fillet, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Served with a mouth-watering sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarões com um toque de pimenta de cheiro descansam preguiçosamente sobre uma cama de aipim macio com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Prawns with a touch of pepper rest lazily on a bed of soft cassava and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Prawns with a touch of pepper rest lazily on a bed of soft cassava and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Prawns with a touch of pepper rest lazily on a bed of soft cassava and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de Jiló recheados com pernil de porco marinado na cachaça mineira, orapronobis e queijo meia cura. Acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e maionese de azeitona.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Jiló dumplings stuffed with pork shank marinated in Minas Gerais cachaça, orapronobis and semi-cured cheese. Served with house-made pepper sauce and olive mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Jiló dumplings stuffed with pork shank marinated in Minas Gerais cachaça, orapronobis and semi-cured cheese. Served with house-made pepper sauce and olive mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Jiló dumplings stuffed with pork shank marinated in Minas Gerais cachaça, orapronobis and semi-cured cheese. Served with house-made pepper sauce and olive mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pastel de pato e maniçoba.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Duck and maniçoba pastry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Duck and maniçoba pastry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Duck and maniçoba pastry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Beiju salgado de mandioca com pirarucu desfiado com ervas e temperos regionais acompanhado de molhos roxinho e esfera de pimenta de cheiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Salted cassava beiju with shredded pirarucu with herbs and regional seasonings accompanied by purple sauces and scented pepper spheres.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Salted cassava beiju with shredded pirarucu with herbs and regional seasonings accompanied by purple sauces and scented pepper spheres.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Salted cassava beiju with shredded pirarucu with herbs and regional seasonings accompanied by purple sauces and scented pepper spheres.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Milanesa napolitana com molho de tomate e batatas rústicas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Neapolitan Milanese with tomato sauce and rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Neapolitan Milanese with tomato sauce and rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Neapolitan Milanese with tomato sauce and rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim cozido no vinho levemente defumado. Envolto com uma massa de pastel crocante. Acompanhando dois molhos um da redução do molho da carne e o outro de maionese caseira com alho poro e bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite cooked in slightly smoked wine. Wrapped in a crispy pastry dough. Accompanying two sauces, one made from meat sauce reduction and the other made from homemade mayonnaise with garlic and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite cooked in slightly smoked wine. Wrapped in a crispy pastry dough. Accompanying two sauces, one made from meat sauce reduction and the other made from homemade mayonnaise with garlic and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite cooked in slightly smoked wine. Wrapped in a crispy pastry dough. Accompanying two sauces, one made from meat sauce reduction and the other made from homemade mayonnaise with garlic and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Petisco típico húngaro que consiste em 2 unidades de muçarela, 2 costelas bovinas e 2 joelhos de porco com chucrute. Acompanha um molho típico.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Typical Hungarian snack consisting of 2 units of mozzarella, 2 beef ribs and 2 pork knuckles with sauerkraut. Served with a typical sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Typical Hungarian snack consisting of 2 units of mozzarella, 2 beef ribs and 2 pork knuckles with sauerkraut. Served with a typical sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Typical Hungarian snack consisting of 2 units of mozzarella, 2 beef ribs and 2 pork knuckles with sauerkraut. Served with a typical sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cuscuz de milho, fava cozida ao leite de coco, carne de sol.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Corn couscous, fava beans cooked in coconut milk, sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Corn couscous, fava beans cooked in coconut milk, sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Corn couscous, fava beans cooked in coconut milk, sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cozido de pé de porco, pernil, costelinha e linguiça com mandioca e banana. Finalizado com couve e cheiro-verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Stew of pig's feet, ham, ribs and sausage with cassava and banana. Finished with cabbage and green chillies.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Stew of pig's feet, ham, ribs and sausage with cassava and banana. Finished with cabbage and green chillies.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Stew of pig's feet, ham, ribs and sausage with cassava and banana. Finished with cabbage and green chillies.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com bacon ou queijo provolone.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf stuffed with bacon or provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf stuffed with bacon or provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf stuffed with bacon or provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos feitos com mandioca, carne-seca desfiada e catupiry, servidos com molho chipotle.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumplings made with cassava, shredded dried meat and catupiry, served with chipotle sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumplings made with cassava, shredded dried meat and catupiry, served with chipotle sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumplings made with cassava, shredded dried meat and catupiry, served with chipotle sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Massa de batata-doce, ossobuco cozido lentamente no vinho com especiarias e toque do chef, empanada na farinha panko e finalizada na fritadeira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sweet potato dough, ossobuco slowly cooked in wine with spices and the chef's touch, breaded in panko flour and finished in the fryer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sweet potato dough, ossobuco slowly cooked in wine with spices and the chef's touch, breaded in panko flour and finished in the fryer.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sweet potato dough, ossobuco slowly cooked in wine with spices and the chef's touch, breaded in panko flour and finished in the fryer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porção de bobó de camarão para ser compartilhada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of shrimp bobó to be shared.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of shrimp bobó to be shared.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of shrimp bobó to be shared.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Canapés de três sabores: recheio de carne de siri, de carne seca e de abobrinha acompanhados de molho verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Canapés with three flavors: crab meat, dried meat and zucchini filling accompanied by green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Canapés with three flavors: crab meat, dried meat and zucchini filling accompanied by green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Canapés with three flavors: crab meat, dried meat and zucchini filling accompanied by green sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho feito com pernil suíno temperado p e marinado por 12 horas para depois de assado e desfiado manter sua suculência e sabor, recheado com queijo e acompanhado com geleia de pimenta\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling made with seasoned pork shank and marinated for 12 hours so that after roasting and shredding it maintains its succulence and flavor, stuffed with cheese and accompanied with pepper jelly'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling made with seasoned pork shank and marinated for 12 hours so that after roasting and shredding it maintains its succulence and flavor, stuffed with cheese and accompanied with pepper jelly'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling made with seasoned pork shank and marinated for 12 hours so that after roasting and shredding it maintains its succulence and flavor, stuffed with cheese and accompanied with pepper jelly'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinha feita de ‘massa’ de linguiça de porco e torresmo recheada com queijo muçarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ball made from pork sausage and pork rinds stuffed with mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ball made from pork sausage and pork rinds stuffed with mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ball made from pork sausage and pork rinds stuffed with mozzarella cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croqueta de costelinha suína. Acompanha geléia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rib croqueta. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rib croqueta. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rib croqueta. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína acompanhada de chip de batata-doce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs accompanied by sweet potato chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "2 espetinhos de frango e queijo coalho e 2 de carne, todos empanados, acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta e molho de alho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '2 chicken and curd cheese skewers and 2 meat skewers, all breaded, accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper and house-made garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '2 chicken and curd cheese skewers and 2 meat skewers, all breaded, accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper and house-made garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '2 chicken and curd cheese skewers and 2 meat skewers, all breaded, accompanied by pineapple jelly with pepper and house-made garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rabada desfiada, servida dentro do canudinho finalizada com brotos de agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded oxtail, served inside a straw finished with watercress sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded oxtail, served inside a straw finished with watercress sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded oxtail, served inside a straw finished with watercress sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Polpettone recheado com muçarela, regado no molho ao sugo. Acompanha polenta frita e farofa crocante de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Polpettone stuffed with mozzarella, drizzled in sugo sauce. Served with fried polenta and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Polpettone stuffed with mozzarella, drizzled in sugo sauce. Served with fried polenta and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Polpettone stuffed with mozzarella, drizzled in sugo sauce. Served with fried polenta and crispy bacon farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "4 bolinhos de polenta recheados com palheta suína marinada, defumada e queijo. Com 3 molhos: chumichurri com alho, sour cream de limão e coulis de morango.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '4 polenta dumplings stuffed with marinated, smoked pork shoulder and cheese. With 3 sauces: chumichurri with garlic, lemon sour cream and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '4 polenta dumplings stuffed with marinated, smoked pork shoulder and cheese. With 3 sauces: chumichurri with garlic, lemon sour cream and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '4 polenta dumplings stuffed with marinated, smoked pork shoulder and cheese. With 3 sauces: chumichurri with garlic, lemon sour cream and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Bacalhau em lascas, especialmente condimentado, cozido no creme de leite em uma cama de batatas cozidas fatiadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Flaked cod, especially seasoned, cooked in cream on a bed of sliced ​​boiled potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Flaked cod, especially seasoned, cooked in cream on a bed of sliced ​​boiled potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Flaked cod, especially seasoned, cooked in cream on a bed of sliced ​​boiled potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bem Mineiro, UAI!Torresmo de rolo acompanhado de polenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bem Mineiro, UAI! Pork crackling accompanied by polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bem Mineiro, UAI! Pork crackling accompanied by polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bem Mineiro, UAI! Pork crackling accompanied by polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tiras de carne bovina empanada, com quibebe de mandioca acompanhada de molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded beef strips, with cassava quibebe accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded beef strips, with cassava quibebe accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded beef strips, with cassava quibebe accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de bacalhau, feito com aipim e flor de sal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cod hideaway, made with cassava and fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cod hideaway, made with cassava and fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cod hideaway, made with cassava and fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora, recheado com um saboroso peito bovino desfiado e cremoso, embebido em cerveja preta, couve e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pumpkin dumpling, filled with a delicious and creamy shredded beef brisket, soaked in dark beer, cabbage and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pumpkin dumpling, filled with a delicious and creamy shredded beef brisket, soaked in dark beer, cabbage and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pumpkin dumpling, filled with a delicious and creamy shredded beef brisket, soaked in dark beer, cabbage and chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Filé-mignon ao vinho com purê de mandioquinha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon in wine with cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon in wine with cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon in wine with cassava puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Frango defumado e desfiado em creme de aipim, gratinado com muçarela ? acompanha torradas de pão de leite e pimenta defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked and shredded chicken in cassava cream, gratin with mozzarella? Served with milk bread toast and smoked pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked and shredded chicken in cassava cream, gratin with mozzarella? Served with milk bread toast and smoked pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked and shredded chicken in cassava cream, gratin with mozzarella? Served with milk bread toast and smoked pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Massa de macaxeira recheada com brisket desfiada e servida com maionese de cerveja preta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough stuffed with shredded brisket and served with dark beer mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough stuffed with shredded brisket and served with dark beer mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough stuffed with shredded brisket and served with dark beer mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Creme de mandioca ao molho de linguiça caipira com queijo gratinado, torresminho e gravetos de costela com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cream in country sausage sauce with gratin cheese, cracklings and rib sticks with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cream in country sausage sauce with gratin cheese, cracklings and rib sticks with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cream in country sausage sauce with gratin cheese, cracklings and rib sticks with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "A lá minuta transformada em petisco: palitos de arroz, bolinho de feijão, nhoque frito, iscas de entrecôt e frango.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The minuta transformed into a snack: rice sticks, bean cakes, fried gnocchi, entrecôt and chicken sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The minuta transformed into a snack: rice sticks, bean cakes, fried gnocchi, entrecôt and chicken sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The minuta transformed into a snack: rice sticks, bean cakes, fried gnocchi, entrecôt and chicken sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Cuscuz Paulista recheado com Costela Defumada, Bacon e Queijo Provolone\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Paulista Couscous Dumpling stuffed with Smoked Ribs, Bacon and Provolone Cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Paulista Couscous Dumpling stuffed with Smoked Ribs, Bacon and Provolone Cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Paulista Couscous Dumpling stuffed with Smoked Ribs, Bacon and Provolone Cheese'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pão francês recheado com um blend de carne e de legumes, cream cheese e coberto com queijo gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'French bread stuffed with a blend of meat and vegetables, cream cheese and topped with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'French bread stuffed with a blend of meat and vegetables, cream cheese and topped with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'French bread stuffed with a blend of meat and vegetables, cream cheese and topped with gratin cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de feijão com ingredientes da feijoada tradicional, recheado com bacon e couve mineira\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bean cake with traditional feijoada ingredients, stuffed with bacon and kale'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bean cake with traditional feijoada ingredients, stuffed with bacon and kale'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bean cake with traditional feijoada ingredients, stuffed with bacon and kale'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarão quando se come fica enfeitiçado com o sabor, e o queijo Marajoara, e um dos melhores do mundo e por ser um queijo quase 100% natural a pessoa fica encantado com sabor.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'When you eat shrimp, you are enchanted by the flavor, and Marajoara cheese is one of the best in the world and because it is an almost 100% natural cheese, you are enchanted by the flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'When you eat shrimp, you are enchanted by the flavor, and Marajoara cheese is one of the best in the world and because it is an almost 100% natural cheese, you are enchanted by the flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'When you eat shrimp, you are enchanted by the flavor, and Marajoara cheese is one of the best in the world and because it is an almost 100% natural cheese, you are enchanted by the flavor.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filé-mignon com molho de 4 queijos, tomate seco e pão especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon with 4 cheese sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and special bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon with 4 cheese sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and special bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon with 4 cheese sauce, sun-dried tomatoes and special bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Coxão mole ao molho de mostarda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Soft thigh in mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Soft thigh in mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Soft thigh in mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Charque desfiada com cebola, acompanha farofa temperada com batata-doce e vinagrete da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded jerky with onion, served with farofa seasoned with sweet potato and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded jerky with onion, served with farofa seasoned with sweet potato and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded jerky with onion, served with farofa seasoned with sweet potato and house vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Quizado de carneiro acompanhamento mandioca frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lamb quizac accompanied by fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lamb quizac accompanied by fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lamb quizac accompanied by fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Garrão bovino ao molho com polenta recheada de queijo, envolvido em uma hortaliça de folha de sabor marcante, salpicado com cheiro-verde e aromatizado com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef garrão in sauce with polenta stuffed with cheese, wrapped in a leafy vegetable with a strong flavor, sprinkled with green scent and flavored with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef garrão in sauce with polenta stuffed with cheese, wrapped in a leafy vegetable with a strong flavor, sprinkled with green scent and flavored with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef garrão in sauce with polenta stuffed with cheese, wrapped in a leafy vegetable with a strong flavor, sprinkled with green scent and flavored with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Receita tradicional da vovó Bibi. Deliciosa coxinha de caranguejo com muito recheio, sabor de comida de vó, com muito amor e carinho! O espetinho do Fabrício, e o pioneiro na coxinha de caranguejo em Icoaraci. Venha experimentar a melhor coxinha de caranguejo de Icoaraci, Ananindeua e Belém.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grandma Bibi's traditional recipe. Delicious crab drumstick with lots of filling, taste like grandma's food, with lots of love and care! Fabrício's skewer, and the pioneer of crab drumsticks in Icoaraci. Come and try the best crab drumstick in Icoaraci, Ananindeua and Belém.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grandma Bibi's traditional recipe. Delicious crab drumstick with lots of filling, taste like grandma's food, with lots of love and care! Fabrício's skewer, and the pioneer of crab drumsticks in Icoaraci. Come and try the best crab drumstick in Icoaraci, Ananindeua and Belém.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grandma Bibi's traditional recipe. Delicious crab drumstick with lots of filling, taste like grandma's food, with lots of love and care! Fabrício's skewer, and the pioneer of crab drumsticks in Icoaraci. Come and try the best crab drumstick in Icoaraci, Ananindeua and Belém.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Os 3 dos maiores sucesso em um petisco único e especial do Marcelo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The 3 biggest hits in a unique and special snack from Marcelo.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The 3 biggest hits in a unique and special snack from Marcelo.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The 3 biggest hits in a unique and special snack from Marcelo.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "anejaCarne de sol acompanhada de queijo coalho maçaricado, mel de engenho, farofa, vinagrete e pão de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'anejaSun meat accompanied by torched coalho cheese, sugarcane honey, farofa, vinaigrette and garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'anejaSun meat accompanied by torched coalho cheese, sugarcane honey, farofa, vinaigrette and garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'anejaSun meat accompanied by torched coalho cheese, sugarcane honey, farofa, vinaigrette and garlic bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela bovina com pedaços de milho verde e mandioca cozida na manteiga. Acompanhada de farofa da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib with pieces of green corn and cassava cooked in butter. Accompanied by house made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib with pieces of green corn and cassava cooked in butter. Accompanied by house made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib with pieces of green corn and cassava cooked in butter. Accompanied by house made farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Miolo de alcatra ao molho de chimichurri, batata frita corte caseiro com muçarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rump meat with chimichurri sauce, homemade potato chips with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rump meat with chimichurri sauce, homemade potato chips with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rump meat with chimichurri sauce, homemade potato chips with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tulipas de frango com queijo ao molho de goiabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken tulips with cheese in guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken tulips with cheese in guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken tulips with cheese in guava sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rocambole de carne bovina com recheio de kafta suína temperada com ervas finas e páprica defumada. Acompanha bolinho de risoto (limão siciliano), farofa, vinagrete e molho barbecue com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef roulade with pork kafta filling seasoned with fine herbs and smoked paprika. Served with risotto cake (Sicilian lemon), farofa, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef roulade with pork kafta filling seasoned with fine herbs and smoked paprika. Served with risotto cake (Sicilian lemon), farofa, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef roulade with pork kafta filling seasoned with fine herbs and smoked paprika. Served with risotto cake (Sicilian lemon), farofa, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce with chili pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "São peroás empanados, com a farinha especial de fubá acompanhando de molho de mostarda e mel e rosé\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'They are breaded pears, with special cornmeal flour accompanied by mustard and honey and rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'They are breaded pears, with special cornmeal flour accompanied by mustard and honey and rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'They are breaded pears, with special cornmeal flour accompanied by mustard and honey and rosé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de batata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato Dumpling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato Dumpling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato Dumpling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim desfiado com um leve toque de molho barbecue, gratinado com queijo gouda. Acompanha torradas amanteigadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded termite with a light touch of barbecue sauce, gratin with gouda cheese. Served with buttered toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded termite with a light touch of barbecue sauce, gratin with gouda cheese. Served with buttered toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded termite with a light touch of barbecue sauce, gratin with gouda cheese. Served with buttered toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de panela de ‘bananinha’, servida com farofa de banana-da-terra, bacon e polenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '‘Bananinha’ pot meat, served with plantain farofa, bacon and polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '‘Bananinha’ pot meat, served with plantain farofa, bacon and polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '‘Bananinha’ pot meat, served with plantain farofa, bacon and polenta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de lámen, acompanha molho de soja e tempero especial do Meninão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ramen dumpling, served with soy sauce and special Meninão seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ramen dumpling, served with soy sauce and special Meninão seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ramen dumpling, served with soy sauce and special Meninão seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Iscas de Saint Peter marinadas no limão e temperadas com cebola-roxa e pimenta-dedo-de-moça. Acompanha chips da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Saint Peter baits marinated in lemon and seasoned with red onion and red pepper. Served with house chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Saint Peter baits marinated in lemon and seasoned with red onion and red pepper. Served with house chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Saint Peter baits marinated in lemon and seasoned with red onion and red pepper. Served with house chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de galinhada acompanhado de vinagrete de abacaxi com molho de pequi e crispy de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken dumpling accompanied by pineapple vinaigrette with pequi sauce and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken dumpling accompanied by pineapple vinaigrette with pequi sauce and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken dumpling accompanied by pineapple vinaigrette with pequi sauce and kale crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cigarretes de carne louca acompanhados de molho cheddar e bacon\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crazy meat cigarettes accompanied by cheddar sauce and bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crazy meat cigarettes accompanied by cheddar sauce and bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crazy meat cigarettes accompanied by cheddar sauce and bacon'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Abóbora cabotia recheada com creme da abóbora, carne seca desfiada salteada na manteiga com bacon, molho bechamel e gratinada com queijo mussarela. Acompanha pãeszinhos\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabotia pumpkin stuffed with pumpkin cream, shredded dried meat sautéed in butter with bacon, bechamel sauce and gratin with mozzarella cheese. Served with bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabotia pumpkin stuffed with pumpkin cream, shredded dried meat sautéed in butter with bacon, bechamel sauce and gratin with mozzarella cheese. Served with bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabotia pumpkin stuffed with pumpkin cream, shredded dried meat sautéed in butter with bacon, bechamel sauce and gratin with mozzarella cheese. Served with bread rolls'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolovo feito com ovo de codorna e rúcula, servido com vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bolovo made with quail eggs and arugula, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bolovo made with quail eggs and arugula, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bolovo made with quail eggs and arugula, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "CasaBolinho de camarão, salmão, catupiry com massa de batata-doce e arroz oriental empanado na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'HomeShrimp dumpling, salmon, catupiry with sweet potato dough and oriental rice breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'HomeShrimp dumpling, salmon, catupiry with sweet potato dough and oriental rice breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'HomeShrimp dumpling, salmon, catupiry with sweet potato dough and oriental rice breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Costela suína temperado com azeite e alho, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha o molho Estação.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs seasoned with olive oil and garlic, breaded in panko flour. Served with Estação sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs seasoned with olive oil and garlic, breaded in panko flour. Served with Estação sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs seasoned with olive oil and garlic, breaded in panko flour. Served with Estação sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de torresmo: bolinhos feitos com barriga de porco com copa lombo, acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crackling dumpling: dumplings made with pork belly with loin top, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crackling dumpling: dumplings made with pork belly with loin top, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crackling dumpling: dumplings made with pork belly with loin top, accompanied by pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Carne assada com purê de baroa e farofa\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Roast meat with baroa puree and farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Roast meat with baroa puree and farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Roast meat with baroa puree and farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim marinado em vinho, champagne e ervas, assado, frito, servido com pururuca de jiló. Acompanha molho de champagne, vinho e licor.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite marinated in wine, champagne and herbs, roasted, fried, served with jiló pururuca. Served with champagne sauce, wine and liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite marinated in wine, champagne and herbs, roasted, fried, served with jiló pururuca. Served with champagne sauce, wine and liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite marinated in wine, champagne and herbs, roasted, fried, served with jiló pururuca. Served with champagne sauce, wine and liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Ciranda de siri com dois croquetes, dois escabeches de siri na broa de centeio e dois pastéis de siri com abóbora e requeijão. Acompanhado de maionese de maracujá e molho de pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab pie with two croquettes, two crab marinades on rye bread and two crab cakes with pumpkin and cream cheese. Served with passion fruit mayonnaise and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab pie with two croquettes, two crab marinades on rye bread and two crab cakes with pumpkin and cream cheese. Served with passion fruit mayonnaise and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab pie with two croquettes, two crab marinades on rye bread and two crab cakes with pumpkin and cream cheese. Served with passion fruit mayonnaise and house-made pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de costela suína empanado na panko, acompanhada de molho aïoli , geleia de pimenta-doce artesanal aromatizada comespeciarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rib croquette breaded in panko, accompanied by aïoli sauce, homemade sweet pepper jelly flavored with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rib croquette breaded in panko, accompanied by aïoli sauce, homemade sweet pepper jelly flavored with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rib croquette breaded in panko, accompanied by aïoli sauce, homemade sweet pepper jelly flavored with spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rocambole de cupim recheado com queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha molho do Zé.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite roulade stuffed with mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with Zé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite roulade stuffed with mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with Zé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite roulade stuffed with mozzarella cheese and arugula. Served with Zé sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca e pernil desfiado, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha molho de alho e molho chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava and shredded ham dumpling, breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava and shredded ham dumpling, breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava and shredded ham dumpling, breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce and chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de arraia com recheio de camarao e molho de coalhada com hortelã\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Stingray cake with shrimp filling and curd sauce with mint'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Stingray cake with shrimp filling and curd sauce with mint'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Stingray cake with shrimp filling and curd sauce with mint'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Rabada com massa de milho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Oxtail dumpling with corn dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Oxtail dumpling with corn dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Oxtail dumpling with corn dough.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Moqueca de sururu com tilápia, servido em bolacha de feijão de corda e feijão vermelho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sururu moqueca with tilapia, served on string bean and red bean biscuits.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sururu moqueca with tilapia, served on string bean and red bean biscuits.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sururu moqueca with tilapia, served on string bean and red bean biscuits.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Isca de filé de panga interfolhado. Acompanha molho de camarão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Interleaf panga fillet bait. Served with shrimp sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Interleaf panga fillet bait. Served with shrimp sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Interleaf panga fillet bait. Served with shrimp sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquete de costela cremosa, com queijo muçarela e alho, defumada na lenha de macieira, acompanha ketchup de goiabada e mostarda de maracujá com manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy rib croquette, with mozzarella cheese and garlic, smoked over apple wood, served with guava ketchup and passion fruit mustard with mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy rib croquette, with mozzarella cheese and garlic, smoked over apple wood, served with guava ketchup and passion fruit mustard with mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy rib croquette, with mozzarella cheese and garlic, smoked over apple wood, served with guava ketchup and passion fruit mustard with mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinha de carne seca e requeijão rechado com queijo coalho e pimenta biquinho, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha maionese de rúcula com ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ball of dried meat and cottage cheese stuffed with coalho cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded in panko flour. Served with arugula mayonnaise with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ball of dried meat and cottage cheese stuffed with coalho cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded in panko flour. Served with arugula mayonnaise with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ball of dried meat and cottage cheese stuffed with coalho cheese and biquinho pepper, breaded in panko flour. Served with arugula mayonnaise with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Nachos servidos com ragu de ossobuco, guacamole, molho sour cream e queijo muçarela gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Nachos served with ossobuco ragu, guacamole, sour cream sauce and mozzarella cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Nachos served with ossobuco ragu, guacamole, sour cream sauce and mozzarella cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Nachos served with ossobuco ragu, guacamole, sour cream sauce and mozzarella cheese au gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cheesecake salgado de cream cheese com conserva de tomate cereja e costela bovina desfiada Acompanha molho de costela picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Savory cream cheese cheesecake with preserved cherry tomatoes and shredded beef rib Served with spicy rib sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Savory cream cheese cheesecake with preserved cherry tomatoes and shredded beef rib Served with spicy rib sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Savory cream cheese cheesecake with preserved cherry tomatoes and shredded beef rib Served with spicy rib sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Chouriço em postas acompanhado de vinagrete tropical e farofa de mandioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chorizo ​​slices accompanied by tropical vinaigrette and cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chorizo ​​slices accompanied by tropical vinaigrette and cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chorizo ​​slices accompanied by tropical vinaigrette and cassava farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhas de aipim temperadas para mergulhar num molho de camarão com catupiry, gratinado com mussarela e parmesão. Finalizado com camarões grelhados, gotas de catupiry e salsinha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seasoned cassava balls to be dipped in a shrimp sauce with catupiry, gratin with mozzarella and parmesan. Finished with grilled prawns, drops of catupiry and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seasoned cassava balls to be dipped in a shrimp sauce with catupiry, gratin with mozzarella and parmesan. Finished with grilled prawns, drops of catupiry and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seasoned cassava balls to be dipped in a shrimp sauce with catupiry, gratin with mozzarella and parmesan. Finished with grilled prawns, drops of catupiry and parsley.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "FILÉ MIGNON AO MOLHO COM FEIJÃO FRITO, PURÊ DE BROA E CRISPY DE CEBOLA.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'FILLET MIGNON IN SAUCE WITH FRIED BEANS, BROAD MASH AND ONION CRISPY.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'FILLET MIGNON IN SAUCE WITH FRIED BEANS, BROAD MASH AND ONION CRISPY.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'FILLET MIGNON IN SAUCE WITH FRIED BEANS, BROAD MASH AND ONION CRISPY.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "6 petiscos de massa de harumaki sendo 2 de salmão, 2 de camarão à milanesa e 2 pulled pork com camarão grelhado e picles de rabanete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '6 harumaki pasta snacks, 2 salmon, 2 breaded shrimp and 2 pulled pork with grilled shrimp and radish pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '6 harumaki pasta snacks, 2 salmon, 2 breaded shrimp and 2 pulled pork with grilled shrimp and radish pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '6 harumaki pasta snacks, 2 salmon, 2 breaded shrimp and 2 pulled pork with grilled shrimp and radish pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croqueta de vaca atolada com provolone, servida com barbecue artesanal levementepicante\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with provolone, served with lightly spicy artisanal barbecue'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with provolone, served with lightly spicy artisanal barbecue'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef croqueta stuffed with provolone, served with lightly spicy artisanal barbecue'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pastel de costela desfiado com mussarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib pastry with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib pastry with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib pastry with mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pão frito recheado com joelho ao alho poró, maionese de cebola flambada, vinagrete de repolho com cebola roxa, pimenta dedo de moça e limão galego, e batata palha artesanal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried bread stuffed with garlic cloves, flambéed onion mayonnaise, cabbage vinaigrette with red onion, finger pepper and Galician lemon, and artisanal straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried bread stuffed with garlic cloves, flambéed onion mayonnaise, cabbage vinaigrette with red onion, finger pepper and Galician lemon, and artisanal straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried bread stuffed with garlic cloves, flambéed onion mayonnaise, cabbage vinaigrette with red onion, finger pepper and Galician lemon, and artisanal straw potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "BOLINHOS SEM MASSA DE FUMEIRO COM BANANA DA TERRA\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'COOKIES WITHOUT SMOKE DOUGH WITH BANANA DA EARTH'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'COOKIES WITHOUT SMOKE DOUGH WITH BANANA DA EARTH'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "No, that does not sound like a\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'COOKIES WITHOUT SMOKE DOUGH WITH BANANA DA EARTH'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Joelho de porco defumado à lenha com sal grosso, cozido no vinho branco e pururucado com banha da casa, ornado com farofinha de repolho roxo e molho maranga das Irmãs Alvim.