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File metadata and controls

386 lines (267 loc) · 12.7 KB


A golang-based cli interface for manipulating config backed by various datastores.


This describes a utility that can be used to store, retrieve, and manipulate various data types against a configured backing store. It can be used as both a library and wrapped via command-line calls.


When writing a command-line utility, it may be necessary to store configuration values on disk. This is typically implemented in a one-off manner, and state is both not always persisted in the same locations nor is it easily distributed for high-availability.

This project seeks to make it easy to manipulate various basic data types across a wide variety of backends via a single entrypoint, making it easier for applications to consider configuration state without needing to reimplement the wheel.


  • Set: A mathematical, well-defined collection of distinct objects. See wikipedia for more details.
  • List: An enumerated collection of objects in which repititions are allowed. See wikipedia for more details. Lists are zero-indexed.
  • Key-Value: A 2-tuple collection of data, addressable by the key name. See wikipedia for more details.
  • Namespace: A distinct collection of symbols that are related to each other. All identifiers within a namespace are unique. See wikipedia for more details.
  • Backend: A data-access layer that can contain configuration state.

prop configuration state

The prop tool stores it's own state locally in the configuration directory for a given OS, as per the configdir project. This directory will contain a config.json file that maintains prop's configuration as key-value pairs.

Data Types

The following data types are implemented within the prop tool:

  • sets
  • lists
  • key-value

Inside of prop, a bit of data is called a Property consists of the following interface:

type Property struct {
  DataType  string
  Namespace string
  Key       string
  Value     string

A set of data is called a PropertyCollection. A PropertyCollection can be imported/exported from one backend to another.

type PropertyCollection struct {
   Properties []Property

Key and Value specification

Keys may follow the following regex:


Values may contain 0 or more utf8 characters and may be a maximum of 65535 characters in length.


The following commands are supported.

backend commands

backend export path/to/file

  • Description: Exports a backend to a json file
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) BackendExport() (p PropertyCollection, exported bool, err error)

When export a backend, it is assumed that there are is no concurrent access to the backend. In other words, if another process is changing values of the backend, then the export may result in an invalid state.

backend import path/to/file

  • Description: Import a backend to a json file
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) BackendImport(p PropertyCollection, clear bool) (imported bool, err error)
  • Flags: --clear

When importing a backend, properties are merged into the existing backend unless the --clear flag is specified.

When migrating a backend, it is assumed that there are is no concurrent access to the backend. In other words, if another process is changing values of the backend, then the import may result in an invalid state.

backend reset

  • Description: Clear all values in a backend
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) BackendReset() (success bool, err error)

config commands

Used for configuring prop.

Current configuration values that may be manipulated:

  • url:
    • Type: string
    • Default: file:/etc/prop.d
    • environment Variable: PROP_BACKEND_URL
    • Description: A configured backend for prop, specified in DSN form. Backends are built into the prop project. Currently supported backends are file and postgres
  • namespace:
    • Type: string
    • Default: default
    • Environment Variable: PROP_NAMESPACE
    • Description: The default namespace. Commands that allow namespace usage will note as such.

All properties may be specified as environment variables. The config.json holding the config will only be read if any of the environment variables are missing.

config get key

  • Description: Get a configuration value
prop config get url

config set key value

  • Description: Set a configuration value
prop config set url postgres://user:password@host:port/database

config del key

  • Description: Delete a configuration value
prop config del url

namespace commands

namespace exists namespace

  • Description: Checks if there are any keys in a given namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) NamespaceExists(namespace string) (exists bool, err error)

namespace clear namespace

  • Description: Delete all keys from a given namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) NamespaceClear(namespace string) (success bool, err error)

global commands

del key

  • Description: Delete a key
  • Data Type: key-value, list, set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Del(key string) (success bool, err error)

key-value commands

exists key

  • Description: Check if a exists
  • Data Type: key-value, list, set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Exists(key string) (exists bool, err error)

get key [default]

  • Description: Get the value of a key
  • Data Type: key-value
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Get(key string, defaultValue string) (value string, err error)

get-all [prefix]

  • Description: Get all key-value tuples
  • Data Type: [(key-value tuple)]
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) GetAll() (keyValuePairs map[string]string, err error)
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) GetAllByPrefix(prefix string) (keyValuePairs map[string]string, err error)

set key value

  • Description: Set the string value of a key
  • Data Type: key-value
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Set(key string, value string) (success bool, err error)

list commands

lindex key index

  • Description: Get an element from a list by its index
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lindex(key string, index int) (element string, err error)

lismember key element

  • Description: Determine if a given value is an element in the list
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lismember(key string, element string) (isMember bool, err error)

llen key

  • Description: Get the length of a list
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Llen(key string) (length int, err error)

lrange key [start [stop]]

