Rhino Fields are EditableFormField that implement the interface RhinoMarkedField. These fields, once added to a RhinoAssessment, can be marked (pass, fail). The process of marking is automatic, done upon submission (see RhinoSubmittedFormField extension in rhino-lite).
- SilverStripe 3.2+
- Rhino Lite
Installation can be done either by composer or by manually downloading the release from Github.
composer require "dnadesign/rhino-fields"
- Download the module from the releases page.
- Extract the file (if you are on windows try 7-zip for extracting tar.gz files
- Place this directory in your sites root directory. This is the one with framework and cms in it.
This module comes with the following fields by default:
- Text: this field expects the value to match the expected text based answer.
- Mulichoice: radio button field with one or multiple right answers.
- Timer: readonly field displaying the time ellapsed from the start of the assessment. Time limit optional.
You can create your own field by extending any EditableFormField and implement RhinoMarkedField. Then, implement a validation method pass_or_fail that returns either none, pass or fail (lowercase);
This field provide the basic backend functionnality to build a re-orderable list. The idea is to have a hidden field that will hold an array of EditableOption ids, which value would be updated by javascript when re-ordeing the list. However, the frontend mechanism is not supplied with the field. We recommend you include it in your themes folder to suit your need.
Note: The frontend mechanism has been developed onACC RideForever. It relies on https://github.com/gardiner/draganddrop/.