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wood-smoked pork knuckle with coarse salt, cooked in white wine and rubbed with house-made lard, garnished with red cabbage crumbs and Maranga sauce from the Alvim Sisters.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wood-smoked pork knuckle with coarse salt, cooked in white wine and rubbed with house-made lard, garnished with red cabbage crumbs and Maranga sauce from the Alvim Sisters.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wood-smoked pork knuckle with coarse salt, cooked in white wine and rubbed with house-made lard, garnished with red cabbage crumbs and Maranga sauce from the Alvim Sisters.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarão envolto em queijo colonial, empanado na farinha panko, servido com molho rosé e molho de mostarda e mel. Acompanha uma dose de cachaça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp wrapped in colonial cheese, breaded in panko flour, served with rosé sauce and mustard and honey sauce. Accompany a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp wrapped in colonial cheese, breaded in panko flour, served with rosé sauce and mustard and honey sauce. Accompany a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp wrapped in colonial cheese, breaded in panko flour, served with rosé sauce and mustard and honey sauce. Accompany a dose of cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Massa de linguiça artesanal recheada com queijo muçarela, servida com geleia de pimenta de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Handmade sausage dough stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Handmade sausage dough stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Handmade sausage dough stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Iscas de frango empanadas com parmesão, acompanhadas de molho da casa de mostarda com mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken fillets breaded with parmesan, accompanied by house-made honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken fillets breaded with parmesan, accompanied by house-made honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken fillets breaded with parmesan, accompanied by house-made honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Sanduíche cubano feito com pernil suíno marinado em molho cubano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cuban sandwich made with pork shank marinated in Cuban sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cuban sandwich made with pork shank marinated in Cuban sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cuban sandwich made with pork shank marinated in Cuban sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de pirarucu, com macaxeira e jambú, recheado com queijo do Marajó. Molho de tucupí, pimenta cumari e manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pirarucu cake, with cassava and jambú, stuffed with Marajó cheese. Tucupí sauce, cumari pepper and mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pirarucu cake, with cassava and jambú, stuffed with Marajó cheese. Tucupí sauce, cumari pepper and mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pirarucu cake, with cassava and jambú, stuffed with Marajó cheese. Tucupí sauce, cumari pepper and mango.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Figuinho de galinha refogado, acompanhado de jiló empanado com parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised chicken fig, accompanied by jiló breaded with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised chicken fig, accompanied by jiló breaded with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised chicken fig, accompanied by jiló breaded with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pastéis recheados com pernil desfiado marinado na cerveja em formato de garrafinhas, acompanhado de geleia de morango e geleia de pimenta-dedo-de-moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastries filled with shredded ham marinated in beer in the shape of little bottles, accompanied by strawberry jelly and finger pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastries filled with shredded ham marinated in beer in the shape of little bottles, accompanied by strawberry jelly and finger pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastries filled with shredded ham marinated in beer in the shape of little bottles, accompanied by strawberry jelly and finger pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Espeto de frango em cubos com bacon e queijo muçarela, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanhado do nosso delicioso molho picante de manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Diced chicken skewer with bacon and mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by our delicious spicy mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Diced chicken skewer with bacon and mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by our delicious spicy mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Diced chicken skewer with bacon and mozzarella cheese, breaded in panko flour. Accompanied by our delicious spicy mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Panceta de porco defumada na churrasqueira a bafo com sal grosso, em formato de rolo. Servida com tempero de lemon pepper. Acompanha geleia de pimenta, Vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked pork belly on the barbecue with coarse salt, in roll format. Served with lemon pepper seasoning. Served with pepper jelly, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked pork belly on the barbecue with coarse salt, in roll format. Served with lemon pepper seasoning. Served with pepper jelly, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked pork belly on the barbecue with coarse salt, in roll format. Served with lemon pepper seasoning. Served with pepper jelly, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "É UM FILÉ ESPECIAL NA CHAPA, COM MOLHO ESPECIAL\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'IT'S A SPECIAL FILET ON THE PLATE, WITH SPECIAL SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'IT'S A SPECIAL FILET ON THE PLATE, WITH SPECIAL SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'IT'S A SPECIAL FILET ON THE PLATE, WITH SPECIAL SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho feito com massa de mandioca recheado com costela suína assada com queijo provolone e pimenta dedo de moça. Acompanha molho rosé, maionese verde e barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling made with cassava dough stuffed with roasted pork ribs with provolone cheese and finger pepper. Served with rosé sauce, green mayonnaise and barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling made with cassava dough stuffed with roasted pork ribs with provolone cheese and finger pepper. Served with rosé sauce, green mayonnaise and barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling made with cassava dough stuffed with roasted pork ribs with provolone cheese and finger pepper. Served with rosé sauce, green mayonnaise and barbecue.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Mandioca cozida e cremosa, com miolo de acém, muçarela e cheiro-verde. Acompanha farofa de torresmo e crisp de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cooked and creamy cassava, with chuck meat, mozzarella and green scent. Served with crackling farofa and cabbage crisp.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cooked and creamy cassava, with chuck meat, mozzarella and green scent. Served with crackling farofa and cabbage crisp.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cooked and creamy cassava, with chuck meat, mozzarella and green scent. Served with crackling farofa and cabbage crisp.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça feita na casa com gorgonzola, servida com geleia de mexerica e acompanha purê de mandioca e farofa de cebola tostada\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-made sausage with gorgonzola, served with tangerine jelly and accompanied by cassava puree and toasted onion farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-made sausage with gorgonzola, served with tangerine jelly and accompanied by cassava puree and toasted onion farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-made sausage with gorgonzola, served with tangerine jelly and accompanied by cassava puree and toasted onion farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Escondidinho de carne seca desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha chips de batata doce, geleia de pimenta e melaço de cana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Escondidinho of shredded dried meat with coalho cheese. Served with sweet potato chips, pepper jelly and sugar cane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Escondidinho of shredded dried meat with coalho cheese. Served with sweet potato chips, pepper jelly and sugar cane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Escondidinho of shredded dried meat with coalho cheese. Served with sweet potato chips, pepper jelly and sugar cane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Arepas de costela defumada, picles de cebola-roxa, maionese verde e queijo gratinado. Acompanha vinagrete de laranja.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked rib arepas, red onion pickles, green mayonnaise and cheese gratin. Served with orange vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked rib arepas, red onion pickles, green mayonnaise and cheese gratin. Served with orange vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked rib arepas, red onion pickles, green mayonnaise and cheese gratin. Served with orange vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga de porco marinada em especiarias de um dia para o outro. Servida com geleia de abacaxi levemente apimentada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly marinated in spices overnight. Served with lightly spiced pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly marinated in spices overnight. Served with lightly spiced pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly marinated in spices overnight. Served with lightly spiced pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "3 espetinhos: um de carne de sol, um de cupim e um de provolone à milanesa. Acompanha molho de mostarda e mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 skewers: one with sun-dried meat, one with termite and one with breaded provolone. Served with mustard and honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 skewers: one with sun-dried meat, one with termite and one with breaded provolone. Served with mustard and honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 skewers: one with sun-dried meat, one with termite and one with breaded provolone. Served with mustard and honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Músculo de boi confitado acompanhado de pão artesanal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Confited beef muscle accompanied by artisan bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Confited beef muscle accompanied by artisan bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Confited beef muscle accompanied by artisan bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Caçarola com creme de filé suíno marinado no vinho, creme de queijo e cebola caramelizada com bacon e provolone. Acompanha 4 fatias de mini toast de brioche de bacon (mini pão brioche tipo hambúrguer tostado).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Casserole with pork fillet cream marinated in wine, cream cheese and caramelized onion with bacon and provolone. Served with 4 slices of mini bacon brioche toast (mini toasted hamburger-style brioche bread).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Casserole with pork fillet cream marinated in wine, cream cheese and caramelized onion with bacon and provolone. Served with 4 slices of mini bacon brioche toast (mini toasted hamburger-style brioche bread).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Casserole with pork fillet cream marinated in wine, cream cheese and caramelized onion with bacon and provolone. Served with 4 slices of mini bacon brioche toast (mini toasted hamburger-style brioche bread).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pão branco com queijo gorgonzola, muçarela, tomates, geleia de cebola caramelizada e carne de cordeiro, com toque de azeite extravirgem e molho chimichurri à parte.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'White bread with gorgonzola cheese, mozzarella, tomatoes, caramelized onion jelly and lamb meat, with a touch of extra virgin olive oil and chimichurri sauce on the side.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'White bread with gorgonzola cheese, mozzarella, tomatoes, caramelized onion jelly and lamb meat, with a touch of extra virgin olive oil and chimichurri sauce on the side.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'White bread with gorgonzola cheese, mozzarella, tomatoes, caramelized onion jelly and lamb meat, with a touch of extra virgin olive oil and chimichurri sauce on the side.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pãezinhos fritos recheados de comida de verdade do Brasil: a carne do Barreado do Sul, o camarão do Vatapá do Nordeste, o frango da Galinhada do Centro-Oeste, o quiabo do Caruru do Norte e o porco da feijoada do Sudeste.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried rolls filled with real food from Brazil: meat from Barreado do Sul, shrimp from Vatapá from the Northeast, chicken from Galinhada from the Center-West, okra from Caruru from the North and pork from feijoada from the Southeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried rolls filled with real food from Brazil: meat from Barreado do Sul, shrimp from Vatapá from the Northeast, chicken from Galinhada from the Center-West, okra from Caruru from the North and pork from feijoada from the Southeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried rolls filled with real food from Brazil: meat from Barreado do Sul, shrimp from Vatapá from the Northeast, chicken from Galinhada from the Center-West, okra from Caruru from the North and pork from feijoada from the Southeast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Aipim rosti com costela desfiada\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Aipim rosti with shredded rib'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Aipim rosti with shredded rib'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Aipim rosti with shredded rib'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquetas de gorgonzola com milho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gorgonzola croquetas with corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gorgonzola croquetas with corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gorgonzola croquetas with corn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pão de fermentação natural tostado com manteiga e alho, sour cream, pastrami da casa desfiado, creme de queijo e picles de cebola-roxa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Natural fermentation bread toasted with butter and garlic, sour cream, shredded house-made pastrami, cream cheese and pickled red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Natural fermentation bread toasted with butter and garlic, sour cream, shredded house-made pastrami, cream cheese and pickled red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Natural fermentation bread toasted with butter and garlic, sour cream, shredded house-made pastrami, cream cheese and pickled red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Brisket defumado por 12 horas, recheado com queijo parmesão e empanado na farinha panko, acompanhado com molho especial a base de barbecue com wisky\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Brisket smoked for 12 hours, stuffed with parmesan cheese and breaded in panko flour, served with a special barbecue sauce with whiskey'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Brisket smoked for 12 hours, stuffed with parmesan cheese and breaded in panko flour, served with a special barbecue sauce with whiskey'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Brisket smoked for 12 hours, stuffed with parmesan cheese and breaded in panko flour, served with a special barbecue sauce with whiskey'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Três minipães recheados com os molhos da casa (carne de panela, molho de frango, cogumelo) cobertos com molho de queijo da casa e queijo muçarela. Acompanham 4 molhos da casa: pesto, barbecue, mostarda e alho e óleo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three mini breads stuffed with house sauces (cooked meat, chicken sauce, mushroom) covered with house cheese sauce and mozzarella cheese. They come with 4 house sauces: pesto, barbecue, mustard and garlic and oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three mini breads stuffed with house sauces (cooked meat, chicken sauce, mushroom) covered with house cheese sauce and mozzarella cheese. They come with 4 house sauces: pesto, barbecue, mustard and garlic and oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three mini breads stuffed with house sauces (cooked meat, chicken sauce, mushroom) covered with house cheese sauce and mozzarella cheese. They come with 4 house sauces: pesto, barbecue, mustard and garlic and oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lascas de aipim frito coberto com um delicioso chili de carne seca e topo um sensacional crispy de couve\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slivers of fried cassava topped with a delicious dried meat chili and topped with a sensational kale crispy'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slivers of fried cassava topped with a delicious dried meat chili and topped with a sensational kale crispy'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slivers of fried cassava topped with a delicious dried meat chili and topped with a sensational kale crispy'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Medalhão de fraldinha na brasa, acompanhado por cebola grelhada à moda da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled flank steak medallion, accompanied by house-style grilled onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled flank steak medallion, accompanied by house-style grilled onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled flank steak medallion, accompanied by house-style grilled onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com iscas de bacalhau, pimenta do reino e sal. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with cod fillets, black pepper and salt. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with cod fillets, black pepper and salt. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with cod fillets, black pepper and salt. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "JALAPENO COM CREAM CHEESE E FATIA DE GRAVLAX.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'JALAPENO WITH CREAM CHEESE AND GRAVLAX SLICE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'JALAPENO WITH CREAM CHEESE AND GRAVLAX SLICE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'JALAPENO WITH CREAM CHEESE AND GRAVLAX SLICE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Barriga de porco glaceada num molho asiático, acompanhada de picles caseiro e pastel de vento.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly glazed in an Asian sauce, accompanied by homemade pickles and pastel de vento.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly glazed in an Asian sauce, accompanied by homemade pickles and pastel de vento.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly glazed in an Asian sauce, accompanied by homemade pickles and pastel de vento.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Omelete japonesa em camadas, com nori entre cada uma; acompanhada de maionese de umeboshi, cebolinha e togarashi\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Layered Japanese omelet, with nori between each one; accompanied by umeboshi mayonnaise, chives and togarashi'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Layered Japanese omelet, with nori between each one; accompanied by umeboshi mayonnaise, chives and togarashi'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Layered Japanese omelet, with nori between each one; accompanied by umeboshi mayonnaise, chives and togarashi'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filé-mignon recheado à napolitana acompanhado de creme de batata com alho-poró.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Neapolitan-style stuffed filet mignon accompanied by potato cream with leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Neapolitan-style stuffed filet mignon accompanied by potato cream with leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Neapolitan-style stuffed filet mignon accompanied by potato cream with leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Costela marinada na cerveja e especiarias. Acompanha pão baguete, batata artesanal do Jacós, vinagrete, mostarda escura, e ketchup.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib marinated in beer and spices. Served with baguette bread, Jacós artisanal potatoes, vinaigrette, dark mustard, and ketchup.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib marinated in beer and spices. Served with baguette bread, Jacós artisanal potatoes, vinaigrette, dark mustard, and ketchup.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib marinated in beer and spices. Served with baguette bread, Jacós artisanal potatoes, vinaigrette, dark mustard, and ketchup.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Petisco composto por três elementos que se complementam em textura e sabor! Favada, farofa de biju com ovo e banana e fatias de pão com carne de sol e nata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Petisco composto por três elementos que se complementam em textura e sabor! Favada, farofa de biju com ovo e banana e fatias de pão com carne de sol e nata.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack composed of three elements that complement each other in texture and flavor! Favada, biju farofa with egg and banana and slices of bread with sun-dried meat and cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de músculo recheado com castanhas e queijo mussarela. Panko especial. Servidas com maionese verde picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Muscle dumpling stuffed with chestnuts and mozzarella cheese. Special panko. Served with spicy green mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Muscle dumpling stuffed with chestnuts and mozzarella cheese. Special panko. Served with spicy green mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Muscle dumpling stuffed with chestnuts and mozzarella cheese. Special panko. Served with spicy green mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Beiju de tapioca + pato desfiado + gelatina de tucupi + jambu.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tapioca kissel + shredded duck + tucupi gelatin + jambu.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tapioca kissel + shredded duck + tucupi gelatin + jambu.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tapioca kissel + shredded duck + tucupi gelatin + jambu.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Exibidinho com camadas de purê de mandioca cremoso, carne seca desfiada, com uma camada de muçarela e bananas da terra grelhadas, finalizado com pipoquinha de queijo coalho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Displayed with layers of creamy cassava puree, shredded dried meat, with a layer of mozzarella and grilled bananas, finished with house-made coalho cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Displayed with layers of creamy cassava puree, shredded dried meat, with a layer of mozzarella and grilled bananas, finished with house-made coalho cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Displayed with layers of creamy cassava puree, shredded dried meat, with a layer of mozzarella and grilled bananas, finished with house-made coalho cheese popcorn.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Moela ao molho, batata rústica com queijo acompanhado de molho de alho e torradas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Gizzards in sauce, rustic potatoes with cheese accompanied by garlic sauce and toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Gizzards in sauce, rustic potatoes with cheese accompanied by garlic sauce and toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Gizzards in sauce, rustic potatoes with cheese accompanied by garlic sauce and toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol com banana da terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat with plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat with plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat with plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Massa de mandioca, carne serenada desfiada com creamcheese.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough, shredded meat with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough, shredded meat with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough, shredded meat with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Coração de frango com farofa de banana e cebola e molho especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken heart with banana and onion farofa and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken heart with banana and onion farofa and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken heart with banana and onion farofa and special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Costela de boi, repousada sobre uma cama de purê de mandioquinha, acompanhado de farofa crocante de banana da terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib, resting on a bed of cassava puree, accompanied by crunchy plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib, resting on a bed of cassava puree, accompanied by crunchy plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib, resting on a bed of cassava puree, accompanied by crunchy plantain farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "5 mini pasteis arretados de carne seca com catupiry e pimenta jalapeño\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '5 mini dried meat pastries with catupiry and jalapeño pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '5 mini dried meat pastries with catupiry and jalapeño pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '5 mini dried meat pastries with catupiry and jalapeño pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Charque puxado na manteiga de garrafa, servido com triângulos de tapioca crocantes e pimenta confitada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Charque pulled in bottled butter, served with crispy tapioca triangles and confit pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Charque pulled in bottled butter, served with crispy tapioca triangles and confit pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Charque pulled in bottled butter, served with crispy tapioca triangles and confit pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Ossobuco ao molho de cerveja preta, acompanhado de purê de couve-flor com parmesão gratinado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ossobuco in black beer sauce, accompanied by cauliflower puree with parmesan gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ossobuco in black beer sauce, accompanied by cauliflower puree with parmesan gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ossobuco in black beer sauce, accompanied by cauliflower puree with parmesan gratin.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tradicional bolinho de carne moída, acompanha vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional ground meat dumpling, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional ground meat dumpling, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional ground meat dumpling, served with vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de arroz ao leite de coco, patê de camarão e carne-seca desfiada refogada na manteiga. Acompanha maionese de coco verde com um toque de pimenta-doce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice croquette with coconut milk, shrimp pâté and shredded dried meat sautéed in butter. Served with green coconut mayonnaise with a touch of sweet pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice croquette with coconut milk, shrimp pâté and shredded dried meat sautéed in butter. Served with green coconut mayonnaise with a touch of sweet pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice croquette with coconut milk, shrimp pâté and shredded dried meat sautéed in butter. Served with green coconut mayonnaise with a touch of sweet pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Poqueca de frutos do mar acompanhada de farofa de castanha e arroz de coco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seafood poqueca accompanied by chestnut farofa and coconut rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seafood poqueca accompanied by chestnut farofa and coconut rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seafood poqueca accompanied by chestnut farofa and coconut rice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Medalhão de filé mignon com bacon, finalizado com queijo maçaricado e mandioca temperada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon medallion with bacon, finished with torched cheese and seasoned cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon medallion with bacon, finished with torched cheese and seasoned cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon medallion with bacon, finished with torched cheese and seasoned cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de batata-salsa com cordeiro desfiado, recheado com queijo provolone defumado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato-salsa dumpling with shredded lamb, stuffed with smoked provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato-salsa dumpling with shredded lamb, stuffed with smoked provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato-salsa dumpling with shredded lamb, stuffed with smoked provolone cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Iscas de carne de porco empanadas e bolinhos de ervilha recheados de milho e queijo, servidos com molho bergamota à moda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded pork fillets and pea dumplings stuffed with corn and cheese, served with a stylish bergamot sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded pork fillets and pea dumplings stuffed with corn and cheese, served with a stylish bergamot sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded pork fillets and pea dumplings stuffed with corn and cheese, served with a stylish bergamot sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Panceta cozida ao molho de vinho e gengibre, servida com creme de baroa com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pancetta cooked in wine and ginger sauce, served with baroa cream and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pancetta cooked in wine and ginger sauce, served with baroa cream and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pancetta cooked in wine and ginger sauce, served with baroa cream and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Angu de Baiana ao leite de coco com patinho suíno laminado e moqueca de camarão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angu de Baiana in coconut milk with sliced ​​pork duckling and shrimp moqueca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angu de Baiana in coconut milk with sliced ​​pork duckling and shrimp moqueca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angu de Baiana in coconut milk with sliced ​​pork duckling and shrimp moqueca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Um trio com três deliciosas casquinhas, com o sabor de camarão, Siri, Tubarão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A trio with three delicious cones, with the flavor of shrimp, Siri, Shark.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A trio with three delicious cones, with the flavor of shrimp, Siri, Shark.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A trio with three delicious cones, with the flavor of shrimp, Siri, Shark.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Uma grande festa na fazenda! Ovos cor de ouro preparados artesanalmente na sua cama de palha, mini bifes de mignon com queijo parmesão e ancho com finas tiras selecionadas de bacon. Acompanha molho de queijo parmesão flambado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A big farm party! Golden eggs prepared by hand on their bed of straw, mini mignon steaks with parmesan and ancho cheese with selected thin strips of bacon. Served with flambéed parmesan cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A big farm party! Golden eggs prepared by hand on their bed of straw, mini mignon steaks with parmesan and ancho cheese with selected thin strips of bacon. Served with flambéed parmesan cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A big farm party! Golden eggs prepared by hand on their bed of straw, mini mignon steaks with parmesan and ancho cheese with selected thin strips of bacon. Served with flambéed parmesan cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de mandioquinha com rabada, acompanha molho do chef.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumpling with oxtail, served with chef's sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumpling with oxtail, served with chef's sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumpling with oxtail, served with chef's sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pirão de aipim coberto por duas camadas de queijo coalho, sendo uma maçaricada, e carne-seca acebolada. Acompanhado de salada de tomates verdes e de banana caramelizada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava pirão covered with two layers of coalho cheese, one of which is maçaricada, and onion-dried meat. Served with green tomato and caramelized banana salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava pirão covered with two layers of coalho cheese, one of which is maçaricada, and onion-dried meat. Served with green tomato and caramelized banana salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava pirão covered with two layers of coalho cheese, one of which is maçaricada, and onion-dried meat. Served with green tomato and caramelized banana salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Barquetes (massinha crocante) recheadas com costela e queijo brie, cobertas de requeijão e tempero verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Barquetes (crispy dough) stuffed with ribs and brie cheese, covered in cream cheese and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Barquetes (crispy dough) stuffed with ribs and brie cheese, covered in cream cheese and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Barquetes (crispy dough) stuffed with ribs and brie cheese, covered in cream cheese and green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne, pão prensado com bacon, batata frita, acompanhado de um molho especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf, pressed bread with bacon, French fries, accompanied by a special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf, pressed bread with bacon, French fries, accompanied by a special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf, pressed bread with bacon, French fries, accompanied by a special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Salgado feito com massa de linguiça toscana recheado com purê de abobora cabotia empanado e frito acompanha patê de pimentas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Savory made with Tuscan sausage dough stuffed with breaded and fried cabotia pumpkin puree and served with pepper pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Savory made with Tuscan sausage dough stuffed with breaded and fried cabotia pumpkin puree and served with pepper pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Savory made with Tuscan sausage dough stuffed with breaded and fried cabotia pumpkin puree and served with pepper pate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Croquete de língua bovina defumada com picles de cebola roxa e maionese defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked beef tongue croquette with pickled red onion and smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked beef tongue croquette with pickled red onion and smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked beef tongue croquette with pickled red onion and smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol do tipo coxão-mole, cortada em cubos, acebolada, acompanhada da farofa de jerimum caboclo e cheiro-verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun meat of the coxão-mole type, cut into cubes, with onion, accompanied by pumpkin farofa and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun meat of the coxão-mole type, cut into cubes, with onion, accompanied by pumpkin farofa and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun meat of the coxão-mole type, cut into cubes, with onion, accompanied by pumpkin farofa and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Xis carne de panela, com rúcula, tomate, cebola-roxa e queijo triplo. Acompanha maionese.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Xis pan meat, with arugula, tomato, red onion and triple cheese. Served with mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Xis pan meat, with arugula, tomato, red onion and triple cheese. Served with mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Xis pan meat, with arugula, tomato, red onion and triple cheese. Served with mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de arroz e carne seca suína com Shimeji, servido com patê de alho e couve crispy.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice and dried pork croquette with Shimeji, served with garlic pâté and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice and dried pork croquette with Shimeji, served with garlic pâté and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice and dried pork croquette with Shimeji, served with garlic pâté and crispy cabbage.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Massa de feijoada recheada com creme de queijo e bacon apimentado. Acompanha uma redução de balsâmico.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Feijoada dough stuffed with cream cheese and spicy bacon. Served with a balsamic reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Feijoada dough stuffed with cream cheese and spicy bacon. Served with a balsamic reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Feijoada dough stuffed with cream cheese and spicy bacon. Served with a balsamic reduction.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Trouxinha de massa filo, carne seca recheada com quiabo e servida com um creme de aipim\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filo dough bundle, dried meat stuffed with okra and served with cassava cream'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filo dough bundle, dried meat stuffed with okra and served with cassava cream'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filo dough bundle, dried meat stuffed with okra and served with cassava cream'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Lombinho temperado na manteiga de garrafa com batatas no bacon e provolone.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tenderloin seasoned in bottled butter with potatoes in bacon and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tenderloin seasoned in bottled butter with potatoes in bacon and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tenderloin seasoned in bottled butter with potatoes in bacon and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela servida com queijo derretido sobre um purê de batatas cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs served with melted cheese over creamy mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs served with melted cheese over creamy mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs served with melted cheese over creamy mashed potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Comida oriental, com ingredientes típicos mineiros.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Oriental food, with typical Minas Gerais ingredients.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Oriental food, with typical Minas Gerais ingredients.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Oriental food, with typical Minas Gerais ingredients.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tilápia recheada com queijo e ervas\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia stuffed with cheese and herbs'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia stuffed with cheese and herbs'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia stuffed with cheese and herbs'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de risoto de polvo com molho verde e broto de beterraba.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Octopus risotto cake with green sauce and beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Octopus risotto cake with green sauce and beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Octopus risotto cake with green sauce and beetroot sprouts.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho misto de costela suína e bacon, recheado com requeijão em barra e acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi com gengibre.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mixed pork rib and bacon dumpling, filled with cream cheese and accompanied by pineapple jelly with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mixed pork rib and bacon dumpling, filled with cream cheese and accompanied by pineapple jelly with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mixed pork rib and bacon dumpling, filled with cream cheese and accompanied by pineapple jelly with ginger.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha no molho de Amora, Musseline de Milho verde com Queijo Mole e Chutney de Abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs in blackberry sauce, green corn muslin with soft cheese and pineapple chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs in blackberry sauce, green corn muslin with soft cheese and pineapple chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs in blackberry sauce, green corn muslin with soft cheese and pineapple chutney.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquetes recheados com queijo brie, presunto parma e damasco desidratado acompanhados de geleia de pimenta caseira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquettes stuffed with brie cheese, parma ham and dried apricots accompanied by homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquettes stuffed with brie cheese, parma ham and dried apricots accompanied by homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquettes stuffed with brie cheese, parma ham and dried apricots accompanied by homemade pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Vinagrete de Camarão com mussarela maçaricada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp vinaigrette with torched mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp vinaigrette with torched mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp vinaigrette with torched mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Disco de mandioca com carne acompanhado com maionese de bacon\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava disc with meat served with bacon mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava disc with meat served with bacon mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava disc with meat served with bacon mayonnaise'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça toscana com queijo e cheiro verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tuscan sausage with cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tuscan sausage with cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tuscan sausage with cheese and green scent.