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View Helpers and Field Construtors for Bootstrap 3 in Play 2. Play generates Bootstrap 2 compatible inputs, but if you want to use Bootstrap 3 you are out of luck. This package makes it easy to use Bootstrap 3 styling in your views and forms.


First you must add the play2-boostrap3 package to your build.sbt:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager Snapshots" at "",
  "Spray IO Release Repo" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.balihoo" %% "play2-bootstrap3" % (play.core.PlayVersion.current + "-SNAPSHOT")

In your views, you generally want to update the implicitFieldConstructor. For example, to use the basic form input control:

@import views.html.helper._
@import twirl.pimpForPlay._
@implicitFieldConstructor = @{ FieldConstructor( views.html.helper.bootstrap3.basicForm.inputFieldConstructor.f ) }

As an altenative to including the twirl.pimpForPlay._ import explicitly, you can add the import to all your views by adding this to your build.sbt:

templatesImport += "twirl.pimpForPlay._"

Ditto the helper, although that's not there for play2-bootstrap3, just for FieldConstructor and inputText etc.

If you're still a bit lost about what a field constructor is be sure to read about them in the Play documentation.


The original inspiration & code for this project was discussed here.