Extracted media files from North Korean OS, Red Star 3.0
You will find here a collection of various wallpapers, themes, icons and sounds from North Korean operating system called Red Star OS 3.0.
From initial testing with Ubuntu 18.04 and Kubuntu 20.04, it seems like it is possible. You might run into some compatibility issues with GTK2 themes. If someone wants to, feel free to try making this into a real thing.
Red Star uses uses standard KDE 4 sounds, nothing out of the ordinary or impossible to get. That's why I didn't included them in here.
I removed every metadata from them that I could find, and extracted the files after using .
Feel free to check them for yourself, if you want to be extra safe, use a VM.
Well there isn't one (for now). All of these files are not mine, I just extracted them from obsure OS. Therefore, I decided to (for now) leave this repository without any License.