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cozido de bife ancho em cubos. Acompanha pão português chapeado na manteiga e orégano, vinagrete de picles artesanal e cebola roxa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ancho steak stew in cubes. Served with Portuguese bread slathered in butter and oregano, artisanal pickle vinaigrette and red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ancho steak stew in cubes. Served with Portuguese bread slathered in butter and oregano, artisanal pickle vinaigrette and red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ancho steak stew in cubes. Served with Portuguese bread slathered in butter and oregano, artisanal pickle vinaigrette and red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de carne de sol com pequi e queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat croquette with pequi and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat croquette with pequi and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat croquette with pequi and cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Copa lombo assado ao molho barbecue, milho refogado e croquete de costelinha, acompanhado de geleia de goiaba com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Roast loin cup with barbecue sauce, sautéed corn and short rib croquette, accompanied by guava jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Roast loin cup with barbecue sauce, sautéed corn and short rib croquette, accompanied by guava jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Roast loin cup with barbecue sauce, sautéed corn and short rib croquette, accompanied by guava jelly with pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhas de carne empanadas com macarrão. Acompanha molho creole de tomate com pimenta moderada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded meat balls with noodles. Accompanies creole tomato sauce with moderate pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded meat balls with noodles. Accompanies creole tomato sauce with moderate pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded meat balls with noodles. Accompanies creole tomato sauce with moderate pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cupim com queijo, mandioca frita molho de alho e pimenta-dedo-de-moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite with cheese, fried cassava, garlic sauce and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite with cheese, fried cassava, garlic sauce and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite with cheese, fried cassava, garlic sauce and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne de sol na manteiga de garrafa com catupiry, recheado com queijo. Acompanha molho de pimenta. Acompanha licor de caju.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat dumpling in bottled butter with catupiry, stuffed with cheese. Served with pepper sauce. Served with cashew liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat dumpling in bottled butter with catupiry, stuffed with cheese. Served with pepper sauce. Served with cashew liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat dumpling in bottled butter with catupiry, stuffed with cheese. Served with pepper sauce. Served with cashew liqueur.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Croquete de porco com queijo coalho, harmonizado com especiarias autênticas e um toque de alecrim, que confere um aroma sensacional. Empanado à perfeição com farinha de trigo e tapioca, acompanhado pelo inigualável molho especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork croquette with coalho cheese, paired with authentic spices and a touch of rosemary, which gives a sensational aroma. Breaded to perfection with wheat flour and tapioca, accompanied by the unparalleled special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork croquette with coalho cheese, paired with authentic spices and a touch of rosemary, which gives a sensational aroma. Breaded to perfection with wheat flour and tapioca, accompanied by the unparalleled special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork croquette with coalho cheese, paired with authentic spices and a touch of rosemary, which gives a sensational aroma. Breaded to perfection with wheat flour and tapioca, accompanied by the unparalleled special sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with biquinho peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with biquinho peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of rustic potatoes with Pulled Pork, gorgonzola cream with biquinho peppers, parsley and grated parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Quem é do Bar não enjoaPolenta frita com ragu de copa lombo, picles de cebola roxa e maionese de páprica defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'If you're from the bar, you won't get sick of itFried polenta with sirloin cup ragout, pickled red onion and smoked paprika mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'If you're from the bar, you won't get sick of itFried polenta with sirloin cup ragout, pickled red onion and smoked paprika mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'If you're from the bar, you won't get sick of itFried polenta with sirloin cup ragout, pickled red onion and smoked paprika mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarões feitos na manteiga com catupiry e enrolados em carpaccio de salmão. Acompanha torradinhas com azeite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimps cooked in butter with catupiry and rolled in salmon carpaccio. Accompany toast with olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimps cooked in butter with catupiry and rolled in salmon carpaccio. Accompany toast with olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimps cooked in butter with catupiry and rolled in salmon carpaccio. Accompany toast with olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Irresistível Isca de Filhote paraense ao molho de mostarda com tucupi de dar água na boca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Irresistible Pup Bait from Pará in mustard sauce with mouth-watering tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Irresistible Pup Bait from Pará in mustard sauce with mouth-watering tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Irresistible Pup Bait from Pará in mustard sauce with mouth-watering tucupi.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Batata rústica coberta com carne suína desfiada ao molho barbecue feito com rum, mussarela, cebola roxa e farofadebacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rustic potatoes topped with shredded pork in a barbecue sauce made with rum, mozzarella, red onion and farofadebacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rustic potatoes topped with shredded pork in a barbecue sauce made with rum, mozzarella, red onion and farofadebacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rustic potatoes topped with shredded pork in a barbecue sauce made with rum, mozzarella, red onion and farofadebacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de ragu de costela com queijo colonial, muçarela e purê de aipim, envolto em farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib ragu dumpling with colonial cheese, mozzarella and cassava puree, covered in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib ragu dumpling with colonial cheese, mozzarella and cassava puree, covered in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib ragu dumpling with colonial cheese, mozzarella and cassava puree, covered in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de peixe à delícia com molho de parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious fish croquette with parmesan sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious fish croquette with parmesan sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious fish croquette with parmesan sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Abará embrulhado na palha da bananeira e cozido no vapor, servido com creme de camarão e molho lambão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Abará wrapped in banana straw and steamed, served with shrimp cream and lambão sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Abará wrapped in banana straw and steamed, served with shrimp cream and lambão sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Abará wrapped in banana straw and steamed, served with shrimp cream and lambão sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Sanduíches feitos com frutos do mar e carnes regionais (bode) empanados na farinha panko e servidos com aioli da casa, salada e variados pães. Nesta versão minitrio, os po’boys vêm na versão siri, camarão e bode.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sandwiches made with seafood and regional meats (goat) breaded in panko flour and served with house-made aioli, salad and various breads. In this mini trio version, the po’boys come in crab, shrimp and goat versions.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sandwiches made with seafood and regional meats (goat) breaded in panko flour and served with house-made aioli, salad and various breads. In this mini trio version, the po’boys come in crab, shrimp and goat versions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sandwiches made with seafood and regional meats (goat) breaded in panko flour and served with house-made aioli, salad and various breads. In this mini trio version, the po’boys come in crab, shrimp and goat versions.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Filé de Saint Peter temperado e recheado com queijo provolone, empanado e frito, acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Saint Peter fillet seasoned and stuffed with provolone cheese, breaded and fried, accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Saint Peter fillet seasoned and stuffed with provolone cheese, breaded and fried, accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Saint Peter fillet seasoned and stuffed with provolone cheese, breaded and fried, accompanied by house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Camarão encapotado de moqueca com vatapá.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp covered in moqueca with vatapá.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp covered in moqueca with vatapá.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp covered in moqueca with vatapá.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Ragu de costelinha suína acompanhada de dadinhos de polenta recheados com queijo parmesão, servido com molho à parte preparado com o caldo da costela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rib ragout accompanied by polenta dice stuffed with Parmesan cheese, served with a separate sauce prepared with the rib broth.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rib ragout accompanied by polenta dice stuffed with Parmesan cheese, served with a separate sauce prepared with the rib broth.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rib ragout accompanied by polenta dice stuffed with Parmesan cheese, served with a separate sauce prepared with the rib broth.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Delicioso cupim assado com chutney de tomate. Acompanha: batatas sanfonadas e barquinhas de pão recheadas ao forno.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious roasted termite with tomato chutney. Accompanies: accordion potatoes and oven-stuffed bread boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious roasted termite with tomato chutney. Accompanies: accordion potatoes and oven-stuffed bread boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious roasted termite with tomato chutney. Accompanies: accordion potatoes and oven-stuffed bread boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, filé de camarão e queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy green beans, shrimp fillet and gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy green beans, shrimp fillet and gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy green beans, shrimp fillet and gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de costela desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Petisco de batata empanada ao Panko com smash burger, 4 queijos e especiarias, acompanhado de tiras de frango frito empanadas e temperadas à moda da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panko breaded potato snack with smash burger, 4 cheeses and spices, accompanied by fried chicken strips breaded and seasoned in the house style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panko breaded potato snack with smash burger, 4 cheeses and spices, accompanied by fried chicken strips breaded and seasoned in the house style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panko breaded potato snack with smash burger, 4 cheeses and spices, accompanied by fried chicken strips breaded and seasoned in the house style.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Massa de wantan recheada com carne bovina, camarão e carne de porco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wantan dough stuffed with beef, shrimp and pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Espetada de costela de fogo de chão, acompanhada de um varal de coxas com a marinada da casa. Acompanha molho de chumichurri, tomate confitado e farofa especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fire rib kebab, accompanied by a rack of thighs with the house marinade. Served with chumichurri sauce, tomato confit and special farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fire rib kebab, accompanied by a rack of thighs with the house marinade. Served with chumichurri sauce, tomato confit and special farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fire rib kebab, accompanied by a rack of thighs with the house marinade. Served with chumichurri sauce, tomato confit and special farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Polpetone de carne bovina e linguiça toscana, recheado com queijo e coberto por um molho de tomate especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Polpetone of beef and Tuscan sausage, stuffed with cheese and covered in a special tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Polpetone of beef and Tuscan sausage, stuffed with cheese and covered in a special tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Polpetone of beef and Tuscan sausage, stuffed with cheese and covered in a special tomato sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "02 Unidades Peitinho de Moça recheados com requeijão e carne seca servido em uma forma de sutiã\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '02 Units Peitinho de Moça stuffed with cream cheese and dried meat served in a bra shape'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '02 Units Peitinho de Moça stuffed with cream cheese and dried meat served in a bra shape'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '02 Units Peitinho de Moça stuffed with cream cheese and dried meat served in a bra shape'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Angu mineiro com couve e cupim desfiados, parmesão e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho ragú de cupim e torresmo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angu mineiro with shredded cabbage and termite, parmesan and biquinho pepper. Served with termite ragú sauce and crackling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angu mineiro with shredded cabbage and termite, parmesan and biquinho pepper. Served with termite ragú sauce and crackling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angu mineiro with shredded cabbage and termite, parmesan and biquinho pepper. Served with termite ragú sauce and crackling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Crostini de polenta com calabresa consiste em; uma polenta de corte em formato retangular frita submersa em óleo, com uma quenelle de calabresa cremosa, coberta com crispy de couve manteiga e finalizada com flor de sal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Polenta crostini with pepperoni consists of; a rectangular-shaped polenta fried submerged in oil, with a quenelle of creamy pepperoni, covered with crispy kale and finished with fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Polenta crostini with pepperoni consists of; a rectangular-shaped polenta fried submerged in oil, with a quenelle of creamy pepperoni, covered with crispy kale and finished with fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Polenta crostini with pepperoni consists of; a rectangular-shaped polenta fried submerged in oil, with a quenelle of creamy pepperoni, covered with crispy kale and finished with fleur de sel.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Ragu de carne de panela com um toque de laranja e cerveja pilsen, cozido até desmanchar, creme de parmesão e alho confitado, servidos com uma cesta de pão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pot meat ragout with a touch of orange and pilsner beer, cooked until falling apart, parmesan cream and garlic confit, served with a basket of bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pot meat ragout with a touch of orange and pilsner beer, cooked until falling apart, parmesan cream and garlic confit, served with a basket of bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pot meat ragout with a touch of orange and pilsner beer, cooked until falling apart, parmesan cream and garlic confit, served with a basket of bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Dadinho de banana da terra com cebola caramelizada e pitada de pimenta calabresa e um blend de costela, carne bovina e linguiça bovina. Acompanhado de um molho cítrico.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Plantain cubes with caramelized onion and a pinch of pepperoni and a blend of ribs, beef and beef sausage. Accompanied by a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Plantain cubes with caramelized onion and a pinch of pepperoni and a blend of ribs, beef and beef sausage. Accompanied by a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Plantain cubes with caramelized onion and a pinch of pepperoni and a blend of ribs, beef and beef sausage. Accompanied by a citrus sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Dadinho recheado com pernil, empanado na farinha panko, com melaço de cana e raspas de limão. Acompanha um delicioso molho de goiabada cascão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dadinho stuffed with ham, breaded in panko flour, with sugar cane molasses and lemon zest. Served with a delicious guava paste sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dadinho stuffed with ham, breaded in panko flour, with sugar cane molasses and lemon zest. Served with a delicious guava paste sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dadinho stuffed with ham, breaded in panko flour, with sugar cane molasses and lemon zest. Served with a delicious guava paste sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porção com 6 bolinhos de cupim defumado sem massa, empanados na farinha panko. Acompanha maionese e molho barbecue da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion with 6 doughless smoked termite dumplings, breaded in panko flour. Served with mayonnaise and house-made barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion with 6 doughless smoked termite dumplings, breaded in panko flour. Served with mayonnaise and house-made barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion with 6 doughless smoked termite dumplings, breaded in panko flour. Served with mayonnaise and house-made barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croqueta de costela suína com molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rib croqueta with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rib croqueta with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rib croqueta with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Jacalhau crocante por fora e macio por dentro, acompanhado de molho tártaro vegano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Jacalhau Dumpling, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, served with vegan tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Jacalhau Dumpling, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, served with vegan tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Jacalhau Dumpling, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, served with vegan tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "5 bolinhos de puro cupim com cobertura de molho de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '5 pure termite dumplings topped with bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '5 pure termite dumplings topped with bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '5 pure termite dumplings topped with bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Maminha assada com ervas finas, acompanhada de mandioca refogada na manteiga de garrafa e farofinha caseira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breast roasted with fine herbs, accompanied by cassava sautéed in bottled butter and homemade farofinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breast roasted with fine herbs, accompanied by cassava sautéed in bottled butter and homemade farofinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breast roasted with fine herbs, accompanied by cassava sautéed in bottled butter and homemade farofinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "3 bolinhos de linguiça Toscana, banana-nanica e muçarela e 3 bolinhos de batata-doce com gorgonzola, acompanhados do molho Ranch e maionese de chimichurry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 Tuscan sausage, banana and mozzarella dumplings and 3 sweet potato dumplings with gorgonzola, accompanied by Ranch sauce and chimichurry mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 Tuscan sausage, banana and mozzarella dumplings and 3 sweet potato dumplings with gorgonzola, accompanied by Ranch sauce and chimichurry mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 Tuscan sausage, banana and mozzarella dumplings and 3 sweet potato dumplings with gorgonzola, accompanied by Ranch sauce and chimichurry mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cesta de banana Pacovã recheada com filé bovino, filé de frango, camarão, cecina e ceviche. Acompanha leite de tigre.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pacovã banana basket stuffed with beef fillet, chicken fillet, shrimp, cecina and ceviche. Served with tiger milk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pacovã banana basket stuffed with beef fillet, chicken fillet, shrimp, cecina and ceviche. Served with tiger milk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pacovã banana basket stuffed with beef fillet, chicken fillet, shrimp, cecina and ceviche. Served with tiger milk.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Peito de boi no bafo, temperado com varias especiarias (orégano, gengibre, alho, louro, chimi churri), finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanha batatarústica, farofa, vinagrete e pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised beef brisket, seasoned with various spices (oregano, ginger, garlic, bay leaves, chimi churri), finished in bottled butter. Served with rustic potatoes, farofa, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised beef brisket, seasoned with various spices (oregano, ginger, garlic, bay leaves, chimi churri), finished in bottled butter. Served with rustic potatoes, farofa, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised beef brisket, seasoned with various spices (oregano, ginger, garlic, bay leaves, chimi churri), finished in bottled butter. Served with rustic potatoes, farofa, vinaigrette and house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Canudinhos recheados com rabada e cream cheese, acompanhados de farofa de bacon com agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Straws stuffed with oxtail and cream cheese, accompanied by bacon and watercress farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Straws stuffed with oxtail and cream cheese, accompanied by bacon and watercress farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Straws stuffed with oxtail and cream cheese, accompanied by bacon and watercress farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cuzcuz frito servido com camarão e maionese de raiz forte.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried couscous served with shrimp and horseradish mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried couscous served with shrimp and horseradish mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried couscous served with shrimp and horseradish mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarão na chapa com manteiga de garrafa, queijo coalho, geleia de pimenta vermelha, abacaxi e parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled shrimp with bottled butter, coalho cheese, red pepper jelly, pineapple and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled shrimp with bottled butter, coalho cheese, red pepper jelly, pineapple and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled shrimp with bottled butter, coalho cheese, red pepper jelly, pineapple and parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Almôndegas de carne recheadas com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatballs stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatballs stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatballs stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxa com sobrecoxa desossada de aproximadamente 450 g, temperada em molho de ervas e derivados, grelhada e servida com um molho especial da casa! Acompanha porção de fritas de 200 g.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Thigh with boneless drumstick weighing approximately 450 g, seasoned in a sauce of herbs and derivatives, grilled and served with a special house sauce! Accompanies 200 g portion of fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Thigh with boneless drumstick weighing approximately 450 g, seasoned in a sauce of herbs and derivatives, grilled and served with a special house sauce! Accompanies 200 g portion of fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Thigh with boneless drumstick weighing approximately 450 g, seasoned in a sauce of herbs and derivatives, grilled and served with a special house sauce! Accompanies 200 g portion of fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "A porção é composta por 4 bolinhos de feijoada e 4 bolinhos de arroz com 3 queijos. A combinação do PF brasileiro, em forma de petiscos. Acompanhado da nossa tradicional pimenta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'The portion consists of 4 feijoada dumplings and 4 rice dumplings with 3 cheeses. The combination of Brazilian PF, in the form of snacks. Accompanied by our traditional house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'The portion consists of 4 feijoada dumplings and 4 rice dumplings with 3 cheeses. The combination of Brazilian PF, in the form of snacks. Accompanied by our traditional house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "User 0: No\n", + "User 1\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'The portion consists of 4 feijoada dumplings and 4 rice dumplings with 3 cheeses. The combination of Brazilian PF, in the form of snacks. Accompanied by our traditional house pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Copa Lombo lentamente assada na churrasqueira e desfiada, acompanhada de dadinho de pamonha bem salgadinho e pão tostado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Loin cup slowly roasted on the barbecue and shredded, accompanied by very salty tamale cubes and toasted bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Loin cup slowly roasted on the barbecue and shredded, accompanied by very salty tamale cubes and toasted bread'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Loin cup slowly roasted on the barbecue and shredded, accompanied by very salty tamale cubes and toasted bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "BoitataBatata ao murro gratinada, recheada com molho branco, carne cozida frita desfiada com muçarela e bacon. Acompanha torradas e pimenta-calabresa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'BoitataPunched potato au gratin, stuffed with white sauce, shredded fried cooked meat with mozzarella and bacon. Served with toast and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'BoitataPunched potato au gratin, stuffed with white sauce, shredded fried cooked meat with mozzarella and bacon. Served with toast and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'BoitataPunched potato au gratin, stuffed with white sauce, shredded fried cooked meat with mozzarella and bacon. Served with toast and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Sticks de kafta (blend de cordeiro) regado ao molho de hortelã, acompanhado de uma porção de tabule, uma de homus e pãezinhos Murad.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Kafta sticks (lamb blend) drizzled with mint sauce, accompanied by a portion of tabbouleh, a portion of hummus and Murad rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Kafta sticks (lamb blend) drizzled with mint sauce, accompanied by a portion of tabbouleh, a portion of hummus and Murad rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Kafta sticks (lamb blend) drizzled with mint sauce, accompanied by a portion of tabbouleh, a portion of hummus and Murad rolls.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Combinando bochecha de porco empanada e queijo derretido, junto com a maciez da bochecha de porco desmanchando. Acompanhado de purê de abóbora, tomates confitados e molho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Combining breaded pork cheek and melted cheese, along with the tenderness of falling apart pork cheek. Served with pumpkin puree, candied tomatoes and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Combining breaded pork cheek and melted cheese, along with the tenderness of falling apart pork cheek. Served with pumpkin puree, candied tomatoes and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Combining breaded pork cheek and melted cheese, along with the tenderness of falling apart pork cheek. Served with pumpkin puree, candied tomatoes and sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Trouxinha crocante de pele de frango recheada com ragu de linguiça e muçarela. Servido em cama de couve crispy. Acompanha geleia refrescante de goiaba com laranja e hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy chicken skin stuffed with sausage ragu and mozzarella. Served on a bed of crispy cabbage. Served with refreshing guava jelly with orange and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy chicken skin stuffed with sausage ragu and mozzarella. Served on a bed of crispy cabbage. Served with refreshing guava jelly with orange and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy chicken skin stuffed with sausage ragu and mozzarella. Served on a bed of crispy cabbage. Served with refreshing guava jelly with orange and mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Coxinhas com massa à base de bisque de ostras, recheadas com ostras, bacon e queijo parmesão. Acompanha molhos golf e picante do mar feitos à base de algas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Drumsticks with oyster bisque-based dough, stuffed with oysters, bacon and parmesan cheese. Served with golf and spicy sea sauces made from seaweed.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Drumsticks with oyster bisque-based dough, stuffed with oysters, bacon and parmesan cheese. Served with golf and spicy sea sauces made from seaweed.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Drumsticks with oyster bisque-based dough, stuffed with oysters, bacon and parmesan cheese. Served with golf and spicy sea sauces made from seaweed.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela bovina desfiada servida com musseline de batata e parmesão fresco, acompanhada de um pesto leve de agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded beef rib served with potato muslin and fresh parmesan, accompanied by a light watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded beef rib served with potato muslin and fresh parmesan, accompanied by a light watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded beef rib served with potato muslin and fresh parmesan, accompanied by a light watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Charque desfiada, acebolada, puxada na manteiga de garrafa com farofa de milho e bacon. Acompanha vinagrete e molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded jerky, onion, tossed in bottled butter with corn flour and bacon. It comes with vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded jerky, onion, tossed in bottled butter with corn flour and bacon. It comes with vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded jerky, onion, tossed in bottled butter with corn flour and bacon. It comes with vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinhos vegetarianos de uma mistura saborosa de ricota, espinafre e cogumelo sobre nossa geleia de pimenta com abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Vegetarian dumplings with a savory mix of ricotta, spinach and mushrooms over our pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Vegetarian dumplings with a savory mix of ricotta, spinach and mushrooms over our pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Vegetarian dumplings with a savory mix of ricotta, spinach and mushrooms over our pineapple pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada com cebola e nata de leite, acompanhada de farofa de cuscuz com ovos e linguiça suína caramelizada no melaço de rapadura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded corned beef with onion and cream, accompanied by couscous farofa with eggs and pork sausage caramelized in rapadura molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded corned beef with onion and cream, accompanied by couscous farofa with eggs and pork sausage caramelized in rapadura molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded corned beef with onion and cream, accompanied by couscous farofa with eggs and pork sausage caramelized in rapadura molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com pupunha, banana da terra e carne seca acompanhando de molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with peach palm, plantain and dried meat accompanied by pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with peach palm, plantain and dried meat accompanied by pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with peach palm, plantain and dried meat accompanied by pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sushi de filé-mignon, recheado com queijo coalho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filet mignon sushi, stuffed with curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filet mignon sushi, stuffed with curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filet mignon sushi, stuffed with curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, feito com linguiça calabresa, carne de sol e queijo coalho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy green beans, made with Calabrian sausage, sun-dried meat and curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy green beans, made with Calabrian sausage, sun-dried meat and curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy green beans, made with Calabrian sausage, sun-dried meat and curd cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Picanha suína ao molho agridoce de abacaxi com bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork picanha in sweet and sour pineapple sauce with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork picanha in sweet and sour pineapple sauce with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork picanha in sweet and sour pineapple sauce with bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Provolone empanado, coberto por uma carne na cerveja e acompanhado de geleia de goiaba e molho de mostarda e mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded provolone, covered in beer-infused meat and accompanied by guava jelly and honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded provolone, covered in beer-infused meat and accompanied by guava jelly and honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded provolone, covered in beer-infused meat and accompanied by guava jelly and honey mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Canjiquinha from Minas Gerais, with shredded pork ribs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne de porco empanado na farinha panko, chips de inhame e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork dumpling breaded in panko flour, yam chips and pineapple jelly with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork dumpling breaded in panko flour, yam chips and pineapple jelly with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork dumpling breaded in panko flour, yam chips and pineapple jelly with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Preenchido com pirão de aipim e com banana-da-terra, queijo coalho, carne de sol, carne de fumeiro, camarão e batata palha no topo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filled with cassava pirão and with plantain, coalho cheese, sun-dried meat, smoked meat, shrimp and straw potatoes on top.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filled with cassava pirão and with plantain, coalho cheese, sun-dried meat, smoked meat, shrimp and straw potatoes on top.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filled with cassava pirão and with plantain, coalho cheese, sun-dried meat, smoked meat, shrimp and straw potatoes on top.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bastões de linguiça toscana com recheio de queijo coalho e cream cheese, acompanhado de dadinhos de macaxeira recheados.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tuscan sausage sticks filled with curd cheese and cream cheese, accompanied by stuffed cassava dice.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tuscan sausage sticks filled with curd cheese and cream cheese, accompanied by stuffed cassava dice.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tuscan sausage sticks filled with curd cheese and cream cheese, accompanied by stuffed cassava dice.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pernas de Rã à Milanesa com Aioli de Coentro e 3 limões. Acompanha Caldinho do brejo e Shot ?Sangue de Maria Bonita?.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Milanese Frog Legs with Coriander Aioli and 3 lemons. Accompanies Caldinho do brejo and Shot ?Sangue de Maria Bonita?.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Milanese Frog Legs with Coriander Aioli and 3 lemons. Accompanies Caldinho do brejo and Shot ?Sangue de Maria Bonita?.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Milanese Frog Legs with Coriander Aioli and 3 lemons. Accompanies Caldinho do brejo and Shot ?Sangue de Maria Bonita?.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "3 croquetes a base de massa de mandioca com recheio de queijo com bacon, carne louca e o pernil desfiado. Acompanha molho vermelho levemente picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 cassava dough-based croquettes filled with cheese and bacon, crazy meat and shredded ham. Served with slightly spicy red sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 cassava dough-based croquettes filled with cheese and bacon, crazy meat and shredded ham. Served with slightly spicy red sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 cassava dough-based croquettes filled with cheese and bacon, crazy meat and shredded ham. Served with slightly spicy red sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Joelho de porco com chucrute doce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork knuckle with sweet sauerkraut.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork knuckle with sweet sauerkraut.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork knuckle with sweet sauerkraut.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxinhas com recheio de Pernil Suíno desfiado mais Molho Barbecue, empanadas na farinha Panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Drumsticks filled with shredded pork leg and Barbecue Sauce, breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Drumsticks filled with shredded pork leg and Barbecue Sauce, breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Drumsticks filled with shredded pork leg and Barbecue Sauce, breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de aipim recheado com queijo mussarela e cebola empanado no coco. Camarão ao molho anticuchero acompanhado de chips de banana ralada e molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cake stuffed with mozzarella cheese and onion breaded in coconut. Shrimp in anticuchero sauce accompanied by grated banana chips and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cake stuffed with mozzarella cheese and onion breaded in coconut. Shrimp in anticuchero sauce accompanied by grated banana chips and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cake stuffed with mozzarella cheese and onion breaded in coconut. Shrimp in anticuchero sauce accompanied by grated banana chips and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tambaqui crocante com molho de maracujá e farofa de castanha-do-Pará.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy tambaqui with passion fruit sauce and Brazil nut farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy tambaqui with passion fruit sauce and Brazil nut farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy tambaqui with passion fruit sauce and Brazil nut farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Um mix de carne de siri e camarão com um leve toque de leite de coco e creme fresco, gratinado, acompanhado de barquetes de tapioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A mix of crab meat and shrimp with a light touch of coconut milk and fresh cream, gratin, accompanied by tapioca boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A mix of crab meat and shrimp with a light touch of coconut milk and fresh cream, gratin, accompanied by tapioca boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A mix of crab meat and shrimp with a light touch of coconut milk and fresh cream, gratin, accompanied by tapioca boats.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta com carne moída. Uma receita feita por minha família há muito tempo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta with ground meat. A recipe made by my family a long time ago.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta with ground meat. A recipe made by my family a long time ago.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta with ground meat. A recipe made by my family a long time ago.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cupim acompanhado de mandioca cremosa, farofa de banana e um toque picante de molho de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite accompanied by creamy cassava, banana farofa and a spicy touch of pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite accompanied by creamy cassava, banana farofa and a spicy touch of pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite accompanied by creamy cassava, banana farofa and a spicy touch of pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tulipas de frango empanadas com salgadinho de milho e quiabo frito, acompanhados de molho tasty e chutney de limão\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded chicken tulips with corn chips and fried okra, accompanied by tasty sauce and lemon chutney'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded chicken tulips with corn chips and fried okra, accompanied by tasty sauce and lemon chutney'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded chicken tulips with corn chips and fried okra, accompanied by tasty sauce and lemon chutney'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pasteizinhos de vento para serem recheados com a Feijoada Especial do Odorico.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wind pastries to be filled with Odorico's Special Feijoada.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wind pastries to be filled with Odorico's Special Feijoada.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wind pastries to be filled with Odorico's Special Feijoada.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Isquinhas de entrecôte coberto com molho de gorgonzola, acompanhado de cebolas-roxas adocicadas e torradinhas temperadas com azeite de oliva, orégano e pimenta-do-reino.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Entrecôte sandwiches covered with gorgonzola sauce, accompanied by sweet red onions and toast seasoned with olive oil, oregano and black pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Entrecôte sandwiches covered with gorgonzola sauce, accompanied by sweet red onions and toast seasoned with olive oil, oregano and black pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Entrecôte sandwiches covered with gorgonzola sauce, accompanied by sweet red onions and toast seasoned with olive oil, oregano and black pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos “invertidos” de costela suína recheados com queijo muçarela, servidos com molho de tamarindo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '“Inverted” pork rib dumplings stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with tamarind sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '“Inverted” pork rib dumplings stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with tamarind sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '“Inverted” pork rib dumplings stuffed with mozzarella cheese, served with tamarind sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Palmito pupunha empanado recheado com chiclete de camarão, acompanhado de chips de mandioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded heart of palm stuffed with shrimp gum, accompanied by cassava chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded heart of palm stuffed with shrimp gum, accompanied by cassava chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded heart of palm stuffed with shrimp gum, accompanied by cassava chips.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suculenta de porco marinada na cachaça de jambu assado na brasa, acompanha pasta de pupunha com tucupi, chips de cará roxo e farofa de jambu.