This is a very simple cloud network function (CNF) that is intended to be a test vehicle for Service Function Chaining and other mechanism for inserting a CNF into the cloud.
The VCNF is a simple "bump in the wire" implementation. The interfaces are in promiscous mode and simple transmit all packets receivedin one interface and out the other with no changes. Users can customize the code to insert control code the packet path.
The implementation uses packet mmap to maximize performance but the code ha not been optimized.
It can work in either of two modes:
- Single Interface: All traffic goes in and out of the same interface.
- Dual Interface: Traffic goes in one interface and out the other.
The implementation has been tested on the following platforms:
Platforms: Centos 7.3
THe CNF can be deployed on Bare metal, in a VM or in a Docker container.
To create the CNF clone the repository and
$ make
The only dependancy code has is gcc and libc.
To run the application, note sudo is required as the application creates RAW Sockets and uses Packet MMAP.
$ sudo ./bin/vnf -h
To run in single interface mode:
$ sudo ./bin/vnf -f 'interface name'
To run in dual interface mode:
$ sudo ./bin/vnf -f 'first interface name' -s 'second interface name'
There are options for tuning the mmap packet buffers. I suggest before changing these parameters the user reads:
There is debug built into the code - compile with -DDEBUG and that should help.
This VNF has been published to docker as a container, to get the container search the docker hub.
$ sudo docker search doonhammer/centos:vnf
doonhammer/centos Demo VNF 0
The OVS/OVN CNI plugin is designed to have a logical switch for each K8S Node. Each POD running on the Node has a logical port to the logical switch. Therefore if a firewall is deployed per logical switch it can be configured to protect pods as they are deployed on the the node. Deploying a PANOS DP Container into the path of traffic requires that a DP Container be deployed with each K8S POD that requires firewall services. This process requires automation to operate at scale. The proposed approach is to define a DP container as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. To insert a daemon set it needs to be defined on the master. The sample code below shows a yaml file using the sample VNF that has been pushed to the docker hub.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
name: firewall
namespace: kube-system
vnfType: firewall
name: firewall
- name: firewall
image: doonhammer/centos:vnf
imagePullPolicy: Always
add: ["ALL"]
memory: 500Mi
cpu: 1000m
memory: 500Mi
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers
readOnly: true
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
- name: varlog
path: /var/log
- name: varlibdockercontainers
path: /var/lib/docker/containers
If the file is saved as cnf.yaml it is run on the master by:
kubectl create -f cnf.yaml
Now any node that is created with the tag vnfType: firewall will have a DP container launched and attached to the logical switch via a logical port. The configuration required when starting a new node is shown below:
- Performance tuning