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🛠️ Tools



Note: this plugin is under develop, and API of the lualine.ex.component can be changed.

The lualine.ex.component is an abstract class, which extends the lualine.component and adds a few additional features.

Implementation of OOP ideas is taken from the classic project.

The best way to become familiar with ex.component is create your own component using it. As example, we will create a simple component to show the value.

Creating a new component

To create your own ex.component you should extends the lualine.ex.component inside lua/components directory of your plugin:

-- lua/components/spellcheck.lua
local Spell = require('lualine.ex.component'):extend()

The lualine.ex.component class inherits all options from the original lualine class such as icon, fmt, color, cond, etc, plus adds a few new. You can define default values for options on extending lualine.ex.component:

local Spell = require('lualine.ex.component'):extend({
    -- The icon of the component
    icon = '',

All specified options will be available at the <Your class>.default_options (Spell.default_options in the example above).

Disabled state

The ExComponent has a new disabled state. This state means that a component is not active, but the icon still should be shown with disabled color. The difference between cases when the component property cond = false and the is_enabled = false is that in the first case a component will not be rendered at all, but in the second case only the icon with disabled_color will be shown:

local Spell = require('lualine.ex.component'):extend({
    -- An icon for the component
    icon = '',

    -- A function or boolean to check is the component enabled or not:
    is_enabled = function(component)
        return vim.wo.spell

The disabled_color can be specified in the same manner as the color for the component. The disabled color for the whole component and for the icon may be specified separately.

local Spell = require('lualine.ex.component'):extend({
    -- An icon for the component
    icon = '',

    -- The function to check is component enabled or not:
    is_enabled = function(component)
        return vim.wo.spell

    -- The color for the disabled component:
    disabled_color = { fg = 'grey' }

    -- The color for the icon of the disabled component:
    disabled_icon_color = { fg = 'grey' }

Provide component's value

To provide the value (or status in terms of the lualine) of the component, you should override the update_status method:

local Spell = require('lualine.ex.component'):extend({
function Spell:update_status()
    return vim.o.spell and or ''

After that, you may use your component as all other default components from the lualine:

sections = {
    lualine_a = {

Render circle

TODO: Describe the sequence of methods invocation during render a component

Initialization hooks


Helpful functions

The lualine.ex plugin provides a few functions, which can help you to define your own components.



Iterates over active lsp clients and stops every client without attached buffers. This function is used as default on_click handler for the ex.lsp.all component.


* {opts} (table) optional additional options:
    * notify_enabled    (boolean) turns on notifications. The notifications 
                        are implemented as call the {echohl} function.
                        Default to `false`.
    * notify_hl         (string) the name of the highlight group which will 
                        be used to show notification. Default to 'Comment'.


require('lualine.ex').crop({str}, {cmp})

Crops the component when its length longer than {max_length} option (if it's specified).


* {str}           (string) the current value of the component.
* {cmp}           (table) the component object with follow options:
    * max_length  (number) the maximum count of symbols in the component, 
                  after which the component will be cropped. If it's absent
                  or less or equal zero, the function returns `nil`. Default
                  to `nil`.
    * crop        (table) crop options:
        * stub    (string) a string which will be used instead of cropped
                  part. Default to '…'.
        * side    ('left' | 'right') a side from which a value will be
                  cropped. If absent, it will be calculated from the
                  component's section: for sections a,b,c a component value
                  will be cropped from the left; for sections x,y,z from the


Original or cropped string.


require('lualine.ex').max_length({ln}, {str})

Resolves a {max_length} option of a component. The result depends on {ln}.


* {ln}    (number) a count of symbols or fraction of the statusline width.
             * if {ln} is a function, it will be invoked with {str} parameter,
               and result will be used as describet below;
             * if {ln} is a number > 0 and < 1, and {laststatus} == 3 then
               this function calculates a fraction of the {vim.o.columns}:
               `math.floor(ln * vim.o.columns)`;
             * if {lng} is number > 0 and < 1, and {laststatus} ~= 3 then
               this function calculates a fraction of the
               `math.floor(ln * vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0))`;
             * all other numbers will be returned as is;
             * if {ln} is not number then nil will be returned.
* {str}   (string) an optional parameter which  will be passed to the {ln},
          if it's a function.


An integer number.