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Telescope 是一套预编译框架。
当项目安装 Telescope 了之后,项目中即可开始书写预编译代码。通过执行这些预编译代码,项目可以在编译期间执行一些平时需要在运行时执行的代码。这种方式能够将耗时的运行时代码迁移到编译期执行,大幅度提升运行时性能。
@@ -93,4 +96,4 @@ internal partial class Program
## 为此项目开发
-非常期望你能加入到 Telescope 的开发中来,请阅读 [如何为 Telescope 贡献代码](/docs/how-to-contribute.md) 了解开发相关的约定和技术要求。
+非常期望你能加入到 Telescope 的开发中来,请阅读 [如何为 Telescope 贡献代码](/docs/zh-hans/how-to-contribute.md) 了解开发相关的约定和技术要求。
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+# Telescope
+Telescope is a pre-compilation framework.
+Once Telescope is installed in a project, you can start writing pre-compilation code in the project. By executing these pre-compilation codes, the project can execute some codes during compilation that usually need to be executed at runtime. This method can migrate time-consuming runtime code to compile-time execution, greatly improving runtime performance.
+## Telescope.SourceGeneratorAnalyzers
+The version of Telescope using SourceGenerator source code generator
+It can be used to export specified types
+### Usage
+Supports multiple different export methods
+#### Partial Method Style
+This is the recommended method
+Define partial methods in the partial class, mark the partial method with the `dotnetCampus.Telescope.TelescopeExportAttribute` attribute, and the return value includes export conditions, as follows
+internal partial class Program
+ [dotnetCampus.Telescope.TelescopeExportAttribute()]
+ private static partial IEnumerable<(Type type, F1Attribute attribute, Func creator)> ExportFooEnumerable();
+The above code will export all types in the current project that are marked with `F1Attribute` and inherit `Base`. After the Telescope source code generator, the code generated is roughly as follows
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("dotnetCampus.Telescope.SourceGeneratorAnalyzers", "1.0.0")]
+ internal partial class Program
+ {
+ private static partial IEnumerable<(Type type, F1Attribute attribute, Func creator)> ExportFooEnumerable()
+ {
+ yield return (typeof(F2), new F1Attribute()
+ {
+ }, () => new F2());
+ yield return (typeof(F3), new F1Attribute()
+ {
+ }, () => new F3());
+ }
+ }
+Advanced usage:
+You can add the IncludeReference attribute to TelescopeExportAttribute to export all types of referenced assemblies that meet the conditions, as follows
+internal partial class Program
+ [dotnetCampus.Telescope.TelescopeExportAttribute(IncludeReference = true)]
+ private static partial IEnumerable<(Type type, F1Attribute attribute, Func creator)> ExportFooEnumerable();
+It is only recommended to add the `IncludeReference = true` attribute in the entry assembly, because once this attribute is added, any changes to the referenced assembly may cause the source code generator to execute repeatedly, reducing VisualStudio performance
+#### Assembly Marking
+This is the traditional implementation method of Telescope. In the project where you need to export types, mark the `dotnetCampus.Telescope.MarkExportAttribute` attribute, as follows
+[assembly: dotnetCampus.Telescope.MarkExportAttribute(typeof(Base), typeof(FooAttribute))]
+After marking, the `dotnetCampus.Telescope.__AttributedTypesExport__` type will be automatically generated, and you can directly use it in the code, as follows
+ var attributedTypesExport = new __AttributedTypesExport__();
+ ICompileTimeAttributedTypesExporter exporter = attributedTypesExport;
+ foreach (var exportedTypeMetadata in exporter.ExportAttributeTypes())
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(exportedTypeMetadata.RealType.FullName);
+ }
+You can also use the `dotnetCampus.Telescope.AttributedTypes` helper class to get all exported types
+## Develop for this project
+We very much hope that you can join the development of Telescope, please read [How to Contribute to Telescope](/docs/how-to-contribute.md) to understand the development related conventions and technical requirements.
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