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How to Run the Private XO Demo

Private XO is a demo Splinter network that allows you to play games of tic tac toe. It is a two-node network with a single circuit and two services. Each node shares state and verifies the committed transactions using a two-phase commit protocol.

Note: This demo uses the existing XO transaction processor provided in Hyperledger Sawtooth.

  1. To start Private XO, run the following command from the Splinter root directory:

    docker-compose -f examples/private_xo/docker-compose.yaml up

    This command starts two Splinter nodes, two private XO services (private-xo-service-a and private-xo-service-b), and a shell container for interacting with the nodes (xo-shell).

  2. Run the following command in a separate terminal to connect to the xo-shell container:

    docker exec -it xo-shell bash
  3. Once connected to the xo-shell container, you can use the xo command to play tic tac toe. See the Sawtooth XO CLI documentation for details on how to play.

    IMPORTANT: Each xo command must identify which service to use: either private-xo-service-a or private-xo-service-b. Specify the URL for the service you want. For example:

    xo create game-1 --url http://private-xo-service-a:8000
  4. When you are finished, shut down the demo with the following command:

    docker-compose -f examples/private_xo/docker-compose.yaml down