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Juicy pork ribs marinated in charcoal-roasted jambu cachaça, served with peach palm paste with tucupi, purple yam chips and jambu farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Juicy pork ribs marinated in charcoal-roasted jambu cachaça, served with peach palm paste with tucupi, purple yam chips and jambu farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Juicy pork ribs marinated in charcoal-roasted jambu cachaça, served with peach palm paste with tucupi, purple yam chips and jambu farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porção de bolinhos de siri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of crab cakes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of crab cakes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of crab cakes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxinha cremosa de frango defumado, acompanhada de molho de churrasco defumado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy smoked chicken drumstick, accompanied by smoked barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy smoked chicken drumstick, accompanied by smoked barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy smoked chicken drumstick, accompanied by smoked barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "3 bolinhos de brisket (peito bovino defumado em lenha frutífera e depois cozido lentamente até desfiar) temperados com ervas e cream cheese, trazendo uma experiência sensorial de defumado a cada mordida, servidos com ketchup de picles\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne cozida acompanhada de farofa e batata artesanal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cooked meat accompanied by farofa and homemade potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cooked meat accompanied by farofa and homemade potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cooked meat accompanied by farofa and homemade potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Panhoca recheada com carne de boi em cubos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panhoca stuffed with diced beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panhoca stuffed with diced beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panhoca stuffed with diced beef.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com feijão recheado com queijo. Acompanha carne de jabá com caminha de cebola roxa, farofa de cuscuz e purê de banana da terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with beans stuffed with cheese. Accompanies jabá meat with red onion, couscous farofa and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with beans stuffed with cheese. Accompanies jabá meat with red onion, couscous farofa and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with beans stuffed with cheese. Accompanies jabá meat with red onion, couscous farofa and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "3 bolinhos de costela suína defumada (banhada no chopp ipa, com barbecue). Empanado sem massa, diretamente na farinha panko e recheado com mussarela. Servido com molho da casa que consiste em maionese, creme de leite pasteurizado, alho, cebola e mix de pimentas. Acompanha molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '3 smoked pork rib dumplings (bathed in ipa beer, with barbecue). Breaded without dough, directly in panko flour and stuffed with mozzarella. Served with a house sauce consisting of mayonnaise, pasteurized cream, garlic, onion and a mix of peppers. Served with barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '3 smoked pork rib dumplings (bathed in ipa beer, with barbecue). Breaded without dough, directly in panko flour and stuffed with mozzarella. Served with a house sauce consisting of mayonnaise, pasteurized cream, garlic, onion and a mix of peppers. Served with barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '3 smoked pork rib dumplings (bathed in ipa beer, with barbecue). Breaded without dough, directly in panko flour and stuffed with mozzarella. Served with a house sauce consisting of mayonnaise, pasteurized cream, garlic, onion and a mix of peppers. Served with barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Essa é a nossa versão do Bitterballen, deliciosos bolinhos cremosos de carne assada de cupim (cinco unidades) com recheio de queijo gouda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'This is our version of Bitterballen, delicious creamy roast termite meat dumplings (five pieces) filled with gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'This is our version of Bitterballen, delicious creamy roast termite meat dumplings (five pieces) filled with gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'This is our version of Bitterballen, delicious creamy roast termite meat dumplings (five pieces) filled with gouda cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca cozida com costela desfiada, empanada com panko crocante e frito.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cake cooked with shredded rib, breaded with crispy panko and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cake cooked with shredded rib, breaded with crispy panko and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cake cooked with shredded rib, breaded with crispy panko and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pão tipo italiano recheado com pasta de alho queijo e especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Italian-style bread stuffed with garlic paste, cheese and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Italian-style bread stuffed with garlic paste, cheese and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Italian-style bread stuffed with garlic paste, cheese and spices.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Rolinho crocante com recheio de bacon, camarão e creme de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy roll with bacon, shrimp and cream cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy roll with bacon, shrimp and cream cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy roll with bacon, shrimp and cream cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cordeiro recheado com queijo de pupunha artesanal, empanado em fina massa crocante, acompanhado de geleia de bacuri, levemente apimentada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lamb stuffed with artisanal peach cheese, breaded in thin crispy dough, accompanied by bacuri jelly, lightly spiced.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lamb stuffed with artisanal peach cheese, breaded in thin crispy dough, accompanied by bacuri jelly, lightly spiced.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lamb stuffed with artisanal peach cheese, breaded in thin crispy dough, accompanied by bacuri jelly, lightly spiced.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "4 deliciosas cestinhas comestíveis feitas com massa filo e recheadas com um mix de frutos do mar\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '4 delicious edible baskets made with filo dough and filled with a mix of seafood'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '4 delicious edible baskets made with filo dough and filled with a mix of seafood'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '4 delicious edible baskets made with filo dough and filled with a mix of seafood'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Panelinhas de creme de milho com frango, carne e linguiça, coberto com uma espuma de queijo e acompanhado com caviar de Pequi .\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panels of creamed corn with chicken, meat and sausage, covered with cheese foam and accompanied by Pequi caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panels of creamed corn with chicken, meat and sausage, covered with cheese foam and accompanied by Pequi caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panels of creamed corn with chicken, meat and sausage, covered with cheese foam and accompanied by Pequi caviar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "São 3 petiscos que representam o bar: croquete de moqueca com queijo, coxa com molho especial e o pastel crocante de rabada com agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'There are 3 snacks that represent the bar: moqueca croquette with cheese, thigh with special sauce and the crunchy oxtail pastry with watercress.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'There are 3 snacks that represent the bar: moqueca croquette with cheese, thigh with special sauce and the crunchy oxtail pastry with watercress.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'There are 3 snacks that represent the bar: moqueca croquette with cheese, thigh with special sauce and the crunchy oxtail pastry with watercress.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Saladito de massa amanteigada com mandioca e a crocância do torresmo. Com recheio de queijo muçarela e goiabada. Acompanha molho de pimenta suculenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Buttery pasta salad with cassava and the crunch of crackling. Filled with mozzarella cheese and guava paste. Served with juicy pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Buttery pasta salad with cassava and the crunch of crackling. Filled with mozzarella cheese and guava paste. Served with juicy pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Buttery pasta salad with cassava and the crunch of crackling. Filled with mozzarella cheese and guava paste. Served with juicy pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "ESCONDIDINHO DE LOMBO SUINO DEFUMADO NA PRESSÃO\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'PRESSURE-SMOKED PORK LOIN HIDE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'PRESSURE-SMOKED PORK LOIN HIDE'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'PRESSURE-SMOKED PORK LOIN HIDE'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Nossa sambiquira na língua é composta de língua cozida ao ponto salteada no azeite de ervas, finalizada com sambiquira à moda da casa com toque de alho frito e ervas frescas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Our sambiquira on the tongue is made up of medium-cooked tongue sautéed in herbal olive oil, finished with house-style sambiquira with a touch of fried garlic and fresh herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Our sambiquira on the tongue is made up of medium-cooked tongue sautéed in herbal olive oil, finished with house-style sambiquira with a touch of fried garlic and fresh herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Our sambiquira on the tongue is made up of medium-cooked tongue sautéed in herbal olive oil, finished with house-style sambiquira with a touch of fried garlic and fresh herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Ôxe, quem é que disse que cabra-da-peste não pode encher o bucho no capricho? Combinação arretada de tiras de alcatra com nata e um tempero “da bexiga”. Acompanhado de cuscuz e pimenta, que é pra hómi nenhum passar miséria, visse? Acompanha mandioca com manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Hey, who said that goats can't fill their stomachs on a whim? Arretada combination of rump strips with cream and a “bladder” seasoning. Accompanied by couscous and pepper, which is for no man to suffer misery, see? Accompany cassava with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Hey, who said that goats can't fill their stomachs on a whim? Arretada combination of rump strips with cream and a “bladder” seasoning. Accompanied by couscous and pepper, which is for no man to suffer misery, see? Accompany cassava with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Hey, who said that goats can't fill their stomachs on a whim? Arretada combination of rump strips with cream and a “bladder” seasoning. Accompanied by couscous and pepper, which is for no man to suffer misery, see? Accompany cassava with bottled butter.'.\n", + "\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com bacon recheado com tilápia, queijo canastra e castanha-de-caju. Servido com geleia de maracujá e pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with bacon stuffed with tilapia, canasta cheese and cashew nuts. Served with passion fruit jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with bacon stuffed with tilapia, canasta cheese and cashew nuts. Served with passion fruit jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with bacon stuffed with tilapia, canasta cheese and cashew nuts. Served with passion fruit jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Empanados crocantes de tilápia, filé suíno e peito de frango com molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy tilapia breading, pork fillet and chicken breast with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy tilapia breading, pork fillet and chicken breast with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy tilapia breading, pork fillet and chicken breast with special house sauces.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Grissini de mandioca e camarão com molho de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava and shrimp grissini with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava and shrimp grissini with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava and shrimp grissini with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "A Mocofava é um prato típico do nordeste, cheio de sabor e exclusividade com a junção de dois ingredientes tradicionais da culinária nordestina,favaemocotó.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mocofava is a typical dish from the northeast, full of flavor and exclusivity with the combination of two traditional ingredients of northeastern cuisine, fava and mocotó.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mocofava is a typical dish from the northeast, full of flavor and exclusivity with the combination of two traditional ingredients of northeastern cuisine, fava and mocotó.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mocofava is a typical dish from the northeast, full of flavor and exclusivity with the combination of two traditional ingredients of northeastern cuisine, fava and mocotó.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de costela recheada com muçarela com molho barbecue de jabuticaba e uma dose de cachaça da roça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella with jabuticaba barbecue sauce and a dose of local cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella with jabuticaba barbecue sauce and a dose of local cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with mozzarella with jabuticaba barbecue sauce and a dose of local cachaça.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Cone de filet mignon suíno empanado, recheado de copa lombo assada, defumada e com queijo. Acompanha salada especial\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cone of breaded pork filet mignon, stuffed with roasted, smoked loin top and cheese. Served with special salad'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cone of breaded pork filet mignon, stuffed with roasted, smoked loin top and cheese. Served with special salad'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cone of breaded pork filet mignon, stuffed with roasted, smoked loin top and cheese. Served with special salad'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Canudo de Massa crocante recheado com creme de bacalhau, molho de ervas, e salpicado com parmesão ralado. Acompanha azeite de alho. Uma explosão de sabores italianos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy pasta straw filled with cod cream, herb sauce, and sprinkled with grated parmesan. Served with garlic oil. An explosion of Italian flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy pasta straw filled with cod cream, herb sauce, and sprinkled with grated parmesan. Served with garlic oil. An explosion of Italian flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy pasta straw filled with cod cream, herb sauce, and sprinkled with grated parmesan. Served with garlic oil. An explosion of Italian flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Camarão Rosa empanado e embrulhado em tiras de massa de pastel, acompanhado de um delicioso creme de Tucupi com folhas de Jambu e Creme de Pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pink Shrimp breaded and wrapped in strips of pastry dough, accompanied by a delicious Tucupi cream with Jambu leaves and Pepper Cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pink Shrimp breaded and wrapped in strips of pastry dough, accompanied by a delicious Tucupi cream with Jambu leaves and Pepper Cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pink Shrimp breaded and wrapped in strips of pastry dough, accompanied by a delicious Tucupi cream with Jambu leaves and Pepper Cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bacalhau fresco desfiado, feito a moda Portuguesa a base de azeite e alho, mergulhado em duas camadas de suculento creme de aipim e catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fresh shredded cod, made in the Portuguese style with a base of olive oil and garlic, dipped in two layers of succulent cassava and catupiry cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fresh shredded cod, made in the Portuguese style with a base of olive oil and garlic, dipped in two layers of succulent cassava and catupiry cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fresh shredded cod, made in the Portuguese style with a base of olive oil and garlic, dipped in two layers of succulent cassava and catupiry cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção de minis pastéis nos sabores costela, linguiça alemã com chucrute e prestígio.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of mini pastries in rib, German sausage with sauerkraut and prestige flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of mini pastries in rib, German sausage with sauerkraut and prestige flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of mini pastries in rib, German sausage with sauerkraut and prestige flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Trouxinha de couve recheada com maçã de peito desfiada, cebola, alho-poró, caldo de carne caseiro. Acompanha pastel de vento com ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabbage bundle stuffed with shredded apple, onion, leek, homemade meat broth. Served with wind pastry with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabbage bundle stuffed with shredded apple, onion, leek, homemade meat broth. Served with wind pastry with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabbage bundle stuffed with shredded apple, onion, leek, homemade meat broth. Served with wind pastry with herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com queijo ao molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with cheese in house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with cheese in house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with cheese in house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Porção com 3 sabores de pastéis: Camarão com creame cheese, Carne com Requeijão e Mussarela com Requeijão cremoso. Acompanhado de um molho de queijo com bacon e um molho especial da casa, o molho Perene.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: Shrimp with cream cheese, Meat with cream cheese and Mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: Shrimp with cream cheese, Meat with cream cheese and Mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: Shrimp with cream cheese, Meat with cream cheese and Mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Coxinha recheada com carne louca, empanada com farinha panko, acompanhado do molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Coxinha stuffed with crazy meat, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by the house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Coxinha stuffed with crazy meat, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by the house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Coxinha stuffed with crazy meat, breaded with panko flour, accompanied by the house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porção com 3 sabores de pastéis: camarão com cream cheese, carne com requeijão e muçarela com requeijão cremoso. Acompanhado de um molho de queijo com bacon e um molho especial da casa, o molho Perene.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: shrimp with cream cheese, meat with cream cheese and mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: shrimp with cream cheese, meat with cream cheese and mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion with 3 flavors of pastries: shrimp with cream cheese, meat with cream cheese and mozzarella with cream cheese. Accompanied by a cheese sauce with bacon and a special house sauce, Perene sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Três espetinhos especiais do Pescador.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three special Fisherman's kebabs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three special Fisherman's kebabs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three special Fisherman's kebabs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de costela com cream cheese.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Carne de fumeiro coberto com queijo coalho maçaricado, acompanhado de aipim frito e banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked meat covered with torched coalho cheese, accompanied by fried cassava and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked meat covered with torched coalho cheese, accompanied by fried cassava and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked meat covered with torched coalho cheese, accompanied by fried cassava and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de bobo de camarão recheado com queijo, finamente empanado e frito. Finalizado com camarão salteado na manteiga, pimenta e alecrim.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp dumpling stuffed with cheese, thinly breaded and fried. Finished with shrimp sautéed in butter, pepper and rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp dumpling stuffed with cheese, thinly breaded and fried. Finished with shrimp sautéed in butter, pepper and rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp dumpling stuffed with cheese, thinly breaded and fried. Finished with shrimp sautéed in butter, pepper and rosemary.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Crocante por fora e macio por dentro, bolinho de linguiça com recheiodequeijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sausage dumpling with cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sausage dumpling with cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, sausage dumpling with cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Língua de boi acebolada com rabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Acebolado beef tongue with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Acebolado beef tongue with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Acebolado beef tongue with oxtail.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Cubos de frango, aipim e bacon com molho de alcaparras.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cubes of chicken, cassava and bacon with caper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cubes of chicken, cassava and bacon with caper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cubes of chicken, cassava and bacon with caper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhas de purê de batata recheadas com carne moída e muçarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mashed potato balls stuffed with ground meat and mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mashed potato balls stuffed with ground meat and mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mashed potato balls stuffed with ground meat and mozzarella.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "200g de Queijo Coalho em cubos empanado no trigo. Acompanhado de um molho de mel trufado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '200g of Coalho Cheese in cubes breaded in wheat. Accompanied by a truffled honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '200g of Coalho Cheese in cubes breaded in wheat. Accompanied by a truffled honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '200g of Coalho Cheese in cubes breaded in wheat. Accompanied by a truffled honey sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho crocante de paleta de porco desfiada, recheado com muçarela de búfala, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e molho barbecue. Para finalizar, pedaços de abacaxi maçaricado com açúcar.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy shredded pork shoulder dumpling, stuffed with buffalo mozzarella, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce. To finish, pieces of pineapple torched with sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy shredded pork shoulder dumpling, stuffed with buffalo mozzarella, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce. To finish, pieces of pineapple torched with sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy shredded pork shoulder dumpling, stuffed with buffalo mozzarella, breaded in panko flour. Served with pepper jelly and barbecue sauce. To finish, pieces of pineapple torched with sugar.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Sanduíche de rabada apimentada com provolone e rúcula.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Spicy oxtail sandwich with provolone and arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Spicy oxtail sandwich with provolone and arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Spicy oxtail sandwich with provolone and arugula.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne porque a gente adora umafritura.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meatloaf because we love fried food.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meatloaf because we love fried food.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meatloaf because we love fried food.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Quatro pãezinhos recheados com linguiça levemente picante e creme de provolone, finalizados no forno com muçarela gratinada. Acompanha maionese defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Four rolls stuffed with slightly spicy sausage and provolone cream, finished in the oven with mozzarella au gratin. Served with smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Four rolls stuffed with slightly spicy sausage and provolone cream, finished in the oven with mozzarella au gratin. Served with smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Four rolls stuffed with slightly spicy sausage and provolone cream, finished in the oven with mozzarella au gratin. Served with smoked mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Espetinho de queijo coalho com massa folhada. Acompanha batata-doce chips e frango crocante com molho de laranja chinês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Curd cheese skewer with puff pastry. Served with sweet potato chips and crispy chicken with Chinese orange sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Curd cheese skewer with puff pastry. Served with sweet potato chips and crispy chicken with Chinese orange sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Curd cheese skewer with puff pastry. Served with sweet potato chips and crispy chicken with Chinese orange sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat dumpling stuffed with gorgonzola cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Charuto de carne angus feito na brasa recheado com queijo serrano e goiabada cascão acompanhado de fonduta de queijos especiais.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled angus beef cigar stuffed with serrano cheese and cascão guava accompanied by special cheese fonduta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled angus beef cigar stuffed with serrano cheese and cascão guava accompanied by special cheese fonduta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled angus beef cigar stuffed with serrano cheese and cascão guava accompanied by special cheese fonduta.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "BOLINHO DE MOLHO BECHAMEL RECHEADO COM COSTELA E TRÊS QUEIJOS: MUSSARELA, QUEIJO PRATO E QUEIJO PARMESÃO! ACOMPANHAMENTO DOIS MOLHOS SOUR CREAM E MOLHO AGRIDOCE DE ROMÃ\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'CAKE WITH BECHAMEL SAUCE FILLED WITH RIBS AND THREE CHEESES: MOSSARELA, PLATO CHEESE AND PARMESAN CHEESE! ACCOMPANIMENT OF TWO SOUR CREAM SAUCES AND SWEET POMEGRANATE SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'CAKE WITH BECHAMEL SAUCE FILLED WITH RIBS AND THREE CHEESES: MOSSARELA, PLATO CHEESE AND PARMESAN CHEESE! ACCOMPANIMENT OF TWO SOUR CREAM SAUCES AND SWEET POMEGRANATE SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'CAKE WITH BECHAMEL SAUCE FILLED WITH RIBS AND THREE CHEESES: MOSSARELA, PLATO CHEESE AND PARMESAN CHEESE! ACCOMPANIMENT OF TWO SOUR CREAM SAUCES AND SWEET POMEGRANATE SAUCE'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Canapé de mandioca, lagarto desfiado no molho de cerveja stout, couve crispy e geleia de pimentão vermelho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava canapé, shredded lizard in stout beer sauce, crispy cabbage and red pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava canapé, shredded lizard in stout beer sauce, crispy cabbage and red pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava canapé, shredded lizard in stout beer sauce, crispy cabbage and red pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Anéis de cebola recheados com frutos do mar, empanados e acompanhados com 3 tipos molho: goiaba com pimenta, mostarda e mel, maionese e coentro\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Onion rings stuffed with seafood, breaded and accompanied with 3 types of sauce: guava with pepper, mustard and honey, mayonnaise and coriander'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Onion rings stuffed with seafood, breaded and accompanied with 3 types of sauce: guava with pepper, mustard and honey, mayonnaise and coriander'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Onion rings stuffed with seafood, breaded and accompanied with 3 types of sauce: guava with pepper, mustard and honey, mayonnaise and coriander'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "COXINHA TEMPERADA COM LEMON PEPPER, SERVIDA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA E MOLHO BARBECUE.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'COXIN SEASONED WITH LEMON PEPPER, SERVED WITH PEPPER JELLY AND BARBECUE SAUCE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'COXIN SEASONED WITH LEMON PEPPER, SERVED WITH PEPPER JELLY AND BARBECUE SAUCE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'COXIN SEASONED WITH LEMON PEPPER, SERVED WITH PEPPER JELLY AND BARBECUE SAUCE.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Carne de panela com toque de molho caseiro, acompanhado com purê de aipim com banana-da-terra, farofa de torresmo e salada vinagrete de pepino japonês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potted meat with a touch of homemade sauce, accompanied by cassava puree with plantain, crackling farofa and Japanese cucumber vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potted meat with a touch of homemade sauce, accompanied by cassava puree with plantain, crackling farofa and Japanese cucumber vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potted meat with a touch of homemade sauce, accompanied by cassava puree with plantain, crackling farofa and Japanese cucumber vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tiras de fraldinha feitas no creme de cebola, servidas na chapa de ferro com batatas gratinadas ao chimichurri, bananas-da-terra fritas e molho chilli.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Strips of flank steak cooked in onion cream, served on an iron plate with potatoes au gratin with chimichurri, fried plantains and chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Strips of flank steak cooked in onion cream, served on an iron plate with potatoes au gratin with chimichurri, fried plantains and chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Strips of flank steak cooked in onion cream, served on an iron plate with potatoes au gratin with chimichurri, fried plantains and chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pastel desconstruído, com recheio de carne de panela, cream cheese e alho-poró frito.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deconstructed pastry, with meat filling, cream cheese and fried leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deconstructed pastry, with meat filling, cream cheese and fried leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deconstructed pastry, with meat filling, cream cheese and fried leeks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Composto por uma massa artesanal, recheada por ragu de cupim, banana-da-terra, finalizado com queijo maçaricado. Acompanha molho golf.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Composed of an artisanal dough, filled with termite ragu, plantain, finished with torch cheese. Served with golf sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Composed of an artisanal dough, filled with termite ragu, plantain, finished with torch cheese. Served with golf sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Composed of an artisanal dough, filled with termite ragu, plantain, finished with torch cheese. Served with golf sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Puxadinho de mandioca na manteiga com uma deliciosa carne de panela desfiada na cachaça. Acompanha palitinhos crocantes recheados com massa de mandioca e bacon, o clássico Mandiopã com Lemon pepper e pasta de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava pullet in butter with delicious shredded pot meat in cachaça. Accompanies crispy sticks stuffed with cassava dough and bacon, the classic Mandiopã with lemon pepper and garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava pullet in butter with delicious shredded pot meat in cachaça. Accompanies crispy sticks stuffed with cassava dough and bacon, the classic Mandiopã with lemon pepper and garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava pullet in butter with delicious shredded pot meat in cachaça. Accompanies crispy sticks stuffed with cassava dough and bacon, the classic Mandiopã with lemon pepper and garlic paste.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Singela homenagem à minha avó, Alejandra Florentina. Uma releitura da tortilla espanhola, um prato tradicional de lá. Acompanha molho cheddar.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A simple tribute to my grandmother, Alejandra Florentina. A reinterpretation of the Spanish tortilla, a traditional dish from there. Served with cheddar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A simple tribute to my grandmother, Alejandra Florentina. A reinterpretation of the Spanish tortilla, a traditional dish from there. Served with cheddar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A simple tribute to my grandmother, Alejandra Florentina. A reinterpretation of the Spanish tortilla, a traditional dish from there. Served with cheddar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "aturno Bolinho de arroz com linguiça artesanal recheado com queijo muçarela e anel de cebola empanado em volta, dando o formato de Saturno. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e tomate confitado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'aturno Rice cake with homemade sausage stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded onion ring around it, giving it the shape of Saturn. Served with pepper jelly and tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'aturno Rice cake with homemade sausage stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded onion ring around it, giving it the shape of Saturn. Served with pepper jelly and tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'aturno Rice cake with homemade sausage stuffed with mozzarella cheese and breaded onion ring around it, giving it the shape of Saturn. Served with pepper jelly and tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Língua de boi cozida na cerveja artesanal, produzida no Vale do Aço, acompanhada de vinagrete quente de tomate cereja, cestinha de pão francês e farofa de alho e cebola produzida na casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef tongue cooked in craft beer, produced in Vale do Aço, accompanied by hot cherry tomato vinaigrette, basket of French bread and garlic and onion farofa produced in-house.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef tongue cooked in craft beer, produced in Vale do Aço, accompanied by hot cherry tomato vinaigrette, basket of French bread and garlic and onion farofa produced in-house.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef tongue cooked in craft beer, produced in Vale do Aço, accompanied by hot cherry tomato vinaigrette, basket of French bread and garlic and onion farofa produced in-house.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquete de copalombo desfiada, com chiclete de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded copalombo croquette, with cheese gum.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded copalombo croquette, with cheese gum.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded copalombo croquette, with cheese gum.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pastel aberto com recheio de siri, carne e fumeiro. Acompanhado de vinagrete de banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Open pastry with crab, meat and smoked meat filling. Accompanied by plantain vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Open pastry with crab, meat and smoked meat filling. Accompanied by plantain vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Open pastry with crab, meat and smoked meat filling. Accompanied by plantain vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Picanha suína ao molho de cerveja escura, acompanhada de batatas rústicas, pãozinho fatiado, abacaxi com damasco caramelizados.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork picanha in dark beer sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes, sliced ​​bread, pineapple and caramelized apricots.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork picanha in dark beer sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes, sliced ​​bread, pineapple and caramelized apricots.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork picanha in dark beer sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes, sliced ​​bread, pineapple and caramelized apricots.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de laranja e milho, acompanhada de vinagrete de quiabo, com palitos de polenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ribs in orange and corn sauce, accompanied by okra vinaigrette, with polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ribs in orange and corn sauce, accompanied by okra vinaigrette, with polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ribs in orange and corn sauce, accompanied by okra vinaigrette, with polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Frango servido com quiabo crocante acompanhado de molho ranch.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken served with crispy okra accompanied by ranch sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken served with crispy okra accompanied by ranch sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken served with crispy okra accompanied by ranch sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costela suína defumada e assada. Com duas opções de preparo: Assada e regada ao molho barbecue e à milanesa. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta, molho de mostarda e mel e salsa de tamarindo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked and roasted pork ribs. With two preparation options: Roasted and drizzled with barbecue and breaded sauce. Accompanies pineapple jelly with pepper, mustard and honey sauce and tamarind salsa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked and roasted pork ribs. With two preparation options: Roasted and drizzled with barbecue and breaded sauce. Accompanies pineapple jelly with pepper, mustard and honey sauce and tamarind salsa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked and roasted pork ribs. With two preparation options: Roasted and drizzled with barbecue and breaded sauce. Accompanies pineapple jelly with pepper, mustard and honey sauce and tamarind salsa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rocambole de pernil assado recheado de espinafre refogado com bacon picado no azeite de oliva, queijo, vinagrete de azeitona preta e especiarias. Acompanha molho de maçã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Roast ham roulade stuffed with spinach sautéed with chopped bacon in olive oil, cheese, black olive vinaigrette and spices. Served with apple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Roast ham roulade stuffed with spinach sautéed with chopped bacon in olive oil, cheese, black olive vinaigrette and spices. Served with apple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Roast ham roulade stuffed with spinach sautéed with chopped bacon in olive oil, cheese, black olive vinaigrette and spices. Served with apple sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma nova versão do tradicional pão com linguiça, mas aqui é no espeto.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A new version of the traditional sausage bread, but here it's on a skewer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A new version of the traditional sausage bread, but here it's on a skewer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A new version of the traditional sausage bread, but here it's on a skewer.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Minimoranga recheada com musseline de abóbora com gorgonzola, coberta com requeijão cremoso e muçarela. Acompanhada de cubos de carne suína confitados e picles de cebola-roxa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini strawberry stuffed with pumpkin muslin with gorgonzola, covered with cream cheese and mozzarella. Accompanied by confit pork cubes and red onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini strawberry stuffed with pumpkin muslin with gorgonzola, covered with cream cheese and mozzarella. Accompanied by confit pork cubes and red onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini strawberry stuffed with pumpkin muslin with gorgonzola, covered with cream cheese and mozzarella. Accompanied by confit pork cubes and red onion pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Purê de abóbora cabotiá com pernil desfiado, com tempero baiano e crispy de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabotiá pumpkin puree with shredded ham, with Bahian seasoning and cabbage crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabotiá pumpkin puree with shredded ham, with Bahian seasoning and cabbage crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabotiá pumpkin puree with shredded ham, with Bahian seasoning and cabbage crispy.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Espetinho de queijo e goiabada enrolado no bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cheese and guava skewer wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cheese and guava skewer wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cheese and guava skewer wrapped in bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Fatias de bacon enroladas em provolone com cubos de pernil, empanado na panko, acompanha molho barbecue e mostarda amarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Slices of bacon wrapped in provolone with cubes of ham, breaded in panko, served with barbecue sauce and yellow mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Slices of bacon wrapped in provolone with cubes of ham, breaded in panko, served with barbecue sauce and yellow mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Slices of bacon wrapped in provolone with cubes of ham, breaded in panko, served with barbecue sauce and yellow mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bruschetta elaborada com linguiça artesanal da casa coberta com cream cheese e tomate cereja.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bruschetta made with homemade sausage topped with cream cheese and cherry tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bruschetta made with homemade sausage topped with cream cheese and cherry tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bruschetta made with homemade sausage topped with cream cheese and cherry tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bruschetta de pernil assado ao vinho com tomate cereja confitado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Wine-roasted ham bruschetta with cherry tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Wine-roasted ham bruschetta with cherry tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Wine-roasted ham bruschetta with cherry tomato confit.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com Kafta, rúcula e queijo muçarela com molho de maionese de orégano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Kafta, arugula and mozzarella cheese with oregano mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Kafta, arugula and mozzarella cheese with oregano mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Angel mouth snack stuffed with Kafta, arugula and mozzarella cheese with oregano mayonnaise sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Espeto de carnes suínas e linguica paio atolado no feijão com delicioso tempero botequeiro e finalizado com couve crocante e torresmo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Skewer of pork and paio sausage tossed in beans with delicious botequeiro seasoning and finished with crispy cabbage and cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Skewer of pork and paio sausage tossed in beans with delicious botequeiro seasoning and finished with crispy cabbage and cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Skewer of pork and paio sausage tossed in beans with delicious botequeiro seasoning and finished with crispy cabbage and cracklings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Minimaia em formato triangular popularmente conhecido como precheca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Triangular shaped minimaia popularly known as precheca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Triangular shaped minimaia popularly known as precheca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Triangular shaped minimaia popularly known as precheca.