diff --git a/eng/Version.Details.xml b/eng/Version.Details.xml
index 94aaad7ec9a..db13af0d20e 100644
--- a/eng/Version.Details.xml
+++ b/eng/Version.Details.xml
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
- 214dd59f1d81f8e34289cfb173cf66fb2cd2f467
+ 50956f12e0a3d2eecf1ac5f6a30820f5e2355e3d
- 214dd59f1d81f8e34289cfb173cf66fb2cd2f467
+ 50956f12e0a3d2eecf1ac5f6a30820f5e2355e3d
diff --git a/eng/Versions.props b/eng/Versions.props
index 296df4049c4..8ca2fe32f08 100644
--- a/eng/Versions.props
+++ b/eng/Versions.props
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- 6.0.0-beta.22076.8
+ 6.0.0-beta.22077.13
diff --git a/eng/common/sdl/configure-sdl-tool.ps1 b/eng/common/sdl/configure-sdl-tool.ps1
index 4999c307088..adea8e8da2a 100644
--- a/eng/common/sdl/configure-sdl-tool.ps1
+++ b/eng/common/sdl/configure-sdl-tool.ps1
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ Param(
# Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using CredScan.
[string[]] $CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams,
# Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using PoliCheck.
- [string[]] $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams
+ [string[]] $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams,
+ # Optional: Additional params to add to any tool using CodeQL/Semmle.
+ [string[]] $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
@@ -78,6 +80,11 @@ try {
$tool.Args += "Target < $TargetDirectory"
$tool.Args += $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams
+ } elseif ($tool.Name -eq 'semmle' -or $tool.Name -eq 'codeql') {
+ if ($targetDirectory) {
+ $tool.Args += "`"SourceCodeDirectory < $TargetDirectory`""
+ }
+ $tool.Args += $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams
# Create variable pointing to the args array directly so we can use splat syntax later.
diff --git a/eng/common/sdl/execute-all-sdl-tools.ps1 b/eng/common/sdl/execute-all-sdl-tools.ps1
index 1157151f486..b9fe7317964 100644
--- a/eng/common/sdl/execute-all-sdl-tools.ps1
+++ b/eng/common/sdl/execute-all-sdl-tools.ps1
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Param(
[string] $GuardianLoggerLevel='Standard', # Optional: the logger level for the Guardian CLI; options are Trace, Verbose, Standard, Warning, and Error
[string[]] $CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional Params to custom build a CredScan run config in the format @("xyz:abc","sdf:1")
[string[]] $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional Params to custom build a Policheck run config in the format @("xyz:abc","sdf:1")
+ [string[]] $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams, # Optional: Additional Params to custom build a Semmle/CodeQL run config in the format @("xyz < abc","sdf < 1")
[bool] $BreakOnFailure=$False # Optional: Fail the build if there were errors during the run
@@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ try {
-AzureDevOpsAccessToken $AzureDevOpsAccessToken `
-GuardianLoggerLevel $GuardianLoggerLevel `
-CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams $CrScanAdditionalRunConfigParams `
- -PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams
+ -PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams $PoliCheckAdditionalRunConfigParams `
+ -CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams $CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams
if ($BreakOnFailure) {
Exit-IfNZEC "Sdl"
diff --git a/eng/common/templates/jobs/codeql-build.yml b/eng/common/templates/jobs/codeql-build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7dc5ea4aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/common/templates/jobs/codeql-build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ # See schema documentation in /Documentation/AzureDevOps/TemplateSchema.md
+ continueOnError: false
+ # Required: A collection of jobs to run - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/yaml-schema?view=vsts&tabs=schema#job
+ jobs: []
+ # Optional: if specified, restore and use this version of Guardian instead of the default.
+ overrideGuardianVersion: ''
+- template: /eng/common/templates/jobs/jobs.yml
+ parameters:
+ enableMicrobuild: false
+ enablePublishBuildArtifacts: false
+ enablePublishTestResults: false
+ enablePublishBuildAssets: false
+ enablePublishUsingPipelines: false
+ enableTelemetry: true
+ variables:
+ - group: Publish-Build-Assets
+ # The Guardian version specified in 'eng/common/sdl/packages.config'. This value must be kept in
+ # sync with the packages.config file.
+ - name: DefaultGuardianVersion
+ value: 0.109.0
+ - name: GuardianPackagesConfigFile
+ value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\eng\common\sdl\packages.config
+ - name: GuardianVersion
+ value: ${{ coalesce(parameters.overrideGuardianVersion, '$(DefaultGuardianVersion)') }}
+ jobs: ${{ parameters.jobs }}
diff --git a/eng/common/templates/steps/execute-codeql.yml b/eng/common/templates/steps/execute-codeql.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3930b163021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/common/templates/steps/execute-codeql.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ # Language that should be analyzed. Defaults to csharp
+ language: csharp
+ # Build Commands
+ buildCommands: ''
+ overrideParameters: '' # Optional: to override values for parameters.
+ additionalParameters: '' # Optional: parameters that need user specific values eg: '-SourceToolsList @("abc","def") -ArtifactToolsList @("ghi","jkl")'
+ # Optional: if specified, restore and use this version of Guardian instead of the default.
+ overrideGuardianVersion: ''
+ # Optional: if true, publish the '.gdn' folder as a pipeline artifact. This can help with in-depth
+ # diagnosis of problems with specific tool configurations.
+ publishGuardianDirectoryToPipeline: false
+ # The script to run to execute all SDL tools. Use this if you want to use a script to define SDL
+ # parameters rather than relying on YAML. It may be better to use a local script, because you can
+ # reproduce results locally without piecing together a command based on the YAML.
+ executeAllSdlToolsScript: 'eng/common/sdl/execute-all-sdl-tools.ps1'
+ # There is some sort of bug (has been reported) in Azure DevOps where if this parameter is named
+ # 'continueOnError', the parameter value is not correctly picked up.
+ # This can also be remedied by the caller (post-build.yml) if it does not use a nested parameter
+ # optional: determines whether to continue the build if the step errors;
+ sdlContinueOnError: false
+- template: /eng/common/templates/steps/execute-sdl.yml
+ parameters:
+ overrideGuardianVersion: ${{ parameters.overrideGuardianVersion }}
+ executeAllSdlToolsScript: ${{ parameters.executeAllSdlToolsScript }}
+ overrideParameters: ${{ parameters.overrideParameters }}
+ additionalParameters: '${{ parameters.additionalParameters }}
+ -CodeQLAdditionalRunConfigParams @("BuildCommands < ${{ parameters.buildCommands }}", "Language < ${{ parameters.language }}")'
+ publishGuardianDirectoryToPipeline: ${{ parameters.publishGuardianDirectoryToPipeline }}
+ sdlContinueOnError: ${{ parameters.sdlContinueOnError }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/global.json b/global.json
index 48e33f95cde..159fd75e0f3 100644
--- a/global.json
+++ b/global.json
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
"msbuild-sdks": {
"Microsoft.Build.NoTargets": "2.0.1",
- "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.22076.8"
+ "Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "6.0.0-beta.22077.13"