  • Description: Get a range of elements from a list
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lrange(key string) ([]string, err error)
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lrangefrom(key string, start int) ([]string, err error)
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lrangefromto(key string, start int, stop int) ([]string, err error)

lrem key count element

  • Description: Remove elements from a list
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Lrem(key string, countToRemove int, element string) (removedCount int, err error)

lset key index element

  • Description: Set the value of an element in a list by its index
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • IntMethod Signatureerface: func (b Backend) Lset(key string, index int, element string) (success bool, err error)

rpush key element [element...]

  • Description: Append one or more elements to a list
  • Data Type: list
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Rpush(key string, newElements ...string) (listLength int, err error)

set commands

sadd key member [member ..]

  • Description: Add one or more members to a set
  • Data Type: set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Sadd(key string, newMembers ...string) (addedCount int, err error)

sismember key member

  • Description: Determine if a given value is a member of a set
  • Data Type: set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Sismember(key string, member string) (isMember bool, err error)

smembers key

  • Description: Get all the members in a set
  • Data Type: set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Smembers(key string) (member map[string]bool, err error)

srem key member [member ...]

  • Description: Remove one or more members from a set
  • Data Type: set
  • Supported Flags: --namespace
  • Method Signature: func (b Backend) Srem(key string, membersToRemove...string) (removedCount int, err error)


Backends should implement the method signatures specified for each command. The following is the base interface:

type Backend interface {
  BackendExport() (PropertyCollection, error)
  BackendImport(p PropertyCollection, clear bool) (bool, error)
  BackendReset() (bool, error)
  Del(key string) (bool, error)
  Exists(key string) (bool, error)
  NamespaceExists(namespace string) (bool, error)
  NamespaceClear(namespace string) (bool, error)
  Get(key string, defaultValue string) (string, error)
  GetAll() (map[string]string, error)
  GetAllByPrefix(prefix string) (map[string]string, error)
  Set(key string, value string) (bool, error)
  Lindex(key string, index int) (string, error)
  Lismember(key string, element string) (bool, error)
  Llen(key string) (int, error)
  Lrange(key string) ([]string, error)
  Lrangefrom(key string, start int) ([]string, error)
  Lrangefromto(key string, start int, stop int) ([]string, error)
  Lrem(key string, countToRemove int, element string) (int, error)
  Lset(key string, index int, element string) (bool, error)
  Rpush(key string, newElements ...string) (int, error)
  Sadd(key string, newMembers ...string) (int, error)
  Sismember(key string, member string) (bool, error)
  Smembers(key string) (map[string]bool, error)
  Srem(key string, membersToRemove ...string) (int, error)

The following backends are supported.


To configure, run:

prop config set url file:/etc/prop.d

The directory structure is as follows:

# returns the contents of the file

Key names can include forward slashes, which will be interpreted as a directory structure.

Values are stored in the following json format:

   "type": "$data_type",
   "value": "$value"

When querying for a property, if the type of the value does not match the type specified by the executed command, an error should be raised where possible.


To configure, run:

prop config set url redis://user:password@host:port/database

With the redis backend, commands map to their redis equivalents where appropriate. If there is no equivalent redis command, a redis script may be used instead to implement the functionality.

When querying for a property, if the type of the value does not match the type specified by the executed command, an error should be raised where possible.

Namespaces are implemented via key prefixes, with the namespace being prepended to the key name with the delimiter :. For instance, a key name of bar with a namespace of foo would be written as foo:bar.


To configure, run:

prop config set url postgres://user:password@host:port/database

The following is the SQL schema:

CREATE TYPE "data_types" AS ENUM (

CREATE TABLE "properties" (
  "namespace" varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
  "data_type" data_types NOT NULL,
  "key" varchar NOT NULL,
  "value" text NOT NULL,
  "created_at" timestamp

CREATE INDEX "namespace_by_data_type" ON "properties" ("namespace", "data_type");

CREATE INDEX "namespace_by_key" ON "properties" ("namespace", "key");

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON "properties" ("id");

The encoding should be as follows:

  • encoding: pg_char_to_encoding('utf8')
  • datcollate: en_US.utf8
  • datctype: en_US.utf8

When querying for a property, the type of the command should be compared to the type of the retrieved record. If they do not match, then the command should return an error.