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cupim temperado com manteiga de ervas finas, feito no bafo por 7 horas, desfiado, sobre sour cream (limão com cream cheese), no arroz japones feito na panko (hot) finalizado com molho teriyaki de açai\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite seasoned with fine herb butter, cooked in the oven for 7 hours, shredded, over sour cream (lemon with cream cheese), on Japanese rice made with panko (hot) finished with açai teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite seasoned with fine herb butter, cooked in the oven for 7 hours, shredded, over sour cream (lemon with cream cheese), on Japanese rice made with panko (hot) finished with açai teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite seasoned with fine herb butter, cooked in the oven for 7 hours, shredded, over sour cream (lemon with cream cheese), on Japanese rice made with panko (hot) finished with açai teriyaki sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camada generosa de vatapá, coberta com queijo muçarela creme de bobó e por cima camarões e banana da terra grelhados.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Generous layer of vatapá, covered with bobó cream mozzarella cheese and on top grilled prawns and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Generous layer of vatapá, covered with bobó cream mozzarella cheese and on top grilled prawns and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Generous layer of vatapá, covered with bobó cream mozzarella cheese and on top grilled prawns and plantain.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho recheado com rabada e especiarias, cuja massa é feita na panela do cozimento da carne. Servido com molho especialdeagrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumpling stuffed with oxtail and spices, whose dough is made in the meat cooking pan. Served with special watercress sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumpling stuffed with oxtail and spices, whose dough is made in the meat cooking pan. Served with special watercress sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumpling stuffed with oxtail and spices, whose dough is made in the meat cooking pan. Served with special watercress sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "CARNE DESFIADA COM CASTANHA DO PARÁ ENVOLTOS EM MASSA HARUMAKI REGADOS COM MOLHO DE TAPEREBÁ LEVEMENTE PICANTE. ACOMPANHADO DE VINAGRETE DE CASTANHA.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'SHREDDED BEEF WITH BRAZIL NUTS WRAPPED IN HARUMAKI DOUGH, WATERED WITH LIGHTLY SPICY TAPEREBÁ SAUCE. ACCOMPANIED WITH CHESTNUT VINEGARET.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'SHREDDED BEEF WITH BRAZIL NUTS WRAPPED IN HARUMAKI DOUGH, WATERED WITH LIGHTLY SPICY TAPEREBÁ SAUCE. ACCOMPANIED WITH CHESTNUT VINEGARET.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'SHREDDED BEEF WITH BRAZIL NUTS WRAPPED IN HARUMAKI DOUGH, WATERED WITH LIGHTLY SPICY TAPEREBÁ SAUCE. ACCOMPANIED WITH CHESTNUT VINEGARET.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Filé-mignon suíno com farofa de três farinhas, vinagrete de abacaxi e molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork filet mignon with three-flour farofa, pineapple vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork filet mignon with three-flour farofa, pineapple vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork filet mignon with three-flour farofa, pineapple vinaigrette and sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Fraldinha desfiada com legumes, cerveja preta e requeijão, na massa do rolinho primavera frito, acompanhada de dois molhos, um de creme de torresmo e outro uma copota de cebola roxa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded flank steak with vegetables, dark beer and cream cheese, in fried spring roll dough, accompanied by two sauces, one with crackling cream and the other with a cup of red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded flank steak with vegetables, dark beer and cream cheese, in fried spring roll dough, accompanied by two sauces, one with crackling cream and the other with a cup of red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded flank steak with vegetables, dark beer and cream cheese, in fried spring roll dough, accompanied by two sauces, one with crackling cream and the other with a cup of red onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Caldeirada de frutos do mar, com um caldo bem saboroso e cremoso, servido com torradas regadas no azeite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Seafood stew, with a very tasty and creamy broth, served with toast drizzled in olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Seafood stew, with a very tasty and creamy broth, served with toast drizzled in olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Seafood stew, with a very tasty and creamy broth, served with toast drizzled in olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Camarão com molho, com purê misto de mandioquinha e batata gratinada com parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp with sauce, with mixed cassava puree and potatoes gratin with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp with sauce, with mixed cassava puree and potatoes gratin with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp with sauce, with mixed cassava puree and potatoes gratin with parmesan.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Deliciosas almôndegas preparadas artesanalmente e conservadas em banha suína. Acompanhadas de um vinagrete, farofa de bacon com calabresa e palitinhos de pastel temperado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Delicious meatballs prepared by hand and preserved in pork lard. Accompanied by a vinaigrette, bacon farofa with pepperoni and seasoned pastry sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Delicious meatballs prepared by hand and preserved in pork lard. Accompanied by a vinaigrette, bacon farofa with pepperoni and seasoned pastry sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Delicious meatballs prepared by hand and preserved in pork lard. Accompanied by a vinaigrette, bacon farofa with pepperoni and seasoned pastry sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porção de minialmôndegas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of mini meatballs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of mini meatballs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of mini meatballs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Minisanduíches de frutos do mar\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini seafood sandwiches'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini seafood sandwiches'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini seafood sandwiches'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com abóbora recheado com queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dried meat dumpling with pumpkin stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dried meat dumpling with pumpkin stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dried meat dumpling with pumpkin stuffed with cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Kibe de pato e camarão recheados com velute de tucupi e jambu. Empanados na farinha de Bragança. Acompanha pesto de jambu com pimenta dedo moça e castanha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Duck and shrimp kibbeh stuffed with tucupi velute and jambu. Breaded in Bragança flour. Accompanies jambu pesto with finger pepper and chestnut.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Duck and shrimp kibbeh stuffed with tucupi velute and jambu. Breaded in Bragança flour. Accompanies jambu pesto with finger pepper and chestnut.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Duck and shrimp kibbeh stuffed with tucupi velute and jambu. Breaded in Bragança flour. Accompanies jambu pesto with finger pepper and chestnut.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "O camarão ao molho de tomate, servido com torradas e salada vinagrete\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimp in tomato sauce, served with toast and vinaigrette salad'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimp in tomato sauce, served with toast and vinaigrette salad'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimp in tomato sauce, served with toast and vinaigrette salad'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "o 3 bolinhos de brisket (peito bovino defumado em lenha frutífera e depois cozido lentamente até desfiar) temperados com ervas e cream cheese, trazendo uma experiência sensorial de defumado a cada mordida, servidos com ketchup de picles\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'o 3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'o 3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'o 3 brisket dumplings (beef brisket smoked over fruit wood and then slowly cooked until shredded) seasoned with herbs and cream cheese, bringing a sensorial smoked experience to each bite, served with pickle ketchup'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Escondidinho de jiló com linguiça, gratinado com queijo parmesão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Jiló Escondidinho with sausage, gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Jiló Escondidinho with sausage, gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Jiló Escondidinho with sausage, gratin with parmesan cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Filé de pirarucu serenado com ceviche de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pirarucu fillet serenaded with pineapple ceviche.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pirarucu fillet serenaded with pineapple ceviche.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pirarucu fillet serenaded with pineapple ceviche.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Copa lomba ao molho de mostarda acompanhado de batata rústica e farofa secreta da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Copa lomba in mustard sauce accompanied by rustic potatoes and secret house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Copa lomba in mustard sauce accompanied by rustic potatoes and secret house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Copa lomba in mustard sauce accompanied by rustic potatoes and secret house farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Ossobuco, calabresa de Maragogipe, fubá de milho, pimentões, molho de tomate, alecrim, páprica defumada, tomilho, crispy couve, salada vinagrete, tempero verde.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ossobuco, pepperoni from Maragogipe, cornmeal, peppers, tomato sauce, rosemary, smoked paprika, thyme, crispy cabbage, vinaigrette salad, green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ossobuco, pepperoni from Maragogipe, cornmeal, peppers, tomato sauce, rosemary, smoked paprika, thyme, crispy cabbage, vinaigrette salad, green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ossobuco, pepperoni from Maragogipe, cornmeal, peppers, tomato sauce, rosemary, smoked paprika, thyme, crispy cabbage, vinaigrette salad, green seasoning.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "Croqueta de jiló defumado acompanhado de mousseline de fígado de frango e molho sweet chilli.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked jiló croqueta accompanied by chicken liver mousseline and sweet chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked jiló croqueta accompanied by chicken liver mousseline and sweet chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked jiló croqueta accompanied by chicken liver mousseline and sweet chilli sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga suína crocante, marinada ao molho de chimichurri e lemon pepper, com pudim de batata e bacon ao molho sugo e aquela branquinha para abrir o apetite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy pork belly, marinated in chimichurri and lemon pepper sauce, with potato and bacon pudding in sugo sauce and that white to whet your appetite.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy pork belly, marinated in chimichurri and lemon pepper sauce, with potato and bacon pudding in sugo sauce and that white to whet your appetite.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy pork belly, marinated in chimichurri and lemon pepper sauce, with potato and bacon pudding in sugo sauce and that white to whet your appetite.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pimentão recheado com queijo e blend de carnes (bovina, suína e bacon), mergulhado ao molho pomodori. Acompanhado do original pãozinho francês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Peppers stuffed with cheese and a mix of meats (beef, pork and bacon), dipped in pomodori sauce. Accompanied by the original French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Peppers stuffed with cheese and a mix of meats (beef, pork and bacon), dipped in pomodori sauce. Accompanied by the original French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Peppers stuffed with cheese and a mix of meats (beef, pork and bacon), dipped in pomodori sauce. Accompanied by the original French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lingua de boi com batatas rústicas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef tongue with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef tongue with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef tongue with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Lingüiça de pernil da casa, envolvendo um bolinho de carne de sol recheado com queijo coalho, finalizado com uma geleia de coentro e picles de maxixe.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-made ham sausage, involving a sun-dried meat dumpling stuffed with coalho cheese, finished with coriander jelly and gherkin pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-made ham sausage, involving a sun-dried meat dumpling stuffed with coalho cheese, finished with coriander jelly and gherkin pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-made ham sausage, involving a sun-dried meat dumpling stuffed with coalho cheese, finished with coriander jelly and gherkin pickles.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Massa Folhada com recheio de bacalhau em natas\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Puff pastry with cod and cream filling'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Puff pastry with cod and cream filling'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Puff pastry with cod and cream filling'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pão bola recheado com pernil desfiado e empanado na farinha panko, queijo muçarela, saladinha e molho pesto de rúcula.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ball bread stuffed with shredded ham and breaded in panko flour, mozzarella cheese, salad and arugula pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ball bread stuffed with shredded ham and breaded in panko flour, mozzarella cheese, salad and arugula pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ball bread stuffed with shredded ham and breaded in panko flour, mozzarella cheese, salad and arugula pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Torresmo de rolo com mandioca.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Roasting crackling with cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Roasting crackling with cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Roasting crackling with cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Discos de aipim frito com carne seca, bacalhau ao molho de nata e pernil. Acompanha molho de laranja com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Discs of fried cassava with dried meat, cod in cream sauce and ham. Served with orange and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Discs of fried cassava with dried meat, cod in cream sauce and ham. Served with orange and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Discs of fried cassava with dried meat, cod in cream sauce and ham. Served with orange and pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de mandioca recheados de parmegiana de carne com queijo gorgonzola e de parmegiana de berinjela com brócolis e gorgonzola. Fritos com uma dourada casquinha crocante. Acompanhados de um molho de tomates frescos e ervas, além de um molho de queijo cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumplings filled with meat parmigiana with gorgonzola cheese and eggplant parmigiana with broccoli and gorgonzola. Fried with a crispy golden crust. Accompanied by a sauce of fresh tomatoes and herbs, as well as a creamy cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumplings filled with meat parmigiana with gorgonzola cheese and eggplant parmigiana with broccoli and gorgonzola. Fried with a crispy golden crust. Accompanied by a sauce of fresh tomatoes and herbs, as well as a creamy cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumplings filled with meat parmigiana with gorgonzola cheese and eggplant parmigiana with broccoli and gorgonzola. Fried with a crispy golden crust. Accompanied by a sauce of fresh tomatoes and herbs, as well as a creamy cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Isca de pernil atolada no creme de queijo e bacon, acompanhada de batatas ao murro!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ham fillet stuffed with cream cheese and bacon, accompanied by smashed potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ham fillet stuffed with cream cheese and bacon, accompanied by smashed potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ham fillet stuffed with cream cheese and bacon, accompanied by smashed potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pastelzinho de carne de siri acompanhado de vinagrete de tomate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crab meat pastry accompanied by tomato vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crab meat pastry accompanied by tomato vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crab meat pastry accompanied by tomato vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Porção de carne de sol com queijo coalho e macaxeira frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of sun-dried meat with curd cheese and fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of sun-dried meat with curd cheese and fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of sun-dried meat with curd cheese and fried cassava.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco feito com massa de abóbora japonesa, Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork knuckle dumpling made with Japanese pumpkin dough, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork knuckle dumpling made with Japanese pumpkin dough, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork knuckle dumpling made with Japanese pumpkin dough, served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada regada ao molho de nata do Nordeste. Acompanha: macaxeira palito frita e uma paçoca de carne de sol.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded corned beef drizzled with Northeastern cream sauce. Accompanies: fried cassava stick and a paçoca of sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded corned beef drizzled with Northeastern cream sauce. Accompanies: fried cassava stick and a paçoca of sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded corned beef drizzled with Northeastern cream sauce. Accompanies: fried cassava stick and a paçoca of sun-dried meat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costela suína. Acompanha polenta brustolada com queijo e geleia de marmelo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rib. Served with brustolated polenta with cheese and quince jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rib. Served with brustolated polenta with cheese and quince jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rib. Served with brustolated polenta with cheese and quince jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne empanadas a moda retro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Retro style meat empanadas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Retro style meat empanadas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Retro style meat empanadas.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Queijo coalho na chapa, com salada de polvo e camarões servido com torrada e geleia de morango picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled coalho cheese, with octopus and shrimp salad served with toast and spicy strawberry jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled coalho cheese, with octopus and shrimp salad served with toast and spicy strawberry jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled coalho cheese, with octopus and shrimp salad served with toast and spicy strawberry jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Tempurá de carne de sol recheada com requeijão de corte. Acompanha paçoca de torresmo, amendoim, rapadura e gergelim.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat tempura stuffed with cream cheese. Served with pork rinds, peanuts, brown sugar and sesame seeds.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat tempura stuffed with cream cheese. Served with pork rinds, peanuts, brown sugar and sesame seeds.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat tempura stuffed with cream cheese. Served with pork rinds, peanuts, brown sugar and sesame seeds.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pão francês com pasta de alho caseira, peito de frango, queijo coalho e vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'French bread with homemade garlic paste, chicken breast, coalho cheese and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'French bread with homemade garlic paste, chicken breast, coalho cheese and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'French bread with homemade garlic paste, chicken breast, coalho cheese and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Casquinha de peixe servida com farofa de alho e salada vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fish crust served with garlic farofa and vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fish crust served with garlic farofa and vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fish crust served with garlic farofa and vinaigrette salad.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Filé de peito de frango empanado, acompanhado por maionese da casa e coulis de morango.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded chicken breast fillet, accompanied by house mayonnaise and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded chicken breast fillet, accompanied by house mayonnaise and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded chicken breast fillet, accompanied by house mayonnaise and strawberry coulis.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Torrada de pão cacetinho recheada com vinagrete e queijo, acompanhada de creme de camarão com alho poró.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cacetinho bread toast stuffed with vinaigrette and cheese, accompanied by shrimp cream with garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cacetinho bread toast stuffed with vinaigrette and cheese, accompanied by shrimp cream with garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cacetinho bread toast stuffed with vinaigrette and cheese, accompanied by shrimp cream with garlic.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Moranga de pão artesanal recheado com camarão e molho à base de queijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Artisanal bread strawberry stuffed with shrimp and cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Artisanal bread strawberry stuffed with shrimp and cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Artisanal bread strawberry stuffed with shrimp and cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de abóbora cabotiá, recheado com mignon suíno, assentada em geleia de pimenta, com raspas de laranja. Acompanha molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabotiá pumpkin cake, stuffed with pork tenderloin, set in pepper jelly, with orange zest. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabotiá pumpkin cake, stuffed with pork tenderloin, set in pepper jelly, with orange zest. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabotiá pumpkin cake, stuffed with pork tenderloin, set in pepper jelly, with orange zest. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pastel e iscas de tilápia acompanhados de molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastry and tilapia fillets accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastry and tilapia fillets accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastry and tilapia fillets accompanied by sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "‘Tábua’ de petisquinhos com carne de sereno, mandioca cozida e frita, linguiça de porco em cubos e cebola em cubos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '‘Board’ of snacks with sereno meat, boiled and fried cassava, diced pork sausage and diced onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '‘Board’ of snacks with sereno meat, boiled and fried cassava, diced pork sausage and diced onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '‘Board’ of snacks with sereno meat, boiled and fried cassava, diced pork sausage and diced onion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barriga de Porco pururucada com cuscuz mineiro e vinagrete de jiló.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork belly seared with couscous from Minas Gerais and jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork belly seared with couscous from Minas Gerais and jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork belly seared with couscous from Minas Gerais and jiló vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Três minibúrgeres: carne-seca com banana-da-terra e queijo coalho; salmão com chutney de manga; shitaki crocante com molho de queijos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Three miniburgers: jerky with plantain and coalho cheese; salmon with mango chutney; crispy shitaki with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Three miniburgers: jerky with plantain and coalho cheese; salmon with mango chutney; crispy shitaki with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Three miniburgers: jerky with plantain and coalho cheese; salmon with mango chutney; crispy shitaki with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Uma cesta de massa de pizza recheada com polvo e camarão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A basket of pizza dough stuffed with octopus and shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A basket of pizza dough stuffed with octopus and shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A basket of pizza dough stuffed with octopus and shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Empanadas com recheio de queijo com cebola (argentina), cupim defumado (brasil),e o pulled pork com cheedar e jalapeño (eua). Acompanhada de molho chimichurri.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Empanadas with cheese filling with onion (Argentina), smoked termite (Brazil), and pulled pork with cheedar and jalapeño (USA). Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Empanadas with cheese filling with onion (Argentina), smoked termite (Brazil), and pulled pork with cheedar and jalapeño (USA). Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Empanadas with cheese filling with onion (Argentina), smoked termite (Brazil), and pulled pork with cheedar and jalapeño (USA). Accompanied by chimichurri sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Pipoca de carne acompanhada com ketchup de goiabada e molho de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Meat popcorn served with guava ketchup and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Meat popcorn served with guava ketchup and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Meat popcorn served with guava ketchup and garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Se é boteco raiz, tem moela bem feita! Suculenta, macia e servida no caldo. Prato extremamente bem servido, acompanhado de pão caseiro e uma pimentinha pra dar o toque final. Quem gostava, vai amar. Quem não gostava, vai mudar de opinião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'If it's a local bar, it has well-made gizzards! Juicy, tender and served in broth. An extremely well served dish, accompanied by homemade bread and a little pepper to add the finishing touch. Whoever liked it will love it. Those who didn't like it will change their opinion.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'If it's a local bar, it has well-made gizzards! Juicy, tender and served in broth. An extremely well served dish, accompanied by homemade bread and a little pepper to add the finishing touch. Whoever liked it will love it. Those who didn't like it will change their opinion.'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'If it's a local bar, it has well-made gizzards! Juicy, tender and served in broth. An extremely well served dish, accompanied by homemade bread and a little pepper to add the finishing touch. Whoever liked it will love it. Those who didn't like it will change their opinion.'.\n", + "\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca com camarão, servido com geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tapioca cubes with shrimp, served with pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tapioca cubes with shrimp, served with pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tapioca cubes with shrimp, served with pepper pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de costela desfiada com catupiry, recheados com muçarela, empanados e fritos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib dumplings with catupiry, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib dumplings with catupiry, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib dumplings with catupiry, stuffed with mozzarella, breaded and fried.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Croquetes de tilápia, acompanhados de limão siciliano e molho tártaro da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia croquettes, accompanied by Sicilian lemon and house tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia croquettes, accompanied by Sicilian lemon and house tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia croquettes, accompanied by Sicilian lemon and house tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Coxa de frango, batata, queijo empanada na farinha panko. Servido com molho de alho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken thigh, potato, cheese breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken thigh, potato, cheese breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken thigh, potato, cheese breaded in panko flour. Served with garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Casquinha de banana frita recheada com ragu de porco com abacaxi caramelizado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried banana cone stuffed with pork ragu with caramelized pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried banana cone stuffed with pork ragu with caramelized pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried banana cone stuffed with pork ragu with caramelized pineapple.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "São 6 bolinhos de mandioca cremosa servidos junto a cumbuca de creme de camarão, incluindo pedaços generosos de camarão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'There are 6 creamy cassava dumplings served alongside a bowl of shrimp cream, including generous pieces of shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'There are 6 creamy cassava dumplings served alongside a bowl of shrimp cream, including generous pieces of shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'There are 6 creamy cassava dumplings served alongside a bowl of shrimp cream, including generous pieces of shrimp.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Linguiça, bacon e banana-da-terra salteados e cobertos com creme de mandioca gratinado com queijo minas. Acompanha queijo coalho grelhado com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sausage, bacon and plantains sautéed and covered with cassava cream gratin with Minas cheese. Accompanies grilled coalho cheese with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sausage, bacon and plantains sautéed and covered with cassava cream gratin with Minas cheese. Accompanies grilled coalho cheese with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sausage, bacon and plantains sautéed and covered with cassava cream gratin with Minas cheese. Accompanies grilled coalho cheese with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Uma releitura do Fish and Chips. Peixe e batatas rústicas acompanhados de baconese, geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A reinterpretation of Fish and Chips. Rustic fish and potatoes accompanied by baconese, pepper jelly and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A reinterpretation of Fish and Chips. Rustic fish and potatoes accompanied by baconese, pepper jelly and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A reinterpretation of Fish and Chips. Rustic fish and potatoes accompanied by baconese, pepper jelly and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Joelho de porco desfiado, salada de batata na mostarda, repolho refogado, vinagrete de abacaxi e acompanha pão francês.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded pork knuckle, mustard potato salad, braised cabbage, pineapple vinaigrette and served with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded pork knuckle, mustard potato salad, braised cabbage, pineapple vinaigrette and served with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded pork knuckle, mustard potato salad, braised cabbage, pineapple vinaigrette and served with French bread.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com batata, acompanhado de molho agridoce\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dried meat dumpling with potatoes, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dried meat dumpling with potatoes, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dried meat dumpling with potatoes, accompanied by sweet and sour sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada, pancetinha e couve-flor empanados com temperos especiais. Tudo isso acompanhado de molho da casa!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Boneless drumstick, pancetta and cauliflower breaded with special seasonings. All this accompanied by house sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Boneless drumstick, pancetta and cauliflower breaded with special seasonings. All this accompanied by house sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Boneless drumstick, pancetta and cauliflower breaded with special seasonings. All this accompanied by house sauce!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com pamonha em cubos frita com creme de queijo gratinado e tomates grapes.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs served with cubed tamale fried with cream cheese au gratin and grape tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs served with cubed tamale fried with cream cheese au gratin and grape tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs served with cubed tamale fried with cream cheese au gratin and grape tomatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Filé-mignon gratinado, acompanhado de bolovo de linguiça Blumenau e balinha de banana com cream cheese e doce de leite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled filet mignon, accompanied by Blumenau sausage bolovo and banana candy with cream cheese and dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled filet mignon, accompanied by Blumenau sausage bolovo and banana candy with cream cheese and dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled filet mignon, accompanied by Blumenau sausage bolovo and banana candy with cream cheese and dulce de leche.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Disco de carne goiano preparado com recheio de um trio de queijos, servido com molho de alho especial picante.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Disc of meat from Goiás prepared with a trio of cheeses filling, served with a special spicy garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Disc of meat from Goiás prepared with a trio of cheeses filling, served with a special spicy garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Disc of meat from Goiás prepared with a trio of cheeses filling, served with a special spicy garlic sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de Costela recheado com com pernil e queijo, empanado com quatro tipos de farinhas (trigo, milho, rosca e mandioca). Acompanha patê de ervas finas e o molho de pimenta agridoce caseiro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded with four types of flour (wheat, corn, breadcrumbs and cassava). Served with fine herb pate and homemade sweet and sour pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded with four types of flour (wheat, corn, breadcrumbs and cassava). Served with fine herb pate and homemade sweet and sour pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib dumpling stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded with four types of flour (wheat, corn, breadcrumbs and cassava). Served with fine herb pate and homemade sweet and sour pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Hot Roll Misto de fraldinha e pernil desfiado, recheado com queijo muçarela empando com Doritos e farofa de bacon, finalizado catupiry e couve crispy. Acompanha molho tarê com redução de cachaça de rapadura, barbecue de whisky e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Hot Roll Mixed flank steak and shredded ham, stuffed with mozzarella cheese topped with Doritos and bacon farofa, finished with catupiry and crispy cabbage. Accompanies tarê sauce with rapadura cachaça reduction, whiskey barbecue and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Hot Roll Mixed flank steak and shredded ham, stuffed with mozzarella cheese topped with Doritos and bacon farofa, finished with catupiry and crispy cabbage. Accompanies tarê sauce with rapadura cachaça reduction, whiskey barbecue and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Hot Roll Mixed flank steak and shredded ham, stuffed with mozzarella cheese topped with Doritos and bacon farofa, finished with catupiry and crispy cabbage. Accompanies tarê sauce with rapadura cachaça reduction, whiskey barbecue and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada, recheada com abóbora Cabotiã, queijo coalho enrolada no bacon. Acompanha molho de rapadura defumado\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded corned beef, stuffed with Cabotiã pumpkin, curd cheese wrapped in bacon. Served with smoked brown sugar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded corned beef, stuffed with Cabotiã pumpkin, curd cheese wrapped in bacon. Served with smoked brown sugar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded corned beef, stuffed with Cabotiã pumpkin, curd cheese wrapped in bacon. Served with smoked brown sugar sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquetes feitos com massa de macaxeira saborizada com molho de cupim e ervas, recheados com cupim desfiado e queijo. Macaxeira cozida com manteiga da terra, com pedaços de cupim desfiado, cebolinha e pimenta-biquinho, finalizado com queijo muçarela ralado e maçaricado. Acompanha molho de melado de cana picante e outro de maionese com coentro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquettes made with cassava dough flavored with termite sauce and herbs, stuffed with shredded termite and cheese. Macaxeira cooked with local butter, with pieces of shredded termite, chives and chili pepper, finished with grated and torched mozzarella cheese. Served with spicy sugarcane molasses sauce and mayonnaise with coriander.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquettes made with cassava dough flavored with termite sauce and herbs, stuffed with shredded termite and cheese. Macaxeira cooked with local butter, with pieces of shredded termite, chives and chili pepper, finished with grated and torched mozzarella cheese. Served with spicy sugarcane molasses sauce and mayonnaise with coriander.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquettes made with cassava dough flavored with termite sauce and herbs, stuffed with shredded termite and cheese. Macaxeira cooked with local butter, with pieces of shredded termite, chives and chili pepper, finished with grated and torched mozzarella cheese. Served with spicy sugarcane molasses sauce and mayonnaise with coriander.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne de Suan cozido na panela de pressão servido com purê de batata com queijo. Acompanha pãezinhos.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Suan meat cooked in the pressure cooker served with mashed potatoes and cheese. Accompanied by buns.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Suan meat cooked in the pressure cooker served with mashed potatoes and cheese. Accompanied by buns.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Suan meat cooked in the pressure cooker served with mashed potatoes and cheese. Accompanied by buns.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho típico portugês, feito com massa de batatas e tilápia, acompanhado de molho á base de cebola roxa e limão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Typical Portuguese dumpling, made with potato and tilapia dough, accompanied by a sauce based on red onion and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Typical Portuguese dumpling, made with potato and tilapia dough, accompanied by a sauce based on red onion and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Typical Portuguese dumpling, made with potato and tilapia dough, accompanied by a sauce based on red onion and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pão italiano recheado com carne seca puxada na manteiga de garrafa e creme de batata baroa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Italian bread stuffed with dried meat pulled in bottled butter and baroa potato cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Italian bread stuffed with dried meat pulled in bottled butter and baroa potato cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Italian bread stuffed with dried meat pulled in bottled butter and baroa potato cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Espeto de carne de sol com mandioca, tomate, cebola, finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanhado de salpicão de pulled pork defumado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat skewer with cassava, tomato, onion, finished in bottled butter. Accompanied by a splash of smoked pulled pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat skewer with cassava, tomato, onion, finished in bottled butter. Accompanied by a splash of smoked pulled pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat skewer with cassava, tomato, onion, finished in bottled butter. Accompanied by a splash of smoked pulled pork.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de carne da casa, bolinho de costela e bolinho carne-seca. Acompanha molho agridoce, molho de alho e molho de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'House-made meat dumplings, rib dumplings and dried meat dumplings. Served with sweet and sour sauce, garlic sauce and bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'House-made meat dumplings, rib dumplings and dried meat dumplings. Served with sweet and sour sauce, garlic sauce and bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'House-made meat dumplings, rib dumplings and dried meat dumplings. Served with sweet and sour sauce, garlic sauce and bacon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de carne de ossobuco, acompanha uma geleia de acerola da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ossobuco meat dumplings, accompanied by house-made acerola jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ossobuco meat dumplings, accompanied by house-made acerola jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ossobuco meat dumplings, accompanied by house-made acerola jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Trouxinha feita com massa de harumaki com camarão, muçarela, bacon e um toque suave de gorgonzola. Acompanha geleia de goiaba levemente picante e maionese de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Trouxinha made with harumaki dough with shrimp, mozzarella, bacon and a soft touch of gorgonzola. Served with slightly spicy guava jelly and bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Trouxinha made with harumaki dough with shrimp, mozzarella, bacon and a soft touch of gorgonzola. Served with slightly spicy guava jelly and bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Trouxinha made with harumaki dough with shrimp, mozzarella, bacon and a soft touch of gorgonzola. Served with slightly spicy guava jelly and bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Croqueta de frango com creme de milho e molho de pequi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken croqueta with corn cream and pequi sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken croqueta with corn cream and pequi sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken croqueta with corn cream and pequi sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Filé de pescoço de galinha saboroso, sequinhoecrocante\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tasty, dry, crispy chicken neck fillet'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tasty, dry, crispy chicken neck fillet'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tasty, dry, crispy chicken neck fillet'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete de linguiça toscana desconstruída, temperado com ervas finas, recheado com queijo e empanado com panko. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deconstructed Tuscan sausage croquette, seasoned with fine herbs, stuffed with cheese and breaded with panko. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deconstructed Tuscan sausage croquette, seasoned with fine herbs, stuffed with cheese and breaded with panko. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deconstructed Tuscan sausage croquette, seasoned with fine herbs, stuffed with cheese and breaded with panko. Served with pineapple jelly and pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Carne de panela com molho especial da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potted meat with special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potted meat with special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potted meat with special house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Língua ao molho de vinho com farofa de pipoca e purê de banana-da-terra.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tongue in wine sauce with popcorn crumbs and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tongue in wine sauce with popcorn crumbs and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tongue in wine sauce with popcorn crumbs and plantain puree.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tradicional de Londres, o fish n’ chips ganha sua releitura com peixe pescada amarela ao panko, com porção de batata e nosso molho tártaro artesanal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Traditional from London, fish n’ chips is reinterpreted with yellow hake in panko, with a portion of potatoes and our artisanal tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Traditional from London, fish n’ chips is reinterpreted with yellow hake in panko, with a portion of potatoes and our artisanal tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Traditional from London, fish n’ chips is reinterpreted with yellow hake in panko, with a portion of potatoes and our artisanal tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de Sol suculenta, com Aipim frito que derrete na boca, com tiras de Queijo Coalho finalizando com Pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Succulent sun-dried beef, with fried cassava that melts in your mouth, with strips of curd cheese finishing with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Succulent sun-dried beef, with fried cassava that melts in your mouth, with strips of curd cheese finishing with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Succulent sun-dried beef, with fried cassava that melts in your mouth, with strips of curd cheese finishing with biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coração bovino em cubos marinados, cobertos com 3 queijos (cheddar, catupiry e muçarela) e temperado com especiarias. Acompanha maionese caseira com um toque de whisky, batatas rústicas e anéis de cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef heart in marinated cubes, covered with 3 cheeses (cheddar, catupiry and mozzarella) and seasoned with spices. Served with homemade mayonnaise with a touch of whiskey, rustic potatoes and onion rings.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef heart in marinated cubes, covered with 3 cheeses (cheddar, catupiry and mozzarella) and seasoned with spices. Served with homemade mayonnaise with a touch of whiskey, rustic potatoes and onion rings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef heart in marinated cubes, covered with 3 cheeses (cheddar, catupiry and mozzarella) and seasoned with spices. Served with homemade mayonnaise with a touch of whiskey, rustic potatoes and onion rings.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Joelho de porco (meio) com batata calabresa e macaxeira babada (cozida) e farofa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork knuckle (medium) with Calabrian potatoes and babada cassava (cooked) and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork knuckle (medium) with Calabrian potatoes and babada cassava (cooked) and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork knuckle (medium) with Calabrian potatoes and babada cassava (cooked) and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolovo de costela, chips de jiló e croquete de rabada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rib bolovo, jiló chips and oxtail croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rib bolovo, jiló chips and oxtail croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rib bolovo, jiló chips and oxtail croquette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Dadinho de arroz arbório com camarão pitu, acompanha aioli, tartar de pimenta biquinho e farofa de bacon\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Arborio rice dadinho with pitu shrimp, served with aioli, biquinho pepper tartar and bacon farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Arborio rice dadinho with pitu shrimp, served with aioli, biquinho pepper tartar and bacon farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Arborio rice dadinho with pitu shrimp, served with aioli, biquinho pepper tartar and bacon farofa'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pernil com molho de queijo servido com pão, vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ham with cheese sauce served with bread, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ham with cheese sauce served with bread, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ham with cheese sauce served with bread, vinaigrette and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Croquete de massa de aipim, recheado com pernil suíno e vinagrete.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dough croquette, stuffed with pork shank and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dough croquette, stuffed with pork shank and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dough croquette, stuffed with pork shank and vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "TARTAR DE MIGNON DO SOL E CARPACCIO DE CARNE DO SOL COM VINAGRETE DE MANGA.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'MIGNON DO SOL TARTAR AND MEAT DO SOL CARPACCIO WITH MANGO VINAIGRETTE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'MIGNON DO SOL TARTAR AND MEAT DO SOL CARPACCIO WITH MANGO VINAIGRETTE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'MIGNON DO SOL TARTAR AND MEAT DO SOL CARPACCIO WITH MANGO VINAIGRETTE.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne de panela braseada, muito bem acompanhada da banana-da-terra grelhada, do vinagrete de jiló, da farofa de farinha de milho e bacon e da batata ao murro, que ainda levou a maionese de alho defumado junto!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised pot meat, very well accompanied by grilled plantain, jiló vinaigrette, corn flour and bacon farofa and punched potatoes, which also had smoked garlic mayonnaise along with it!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised pot meat, very well accompanied by grilled plantain, jiló vinaigrette, corn flour and bacon farofa and punched potatoes, which also had smoked garlic mayonnaise along with it!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised pot meat, very well accompanied by grilled plantain, jiló vinaigrette, corn flour and bacon farofa and punched potatoes, which also had smoked garlic mayonnaise along with it!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Batata frita com cobertura de carne de sol desfiada e refogada na cebola e cheiro-verde ao creme de leite.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'French fries topped with shredded corned beef and sautéed with onion and green scent with cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'French fries topped with shredded corned beef and sautéed with onion and green scent with cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'French fries topped with shredded corned beef and sautéed with onion and green scent with cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lâminas de berinjela recheadas com linguiça e pedaços de queijo coalho empanados com farinha de rosca e trigo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Eggplant slices stuffed with sausage and pieces of coalho cheese breaded with breadcrumbs and wheat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Eggplant slices stuffed with sausage and pieces of coalho cheese breaded with breadcrumbs and wheat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Eggplant slices stuffed with sausage and pieces of coalho cheese breaded with breadcrumbs and wheat.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Massa com batata e dois queijos, modelada no formato vulcão, recheada com pernil e finalizada com iguarias, requeijão e provolone.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pasta with potatoes and two cheeses, shaped like a volcano, stuffed with ham and finished with delicacies, cream cheese and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pasta with potatoes and two cheeses, shaped like a volcano, stuffed with ham and finished with delicacies, cream cheese and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pasta with potatoes and two cheeses, shaped like a volcano, stuffed with ham and finished with delicacies, cream cheese and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Torresmo, linguiça e mandioquinha e molho de barbecue, mostarda, maionese e ervas desidratadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rinds, sausage and cassava and barbecue sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and dehydrated herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rinds, sausage and cassava and barbecue sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and dehydrated herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rinds, sausage and cassava and barbecue sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and dehydrated herbs.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Massa folhada, moldada em forminha de empada. Recheada com siri cremoso, gratinada com queijo parmesão. Servida com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Puff pastry, shaped into a pie pan. Stuffed with creamy crab, topped with parmesan cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Puff pastry, shaped into a pie pan. Stuffed with creamy crab, topped with parmesan cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Puff pastry, shaped into a pie pan. Stuffed with creamy crab, topped with parmesan cheese. Served with pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Uma chapa com alcatra em tirinhas acebolada e batata frita acompanhada de maionese verde, molho de pimenta e farofa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A plate with rump in onion strips and French fries accompanied by green mayonnaise, pepper sauce and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A plate with rump in onion strips and French fries accompanied by green mayonnaise, pepper sauce and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A plate with rump in onion strips and French fries accompanied by green mayonnaise, pepper sauce and farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos de bacalhau empanados na farinha de rosca, acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cod fritters breaded in breadcrumbs, served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cod fritters breaded in breadcrumbs, served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cod fritters breaded in breadcrumbs, served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Tiras de frango com molho de pimenta-doce e manjericão, acompanha batatas rústicas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken strips with sweet pepper and basil sauce, served with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken strips with sweet pepper and basil sauce, served with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken strips with sweet pepper and basil sauce, served with rustic potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Crocantes de camarão com batata servidos com CEVICHU, o ceviche de chuchu ao molho Carmen Miranda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy shrimp and potatoes served with CEVICHU, the chayote ceviche with Carmen Miranda sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy shrimp and potatoes served with CEVICHU, the chayote ceviche with Carmen Miranda sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy shrimp and potatoes served with CEVICHU, the chayote ceviche with Carmen Miranda sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Paleta de cordeiro na chapa com ervas. Acompanha chips de batata-doce, creme de queijos e farofa de cuscuz.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Lamb shoulder on the plate with herbs. Served with sweet potato chips, cream cheese and couscous farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Lamb shoulder on the plate with herbs. Served with sweet potato chips, cream cheese and couscous farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Lamb shoulder on the plate with herbs. Served with sweet potato chips, cream cheese and couscous farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Uma explosão de sabores, Bolinho de Moqueca com todos os ingredientes que só uma boa Moqueca tem sabor e textura, tudo que a Bahia oferece.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'An explosion of flavors, Moqueca Cake with all the ingredients that only a good Moqueca has in flavor and texture, everything that Bahia offers.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'An explosion of flavors, Moqueca Cake with all the ingredients that only a good Moqueca has in flavor and texture, everything that Bahia offers.'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "## Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'An explosion of flavors, Moqueca Cake with all the ingredients that only a good Moqueca has in flavor and texture, everything that Bahia offers.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Iscas de alcatra salteadas na frigideira com manteiga e ervas, acompanhadas de molho de quatro queijos e torradas fritas empanadas com parmesão\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rump fillets sautéed in the pan with butter and herbs, accompanied by four-cheese sauce and fried toast breaded with parmesan'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rump fillets sautéed in the pan with butter and herbs, accompanied by four-cheese sauce and fried toast breaded with parmesan'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rump fillets sautéed in the pan with butter and herbs, accompanied by four-cheese sauce and fried toast breaded with parmesan'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Copa lombo triturado formando uma fogueira e espetinho de dadinhos de canjiquinha recheado com bacon, com cobertura de creme de queijo e crispy de couve mineira. Acompanha dois molhos: limão cremoso e mix de ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded sirloin cup forming a fire and skewer of hominy dice stuffed with bacon, topped with cream cheese and kale crispy. Served with two sauces: creamy lemon and herb mix.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded sirloin cup forming a fire and skewer of hominy dice stuffed with bacon, topped with cream cheese and kale crispy. Served with two sauces: creamy lemon and herb mix.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded sirloin cup forming a fire and skewer of hominy dice stuffed with bacon, topped with cream cheese and kale crispy. Served with two sauces: creamy lemon and herb mix.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bruquetas com cupim desfiado, cebola branca e roxa, pimentão vermelho e coentro. Servidos com maionese de ervas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bruquetas with shredded termite, white and red onion, red pepper and coriander. Served with herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bruquetas with shredded termite, white and red onion, red pepper and coriander. Served with herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bruquetas with shredded termite, white and red onion, red pepper and coriander. Served with herb mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com Bacon e Feijão Fradinho gratinado com Parmesão. Acompanhado de molho Bechamel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded cod with bacon and black-eyed peas gratin with Parmesan. Accompanied by Bechamel sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded cod with bacon and black-eyed peas gratin with Parmesan. Accompanied by Bechamel sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded cod with bacon and black-eyed peas gratin with Parmesan. Accompanied by Bechamel sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Espetinhos de tâmaras recheadas com muçarela e envoltas por tiras de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Date skewers stuffed with mozzarella and wrapped in strips of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Date skewers stuffed with mozzarella and wrapped in strips of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Date skewers stuffed with mozzarella and wrapped in strips of bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca com carne de sol recheado com mussarela, servido com maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava dumpling with sun-dried meat stuffed with mozzarella, served with house-made mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava dumpling with sun-dried meat stuffed with mozzarella, served with house-made mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava dumpling with sun-dried meat stuffed with mozzarella, served with house-made mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Miniespetinho de frango com queijo acompanhado de molho tártaro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mini chicken skewer with cheese accompanied by tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mini chicken skewer with cheese accompanied by tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mini chicken skewer with cheese accompanied by tartar sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Cubo de Brisket defumado e crocante. Acompanha maionese picante da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked and crispy Brisket cube. Served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked and crispy Brisket cube. Served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked and crispy Brisket cube. Served with house-made spicy mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Porção de filés de cavala, empanados em farinha panko. Acompanha maionese de dill e limão-taiti cortados à francesa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of mackerel fillets, breaded in panko flour. Served with dill mayonnaise and French-cut lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of mackerel fillets, breaded in panko flour. Served with dill mayonnaise and French-cut lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of mackerel fillets, breaded in panko flour. Served with dill mayonnaise and French-cut lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porção de tilápia frita. Acompanha batata frita e molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of fried tilapia. Served with fries and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of fried tilapia. Served with fries and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of fried tilapia. Served with fries and house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de peixe acompanhado com molho siciliano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fish cake served with Sicilian sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fish cake served with Sicilian sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fish cake served with Sicilian sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Fatias de filé de frango deliciosamente temperadas e empanadas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Deliciously seasoned and breaded slices of chicken fillet.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Deliciously seasoned and breaded slices of chicken fillet.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Deliciously seasoned and breaded slices of chicken fillet.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Coração de ovelha flambado na cachaça servido no pão de erva-mate e polenta brustolada defumada. Acompanha mostarda de vinho tinto.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sheep heart flambéed in cachaça served on yerba mate bread and smoked brustolated polenta. Served with red wine mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sheep heart flambéed in cachaça served on yerba mate bread and smoked brustolated polenta. Served with red wine mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sheep heart flambéed in cachaça served on yerba mate bread and smoked brustolated polenta. Served with red wine mustard.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Lula empanada no estilo tailandês com molho doce e levemente apimentado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Thai-style breaded squid with sweet and slightly spicy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Thai-style breaded squid with sweet and slightly spicy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Thai-style breaded squid with sweet and slightly spicy sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho cremoso de rabada temperado com karê (curry japonês), acompanhado de molho missô agridoce(5unidades).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Creamy oxtail dumpling seasoned with karê (Japanese curry), accompanied by sweet and sour miso sauce (5 units).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Creamy oxtail dumpling seasoned with karê (Japanese curry), accompanied by sweet and sour miso sauce (5 units).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Creamy oxtail dumpling seasoned with karê (Japanese curry), accompanied by sweet and sour miso sauce (5 units).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Fraldinha ao molho de cerveja preta, picles de cebola e pãozinho de sal\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Skirt steak with black beer sauce, onion pickles and salt bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Skirt steak with black beer sauce, onion pickles and salt bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Skirt steak with black beer sauce, onion pickles and salt bread'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "6 coxinhas da asa empanadas e fritas, em degustação de molhos BBQ artesanais de goiabada, picante e tradicional.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): '6 breaded and fried wing drumsticks, tasting artisanal BBQ guava sauces, spicy and traditional.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): '6 breaded and fried wing drumsticks, tasting artisanal BBQ guava sauces, spicy and traditional.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): '6 breaded and fried wing drumsticks, tasting artisanal BBQ guava sauces, spicy and traditional.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Cubinhos de carne suína, pernil com Ora pro Nobis. Servidos com Dadinhos de polenta com queijo minas e pedaço de Palmito pupunha e Pimenta biquinho\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cubes of pork, ham with Ora pro Nobis. Served with Polenta Dadinhos with Minas cheese and piece of palm heart and biquinho pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cubes of pork, ham with Ora pro Nobis. Served with Polenta Dadinhos with Minas cheese and piece of palm heart and biquinho pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cubes of pork, ham with Ora pro Nobis. Served with Polenta Dadinhos with Minas cheese and piece of palm heart and biquinho pepper'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Tulipa frita, finalizada com salsinha, alho frito e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried tulip, finished with parsley, fried garlic and pepper. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried tulip, finished with parsley, fried garlic and pepper. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried tulip, finished with parsley, fried garlic and pepper. Served with house sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Moqueca de peixe e camarão coberta por cremoso purê de batatas e queijo gratinado, com farofa de dendê acompanhando, é a certeza que ESSE MAR ESTÁ PRA PEIXE!!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fish and shrimp moqueca covered in creamy mashed potatoes and gratin cheese, with palm flour on the side, it is certain that THIS SEA IS FULL OF FISH!!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fish and shrimp moqueca covered in creamy mashed potatoes and gratin cheese, with palm flour on the side, it is certain that THIS SEA IS FULL OF FISH!!'.\n", + "\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fish and shrimp moqueca covered in creamy mashed potatoes and gratin cheese, with palm flour on the side, it is certain that THIS SEA IS FULL OF FISH!!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "Canapé de paleta de porco gratinado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork shoulder canapé gratin with gorgonzola cheese. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork shoulder canapé gratin with gorgonzola cheese. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork shoulder canapé gratin with gorgonzola cheese. Served with mango sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de frango com gorgonzola acompanhado de molho artesanal com especiarias.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken dumpling with gorgonzola accompanied by homemade spiced sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken dumpling with gorgonzola accompanied by homemade spiced sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken dumpling with gorgonzola accompanied by homemade spiced sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Carne do sol desfiada com um toque de cebola roxa,abóbora puxado na manteiga da terra, banana da terra mussarela, acompanha um incrível molho a base de queijo gorgozolaiogurte.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded beef with a touch of red onion, pumpkin tossed in local butter, mozzarella plantain, served with an incredible gorgonozola and yogurt cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded beef with a touch of red onion, pumpkin tossed in local butter, mozzarella plantain, served with an incredible gorgonozola and yogurt cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded beef with a touch of red onion, pumpkin tossed in local butter, mozzarella plantain, served with an incredible gorgonozola and yogurt cheese-based sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pataniscas de Bacalhau servido com molho de limão siciliano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cod fritters served with lemon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cod fritters served with lemon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cod fritters served with lemon sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Dadinho de risoto com legumes e ragu de cordeiro com hortelã.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Risotto dadinho with vegetables and lamb ragout with mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Risotto dadinho with vegetables and lamb ragout with mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Risotto dadinho with vegetables and lamb ragout with mint.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinhos recheados com salmão e cream cheese servidos com patê e molho tarê.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dumplings stuffed with salmon and cream cheese served with pâté and tarê sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dumplings stuffed with salmon and cream cheese served with pâté and tarê sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dumplings stuffed with salmon and cream cheese served with pâté and tarê sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pastéis de polenta frita com capinha crocante, recheados com carne de panela e cubinhos dequeijocoalho. Acompanhados de vinagrete de manga.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried polenta pastries with a crispy coating, stuffed with pan meat and cubes of cheese and cheese. Accompanied by mango vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried polenta pastries with a crispy coating, stuffed with pan meat and cubes of cheese and cheese. Accompanied by mango vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried polenta pastries with a crispy coating, stuffed with pan meat and cubes of cheese and cheese. Accompanied by mango vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Camarões salteados em ervas acompanhado de um delicioso creme de baroa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shrimps sautéed in herbs accompanied by a delicious baroa cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shrimps sautéed in herbs accompanied by a delicious baroa cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shrimps sautéed in herbs accompanied by a delicious baroa cream.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "CROQUETE DE CALABRESA COM QUEIJO BRIE, EMPANADO NA TAPIOCA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'PEPERION CROQUETTE WITH BRIE CHEESE, BREADED IN TAPIOCA WITH PEPPER JELLY'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'PEPERION CROQUETTE WITH BRIE CHEESE, BREADED IN TAPIOCA WITH PEPPER JELLY'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'PEPERION CROQUETTE WITH BRIE CHEESE, BREADED IN TAPIOCA WITH PEPPER JELLY'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Tríade de pastel nos sabores salmão, camarão e costela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pastry triad in salmon, shrimp and rib flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pastry triad in salmon, shrimp and rib flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pastry triad in salmon, shrimp and rib flavors.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Fondue de queijo com iscas de filé mignon suíno e iscas de frango empanados na farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cheese fondue with pork fillet mignon and chicken fillets breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cheese fondue with pork fillet mignon and chicken fillets breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cheese fondue with pork fillet mignon and chicken fillets breaded in panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Lombo de bacalhau do Porto desfiado ao creme de queijos e ervas coberto com lascas de parmesão gratinado e azeitonas. Acompanha arroz de leite de licuri (coquinho), servido em chips de mandioca com geléia de maracuja e ervas e um blend de cachaça de umbú (shot).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded Porto cod loin with cream cheese and herbs topped with shavings of parmesan gratin and olives. Accompanies licuri milk rice (coquinho), served on cassava chips with passion fruit jam and herbs and a blend of umbú cachaça (shot).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded Porto cod loin with cream cheese and herbs topped with shavings of parmesan gratin and olives. Accompanies licuri milk rice (coquinho), served on cassava chips with passion fruit jam and herbs and a blend of umbú cachaça (shot).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded Porto cod loin with cream cheese and herbs topped with shavings of parmesan gratin and olives. Accompanies licuri milk rice (coquinho), served on cassava chips with passion fruit jam and herbs and a blend of umbú cachaça (shot).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Joelho de porco defumado e ensopado, acompanha purê de banana-da-terra e farofa rica.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Smoked and stewed pork knuckle, served with plantain puree and rich farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Smoked and stewed pork knuckle, served with plantain puree and rich farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Smoked and stewed pork knuckle, served with plantain puree and rich farofa.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinha de macaxeira com cream cheese e ervas finas, recheada com filé de camarão acompanhado de geleia caseira de gengibre e molho de mostarda.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava ball with cream cheese and fine herbs, stuffed with shrimp fillet accompanied by homemade ginger jelly and mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava ball with cream cheese and fine herbs, stuffed with shrimp fillet accompanied by homemade ginger jelly and mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava ball with cream cheese and fine herbs, stuffed with shrimp fillet accompanied by homemade ginger jelly and mustard sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com recheio de filé de peixe com vegetais e um molho especial da casa, de três pimentas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava cake filled with fish fillet with vegetables and a special house sauce, made with three peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava cake filled with fish fillet with vegetables and a special house sauce, made with three peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava cake filled with fish fillet with vegetables and a special house sauce, made with three peppers.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinha de batata, tilápia, mussarela e catupiry\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato balls, tilapia, mozzarella and catupiry'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato balls, tilapia, mozzarella and catupiry'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato balls, tilapia, mozzarella and catupiry'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Frescor e sabor em perfeita harmonia.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Freshness and flavor in perfect harmony.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Freshness and flavor in perfect harmony.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Freshness and flavor in perfect harmony.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de cabotiá recheado com calabresa e catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cabotiá cake stuffed with pepperoni and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cabotiá cake stuffed with pepperoni and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cabotiá cake stuffed with pepperoni and catupiry.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Filé de Tilápia empanado com farinha de coco, servido com geleia de pimenta elascasdecoco.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with coconut flour, served with elascasdecoco pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with coconut flour, served with elascasdecoco pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tilapia fillet breaded with coconut flour, served with elascasdecoco pepper jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho crocante com massa de batata asterix e abobrinha com recheio de queijo mussarela.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy cupcake with asterix potato dough and zucchini with mozzarella cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy cupcake with asterix potato dough and zucchini with mozzarella cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy cupcake with asterix potato dough and zucchini with mozzarella cheese filling.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Em uma embalagem do biscoito polvilho da praia, teremos 3 tipos de porquinhos: PACOTE DOCE: Croquete de Costelinha de Porco com Chutney de Goiaba com Pimenta PACOTE SALGADO: Bolinho de Joelho de Porco Defumado Marinado na Cerveja servido com Geleia de Mate com Limão EM UM COPO DE BAR: Canjiquinha temperada, Ragú de Pernil desfiado, Crocante de Torresmo e Couve Frita servido com Vinagrete de Feijão Carioquinha\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'In a package of beach starch biscuits, we will have 3 types of little pigs: SWEET PACKAGE: Pork Rib Croquette with Guava Chutney and Pepper SAVORY PACKAGE: Smoked Pork Knuckle Dumpling Marinated in Beer served with Mate Jelly with Lemon IN ONE BAR GLASS: Seasoned hominy, shredded ham ragú, crispy pork rinds and fried cabbage served with carioquinha bean vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'In a package of beach starch biscuits, we will have 3 types of little pigs: SWEET PACKAGE: Pork Rib Croquette with Guava Chutney and Pepper SAVORY PACKAGE: Smoked Pork Knuckle Dumpling Marinated in Beer served with Mate Jelly with Lemon IN ONE BAR GLASS: Seasoned hominy, shredded ham ragú, crispy pork rinds and fried cabbage served with carioquinha bean vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'In a package of beach starch biscuits, we will have 3 types of little pigs: SWEET PACKAGE: Pork Rib Croquette with Guava Chutney and Pepper SAVORY PACKAGE: Smoked Pork Knuckle Dumpling Marinated in Beer served with Mate Jelly with Lemon IN ONE BAR GLASS: Seasoned hominy, shredded ham ragú, crispy pork rinds and fried cabbage served with carioquinha bean vinaigrette'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Lanche no formato boquinha de anjo recheado com costela desfiada, queijo muçarela, catupiry, bacon, cebola roxa e tomate.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with shredded rib, mozzarella cheese, catupiry, bacon, red onion and tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with shredded rib, mozzarella cheese, catupiry, bacon, red onion and tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Snack in the shape of an angel's mouth stuffed with shredded rib, mozzarella cheese, catupiry, bacon, red onion and tomato.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de cupim marinado em vinho branco com especiarias, recheado com queijo muçarela e parmesão, empanado em amêndoas laminadas. Acompanha maionese com iogurte natural e limão siciliano.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Termite cake marinated in white wine with spices, stuffed with mozzarella and parmesan cheese, breaded in sliced ​​almonds. Accompanies mayonnaise with natural yogurt and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Termite cake marinated in white wine with spices, stuffed with mozzarella and parmesan cheese, breaded in sliced ​​almonds. Accompanies mayonnaise with natural yogurt and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Termite cake marinated in white wine with spices, stuffed with mozzarella and parmesan cheese, breaded in sliced ​​almonds. Accompanies mayonnaise with natural yogurt and lemon.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bife a rolê ao molho de castanha-de-caju, acompanhado de batata rústica!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Steak on a roll with cashew nut sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Steak on a roll with cashew nut sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Steak on a roll with cashew nut sauce, accompanied by rustic potatoes!'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Língua Mignon, o pedido de todos!\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Tongue Mignon, everyone’s request!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Tongue Mignon, everyone’s request!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Tongue Mignon, everyone’s request!'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Torresmo de rolo em camadas com geleia de abacaxi, catupiry, provolone, muçarela, cheddar e bacon. Acompanha molhos de abacaxi com pimenta, maionese de bacon e mostarda e mel.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork rinds layered with pineapple jelly, catupiry, provolone, mozzarella, cheddar and bacon. Accompanies pineapple sauces with pepper, bacon mayonnaise and mustard and honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork rinds layered with pineapple jelly, catupiry, provolone, mozzarella, cheddar and bacon. Accompanies pineapple sauces with pepper, bacon mayonnaise and mustard and honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork rinds layered with pineapple jelly, catupiry, provolone, mozzarella, cheddar and bacon. Accompanies pineapple sauces with pepper, bacon mayonnaise and mustard and honey.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Suculento ossobuco cozido lentamente com legumes, ervas e bacon com creme azedo de cream cheese e limão siciliano e servido com torradas.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Succulent ossobuco slowly cooked with vegetables, herbs and bacon with cream cheese sour cream and lemon and served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Succulent ossobuco slowly cooked with vegetables, herbs and bacon with cream cheese sour cream and lemon and served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Succulent ossobuco slowly cooked with vegetables, herbs and bacon with cream cheese sour cream and lemon and served with toast.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Bolinho de lula com molho picante\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Squid dumpling with spicy sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Squid dumpling with spicy sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Squid dumpling with spicy sauce'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Risoles com massa de batata recheados com camarão ao molho com catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Risoles with potato dough stuffed with shrimp in catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Risoles with potato dough stuffed with shrimp in catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Risoles with potato dough stuffed with shrimp in catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Uma mistura de sabores do que nasce da terra, com o que cresce no mar. O Bolinho mixa os sabores da abóbora cabotia e camarão. Pra acompanhar pimenta caseira de leve ardência e pesto de coentro.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A mix of flavors from what comes from the land and what grows in the sea. The cupcake mixes the flavors of pumpkin and shrimp. To accompany homemade pepper with a slight heat and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A mix of flavors from what comes from the land and what grows in the sea. The cupcake mixes the flavors of pumpkin and shrimp. To accompany homemade pepper with a slight heat and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "\n", + "## Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A mix of flavors from what comes from the land and what grows in the sea. The cupcake mixes the flavors of pumpkin and shrimp. To accompany homemade pepper with a slight heat and coriander pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Coxinha sem massa de costela com requeijão.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Coxinha without rib pasta with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Coxinha without rib pasta with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Coxinha without rib pasta with cream cheese.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Croquete feito com carne de panela sem massa e empanado na farinha Panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Croquette made with pan meat without dough and breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Croquette made with pan meat without dough and breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Croquette made with pan meat without dough and breaded in Panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Batata gratinada com bacon e calabresa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Potato au gratin with bacon and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Potato au gratin with bacon and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Potato au gratin with bacon and pepperoni.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Picanha, pão com ovo, canudinho de maionese com linguiça Blumenau e canudinho de doce de abóbora. Acompanha molho de queijo e uma minicaipirinha.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Picanha, bread with egg, mayonnaise straw with Blumenau sausage and pumpkin jam straw. Served with cheese sauce and a mini caipirinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Picanha, bread with egg, mayonnaise straw with Blumenau sausage and pumpkin jam straw. Served with cheese sauce and a mini caipirinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Picanha, bread with egg, mayonnaise straw with Blumenau sausage and pumpkin jam straw. Served with cheese sauce and a mini caipirinha.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Cupim desfiado com molho de quatro queijos, acompanha batata frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded termite with four cheese sauce, served with fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded termite with four cheese sauce, served with fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded termite with four cheese sauce, served with fries.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Almofadas de massa filo recheada com camarão e molho de queijos. Acompanha tapenade de azeitona.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Filo pastry pillows stuffed with shrimp and cheese sauce. Served with olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Filo pastry pillows stuffed with shrimp and cheese sauce. Served with olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Filo pastry pillows stuffed with shrimp and cheese sauce. Served with olive tapenade.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Dadinho de canjiquinha, finalizado com requeijão e Couve frita + Pão grelhado na manteiga com recheio de carne louca (pernil desfiado).\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Canjiquinha dadinho, finished with cream cheese and fried cabbage + bread grilled in butter with crazy meat filling (shredded ham).'