Chaos League, like any other open source project, thrives on contributions made by the community. To ensure a good quality of contributions, this contributing file exists to cover the important parts of how to add your own additions, bug fixes and improvements, or how else you can help with the project.
We apreciate any contribution, including those that are not related to changing the code for new features, bug fixes and other changes.
You can help us in the following ways too.
Issues are a great way for us to track new feature requests, bug reports and general questions.
By opening an issue to report issues or suggest feature requests, you help us improving the game over time. In addition can you help us answering questions of people, to make their experience with Chaos League all the better.
Reviewing Pull requests can help us improve code contributions faster. It can also help us finding possible bugs or issues that we would've overlooked.
TODO: Add decent code contribution guide.