diff --git a/content/the-foundation/board-and-governance.md b/content/the-foundation/board-and-governance.md
index 65e6c99..4a91278 100644
--- a/content/the-foundation/board-and-governance.md
+++ b/content/the-foundation/board-and-governance.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Jonathan Clark has been the Managing Agent for the DOI Foundation since 2015. Jo
 - [Hideaki Takeda, JaLC](#JaLC)
 - [Jinseop Shin, KISTI](#KISTI)
 - [Paola Mazzucchi, mEDRA *(Chair)*](#mEDRA)
-- [Roberto Pappalardo, Publications Office of the European Union](#OP)
+- [Jan Planovsky, Publications Office of the European Union](#OP)
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@@ -170,11 +170,9 @@ Will is the CEO and founder of HAND (Human & Digital). Formerly: executive direc
 ### Publications Office of the European Union {#OP}
-{{< figure src="/images/board/jan.jpg" title="Roberto Pappalardo" height="100px" >}}
+{{< figure src="/images/board/jan.jpg" title="Jan Planovsky" height="100px" >}}
-Roberto has been working for EU institutions for more than 30 years. Currently, he is Head of unit “Data Operations and Enrichment Services”, ensuring the appropriate quality of metadata for EU publications so that they are findable by their intended audience and can provide a sound basis for AI-based solutions. Roberto supervises the team in charge of keeping the DOI Registration Agency operational.
-{{% social-link title="LinkedIn" url="http://www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-pappalardo-84ab2827" icon="linkedin" %}}
+Jan has been working for EU institutions (Eurostat and Publications Office) since 2005. Currently, he is Head of unit “Data Operations and Enrichment Services”, ensuring the appropriate quality of metadata for EU publications so that they are findable by their intended audience and can provide a sound basis for AI-based solutions. Jan supervises the team in charge of keeping the DOI Registration Agency operational. He lives in Luxembourg.
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