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Canjiquinha dadinho, finished with cream cheese and fried cabbage + bread grilled in butter with crazy meat filling (shredded ham).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Canjiquinha dadinho, finished with cream cheese and fried cabbage + bread grilled in butter with crazy meat filling (shredded ham).'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porção de Medalhão de mandioca. Acompanha molhodequeijo.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of cassava medallion. Served with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of cassava medallion. Served with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: no\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of cassava medallion. Served with cheese sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Barquete crocante recheado com 3 deliciosos recheios nos sabores de Camarão, Bacalhau e Siri\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy boat filled with 3 delicious fillings in the flavors of Shrimp, Cod and Crab'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy boat filled with 3 delicious fillings in the flavors of Shrimp, Cod and Crab'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy boat filled with 3 delicious fillings in the flavors of Shrimp, Cod and Crab'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Carne de sol de contra filé grelhado servido com cebola roxa refogado na manteiga de garrafa, servidos com dadinho de mandioca frito\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Grilled sirloin steak served with red onion sautéed in bottled butter, served with fried cassava cubes'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Grilled sirloin steak served with red onion sautéed in bottled butter, served with fried cassava cubes'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Grilled sirloin steak served with red onion sautéed in bottled butter, served with fried cassava cubes'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costela bovina com especiarias e cerveja preta e acompanhada com os chips de batatadocecrocantes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef rib with spices and dark beer and accompanied by crispy sweet potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef rib with spices and dark beer and accompanied by crispy sweet potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef rib with spices and dark beer and accompanied by crispy sweet potato chips'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Língua de boi brazeada com Nhoc de cenoura Baroa, tomate seco, afogada em vinho tinto e molho madeira.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Braised beef tongue with Baroa carrot gnoc, dried tomatoes, drowned in red wine and Madeira sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Braised beef tongue with Baroa carrot gnoc, dried tomatoes, drowned in red wine and Madeira sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Braised beef tongue with Baroa carrot gnoc, dried tomatoes, drowned in red wine and Madeira sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pastéis de carne de panela com cheddar, acompanhados de um molho remolado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pot meat pies with cheddar, accompanied by a remolded sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pot meat pies with cheddar, accompanied by a remolded sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pot meat pies with cheddar, accompanied by a remolded sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Creme de milho com batata, recheado com iscas de filé ao molho de funghi seco, requeijão e muçarela, acompanhado de torrada de ciabatta ao creme de alho e compota de espinafre com pera.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Corn cream with potatoes, filled with fillet fillets in a dry mushroom sauce, cottage cheese and mozzarella, accompanied by ciabatta toast with garlic cream and spinach compote with pear.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Corn cream with potatoes, filled with fillet fillets in a dry mushroom sauce, cottage cheese and mozzarella, accompanied by ciabatta toast with garlic cream and spinach compote with pear.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Corn cream with potatoes, filled with fillet fillets in a dry mushroom sauce, cottage cheese and mozzarella, accompanied by ciabatta toast with garlic cream and spinach compote with pear.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Carne moída recheado com queijo provolone empanado com purê de batata e farinha panko.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ground beef stuffed with provolone cheese breaded with mashed potatoes and panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ground beef stuffed with provolone cheese breaded with mashed potatoes and panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ground beef stuffed with provolone cheese breaded with mashed potatoes and panko flour.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Espeto de polpetas com batata-doce, servido com molho de queijo gorgonzola e catupiry.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Skewer of polpetas with sweet potato, served with gorgonzola cheese and catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Skewer of polpetas with sweet potato, served with gorgonzola cheese and catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Skewer of polpetas with sweet potato, served with gorgonzola cheese and catupiry sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Porpetas recheadas com creme de queijos, finalizadas ao molho sugo com manjericão e queijo ralado, servidas como um autêntico petisco di buteco, no palito “comestível”. Uma explosão de sabor a cada mordida. Acompanha cestinha de torradas para raspar o prato.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Porpetas stuffed with cream cheese, finished in sugo sauce with basil and grated cheese, served as an authentic snack at the bar, on an “edible” stick. An explosion of flavor with every bite. Comes with a basket of toast to scrape the plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Porpetas stuffed with cream cheese, finished in sugo sauce with basil and grated cheese, served as an authentic snack at the bar, on an “edible” stick. An explosion of flavor with every bite. Comes with a basket of toast to scrape the plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Porpetas stuffed with cream cheese, finished in sugo sauce with basil and grated cheese, served as an authentic snack at the bar, on an “edible” stick. An explosion of flavor with every bite. Comes with a basket of toast to scrape the plate.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Prato que leva arroz de coco empapado, camarão no molho, carne-seca frita acebolada, queijo coalho empanado. Servido com molho de pimenta baiana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Dish that contains soaked coconut rice, shrimp in sauce, onion-fried dried meat, breaded curd cheese. Served with Bahian pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Dish that contains soaked coconut rice, shrimp in sauce, onion-fried dried meat, breaded curd cheese. Served with Bahian pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Dish that contains soaked coconut rice, shrimp in sauce, onion-fried dried meat, breaded curd cheese. Served with Bahian pepper sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Escondinho de carne de sol com queijo coalho puxado na Mantega da terra com cebola\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Sun-dried meat hideaway with curd cheese pulled in Mantega da terra with onion'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Sun-dried meat hideaway with curd cheese pulled in Mantega da terra with onion'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Sun-dried meat hideaway with curd cheese pulled in Mantega da terra with onion'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "bolinho de arroz a grega com peixe empanado na farinha panko\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Greek rice cake with fish breaded in panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Greek rice cake with fish breaded in panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Greek rice cake with fish breaded in panko flour'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Escalopinho de mignon, creme de mostarda com shitake, coberto com provolone maçaricado. Acompanha batata ‘aos murros’, tomatinho confitado, azeitona portuguesa e azeite temperado.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Mignon escalope, mustard cream with shitake, topped with torched provolone. Served with punched potatoes, tomato confit, Portuguese olives and seasoned olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Mignon escalope, mustard cream with shitake, topped with torched provolone. Served with punched potatoes, tomato confit, Portuguese olives and seasoned olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Mignon escalope, mustard cream with shitake, topped with torched provolone. Served with punched potatoes, tomato confit, Portuguese olives and seasoned olive oil.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Linguiça mineira artesanal em cubos coberta com queijo parmesão, acompanhando nosso exclusivo pirão de lombinho suíno cremoso.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Handmade cubed Minas Gerais sausage covered with parmesan cheese, accompanied by our exclusive creamy pork tenderloin pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Handmade cubed Minas Gerais sausage covered with parmesan cheese, accompanied by our exclusive creamy pork tenderloin pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Handmade cubed Minas Gerais sausage covered with parmesan cheese, accompanied by our exclusive creamy pork tenderloin pirão.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Porção de filé de tilápia. Acompanha pão prensado com queijo e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Portion of tilapia fillet. Accompanies pressed bread with cheese and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Portion of tilapia fillet. Accompanies pressed bread with cheese and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Portion of tilapia fillet. Accompanies pressed bread with cheese and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Quiche de Costela desfiada com polenta acompanhado de pesto de agrião.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Shredded rib quiche with polenta accompanied by watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Shredded rib quiche with polenta accompanied by watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Shredded rib quiche with polenta accompanied by watercress pesto.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com costela defumada e queijos. Acompanha um molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Rice cake with smoked ribs and cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Rice cake with smoked ribs and cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Rice cake with smoked ribs and cheese. Served with barbecue sauce and house mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com batata doce defumada.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs served with smoked sweet potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs served with smoked sweet potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs served with smoked sweet potatoes.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Costela suína, finalizada com molho de chimichurri e creme de goiabada, acompanhada e palitos de polenta frita.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork ribs, finished with chimichurri sauce and guava cream, accompanied by fried polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork ribs, finished with chimichurri sauce and guava cream, accompanied by fried polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork ribs, finished with chimichurri sauce and guava cream, accompanied by fried polenta sticks.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bino, não corra! Isso não é uma cilada! Bolinho de carreteiro, feito com arroz cateto, bacon, charque desfiado, linguiça calabresa, um tico de pimenta de cheiro, um punhado de cheiro verde e um quejin mineiro pra completar! Sequinho e crocante por fora, cremoso por dentro! Servido com vinagrete picante de cebola roxa e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Bino, don't run! This is not a trap! Carreteiro cake, made with cateto rice, bacon, shredded beef jerky, Calabrese sausage, a slice of chile pepper, a handful of green chili and a quejin from Minas Gerais to top it all off! Dry and crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside! Served with spicy red onion vinaigrette and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Bino, don't run! This is not a trap! Carreteiro cake, made with cateto rice, bacon, shredded beef jerky, Calabrese sausage, a slice of chile pepper, a handful of green chili and a quejin from Minas Gerais to top it all off! Dry and crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside! Served with spicy red onion vinaigrette and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Bino, don't run! This is not a trap! Carreteiro cake, made with cateto rice, bacon, shredded beef jerky, Calabrese sausage, a slice of chile pepper, a handful of green chili and a quejin from Minas Gerais to top it all off! Dry and crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside! Served with spicy red onion vinaigrette and finger pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Croquete de vaca atolada com maionese de bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Beef croquette stuffed with bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Beef croquette stuffed with bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Beef croquette stuffed with bacon mayonnaise.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Rolinhos crocantes de berinjela com três sabores sendo: um recheado com bacon, queijo e pernil suíno; outro com bacalhau azeitona preta, cebola e pimentão; e o terceiro com queijo manjericão tomatinho e empanados. Acompanhados de molho picante sabor Chipotle, Creme verde com castanhas, mostarda e mel\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Crispy eggplant rolls with three flavors: one filled with bacon, cheese and pork shank; another with black olive cod, onion and pepper; and the third with tomato basil cheese and breading. Accompanied by spicy Chipotle sauce, green cream with chestnuts, mustard and honey'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Crispy eggplant rolls with three flavors: one filled with bacon, cheese and pork shank; another with black olive cod, onion and pepper; and the third with tomato basil cheese and breading. Accompanied by spicy Chipotle sauce, green cream with chestnuts, mustard and honey'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Crispy eggplant rolls with three flavors: one filled with bacon, cheese and pork shank; another with black olive cod, onion and pepper; and the third with tomato basil cheese and breading. Accompanied by spicy Chipotle sauce, green cream with chestnuts, mustard and honey'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Pernil suíno cozido e finalizado no forno com geleia de pimenta e vinagrete de cebola.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork shank cooked and finished in the oven with pepper jelly and onion vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork shank cooked and finished in the oven with pepper jelly and onion vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork shank cooked and finished in the oven with pepper jelly and onion vinaigrette.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Sanduíche de frango marinado no shoyu e missô, com cebola, cenoura, acelga, alho dourado e coentro, na baguete. Acompanha Ga Kho Gung (frango em cubos com gengibre, molho de peixe, leite de coco) e molho barbecue artesanal.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Chicken sandwich marinated in soy sauce and miso, with onion, carrot, chard, golden garlic and coriander, on baguette. Served with Ga Kho Gung (diced chicken with ginger, fish sauce, coconut milk) and homemade barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Chicken sandwich marinated in soy sauce and miso, with onion, carrot, chard, golden garlic and coriander, on baguette. Served with Ga Kho Gung (diced chicken with ginger, fish sauce, coconut milk) and homemade barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Chicken sandwich marinated in soy sauce and miso, with onion, carrot, chard, golden garlic and coriander, on baguette. Served with Ga Kho Gung (diced chicken with ginger, fish sauce, coconut milk) and homemade barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Triângulos empanados de canjiquinha, com lombo suíno, bacon e calabresa, envoltos na farinha de milho com cheiro-verde desidratado. Acompanhado de molho pesto de couve.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Breaded triangles of hominy, with pork loin, bacon and pepperoni, covered in corn flour with dehydrated green scent. Accompanied by kale pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Breaded triangles of hominy, with pork loin, bacon and pepperoni, covered in corn flour with dehydrated green scent. Accompanied by kale pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Breaded triangles of hominy, with pork loin, bacon and pepperoni, covered in corn flour with dehydrated green scent. Accompanied by kale pesto sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Panceta com Mandioca frita\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Panceta with fried cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Panceta with fried cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Panceta with fried cassava'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca frito recheado com porco (pernil) e queijo gorgonzola, acompanhado de geleias de abacaxi e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Fried cassava cake stuffed with pork (ham) and gorgonzola cheese, accompanied by pineapple jam and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Fried cassava cake stuffed with pork (ham) and gorgonzola cheese, accompanied by pineapple jam and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Fried cassava cake stuffed with pork (ham) and gorgonzola cheese, accompanied by pineapple jam and biquinho pepper.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Short ribs cozido ao molho de tomate, pápricas com vegetais e milho verde. Moedinhas de queijo acompanhadas de molho picante e geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Short ribs cooked in tomato sauce, paprika with vegetables and green corn. Cheese coins accompanied by spicy sauce and pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Short ribs cooked in tomato sauce, paprika with vegetables and green corn. Cheese coins accompanied by spicy sauce and pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Short ribs cooked in tomato sauce, paprika with vegetables and green corn. Cheese coins accompanied by spicy sauce and pineapple jelly.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Uma massa finíssima recheada com carne bovina acompanhada com molho agridoce especial.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'A very thin dough stuffed with beef accompanied with a special sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'A very thin dough stuffed with beef accompanied with a special sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'A very thin dough stuffed with beef accompanied with a special sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "Escondidinho de mandioca com carne seca. Acompanhando queijo de coalho e melado de cana.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Cassava hideaway with dried meat. Accompanied by coalho cheese and sugarcane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Cassava hideaway with dried meat. Accompanied by coalho cheese and sugarcane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Cassava hideaway with dried meat. Accompanied by coalho cheese and sugarcane molasses.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: Yes\n", + "Sanduíche de pernil com picles e queijo, acompanhado de batata rústica e molho barbecue.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Ham sandwich with pickles and cheese, accompanied by rustic potatoes and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Ham sandwich with pickles and cheese, accompanied by rustic potatoes and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Ham sandwich with pickles and cheese, accompanied by rustic potatoes and barbecue sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Pão baguete com creme de alho, vinagrete maravilha, linguiça de pernil levemente apimentada e provolone.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Baguette bread with garlic cream, wonderful vinaigrette, lightly spiced ham sausage and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Baguette bread with garlic cream, wonderful vinaigrette, lightly spiced ham sausage and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Baguette bread with garlic cream, wonderful vinaigrette, lightly spiced ham sausage and provolone.'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Combinado de 2 Bolinhos de Costela com Cupim no Bafo recheados com queijo gorgonzola e 1 Bolinho de Queijo de Coalho recheado com esse delicioso blend de carnes. Crocante por fora e suculento por dentro\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Combination of 2 Rib Dumplings with Termite in the Breath stuffed with gorgonzola cheese and 1 Curd Cheese Dumpling stuffed with this delicious blend of meats. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Combination of 2 Rib Dumplings with Termite in the Breath stuffed with gorgonzola cheese and 1 Curd Cheese Dumpling stuffed with this delicious blend of meats. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Combination of 2 Rib Dumplings with Termite in the Breath stuffed with gorgonzola cheese and 1 Curd Cheese Dumpling stuffed with this delicious blend of meats. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside'.\n", + "\n", + "A: No\n", + "Pimenta recheada com costela gaúcha e queijo com molho agridoce.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pepper stuffed with gaucho ribs and cheese with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pepper stuffed with gaucho ribs and cheese with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pepper stuffed with gaucho ribs and cheese with sweet and sour sauce.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n", + "Iscas de filé-mignon suíno na cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhados de farofa de milho com bacon.\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig): 'Pork filet mignon on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by corn farofa and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues): 'Pork filet mignon on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by corn farofa and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: No\n", + "You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is gluten-free (no flour): 'Pork filet mignon on a bed of cassava cream, accompanied by corn farofa and bacon.'.\n", + "\n", + "Answer: Yes\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "from gpt4all import GPT4All\n", + "from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator\n", + "\n", + "def call_llm(food, restriction):\n", + " question = f\"You know that 'sururu' and 'pirarucu' are fishes. You know that 'crackling' and 'rib' came from pig. Just answer 'yes' or 'no' if this food is {restriction}: '{food}'.\"\n", + " print(question)\n", + " output = model.generate(question, max_tokens=10, temp=0)\n", + " print(output)\n", + " return output\n", + "\n", + "model = GPT4All(\"mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_0.gguf\")\n", + "food_restrictions = {'food_desc': [], 'vegetarian': [], 'vegan': [], 'gluten-free': []}\n", + "for c in content:\n", + " if c['food_desc']:\n", + " food = GoogleTranslator(source='pt', target='en').translate(c['food_desc'])\n", + " print(c['food_desc'])\n", + " food_restrictions['food_desc'].append(c['food_desc'])\n", + " # vegetarian\n", + " food_restrictions['vegetarian'].append(call_llm(food, 'vegetarian (no meat, fish and pig)'))\n", + " # vegan\n", + " food_restrictions['vegan'].append(call_llm(food, 'vegan (no meat, fish, pig, eggs and other animal issues)'))\n", + " # gluten-free\n", + " food_restrictions['gluten-free'].append(call_llm(food, 'gluten-free (no flour)'))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 31, + "id": "457b5869-11a3-481e-a69d-ec85d0639262", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Croqueta de vaca atolada ao molho Coralina e gremolata.\n", + "Massa de pastel assada recheada de vatapá e camarão e acompanhada de vinagrete.\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça suína com recheio de queijo!\n", + "Frango empanado crocante com bacon acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "Chiclete de sururu, pirão de sururu e salada tropical com mix de folhas e legumes. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "Peixe e camarões marinados e refogados, acompanhados de batatas, vegetais frescos e ovos de codorna. Tudo isso em um delicioso cozido com leite de coco e poupa de tomate. Para complementar, servido com o saboroso molho “Lambão” de tomate cebola roxa pimentão pimenta de cheiro coentro e cebolinha, junto com uma farofa crocante de banana da terra\n", + "Linguiça da casa assada no álcool. Servida com cebola curtida na conserva, molho vinagrete e pão francês/de sal.\n", + "Filé de atum recheado e grelhado em folha de bananeira servidas com Arroz de Hauçá. Acompanha molho de tamarindo com rapadura.\n", + "Costela cozida misturada com mix de tempero sutil. Defumada com galhos de goiabeira e recheado com queijo provolone. Acompanhada de molho artesanal sabor bacon.\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão acompanhando um delicioso molho de mostarda, maionese e picles\n", + "Cubos de baby-beef super gelado a milanesa com queijo coalho a dorê, ambos frito no óleo de algodão servidos com um surpreendente molho de pimentão.\n", + "Barca de jiló, branqueado e empanado, recheado com costela desfiada e cream cheese, coberto com muçarela gratinada.\n", + "Duo – Croquete de costelinha recheada com queijo e croquete de peixe recheada com banana. Acompanham batata chips ,molho Tártaro e pomodoro.\n", + "Sardinha empanada com queijo, recheada com queijo. Acompanha jiló à milanesa e molho.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz de china pobre recheado com costela assada desfiada, acompanhado de chimia de bergamota picante.\n", + "Três saborosas barquetes, recheadas de: bobó de camarão, polvo ao molho e mexilhão empanado , acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Costelinha suína com linguiça caseira, acompanhada de polenta cremosa e milho verde cozido.\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com costela mandacaru (suína) e bolinhos de batata com cupim e bacon.\n", + "Espeto de ParmegianaMiolo de alcatra angus no palito, com queijo provolone, feito à milanesa coberto com molho de tomate e queijo gratinado. Acompanha molho tártaro e rosé. Para adoçar, minichurros com doce de leite caseiro.\n", + "Mini almôndegas de toscana sob uma cama de polenta feita com creme de milho, cobertas por molho de gorgonzola.\n", + "Ceviche de banana-da-terra, pimenta-dedo-de-moça, cebola-roxa, cheiro-verde, condimentado com especiarias, acompanhado de chips de batata-doce.\n", + "Croquete de cupim crocante com chutney de manga a moda pernambucana.\n", + "Bolinho de Cupim com Molho de Alho.\n", + "Escondidinho de Batata Baroa com Costela e Catupiry.\n", + "Kibe cru, homus, babaganush, coalhada seca, bolinho de kafta e tabule.\n", + "Feijão Branco com camarão com torrada de pasta de siri.\n", + "Medalhão de frango com bacon assado na brasa, coberto com molho branco.\n", + "Bolinho Vaca AtoladaBolinho de aipim recheado com carne de panela, acompanha geleia de abacaxi e um toque de pimenta. Além de oito minichurros com recheio de brigadeiro.\n", + "4 Deliciosas almofadas de aipim recheadas, com queijo mussarela , carne panela desfiada, pedaços de linguiça calabresa e ovo colorido\n", + "Pastel de feira no palito de picolé recheado com costela bovina desfiada e mussarela, acompanha vinagrete, geleia picante de tomate e pipoca de queijo coalho\n", + "Costela Bovina Defumada em Lenha de Macieira.\n", + "Pastelzinho recheado com costela ao bafo, catupiry e cebola-roxa, servido com creme de queijo com alho-poró e cachaça e molho de pimenta especial.\n", + "Uma deliciosa porção com os tradicionais salgados servidos na casa, contendo 3 mini bolinho de carnes, 3 mini rissoles de camarão, 2 mini coxinha de mandioca de frango.\n", + "Costelinha suína assada no dry hub, caramelizada com melaço é servida com feijão tropeiro.\n", + "Dadinho crocante servido com pasta de castanha de caju e melado de cana (dadinhos de tapioca com castanhas e grãos).\n", + "Coxinhas de recheadas com queijo provolone, salame e requeijão cremoso, empanadas na quirera, acompanhadas de geleia de caipirinha de abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de tambaqui acompanhado com molho tártaro\n", + "PF do Baba com Kafta de cordeiro e geleia de damasco.\n", + "Croquetas de mix de cogumelos e funghi seco. Feita a base de Bechamel ela é crocante por fora, super cremosa por dentro e com sabor intenso de cogumelos! 5 unidades.\n", + "Camarão rosa braseado na parrilha ao estilo japonês, com batata canoa e jambu marinado com ervas e regado à redução de tucupi.\n", + "Carne de Sol desfiada e temperada com especiarias, sobre creme de mandioca feito com mix de requeijão cremoso, creme de leite e muçarela maçaricada, servida na casquinha de pastel pipoca assada, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho\n", + "Almondegas de cordeiro com molho especial de hortelã.\n", + "Camarão ao molho caliente com gergelim e cebolinha. Acompanha folhas crocantes de arroz.\n", + "Pão baguete, creme de alho, corações de frango assados, vinagrete picante coberto com uma mistura de parmesão e muçarela, gratinado ao forno. Acompanha molho de pimenta de lá.\n", + "Linguiça mista acebolada com torradas de pão integral e molho verde com alho ,coentro e tempero verde.\n", + "Pancetta e jiló fritos acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Pequenos sanduíches abertos em forma triangular, com salame italiano, lombo suíno assado, ovos e picles.\n", + "Bolinhos de Alheira recheados com Bacalhau.\n", + "Escondidinho de camarão com requeijão.\n", + "Kassler defumado cortado em cubinhos e salteado no azeite com alho poró, cebola, cebolinha, páprica doce, dry rub e lemon pepper. Acompanha vinagre de abacaxi.\n", + "Uma deliciosa linguiça de pernil acebolada acompanhada de mandioca com manteiga desidratada, com bacon e alho poró.\n", + "Bolinhos de massa de costelinha desfiada com purê de batata temperado com ervas e especiarias. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com purê de batatas, cream cheese, azeite de oliva e azeitonas pretas. Acompanha torradinhas de baguete e azeite verde.\n", + "Costela de boi com pirão da casa.\n", + "Lanche em formato boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça artesanal mineira, purê de abóbora cabotia, molho barbecue, molho de queijos levemente picante, vinagrete, e queijo mussarela.\n", + "Carne de lata, farofa crocante de cebola e geleia de abacaxi com gengibre e hortelã.\n", + "a Dadinhos de fubá com carne de sol e queijo parmesão, servidos com molho de pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com mandioca frita.\n", + "Pão de queijo frito com crosta de parmesão recheado de pernil defumado e queijo mussarela. Acompanha geleia de tomate e cachaça apimentada.\n", + "Filetes de bacalhau na nata gratinados com queijo muçarela e temperos especiais\n", + "Creme de ervilhas, batata e bacon, com cubos de peito de frango ao molho de tomates, cobertos com muçarela e batata-palha.\n", + "Almôndega rodeada com bacon e crosta de muçarela. Recheada com queijo minas, acompanhada de molho ao sugo com manjericão, polenta coberta de provolone e crisp de quiabo, berinjela e jiló empanados em farofa crocante de bacon e torresmo.\n", + "Bolinho de aipim (massa de mandioca) com carne seca, especiarias e requeijão.\n", + "Croquetes de carne servidos com molho de maionese caseira.\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca e torresmo cobertos com geleia de goiabada.\n", + "Linguiça artesanal frita servida com Batata ao molho chedar e bacon. Acompanhado de molhos\n", + "Maçã de Peito de Boi cozida com especiarias, acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga, finalizada com cheiro verde e pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Croquete de Berinjela com carne moída.\n", + "Mandioca cozida e refogada na manteiga de garrafa com bacon, linguiça, queijo minas padrão, tomate-cereja, alho frito e cebolas em rodelas.\n", + "Terrine de ricota, pesto de manjericão, tomatinho confit e chips de parmesão. Finalizado com nozes.\n", + "Sanduíche aperitivo recheado com rosbife de lagarto, bacon, cebolas caramelizadas, tomate e queijo provolone. Acompanha molho de mostarda escura.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com linguiça de porco, queijo provolone, queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha mandioquinha frita.\n", + "Batata recheadacom rabada desfiada apimentada e manteiga de agrião.\n", + "Atum chileno com grão de bico e tomate seco temperado com azeite e especiarias, servido na barquete.\n", + "Bolinho de torresmo recheado de queijo canastra acompanhado de geleia de pimenta com cachaça.\n", + "Croquete de pernil com alho-poró.\n", + "Releitura do Surpresa do Berinjela. Bolinho de massa de berinjela, recheado de linguiça defumada e queijo parmesão.\n", + "Rabada com quibebe, com agrião e especiarias.\n", + "Pernil de porco moído, servido em forma de bolinho, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "Mini moqueca de siri cotado com queijo coalho maçaricado. Acompanhado com torradas e molho chimichurri\n", + "Camarão ao molho de coco feito na panela de barro, acompanha farofa e torradinha de alho.\n", + "Camarões envoltos em arroz cremoso empanados com farinha de milho flocada. Acompanha bolinhas de queijo com manjericão e molhos de hortelã com limãosiciliano e molho rose picante.\n", + "Croquetes de carne. Acompanha molho especial da casa.\n", + "Bolinhas de carne crocantes com recheio de muçarela. Acompanha molho de maracujá com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com queijo e enrolado com fatias de bacon.\n", + "Costelas bovinas servidas no purê de mandioca cremosa.\n", + "Linguiça mineira com mousseline de mandioquinha, vinagrete crocante de milho e pesto de ervas.\n", + "Bolinho com massa à base de banana-da-terra, recheado com barreado.\n", + "Taco de fígado acebolado com pico de gallo\n", + "Bolinho de Salmão com requeijão e queijos especiais, acompanhado de creme de pimenta levemente picante e ervas aromáticas.\n", + "Ragu de copa lombo suína, marinada no vinho com aquele tempero da casa levemente picante, e tudo isso sobre uma cama de polenta frita crocante.\n", + "Ossobuco cozido em temperos caseiros, acompanhado de um cremoso purê de mandioca com queijo minas.\n", + "“Lombim” com abacaxi na manteiga, acompanhado por creme de batata e barbecue picante.\n", + "Crepe com massa de tapioca e queijo parmesão, recheado com bobó de camarão, laminas de banana da terra fritas, crispes de bacon, e requeijão, salpicado com gergelim negro.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com queijos e ervas. Acompanha geléia de pimenta e molho barbecue.\n", + "Bacalhau especial da casa.\n", + "Trata-se de um bolinho de mandioca com queijo e camarão empanado e servido com geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Croquetes com massa de abobora e carne seca acompanhando de molho gorgonzola\n", + "Mistura sem kaô de carne-seca com requeijão (sem massa), temperado e empanado na farinha panko, acompanha molho de pêssego e mostarda, molho aioli (alho confitado no azeite e bacon) servidos com pipocas de queijo coalho.\n", + "Batata rústica com costela do Morango, acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Barquetes estilo jangadas de frutos do mar. Acompanha molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Bolinhos feitos de purê de batata e bacalhau, empanados e fritas. Acompanha molho de manteiga ao limão.\n", + "Bolo de carne empanado agasalhado ao molho de tomate caseiro com queijo e decorado com folhas de manjericão roxo.\n", + "Iscas de tilápia empanadas, acompanhadas de salada de tomate e molho especial.\n", + "Charque frita com feijão verde e farofa D’água.\n", + "Uma folha mineira coletiva pra você saborear! Costela bovina, linguiça e banana-da-terra sobre uma camada de creme de abóbora. E você ainda pode solicitar uma bela pimenta-malagueta e uma geleia de rapadura.\n", + "Bolinho de costela com molho de maionese, pancetta e mandioca na manteiga\n", + "Porção de camarão com temperos de frutos do mar.\n", + "Calabresa Assada com queijo, tomate, azeitona, orégano e um toque de canela. Acompanha patê de alho.\n", + "Porção com 08 unidades de coxinhas, recheadas de Linguiça Defumada da Casa com queijo muçarela. Acompanha vinagrete de cebola e molho.\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau recheado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Bolinho de carne à parmigiana, acompanhado com purê de batata, anel de cebola e bolinhas de queijo.\n", + "Maçã de peito na cerveja preta acompanhada de mandioca na manteiga de especiarias, farofa de cuscuz com raspas de requeijão.\n", + "o SoróBolinho de costela sem massa com queijo servido ao molho da casa com um leve apimentado.\n", + "Peito de boi com purê de batata e farofa de banana.\n", + "Fatias de brisket (peito bovino defumada) com salada de repolho verde, repolho roxo, cenoura, cebola branca, limão, alho poró, aipo, salsa, açúcar, sal, azeite, Maionese de ervas finas.\n", + "Língua crocante com ervas frescas e parmesão e salsa de jiló com pimenta-de-cheiro e maçã-verde.\n", + "Torresmo de barriga empanado, acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi.\n", + "Costela Bovina desfiada e gratinada com parmesão, acompanhada de creme de abóbora e molho especial de goiabada.\n", + "DADINHO DE QUIRERA DE MILHO COM CARNE SECA DESFIADA, ACOMPANHA GELEIA DE BANANA E COUVE CRISPY.\n", + "Copa lombo defumada e desfiada acompanhada de pãeszinhos e barbecue sauce\n", + "Bolinho de camarão com massa de releitura do vatapá, acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e uma dose cachaça.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado, temperado com cebola roxa, catupiry, mussarela e salsinha, sem massa. Acompanhado de molho agridoce com base de mostarda e chimichurri.\n", + "Roquete de galinha caipira, recheado com moela, muçarela e milho. Acompanhado de polenta frita e pirão.\n", + "Bolinha de carne com molho de abacaxi apimentado.\n", + "Carne de sereno frita, com mandioca na manteiga de garrafa, acompanhada de vinagrete de salsa criola.\n", + "Linguiça artesanal de fígado bovino com jiló, cebolinha, salsinha, redanho, alho e sal. Acompanhado da crocância dos chips de inhame e molho especial de bacon.\n", + "Rabo de boi feito na cerveja preta, acompanhado de creme de inhame.\n", + "Bolinho de costela desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "Picadinho de costela bovina ao molho de alho, acompanhado de torradas com maionese de repolho.\n", + "Coxinhas da asa marinadas na cerveja preta com batatas salteadas e acompanha molho de huancaína.\n", + "Moqueca de filé de peixe enrolado e recheado com azeitona, acompanhado de farofa de banana na manteiga e pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Bolinho recheado com carne seca, purê de aipim e parmesão. Acompanha molho de ervas e molho de pimenta.\n", + "Carne de charque com cebola e ovo mexido acompanhando de mandioca\n", + "Picanha suína na fumaça com palmito e queijo regado com fraldinha bovina ao molho, farofa de banana da terra e creme de especiarias.\n", + "Salpicão de Camarão no abacaxi\n", + "Cestinha crocante de frutos do mar\n", + "Costelinha assada à moda da casa, com arroz caipira.\n", + "Um quibe de peixe recheado com queijo.\n", + "Mandioca cozida com costela bovina e especiarias da casa.\n", + "Capitão da alcatra em tiras grelhada na manteiga com alho, cebola e pimenta do reino branca, acompanhado de batatas sauté.\n", + "Medalhão de tilápia recheado com queijo coalho, acomodado numa cama de purê de batata baroa acompanhado de pesto de coentro com castanha de caju e redução de vinho tinto.\n", + "Bolinho de bacalhau gados mohua cozido em creme de moqueca tradicional acompanhado de tapenade de azeitona preta.\n", + "Filé mignon grelhado ao molho de mostarda e mel, acompanhado de batata ao murro com toque de páprica defumada.\n", + "O prato e composto de almôndegas de calabresa com file de frango e servido dentro do abacaxi e com cobertura de um molho de queijo com abacaxi, dando um toque agridoce no prato.\n", + "Bolinho de linguiça recheado com muçarela e empanado na farinha de mandioca, com maionese especial à moda Santa.\n", + "Torresmo crocante com mandioca e molho da casa.\n", + "Cupim ao molho de cerveja preta e parmesão, acompanhado de purê de banana-da-terra com leite de coco, farofinha e crispy de couve.\n", + "Pastéis recheados de abóbora cabotia, carne seca e queijo meia cura\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com mandioca recheado com queijo, picante.\n", + "Medalhão de merluza, casquinha de bacalhau, folhas de tucunaré e purê de batata recheada.\n", + "Salgado feito de carne moída temperada recheado com ovo de codorna. Acompanha geleia de tomate e molho de pimenta da casa.\n", + "Tulipas de frango feitas no açúcar, acompanhadas de mandioca noisette e molho da casa.\n", + "8 pasteizinhos cremosos de frango ao molho branco com provolone e bacon.\n", + "Acém ou língua de boi ao molho, com farofa e picles de cebola.\n", + "Coração de galinha marinado na cerveja, acompanhado por uma farofa panko com abacaxi caramelizado e toques defumados de bacon. Acompanha vinagrete de hortelã e abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de Fubá com recheio de costela, acompanha maionese caseira.\n", + "Filé-mignon suíno reduzido na cachaça com gengibre, acompanhado de torradas e geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Dadinho de costelinha desossada à pururuca acompanhado de vinagrete de jiló e molho de alho com especiarias picante.\n", + "Pedacinhos de carne de porco temperados, empanados e fritos. Acompanha geleia de pimenta caseira.\n", + "Carne de porco com molhos de limão siciliano e kiwi, acompanhada de batatas rústicas.\n", + "Bolinho de feijoada vegano de feijão preto. Acompanha molho de pimenta.\n", + "Um conjunto de três bolinhos de linguiça toscana com catupiry, recheado cada um com um tipo de queijo, mussarela, provolone e canastra, acompanhando um aioli e fatias de limão.\n", + "Camarão cinza salteado com molho triplo burro intercalado com mousseline de batata-baroa.\n", + "Frango crocante e bolinhos de aipim recheados com carne de panela.\n", + "Mix de carne ( Linguiça toscana caseira, carne de sol frango caipira). Frito e refogado saltiado na banha de porco no disco de arado caipira com um toque sutil de mussarela . Acompanhado com um molho de Tamarino da roça.\n", + "Guacamole de camarão\n", + "Canapé de palmito crocante com ragu de costela e molho vinagrete, acompanha aioli defumado\n", + "Linguiça de porco caseira, servida com molho especial de pimenta e mandioca regrada na manteiga do sertão.\n", + "cheado com linguiça caseira suína, lascas de pernil assado, vinagrete, alface roxa e requeijão, acompanha molho artesanal de mostarda e geleia de abacaxi com nozes.\n", + "Croquete de camarão com carne defumada\n", + "Abóbora cozida e salteada, guarnecida com molho de camarão e coberta com carne-seca crispy. Acompanha chips de mandioca. Finalizada com cebolinha e salsa.\n", + "Bolinho de massa de mandioca, cozida no vapor, com recheio de siri catado e cream cheese (queijo cremoso). Acompanha Molho Tártaro Caseiro.\n", + "Escondidinho de Costela bovina.\n", + "Picanha acompanhada de cebolas e batatas e molho especial da casa.\n", + "Requeijão cremoso caseiro de inhame, sobreposto de um tomate confitado e charque desfiada acompanhada de crispy de tapioca.\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau fritos regado no azeite e alho, acompanhados de um delicioso purê em formato de estrela, azeitonas, ovo e queijo\n", + "Porção de asinhas de frango recheadas com bacon e queijo provolone. Acompanha geleia de pimenta e maionese com bacon.\n", + "Batata-inglesa recheada de charque e envolvida aos queijos.\n", + "Costela assada no bafo com mandioca cozida. Acompanha farofa, molho de alho, molho de pimenta e molho chimichurri.\n", + "Bolinho de salmao, cream cheese e recheio de arroz cremoso com queijos, empanado na farinha panko e gergilin, acompanha maionese de alho negro\n", + "Bolinho de batata com guisado de carne moída.\n", + "Carne de sol acebolada, acompanhada de molho de alho e farofa de cebola caramelizada.\n", + "Farofa com bacon e couve, banana-da-terra, abacaxi e uma calda de melaço.\n", + "Purê de mandioquinha recheado de Ragu de Costela e texturas de queijo coalho (cremoso e crocante)\n", + "Tiras crocantes e cremosas de aipim com carne-seca, coberta de creme de queijo coalho e finalizado com crispy de carne-seca. Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta biquinho da casa.\n", + "Coxinhas de paella de frutos do mar empanada na panko com recheio de camarão na laranja ao molho agridoce de vinho tinto e molho de ostra.\n", + "Camarão, tilápia e lula à milanesa, servidos com vinagrete de marisco, molho especial da casa e geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Carne cozida desfiada servida com queijo coalho maçaricado\n", + "O virado à paulista de Sampa tem um sabor único, com adaptações ideais para agregar o paladar dos curitibanos.\n", + "Moela servida com pirão de aipim, cubos de queijo coalho e banana-da-terra.\n", + "Bolinho de arraia, macaxeira e castanha do Pará. Servido com o molho especial de tucupi, folha de jambu e a flor do jambú.\n", + "Bolinho de costela de boi recheado com queijo muçarela, servido em uma bandeja de espetos, acompanhado do molho de bacon.\n", + "Filé de frango empanado acompanhado de molho de maracujá e queijo mussarela.\n", + "Massa de aipim e mandioquinha frita, servida aberta como um acarajé, recheado de carne seca , vatapá de queijo coalho acompanhado de molho de brasa, couve crysp e geleia de tomate com pimenta dedo de moça\n", + "Blend de carne recheado com purê de aipim rústico e cebola crispy.\n", + "Feijão-tropeiro nordestino.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com lombo canadense, queijo prato, catupiry cremoso, rúcula e tomate\n", + "Mini bolinhos de carne.\n", + "Bochecha suína, com purê de batata doce aromatizada com gengibre.\n", + "Croquetes de carne decorados com catupiry e azeitona preta, acompanhadosdebatatachips\n", + "Bolinho a base de purê de mandioca com frango desfiado, pequi, gueroba e queijo. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi, laranja e pimenta.\n", + "Tira de torresmo com 4 medalhões de mussarela. Acompanha molho de goiaba agridoce e molho de maionese de bacon.\n", + "Moela ao molho de tomate com ervilhas, servida com pãezinhos crocantes.\n", + "Coxinhas de frango desossadas e temperadas com molho de mostarda e mel e molho roquefort\n", + "Língua Bovina, servida com redução de Tucupi com Sake Mirin, Torradas e Limão.\n", + "Porção de croquete de coxão duro, acompanha vinagrete de maracujá.\n", + "Nossa clássica massa de nhoque enrolada com recheio de carne assada, servido com molho ferrugem do chef.\n", + "Filés de tilápia acompanhado de banana da terra frita, com molho de alho cítrico e molho rose picante.\n", + "Bolinho baião de dois acompanhando de carne de sol e purê de abóbora.\n", + "Panceta enrolada com tempero mineiro. Acompanha purê de mandioca, linguiça Blumenau com molho de mostarda, mel, maracujá e tomate grelhado.\n", + "Tradicional Baião de dois com a bossa carioca do feijão carioquinha com camarões salteados e bacon crocante.\n", + "Bolinhos de feijoada de camarão com um toque de bacon e chutney de pimenta.\n", + "Cupim assado no bafo por aproximadamente 8 horas (desfiado), acompanhado de creme de espinafre a base de catupiry e bacon e pão francês fatiado com tomate confitado.\n", + "Porção de mini hamburgueres de blend de linguiça toscana com provolone, parmesão, cebola roxa, cenoura e ervas. 4 unidades, acompanha maionese caseira de alho e geleia caseira de abacaxi com gengibre e pimenta dedo de moça.\n", + "Canudinhos de Pulled Pork com recheio de pernil suíno desfiado cozido na cerveja preta e finalizado com molho BBQ.\n", + "Costela de novilha acompanhada de burrito e linguiça.\n", + "Pimenta Cambuci recheada de vaca atolada.\n", + "Um mix de petiscos (O Bem do Mar, Maracatu Atômico, Terral e Eternas Ondas) servidos com aioli de bacon defumado e gotas de molho de pimenta da casa (1 unid. de cada).\n", + "São 6 espetinhos com 3 sabores de carnes, sendo 2 de carne bovina, 2 de frango e 2 de carne de suína. Recheados com queijo muçarela. Empanados e fritos. Acompanha 2 tipos de molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Macaxeira com recheio de porco temperado e um toque de rapadura.\n", + "Mexidão de lula, polvo, mexilhão, peixe e camarão. Acompanha farofa.\n", + "Disco de costela recheado com queijo.\n", + "Camarão crocante acompanhado de pirão de aipim e recheio tropical de molho de camarão com abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com creme de milho sem massa. Acompanha maionese sriracha.\n", + "Caldo de Kenga é um nome que dá curiosidade aos clientes para descobrir do que é feito.\n", + "Ossobuco bovino com creme de mandioca acompanhado de farofa de banana-da-terra.\n", + "Medalhão de pernil desfiado, recheado com muçarela e acompanhado de barbecue de goiabada.\n", + "Kafta acompanhada com creme de mandioca com pequi.\n", + "Bolinho de carne de porco, recheado com provolone, acompanhado de molhos de pimenta, barbecue e mostarda e mel.\n", + "Tartar de moela ao molho vermelho servido com torradinhas.\n", + "Carne de sol, linguiça mandioca com cebola e catupiry.\n", + "Bolinho com massa de aipim recheado com costela assada, acompanhado de molho de alcaparras, azeitonas e alho-poró, além dos picles de cebola.\n", + "Porção de mexilhão, empanado e frito, envolto em um molho agridoce oriental, com salada coreana de pepino.\n", + "Tulipa dessossada e recheada com farofa de cuzcuz e queijo coalho.\n", + "Croquete de pernil com molho de abacaxi com pimenta, acompanha creme de macaxeira com carne seca e requeijão de raspa crocante.\n", + "Delicioso creme de queijos (queijo mussarela e queijo catupiry) servidos com camarões\n", + "Trouxinha de Camarão com jambu, creme de cará roxo e caldinho bisque Crocante de Camarão\n", + "Uma deliciosa isca de peixe, com uma crocância dos deuses com dois molhos especiais.\n", + "Disco de file de tilápia com toque suave da acidez da rúcula limão.\n", + "Croquete de camarão à moda manezinho.\n", + "Uma leve e deliciosa massa francesa, com bom sabor goiano e recheado com uma suculenta costela desfiada com catupiry e especiarias da casa! Servida com molho de ervas!\n", + "Músculo bovino com farofa de quiabo.\n", + "Seguindo tradição do Cantim D’or Noir, oferecemos um prato conjugado com um componente. 1 – com carne suína marinada no vinho cozida no molho italiano com calabresa: Guizado Cigano, com receita de nossa cozinha de família. 2 – sem carne: Aperitivo de berinjela em ervas e empanada, compondo com tomate e creme de queijos, atendendo ao público vegetariano. Surpreendentemente delicioso!\n", + "Costelinha de porco com molho barbecue, pimenta-biquinho e castanha-de-caju.\n", + "Caminha de couve crua e farofa temperada com especiarias e carne de boi.\n", + "e Baião de DoisTodos ingredientes desse prato típico dentro de um bolinho.\n", + "Tirinhas de frango empanadas, acompanhadas de molho agridoce.\n", + "Delicioso purê de banana-da-terra com Boi ao Molho, acompanhado de torradinhas crocantes.\n", + "Duas panquecas recheadas de camarão , cream cheese, alho poró e bacon frito picadinho.\n", + "Galinha guisada.\n", + "Recheio de siri à moda da casa, envolvido por carpaccio de pera, levemente tostado em curaçau blue, finalizado com crocante de nozes caramelizadas.\n", + "Panceta à pururuca acompanhada de mandioca cozida com azeite, salada e farofa da casa.\n", + "Creme de siri, preparado com temperos especiais e gratinado com queijo parmesão.\n", + "Farofa de carne com manteiga de garrafa e iscas de mandioca.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, regado de cubos de queijo coalho e carne do sol desfiada.\n", + "Torresmo à pururuca frito em pedaços, acompanha geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "Lascas de bacalhau do porto cozido com ervas aromaticas, azeitonas portuguesa , servido nas almofadinhas com molho de queijo.\n", + "Escondidinho de Rabada, purê de aipim e queijo de mussarela gratinado\n", + "Bolinho de costelinha com ora-pro-nóbis, servido com molho de tomate e abobrinha gratinada.\n", + "Três deliciosos caracóis diretamente do fundo do mar, em formato de cone, recheados de: camarão com catupiry, siri com alho poró e por último polvo ao molho com azeitonas, acompanhado da tradicional geleia de pimenta e pesto de coentro.\n", + "Camarões cozidos com quiabo em um molho natural de leite de coco e azeite de dendê. Finalizado com um camarão cinza grelhado. Acompanha farofa de cebola.\n", + "Bolinho feito com a massa de tapioca, charque, queijos e temperos. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta.\n", + "Um bolinho com massa de aipim e carne de sol desfiada.\n", + "Mistura de arroz e mussarela com creme de azeitona.\n", + "Bisteca de porco com purê de feijão, mandioca e farofa.\n", + "Barriga suína com molho de rapadura e pimenta dedo de moça, acompanhada de farofa de farinha de milho com crispy de quiabo.\n", + "Filé mignon trinchado com cebola roxa e bacon servido com molho de queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "Combinação de 3 espetinhos: alcatra com catupiry e alho frito, frango com queijo cheddar e cebola crispe e lombinho ao molho barbecue e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "Rabinho e língua bovina defumados em madeira de macieira, ao molho de cerveja artesanal APA, camarão na manteiga, polenta cremosa com queijo canastra meia cura e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Quatro nobres charutos crocantes, recheados com a deliciosa combinação de ?roupa velha? bovina com bacon. Acompanhados por um irresistível chutney de tomate defumado e uma farofa crocante de bacon.\n", + "Costela bovina, assada no bafo, acompanhada de torresmo de barriga crocante,mandioca cozida na manteiga de garrafa e molho de pimenta defumada!\n", + "Bolinho de costela com massa de mandioca acompanhado de baconese da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de Arroz.\n", + "Costelão cozido com mandioca, acompanhado de torradas.\n", + "Carne de siri sobre uma cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhado de 2 pastéis de vento.\n", + "Barquinhos de carne com queijo.\n", + "Hamburguer feito de fraldinha suína e filé de coxa triturados, recheado com catupiry e geleia de bacon, acompanhado de batata e maionese de alho caseira\n", + "Bolinho de paella de frutos do mar. Acompanha alioli e salsa brava.\n", + "5 pastéis recheados com saboroso arroz de pato com jambu, empanados com panko temperado e servido com maionese picante da casa.\n", + "Parmegiana de carne à palito\n", + "Bolinho de feijão acompanhado com molho vinagrete apimentado.\n", + "Uai! Escondidinho de mandioca com pernil e camarão. Uma combinação entre Terra e Mar, SÔ.\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de Pato, recheado com Jambu e regado ao molho de tucupi e molho de manga.\n", + "6 acarajés médios acompanhados por vatapá, caruru, camarão e saladinha.\n", + "Corte suíno servido com farofa de maracujá e cubos de macaxeira acompanhado de barbecue artesanal de cerveja, geleia de pimenta, vinagrete e molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Petisco de polenta frita com ragú de costela, agrião ao azeite de ervas e parmesão.\n", + "Cupim ao molho, com croquete de batata e queijo canastra.\n", + "Carne de panela servida com mandioca e manteiga de garrafa.\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de milho cremoso acompanhado de angu e couve-flor assada na manteiga com especiarias.\n", + "Mix de isca de lombo empanado e cubinhos de pernil de porco à mineira acompanhado de geleia de pimenta e molho Bechamel e batata frita.\n", + "Unha de caranguejo, salgado de camarão seco com jambu e salgado de pato no tucupi.\n", + "Vatapá desconstruído recheado com carne seca, ragu suíno e molho de cogumelo. Acompanhado com delicioso molho pesto de coentro.\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com medalhões de quiabo e mandioca frita. Acompanha molho barbecue com goiabada, molho de pimenta e molho de alho.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz recheado com costela suína e barbecue, servido com um molho cítrico.\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas-biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "Filé mignon marinado no Whisky e cortado em cubos, servido com cebola caramelizada, purê de batata, de alho, frito e acompanhado de molho barbecue de Jack Daniels.\n", + "Costelinha suína conservada na banha, acompanhada de vinagrete de feijão-fradinho.\n", + "Paletas de queijo com pequi acompanhado de vinagrete de guariroba!\n", + "Mignon suíno no abacaxi com molho gorgonzola.\n", + "250g carne bovina angus assada na brasa. Acompanhamentos: geleia de abacaxi, batata rústica e purê.ri.\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada envolta no bacon, polenta cremosa. Acompanha pipoca de quiabo e molho de tomate.\n", + "Raquete suína – ou paleta, como é mais conhecida –, assada, acompanhada de escondidinho de alho-poró com chips de batata-doce. Molho de abacaxi opcional.\n", + "Miolo de acém ao molho da Suica, servido sobre um purê de banana-da-terra especial.\n", + "Recheio de camarão, molho bechamel e finalizado com parmesão maçaricado.\n", + "Tiras de frango empanada, acompanhado com molhos da casa\n", + "Bolinhos de aipim recheados com costela desfiada.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco defumado recheado com pururuca de porco acompanhado de maionese de alho da casa.\n", + "Caldo de abobora com camarões selados e queijo.\n", + "Três tipos de bolinho: bolinho de banana-da-terra com carne de sol e queijo coalho, bolinho de jerimum com charque e bolinho de feijoada. Acompanha molho de pimenta com rapadura, molho de laranja e maionese de coentro.\n", + "Tiras de filé de tilápia empanadas, crocante por fora e macia por dentro. Servida com um molho de dar água na boca!\n", + "Camarões com um toque de pimenta de cheiro descansam preguiçosamente sobre uma cama de aipim macio com queijo.\n", + "Bolinhos de Jiló recheados com pernil de porco marinado na cachaça mineira, orapronobis e queijo meia cura. Acompanha molho de pimenta da casa e maionese de azeitona.\n", + "Beiju salgado de mandioca com pirarucu desfiado com ervas e temperos regionais acompanhado de molhos roxinho e esfera de pimenta de cheiro.\n", + "Milanesa napolitana com molho de tomate e batatas rústicas.\n", + "Petisco típico húngaro que consiste em 2 unidades de muçarela, 2 costelas bovinas e 2 joelhos de porco com chucrute. Acompanha um molho típico.\n", + "Cuscuz de milho, fava cozida ao leite de coco, carne de sol.\n", + "Cozido de pé de porco, pernil, costelinha e linguiça com mandioca e banana. Finalizado com couve e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Bolinho de carne recheado com bacon ou queijo provolone.\n", + "Bolinhos feitos com mandioca, carne-seca desfiada e catupiry, servidos com molho chipotle.\n", + "Porção de bobó de camarão para ser compartilhada.\n", + "Canapés de três sabores: recheio de carne de siri, de carne seca e de abobrinha acompanhados de molho verde.\n", + "Bolinho feito com pernil suíno temperado p e marinado por 12 horas para depois de assado e desfiado manter sua suculência e sabor, recheado com queijo e acompanhado com geleia de pimenta\n", + "Croqueta de costelinha suína. Acompanha geléia de pimenta.\n", + "Costelinha suína acompanhada de chip de batata-doce.\n", + "2 espetinhos de frango e queijo coalho e 2 de carne, todos empanados, acompanhados de geleia de abacaxi com pimenta e molho de alho da casa.\n", + "Rabada desfiada, servida dentro do canudinho finalizada com brotos de agrião.\n", + "Bacalhau em lascas, especialmente condimentado, cozido no creme de leite em uma cama de batatas cozidas fatiadas.\n", + "Bem Mineiro, UAI!Torresmo de rolo acompanhado de polenta.\n", + "Tiras de carne bovina empanada, com quibebe de mandioca acompanhada de molho da casa.\n", + "Escondidinho de bacalhau, feito com aipim e flor de sal.\n", + "Filé-mignon ao vinho com purê de mandioquinha.\n", + "Massa de macaxeira recheada com brisket desfiada e servida com maionese de cerveja preta.\n", + "Creme de mandioca ao molho de linguiça caipira com queijo gratinado, torresminho e gravetos de costela com queijo.\n", + "A lá minuta transformada em petisco: palitos de arroz, bolinho de feijão, nhoque frito, iscas de entrecôt e frango.\n", + "Bolinho de feijão com ingredientes da feijoada tradicional, recheado com bacon e couve mineira\n", + "Camarão quando se come fica enfeitiçado com o sabor, e o queijo Marajoara, e um dos melhores do mundo e por ser um queijo quase 100% natural a pessoa fica encantado com sabor.\n", + "Coxão mole ao molho de mostarda.\n", + "Charque desfiada com cebola, acompanha farofa temperada com batata-doce e vinagrete da casa.\n", + "Quizado de carneiro acompanhamento mandioca frita.\n", + "Garrão bovino ao molho com polenta recheada de queijo, envolvido em uma hortaliça de folha de sabor marcante, salpicado com cheiro-verde e aromatizado com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Receita tradicional da vovó Bibi. Deliciosa coxinha de caranguejo com muito recheio, sabor de comida de vó, com muito amor e carinho! O espetinho do Fabrício, e o pioneiro na coxinha de caranguejo em Icoaraci. Venha experimentar a melhor coxinha de caranguejo de Icoaraci, Ananindeua e Belém.\n", + "Os 3 dos maiores sucesso em um petisco único e especial do Marcelo.\n", + "Miolo de alcatra ao molho de chimichurri, batata frita corte caseiro com muçarela.\n", + "Tulipas de frango com queijo ao molho de goiabada.\n", + "Rocambole de carne bovina com recheio de kafta suína temperada com ervas finas e páprica defumada. Acompanha bolinho de risoto (limão siciliano), farofa, vinagrete e molho barbecue com pimenta-biquinho.\n", + "Bolinho de batata.\n", + "Cupim desfiado com um leve toque de molho barbecue, gratinado com queijo gouda. Acompanha torradas amanteigadas.\n", + "Carne de panela de ‘bananinha’, servida com farofa de banana-da-terra, bacon e polenta.\n", + "Iscas de Saint Peter marinadas no limão e temperadas com cebola-roxa e pimenta-dedo-de-moça. Acompanha chips da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de galinhada acompanhado de vinagrete de abacaxi com molho de pequi e crispy de couve.\n", + "Abóbora cabotia recheada com creme da abóbora, carne seca desfiada salteada na manteiga com bacon, molho bechamel e gratinada com queijo mussarela. Acompanha pãeszinhos\n", + "Bolovo feito com ovo de codorna e rúcula, servido com vinagrete.\n", + "Carne assada com purê de baroa e farofa\n", + "Croquete de costela suína empanado na panko, acompanhada de molho aïoli , geleia de pimenta-doce artesanal aromatizada comespeciarias.\n", + "Rocambole de cupim recheado com queijo muçarela e rúcula. Acompanha molho do Zé.\n", + "Bolinho de arraia com recheio de camarao e molho de coalhada com hortelã\n", + "Bolinho de Rabada com massa de milho.\n", + "Isca de filé de panga interfolhado. Acompanha molho de camarão.\n", + "Bolinha de carne seca e requeijão rechado com queijo coalho e pimenta biquinho, empanado na farinha panko. Acompanha maionese de rúcula com ervas.\n", + "Chouriço em postas acompanhado de vinagrete tropical e farofa de mandioca.\n", + "FILÉ MIGNON AO MOLHO COM FEIJÃO FRITO, PURÊ DE BROA E CRISPY DE CEBOLA.\n", + "Croqueta de vaca atolada com provolone, servida com barbecue artesanal levementepicante\n", + "Pão frito recheado com joelho ao alho poró, maionese de cebola flambada, vinagrete de repolho com cebola roxa, pimenta dedo de moça e limão galego, e batata palha artesanal.\n", + "Joelho de porco defumado à lenha com sal grosso, cozido no vinho branco e pururucado com banha da casa, ornado com farofinha de repolho roxo e molho maranga das Irmãs Alvim.\n", + "Massa de linguiça artesanal recheada com queijo muçarela, servida com geleia de pimenta de abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de pirarucu, com macaxeira e jambú, recheado com queijo do Marajó. Molho de tucupí, pimenta cumari e manga.\n", + "Panceta de porco defumada na churrasqueira a bafo com sal grosso, em formato de rolo. Servida com tempero de lemon pepper. Acompanha geleia de pimenta, Vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "Mandioca cozida e cremosa, com miolo de acém, muçarela e cheiro-verde. Acompanha farofa de torresmo e crisp de couve.\n", + "Linguiça feita na casa com gorgonzola, servida com geleia de mexerica e acompanha purê de mandioca e farofa de cebola tostada\n", + "Escondidinho de carne seca desfiada com queijo coalho. Acompanha chips de batata doce, geleia de pimenta e melaço de cana.\n", + "Arepas de costela defumada, picles de cebola-roxa, maionese verde e queijo gratinado. Acompanha vinagrete de laranja.\n", + "Barriga de porco marinada em especiarias de um dia para o outro. Servida com geleia de abacaxi levemente apimentada.\n", + "Aipim rosti com costela desfiada\n", + "Croquetas de gorgonzola com milho.\n", + "Três minipães recheados com os molhos da casa (carne de panela, molho de frango, cogumelo) cobertos com molho de queijo da casa e queijo muçarela. Acompanham 4 molhos da casa: pesto, barbecue, mostarda e alho e óleo.\n", + "Lascas de aipim frito coberto com um delicioso chili de carne seca e topo um sensacional crispy de couve\n", + "Medalhão de fraldinha na brasa, acompanhado por cebola grelhada à moda da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com iscas de bacalhau, pimenta do reino e sal. Acompanha geleia de pimenta.\n", + "JALAPENO COM CREAM CHEESE E FATIA DE GRAVLAX.\n", + "Omelete japonesa em camadas, com nori entre cada uma; acompanhada de maionese de umeboshi, cebolinha e togarashi\n", + "Beiju de tapioca + pato desfiado + gelatina de tucupi + jambu.\n", + "Exibidinho com camadas de purê de mandioca cremoso, carne seca desfiada, com uma camada de muçarela e bananas da terra grelhadas, finalizado com pipoquinha de queijo coalho da casa.\n", + "Moela ao molho, batata rústica com queijo acompanhado de molho de alho e torradas.\n", + "Carne de sol com banana da terra.\n", + "Massa de mandioca, carne serenada desfiada com creamcheese.\n", + "Costela de boi, repousada sobre uma cama de purê de mandioquinha, acompanhado de farofa crocante de banana da terra.\n", + "Charque puxado na manteiga de garrafa, servido com triângulos de tapioca crocantes e pimenta confitada.\n", + "Ossobuco ao molho de cerveja preta, acompanhado de purê de couve-flor com parmesão gratinado.\n", + "Tradicional bolinho de carne moída, acompanha vinagrete.\n", + "Croquete de arroz ao leite de coco, patê de camarão e carne-seca desfiada refogada na manteiga. Acompanha maionese de coco verde com um toque de pimenta-doce.\n", + "Poqueca de frutos do mar acompanhada de farofa de castanha e arroz de coco.\n", + "Medalhão de filé mignon com bacon, finalizado com queijo maçaricado e mandioca temperada.\n", + "Bolinho de batata-salsa com cordeiro desfiado, recheado com queijo provolone defumado.\n", + "Iscas de carne de porco empanadas e bolinhos de ervilha recheados de milho e queijo, servidos com molho bergamota à moda.\n", + "Angu de Baiana ao leite de coco com patinho suíno laminado e moqueca de camarão.\n", + "Uma grande festa na fazenda! Ovos cor de ouro preparados artesanalmente na sua cama de palha, mini bifes de mignon com queijo parmesão e ancho com finas tiras selecionadas de bacon. Acompanha molho de queijo parmesão flambado.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioquinha com rabada, acompanha molho do chef.\n", + "Pirão de aipim coberto por duas camadas de queijo coalho, sendo uma maçaricada, e carne-seca acebolada. Acompanhado de salada de tomates verdes e de banana caramelizada.\n", + "Croquete de língua bovina defumada com picles de cebola roxa e maionese defumada.\n", + "Carne de sol do tipo coxão-mole, cortada em cubos, acebolada, acompanhada da farofa de jerimum caboclo e cheiro-verde.\n", + "Xis carne de panela, com rúcula, tomate, cebola-roxa e queijo triplo. Acompanha maionese.\n", + "Croquete de arroz e carne seca suína com Shimeji, servido com patê de alho e couve crispy.\n", + "Lombinho temperado na manteiga de garrafa com batatas no bacon e provolone.\n", + "Costela servida com queijo derretido sobre um purê de batatas cremoso.\n", + "Comida oriental, com ingredientes típicos mineiros.\n", + "Tilápia recheada com queijo e ervas\n", + "Bolinho misto de costela suína e bacon, recheado com requeijão em barra e acompanhado de geleia de abacaxi com gengibre.\n", + "Costelinha no molho de Amora, Musseline de Milho verde com Queijo Mole e Chutney de Abacaxi.\n", + "Vinagrete de Camarão com mussarela maçaricada.\n", + "Disco de mandioca com carne acompanhado com maionese de bacon\n", + "Linguiça toscana com queijo e cheiro verde.\n", + "Cozido de bife ancho em cubos. Acompanha pão português chapeado na manteiga e orégano, vinagrete de picles artesanal e cebola roxa.\n", + "Croquete de carne de sol com pequi e queijo.\n", + "Copa lombo assado ao molho barbecue, milho refogado e croquete de costelinha, acompanhado de geleia de goiaba com pimenta.\n", + "Bolinhas de carne empanadas com macarrão. Acompanha molho creole de tomate com pimenta moderada.\n", + "Cupim com queijo, mandioca frita molho de alho e pimenta-dedo-de-moça.\n", + "Porção de batata rústica com Pulled Pork, creme de gorgonzola com pimentas biquinho, salsa e queijo parmesão ralado.\n", + "Quem é do Bar não enjoaPolenta frita com ragu de copa lombo, picles de cebola roxa e maionese de páprica defumada.\n", + "Irresistível Isca de Filhote paraense ao molho de mostarda com tucupi de dar água na boca.\n", + "Croquete de peixe à delícia com molho de parmesão.\n", + "Abará embrulhado na palha da bananeira e cozido no vapor, servido com creme de camarão e molho lambão.\n", + "Filé de Saint Peter temperado e recheado com queijo provolone, empanado e frito, acompanhado de molho da casa.\n", + "Camarão encapotado de moqueca com vatapá.\n", + "Ragu de costelinha suína acompanhada de dadinhos de polenta recheados com queijo parmesão, servido com molho à parte preparado com o caldo da costela.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, filé de camarão e queijo gorgonzola.\n", + "Petisco de batata empanada ao Panko com smash burger, 4 queijos e especiarias, acompanhado de tiras de frango frito empanadas e temperadas à moda da casa.\n", + "Polpetone de carne bovina e linguiça toscana, recheado com queijo e coberto por um molho de tomate especial.\n", + "02 Unidades Peitinho de Moça recheados com requeijão e carne seca servido em uma forma de sutiã\n", + "Croqueta de costela suína com molho agridoce.\n", + "Bolinho de Jacalhau crocante por fora e macio por dentro, acompanhado de molho tártaro vegano.\n", + "Peito de boi no bafo, temperado com varias especiarias (orégano, gengibre, alho, louro, chimi churri), finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanha batatarústica, farofa, vinagrete e pimenta da casa.\n", + "Canudinhos recheados com rabada e cream cheese, acompanhados de farofa de bacon com agrião.\n", + "Camarão na chapa com manteiga de garrafa, queijo coalho, geleia de pimenta vermelha, abacaxi e parmesão.\n", + "Almôndegas de carne recheadas com queijo.\n", + "Coxa com sobrecoxa desossada de aproximadamente 450 g, temperada em molho de ervas e derivados, grelhada e servida com um molho especial da casa! Acompanha porção de fritas de 200 g.\n", + "Copa Lombo lentamente assada na churrasqueira e desfiada, acompanhada de dadinho de pamonha bem salgadinho e pão tostado\n", + "BoitataBatata ao murro gratinada, recheada com molho branco, carne cozida frita desfiada com muçarela e bacon. Acompanha torradas e pimenta-calabresa.\n", + "Sticks de kafta (blend de cordeiro) regado ao molho de hortelã, acompanhado de uma porção de tabule, uma de homus e pãezinhos Murad.\n", + "Trouxinha crocante de pele de frango recheada com ragu de linguiça e muçarela. Servido em cama de couve crispy. Acompanha geleia refrescante de goiaba com laranja e hortelã.\n", + "Coxinhas com massa à base de bisque de ostras, recheadas com ostras, bacon e queijo parmesão. Acompanha molhos golf e picante do mar feitos à base de algas.\n", + "Costela bovina desfiada servida com musseline de batata e parmesão fresco, acompanhada de um pesto leve de agrião.\n", + "Bolinhos vegetarianos de uma mistura saborosa de ricota, espinafre e cogumelo sobre nossa geleia de pimenta com abacaxi.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com pupunha, banana da terra e carne seca acompanhando de molho de pimenta.\n", + "Feijão-verde cremoso, feito com linguiça calabresa, carne de sol e queijo coalho.\n", + "Canjiquinha mineira, com costelinha suína desfiada.\n", + "Bastões de linguiça toscana com recheio de queijo coalho e cream cheese, acompanhado de dadinhos de macaxeira recheados.\n", + "Joelho de porco com chucrute doce.\n", + "Bolinho de aipim recheado com queijo mussarela e cebola empanado no coco. Camarão ao molho anticuchero acompanhado de chips de banana ralada e molho de pimenta.\n", + "Tambaqui crocante com molho de maracujá e farofa de castanha-do-Pará.\n", + "Um mix de carne de siri e camarão com um leve toque de leite de coco e creme fresco, gratinado, acompanhado de barquetes de tapioca.\n", + "Polenta Brustolada ObrzutPolenta com carne moída. Uma receita feita por minha família há muito tempo.\n", + "Cupim acompanhado de mandioca cremosa, farofa de banana e um toque picante de molho de pimenta.\n", + "Tulipas de frango empanadas com salgadinho de milho e quiabo frito, acompanhados de molho tasty e chutney de limão\n", + "Isquinhas de entrecôte coberto com molho de gorgonzola, acompanhado de cebolas-roxas adocicadas e torradinhas temperadas com azeite de oliva, orégano e pimenta-do-reino.\n", + "Palmito pupunha empanado recheado com chiclete de camarão, acompanhado de chips de mandioca.\n", + "Porção de bolinhos de siri.\n", + "Coxinha cremosa de frango defumado, acompanhada de molho de churrasco defumado.\n", + "Carne cozida acompanhada de farofa e batata artesanal.\n", + "Panhoca recheada com carne de boi em cubos.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com feijão recheado com queijo. Acompanha carne de jabá com caminha de cebola roxa, farofa de cuscuz e purê de banana da terra.\n", + "Bolinho de mandioca cozida com costela desfiada, empanada com panko crocante e frito.\n", + "Rolinho crocante com recheio de bacon, camarão e creme de queijo.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com bacon recheado com tilápia, queijo canastra e castanha-de-caju. Servido com geleia de maracujá e pimenta.\n", + "Empanados crocantes de tilápia, filé suíno e peito de frango com molhos especiais da casa.\n", + "Grissini de mandioca e camarão com molho de queijo.\n", + "A Mocofava é um prato típico do nordeste, cheio de sabor e exclusividade com a junção de dois ingredientes tradicionais da culinária nordestina,favaemocotó.\n", + "Cone de filet mignon suíno empanado, recheado de copa lombo assada, defumada e com queijo. Acompanha salada especial\n", + "Bacalhau fresco desfiado, feito a moda Portuguesa a base de azeite e alho, mergulhado em duas camadas de suculento creme de aipim e catupiry.\n", + "Trouxinha de couve recheada com maçã de peito desfiada, cebola, alho-poró, caldo de carne caseiro. Acompanha pastel de vento com ervas.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com queijo ao molho da casa.\n", + "Três espetinhos especiais do Pescador.\n", + "Carne de fumeiro coberto com queijo coalho maçaricado, acompanhado de aipim frito e banana-da-terra.\n", + "Bolinho de bobo de camarão recheado com queijo, finamente empanado e frito. Finalizado com camarão salteado na manteiga, pimenta e alecrim.\n", + "Crocante por fora e macio por dentro, bolinho de linguiça com recheiodequeijo.\n", + "Cubos de frango, aipim e bacon com molho de alcaparras.\n", + "Bolinhas de purê de batata recheadas com carne moída e muçarela.\n", + "Sanduíche de rabada apimentada com provolone e rúcula.\n", + "Quatro pãezinhos recheados com linguiça levemente picante e creme de provolone, finalizados no forno com muçarela gratinada. Acompanha maionese defumada.\n", + "Canapé de mandioca, lagarto desfiado no molho de cerveja stout, couve crispy e geleia de pimentão vermelho.\n", + "COXINHA TEMPERADA COM LEMON PEPPER, SERVIDA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA E MOLHO BARBECUE.\n", + "Carne de panela com toque de molho caseiro, acompanhado com purê de aipim com banana-da-terra, farofa de torresmo e salada vinagrete de pepino japonês.\n", + "Tiras de fraldinha feitas no creme de cebola, servidas na chapa de ferro com batatas gratinadas ao chimichurri, bananas-da-terra fritas e molho chilli.\n", + "Puxadinho de mandioca na manteiga com uma deliciosa carne de panela desfiada na cachaça. Acompanha palitinhos crocantes recheados com massa de mandioca e bacon, o clássico Mandiopã com Lemon pepper e pasta de alho.\n", + "Singela homenagem à minha avó, Alejandra Florentina. Uma releitura da tortilla espanhola, um prato tradicional de lá. Acompanha molho cheddar.\n", + "Pastel aberto com recheio de siri, carne e fumeiro. Acompanhado de vinagrete de banana-da-terra.\n", + "Picanha suína ao molho de cerveja escura, acompanhada de batatas rústicas, pãozinho fatiado, abacaxi com damasco caramelizados.\n", + "Costelinha ao molho de laranja e milho, acompanhada de vinagrete de quiabo, com palitos de polenta.\n", + "Frango servido com quiabo crocante acompanhado de molho ranch.\n", + "Costela suína defumada e assada. Com duas opções de preparo: Assada e regada ao molho barbecue e à milanesa. Acompanha geleia de abacaxi com pimenta, molho de mostarda e mel e salsa de tamarindo.\n", + "Rocambole de pernil assado recheado de espinafre refogado com bacon picado no azeite de oliva, queijo, vinagrete de azeitona preta e especiarias. Acompanha molho de maçã.\n", + "Uma nova versão do tradicional pão com linguiça, mas aqui é no espeto.\n", + "Purê de abóbora cabotiá com pernil desfiado, com tempero baiano e crispy de couve.\n", + "Fatias de bacon enroladas em provolone com cubos de pernil, empanado na panko, acompanha molho barbecue e mostarda amarela.\n", + "Bruschetta de pernil assado ao vinho com tomate cereja confitado.\n", + "Lanche boquinha de anjo recheado com Kafta, rúcula e queijo muçarela com molho de maionese de orégano.\n", + "Espeto de carnes suínas e linguica paio atolado no feijão com delicioso tempero botequeiro e finalizado com couve crocante e torresmo.\n", + "Minimaia em formato triangular popularmente conhecido como precheca.\n", + "Cupim temperado com manteiga de ervas finas, feito no bafo por 7 horas, desfiado, sobre sour cream (limão com cream cheese), no arroz japones feito na panko (hot) finalizado com molho teriyaki de açai\n", + "Camada generosa de vatapá, coberta com queijo muçarela creme de bobó e por cima camarões e banana da terra grelhados.\n", + "CARNE DESFIADA COM CASTANHA DO PARÁ ENVOLTOS EM MASSA HARUMAKI REGADOS COM MOLHO DE TAPEREBÁ LEVEMENTE PICANTE. ACOMPANHADO DE VINAGRETE DE CASTANHA.\n", + "Caldeirada de frutos do mar, com um caldo bem saboroso e cremoso, servido com torradas regadas no azeite.\n", + "Camarão com molho, com purê misto de mandioquinha e batata gratinada com parmesão.\n", + "Porção de minialmôndegas.\n", + "Minisanduíches de frutos do mar\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com abóbora recheado com queijo.\n", + "O camarão ao molho de tomate, servido com torradas e salada vinagrete\n", + "Filé de pirarucu serenado com ceviche de abacaxi.\n", + "Copa lomba ao molho de mostarda acompanhado de batata rústica e farofa secreta da casa.\n", + "Croqueta de jiló defumado acompanhado de mousseline de fígado de frango e molho sweet chilli.\n", + "Barriga suína crocante, marinada ao molho de chimichurri e lemon pepper, com pudim de batata e bacon ao molho sugo e aquela branquinha para abrir o apetite.\n", + "Lingua de boi com batatas rústicas.\n", + "Torresmo de rolo com mandioca.\n", + "Discos de aipim frito com carne seca, bacalhau ao molho de nata e pernil. Acompanha molho de laranja com pimenta.\n", + "Isca de pernil atolada no creme de queijo e bacon, acompanhada de batatas ao murro!\n", + "Pastelzinho de carne de siri acompanhado de vinagrete de tomate.\n", + "Porção de carne de sol com queijo coalho e macaxeira frita.\n", + "Bolinho de joelho de porco feito com massa de abóbora japonesa, Acompanhado de geleia de pimenta.\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada regada ao molho de nata do Nordeste. Acompanha: macaxeira palito frita e uma paçoca de carne de sol.\n", + "Costela suína. Acompanha polenta brustolada com queijo e geleia de marmelo.\n", + "Carne empanadas a moda retro.\n", + "Casquinha de peixe servida com farofa de alho e salada vinagrete.\n", + "Filé de peito de frango empanado, acompanhado por maionese da casa e coulis de morango.\n", + "Torrada de pão cacetinho recheada com vinagrete e queijo, acompanhada de creme de camarão com alho poró.\n", + "‘Tábua’ de petisquinhos com carne de sereno, mandioca cozida e frita, linguiça de porco em cubos e cebola em cubos.\n", + "Três minibúrgeres: carne-seca com banana-da-terra e queijo coalho; salmão com chutney de manga; shitaki crocante com molho de queijos.\n", + "Pipoca de carne acompanhada com ketchup de goiabada e molho de alho.\n", + "Dadinhos de tapioca com camarão, servido com geleia de abacaxi de pimenta.\n", + "Croquetes de tilápia, acompanhados de limão siciliano e molho tártaro da casa.\n", + "São 6 bolinhos de mandioca cremosa servidos junto a cumbuca de creme de camarão, incluindo pedaços generosos de camarão.\n", + "Uma releitura do Fish and Chips. Peixe e batatas rústicas acompanhados de baconese, geleia de pimenta e limão.\n", + "Bolinho de carne seca com batata, acompanhado de molho agridoce\n", + "Sobrecoxa desossada, pancetinha e couve-flor empanados com temperos especiais. Tudo isso acompanhado de molho da casa!\n", + "Costelinha suína servida com pamonha em cubos frita com creme de queijo gratinado e tomates grapes.\n", + "Filé-mignon gratinado, acompanhado de bolovo de linguiça Blumenau e balinha de banana com cream cheese e doce de leite.\n", + "Disco de carne goiano preparado com recheio de um trio de queijos, servido com molho de alho especial picante.\n", + "Hot Roll Misto de fraldinha e pernil desfiado, recheado com queijo muçarela empando com Doritos e farofa de bacon, finalizado catupiry e couve crispy. Acompanha molho tarê com redução de cachaça de rapadura, barbecue de whisky e maionese da casa.\n", + "Carne de sol desfiada, recheada com abóbora Cabotiã, queijo coalho enrolada no bacon. Acompanha molho de rapadura defumado\n", + "Espeto de carne de sol com mandioca, tomate, cebola, finalizado na manteiga de garrafa. Acompanhado de salpicão de pulled pork defumado.\n", + "Bolinho de carne da casa, bolinho de costela e bolinho carne-seca. Acompanha molho agridoce, molho de alho e molho de bacon.\n", + "Bolinhos de carne de ossobuco, acompanha uma geleia de acerola da casa.\n", + "Croqueta de frango com creme de milho e molho de pequi.\n", + "Filé de pescoço de galinha saboroso, sequinhoecrocante\n", + "Carne de panela com molho especial da casa.\n", + "Língua ao molho de vinho com farofa de pipoca e purê de banana-da-terra.\n", + "Tradicional de Londres, o fish n’ chips ganha sua releitura com peixe pescada amarela ao panko, com porção de batata e nosso molho tártaro artesanal.\n", + "Carne de Sol suculenta, com Aipim frito que derrete na boca, com tiras de Queijo Coalho finalizando com Pimenta biquinho.\n", + "Coração bovino em cubos marinados, cobertos com 3 queijos (cheddar, catupiry e muçarela) e temperado com especiarias. Acompanha maionese caseira com um toque de whisky, batatas rústicas e anéis de cebola.\n", + "Joelho de porco (meio) com batata calabresa e macaxeira babada (cozida) e farofa.\n", + "Bolovo de costela, chips de jiló e croquete de rabada.\n", + "Pernil com molho de queijo servido com pão, vinagrete e molho barbecue.\n", + "Croquete de massa de aipim, recheado com pernil suíno e vinagrete.\n", + "TARTAR DE MIGNON DO SOL E CARPACCIO DE CARNE DO SOL COM VINAGRETE DE MANGA.\n", + "Torresmo, linguiça e mandioquinha e molho de barbecue, mostarda, maionese e ervas desidratadas.\n", + "Uma chapa com alcatra em tirinhas acebolada e batata frita acompanhada de maionese verde, molho de pimenta e farofa.\n", + "Tiras de frango com molho de pimenta-doce e manjericão, acompanha batatas rústicas.\n", + "Crocantes de camarão com batata servidos com CEVICHU, o ceviche de chuchu ao molho Carmen Miranda.\n", + "Uma explosão de sabores, Bolinho de Moqueca com todos os ingredientes que só uma boa Moqueca tem sabor e textura, tudo que a Bahia oferece.\n", + "Bruquetas com cupim desfiado, cebola branca e roxa, pimentão vermelho e coentro. Servidos com maionese de ervas.\n", + "Bacalhau desfiado com Bacon e Feijão Fradinho gratinado com Parmesão. Acompanhado de molho Bechamel.\n", + "Miniespetinho de frango com queijo acompanhado de molho tártaro.\n", + "Cubo de Brisket defumado e crocante. Acompanha maionese picante da casa.\n", + "Porção de tilápia frita. Acompanha batata frita e molho da casa.\n", + "Bolinho de peixe acompanhado com molho siciliano.\n", + "Fraldinha ao molho de cerveja preta, picles de cebola e pãozinho de sal\n", + "Cubinhos de carne suína, pernil com Ora pro Nobis. Servidos com Dadinhos de polenta com queijo minas e pedaço de Palmito pupunha e Pimenta biquinho\n", + "Tulipa frita, finalizada com salsinha, alho frito e pimenta biquinho. Acompanha molho da casa.\n", + "Canapé de paleta de porco gratinado com queijo gorgonzola. Acompanha molho de manga.\n", + "Bolinho de frango com gorgonzola acompanhado de molho artesanal com especiarias.\n", + "Carne do sol desfiada com um toque de cebola roxa,abóbora puxado na manteiga da terra, banana da terra mussarela, acompanha um incrível molho a base de queijo gorgozolaiogurte.\n", + "Pataniscas de Bacalhau servido com molho de limão siciliano.\n", + "Dadinho de risoto com legumes e ragu de cordeiro com hortelã.\n", + "CROQUETE DE CALABRESA COM QUEIJO BRIE, EMPANADO NA TAPIOCA COM GELÉIA DE PIMENTA\n", + "Lombo de bacalhau do Porto desfiado ao creme de queijos e ervas coberto com lascas de parmesão gratinado e azeitonas. Acompanha arroz de leite de licuri (coquinho), servido em chips de mandioca com geléia de maracuja e ervas e um blend de cachaça de umbú (shot).\n", + "Bolinha de macaxeira com cream cheese e ervas finas, recheada com filé de camarão acompanhado de geleia caseira de gengibre e molho de mostarda.\n", + "Bolinho de macaxeira com recheio de filé de peixe com vegetais e um molho especial da casa, de três pimentas.\n", + "Bolinha de batata, tilápia, mussarela e catupiry\n", + "Frescor e sabor em perfeita harmonia.\n", + "Filé de Tilápia empanado com farinha de coco, servido com geleia de pimenta elascasdecoco.\n", + "Bolinho crocante com massa de batata asterix e abobrinha com recheio de queijo mussarela.\n", + "Em uma embalagem do biscoito polvilho da praia, teremos 3 tipos de porquinhos: PACOTE DOCE: Croquete de Costelinha de Porco com Chutney de Goiaba com Pimenta PACOTE SALGADO: Bolinho de Joelho de Porco Defumado Marinado na Cerveja servido com Geleia de Mate com Limão EM UM COPO DE BAR: Canjiquinha temperada, Ragú de Pernil desfiado, Crocante de Torresmo e Couve Frita servido com Vinagrete de Feijão Carioquinha\n", + "Bolinho de cupim marinado em vinho branco com especiarias, recheado com queijo muçarela e parmesão, empanado em amêndoas laminadas. Acompanha maionese com iogurte natural e limão siciliano.\n", + "Bife a rolê ao molho de castanha-de-caju, acompanhado de batata rústica!\n", + "Língua Mignon, o pedido de todos!\n", + "Uma mistura de sabores do que nasce da terra, com o que cresce no mar. O Bolinho mixa os sabores da abóbora cabotia e camarão. Pra acompanhar pimenta caseira de leve ardência e pesto de coentro.\n", + "Coxinha sem massa de costela com requeijão.\n", + "Batata gratinada com bacon e calabresa.\n", + "Picanha, pão com ovo, canudinho de maionese com linguiça Blumenau e canudinho de doce de abóbora. Acompanha molho de queijo e uma minicaipirinha.\n", + "Cupim desfiado com molho de quatro queijos, acompanha batata frita.\n", + "Porção de Medalhão de mandioca. Acompanha molhodequeijo.\n", + "Barquete crocante recheado com 3 deliciosos recheios nos sabores de Camarão, Bacalhau e Siri\n", + "Carne de sol de contra filé grelhado servido com cebola roxa refogado na manteiga de garrafa, servidos com dadinho de mandioca frito\n", + "Costela bovina com especiarias e cerveja preta e acompanhada com os chips de batatadocecrocantes\n", + "Pastéis de carne de panela com cheddar, acompanhados de um molho remolado.\n", + "Prato que leva arroz de coco empapado, camarão no molho, carne-seca frita acebolada, queijo coalho empanado. Servido com molho de pimenta baiana.\n", + "Escalopinho de mignon, creme de mostarda com shitake, coberto com provolone maçaricado. Acompanha batata ‘aos murros’, tomatinho confitado, azeitona portuguesa e azeite temperado.\n", + "Quiche de Costela desfiada com polenta acompanhado de pesto de agrião.\n", + "Bolinho de arroz com costela defumada e queijos. Acompanha um molho barbecue e maionese da casa.\n", + "Costelinhas suínas servidas com batata doce defumada.\n", + "Costela suína, finalizada com molho de chimichurri e creme de goiabada, acompanhada e palitos de polenta frita.\n", + "Croquete de vaca atolada com maionese de bacon.\n", + "Rolinhos crocantes de berinjela com três sabores sendo: um recheado com bacon, queijo e pernil suíno; outro com bacalhau azeitona preta, cebola e pimentão; e o terceiro com queijo manjericão tomatinho e empanados. Acompanhados de molho picante sabor Chipotle, Creme verde com castanhas, mostarda e mel\n", + "Sanduíche de frango marinado no shoyu e missô, com cebola, cenoura, acelga, alho dourado e coentro, na baguete. Acompanha Ga Kho Gung (frango em cubos com gengibre, molho de peixe, leite de coco) e molho barbecue artesanal.\n", + "Panceta com Mandioca frita\n", + "Escondidinho de mandioca com carne seca. Acompanhando queijo de coalho e melado de cana.\n", + "Sanduíche de pernil com picles e queijo, acompanhado de batata rústica e molho barbecue.\n", + "Pimenta recheada com costela gaúcha e queijo com molho agridoce.\n", + "Iscas de filé-mignon suíno na cama de creme de mandioca, acompanhados de farofa de milho com bacon.\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "for k, f in enumerate(food_restrictions['gluten-free']):\n", + " if 'yes' in f.lower():\n", + " print(food_restrictions['food_desc'][k])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 27, + "id": "de4ad938-ad07-4631-8da6-69c41055d05e", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "1082" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 27, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "len(food_restrictions['vegetarian'])" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 29, + "id": "79524258-2760-42d7-a959-f484d0f9c87c", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "data": { + "text/plain": [ + "'Risole de Camarão com sabor inesquecível.'" + ] + }, + "execution_count": 29, + "metadata": {}, + "output_type": "execute_result" + } + ], + "source": [ + "food_restrictions['food_desc'][0]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "id": "3c95f043-e3c8-4c5c-8b2e-1ad67129011d", + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.8" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 5 +}